Week 3 and no heirs! *sigh* But hopefully the heir will be born this week. I can't be asked to have more kids.

We start off with the typical 3-toddler chaos.
Aldebaran: Mum, 'Rion's in the toilet.
Orion: I will rub my hands all over the stuffed toy!
Aldebaran: Stop him! We all share that thing!
Deanna: Do you want to be bathed or not, honey? Because I can only do one thing at once.

Alsephina is still the cutest.
Alsephina: Whooooa you have no arm. COO - I mean, AWESOME!

Felix bonds with two of his children.
Alsephina: Dad looks like a sock!
Orion: Nooo, he looks like a SUCK! He SUCKS!
Felix: I hate you both. It's in my nature. Take that.

There's another one.

Aldebaran: *cries* What was that thing? I'm scared!
Alsephina: Let us bond, my minion of darkness.
Aldebaran: I'm SCARED!
Tucana: Could they get any louder? Could I get any more annoyed? Find out next time on my life! OK, so welcome back to Tucana TV-

Felix: Alone! Alone at last!...OK so I'm staring into a toilet bowl but at least I'm not around KIDS!

I leave you alone for one second and you do this shit? Are you kidding me?
Alsephina: Dad stop!
Aldebaran: ...I'm scared.

Channing: You were right, Tu. This place is a crapshack.
Deanna: Boy I can HEAR you.
Tucana: Don't mind her. She's just pissy because she's pregnant for the...fourth time now, Mum?
Deanna: *narrows eyes*

Deanna: I have a feeling I won't make it to the sink.
Tucana: I must survive! But how, with all these toddlers and no skilling objects? Next time, on Tucana TV-
Deanna: I wonder if her little friend can hear all this.
Channing: Tell me more about this 'dark minion' stuff you do, Count Bearcula...

It's Orion's birthday. Thank GOD.

Orion: Much better.
Don't be fooled. He's a Hot-Headed little boy with the Whiz Kid aspiration.

By 9pm the chaos has calmed down; the toddlers are taken care of and De and Felix are skilling, while the children skill/do homework.
...That reminds me, Orion don't sit there.

The next morning, Felix is still Felix...
Felix: This is decidedly not my problem.
(It was totally his problem, he fixed it right after gardening. It's a hard knock life for Felix.)

Deanna: Hehe! This bed is about to break beneath me.
Tucana: Snap it snap it snap it!
Orion: Snap it harder than Tucana's mind!
Tucana: Dammit, can't even be mad. That was good, bro.
Deanna: So what do you guys think about me, and putting on clothes...?
Alsephina:...do you all MIND?

Alsephina: Wall? You can't touch me. I made you.
That's just not true. And we have two insane Sims already, that's enough.

Channing asked Tucana to play hooky.
Tucana: You're kind of a bad influence!
Channing: Me? Never!

He's beauty, he's grace. (And I'm not being sarcastic).
Channing: You wish you could be this.

CHANNING why would you not MOVE? She just landed on your head.
Channing: Whassa move...where am I? What's happening here?
Tucana: *ded*

I guess Deanna taught her well.
Also, due to her chaotic home life, the routine of cleaning things has been drilled into her mind.

Once she got home I had her introduce herself to this kid. Skylar Albright, who was just...randomly outside.
Skylar: Uh. Peasant. Put on shoes.
I don't think he likes her.

Orion: I know you skipped school?
Tucana: So?
Orion: I'm telling! Learning is important and I'm going to make sure you do some of it!
Tucana:...Orion do not blow up my spot. Mum and Dad have better things to worry about anyway!
Orion: Hmm...just you wait. I'm sure I could keep you covered, but...
Tucana: Ugh. What do you want?

Pregnancy is wrecking Deanna's mood.
Deanna: PLEASE let this be the last one.

Meanwhile, Felix plays with his shiny new toy.
Felix: Toy? Toy?! Bitch please, it's a-

Caught this pic as the toddlers came back from daycare (De and Felix had to go to the hopsital so the toddlers had to go to daycare)
Al Twins: Let us start our racing ritual!
Pollux: The hell is happening?
You can't see him, but Pollux is a boy, who is pale, which means that he is automatically a failure! Joy!

Which means I'm counting on his sister Vela to be our heir!
(And why does she look so purple? I think she's got Felix's skin though)
And yes, twins again. No, Deanna does not have fertility treatment. I don't know how this happened either.

Deanna:...Well I didn't miss this.
Felix: *tired sigh*

Orion: Oh God where did these things come from?
Deanna:...These are your new twin baby siblings.
Orion: Never asked for that.
Deanna: Neither did I!

Tucana: I'm in a door and we have more siblings? Today is getting off to a bad start...

Tucana: I blame...you!
Orion: But...what...I didn't want this either!
Tucana: GET HIM, viewers!
Felix: Yeah! I wanna see a child get slapped!
Deanna: Whatever this bullshit is and whatever you're doing, stop it.
Felix:...Yes De.

Orion: There's just no reasoning with insanity...
Tucana: Orion sucks! And so does school! Why couldn't I play hooky?
(Channing texted her again to play hooky...he is a bad influence LMAO)

Nice to see useful kids. Of course, it's cos I'm making them be useful. It's also kind of funny how they can be just left here for hours while their parents are still at work - both De and Felix work 10-7.

Deanna: Wanna have sex for fun?
Felix: If you're SURE you can't get pregnant.
Deanna: Definitely not. Let's go!

You two are idiots; you were both sent out of the room for a reason.
Orion: Just gonna get in here and grab my food - WHAT IS THAT-
Tucana: *eyebrow waggle* Totally passing through just for the toilet.
OK Tuca, be creepy. Whatever.

Felix: And you're saying my daughter is creepy?
Not you, Felix, just showing off how gross this bathroom is.
And HA, you're defending her! You like your kids, I knew it.

Alsephina: Brother you suck!
Aldebaran: I'm glitched you know!
Alsephina: Well I'm not! HA!

Alsephina: ACCEPT IT! You're not cool!
Aldebaran: But who has food?
Alsephina: *scream*
Both kids are very sleepy and have seriously decreased their friendship. And Aldebaran is glitched.

Deanna: Finally going to - oh FFS!
Vela and Pollux: *synchronised screaming*

Deanna: Who the hell even is this creep?

Chaos as usual in the morning, with people sitting all over the bed, a baby crying, the toddlers offscreen and neglected, and not enough bathrooms.

Felix: This is nice but coming out here in your underwear won't cure me.
Deanna: Who says this is for you? I can't find a jacket without baby sick all over it. This is all I have to wear.

Tucana:...I wish I could, but the producer won't let me.
Channing is such a bad influence.

Alsephina:...This isn't ideal.

Deanna: My head is going to explode.
Felix: Haaiahehehehaea stripes bathe child.
Aldebaran: I swear I nearly drowned there. Dad's really ill right now.
Deanna: *sigh* At least you're clean.

Deanna: Another one bites the dust...the dust of toddlerhood, I mean. They're all gonna be alive.
Aldebaran: FINALLY I don't have to rely on you two to take care of me!

Felix: Wait...sink there? How did that happen?
Deanna: It's always been - OWWW - there dear.
Alsephina: I got yo cake.
Aldebaran: So many bad smells.
*cue two month hiatus, due to exams and also this save file being so, so chaotic*

This is Pollux, who was always going to be a failure. I think he has the same colouring as Alsephina. He's Inquisitive. Good on you, Mr, go learn things.

And Vela, whose failure just angers me. I mean...she was so close! Look how close she was! Stupid black hair. Sigh, anyway she's independent and...yeah. That's it.
This means we need more kids, but Tucana is still only a child so that's gonna take a while.

And here are the Al twins. Alsephina is neat, which means...she's gonna be having a bad time of it. This house is a disaster. Aldebaran is a bookworm. We own no books. I could get on that...
They are both Whiz Kids.

Pollux: Rah, get off my bed! I need to sleep!
Vela: *trying to sleep*
Alsephina: This place is disgusting!
Aldebaran: It's one plate, sis.
Alsephina: DISGUSTING.

Tucana: Did I just fall asleep? Here?
You did, hon. You did.

Felix: I'm not sure what to do first...fix the shower or replace this nasty SHOWER CURTAIN.

Deanna: Where did my life go wrong.
Pollux: Mother, I wish you wouldn't talk here.

Deanna: Felix, what is that? What are you doing?
Felix: Haaaiii gorgeouussss
Deanna: So very awesome. Have I not just lucked out?

Aldebaran: Remember when this was our old stomping ground?
Alsephina: Bro that was like last night.

Aldebaran: Walking directly through Dad's internal organs was actually really fun!
Alsephina: Ooh, ooh, I can't wait! Coming right THROUGH, Dad!
Felix: I'm making you ungrateful shits food and you're going to try to maim me? Classy.
Alsephina: Absolutely!
He took a vacation day because his needs were in the toilet and he wasn't going to get a promotion anyway. Also YES, those are dining chairs; we have an actual table now (plus a second bathroom). I thought I'd never see the day.

Vela: I've been....expecting you. We can rule this house together. Why was I ruled out, when I am the closest of them all, and Mother will likely be infertile once I grow up?
Don't get any ideas, Vela, she only has to wait until Tucana grows up. Which is in like two weeks but still. She's still a YA, remember, and she's gonna become a vampire.
Also, Felix why are all of your kids so screwed up?

Deanna: Knock knock, who's there! The realisation that your fiancee is only interacting with you for work!
Felix:...Real creative, De.

Vela: Hello...failure.
Alsephina: Pot to kettle, sis.

Orion: -Wait, you only JUST got a B? Haha! HAHAHAHA!
Tucana: Shut your - I - my life - on Tucana TV-
Orion: You have no good defences! Hahahahaha!

Deanna: Ah...all my children.
Channing: I'm just gonna...get some food?
Deanna: Sure, honey, there should be some cold eggs in there, have fun with that.
Channing: I'm not - *shrug* whatever, I get food.
Tucana: Star on my TV show!
Alsephina: So I should tell you stuff.
Vela: No-one even knows that that's a song reference you dillweed!

Alsephina: There's just no helping...
Tucana: Tucana TV is so real, right Woody?
Channing: Hahahaha my friend is CRAZY!
Alsephina: Is that....the chair? Tuca what-
Vela: This place will be mine!
Alsephina: Why would you want it, Vel? *sings* Look at this stuff, isn't it shit?
Pollux: How DARE you try to clean my poo? Peasant!
Felix: You kids make no sense!

Tucana: U R I N A L S. Completely insane.
Pollux: O__O
Deanna: I've given up!
WHAT is it with this kid and her evil little face?
Vela: I will destroy yoouuuu!
Felix: Haha! You remind me of several relatives.
Aldebaran: Uh...wow.
Deanna: Eyyyyyyyyy...charisma.
I'm sure that's helping, De.

Deanna: I need you to help me with something. Namely...vampirism.
Vladislaus: And why should I do that?
Deanna: I...uh...well I can't promise - just hear me out!

Felix: De what are you doing?
Deanna: Making headway into fulfilling my life goals!
Vlad: *muffled* How is this supposed to convince me to turn you? My face is in a PLANT, and this soil is ruining my hair!

Felix: What do you mean I'm too pouty, HANDS?
Alsephina: And apparently us kids are the ones that make no sense.

Yay Deanna!
Vlad: This is a necessary part of the transformation.
Deanna: It makes sense...obviously this is gonna hurt. But PLEASE don't do anything weird.

Deanna: OK....you can leave now.
Vlad: But...but...
Deanna: Hahaha did you think I actually wanted your friendship?
Damn De, you're supposed to be the good one.

About 12 hours later...
The kids are in school, Felix is at work, and Deanna is in charge of the toddlers, who are in pretty good moods. She's painting to make some money because we have £91 after replacing the kid beds, and she has Level 5 painting skill soo...why not.

Vela: This is the dance of a conqueror.
EVERY TIME I pause and look at this kid's face, she's at least mischievous-looking, if not wearing an outright evil expression.

I do not trust her.
Vela: You are my best friend, my one true confidante...
Pollux: Sissy's gone mad with power.
Deanna: What power? She has none.

Alsephina: This sandwich isn't bad...guys?
Tucana: O___O
Aldebaran: Sandwiches are mainstream.
Orion: Now watch me WINK-

Vela: Of all our siblings, I hate you the least.
You barely know your other siblings. They don't interact with you.
Pollux: Yay! Huuuug!
Vela: Not now!

True romance.
Felix: Nice view.
Deanna: I wish I could say the same about the sound in the room...
Nice. /s

Lilith: Please, all I want to do is drink your children's blood.
Felix: My fiancee would kill me if I let that happen! And I really love her! So you're going down, sucka!
Lovely amount of concern for your children.

Lilith: Wow. That was like...four hours. How am I alive?

Deanna: Oh God oh God oh God can I PLEASE just transform already?
Aldebaran: Sandwiiiiich...oh hey Mum, what's up?

Vlad, what the fuck.
1. It's daytime.
2. Your outfit tho.
Vlad: It was all worth it to steal this MENU...totally worth it, haha.
Sure it was.

Deanna: I really need to get through; this isn't funny.
Alsephina: Sure, if you get me a bookcase! And a pony.

Tucana: That was reallllly funny, huh? OK, so next time on Tucana TV, my hands-
Aldebaran: Wow.
Alsephina: Well...this sucks.

I did another thing! Look at this awesome study.
Deanna: I still feel shit.
Aldebaran: Do you think Dad working right next to us will set us on fire?
Alsephina: Indubitably.
Felix: Y'all have no faith in me.
Alsephina: Should we?

Felix: Why? I'm hella awesome.
Because FIRST of all you didn't make food because you were going to help Vela. Who DOESN'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYWAY BECAUSE SHE IS INDEPENDENT.
Then I told you to make food again and you just throw it on the floor! This is a clean countertop and one or both of you and Deanna has definitely made food here! So GET COOKING!

Deanna: Owwwwwwww....!
Felix (finally cooking the goddamn spaghetti): You wanted this.
What a lovinghusband fiance. (Honestly I just need to get them married already)

Vela: Oh look, Mr Hero, you are being snatched out of the sky. And now you're dead, what a shame.
Pollux: Hahahaha tell it again!
Alsephina: I'm a little worried.
Felix: I must reiterate, all of these children are weird.
Alsephina: What did I do?

Deanna: Owowowowow this is the worst pain yet-
Tucana: Heeeeh...this'll be good for Tucana TV!
Deanna: Get over here and help me, twerp!

Orion: Watcher help us.
Tucana: That bitch? She doesn't care.

WOW, De.
Deanna: Switch me back, switch me back....!
I promise to fix this.

Orion:-bats aren't even powerful anyway! You're just factory-produced stuffing, Bearcula! More like BITCH-cula.
Vela: You have angered the minion...he will have his revenge, brother.
Pollux: Mother, what big teeth you have.
Deanna: I...don't though. I still look pretty normal.

Aldebaran: Y'know what, bro...we never talk.
Orion: OK...I don't hate you, so do you want to say anything?
Aldebaran: Um...hmm....
Pollux: B L O C K S
Vela: You boys are pathetic.

Oh, look, Don's at the door.
These two are friends; that obviously came from the time when I actually gave a flying fuck about Felix's 'Friend of the World' aspiration.
Felix: It's been a while, right man? Wanna know where I've been?
Don: O...K...
Felix: I've had six kids.
Don: Dude. You hate kids.
Felix: Hahaha I know!

Don: They're not so bad...
Pollux: Sis what are you doing?
Vela: Mr Green fell downstairs. He's dead now. Sorry bro.
Pollux: But-
Vela: That's just the way things had to be.

Vlad and his shitty outfit welcomed Deanna to vampirism and sent her Plasma packs. Which is good because...those things are expensive and this family is pretty poor.

Felix: Fuck my life! I wanted to be an awesome friend of everybody! Instead I've been up to my ankles in baby shit for ten years!
Orion: Wow, Dad, and apparently I'm hot-headed.
Don: Whoa, Felix...duuuude you gotta calm down.
Orion: Why is this clown still here?

Orion: You guys are dead-eyed losers.
Alsephina: I'm working on it!
Aldebaran: SANDWICH
What I want to know is why you're all having quick meals when I literally just had Felix stock the fridge. So rude.

De and Felix are still very much in love, if you can believe it. As of now they both have two whims for each other.
Felix: Even if you were the one who bore all of those children I hate by my very nature, it wasn't your fault and you're very nice and I love you.
Deanna: Where are you going with this?
Felix:...Wanna have sex?
Deanna: *sigh* Sure.

What a caring husband.
Felix: She wanted this!
Deanna: I'm thiiiiirsty!

Masato: When you called at 9.30 wanting to meet up alone, I didn't think you meant at your house with yourhusband fiance and children.
Deanna: I think I heard a worm speaking.
Masato: ???

Masato: Duuuuhhhh
I think he gets it now.
(Also I will fix that outfit during my next trip to CAS)

De might be a kickass vampire now but she still has her brat kids to deal with.
Pollux: What if I don't want to be bathed, Mother?

See what I mean?
Vela: I'm not to play in the toilet? Over my dead body!

We start off with the typical 3-toddler chaos.
Aldebaran: Mum, 'Rion's in the toilet.
Orion: I will rub my hands all over the stuffed toy!
Aldebaran: Stop him! We all share that thing!
Deanna: Do you want to be bathed or not, honey? Because I can only do one thing at once.

Alsephina is still the cutest.
Alsephina: Whooooa you have no arm. COO - I mean, AWESOME!

Felix bonds with two of his children.
Alsephina: Dad looks like a sock!
Orion: Nooo, he looks like a SUCK! He SUCKS!
Felix: I hate you both. It's in my nature. Take that.

There's another one.

Aldebaran: *cries* What was that thing? I'm scared!
Alsephina: Let us bond, my minion of darkness.
Aldebaran: I'm SCARED!
Tucana: Could they get any louder? Could I get any more annoyed? Find out next time on my life! OK, so welcome back to Tucana TV-

Felix: Alone! Alone at last!...OK so I'm staring into a toilet bowl but at least I'm not around KIDS!

I leave you alone for one second and you do this shit? Are you kidding me?
Alsephina: Dad stop!
Aldebaran: ...I'm scared.

Channing: You were right, Tu. This place is a crapshack.
Deanna: Boy I can HEAR you.
Tucana: Don't mind her. She's just pissy because she's pregnant for the...fourth time now, Mum?
Deanna: *narrows eyes*

Deanna: I have a feeling I won't make it to the sink.
Tucana: I must survive! But how, with all these toddlers and no skilling objects? Next time, on Tucana TV-
Deanna: I wonder if her little friend can hear all this.
Channing: Tell me more about this 'dark minion' stuff you do, Count Bearcula...

It's Orion's birthday. Thank GOD.

Orion: Much better.
Don't be fooled. He's a Hot-Headed little boy with the Whiz Kid aspiration.

By 9pm the chaos has calmed down; the toddlers are taken care of and De and Felix are skilling, while the children skill/do homework.
...That reminds me, Orion don't sit there.

The next morning, Felix is still Felix...
Felix: This is decidedly not my problem.
(It was totally his problem, he fixed it right after gardening. It's a hard knock life for Felix.)

Deanna: Hehe! This bed is about to break beneath me.
Tucana: Snap it snap it snap it!
Orion: Snap it harder than Tucana's mind!
Tucana: Dammit, can't even be mad. That was good, bro.
Deanna: So what do you guys think about me, and putting on clothes...?
Alsephina:...do you all MIND?

Alsephina: Wall? You can't touch me. I made you.
That's just not true. And we have two insane Sims already, that's enough.

Channing asked Tucana to play hooky.
Tucana: You're kind of a bad influence!
Channing: Me? Never!

He's beauty, he's grace. (And I'm not being sarcastic).
Channing: You wish you could be this.

CHANNING why would you not MOVE? She just landed on your head.
Channing: Whassa move...where am I? What's happening here?
Tucana: *ded*

I guess Deanna taught her well.
Also, due to her chaotic home life, the routine of cleaning things has been drilled into her mind.

Once she got home I had her introduce herself to this kid. Skylar Albright, who was just...randomly outside.
Skylar: Uh. Peasant. Put on shoes.
I don't think he likes her.

Orion: I know you skipped school?
Tucana: So?
Orion: I'm telling! Learning is important and I'm going to make sure you do some of it!
Tucana:...Orion do not blow up my spot. Mum and Dad have better things to worry about anyway!
Orion: Hmm...just you wait. I'm sure I could keep you covered, but...
Tucana: Ugh. What do you want?

Pregnancy is wrecking Deanna's mood.
Deanna: PLEASE let this be the last one.

Meanwhile, Felix plays with his shiny new toy.
Felix: Toy? Toy?! Bitch please, it's a-

Caught this pic as the toddlers came back from daycare (De and Felix had to go to the hopsital so the toddlers had to go to daycare)
Al Twins: Let us start our racing ritual!
Pollux: The hell is happening?
You can't see him, but Pollux is a boy, who is pale, which means that he is automatically a failure! Joy!

Which means I'm counting on his sister Vela to be our heir!
(And why does she look so purple? I think she's got Felix's skin though)
And yes, twins again. No, Deanna does not have fertility treatment. I don't know how this happened either.

Deanna:...Well I didn't miss this.
Felix: *tired sigh*

Orion: Oh God where did these things come from?
Deanna:...These are your new twin baby siblings.
Orion: Never asked for that.
Deanna: Neither did I!

Tucana: I'm in a door and we have more siblings? Today is getting off to a bad start...

Tucana: I blame...you!
Orion: But...what...I didn't want this either!
Tucana: GET HIM, viewers!
Felix: Yeah! I wanna see a child get slapped!
Deanna: Whatever this bullshit is and whatever you're doing, stop it.
Felix:...Yes De.

Orion: There's just no reasoning with insanity...
Tucana: Orion sucks! And so does school! Why couldn't I play hooky?
(Channing texted her again to play hooky...he is a bad influence LMAO)

Nice to see useful kids. Of course, it's cos I'm making them be useful. It's also kind of funny how they can be just left here for hours while their parents are still at work - both De and Felix work 10-7.

Deanna: Wanna have sex for fun?
Felix: If you're SURE you can't get pregnant.
Deanna: Definitely not. Let's go!

You two are idiots; you were both sent out of the room for a reason.
Orion: Just gonna get in here and grab my food - WHAT IS THAT-
Tucana: *eyebrow waggle* Totally passing through just for the toilet.
OK Tuca, be creepy. Whatever.

Felix: And you're saying my daughter is creepy?
Not you, Felix, just showing off how gross this bathroom is.
And HA, you're defending her! You like your kids, I knew it.

Alsephina: Brother you suck!
Aldebaran: I'm glitched you know!
Alsephina: Well I'm not! HA!

Alsephina: ACCEPT IT! You're not cool!
Aldebaran: But who has food?
Alsephina: *scream*
Both kids are very sleepy and have seriously decreased their friendship. And Aldebaran is glitched.

Deanna: Finally going to - oh FFS!
Vela and Pollux: *synchronised screaming*

Deanna: Who the hell even is this creep?

Chaos as usual in the morning, with people sitting all over the bed, a baby crying, the toddlers offscreen and neglected, and not enough bathrooms.

Felix: This is nice but coming out here in your underwear won't cure me.
Deanna: Who says this is for you? I can't find a jacket without baby sick all over it. This is all I have to wear.

Tucana:...I wish I could, but the producer won't let me.
Channing is such a bad influence.

Alsephina:...This isn't ideal.

Deanna: My head is going to explode.
Felix: Haaiahehehehaea stripes bathe child.
Aldebaran: I swear I nearly drowned there. Dad's really ill right now.
Deanna: *sigh* At least you're clean.

Deanna: Another one bites the dust...the dust of toddlerhood, I mean. They're all gonna be alive.
Aldebaran: FINALLY I don't have to rely on you two to take care of me!

Felix: Wait...sink there? How did that happen?
Deanna: It's always been - OWWW - there dear.
Alsephina: I got yo cake.
Aldebaran: So many bad smells.
*cue two month hiatus, due to exams and also this save file being so, so chaotic*

This is Pollux, who was always going to be a failure. I think he has the same colouring as Alsephina. He's Inquisitive. Good on you, Mr, go learn things.

And Vela, whose failure just angers me. I mean...she was so close! Look how close she was! Stupid black hair. Sigh, anyway she's independent and...yeah. That's it.
This means we need more kids, but Tucana is still only a child so that's gonna take a while.

And here are the Al twins. Alsephina is neat, which means...she's gonna be having a bad time of it. This house is a disaster. Aldebaran is a bookworm. We own no books. I could get on that...
They are both Whiz Kids.

Pollux: Rah, get off my bed! I need to sleep!
Vela: *trying to sleep*
Alsephina: This place is disgusting!
Aldebaran: It's one plate, sis.
Alsephina: DISGUSTING.

Tucana: Did I just fall asleep? Here?
You did, hon. You did.

Felix: I'm not sure what to do first...fix the shower or replace this nasty SHOWER CURTAIN.

Deanna: Where did my life go wrong.
Pollux: Mother, I wish you wouldn't talk here.

Deanna: Felix, what is that? What are you doing?
Felix: Haaaiii gorgeouussss
Deanna: So very awesome. Have I not just lucked out?

Aldebaran: Remember when this was our old stomping ground?
Alsephina: Bro that was like last night.

Aldebaran: Walking directly through Dad's internal organs was actually really fun!
Alsephina: Ooh, ooh, I can't wait! Coming right THROUGH, Dad!
Felix: I'm making you ungrateful shits food and you're going to try to maim me? Classy.
Alsephina: Absolutely!
He took a vacation day because his needs were in the toilet and he wasn't going to get a promotion anyway. Also YES, those are dining chairs; we have an actual table now (plus a second bathroom). I thought I'd never see the day.

Vela: I've been....expecting you. We can rule this house together. Why was I ruled out, when I am the closest of them all, and Mother will likely be infertile once I grow up?
Don't get any ideas, Vela, she only has to wait until Tucana grows up. Which is in like two weeks but still. She's still a YA, remember, and she's gonna become a vampire.
Also, Felix why are all of your kids so screwed up?

Deanna: Knock knock, who's there! The realisation that your fiancee is only interacting with you for work!
Felix:...Real creative, De.

Vela: Hello...failure.
Alsephina: Pot to kettle, sis.

Orion: -Wait, you only JUST got a B? Haha! HAHAHAHA!
Tucana: Shut your - I - my life - on Tucana TV-
Orion: You have no good defences! Hahahahaha!

Deanna: Ah...all my children.
Channing: I'm just gonna...get some food?
Deanna: Sure, honey, there should be some cold eggs in there, have fun with that.
Channing: I'm not - *shrug* whatever, I get food.
Tucana: Star on my TV show!
Alsephina: So I should tell you stuff.
Vela: No-one even knows that that's a song reference you dillweed!

Alsephina: There's just no helping...
Tucana: Tucana TV is so real, right Woody?
Channing: Hahahaha my friend is CRAZY!
Alsephina: Is that....the chair? Tuca what-
Vela: This place will be mine!
Alsephina: Why would you want it, Vel? *sings* Look at this stuff, isn't it shit?
Pollux: How DARE you try to clean my poo? Peasant!
Felix: You kids make no sense!

Tucana: U R I N A L S. Completely insane.
Pollux: O__O
Deanna: I've given up!
WHAT is it with this kid and her evil little face?
Vela: I will destroy yoouuuu!
Felix: Haha! You remind me of several relatives.
Aldebaran: Uh...wow.
Deanna: Eyyyyyyyyy...charisma.
I'm sure that's helping, De.

Deanna: I need you to help me with something. Namely...vampirism.
Vladislaus: And why should I do that?
Deanna: I...uh...well I can't promise - just hear me out!

Felix: De what are you doing?
Deanna: Making headway into fulfilling my life goals!
Vlad: *muffled* How is this supposed to convince me to turn you? My face is in a PLANT, and this soil is ruining my hair!

Felix: What do you mean I'm too pouty, HANDS?
Alsephina: And apparently us kids are the ones that make no sense.

Yay Deanna!
Vlad: This is a necessary part of the transformation.
Deanna: It makes sense...obviously this is gonna hurt. But PLEASE don't do anything weird.

Deanna: OK....you can leave now.
Vlad: But...but...
Deanna: Hahaha did you think I actually wanted your friendship?
Damn De, you're supposed to be the good one.

About 12 hours later...
The kids are in school, Felix is at work, and Deanna is in charge of the toddlers, who are in pretty good moods. She's painting to make some money because we have £91 after replacing the kid beds, and she has Level 5 painting skill soo...why not.

Vela: This is the dance of a conqueror.
EVERY TIME I pause and look at this kid's face, she's at least mischievous-looking, if not wearing an outright evil expression.

I do not trust her.
Vela: You are my best friend, my one true confidante...
Pollux: Sissy's gone mad with power.
Deanna: What power? She has none.

Alsephina: This sandwich isn't bad...guys?
Tucana: O___O
Aldebaran: Sandwiches are mainstream.
Orion: Now watch me WINK-

Vela: Of all our siblings, I hate you the least.
You barely know your other siblings. They don't interact with you.
Pollux: Yay! Huuuug!
Vela: Not now!

True romance.
Felix: Nice view.
Deanna: I wish I could say the same about the sound in the room...
Nice. /s

Lilith: Please, all I want to do is drink your children's blood.
Felix: My fiancee would kill me if I let that happen! And I really love her! So you're going down, sucka!
Lovely amount of concern for your children.

Lilith: Wow. That was like...four hours. How am I alive?

Deanna: Oh God oh God oh God can I PLEASE just transform already?
Aldebaran: Sandwiiiiich...oh hey Mum, what's up?

Vlad, what the fuck.
1. It's daytime.
2. Your outfit tho.
Vlad: It was all worth it to steal this MENU...totally worth it, haha.
Sure it was.

Deanna: I really need to get through; this isn't funny.
Alsephina: Sure, if you get me a bookcase! And a pony.

Tucana: That was reallllly funny, huh? OK, so next time on Tucana TV, my hands-
Aldebaran: Wow.
Alsephina: Well...this sucks.

I did another thing! Look at this awesome study.
Deanna: I still feel shit.
Aldebaran: Do you think Dad working right next to us will set us on fire?
Alsephina: Indubitably.
Felix: Y'all have no faith in me.
Alsephina: Should we?

Felix: Why? I'm hella awesome.
Because FIRST of all you didn't make food because you were going to help Vela. Who DOESN'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYWAY BECAUSE SHE IS INDEPENDENT.
Then I told you to make food again and you just throw it on the floor! This is a clean countertop and one or both of you and Deanna has definitely made food here! So GET COOKING!

Deanna: Owwwwwwww....!
Felix (finally cooking the goddamn spaghetti): You wanted this.
What a loving

Vela: Oh look, Mr Hero, you are being snatched out of the sky. And now you're dead, what a shame.
Pollux: Hahahaha tell it again!
Alsephina: I'm a little worried.
Felix: I must reiterate, all of these children are weird.
Alsephina: What did I do?

Deanna: Owowowowow this is the worst pain yet-
Tucana: Heeeeh...this'll be good for Tucana TV!
Deanna: Get over here and help me, twerp!

Orion: Watcher help us.
Tucana: That bitch? She doesn't care.

WOW, De.
Deanna: Switch me back, switch me back....!
I promise to fix this.

Orion:-bats aren't even powerful anyway! You're just factory-produced stuffing, Bearcula! More like BITCH-cula.
Vela: You have angered the minion...he will have his revenge, brother.
Pollux: Mother, what big teeth you have.
Deanna: I...don't though. I still look pretty normal.

Aldebaran: Y'know what, bro...we never talk.
Orion: OK...I don't hate you, so do you want to say anything?
Aldebaran: Um...hmm....
Pollux: B L O C K S
Vela: You boys are pathetic.

Oh, look, Don's at the door.
These two are friends; that obviously came from the time when I actually gave a flying fuck about Felix's 'Friend of the World' aspiration.
Felix: It's been a while, right man? Wanna know where I've been?
Don: O...K...
Felix: I've had six kids.
Don: Dude. You hate kids.
Felix: Hahaha I know!

Don: They're not so bad...
Pollux: Sis what are you doing?
Vela: Mr Green fell downstairs. He's dead now. Sorry bro.
Pollux: But-
Vela: That's just the way things had to be.

Vlad and his shitty outfit welcomed Deanna to vampirism and sent her Plasma packs. Which is good because...those things are expensive and this family is pretty poor.

Felix: Fuck my life! I wanted to be an awesome friend of everybody! Instead I've been up to my ankles in baby shit for ten years!
Orion: Wow, Dad, and apparently I'm hot-headed.
Don: Whoa, Felix...duuuude you gotta calm down.
Orion: Why is this clown still here?

Orion: You guys are dead-eyed losers.
Alsephina: I'm working on it!
Aldebaran: SANDWICH
What I want to know is why you're all having quick meals when I literally just had Felix stock the fridge. So rude.

De and Felix are still very much in love, if you can believe it. As of now they both have two whims for each other.
Felix: Even if you were the one who bore all of those children I hate by my very nature, it wasn't your fault and you're very nice and I love you.
Deanna: Where are you going with this?
Felix:...Wanna have sex?
Deanna: *sigh* Sure.

What a caring husband.
Felix: She wanted this!
Deanna: I'm thiiiiirsty!

Masato: When you called at 9.30 wanting to meet up alone, I didn't think you meant at your house with your
Deanna: I think I heard a worm speaking.
Masato: ???

Masato: Duuuuhhhh
I think he gets it now.
(Also I will fix that outfit during my next trip to CAS)

De might be a kickass vampire now but she still has her brat kids to deal with.
Pollux: What if I don't want to be bathed, Mother?

See what I mean?
Vela: I'm not to play in the toilet? Over my dead body!
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