Gunther: Ahhh! Argh! It's happening! I'm having my sixth kid!
Fiji: Calm down, idiot. The little bastard's already been born.
Gunther: I know it's hard not to be the youngest, but there's no need for that kind of language-
Fiji: I certainly don't hate the baby. With that in mind, think about what I'm saying.
Oh great, the creepy cult people are back. Is it Laura?
Laura: It certainly is, and it's not a cult, we simply devote ourselves to the One True Master as one should-
Wolfgang: This homework is super hard.
Do it in your own home.
Wolfgang: Har har. But seriously, it is like impossible-
This disgusts me in so many ways. Bos what the fuck?
Bosnia: He has a really sweet house and I get to do whatever I like in the daytime!...This was not part of the plan though. I didn't want this.

Bosnia: He has a really sweet house and I get to do whatever I like in the daytime!...This was not part of the plan though. I didn't want this.

Den: This baby suuuuucks.
Cam: Right? I didn't want it!
Den: Neither did I!
Dji, from Elin's ensuite: Me three!
Guatemala: Oh, isn't there is so much love in this room?

Mala: Get over here! Clean my poo!
Elin: I'm right in front of you you little brat!

Oh, look, it's the only pretty person in the cult.
Sage: I'm the daring rebel who wants to escape this hell.
Uh. OK. You could find some shoes.
Sage: Apparently I'm too young for them according to the One True Master, who is my godforsaken Dad. My life is a nightmare.
Uh...sorry Sage.
Sage: You should be.

Egypt: This is my spot. If you sit there again I will kick you into the pool, food and all.
Dji: *sigh* Can't you guys just leave me alone?

Den: Yeah! C'mon comet, hit that city. Make 'em scream.
Uh...no-one be surprised if Den ends up being a sociopath. Considering his behaviour since toddlerhood, and the fact that his mother is Elin and her evil genes are likely to make it into at least one kid.

WTF Gael, you're like 17, bit weird that you're trying to visit an island with this kid.
Dji: No. Mother threatened us with a long list of punishments to be received if we don't get our grades on time.

Elin: What's this? Trying to rekindle the love we never really had?
Gunther: Um-
Elin: I mean the love we...had.
Gunther: I just would like to discuss Fiji-
Elin: Eh. Kid's fine. They'll get used to the baby.

Fiji: Apparently I'm not allowed to attempt to make the others cry so I can steal their food. How lame this school place is.

Den: I grow weary of your silence, Blueffy.
Blueffy: I don't like bullies.
Den: Great, my own stuffed bear is going all Steve Rogers on my ass. What is my life.
Of course you would hate Steve Rogers, Denmark. Of course you would.

The kids are not in good moods.
Egypt: Talk to the hand, Cam, cos the face doesn't give a shit about your life!
Cam: *RAGE FACE* I will beat your little fanged ass.

Aaand Gael is the only one bothering with the baby.
Mala: D: Who ARE you?
Gael: I will make everything better!

Elin: What if I stay up there forever?

Blarffy: No-one said anything!
Den: What did you just do?
Blarffy: What did YOU just do?
Den: UGGH *kicks*

Cam: Grrrrr...grrrrrrrrr...GRRRRRRRRR...
Egypt: Oh my God...Cam...it's been ten minutes.
Fiji: I'm gonna hit her, I swear.
Egypt: Oh, please do it. This place is really boring.

Elin: Woohooohoooo! I shot a laser at a guy AND almost started a WAR! That was awesome! Can I do it again?

Gael: Wow, your art SUCKS.
Djibouti: I'm doing my best! Why don't you try, Mr Backwards Cap?
Gael: What's wrong with my hat?

Gunther: What a lovely tent.
Is it really? That's Elin's sex tent...
Gunther: Uh...what? No, you're thinking of the bush. I've never done it in this tent.
Dude, it's her...never mind.
Gunther: Hmmm.

Gunther: Hey, rosebush, what do you think? I mean...I have heard it being referred to as the sex tent but I know for SURE nothing has happened in there. So...if it's Elin, then she's...she's...

Gunther: ELIN, I-
Elin: *has gone to the circus with Bosnia*
Gunther: I think I know what I have to do.

Kristina: What the FUCK does this freak want? I oughta beat his ass.

And yet you're going to do it with him.
(I have No Strings WooHoo turned on, but I figured it's fine to use it for this, because none of this is a part of the WYDC. Just me having my...fun, I guess? Not that it's that fun)
Kristina: Sure, I need to get back at my husband...
Gunther: Hm. I found out my wife has a sex tent. Let's defile it.
Kristina: Sure...wait, a tent that she-? Whatever. Just bring a tarp or something.
Gunther: Absolutely!

Dji: I'm gonna blackmail you so hard!
Gunther: Just try me, little boy.
Dji: Oh dear, he is way too confident. I'll alert the others.
Kristina: *chews Gunther's hood*
What is this woman?

Fiji: I still hate him, but I do have a little more respect for him. I mean, WOW he's finally giving what he gets. Never thought I'd see that day.

Kristina: I wonder how he feels about S+M!

Cam: You oughta blow this place to hell.
Den: I just might.
PLEASE don't.

Gunther: So how - *slams into wall* - was - ?
Kristina: Waste of my time, can't believe I actually did that.

Fiji: Dang, son. I'm gonna blackmail you so hard.
Gunther: Please don't do that.
Fiji: FINE....I'll tell her outright.
Gunther: *quakes*
Kristina: Hey, you, little shit down there. You're about to push me into this pool.
Fiji: :D Good!

The closeness and camaraderie between these kids. Simply astounding. Also whose dumb HOMEWORK is that? Nobody in this house is a teen!
Den: Haha, sorry for being on my phone guys. It's just that Candy Crush is more interesting than you.
Fiji: That's OK, we didn't want to talk to you anyway.
Cam: Ditto.
Egypt: Are you eating fish for breakfast?
Cam: Shut up Egypt, one day you'll be having blood.
Egypt: That would at least be appropriate to my species, you racist-
Fiji: That isn't what racist is, Egypt.
Den: And this is why I don't want to talk to them.
Fiji: Who ARE you talking to, Den?

Elin: Wheee! I shot so many things! I just ruined an entire planet's data roaming plans by shooting at their satellite! Oh, today is brilliant!
Glad to see you're having fun.
So am I, though. I'm trying to adventure as Elin herself would, which means shooting at everything possible, and basically choosing the most 'fight me' option whenever a choice is presented.

Elin: I thought you'd ask about your kid, but whatever man, I don't want-
Kian: Wait? I have a kid! What? Why didn't you tell me? Can I see them?
Elin:...April Fool's! And I'm not going out with you, sorry.

WHAT is your obsession with Dji, Gael?

Gunther: Elin, you broke the computer-
Elin: Fix it or so help me GOD I will-
Gunther: Okaaay....OK.
Not so assertive after all. Also LMAO his outfit.

Cam: Birthday time...and my only company is Dji in a door. Great.

Dji: Ooooh sparkles....aaaand I'm blind. Great.
Cam: The only thing bad about that is that you can't see my beauty....wow. Sorry. I went too far. I hope you see again, Dji.

Aaaaand here's Cam. Her aspiration is Successful Lineage, but she's a Klepto snob. Due to that, I'm going to make her learn video games as her skill because it's the easiest one.

Fiji: I know you think you're trying to help me, but your lingerie is distracting.
Elin: Shut up. I'm only 'helping' you so you can get out of my hair faster!

Now that she has to skill again, Cambodia is once again banished away from the rest of the family to do it.

Dji: I don't see how you're gaining anything from doing that.

Bosnia: My life sucks!
Oh. Dear. You poor thing. Maybe you could have done a little something called 'not shacking up with Vlad, i.e. your little brother's dad, i.e. your mother's EX-LOVER'.

Den: GUNTHER! The sink broke!
Den: ...I can't.
Gunther: Right. Sorry. I'm getting over there.

Considering Elin needs to fulfil the 'Human Elder' requirement, this would be helpful, Leland. However, you come to us.
Elin: What? No! Ew, I don't wanna-
You can and you will :)

Elin: Wow. This is the worst thing I've ever birthed. Wait...hang on...I did have Dji...
Mala: Haaaalllp...
Stupid bad CC...or more likely, me downloading recolours of meshes I do not have.

Elin:...I didn't shudder, OK!

MUCH better. Here's Guatemala made over and de-demoned. She is Clingy...joy.
Mala: Pwease? Love me?
Sure. She's cute. But that desire for affection will get her crushed, with this family.
*cue a year+ break*
I reopened the save because I realised I could just have these children max vampire lore and make this challenge go a lot, lot faster.
Then I thought that might be kind of unfair, so decided that they have to max a child skill, but as teens they can all learn Vampire Lore. Compromises.
In the meantime let's get the fuck on with this.

Guatemala: FUCK YOU for leaving me alone! I demand you come back, Gunther.
Gunther: *rolls eyes* Surely Elin would have told you to call me Dad?
Guatemala: No care! I want attention!
Gunther And I'm going to sleep.
And I'm changing your sleep clothes, what the fuck is this mess.

Elin: Oh. Hi. It's you. Keep cooking, bitch boy, the fridge is nearly empty.
Gunther: Good morning to you too, El.

Denmark: God she's bad at that game.
Elin: Don't throw stones in glass houses, son.
Den: Oh come on, you know I'm the best-
Elin: I hate you less than most of the others, it is true.
Fiji: Fuck off I'm gonna win the snowboarding race OK?
You're gonna quit without saving and skill. You haven't maxed out Social yet, dear!

Gunther: What have I got myself into...?
Fiji: Oh pull it together, Gunther, you must have known what she's like.
Dji: Yeah Mum's scarrryyyy.
Cam: Come off it you wimp. I haven't been scared of Mum since grade school.
Den: Lame. All of you are lame. Except you, Fij, you're alright.
Fiji: What makes you believe I give half a shit about what you think of me?
Den: I-
Cam: Well shit little bro, looks like you've got competition for the alpha of the house.
Den: You're just being salty because you know it's never gonna be you!

Elin went to space.
And this moodlet is bullshit.
She'd love this.

Elin: I did. I loved it. Plus I got some weird poisonous squid from the dictator. I can always use that.
...Were you wearing that lingerie under your spacesuit?
Elin: No?

Gunther: Have fun at school, kids!
Den: Fuck off.
Fiji: Fuck off.
Egypt: Oh, yes, sure Father Gunther - lol no, fuck off.
Gunther: Why do I even try?
Den: Cos you're basically Mother's slave?

I think something changed while I was away.
Elin: This is HUMILIATING.
Uh, yeah-
Elin: I'm not a dumb blonde!

I fucked around with her outfit, going in and out of CAS WAY too many times, until I fixed it. It was a damn necklace. But anyway, I'm not changing it back. You need a new look.
Elin: Ugh. I look like such a Mum.
You have eight children!

Mala: I mean, thanks for coming back, I guess-
Gunther: I think you're my favourite! This is the most politeness I've been shown in years.
Mala: But you took wayyyyy too long-
Gunther: Shush and let me teach you, kid.
Also, I'm gonna have Mala do more skills than her siblings did. I have learned a lot more about efficiently skilling toddlers since they were babies, so it feels cheaty to do as little as I did for them.

Mala: Look, I'm dancing!
Elin: Listen here, kid, you are not in the running for someone I actually respect. You...need way too much. So...I don't care about your dancing.
Mala:...*dies on the inside*

Mala: I'm gonna pass out!
Gunther: I don't care, just skill you little shit!

Denmark: Phew, I'm finally out of this puny body.
Dji: Y'all hear something?
Egypt: I would rather kill myself with this door than care.
The girls: *off somewhere else*

Teenage Den and Dji, looking like clones of each other apart from their colouring. They have a lot of Elin in them as well.
Denmark: But no Gunther, hehehe.
True that.
Denmark got the Klepto trait like his older sister Cambodia, and the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration. And he's 100% the kind of person to just throw on the nearest hoodie and go with it.
Denmark: Shhhh, if I learn enough outdoor stuff I can get let into national parks and set forest fires.
Djibouti got the Art Lover trait and Mansion Baron aspiration, so he gets to dress a little more colourfully.
Djibouti: I would have gone even further but I don't want to get teased by the others.
Denmark: You already do you pathetic nerd. What the fuck are those cropped jeans?

Djibouti: Hey look, we're like a Team Aqua!
Huh I guess I have a penchant for aqua.
Cambodia: Look I really don't want to be a dick-
Fiji: Yes you do, don't lie to yourself.
Cambodia: -anyway, just saying, you are so legendarily fucking lame. Like, it's almost amazing how lame you are.

Denmark: They're all really lame.
Fiji: Do you wanna say that again, you scrub?
Denmark: Eep! I'm just gonna...go shower now...

Fiji: Yes you are.
Egypt: I am really enjoying this. He needed to be taken down a peg.
Fiji: Indeed.

Egypt: It's also pretty fun being the only person in the house who finished their skills. Complete autonomy for me.
You age up tomorrow.
Egypt: Crap.

Cambodia: This book is soooo boring, like seriously sooooooooo
Read it quicker and then you can make room for another baby.

Denmark: Minestrone makes me ANGRY.
Gunther: Hey, I made that, you know!
Egypt: We're not going to respect you for minestrone, Gunther. Heck it probably explains why Den's so angry about this.
Gunther:...I make all the food around here! None of you lazy little you-know-whats do shit!
Egypt: I'm telling Mum you said that. She likes us - and I really mean just us two, not most of the other ones - more than you.
Denmark: *stabs at the vegetables*

Dji: MUM what did you do now? Come on!
This actually wasn't your mother, she's been too busy fucking around with her rocket to do anything else today. This is a CC glitch.

Guatemala: Oh! A big person. Do my bidding, stranger.
Denmark: We're siblings, sweetheart. Talk to me like that again and I'll punt you across this room.
Guatemala: MUM!
Denmark: That ain't gonna work. You do know our mother, don't you?

Cam: Uh, good mor-
Elin: Nope.

Back to the rocketship grind for Elin.
Elin: I don't mind. I could be like...changing nappies and telling the kids their shitty art is good or something.
I mean you are a mother.
Elin: We both know I was never supposed to be an ideal one.

Gunther: Look, I'm an aeroplane!
Mala: No Gunther. I wanted to be the aeroplane. I can see why the others don't respect you now.

Kian: I'm still pretty sure Elin wasn't joking about the-
Kid? Oh yeah, there totally is one. But you're not gonna be let inside.

Gunther: Ugh, lemme guess, that was one of Elin's friends leaving...my life is fucking bullshit.
Yeah. Yeah it definitely is.
Gunther: Well if she's gonna cuck me I'm gonna cuck her!
Thaaat's the spirit.
But not too often, I don't want this town to just be you and Elin's affair babies.

Guatemala: I'mma take a nice lil nap-
Elin, yelling: Whichever one of you little SHITS is in there, get out of my sex tent! You don't wanna be in there, trust me.
Guatemala: What's a-
Elin: Ask Gunther and GET OUT.

Cambodia: Seriously, eat door, DENMARK-
Djibouti: See, that's Team Aqua in action-
Cambodia: I told you that shit's lame, Dji.
Denmark: I'm gonna get you back for this.
Egypt: Lol yeah, it was me who filled her hair with spitballs on the bus home.
Fiji: Nice one!
Denmark: You what now?
Egypt: Oh crap. At least I'm about to be a proper vampire.
Gunther: You kids are so loud.
Denmark: Whatever, Gunther.
Djibouti: Why's he acting like we'd give a shit?

Here's Egypt! He's got Vlad's vampirism and eyes, but Elin's everything else.
Egypt: And nothing of Gunther, hey-oohhhhh!
Gunther: I'm right here-
Egypt: Don't care.
He got the cheerful trait and Master Vampire aspiration.
Aaaand with that, we're done with the first part of this interlude. In the second part, Cam, Den and Dji should all move out, with Egypt not far behind them. And we know what that means...
Elin: You're gonna ruin my body some more? Ugh.
Cam: Right? I didn't want it!
Den: Neither did I!
Dji, from Elin's ensuite: Me three!
Guatemala: Oh, isn't there is so much love in this room?

Mala: Get over here! Clean my poo!
Elin: I'm right in front of you you little brat!

Oh, look, it's the only pretty person in the cult.
Sage: I'm the daring rebel who wants to escape this hell.
Uh. OK. You could find some shoes.
Sage: Apparently I'm too young for them according to the One True Master, who is my godforsaken Dad. My life is a nightmare.
Uh...sorry Sage.
Sage: You should be.

Egypt: This is my spot. If you sit there again I will kick you into the pool, food and all.
Dji: *sigh* Can't you guys just leave me alone?

Den: Yeah! C'mon comet, hit that city. Make 'em scream.
Uh...no-one be surprised if Den ends up being a sociopath. Considering his behaviour since toddlerhood, and the fact that his mother is Elin and her evil genes are likely to make it into at least one kid.

WTF Gael, you're like 17, bit weird that you're trying to visit an island with this kid.
Dji: No. Mother threatened us with a long list of punishments to be received if we don't get our grades on time.

Elin: What's this? Trying to rekindle the love we never really had?
Gunther: Um-
Elin: I mean the love we...had.
Gunther: I just would like to discuss Fiji-
Elin: Eh. Kid's fine. They'll get used to the baby.

Fiji: Apparently I'm not allowed to attempt to make the others cry so I can steal their food. How lame this school place is.

Den: I grow weary of your silence, Blueffy.
Blueffy: I don't like bullies.
Den: Great, my own stuffed bear is going all Steve Rogers on my ass. What is my life.
Of course you would hate Steve Rogers, Denmark. Of course you would.

The kids are not in good moods.
Egypt: Talk to the hand, Cam, cos the face doesn't give a shit about your life!
Cam: *RAGE FACE* I will beat your little fanged ass.

Aaand Gael is the only one bothering with the baby.
Mala: D: Who ARE you?
Gael: I will make everything better!

Elin: What if I stay up there forever?

Blarffy: No-one said anything!
Den: What did you just do?
Blarffy: What did YOU just do?
Den: UGGH *kicks*

Cam: Grrrrr...grrrrrrrrr...GRRRRRRRRR...
Egypt: Oh my God...Cam...it's been ten minutes.
Fiji: I'm gonna hit her, I swear.
Egypt: Oh, please do it. This place is really boring.

Elin: Woohooohoooo! I shot a laser at a guy AND almost started a WAR! That was awesome! Can I do it again?

Gael: Wow, your art SUCKS.
Djibouti: I'm doing my best! Why don't you try, Mr Backwards Cap?
Gael: What's wrong with my hat?

Gunther: What a lovely tent.
Is it really? That's Elin's sex tent...
Gunther: Uh...what? No, you're thinking of the bush. I've never done it in this tent.
Dude, it's her...never mind.
Gunther: Hmmm.

Gunther: Hey, rosebush, what do you think? I mean...I have heard it being referred to as the sex tent but I know for SURE nothing has happened in there. So...if it's Elin, then she's...she's...

Gunther: ELIN, I-
Elin: *has gone to the circus with Bosnia*
Gunther: I think I know what I have to do.

Kristina: What the FUCK does this freak want? I oughta beat his ass.

And yet you're going to do it with him.
(I have No Strings WooHoo turned on, but I figured it's fine to use it for this, because none of this is a part of the WYDC. Just me having my...fun, I guess? Not that it's that fun)
Kristina: Sure, I need to get back at my husband...
Gunther: Hm. I found out my wife has a sex tent. Let's defile it.
Kristina: Sure...wait, a tent that she-? Whatever. Just bring a tarp or something.
Gunther: Absolutely!

Dji: I'm gonna blackmail you so hard!
Gunther: Just try me, little boy.
Dji: Oh dear, he is way too confident. I'll alert the others.
Kristina: *chews Gunther's hood*
What is this woman?

Fiji: I still hate him, but I do have a little more respect for him. I mean, WOW he's finally giving what he gets. Never thought I'd see that day.

Kristina: I wonder how he feels about S+M!

Cam: You oughta blow this place to hell.
Den: I just might.
PLEASE don't.

Gunther: So how - *slams into wall* - was - ?
Kristina: Waste of my time, can't believe I actually did that.

Fiji: Dang, son. I'm gonna blackmail you so hard.
Gunther: Please don't do that.
Fiji: FINE....I'll tell her outright.
Gunther: *quakes*
Kristina: Hey, you, little shit down there. You're about to push me into this pool.
Fiji: :D Good!

The closeness and camaraderie between these kids. Simply astounding. Also whose dumb HOMEWORK is that? Nobody in this house is a teen!
Den: Haha, sorry for being on my phone guys. It's just that Candy Crush is more interesting than you.
Fiji: That's OK, we didn't want to talk to you anyway.
Cam: Ditto.
Egypt: Are you eating fish for breakfast?
Cam: Shut up Egypt, one day you'll be having blood.
Egypt: That would at least be appropriate to my species, you racist-
Fiji: That isn't what racist is, Egypt.
Den: And this is why I don't want to talk to them.
Fiji: Who ARE you talking to, Den?

Elin: Wheee! I shot so many things! I just ruined an entire planet's data roaming plans by shooting at their satellite! Oh, today is brilliant!
Glad to see you're having fun.
So am I, though. I'm trying to adventure as Elin herself would, which means shooting at everything possible, and basically choosing the most 'fight me' option whenever a choice is presented.

Elin: I thought you'd ask about your kid, but whatever man, I don't want-
Kian: Wait? I have a kid! What? Why didn't you tell me? Can I see them?
Elin:...April Fool's! And I'm not going out with you, sorry.

WHAT is your obsession with Dji, Gael?

Gunther: Elin, you broke the computer-
Elin: Fix it or so help me GOD I will-
Gunther: Okaaay....OK.
Not so assertive after all. Also LMAO his outfit.

Cam: Birthday time...and my only company is Dji in a door. Great.

Dji: Ooooh sparkles....aaaand I'm blind. Great.
Cam: The only thing bad about that is that you can't see my beauty....wow. Sorry. I went too far. I hope you see again, Dji.

Aaaaand here's Cam. Her aspiration is Successful Lineage, but she's a Klepto snob. Due to that, I'm going to make her learn video games as her skill because it's the easiest one.

Fiji: I know you think you're trying to help me, but your lingerie is distracting.
Elin: Shut up. I'm only 'helping' you so you can get out of my hair faster!

Now that she has to skill again, Cambodia is once again banished away from the rest of the family to do it.

Dji: I don't see how you're gaining anything from doing that.

Bosnia: My life sucks!
Oh. Dear. You poor thing. Maybe you could have done a little something called 'not shacking up with Vlad, i.e. your little brother's dad, i.e. your mother's EX-LOVER'.

Den: GUNTHER! The sink broke!
Den: ...I can't.
Gunther: Right. Sorry. I'm getting over there.

Considering Elin needs to fulfil the 'Human Elder' requirement, this would be helpful, Leland. However, you come to us.
Elin: What? No! Ew, I don't wanna-
You can and you will :)

Elin: Wow. This is the worst thing I've ever birthed. Wait...hang on...I did have Dji...
Mala: Haaaalllp...
Stupid bad CC...or more likely, me downloading recolours of meshes I do not have.

Elin:...I didn't shudder, OK!

MUCH better. Here's Guatemala made over and de-demoned. She is Clingy...joy.
Mala: Pwease? Love me?
Sure. She's cute. But that desire for affection will get her crushed, with this family.
*cue a year+ break*
I reopened the save because I realised I could just have these children max vampire lore and make this challenge go a lot, lot faster.
Then I thought that might be kind of unfair, so decided that they have to max a child skill, but as teens they can all learn Vampire Lore. Compromises.
In the meantime let's get the fuck on with this.

Guatemala: FUCK YOU for leaving me alone! I demand you come back, Gunther.
Gunther: *rolls eyes* Surely Elin would have told you to call me Dad?
Guatemala: No care! I want attention!
Gunther And I'm going to sleep.
And I'm changing your sleep clothes, what the fuck is this mess.

Elin: Oh. Hi. It's you. Keep cooking, bitch boy, the fridge is nearly empty.
Gunther: Good morning to you too, El.

Denmark: God she's bad at that game.
Elin: Don't throw stones in glass houses, son.
Den: Oh come on, you know I'm the best-
Elin: I hate you less than most of the others, it is true.
Fiji: Fuck off I'm gonna win the snowboarding race OK?
You're gonna quit without saving and skill. You haven't maxed out Social yet, dear!

Gunther: What have I got myself into...?
Fiji: Oh pull it together, Gunther, you must have known what she's like.
Dji: Yeah Mum's scarrryyyy.
Cam: Come off it you wimp. I haven't been scared of Mum since grade school.
Den: Lame. All of you are lame. Except you, Fij, you're alright.
Fiji: What makes you believe I give half a shit about what you think of me?
Den: I-
Cam: Well shit little bro, looks like you've got competition for the alpha of the house.
Den: You're just being salty because you know it's never gonna be you!

Elin went to space.
And this moodlet is bullshit.
She'd love this.

Elin: I did. I loved it. Plus I got some weird poisonous squid from the dictator. I can always use that.
...Were you wearing that lingerie under your spacesuit?
Elin: No?

Gunther: Have fun at school, kids!
Den: Fuck off.
Fiji: Fuck off.
Egypt: Oh, yes, sure Father Gunther - lol no, fuck off.
Gunther: Why do I even try?
Den: Cos you're basically Mother's slave?

I think something changed while I was away.
Elin: This is HUMILIATING.
Uh, yeah-
Elin: I'm not a dumb blonde!

I fucked around with her outfit, going in and out of CAS WAY too many times, until I fixed it. It was a damn necklace. But anyway, I'm not changing it back. You need a new look.
Elin: Ugh. I look like such a Mum.
You have eight children!

Mala: I mean, thanks for coming back, I guess-
Gunther: I think you're my favourite! This is the most politeness I've been shown in years.
Mala: But you took wayyyyy too long-
Gunther: Shush and let me teach you, kid.
Also, I'm gonna have Mala do more skills than her siblings did. I have learned a lot more about efficiently skilling toddlers since they were babies, so it feels cheaty to do as little as I did for them.

Mala: Look, I'm dancing!
Elin: Listen here, kid, you are not in the running for someone I actually respect. You...need way too much. So...I don't care about your dancing.
Mala:...*dies on the inside*

Mala: I'm gonna pass out!
Gunther: I don't care, just skill you little shit!

Denmark: Phew, I'm finally out of this puny body.
Dji: Y'all hear something?
Egypt: I would rather kill myself with this door than care.
The girls: *off somewhere else*

Teenage Den and Dji, looking like clones of each other apart from their colouring. They have a lot of Elin in them as well.
Denmark: But no Gunther, hehehe.
True that.
Denmark got the Klepto trait like his older sister Cambodia, and the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration. And he's 100% the kind of person to just throw on the nearest hoodie and go with it.
Denmark: Shhhh, if I learn enough outdoor stuff I can get let into national parks and set forest fires.
Djibouti got the Art Lover trait and Mansion Baron aspiration, so he gets to dress a little more colourfully.
Djibouti: I would have gone even further but I don't want to get teased by the others.
Denmark: You already do you pathetic nerd. What the fuck are those cropped jeans?

Djibouti: Hey look, we're like a Team Aqua!
Huh I guess I have a penchant for aqua.
Cambodia: Look I really don't want to be a dick-
Fiji: Yes you do, don't lie to yourself.
Cambodia: -anyway, just saying, you are so legendarily fucking lame. Like, it's almost amazing how lame you are.

Denmark: They're all really lame.
Fiji: Do you wanna say that again, you scrub?
Denmark: Eep! I'm just gonna...go shower now...

Fiji: Yes you are.
Egypt: I am really enjoying this. He needed to be taken down a peg.
Fiji: Indeed.

Egypt: It's also pretty fun being the only person in the house who finished their skills. Complete autonomy for me.
You age up tomorrow.
Egypt: Crap.

Cambodia: This book is soooo boring, like seriously sooooooooo
Read it quicker and then you can make room for another baby.

Denmark: Minestrone makes me ANGRY.
Gunther: Hey, I made that, you know!
Egypt: We're not going to respect you for minestrone, Gunther. Heck it probably explains why Den's so angry about this.
Gunther:...I make all the food around here! None of you lazy little you-know-whats do shit!
Egypt: I'm telling Mum you said that. She likes us - and I really mean just us two, not most of the other ones - more than you.
Denmark: *stabs at the vegetables*

Dji: MUM what did you do now? Come on!
This actually wasn't your mother, she's been too busy fucking around with her rocket to do anything else today. This is a CC glitch.

Guatemala: Oh! A big person. Do my bidding, stranger.
Denmark: We're siblings, sweetheart. Talk to me like that again and I'll punt you across this room.
Guatemala: MUM!
Denmark: That ain't gonna work. You do know our mother, don't you?

Cam: Uh, good mor-
Elin: Nope.

Back to the rocketship grind for Elin.
Elin: I don't mind. I could be like...changing nappies and telling the kids their shitty art is good or something.
I mean you are a mother.
Elin: We both know I was never supposed to be an ideal one.

Gunther: Look, I'm an aeroplane!
Mala: No Gunther. I wanted to be the aeroplane. I can see why the others don't respect you now.

Kian: I'm still pretty sure Elin wasn't joking about the-
Kid? Oh yeah, there totally is one. But you're not gonna be let inside.

Gunther: Ugh, lemme guess, that was one of Elin's friends leaving...my life is fucking bullshit.
Yeah. Yeah it definitely is.
Gunther: Well if she's gonna cuck me I'm gonna cuck her!
Thaaat's the spirit.
But not too often, I don't want this town to just be you and Elin's affair babies.

Guatemala: I'mma take a nice lil nap-
Elin, yelling: Whichever one of you little SHITS is in there, get out of my sex tent! You don't wanna be in there, trust me.
Guatemala: What's a-
Elin: Ask Gunther and GET OUT.

Cambodia: Seriously, eat door, DENMARK-
Djibouti: See, that's Team Aqua in action-
Cambodia: I told you that shit's lame, Dji.
Denmark: I'm gonna get you back for this.
Egypt: Lol yeah, it was me who filled her hair with spitballs on the bus home.
Fiji: Nice one!
Denmark: You what now?
Egypt: Oh crap. At least I'm about to be a proper vampire.
Gunther: You kids are so loud.
Denmark: Whatever, Gunther.
Djibouti: Why's he acting like we'd give a shit?

Here's Egypt! He's got Vlad's vampirism and eyes, but Elin's everything else.
Egypt: And nothing of Gunther, hey-oohhhhh!
Gunther: I'm right here-
Egypt: Don't care.
He got the cheerful trait and Master Vampire aspiration.
Aaaand with that, we're done with the first part of this interlude. In the second part, Cam, Den and Dji should all move out, with Egypt not far behind them. And we know what that means...
Elin: You're gonna ruin my body some more? Ugh.
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