Zenobia: Hey, Groot, listen the fuck up. No-one in this family likes you and the only thought we give you is occasionally wondering how you keep finding our new phone numbers. Why the hell are you still looking to come over here, at 1.55am no less, when clearly nobody wants you around?
Groot:...Cos I heard you got the gaming rig fixed.
Zenobia:...Come over I don't even give a shit, I'm asleep.

Lux: If this is nonsense you want to show me is sufficiently nonsensical, I will kick you off the balcony.
Aaliyah: Just shut up and come upstairs.
Lux: What do you even want?
Aaliyah: Shush!

Lux: We had to go upstairs for this?
Aaliyah: Shhhhh accept the love.
Lux: As if.
Aaliyah: Accept.
Lux: ...
Aaliyah: Do you want me to let go, or do you want to, what was it, 'kick me off the balcony'?
Lux: No to both, keep on with it.
Aaliyah: :)
Lux: Shut up.

Danika: Put some emotion into it, Ali!
Aaliyah: Oh...I'm so very sad...not like this thing has been broken for ten years.

Aaliyah: -everyone just expects SO MUCH FROM ME-
Drago: Mmmmm-hm.
Blarffy: Poaching my client? For shame.
Aaliyah: This salt is why I don't talk to you about my problems anymore, Blarf.

Aaliyah: *singing to self* I'm so fancy, you already know - oh hey Dad, you still live here? Holy shit!
Bentley: Heh...yeah.
Bentley and Zenobia are not attentive parents, let's just say that.

Aaliyah: Wow, Mason, you live here too!
Mason: STFU Ali, at least everyone in this house remembers your existence. Plus I saw you yesterday!

Lux: #cookedbreakfast #nomorecereal
Lux: What? #cleanliving
You made burgers! And a FIRE!

Aaliyah: These dishes are idi - what's that smell?

Bentley: AAAHHHHH I'm too young to die! Burgers are good but not for this price! Not for this price!

Danika: Now which one of these dumbasses would make veggie burgers...
Bentley: *scream*
Mason: I really am too young to die! Mum, if it comes to it we gotta push him in and extinguish the flame.
Lux: Heh, chaos.

Zenobia: YOU can shut up, Lux, you've done enough. Mason, whatever issues you have with your father you can discuss without threatening to burn him alive. I mean...that shit's dark. Danika, be quiet, nobody cares what you think. Bentley, hon, get out of my way.

Bentley: -Yes, Lux, that was a sick drop-and-roll you did off the bus, but you can't skip school! Get back on and to school right now!
Lux: It's cute that you think you can tell me what to do.
Danika: LOL.
Mason: Hurry up, I don't care if you're a ghost, we're gonna be late, Danika.

Bentley: How do I have Fitness level 4, but I'm finding it this hard to do simple yoga?
Because most of that skillage comes from your incessant water-sliding...

Lux. Really.
Lux: Well DUH, I'm skipping but I still need to get my learn on.
You're supposed to do both! Attend school and do the homework. At home!
Lux: I am at home.

*camera pans over*
Oh for - why do old ladies keep dying on this street?
Linda: I don't give a fuck not a single fuck-

Grim: Your time has - *avoids some thorns* - come, Tonya Westbrook - *spits out leaves* - dammit I have to get out of this bush.

Holy shit Kale died on this street? I either forgot or just never realised.

Mason: The teacher didn't let me go to recess because of her making me LATE!
Danika: No, not me, I'm just an innocent five-year-old ghost.
Aaliyah: Who would win? My pissy weakling little brother or a vengeful, salty ghost child?
Mason: This is no time for MEMES, Aaliyah.
Danika:...Meme time is e'rry time, Mase.
Mason: *growl*
Aaliyah: I bet five bucks he explodes.
Danika: Ooh, deal!

Look, it's Felix's party.
Felix: This should be fun.
Ebony: I spy a complete stranger. Don't you, Lux?
Blaze:...Heh. This is awkward.
He was brought because I thought Felix would invite the other people, like his siblings and mother (spoiler alert: he didn't so we just have Blaze and [redacted] hanging around this party for no logical reason)

Blaze: I mean...wow! Hi Ebony, you're so grown-up-
Ebony: Lux HELP ME.
Lux: Sorry sis. Every second he hugs you is a second he isn't hugging me, so...

Mason: Is this what people do at parties?
Ebony: Do nothing he does, bro. And that applies to life, by the way. Not just parties.

Morgan: Maybe if I touch the oven they'll pay attention to me.
No, please do not do that...random child.

Felix: How can you be this happy? You're Zen's kid.
Lux: Eh...well, just listen to that whining voice behind you.
Caleb: Summer...are you here?
Felix: I very much purposefully did not invite her.
Lux: Nice, Uncle Felix. Nice.

Tara and Blaze: Whoooo, break it down, break it down!
Aaliyah: Not the face, not the face!
Robin: I still got it! *shifts slightly* OK, so the artificial hip might be a bit of a problem.
Ebony: This party is hilarious.
Mason: *sigh*

Ebony: -of course it's good to see you too, Ali.
Aaliyah: Yeah I kinda miss you...
Felix: My nieces! I will greet you with one of my awesome hugs-

Raelynn: This party is too damn loud!
Diana: I don't care what any of you think, shaving my head was my best idea yet!
Raelynn: Yeah, well wearing that top at the age of 55 was far from it!
Morgan: Ohhhh snap.
Tara: Why do I even live here.
That's Felix's wife by the way.

Juanita: Yeah, motorboat! Do it! I'll give you a shot if you commit!
Mason: Damn, I'd get in on that when-
Lux: Mason! Just...ew!
Mason: No, when I'm older and when my sister isn't involved! Christ!

Felix: *takes deep breath*
Siya: Y'know you have two days left?
Felix: Wha-
Siya: Yeah. Two days left of adulthood and you're squandering them.
Felix: But Tara said that I should-
Siya: Probably wants to get rid of you but is way too much of a pussy to, y'know, black-widow that shit so...
Felix: OK, OK, stop it! Stop!
Siya: No can do, the birthday animation has begun. Happy artificial body parts and creamed corn!

Tara: I think...I think he actually did it.
Morgan: Did what?
Kristopher: Never mind, son. *looks at Tara* Well done, you'll be able to get a better husband in no time.
Tara: Oh Kris, how can I thank you, you're just so...intelligent...and that shirt really-
Kristopher: My wife is in this room and we are very much in love.
Tara: Last I heard Felix's seventeen-year-old niece was sticking her head in between your wife's tits.
Morgan: What?
Kristopher: Just...just...let's change the subject.

My Simself had her second kid. The first one looks exactly like Caiphus so she was a disappointment. Hope this one is better.

And Luz makes Mariska a grandma to three.

Blaze: So...kid.
Danika: What?
Blaze: Have things gotten any better for you?
Danika: Nope.
Blaze: ...
Blaze: Huh.
Danika: You know that is absolutely NOT how you hold a knife, right?
And with that the party is over.

Zenobia: I would wonder if I'm high but there's no way I'm high.
Bentley: Doesn't it suck having to go to a weird surreal dimension every time we wanna have sex in here?
Zenobia: Maybe it's the Sutherland punishment for repeatedly screwing in things our kids use when we have perfectly good beds.
Bentley: Does that mean you don't wanna do this?
Zenobia: Of course not, get your trunks off.

RIP Dahlia's husband.
Yasmin (ie Dahlia's overbearing vampire mum): It's OK sweetie, now you can really focus on your vampiric studies!
Dahlia: I'm gonna go find a bar.
Yasmin: What will you do there?
Dahlia: I dunno. Hopefully the next husband.

I was gonna wait until morning because Aaliyah's birthday notification came through at midnight, but she woke up at 2.30 anyway so...yeah! Turn into a teen, Ali.

Here is teenage Aaliyah, complete with a new Insane* trait, adding to Gloomy and making her eligible! She is also now 2/3 Summer trait-wise.
Her eye colour, hair colour and nose come from Zen, but her skin, mouth and eye shape come from Bentley.
*Erratic? Sorry, EA. I get why you did it but, in this clusterfuck it will remain the Insane trait.

Here is a closeup of our gorgeous genetic mix of an eligible Gen 9-er. Aaliyah is a success!
Aaliyah: Uh...thanks?

Aaliyah: Why did this table ever seem so huge?
Her first action as a teen is to...eat some fruit salad. At 3.30 in the morning. Well, no-one ever said these Sims have a good daily schedule.
Aaliyah: Yeah yeah, don't care.

Bentley: There's a stranger in our garden. Why am I not more worried about this?
Aaliyah: Damn, he really is a huge idiot.
Bentley: Whatever, I'mma drink.
Aaliyah: And I may take some pictures! Show em to the bear. He's real fun.

Aaliyah: Well - whoa whoa whoa, Blarf, no need to sit at the table. You think you're people but you're...well...a stuffed bear.

Mason: I don't even know what need of mine to fulfil.
Toilet, then shower.
Mason: Alright, first I'll take a really really long bath...
That is not what I said!
Everything ended up fine but STILL.

Aaliyah: So...this is nice.
Lux: Not as nice as your idiot father's 'breakfast'. I wonder if he'll get fired.
Bentley: Not gonna happen, and as for my breakfast? Ha, you wish that were you.
Lux:...Tbh yeah.
Aaliyah: HAH!

Bentley: And I'm just like I don't even want that to happen because I just fuckin' love cake...
Lux: Heh. Help me.
Danika: *snicker*
Lux: You shut up. You're dead!
Danika: I hate this family.
Lux: Mwah.
Bentley: *snicker* She's all see-through 'n' stuuufff...
Lux: All of you just stop talking.
Bentley: Whad if we don't wanna lil Miss Lightbulb...

Aaliyah: Uuuuugh I'm gonna be a slave to that thing aren't I?
'Fraid so honey.
Aaliyah: God I can't wait to leave this hellhole.
Zenobia, somewhere: All my children are so ungrateful-

Zenobia: -so I need this time to knock - well not knock literally, har har - some sense into them, and -
Zenobia's boss: Yeah, Zenobia, we don't care - yes, we'll give you the holiday! *hangs up*
Zen: And that's how you get vacation time, kids.
Lux: My bitchface mother say what?
Danika: I literally don't listen to what she says anymore.
Zenobia: Hey shut up! *giggle*...I mean you're DEAD.
Danika: Oh why me.

Zenobia: Kid...uh, the creepy one. The one with the weird facial proportions.
Mason: Right, I'm definitely gonna humour you and give you my name now.
Zenobia: I'm a busy woman, alright...child of mine? You're definitely the fourth one, that much I know.
Mason: ...You're the worst.
Zenobia: Hey, hey, kid. What's your name man?
Mason: MA - AYYYY - SON SUTHERLAND - you tricked me.
Aaliyah: LMAO wrecked. Also your name is too short for that reference.
Mason: Way to be obvious, obvious one.
Zenobia: Just get ready for school, you two.

Aaliyah: Wow, finally I can get onto Tumblr...I've been waiting for this! ...Actually I haven't. It was a whim of mine two hours ago. Oh well.

Lux: What the - who logged me out of Tumblr? I can't even remember my own password! This ain't cool!

Lux: Well, this is a pretty sad birthday.
Danika: You're fifty Internet pranks and a hundred mean comments too far for any sympathy.
Lux: At least I'm alive and moving on with my life.
Danika: Ha ha. I swear that's you people's only comeback. Well your life is gonna be pretty sad so HAVE FUN WITH THAT.

Lux: Ayyy. Time to start my life.
Lux is facially a Blaze clone with all of Zenobia's colouring. She is an insane active genius who wants to know all things computers. She will be moving in with Ebony, her Auntie Mercy and Mercy's husband...ISSAC.
Can't get over that.

She has been made-over and booted. Bye Luxy!
And yeah, she has glasses now, because she's a Genius, on top of Active and Insane. She really got her parents' traits. Those lenses are plain glass. Don't tell anyone.

Bentley: No I am not having a good day and I will sleepily and lightly punch the next person who asks...wait, sorry Watcher, I'm at home now. Right...
Just take care of yourself you life failure.

Groot: Why am I even here. It's not like I like them. No siree.
Blaze: Your face is lame.
Groot: You lived with the Sutherlands, you know better comebacks...we're friends, really.

Blaze: We're really not, I don't know who the hell you are. And your face? Lame.
Why are you skulking around your ex-fiance's house at 11pm, Blaze?
Blaze: Uh...that blue guy is too.
He was actually invited. You were not.
Blaze: My kids?
Have moved out.
Blaze: Huh. I genuinely didn't know.

Lana's a grandma now! Congrats to her.

Aaliyah: Wait. A whole weekend. With the other people.
Aaliyah: Woe is me! Sink and dishes, help me out.
We're still doing that then?
Aaliyah: Aggggggh.

Aaliyah: I'll lay down right here...there'll never notice I'm gone.
Tbh they really won't.

Aaliyah: OK ew what's wrong with this thing, it's kind of sticky and - oh EW.

Zenobia: Haaa I can't believe you actually went in there. Seriously, no-one ever touches it.
Aaliyah: Yeah, I see why. And put some clothes on.
Zenobia: Oh, we're still doing that. I didn't even think you cared.
Aaliyah: We're still doing that, Mum, no-one wants to see you in your underwear!

Danika: I wonder if this is where Zenobia gets her dark pink energies...
Bentley: *sleepy mumbling* Why're you in here...it's 5am...
Danika: Everyone's awake already, bud. You're the odd one out here.
Bentley: But why are they...ugh. *pulls pillow over head*
Danika: So about this painting...
Hey, Bentley is for once the most sensible person in the house.

Zenobia: This is nice, isn't it?
Danika: Everyone else is wearing clothes.

And of course they snuck off to do this.
Bentley: You wanna talk or-
Zen: We haven't had a real conversation in fifteen years, I don't want to start now.

Yesssss Aaliyah. Seriously no-one ever does any cleaning around here.
Aaliyah: OK, thanks for the praise, but more importantly how did it suddenly get like this? Seriously, did someone go on infinite hikes and wash off their infinite walking boots an infinite number of times?...I'll just blame Mum. Things are always her fault.

How long have you been down here?
Mason:...This game is really hard so I've just been...staring at the pattern.

Aaliyah: As if! I'm completely right and this flamewar ain't never gonna end!
Aaliyah: Eheheheh.

Aaliyah: I feel PERSONALLY ATTACKED. Two people came upon my internet argument and disagreed with me!
So you're crying in the bath? Pull it together!

Aaliyah: You love me, don't you...leaves?
And now you're completely breaking down and we're not even halfway through the weekend.
Aaliyah:...what is my life? Damned insane trait.

Zenobia: And I'll be done with skilling very, very soon...
Bentley: I think I know what you're talking about!
Zenobia: So then we could [redacted]?
Bentley: And I'll [redacted] and [redacted].
Aaliyah: ...I...just...why.

Bentley: What's up with her?
Zen: I mean, I don't know much about kids but that's not supposed to happen.
Aaliyah: I think I just dislocated both my shoulders!

Mason: So let's try Level 1 again....seriously this game is hard!

Mason: See, you're the best one, Drago, but...like, what can I call you? There won't be anything as good as bear-apist!
Drago: That wasn't even good to begin with!
Blarffy: That's his point, dumbass.
Drago: Excuse me-?

Mercy had her kid. Shannon.
Issac: I'm sorry! I panicked when they asked me and this is the first thing that popped into my head!
Mercy: I just...whatever, Issac. Once I'm all fixed up you're getting a visit from the katana and that's that.

Heeyyyyy, Dahlia found the next husband!

Brad: It's been a while and wow am I glad to be out of the ghost realm for a bit! No computers down there.
Brad: Aaaand... the others keep laughing at me. That's the main reason, really.

Brad: *walks into the bathroom* Nice sink you've got there. It would-
Don't you dare.
Brad:...be nice to wash my hands. *washes the hands*
Ohhhh, thank you.

Mason: NO not the llama rider! Oh my-
Aaliyah: I do not want to hear about your dreams Mason!
Mason: But I-

Aaliyah: DAD-
Bentley: You're not gonna cook, OK? You have no idea how to. Me, I'm Level 3, sweetie. I'll make the food. For now, you can go get some pancakes.
Aaliyah: But they're cold!
Bentley: Yeah but they won't start a fire.
Wow, he actually exercised authority over one of his children. And prevented what was certainly going to be a fire.

Danika:...I want some fuckin attention.

Bentley: Hey son, I didn't see you there! Want me to move up?
Mason: Of course. You never see me.
Bentley: Are you practicing being angsty or something, now you're almost a teen? You don't have to-
Mason: No. I just hate you.

Mason: Ali, I think you need the bearapist.
Aaliyah: Quit bringing that up, it's crappy wordplay!
Mason: Aw, but-
Aaliyah: I'd sooner punch that damn bear!
Mason:...Oh God you're one of them.

Mason: OK Dad, we can play a game if you like...
Bentley: Whee! Throw me the ball, motion capture gaming system.
Mason: Dad....? Typical.

Aaliyah: Heeehhheheheheheh...
Ugh, that smile tho.

Mason: So. Uni. We don't talk much.
Uni: I've noticed.
Blarffy: Whine whine whine...
Danika: And then she's just all 'ha, you're dead' like that matters-!

Between this picture and the last there was about a...seven week hiatus where I didn't play this save? IDK. Anyway, have Bentley aggressively chicken-dancing at the rocket.
Bentley: I'll show you flying, bitch.

Bentley: Who stained this carpet?
Zenobia: Oh Bentley....

Zenobia: I'm freaked out...but more importantly I am TENSE! For I haven't seen my husband in two minutes!
Fucking jealous trait. Let's hope the next TH doesn't have it. It's been two generations and it's been grinding my gears.

Lilith adopted a teenager with her wife. Congrats I guess.
Also Zen isn't pregnant, which is good. This is like the first generation in ages in which we haven't had an unplanned child of some sort.
I really hope I haven't jinxed anything by saying that. Oh God she's gonna have a surprise baby isn't she.

ALSO...Bentley what the shit. I thought things were going OK with Zen.
Aaliyah: *sleepily* He snores...so much...

Aaliyah: I am...uncomfortable. Why have the need fairies done this?

Mason: Blocking the fridge and eating someone's floor chilli? My idea of a good Monday morning.

Aaliyah: Wouldn't it be nice if we had chairs?
Bentley: Yup.
Mason: Why? They're right. All we have is stools. Down with stools.

Mason: So this is my birthday, huh?
Afraid so. Unfortunately, your sister and aunt are at school and-
Mason: Who cares about my parents? I do not need them here. Let's age!

Mason: Am I not a handsome devil? I think I look pretty good!
That's because there's no mirror in the kitchen, honey.

I didn't get a CAS pic but he looks dead-eyed enough in this one for it to pass for a CAS pic.
So Mason looks a lot like Zen (in contrast to Ali who tends way more towards Bentley) and he adds the Cheerful trait to his perfectionism. He also has the Freelance Botanist aspiration a la his Auntie Lana.
He's cute, actually. I like him.

Bentley: WHO ARE YOU?
Mason: Mason, your s-
Bentley: This house is not a squat! I'm sorry if you're homeless, young man, but get out of here!
Mason:...Oh, Dad. Never change....wait what am I saying? Please change! This is screwing me up!
Next time, time passes. Also, MCCC can now break people up and I'm excited about it.
Score Sheet- 70
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (67) +335
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (6) +120
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (110) -550
Self Wetting (30) -150
Fires (13) -130
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