Mason: Uh...damn. There's some dark shit on this here forum.
Zenobia: *leans as far forward as possible* *sneezes*
Zenobia: What? If I have a cold, everyone else gets a cold. It's only fair.
Mason: There is something I don't think I've done yet.
Mason: It's a line almost my entire family has crossed, but not me. Not yet anyway.
Mason: Until now.
(Oh dear, I forgot to change his swimwear...and everything else BUT his everyday)
Mason: Wait for it...
Zenobia: I got 99 problems but being forced to talk to my reflection every hour of the day ain't one! Oh wait. IT IS!
Sorry Zen, it's over soon.

Aaliyah: Woe is me! I failed my test that I didn't study for!
Tanner: I accepted a dare to grease the pirate ship with butter and then climb it...and I FELL!
Danika: Oh it's not like you two should have absolutely known the consequences of those actions.
Aaliyah: *sob*
Tanner: *whimper*
Danika: Losers!

Aaliyah: What is my life.

Didn't we go through this last chapter, Ali? Don't go in here.
Aaliyah: *crying* I don't ca-a-are! I don't even care that my grandma has - wait, that's gross. What IS my life, seriously?

Mason: I don't have any cooking skill but-
No. NO. You have seen what has happened to your sisters when they tried this.
Mason: Yeah I know but it's different-
Whatever man. It's your funeral.

Oh for - you too?
Aaliyah: Hell yeah. This is what functional people do.
Danika: This is not gonna end well for you.
Aaliyah: Oh don't worry, you'll be able to do this too one day! You don't have to be jealous of me.
Danika: ...I'm not.

Mason: Woot woot! In your face Watcher!
-__- You got lucky, kid.

Mason: Look who's eating my food, Ali. So much for your pasta!
Aaliyah: You can't ruin this hotdog for me, Mason. Also since when did you sass me?
Mason: Hehe, right, sorry. Someone's gotta keep a little functionality around, might as well be us.
Aaliyah: OK, right, cool, but you rambling is...kinda ruining the hotdog.

Zenobia: I'm so lonely...
Zenobia: I've been trapped in the bathroom all day!
Bentley: P R O M O T I O N
Zenobia: Ugggh what did I ever see in you?
You were emotionally unstable after your fiancé cheated on you with your mother. Also I forced it :)

Mason: Heeeeeh floor.
Aaliyah: Hey, Mwasoon, lwook how swmull my mwouth is.
Zenobia, wherever she is: ...And these are my children. Honestly why do I even bother?

Zen, texting back: No, I'm sexing your stepfather.
Ebony: Well now my whole night's ruined.

Felix: If I jog I can forget that my wife doesn't love m - I mean hey Watcher, ain't I awesome?
Nice save, you loser.
Felix: *sniff* Doesn't bother me...

Zenobia: Heh. So close.
Actually, you did it! You have your life back now, and you will reach the top of your career sometime this week.

Who the fuck is that.

Mason: Yeeeaah homework!
Aaliyah: Are you serious.
Mason: But Ali, there's nobody in my room?
Aaliyah: ??? What.
I agree. Mason what. Why are you in here.

Aaliyah: *muttering* For fuck's sake I didn't get any sleep for the past couple hours, seriously Mason-
Mason: But sis, our functionality! You can't hate me!
Aaliyah: Yeah yeah yeah but seriously FUCK you Mason.

Zenobia: *humming 'Oh What a Beautiful Morning*
Danika: Hope that doesn't last, huh?
Aaliyah: Chilli!
Danika: Uh...why are you so happy? Weren't you cussing out Mason like ten minutes ago?
Aaliyah: Ohhhh that's in the past, I got chilli now.

A 'friend'. Really.
Honestly it's cool that Sims are finally getting sad when people they don't live with die...but that works for like, relatives and actual friends. Look at that relationship bar! That shit is empty! Bentley's gonna be sad for two days for THAT?

Bentley: This stew is all that can make me feel whole after the death of Darren...
Bentley: What did I say?

Aaliyah: Well that make-up test did not go well.
Danika: You didn't even do your homework, what did you expect?
Aaliyah: Shut up.
Mason: Man. High school is rough.
Danika: Yeah. I've heard.
Mason: Shut up Danika, aren't you still in kindergarten or something?
Danika: Y'know...

Mason:...You really smell.
Aaliyah: I know! So get out and then I'll shower.
Mason: Just shower now.
Aaliyah: Really? While you're in here?
Mason: Right. Right. I'm sorry.
Aaliyah: Creep. Now get the hell out!
Seriously Mason.

Mason: Fire...you can leave it burning, right? Right. I'm gonna play computer games.

Danika: This is the most fun I've had in five years...!

Aaliyah: Oh God it's horrid!
Mason: *through spoonful of minestrone* Oh come on!
Aaliyah: Well the disgusting genetic creation of Doctor Evil just came on screen...but yeah, you too I guess. You gotta quit talking with your mouth full.

Lux: And if you can't go, just don't tell me why. Ebony sent me a screenshot of the last time you responded to her.
Zenobia: I'm working, alright!

Bentley: Apparently spending half the shift crying in a lab cabinet is grounds for getting my promotion taken away.
No shit.
Bentley: I just miss Derek so damn much OK!

Aaliyah: Hey! Mum's letting in strays now! Maybe she's turned over a new leaf and will actually pay attention to us.
Groot: Not gonna happen sweetheart. *sings* Guess who's back (back back), back again...

Bentley:...You see, I just miss Dante so much.
Aaliyah: *fake smiling* Haha yeah.
Bentley: Wha- what's funny?
Aaliyah: I am here for you!
Bentley: Are you listening?

Zenobia: Hello, family. It's so nice to finally see the sunlight.
Bentley: Duuuhhhhh...y'all see stars?
Aaliyah: We're having a really scintillating dinner here, Mum.
Aaliyah: Also I don't care about your happiness.

Bentley: Who's behind me? Jump scares are not necessary when I'm mourning poor Deon!
Aaliyah: Ignore it and it'll go away. It comes over all the time but the Watcher doesn't take pics. It's boring.

asfihasdf you have beds you idiots.

Bentley: So devastated by the death of Danny that even sliding cannot cheer me up. And it's like...all I do.

Old af Caiphus knocked up almost old Azzy. Good going, you two.

Azzy: Oh right...I still exist in this world.
Sorry. I wanted you to be friends with the family but because of the toddler chaos when Eb was born, you were left out. Then before things calmed down Blaze was kicked out and he was the only one you ever called so that's your fault. So shut up...me?

Drago: That looks like it hurt.
Blarffy: Why is it always me?

Mason: Call me homework guy 'cos I'm gonna be...doing my homework!
Danika: *munching hotdog* Mm...very much do not care. Sounds pretty lame.
Mason: Tough words for someone who hasn't does hers once in her 'life'.
Danika: *shrug* Well I'm acing kindergarten so who needs the homework, Mason?

Brad: How did these floors get so dirty? Does no-one clean around here?
I do not remember you cleaning JACK when you were alive, Brad, so shut up, stop abusing the stuffed animals and DEFINITELY stop breaking my shit! I see what you did.

Blarffy: I don't like this!
Uni: I don't think I've seen this happen before, it's quite interesting.
Dino: Don't whine, Blarf, you're FLYING!
Blarffy: You two are no help!

Emmanuel: On my way to...water your plants, give you a bad drunken tattoo and perform at a nightclub...wow, my outfit is all over the place.
Well you're not wrong.

Bentley: Another day without Dinah...also, this bed is in my leg. It's a little painful...but nothing compared to the pain of losing DJ!

Bentley: And immediately, there was back pain!
Also a saggy torso. Makeover time!

Aaliyah: Mason I need the loo.
Mason: So go - and obviously after I leave! Obviously!
Aaliyah: Yeah well it wasn't always so obvious for you, was it?
Mason: Y'know...bitch do you want to pee or not? Because I can stay in here all day!

Bentley: What is with this house and only having one bathroom?
Oh God you're the new Brad.
Bentley: Also what is it with this random back pain?

Mason: Uh...one awkward hug. 'Cos I still care about you. Yeah.
Zenobia: Whaddya mean, still?
Mason: Er...haha, got school soon, let's not talk about that...
Zenobia: Whatever. Any attention will help me recover from being locked in a bathroom for two days.
You were intermittently let out!
Zenobia: Was I though?

Bentley: Wh - I just - how did I forget to actually put chilli on the spoon! My poor old brain!

Aaliyah: Knock knock, who's there? Just a ghost!
Mason: Psh, insane people.
Danika: That could be you one day, bud.
Mason: Don't remind me!

Aaliyah: I don't think I've done this yet. Anyway, it was fun...also I'm not a goose anymore. Sorry about that.

For once, nobody is being stupid. Just a nice picture of one of the kids having fun.

Mason on the other hand...
Mason: I'm the boss, I'm the b - oh F-

Mason: Something has been damaged. I'm no doctor, I don't know what it is, but it's something!

A rare sight: Aaliyah doing her homework.
Aaliyah: Shut - ow, my head!
From what, the flowers? You definitely didn't hit the vase.
Aaliyah: Wh - I - never mind! Go bother someone else!

Who the hell? Danika, are you going to pull a Bentley?
Danika: Well, I won't act anymore depressing than I usually act.

Bentley: No, today did NOT go very well, for anyone who was asking.
Nobody was, sweetheart.

I brought out the Galactic Garden again, now that Zen has nothing else to do.
Zenobia: Apart from enjoying my life, it seems. This pesticide smells worse than ass.
Do you want to be locked in the bathroom again?
Zenobia:...I'll just...spray these.
That's what I thought.

Bentley: Do I really have to wear this?
Lemme check...yes.
Bentley: I'm sure dearly departed Dinah never experienced these indignities! I may be considered elderly but I am-
It's a sweater vest. You gotta chill. Stop throwing yourself a pity party and...that's it. Just stop throwing yourself a pity party.

Not having to skill means Zenobia can finally do some cleaning!
Zenobia: Maybe that's not such a bad thing though...I mean, this food has been stuck here for fifteen years! I don't even know how this basic cleaning liquid I have is working!

Danika:...I can't even be bothered to question this. But hey, maybe it means their marriage is unhappy, which would mean ZEN is unhappy...*smile*

Groot finally did something.
I can tell from the thumbnail that that is not an attractive man. Oh well. It's not like my settings will let them have biological kids.

Mason got this sink dirty but then came back to clean it. I'm so proud. *wipes tear*

Meanwhile Aaliyah pouts and eats minestrone for breakfast, surrounded by a visible cloud of her own stink.
Aaliyah: I think I'm going to fail my make-up make-up test.

Ebony: I don't miss this fuckin' place.
Well I don't miss you!
Just kidding, I absolutely do. Also, do things in MCCC.
Ebony: Uh, I'm a strong woman with a job in the police force and I don't need a marriage or kids to make me happy-
Yeah yeah yeah I know but also, you're a pretty Sim and I want to see your kids. So chop chop.

Aaliyah: Ugh....I need this chilli.
Mason: You've been saying that the whole way home! Just go get the chilli!
Aaliyah: I can't hear you, all I need is chilli.
Mason: That's actually pretty worrying.

Mason: Nice, normal dinner with my sis...
Aaliyah: Chilli and geese, chilli and geese! Oh my GAWD it's all I can see!

Aaliyah: I have invented a new emotion and it is called SADGRY.
Aaliyah: Seriously, I don't know what's up with me today. Everything is shit!
Well you are gloomy and insane...

Bentley: Get out of here! Use the other bathroom!
Danika: ...Why?
Bentley: It doesn't have what I need, but obviously it'll work for me! So git!
Danika: This is the only one with a mirror, while the other one definitely has a toil-
Bentley: GIT!
Danika: *leaving* *angrily muttering* I fucking hate everybody here...

Hey, Shayla, what's up with you?
Shayla: Considering my life...wondering if I'll turn into a giant mess like my mum...hoping I don't...pondering the futility of my own existence.
...Bye Shayla!

Bentley: This must be a joke! What happened to my hip suit jacket? I'm wearing BRACES now?!
You are old, deal with it!
He proceeded to deal by eating a burger at 6am. Great coping skills, Bent.

Aaliyah: Everything's fine.
Bentley: Right?
Aaliyah: There's nothing weird about eating burgers at 6am.
Bentley: Right?! Everything is fine.
Both: R I G H T ?

Bentley: This burger is salty.
Aaliyah: Haha...I'm sure it's not tears. Just your cooking. Hang on-
Mason: Unintentional burn, sis! You two are messes.
Well...Mason, you're also eating a burger. You're all as bad as each other.

Mason: Oh great.
Zenobia: Hello, family...and wow, you're all disappointing the tradition of breakfast.
Aaliyah: Mum you're eating chilli.
Zenobia: It has vegetables! It's healthy!
Bentley: Well-
Zenobia: I don't want to hear it. You're the one wearing a bow tie and suspenders.
Mason and Aaliyah: True.
Bentley: *stares right into my eyes with a look of betrayal*

Bentley: Wasn't that dish...a bit shit?
Mason: Wow.
Zenobia: Self-burn!
Aaliyah: I don't even want to get involved.

Oh God why does Danika know so many people?
Danika: *shrug* It is a bit weird to be pulled out of kindergarten recess so that you can be informed that an old man died...

Zenobia: Ugh, right? Just for that, the WORLD can smell my pit stink!
OK, none of that. Let's get you in the shower.

Zenobia: Fantastic, my weird son is blasting kids radio and...I think he's trying to dance?
Mason: Oh yeah, getting my groove on!
Zenobia: Get it on somewhere else!

Danika: Do you believe in ghosts?
Uni:...I mean...

Blaze: I'm too cool to actually jog. Workout clothes aren't workout wear, you feel me?
What was that nonsense you just spouted, because I don't get it. Nor do I want to.

Right, Felix is here. Forgot I let that happen.
Felix: Sitting here...ignoring each other...playing games? Isn't this just like old times, sis?
Zenobia: Shut the fuck up.

Aaliyah: Oh God. I'm holding myself.

Mason: Fuck you, fruit!
Actually Mason, fuck you.

Felix: Zen your children are fucking idiots.
Zenobia: Seriously, shut your trap or I'll put out this fire with your head.
Aaliyah: I had nothing to do with this!
Zenobia: Same applies to you, missy. Get out of my way!

Mason: OK, but it wasn't completely my fault-!
Aaliyah: *crying* Oh my God I'll never get to eat grilled fruit again!
That's definitely right.
Bentley: And all three of you think I'm weird.
All of you are weird!

Zen: Ugh.
And with that, this chapter is over! Next time, Aaliyah grows up, and seeing as it's between her or Mason, the Gen 9 heir will finally be revealed!
Score Sheet- 60
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (67) +335
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (6) +120
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (110) -550
Self Wetting (30) -150
Fires (14) -140
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