Too Good For You
(Update 6/7/18: Yeah, I was messing about last night and reverted this to a draft, so now it's republished like 2 and a half months later than the second part. This is the first part of the PG legacy. I fail hard. Sorry. If you actually want the second part, go to the chapter list)
Felix: rest of my house is coming, right?
Welcome to Felix's Perfect Genetics, my third Spare Adventure. Basically, it works the same as a regular legacy, but the heirs have to have the founder's skin colour, eye colour and hair colour. Felix here also requires the Hates Children trait (so he's Active, Insane and Hates Children).
Felix: Who cares? I can't live outside, like some kind of non-awesome-
None of that, Felix. Let's go find a woman who will tolerate you.
Felix: Knock knock, who's there? C'mon, fam, gimme ya love!
-__- And he's already getting on my nerves. This may have been a mistake.
Felix: Hey, library guy, it's your favourite dream!
Makato: You're not my daughter-in-law - I mean - ahem. What kind of weirdo walks in the bathroom like that? I could have been doing my business and-
Felix: Oh, don't worry. I knew you weren't because I looked in the window on the way in!
Makato:...That doesn't make it better.
Felix: Haaaai!
Makato: Why are you still here?
OK, let's go somewhere else. All that's here is a married Adult woman, a freaking child, and Makato.
And the gym has...yeah.
Marcus: Screw you, Don! What can you teach me? You're barely jacked!
Felix: Yeah! I am so much better than-
Don: Blue dude, YOU need to STFU about bulk here.
Felix: Less is more!
Marcus: Say WHAT?
He stayed at the gym and actually became friends with Don through mentoring, which helps with his dumb aspiration.
And then it was onto the Windenburg library, when we were third time lucky.
Deanna Raha: Huh?
Sorry De. I may just be ruining your life.
(Ignore the CC tears, I downloaded them for a serious story and they aren't disabled for random *rage face*)
...This isn't cloudgazing.
Deanna: Hey? Hey? Y'know what? Not with him.
Felix: I wouldn't get near her if you paid me.
I'm not paying you. I'm forcing you. Talk to her.
...I am so sorry De.
Felix: Good? Try fucking brilliant. Which is me.
After a lot of cloudgazing...
Deanna: Staring at clouds with this guy has given me a new outlook on him. I'll be open-minded!
Felix: Why must we touch?
It's official, I love Deanna.
Felix make a move.
Felix: Hehehehe!
Deanna: See, I'm scary!
Felix: Yeah, but I'm - I mean, yeah, you're scary.
Character development only ten screenshots in. I like it.
Deanna was moved in shortly after.
Deanna: This is where I'm living? Cool! A real fixer-upper!
Oh, if only you were my founder.
But at least she can be part of the founding couple.
Felix: Ahaha...can't believe I'm saying this but you might be awesome as much - me. Me.
Deanna: I'll take that one!
They are cute together. Even if Felix totally doesn't fucking deserve her...then again, she is the one person he's treated with any respect so this is as good as it'll get.
Felix: No stop I'm too cool for this!
Deanna: Saying stuff like that is exactly why you get tickled!
Deanna: Oh, finally!
Felix: Yesssss I am wanted.
Deanna: You are way stronger than you look.
Deanna is a Good, Neat, Bookworm...and here's the kicker, she has the Vampire Family aspiration. One day, I will let her transform. That day will be when there are actual walls and ceilings on the lot.
For now she can do random household chores because we don't have a computer yet and that's the only thing she can do stuff for her career (Secret Agent) on.
Felix: Hi De <3.
What have you done with Felix, stranger who is supposed to be my founder?
...Oh shit she reminds me of my Simself.
This is weird.
Felix: We don't care what you think. We're too freaking cool.
Deanna: Hell yeah!
You're supposed to be the good one!
The next morning.
Deanna: I don't know who you think you're talking to but...
Felix: Heh I'm a little crazy...
Deanna: I figured.
Deanna: Is this going to be a regular occurrence?
Deanna: Meh. Whatever. That guy was giving me the creeps.
Felix: OK, builder-thing, you are under my control! I must make money! I need a house and my siblings always steal my - hang on. They're not here! HA!
Invention Constructor: I don't care. And call me Steve.
Felix: Ancestor's name.
Invention Constructor: Marvin?
Felix: Not nearly great enough, you work under me you get a cool name.
Invention Constructor: I will smack you in the head.
Felix: Maybe Tyrone...
Felix: It's thing.
Eloquent, this one.
He was forced to make more of them because they're worth £100 each and that counts for a lot at this stage.
Felix and Deanna earned enough money to put a proper toilet in, and get some toddler stuff. Why is that stuff needed? Because it is THAT time.
Because this is a Perfect Genetics legacy, it's likely that a lot of children will be born. And these guys only have so much time to live, so they have to get started sooner rather than later!
Deanna: This is gonna go great!
Yeah well we all knew this was happening.
I hope their relationship doesn't take too many hits from all the kids.
They're getting along the next morning so I assume things are fine.
Stupid fucking work chance card!
Deanna and Felix have really made the Willow Creek library their second home.
Max (evil): And as natures collide, as battles start, as stark differences are revealed-
Deanna: Aren't you adorable?
I just realised how freaking huge Deanna is. This is her first trimester! And she's not a big Sim at all, so...confusing.
It better not be multiples.
Oh screw you game. He's clearly talked to people before. How can he have two friends and NO introductions?
Felix: I'm singing to you...aren't I great?
Deanna: *sigh* Actually start singing please.
Oh Felix, you ruin everything you do.
Felix: How can that be? I'm awesome.
Felix: I'm so awesome that I'm going to marry Deanna.
You were always going to marry her.
Felix: But now I've had the idea. On my own. Cool, right?
Well screw you too Vlad.
Please don't come back.
It is kind of funny to see that happen to Felix but it's also annoying because it fucks up his energy levels and makes him Uncomfortable for the whole frigging day.
Deanna is home and on the chess table.
Deanna: What do you do with a pawn again?
Her logic ain't that high.
Deanna: I'm seriously the one doing this? Well, it's for the good of my family, so...
Despite the business and the poverty and the kids issue these two are very into each other. In fact, at this point they each had two whims for the other. Felix still wants to marry her.
Felix: Yeah yeah. Come on, Apples, you know I'm right.
About WHAT.
That evening, a tense and grumpy Felix plays chess as his girlfriend sleeps. The pregnancy is really tiring poor De out.
Felix: Be my first friend.
Dennis: You do know I've seen you and your girlfriend having sex outside? This friendship is ruined by default.
Felix: I know how to change that!
Dennis: ...How can you?
1 hour later...
Dennis: I...I feel like I could talk to you about anything...
Felix: And all we had to do is look at the sky.
Dennis: I am not comfortable with this, however.
Felix: *screaming* Fair enough! *more screaming*
Deanna: Honey you're gonna need to clean the bedspread...
Dennis they're clearly busy.
Dennis: They left! I'm comfortable now.
Good. Get out, though.
Oh look. You already fail.
Tucana: Don't I at least get an introduction?
Fine, the naming theme for the whole legacy is space, i.e. star, constellation, galaxy and planet names, you're Tucana, that's a star (I think), and you don't have a personality yet.

Second baby hopefully incoming.
Dennis: This is more fun than I've had in YEARS!
Oh go home Dennis.
Second baby incoming for sure!
Deanna has work really early so Felix gets to wake up and tend to Tucana.
Felix: This is just so AWESOME and BEFITTING *eyeroll*.
Bitch if you want, you're still a dad.

Tucana: Fuuuuuck.
Felix:...What did I do?
You were you, sweetheart.

For some dumbass reason Felix has to invent these again, even though he already did that and has a serum he can invent. *sigh*
Felix: At least these make £100 a pop...hang on, why am I getting frugal?
You've got a kid to support, soon-to-be two, and you live on a lawn. That's why.

Felix: I am a science boss. I am THE science boss. Parenthood what?
You're still a parent.

Deanna, my favourite Sim of this challenge, has got a promotion!
She is now at a higher Level than Felix.
Felix: Just you wait! I love her but...I'm way better, come on.

Dennis: Thanks for the show - *ahem* - I mean, what's up, coworker?
Felix: Professional. Give me a crystal or I complain to HR.
Dennis: 1. We always give crystals to active Sims, and 2. There is no-
Felix: Three, please don't get meta. I don't have time for that. Crystal now, please.
Did...did you just say please?
Felix: In a snotty, I'm-owning-you way, don't get excited!
And he's self-aware! Wow, Felix, I'm impressed.

Felix: I'm excited for this one!
Robot: Here comes the boom!...And the mildly poisonous smoke. You know you should really be wearing goggles, and a protective mask-
Felix: Who has time for that, when my awesome invention is about to be made before my very eyes?
Robot: *mutters* Not yours, douchebag...lose your sight and hearing for all I care...
Felix: What was that?
Robot: I mean, I'll get right on it, Mr Sutherland.

Felix's SimRay is called the Power of Awesome.
Felix: Feel my power of awesome!
Alice: Is that an innuendo? I'm calling HR.
Felix: C'mon, you're just about to experience my SimRay?
Alice: Ugh, fuck no!
Felix: It's gonna happen.
Alice: Over my dead-

Alice: Goddammit.
Felix: Haha! Oh, that is good. That is good - wait, did you think I wanted to sleep with you? Hell no.

Aron: This is a breach of eth-
Felix: -_- Whatever man.

Felix: That solved that problem!
OK, time to go home now, Felix.

i.e. Stuff Gets Moved Indoors.And A Stove Is Finally Bought.
I wonder if pregnant women can get turned. 'Cos if not...that's annoying. It would be nice to turn Deanna this weekend,, she can build the necessary relationship even if she can't get turned, right?

Felix: Hello, De. You'll never guess what I accomplished at work today.
Deanna: Do I want to know, sweetheart?

Felix: -two people! I'm serious! I froze the smug asses of two non-awesome heathens, and it was great!
Deanna:...So about our baby...
Felix: What - oh right. I forgot. Just so distracted by my Power of Awesome.
Deanna: That might not be the best name for your new toy.
Felix: What else would I call it?

Deanna:...Never mind, I'm weirdly horny. Probably pregnancy. Let's make out.
Felix: Not gonna complain.

Felix: I'm sure De will love these...I mean, grilled cheeses are for the most awesome of people, so of course I shall make them!

Felix: I don't like children but you do blossom when we have them.
Deanna: What a...half-nice thing to say.
Again, Felix, you ruin everything you touch. You could have just said the last part...

LMAO Lilith.
She really can't pick a partner no matter what save file we're in, huh?

Deanna: Come on! You can reach the boob!
Tucana: Can you just lean forward a little?
Felix: I'm going back to bed...

Poor Deanna.

A bit later...
Deanna: Felix, dear, would you mind cleaning the toilet? I threw up in it.
Felix: Hehe...yeah...totally an awesome task.
I can't figure out if you're being sarcastic.
Felix: Neither can I.

God do I love to see this just as I'm about to take Felix and Deanna on an outing...
Felix, get in here!

They eventually got out to the Casbah Gallery. Felix needs to meet people and Deanna has 3 random painting skill points so she's making us some money.
Anyway, this random kid who's there reminds me of an alternative Lyric.

Delilah: He's blue! And ain't he cute, Morgan?
Morgan: Well...yeah.
Felix: Wow, thanks, ladies! So what brings you two here today?
They're teenagers, and your long-term pregnant girlfriend who you already have a child with is painting next door.
Felix: I'm just getting some validation, OK? Y'all know I'm awesome.

LOL Felix is just surrounded by vaguely-interested looking teenage girls.
Delilah: Anyway, she's such a bitch, y'know!
Morgan: Uhm...I'm sure he doesn't care..
Felix: What am I supposed to care about...God, I regret this.
Bailee: Who is that specimen? See, Mom, people totally match my hair!
HOW is that a match?

Delilah: So you're with that guy.
Deanna;...Don't laugh at me.
Delilah: I wasn't going to.
What is it with this gallery and really annoying people hanging around by a painting person? Steve had the same problem...

Dealix are very affectionate.
Felix: Go PDA!

Felix: Will you marry me?
Deanna: So you're doing this now...
Kid: Yo. What's that ring for? Can I have it?
Ulrike: WTF.
Felix: Please! Please accept my awesome!

Deanna:...Yes! Of course! I accept! Oh God I accept...
Felix: You won't have any regrets!
Kid: You're gonna score tonight, Mister!
Deanna: OK where is his mother.

Felix: Yaaaass.
Deanna: Only the best that can be conjured out of thin air for me, huh? Oh, I am lucky!
Are you?

Deanna: Whee!
Felix: You heavy...I'm seriously about to fall over.
Deanna: Does it matter?
Kid: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Felix: Can this kid please just get out of here or something?

Felix: What is it with you, me and romance, Dennis?
Dennis: *quickly hangs up*

These two are so freaking autonomously romantic and cute...and even though Felix is insane he practically never queues up mean interactions for her.
Felix: Am I not the romantic hero of your dreams?

Deanna: I am so happy to celebrate my daughter's birthday.
Tucana: I feel loved.
Tucana is Clingy, BTW.

Wow, you fail so hard it's not even funny. I mean, you were never going to be an heir, but
All of Deanna's colouring. Doomed to sparehood from the start. Maybe that's why you look so angry.
I kind of love her though.
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