Zenobia is looking happy for once in her life...what's up with that, Zen?
Zenobia: I was just thinking about how happy I am that I'm free from your control :). Better my son than me.
Zenobia: You know me. Sure, I love the fam, but I would also sell them to Satan for a bowl of yoghurt parfait.

Zen: Hell yeah, I make elderhood look good.
Well...you're pretty but you're also eating steak at 1.30am so it's a mixed bag.

Felix: 55 years of not knocking anyone up and I fail now...
Yeah...sucks to be you, huh?
Felix: Nuh-uh, I'm...fuck it, whatever. Leave me alone.
:O Damn, life took a toll on our little arrogant fuckhead.

Zenobia: I may not have completed my aspiration but at least I didn't devote my life to you shitty things!
Plant: WELL I-
Oh Zen is just sad. Like most of these NTHs really.

Mason:...Why won't he get out of the way? I'm here trying to help these losers and making food and - and - what the hell?
Bentley: Oh come on, you must understand. This thingamajig right here makes a fantastic mirror!

Mason: It's....it's not bad at all! I actually cooked breakfast food. Will Missy-?
Missy (outside): I smell steak in the fridge...
Mason: ...

Missy: Hey, even if your mother's a piece of work her cold steak tastes fuckin' amazing. Cool, right?
Mason:...I love you.
Missy: Lol, life with him's gonna be real easy.

Quick question: what the fuck?
Dragonfruit: Soaring...flying...!
You're hovering in one place.

Ebony: Ha ha ha! How did you even get a woman like that? I'm so mean!
Mason: That shtick is old now, get back to being bored with your shitty life and husband.
Ebony: Ahem, I love Vernick...Vernon.

Zenobia: Get out of here you little skank!
Missy: Oh no. Threatened by an old lady. Whatever shall I do.
Zenobia: With a shank.
Missy: What the fuck?
Zenobia: You don't know what I keep under this absolutely gorgeous dress?
Missy: Gorgeous might be...
Zenobia: Hey! I know ghosts who can help me hide a body! Shut your shiny little mouth!
Missy: It's...uh...bye now, Mrs Sutherland.


Yessssss...go Mason! +5!

Zenobia: I mean who the FUCK do you think you are? Missy ROYAL? Geddit Blarf, because-
Blarffy: Mercy, mercy!
Zenobia: And now you bring up my dead sister, you disrespectful bitch?
Dino: What a show!
Uni: You're a dick.

Because of the gardening update maintaining the garden will not fill Mason's day. So he's also going to be a painter because that's an easy option.
Mason: I'm gonna paint a daisy!
No...don't do that. Kind of boring.

Missy: So many chores...I'm getting so worked up. Ew, work. So...time for some calming yoga.
Yoga is also work.
Missy: Oh...really? Then I'll just stand here.
Missy: Standing is a lot of work too...screw it I'm taking a nap.

Mason: *sob* The first painting I've ever done in my life wasn't completely perfect! I'm a FAILURE!
Aww, no, don't think like-
Mason: Wait, if I'm a failure can I grab Missy and run from my responsibilities and this house?
-__- NO.

Mason: And here we go with Round 2!
Please don't endlessly paint the dog painting...

Danika: What?
That poor bath-shower!
Danika: Don't look at me like that! You know very well I ran out of fucks to give thirty years ago!

Zenobia: Ha, Ebony and her whining baby posts. You got yourself knocked up, idiot-
Bentley: Who's Ebony?
Zenobia: Wow, you're really losing it.

Zen: Oh God why do we have to go here together? I hate all of you!
Mason: I could tell by the way you tried to scratch me and Danika as I bundled you into the car, Mother.
Zen: Whatever. I'm the only one dressed appropriately for a Romance Festival anyway. I should have come alone.
Danika: She does make a good point. Why are you in your swim-trunks?
Mason: Watch it or I won't bring you back to life. And at least I'm not ill!
Bentley: Why am I being dragged into this? You were the one who dragged me into the car.
Missy: Now that is true-
Zenobia: You shut up, you're in gym-gear.
So, in conclusion, you're a bunch of squabbling annoyances who don't know how to dress. Great. A+.
Now go have fun!!!

Autumn: Behold, the drink that will give me unlimited POWER!
Love Guru: Not... really...but I'll put some acid in there if you bribe me.

Love Guru: Whoa whoa whoa, I didn't mean - dammit, shoulda known there'd be plainclothes-
Mason: Hi! I just recently took over my family home and I've got this girlfriend, Missy - she's great, but-
Love Guru: Oh. Right. Yeah. That thing.

Zenobia: That's why I'm ordering a drink. So I can blur out that face.
Bartender: And now for a very special Long Island Iced Tea!

Guru: There will be fires in your future...
Mason: Yeah, no shit. Everyone in my family seems to start one. Tell me the good stuff. Is she going to bang my dad or not? Please say no. Please.
Guru: No then?

Autumn: How dare you!
Shaurya: It's romantic-
Autumn: Why is throwing flower bits on me romantic? They're in my hair! AND BRA.
Mason: Who said bra?
Guru: Don't be immature, boy.

Danika is having fun of her own.
Danika: Cos I knew you were trouble when you walked in-
OK bye Dani.

Meanwhile at the Sakura Tea bowls...
Melina: Wanna rekindle the love we didn't really have?
Lex: Mmmm...I'm good.
Melina: Cool. I'm gonna get sloppy-drunk and awkwardly flirt with other men then! :)

Jewel: Heard that bitch-demon Zenobia was here. I've got my sword at the ready.
Don't worry, she won't be fucking with you.
Zenobia: Hhhh...an' i's just like, did I even des-sserve that? No! No. Now ge' me 'nother Island, pleasse...

Zenobia: Hey...listen to me. I have half a mil in the bank and I can get ya fired..
Susana: What did I do to deserve this?
Zenobia: Wear, like, a real fake-y cheap m-*hic*-mask to work?
Susana: This is my face.
Zenobia: Eh...I don' feel bad at all.

Missy: We don't know her.
Mason: Why did I bring us here?
Missy: I'm wondering the same thing.
Mason: Oh come on-

Danika: Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang-
OK goodbye again!

Summer: Ugh...fuck Blaze. Why wouldn't he *sniff* come with me? And what's with this ugly dress?
I quite agree.
But in regards to the Blaze thing, you made your bed.

Missy: Get between the wooden sticks!
Jayme: Heyyy, you're making contact with da sushi? Me too girl. Me too.
Missy:...Go away.

Mason: So. You're the grandmother who started that family fear.
Summer: Boy, just don't.

Missy: No offence Mason but I do get it...I mean look at her.
Summer: What do you want anyway? I'm *sniff* happier away from all of you anyway.
Jayme: Whee...I'm chasing you, rice balls!
Missy: You're really not helping, crazy food lady.
Mason: Neither are you, Missy!
Missy: Relax. I don't want to have sex with your grandma!
Mason: Is something you shouldn't have to clarify!

Mason: *sits* Anyway, I heard you didn't even apologise once, you skank-!
Summer: Oh please! Don't tell me you like your hellspawn of a mother!
Mason: I don't! It's the principal of it! Who sleeps with their daughter's fiance?
Missy: Tear her to bits, Mason! Fight!
Summer: Stay out of this sweetheart. I'm not going to fight my grandson because I assume you'd like him back in one piece.
Mason: I'll take you-!
Summer: I'm a vampire for heaven's sake! I'll tear him to bits if he doesn't shut it.

Zenobia: Eh? Toilet! Are you speaking?
Bentley: Oh no Zen, it's me. I think our son is shouting at his grandmother.
Zenobia: Good...ge' that slut I hafta call m' motherr-
Bentley: I think it's time for us all to go home! Hey everyone! Get in, I'm driving-

Mason: -so just say you're happy. Say that it was the best decision ever and I'll leave it!
Missy: Can we just go now? I'm not a fan of the hissing.
Summer: Hahahahahaha! You don't like the HISSING? AhahahaHA! Wait until you watch your boyfriend get mauled, sweetie!
Mason: Wait, Grandma-
Summer: Don't appeal to our familial relationship! I never knew you as a kid so you're just some mouthy boy my daughter birthed! You burnt that bridge, kid!
Missy: And that's Bentley with the car keys! Let's go!

Danika: Don't stop - BELIEVING!
Yeah, it's time to go.

Two vampires from Summer's party days (Lilith and Avani) have adopted children, and so did one of Ashby's grandchildren.

Missy: Ha there's loads of Instagrams of Mason and Summer fighting...well, at least I look real cute!

Missy: Phew...one plate in the dishwasher! That means I can sit on my ass all day, I did my work!

Missy: This cooking show is amazing! They keep setting things on FIRE!
Mason: Oh my God the guru was right!...I should be worried about her.

Missy: Oh thank Watcher, Fred got eliminated-
Bentley: Right? He was never inventive enough.
Mason: He-he-hey guys, whatcha talking about?
Missy: You don't watch. You wouldn't get it.
Bentley: Yeah, sorry...is it Michael, or-?
Mason: *sigh*

Bentley: Zeennn, the TV's broken!
Zen: That's absolutely not my problem anymore. Ask your son.
Bentley: Michael can't fix things!
Zen: Well he's going to have to learn!
Missy: I've gotta see him do that!
Zen: Oh, maybe you are a woman after my own heart.
Missy: Fuck.

Bentley: Now, don't take that as an insult-
Missy: Sorry Bents. I'm going to.

Clearly my MCCC settings are a bit messed up because I did not, in fact, receive these notifications. Anyway, all the Gen 9 girls are now married. Lux and Aaliyah have actually married distant cousins, which is...weird.
A L S O what happened to Zen's name. I'm changing that, she's a fuckin' Sutherland.
*Azzy doesn't finish this update for like a year*

OK, I'm back. What's -
Bentley: I think I see an angel -
Oh for f- what a fucking welcome am I right? Jesus.

Zenobia: Ooh, I think I heard a telltale little *thump*!
Zen you sociopath.

Danika: Why couldn't it be Zeeeeennn!
This one I can't really blame on her. After all the shit poor Dani's been put through.
Bentley: Can someone help me up? Gotta get to them angels.
Danika: I'm not corporeal you moron. Screw it, take both of them, Grim. I don't care.

Danika: Oh GOD this one actually treated me with decency! I take it all back, spare him Grim!
Grim: I don't have time for this. Move bitch, get out the way.

Mason: Why is there WATER everywhere?
It's either your tears or the gardening.

Zen: I guess it's just you and me here now toilet.
Your son, soon-to-be daughter-in-law and ghost sibling all live here.
Zen: So just you and me then, toilet. Maybe some unfortunate grandchildren.
*cough* They will be, with you as a grandma.
Zen: Then they can be sacrifices to you, toilet!

Mason: So my dad's dead...
Missy: Shit, he was the good one! Now your mother's probably gonna treat me WORSE! She threatened to stab me you know! Can't we leave?
No can do sweetheart.
Also, what a stunning show of empathy right there. Zen would actually like you more if she witnessed that.
Mason:...anyway, my dad's dead, Missy...

Missy: Well you've still got me. I'm cute and I love ya. So...don't be a bummer?
Mason: Yeah, you're right. Dad always called me by the wrong name anyway.

Zen: How dare you suggest this in my time of mourning! This is outrageous, have you no shame?
Aaliyah: I just thought - we could get out of the house and dis-
Zen: Fie and SHAME on you, daughter! *hangs up*
Zen: Haha. I'm just feeling a bit lazy. She can stew for a bit though, I'll text her this evening :).
Side note: Aaliyah is a gorgeous Sim holy shit.

Grim why are you still HERE.
Llama light thingy: I'm uncomfortable and frightened.
Grim: Shiny!

Missy: I think I saw Zen. I don't want to be in the house.
Poor thing.
Seriously, of course Zen's the MIL from hell.
Side note: Every other seat around the firepit is burnt from Summer's generation...lmao.

Zenobia: I'd rather self-immolate.

The Sutherlands are on a field trip to a place the internet said I could find cherry trees for a death flower. And now...we wait.
Charity: Wow, Guy, I can't believe you're here. This is just sad.
Guy: But you're here too, I-
Caiphus: Whooo!
Sharon: This isn't even a proper gig...I'm just practicing. It's 1.30 on a Sunday. Go away.
Caiphus: Never! I love you Sharon!
Sharon: How do you know my name?

Missy is taking a nap.
Missy: More comfy than the bench! I love this bar!

Danika: Talking to the enemy Mason? Shame on you!
Mason: She cornered me!
Zen: I wanna meet grandkids, honey. Get to it.
Mason: You don't even like Missy!
Zen: Exactly. Dump her, meet another girl and put a baby in her. You can do it in an afternoon. It's a Sutherland tradition.

You. I don't have anything to say about you anymore. Just that you kind of deserve to be in such a rough place.
Summer was pretty interesting at least.

Mason is a confused boi. Well, maybe he has an excuse. His life is hard and strange.

Case in point.
Mason: Must clean the dishes or they complain...must clean the dishes or they - wait, what am I doing? This isn't my house. And I don't work here.

Summer: I didn't abandon you...I passed you onto more capable hands.
Danika: Zenobia's hands?
Summer: Ah...um...well.
Caleb:...Yeah, she's still hot.
Summer: I can hear you.
Danika: Hey, take what you can get, Mum. Those eyebags aren't a good look. You're at best a 7 now.
Summer:...Thanks kid.
Funny, but if Summer's a seven then most of us are potatoes.

Mason: No way am I sitting at that table.

Summer: Sorry about your husband, hon. I know what that's like.
Zen: No you don't, while your husband was dying you were probably banging my fiance at the time.
Summer: No!....Well, not at that exact moment.

When did this happen?!
RIP Mariska, lazy little shit, bad parent and giver of zero fucks. She lived an interesting life and I loved her. She'll be missed.

Tyrell (Mariska's son, aka Crisp Child): Maybe by you. I'm so high that I can't feel a thing!

This is Ashby's youngest daughter, Aria. Who apparently has no shame.
Aria: Why should I be ashamed that a hobo stole my pants?
I - what - couldn't you go home, or to a store, and get new ones, before coming to the bar?
Aria: Eh, CBA.
Not an excuse.
Caleb: *creeping on her ass*
Does Caleb just wanna fuck the entire Sutherland family?

Zen: God you make me sad.
Missy: Just tell me where the shank is!
Zen: I told you. I threw it at Bentley's grave. That shows him for leaving me.
He died of old age?
Zen: Either way, I'm still spending my last days alone, surrounded by people who don't care about me.
Maybe if you showed some care to-
Zen: Old dog, new tricks, Watcher sweetie. Leave me alone.

Micheal: Well helloooo sweetheart, I'm Micheal.
Missy: Hey Missy, I'm terrified! I mean-
Zen, shouting: I told you I threw away the shank, it's your dumbass's fault if you don't believe me!
HOW? You're you, Zen!

Summer:...Maybe it should have been you, Caleb.
Caleb: So you could sleep with our daughter's fiance? Sorry, hon. I'm glad that didn't happen. But if you want something to go on now I'd be-
Summer: I'm not...totally opposed.

Caleb: Hell YEAH I''m gonna get it!

Missy: I gotta pee...but I'm sooooo comfyyyy...don't wanna get upppp

Summer: Fuck! Wrong number!
I still like Summer too much to write her as intending to ask out her own grandson. So this is the explanation.

Suzanne: What? Sometimes hobos steal ya pants. Can't be helped.

Mason: Pavement's hooooottttt
The tree ain't budging, so I sent Mason on a quick collectibles run (for fertiliser) and then we're heading back. Everyone's needs are getting a bit low.

Caleb: I can call us an Uber anytime!
Summer: Shut it let me think.
Ebony: Ding-dong, Bentley's dead!
Aaliyah: So tell me why exactly it's apparently so shameful to go outside after a death in the family, yet I can see Zen at this bar...
Danika: What's your deal. Why would you want to hang out with her?

Groot: *sniff* Yeah it's a party....I'm so alone.
You're married.
Summer, Ebony, Aaliyah, Danika: Great, and I was actually having fun.
Summer: Wait, no I wasn't. I never have fun.
Ebony: You only have yourself to blame for that one, Grandma.

You're a GHOST. H o w in the hell are you ill?

Zen: Gotta pee - oh good lord Missy!
Missy: Uhhhhm...maybe I should have just gotten up.
Danika: Ya don't say.
Missy: How are you sick? You're a -
Danika: You're an adult woman who just pissed herself! You don't get to ask questions of me!

You're not.
Missy: I'm tired!
Take a quick shower I'm BEGGING YOU.
Missy: I'm gonna change my clothes!

Danika: A quick darting of what I'm imagining to be Zen's face, and then off to bed!

Zen: Waterslide's just not the same now that I know Bentley can't enjoy it...
That's sympathetic but...you do realise he absolutely can? Ghosts love that thing.

Just because you died on the street, Tonya, doesn't mean you can haunt our house.
Tonya: Tell that to my knife.
The incorporeal one?
Tonya:...Shut it. I wanna use your waterslide!
See Zen?

Zen: This spoiled burger is all I have left of him!
Missy (who has still not showered): And yet my smell is apparently offensive!
IT IS! You two are sad.

Well, maybe they're not so bad. Missy did shower, and had her second breakthrough, while Zen went to work with all green needs.
Missy also found us a new microscope print, and cleaned dishes.

We finally got a Felix kid!
Felix: Yay...but Mariska just died, so I can't be far behind! I'll only have to put up with this thing for a little while!

I haven't played in way too long, so I've got no idea wtf the Ministry of Labor is. Whatever it is, Mason's signing up to it.
Mason: Pretty sure that's inadvisable conduct-
Oh whatever. Satisfy my curiosity, oh puppet of mine.

Why did I give Zen this dress? It makes her look way too innocent. She hasn't looked this innocent since she was a child.

Anyway, they've been taken back to the bar to wait on this fucking cherry tree. Mason, who has got over his father's death, has been sent to fish.

Caleb: If you like this plasma drink, can we finally-
Summer: Hmmm...how about let me think, Mr Thirsty.
Zenobia: Lord I didn't have to hear that.

1. How? Who threw that into the water? Wouldn't they...IDK, sell it? Or scrap it?
2. Wouldn't it be damaged as hell from being an electronic product that got yeeted into the water?
Well, not according to Sims logic. Again, nice new little feature that I haven't seen due to the hiatus.

Awww...despite the everything about them, Bentley loved Zen. And I think Zen loved him back, surprisingly.

Mason: Hi, honey. Good day at work?
Missy: I had to do things, so...
Mason: Can you please wash our bedsheets? Or at least take them to the laundromat?

Danika: It's amazing the jobs you can get when your birthdate lists you as an adult.
Ebony and Elsie: This isn't going to go well.

Mason, trying to be smooth: Right this way, miss - *opens door*
Missy: Ow!
Mason: I - uh - sorry - um -
They were trying for a baby. It did not take.

Zen: Oh please no, I don't wanna have a Groot of my own!

Skylar: I'm gonna haunt this place for eternity.
Can you just not.

These two are cute.

Missy: A mini Missy! Or a mini Mason? Misson?
Just go tell your boyfriend you're knocked up. And I'll think of the ship names.
That ends that. Next time, the *TBC* kid is born, and Zen might die.
Score Sheet- 55
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (67) +335
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (6) +120
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (111) -555
Self Wetting (35) -155
Fires (14) -140
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