OK. Lemme just say one thing - I'm aiming for no more than four more chapters after this one. As long as I don't go overboard with pics, Gen 8 should be done by 8.17.

Danika: Welcome back, everyone. Everybody else is asleep, so you're stuck with me. You gotta problem? No? No. Let me get back to looking at Mum's mediocre paintings.

Glass: Cleaning is hard when you have ghost fingers.
Well you seem to have done a good job of it. Thanks, Glass!

Zenobia: Would this idiot just poison him already? Think of the children who watch this!
Zenobia: I don't want my children becoming...hesitant. No mercy, bitch!
Heh. Mercy.
Zenobia: Shut UP.

Zenobia: Get away from me, TV! I'll break my neck if I - OK, that's a lie. I'm willing to crick it. That's all.
Just eat your 5.30am chicken and STFU.

Aaliyah: This bathroom is unacceptable! How can I be clean when everything else is dirty?
As we discovered last chapter, Aaliyah has lost all of her chill. I think everyone could see it coming, TBH.

Seriously why do you always look like you're high?
Mariska:...Or anything, really. It could be anything. I don't remember that much of last night.

Besides being a well-meaning but faily parent, Bentley mostly just does this.
Bentley: Into the mouth of the shark!
It would be annoying but he's not hurting anyone or failing, plus he raises his skill and looks rly adorable so...keep at it.

Bentley: You wish you could-
I've You've all been using that line too much, don't.
Bentley: But I'm cool though, right?

Aaliyah: No way will I ever be that insane.
I sure hope you're eligible, because Lux is a clone.
JK I know exactly who's eligible, I know everything you kids will become
Lux: Leaf say what?
Danika: WHAT?
Ebony: How is that remotely similar-sounding...oh, is that a dead person?
What the shit, Eb, that has been there since...Summer's generation? Yeah. It's been a while.

Ebony: *gasp* AH! A DEAD PERSON! MU - actually, no. DAD - definitely not. GRANDM - fuck them all, actually.
Lux: *half-listening while on phone* Very mean, right?
Aaliyah: Much tough, very cruel.
Lux: You talk in outdated memes one more time and I'll beat you over the head with this phone.

Ebony: Groot, you're so lame that I feel sorry for Grandma because she has to live with you.
Ebony: Does that answer your question?
Groot:...Yes, Eb.
Ebony: Woo! I'm so mean!

Ebony:...No. You're a slut and I hate you.
Summer: Now, I'm your grandma, show me some-
Ebony: Respect? Nah.

Ebony the super-parent is back.
Mason: You're my favourite! I mean, not a high bar but-
Ebony: I'll take it! You may be a baby but you and Ali are the only people here I actually LIKE...

Lux: Mum! Look how much fun I'm having! Plus I can taunt and spin at the same time!
Zenobia:...This is bullshit.
You are TH.
Zenobia: Did I ask to be? Mercy's not TH and she lives a wonderful life!

Eb is a good caregiver, but she's still a teenager...and a Sutherland.
Ebony: I'm gonna get on that slide...Mason, stay in your corner and amuse yourself.
Mason: Don't leave me! I still need fun! I'm so tired! Eeeeeebbbb!

Zenobia: Cocky little shit.
Lux: Still more fun than what you're doing.
Zenobia: Shut your mouth.
Lux: You know I'm right.
Zenobia: SHUT IT!

Hey Kate!
Katelin: Sometimes I walk past and thank every possible deity that you didn't move me in there.
Also she's an adult but still looks like a YA.
I should probably update my MCCC.

Lux: You're 'starving', are you? Well, I hope you were being truly literal, Dad!
Ebony: Ooh, nice one!

Mason: This is BS, I don't have to stay here! I hate all of you!
Just do something.
Mason: *uses his nappy*
I didn't mean that.

Aaliyah: One dish only! All as is it should be!
There's a plate of spoiled macaroni in the dining room.
Aaliyah: There is ONE DISH. There will only ever be ONE DISH. Because I will make it so!

Bentley: OK, child's out of the highchair...now what?
Mason: *biggest internal facepalm possible*

Mercy asked Bentley to hang out, and I accepted.
Mercy: I only came over to use their devices...if the Feds dig too far they won't find MY IP address linked to all these orders of previously-legal highs.

Mason: What's going to happen next is your fault, Father.
Zen: Ooh. What did my idiot husband do now?
Bentley: Feelsbadman.
Mason: Don't gloat! This is your fault too!
Zen: My fault? But I'm insane!

Mason: I'm sorry, I just need to sleep!
Mercy: Ooh! ...Dammit, I had something for this.
Zenobia: Fuck this shit I'm out.
Mason: You're all the worst. At least Dad is just stupid. You two...
Are just evil. Literally in Mercy's case.

Lux: I bet we can get Ali to spaz out again, and go on some huge cleaning-
Ebony:...Lux, c'mon. Those kids aren't that bad. Reserve your hate for Dad and Grandma.
Lux: Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just don't want to do the dishes.

Danika:...I've been playing with this for about seventy years. Woo, look, a stupid button that doesn't do anything. There are three ladder rungs on the side of this piece of shit, everybody cheer. Wow, a tiny tunnel -
We get it! You're bored of being a child!

Ebony: I told you I'd be back! Now let's go to bed.
Mason: Better late than never.
Bentley: Bye-bye, son!
Mason: I hate you.

Zenobia: OK, story-
Mercy: HA HA HA!
Aaliyah: Hey, mum, your arm's really in a REST! Geddit, geddit?
Zenobia: *heavy sigh* Yes. At least my face isn't 0.2 inches away from being sliced right off...Mercy, stop that, I quite like this one.
Mercy: Feel the katana, child!
Aaliyah: I feel it.
Mercy: Feel it MORE!
Zenobia: Sis GTFO for the love of God.
So this is what happens when I try and have Zenobia finally make a little headway on her aspiration.

I feel like this might sum up Zen and Bentley. It's going in the banner (if I ever make it, this generation has been going on for months SMH).
Bentley: Hehe...what.
Zenobia: Oh, wow, a completely random man.
Bentley: What.
Zenobia: Trololololol

Lilith found a wife! I think this is her third spouse? Good for her.

Caleb married one of Del's grandchildren. Megan married his twin. I guess her other husband kicked the bucket.
Fredrick: ...So...we're behind the registry office with a couple of certificates and costume suit jackets.
Abel: Eventful night out, I guess?
Caleb: Hell yeah!
Megan: I'm not complaining.
Fredrick: I am! The certificate says I'm married to this one, and he's in love with someone else!
Abel: Now, twin, how do you know that?
Fredrick: He complained about it last night! I'm never drinking again, I swear! And whose pants are these? Not mine, for sure.
*awkward silence*
Megan: ...Y'know this is kinda like how I met my first husband!
Would you watch this sitcom? I might.

Aaliyah: I just really need to blow something up...my mother's storytimes ain't fun.
Blarffy: I can imagine...hey wait, does this count?
Aaliyah: Y'know, I didn't say I wanted to blow YOU up!

Brad:...My whole life, WASTED!
You asked your daughter out the other day. Your afterlife is being wasted too.
Brad: That wasn't meant for her! I was calling SUMMER!
Is that better? Wait, yes it is. But come on dude...desperate.

Mason: OH GHOST!
I suppose there must have one somewhere.
Mason: It just flew out the window! Dammit, I wanted my sleep.

Brad: Heh. Sorry, little dude.

Mason: See, Mum? Ebony helps me and gives me flashcards while you-
Zenobia: I'm gonna eat some leftover chicken, and fuck all of your opinions about that!
Ebony: Don't worry, little Mason. She's worth nothing. Look, she has her hand stuck in the hall table.
Mason: That does make feel good. I didn't say 'better' because I wasn't sad, BECAUSE I don't care about her opinion!
Ebony: You are the BEST brother.
Zenobia: Screw the lot of you smug little shits.

Bentley: *imitating* Do LEARNY things with me, your so-called mean sister-
Ebony: Mason, ignore your dumbass father and tell me this. How many blocks are on the card?
Mason: Twenty-one?
Ebony: MASON-
Mason: OK, OK! Three! I was kidding!

Lux: A whole morning without these fools bothering me - and I got the good tub! Today is a blessed day!
Holy shit Lux is gorgeous. This hair really works for her.

Bentley is doing something useful for Mason OMG.
Mason:...This bath is too nice for me to hate you.
Bentley: Thanks...son.
Mason: *small tear of joy* I mean...whatever.

Bentley: And a nice bowl of semi-unhealthy cereal!
Mason:...But seriously, who are you and what did you do with the real one?

Mariska's first grandchild, and Summer's first great-grandchild, has arrived.

Lux: Hey! Ali! There are loads and loads of DISHES!

Aaliyah: Dish senses say NO! Very funny, leave me alone, I'm gonna go play on the computer.

Considering all the bullshit with the bathing outfits I put up with, this should not bother me as much as it is.
Danika: It's bothering ME! It may be a ghost dress but it's still way too thick for the sauna!

Lux: No SHIT we haven't always gotten along. Would you like me to tell you why?
Summer: Well, I-
Lux: Number One: You repeatedly slept with my dad and later MARRIED him even though you're our GRANDMA. That's fucked up.
Summer: Can't we all just get over that?
Lux: Shut up! Number Two: Remember that time you spent an entire morning verbally abusing me when I was a toddler? Yeah. You can't come back from that, Grandma. So in conclusion fuck off.

Mason: Mum why isn't she wearing real clothes?
Zenobia: Don't be so uptight, Mason. We are not like your grandmother anymore, remember?
Lux: Yeah, get it together kid...but Mum, this is only fine because people would actually want to see this body.
Zenobia:...Get the hell out and think about what you've said.
Lux: Meh. I'll leave. But I never think about what I say!
Mason: I think that's this family's problem.
Zenobia: Hmm.

Zenobia: I think my daughters used all the good roasts...hang on, lemme just say that those sunglasses make people like you even less, you should be ashamed, you're an idiot, goodbye!

Lux: What could go wrong?

Lux: See? Everything is fine. I'm doing way better at life than YOU, TEA MACHINE.
Tea Machine: OK it's you people in this house that made me this way.

Ebony: Sister you copied me! I was making those!
Is the only reason I can think of as to why Eb would stop cooking Franks and Beans and spend another $15 on hot dogs WHILE UNCOMFORTABLE, JESUS EB.

I knew it.
God fucking damn it, Ebony.
Ebony: Uh...guys?

Mason: Why can't I ever get real sleep?
Aaliyah: I think my tense feelings are quite justified, right little bro?
Mason:...Whatever, sis. Let's just hope they deal with it.
Aaliyah: Those assholes? They're idiots! We're going to DIE.

Zenobia: Get out of my way, dead child.
Lux: Fucking game mechanics...and fucking idiot Ebony.
Zenobia: Pot shouldn't call the kettle black, dear. You're the one scowling at it and whining instead of doing something.
Lux: Hmmph...
Zenobia: Honestly what would you idiots do without me?
Danika: They'd die, but at least they would have lived happy lives.
Zenobia:...How dare you.

Yes, Eb. Earn back those points you just lost me.

Aaliyah: Hey, sink, screw you! You will never match up to the dishwasher!
Lux: *shudder* That kid is insane.
Tea Machine: Says you.
Aaliyah: Jeez Lux. Who're you talking to? You really are insane.

Lux:...Yeah, not my thing. Plus it's a school night!
Groot: OK...fine...totally didn't rent out the whole place or anything.
Lux: Then that was your mistake. Text me how many people actually went tomorrow morning.
Groot: It shall be loads! I don't need you!

Ashby's children are breeding a whole lot...while Mercy and Felix have not bred at all, and Lana still only has 1 kid...
:( I wanna see some more spare spawn. At least Felix is having kids in the Perfect Genetics Legacy, while Mercy is a vampire and has a while.

Mason: Ancestor of mine...why.
I might have to put the dollhouse somewhere else. Ghosts are always fucking haunting that thing.

Ida: No, but SERIOUSLY-it wasn't my fault, OK baby?
You're not even in the same room as him!
Ida: He can hear me.
I don't really think-

Mason: Not good enough! Not good enough! I demand a BETTER excuse! ...And some food. My stomach is freaking eating itself!

Aaliyah: -you don't understand, this place is insane!
Dino: Ugh, right?
Uni: I've been here the second longest. You, little girl, and that idiotic dinosaur don't understand SHIT.
Mason:...Who woke you up?
Aaliyah:...Nothing much. Just needed the loo. Could go back to sleep but...nah.
Mason: You ungrateful little-

Aahana don't leave us.
I flagged her as 'don't cull' and hoped for the best.

The same dumb dress showed up on Ali. I hit 'randomise' in MC Dresser about a thousand times and got something that made sense.
Aaliyah: Yawn. You could have made it interesting.
Listen here you little shit that took a lot of work.

Lux: I may not be mistress of the house but I have this SAUNA!
You own nothing.
I'm just going to leave you here to talk to yourself then.

Lux: Hey look, I'm all wonky!
Just keep exercising ya little weirdo.
Lux: Uh. Eb's the little one.
Lux: I don't like that either!

Danika: You're my favourite person in this awful house, y'know.
Aaliyah:...Yeah sure. Just pick up your dishes.
Danika: You're still on that?
Zenobia: Isn't this cute? Why don't you guys be each other's bridesmaids? Oh wait, won't happen.

Mason is finally growing up. Thank fuck. I'm so tired of toddlers.
Mason: This is the happiest day of my life so far...even though I'm sure I'm about to lose an arm.
Zenobia: Whatever, kid. Screw your mangled arm! Become...self-sufficient!

Zenobia: That's that done, off to work now!
Zenobia: Self-sufficiency, honey. Self-sufficiency.

He's a perfectionist and Whiz Kid, a very good mix of Bentley and Zenobia's genes (hands down the best genetic mix of the generation), so he dresses like this. Also, it's a cute outfit IMO.

The Rumours Were True: This Boy Has No Chin.
Don't worry Mason, you're still kinda cute.

Mason: Oh blessed blessed sleep...

After his nap, Mason chose to...eat!
Wow. He is the most interesting of children.
Mason: Peaceful, huh...is it always like this as a self-sufficient one? Cos I could get used to this!
Don't, everyone will be home in about 3 hours. Savour it instead.

He wasn't even Focused.
And he pulled out his homework and just started doing it.
Who cares about the lack of chin and huge cheeks? I love this kid.
Mason: When else would I get this done? The others are about to be home!
...Absolutely fair enough. But if you were any of 'the others' the answer to your question would be 'never'. You'd never do it. Like them!

Danika: I'd forgotten what it was like to have non-ghost organs.
Lux: Can we talk about this when you're out of me?
Ebony: When we told the driver to drop us off at the same place, this isn't what we meant!
Aaliyah: Too right.
Lux: How are you talking?

Lux: Get out of me! Get out of me! *elbows*
Danika: I...*wince* don't feel a thing! Incorporeality, heh heh.

Ebony: I guess I'll - wait. No more toddlers. Shit, now what do I do?
Aaliyah: To sleep...not to sleep? It's a conundrum.

Mason: Plotting route to Starship. Ground Control to Major Tom. Coordinates are - oh. It's you. What?
You're a very serious child.
Mason: I think I have to be. Otherwise I'll become like the rest of them. And possibly lose my mind.

Mason: I am helping my poor crazy sister!
Which one?
Mason: Uh, the only decent one. Duh.

Lux you were in the bath. I could see you...why did you get out?
Lux:...Wasn't feeling it.
Get back in.
Lux: Make me.
Lux: Fine...being this dirty is actually really unpleasant so I'll do it. But not for you! Never for you!

Lux: Is it any wonder I don't want to take a bath with crap like this happening?]
Danika: Incorporeality!
Lux: Yeah but I can SEE you!

Mason: Nice bath, sis?
Uh...kid. Don't be creepy.
Lux: Get the FUCK out! That means you too Danika, I can still see you!

Danika: Fine! I'll leave! But I was NEVER IN THERE.
Mason: Hehe. Idiots.
Danika: Hey, at least I'm not the one grinning like a loon at the sight of my teenage sister's naked body.
Mason:...You were in there too, y'know.
Danika: I was not!
Mason: We all saw you.
Danika: Whatever, creep.

Zenobia: *having overheard everything* This many children in the house, four of them my own, and all of them are fucking idiots.

Zenobia: Lovely brother...
Felix: Yeah?
Zenobia: Don't get high. Get fucked. I'm bored with your incessant calling. You're worse than that Caleb dude.

Bentley: *throws out hands* I got promoted!...How?
Idk, scientist is quite easy-
Bentley: No, seriously! How? I was stuck in the break-room fridge half the day!

Mason: Hey. Hey! I'm cleaning.
Zenobia: Oh wow, Mason...maybe next time don't boast and start with repairing the darn dishwasher you little shit!
Mason: Me...repair...are you joking?
Zenobia: What do you think?
Mason: You're really hard to please.
Zenobia: Tbh...yeah.

Aaliyah: Woe is me. In fact, so woeful is my life that the sheer strength of the woe will break through this door. 1..2...whatever...

Zenobia: I think we're out of practice?
Bentley: Nah!
I'm afraid your wife's right, Bents. WTF even is this shit.

Zenobia: First one there has to be the one leaning against the telescope!
Bentley: I'll take that and run even faster! I love you but I also love my back, Zen!
Zenobia: Yeah, you do that, Bentley!

Aaliyah: Wait what did I do?
Danika: You got really dramatic and ran into a door, OK? For the fourth time!...Ugh, I'm too old for this shit.
Aaliyah: I'm older than you.
Danika: OK but I'm like...seventy.

Aaliyah:...seriously? That really doesn't sound like something I'd do.
Danika: Well that's how it happened, Aaliyah. For the eleventh time. Now stop asking me. I don't care about your concussion.

Danika:...but for a second there, I thought you'd join me in...y'know. This plane of existence.
Aaliyah: Yeah...but I'm not dead. I'm not a ghost child.
Danika: *sigh* Yeah...
Aaliyah: You're not...sad about that...are you?
Danika: Hahahaha of course not...

Why did I think this would be a good one to complete? MAYBE the first and last one are doable but...eesh. She's going to be my first heir since Ryan to not complete an aspiration and that makes me sad.
Zenobia: My whole life has been wasted.

Mercy: I think you're the only one awake, Aaliyah! Never mind, any party's a katana party, no matter the number of people.
Aaliyah: Oh please God help.

Bentley: Partaaaayyyy. Can't say I'm lame now, right?
Actually I can. You're a 50 year-old man drinking alone on his balcony at 2.30am. Bit lame.
Bentley: Aw, but it's Friday night!
I don't care! Still lame, man. Still lame.

RIP Megan, irrational bitch, and much more awesome than any child of Matt's had any right to be. You will be missed.

Aaliyah: Glasses will not be left uncleared either! *face of determination*
You got out of bed at 4.45am, with a yellow sleep bar, because of a glass.

Ebony: Damn, that girl was raised wrong! Flouting her Circadian rhythms.
You say as you go to grab a taco from the fridge...it's still 4.45.
Ebony:...I just really need the taco in my life right now, OK.

Ebony: Don't talk to her, Aaliyah.
Aaliyah: Yeah, Eb, I'm gonna totally talk to the random dead woman in our backyard...I'm seven, not stupid, OK?
Glass: But it's me! Your Great-Grandma! C'mon, Zenny, tell em.
Zenobia: I would prefer not to.
Glass: Wow, you really are as bitchy as Brad says.
Zenobia: You listen to the garbage that guy spews? More fool you. But seriously, my grandparents died when I was like, a baby. I have no idea who you are!
Glass:...Fair enough.
Ebony: Now would you get out?
Aaliyah: And take me with you?

Zenobia: Well, that was fun...duh, Watcher, of course I know who that is. Mum keeps pictures of people. She actually loved her parents, the stupid bitch.

Glass: Hey, hey Ali, I'm a mime!
Aaliyah: Stop mocking the great process of eating!...No, seriously, I'm eating and I'd like you to stop. Again, seven, not stupid.
Ebony: Who says you can't be both?
Aaliyah:...Your mum!
Ebony: We have the same mum, dillweed.
Lux:...Well this is a riveting conversation, right weird ghost lady in our yard?

Aaliyah: That was weird.
Lux: No shit.
Ebony: You don't actually want to leave, do you?
Lux: Don't get sappy on us, Miss 'Mean'.
Mason: Ebony? Mean?
Ebony: Us? Who says I give a shit about you, Lux?
Aaliyah: Aw snap!
Ebony: Boom! Meanness!
Mason: You're all weird.
Lux: Whatever. You're a little creep.
Aaliyah: Aw SNAP!
Lux: Aaliyah stop saying that or I swear I will throttle you.

Ebony: Welp. I'm out. Aaliyah already ran off to have a breakdown about plates by the jungle gym so..I'm out.
Lux: Yeah, I'mma watch TV...
Danika: Aw come on guys...I just got here!
Mason: I've got food. I'll hang with ya...
Danika: Ugh, whatever.
Mason: Hey, I am the most normal person here.
Lux: Last night tells a different story.

Emmanuel: Mmm yeah, baby, keep on with that sliding.

Ebony: *resigned, fake smile* Guess I'll go inside and watch TV.
Emmanuel: Wait no, was it something I said?
Ebony: It was everything.

Mason: They won't let last night go, will they?
Absolutely not; you know this.
Mason:...I shall remain stoic. For now, I consume water.

Oh, look. Their hatred for Groot is so strong it keeps him from truly being in this neighbourhood.
Lux: Yes!
Ebony: And he looks like an idiot too!
Aaliyah: Meh, whatever. I didn't even fully realise that dude existed.
Mason: I would not have pegged Ebony for being so mean...
Zenobia: *in the observatory* Well I'm definitely going to treasure the sight of THAT-
Groot: I hate my life.

Jayme (who is the wife of Elin's grandchild): Wow, Iris. I know you're old and all...but did you get dressed in the dark?
Iris: Hey, take a look at yourself, Missy.
Jayme:...At least I'm wearing pants! And I'm sans nose-ring and bad aviator sunglasses!
I did use MC Dresser to randomise them into half-decent things. And there's Groot in the background, fully rendered.

Lux: Really? That's...ugh! I must increase my level of hatred!
Mason: No don't do that.
Lux: You think I'm going to listen to you?

Bentley for fuck's sake. Please don't be a Brad.
Bentley: Don't worry! Zen won't stray from me!
I sure hope not.

Ebony: OK, fun chat but get out. I wanna bathe.
Lux: Of course. Who do you think I am, Mason?
Ebony: Ha, touche...but would you get out?
Lux: Yeah, yeah, I'm going, calm your tits.
Mason (on other side of wall): IT WAS ONE THING.
Lux: Pretty big thing.

Sorry about the UI but I just wanted to show this and say..
Bentley you dick.
Bentley: Weights? This just ain't your thing, Luxy.
Lux: Active is my trait you idiot. *looks past him* Hey, hey Watcher! *smirk, giggle* Really picked a winner here, didn't you?

Bentley: This little book I pulled out of my ass says - wait, wrong ass-book.
Lux: Whatever.
Why is this even an interaction? WTF Bentley.

Lux: I just finished my set. I'll finish many more in the future. I'm going to kick your ass, Bentley.
Bentley: Hehe *gulp*...I think I may have made an error.

Aaliyah:...seriously, she says I ran into a door? Like who would do that?
Blarffy:...A Sutherland, to be honest.

Bentley: I just discouraged your daughter from following a hobby!
Zenobia: Whatever man, just kiss me. I've been locked in the observatory all day and I need to feel the touch of another human.

Mason: Ah, the place of my suffering...all those interrupted nights!
Aaliyah: He's pretty far out isn't he?
Lux: He's also a little creep.
Mason: And I am still not accepted...
Aaliyah: He also talks to himself.
Lux: Fuckin' weirdo...
Mason: OK seriously, you guys are hypocrites.

Mason: Do you accept me?
Danika: Well you're not rude or outright annoying to me so...yeah.
Mason: Screw the others, am I right?
Danika: Ugh. Sure. Whatever. But I'm not doing any alliance shit, for real.
Mason your parents are attractive, why do you look like this. What is happening to your face?

If this bitch starts another fire...
Ebony: Don't worry. If I watch the 'dogs real hard, they can't possibly catch fire!

Of course two are doing homework at once. Zen, help someone!
Zenobia: I am so good at this!
Lux: *snort*

Mason:...Well this all just took a turn for the unpleasant. I just wanted one nice thing. ONE.

Mason: Mum...can you leave please?
Zenobia: So now he respects privacy? Funny.
Mason: You too?
Zenobia: Of course, honey!

Aaliyah: Oooooh, bro, having fun on the TOILET?
Mason:...Not particularly. Are you also mocking me?
Aaliyah: Nah.
Mason: Y'know what, I like y-
Aaliyah: Can we talk about this when you're not on the toilet? Thanks.

Ebony: Dad. No. You burned your bridges. Stop.

Aaliyah: -yeah, and he's just asking if he's being mocked, guys. I think poor Mason's got some problems.
Uni: Don't we all?
Dino: Yep! I have to sit next to you! Zing!
Aaliyah: Come on man, don't say 'zing'.
Uni: Also, fucking same to you!

Zen: *sleepily* I'm wivva chaiiirrr...
Zen: That would be you, dumbass...*yawn*

Elin's twin sons died. RIP Charles and Duncan. We barely knew ye.

Felix is married now...fucking finally am I right?
Tara: What have I done.
Felix: No cri, I'm awesome! You'll have a great time!
Tara: Well our wedding night was already underwhelming...seriously WHAT HAVE I DONE.

A late in life baby for Azzy and Caiphus (their firstborn is a teen) and Mercy's having a kid too.
Mercy: I wanna stab it.
Issac: Honey please, I love that katana..seriously I love it when you use that thing...but not on our child, please!...Wait until it's out of the womb before you introduce.

And Mariska's going to be a grandma!
Next time...I dunno. Might be a birthday. Time will pass. And so on.
Pass Out (110) -550

Danika: Welcome back, everyone. Everybody else is asleep, so you're stuck with me. You gotta problem? No? No. Let me get back to looking at Mum's mediocre paintings.

Glass: Cleaning is hard when you have ghost fingers.
Well you seem to have done a good job of it. Thanks, Glass!

Zenobia: Would this idiot just poison him already? Think of the children who watch this!
Zenobia: I don't want my children becoming...hesitant. No mercy, bitch!
Heh. Mercy.
Zenobia: Shut UP.

Zenobia: Get away from me, TV! I'll break my neck if I - OK, that's a lie. I'm willing to crick it. That's all.
Just eat your 5.30am chicken and STFU.

Aaliyah: This bathroom is unacceptable! How can I be clean when everything else is dirty?
As we discovered last chapter, Aaliyah has lost all of her chill. I think everyone could see it coming, TBH.

Seriously why do you always look like you're high?
Mariska:...Or anything, really. It could be anything. I don't remember that much of last night.

Besides being a well-meaning but faily parent, Bentley mostly just does this.
Bentley: Into the mouth of the shark!
It would be annoying but he's not hurting anyone or failing, plus he raises his skill and looks rly adorable so...keep at it.

Bentley: You wish you could-
Bentley: But I'm cool though, right?

Aaliyah: No way will I ever be that insane.
I sure hope you're eligible, because Lux is a clone.
Lux: Leaf say what?
Danika: WHAT?
Ebony: How is that remotely similar-sounding...oh, is that a dead person?
What the shit, Eb, that has been there since...Summer's generation? Yeah. It's been a while.

Ebony: *gasp* AH! A DEAD PERSON! MU - actually, no. DAD - definitely not. GRANDM - fuck them all, actually.
Lux: *half-listening while on phone* Very mean, right?
Aaliyah: Much tough, very cruel.
Lux: You talk in outdated memes one more time and I'll beat you over the head with this phone.

Ebony: Groot, you're so lame that I feel sorry for Grandma because she has to live with you.
Ebony: Does that answer your question?
Groot:...Yes, Eb.
Ebony: Woo! I'm so mean!

Ebony:...No. You're a slut and I hate you.
Summer: Now, I'm your grandma, show me some-
Ebony: Respect? Nah.

Ebony the super-parent is back.
Mason: You're my favourite! I mean, not a high bar but-
Ebony: I'll take it! You may be a baby but you and Ali are the only people here I actually LIKE...

Lux: Mum! Look how much fun I'm having! Plus I can taunt and spin at the same time!
Zenobia:...This is bullshit.
You are TH.
Zenobia: Did I ask to be? Mercy's not TH and she lives a wonderful life!

Eb is a good caregiver, but she's still a teenager...and a Sutherland.
Ebony: I'm gonna get on that slide...Mason, stay in your corner and amuse yourself.
Mason: Don't leave me! I still need fun! I'm so tired! Eeeeeebbbb!

Zenobia: Cocky little shit.
Lux: Still more fun than what you're doing.
Zenobia: Shut your mouth.
Lux: You know I'm right.
Zenobia: SHUT IT!

Hey Kate!
Katelin: Sometimes I walk past and thank every possible deity that you didn't move me in there.
Also she's an adult but still looks like a YA.
I should probably update my MCCC.

Lux: You're 'starving', are you? Well, I hope you were being truly literal, Dad!
Ebony: Ooh, nice one!

Mason: This is BS, I don't have to stay here! I hate all of you!
Just do something.
Mason: *uses his nappy*
I didn't mean that.

Aaliyah: One dish only! All as is it should be!
There's a plate of spoiled macaroni in the dining room.
Aaliyah: There is ONE DISH. There will only ever be ONE DISH. Because I will make it so!

Bentley: OK, child's out of the highchair...now what?
Mason: *biggest internal facepalm possible*

Mercy asked Bentley to hang out, and I accepted.
Mercy: I only came over to use their devices...if the Feds dig too far they won't find MY IP address linked to all these orders of previously-legal highs.

Mason: What's going to happen next is your fault, Father.
Zen: Ooh. What did my idiot husband do now?
Bentley: Feelsbadman.
Mason: Don't gloat! This is your fault too!
Zen: My fault? But I'm insane!

Mason: I'm sorry, I just need to sleep!
Mercy: Ooh! ...Dammit, I had something for this.
Zenobia: Fuck this shit I'm out.
Mason: You're all the worst. At least Dad is just stupid. You two...
Are just evil. Literally in Mercy's case.

Lux: I bet we can get Ali to spaz out again, and go on some huge cleaning-
Ebony:...Lux, c'mon. Those kids aren't that bad. Reserve your hate for Dad and Grandma.
Lux: Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just don't want to do the dishes.

Danika:...I've been playing with this for about seventy years. Woo, look, a stupid button that doesn't do anything. There are three ladder rungs on the side of this piece of shit, everybody cheer. Wow, a tiny tunnel -
We get it! You're bored of being a child!

Ebony: I told you I'd be back! Now let's go to bed.
Mason: Better late than never.
Bentley: Bye-bye, son!
Mason: I hate you.

Zenobia: OK, story-
Mercy: HA HA HA!
Aaliyah: Hey, mum, your arm's really in a REST! Geddit, geddit?
Zenobia: *heavy sigh* Yes. At least my face isn't 0.2 inches away from being sliced right off...Mercy, stop that, I quite like this one.
Mercy: Feel the katana, child!
Aaliyah: I feel it.
Mercy: Feel it MORE!
Zenobia: Sis GTFO for the love of God.
So this is what happens when I try and have Zenobia finally make a little headway on her aspiration.

I feel like this might sum up Zen and Bentley. It's going in the banner (if I ever make it, this generation has been going on for months SMH).
Bentley: Hehe...what.
Zenobia: Oh, wow, a completely random man.
Bentley: What.
Zenobia: Trololololol

Lilith found a wife! I think this is her third spouse? Good for her.

Caleb married one of Del's grandchildren. Megan married his twin. I guess her other husband kicked the bucket.
Fredrick: ...So...we're behind the registry office with a couple of certificates and costume suit jackets.
Abel: Eventful night out, I guess?
Caleb: Hell yeah!
Megan: I'm not complaining.
Fredrick: I am! The certificate says I'm married to this one, and he's in love with someone else!
Abel: Now, twin, how do you know that?
Fredrick: He complained about it last night! I'm never drinking again, I swear! And whose pants are these? Not mine, for sure.
*awkward silence*
Megan: ...Y'know this is kinda like how I met my first husband!
Would you watch this sitcom? I might.

Aaliyah: I just really need to blow something up...my mother's storytimes ain't fun.
Blarffy: I can imagine...hey wait, does this count?
Aaliyah: Y'know, I didn't say I wanted to blow YOU up!

Brad:...My whole life, WASTED!
You asked your daughter out the other day. Your afterlife is being wasted too.
Brad: That wasn't meant for her! I was calling SUMMER!
Is that better? Wait, yes it is. But come on dude...desperate.

Mason: OH GHOST!
I suppose there must have one somewhere.
Mason: It just flew out the window! Dammit, I wanted my sleep.

Brad: Heh. Sorry, little dude.

Mason: See, Mum? Ebony helps me and gives me flashcards while you-
Zenobia: I'm gonna eat some leftover chicken, and fuck all of your opinions about that!
Ebony: Don't worry, little Mason. She's worth nothing. Look, she has her hand stuck in the hall table.
Mason: That does make feel good. I didn't say 'better' because I wasn't sad, BECAUSE I don't care about her opinion!
Ebony: You are the BEST brother.
Zenobia: Screw the lot of you smug little shits.

Bentley: *imitating* Do LEARNY things with me, your so-called mean sister-
Ebony: Mason, ignore your dumbass father and tell me this. How many blocks are on the card?
Mason: Twenty-one?
Ebony: MASON-
Mason: OK, OK! Three! I was kidding!

Lux: A whole morning without these fools bothering me - and I got the good tub! Today is a blessed day!
Holy shit Lux is gorgeous. This hair really works for her.

Bentley is doing something useful for Mason OMG.
Mason:...This bath is too nice for me to hate you.
Bentley: Thanks...son.
Mason: *small tear of joy* I mean...whatever.

Bentley: And a nice bowl of semi-unhealthy cereal!
Mason:...But seriously, who are you and what did you do with the real one?

Mariska's first grandchild, and Summer's first great-grandchild, has arrived.

Lux: Hey! Ali! There are loads and loads of DISHES!

Aaliyah: Dish senses say NO! Very funny, leave me alone, I'm gonna go play on the computer.

Considering all the bullshit with the bathing outfits I put up with, this should not bother me as much as it is.
Danika: It's bothering ME! It may be a ghost dress but it's still way too thick for the sauna!

Lux: No SHIT we haven't always gotten along. Would you like me to tell you why?
Summer: Well, I-
Lux: Number One: You repeatedly slept with my dad and later MARRIED him even though you're our GRANDMA. That's fucked up.
Summer: Can't we all just get over that?
Lux: Shut up! Number Two: Remember that time you spent an entire morning verbally abusing me when I was a toddler? Yeah. You can't come back from that, Grandma. So in conclusion fuck off.

Mason: Mum why isn't she wearing real clothes?
Zenobia: Don't be so uptight, Mason. We are not like your grandmother anymore, remember?
Lux: Yeah, get it together kid...but Mum, this is only fine because people would actually want to see this body.
Zenobia:...Get the hell out and think about what you've said.
Lux: Meh. I'll leave. But I never think about what I say!
Mason: I think that's this family's problem.
Zenobia: Hmm.

Zenobia: I think my daughters used all the good roasts...hang on, lemme just say that those sunglasses make people like you even less, you should be ashamed, you're an idiot, goodbye!

Lux: What could go wrong?

Lux: See? Everything is fine. I'm doing way better at life than YOU, TEA MACHINE.
Tea Machine: OK it's you people in this house that made me this way.

Ebony: Sister you copied me! I was making those!
Is the only reason I can think of as to why Eb would stop cooking Franks and Beans and spend another $15 on hot dogs WHILE UNCOMFORTABLE, JESUS EB.

I knew it.
God fucking damn it, Ebony.
Ebony: Uh...guys?

Mason: Why can't I ever get real sleep?
Aaliyah: I think my tense feelings are quite justified, right little bro?
Mason:...Whatever, sis. Let's just hope they deal with it.
Aaliyah: Those assholes? They're idiots! We're going to DIE.

Zenobia: Get out of my way, dead child.
Lux: Fucking game mechanics...and fucking idiot Ebony.
Zenobia: Pot shouldn't call the kettle black, dear. You're the one scowling at it and whining instead of doing something.
Lux: Hmmph...
Zenobia: Honestly what would you idiots do without me?
Danika: They'd die, but at least they would have lived happy lives.
Zenobia:...How dare you.

Yes, Eb. Earn back those points you just lost me.

Aaliyah: Hey, sink, screw you! You will never match up to the dishwasher!
Lux: *shudder* That kid is insane.
Tea Machine: Says you.
Aaliyah: Jeez Lux. Who're you talking to? You really are insane.

Lux:...Yeah, not my thing. Plus it's a school night!
Groot: OK...fine...totally didn't rent out the whole place or anything.
Lux: Then that was your mistake. Text me how many people actually went tomorrow morning.
Groot: It shall be loads! I don't need you!

Ashby's children are breeding a whole lot...while Mercy and Felix have not bred at all, and Lana still only has 1 kid...
:( I wanna see some more spare spawn. At least Felix is having kids in the Perfect Genetics Legacy, while Mercy is a vampire and has a while.

Mason: Ancestor of mine...why.
I might have to put the dollhouse somewhere else. Ghosts are always fucking haunting that thing.

Ida: No, but SERIOUSLY-it wasn't my fault, OK baby?
You're not even in the same room as him!
Ida: He can hear me.
I don't really think-

Mason: Not good enough! Not good enough! I demand a BETTER excuse! ...And some food. My stomach is freaking eating itself!

Aaliyah: -you don't understand, this place is insane!
Dino: Ugh, right?
Uni: I've been here the second longest. You, little girl, and that idiotic dinosaur don't understand SHIT.
Mason:...Who woke you up?
Aaliyah:...Nothing much. Just needed the loo. Could go back to sleep but...nah.
Mason: You ungrateful little-

Aahana don't leave us.
I flagged her as 'don't cull' and hoped for the best.

The same dumb dress showed up on Ali. I hit 'randomise' in MC Dresser about a thousand times and got something that made sense.
Aaliyah: Yawn. You could have made it interesting.
Listen here you little shit that took a lot of work.

Lux: I may not be mistress of the house but I have this SAUNA!
You own nothing.
I'm just going to leave you here to talk to yourself then.

Lux: Hey look, I'm all wonky!
Just keep exercising ya little weirdo.
Lux: Uh. Eb's the little one.
Lux: I don't like that either!

Danika: You're my favourite person in this awful house, y'know.
Aaliyah:...Yeah sure. Just pick up your dishes.
Danika: You're still on that?
Zenobia: Isn't this cute? Why don't you guys be each other's bridesmaids? Oh wait, won't happen.

Mason is finally growing up. Thank fuck. I'm so tired of toddlers.
Mason: This is the happiest day of my life so far...even though I'm sure I'm about to lose an arm.
Zenobia: Whatever, kid. Screw your mangled arm! Become...self-sufficient!

Zenobia: That's that done, off to work now!
Zenobia: Self-sufficiency, honey. Self-sufficiency.

He's a perfectionist and Whiz Kid, a very good mix of Bentley and Zenobia's genes (hands down the best genetic mix of the generation), so he dresses like this. Also, it's a cute outfit IMO.

The Rumours Were True: This Boy Has No Chin.
Don't worry Mason, you're still kinda cute.

Mason: Oh blessed blessed sleep...

After his nap, Mason chose to...eat!
Wow. He is the most interesting of children.
Mason: Peaceful, huh...is it always like this as a self-sufficient one? Cos I could get used to this!
Don't, everyone will be home in about 3 hours. Savour it instead.

He wasn't even Focused.
And he pulled out his homework and just started doing it.
Who cares about the lack of chin and huge cheeks? I love this kid.
Mason: When else would I get this done? The others are about to be home!
...Absolutely fair enough. But if you were any of 'the others' the answer to your question would be 'never'. You'd never do it. Like them!

Danika: I'd forgotten what it was like to have non-ghost organs.
Lux: Can we talk about this when you're out of me?
Ebony: When we told the driver to drop us off at the same place, this isn't what we meant!
Aaliyah: Too right.
Lux: How are you talking?

Lux: Get out of me! Get out of me! *elbows*
Danika: I...*wince* don't feel a thing! Incorporeality, heh heh.

Ebony: I guess I'll - wait. No more toddlers. Shit, now what do I do?
Aaliyah: To sleep...not to sleep? It's a conundrum.

Mason: Plotting route to Starship. Ground Control to Major Tom. Coordinates are - oh. It's you. What?
You're a very serious child.
Mason: I think I have to be. Otherwise I'll become like the rest of them. And possibly lose my mind.

Mason: I am helping my poor crazy sister!
Which one?
Mason: Uh, the only decent one. Duh.

Lux you were in the bath. I could see you...why did you get out?
Lux:...Wasn't feeling it.
Get back in.
Lux: Make me.
Lux: Fine...being this dirty is actually really unpleasant so I'll do it. But not for you! Never for you!

Lux: Is it any wonder I don't want to take a bath with crap like this happening?]
Danika: Incorporeality!
Lux: Yeah but I can SEE you!

Mason: Nice bath, sis?
Uh...kid. Don't be creepy.
Lux: Get the FUCK out! That means you too Danika, I can still see you!

Danika: Fine! I'll leave! But I was NEVER IN THERE.
Mason: Hehe. Idiots.
Danika: Hey, at least I'm not the one grinning like a loon at the sight of my teenage sister's naked body.
Mason:...You were in there too, y'know.
Danika: I was not!
Mason: We all saw you.
Danika: Whatever, creep.

Zenobia: *having overheard everything* This many children in the house, four of them my own, and all of them are fucking idiots.

Zenobia: Lovely brother...
Felix: Yeah?
Zenobia: Don't get high. Get fucked. I'm bored with your incessant calling. You're worse than that Caleb dude.

Bentley: *throws out hands* I got promoted!...How?
Idk, scientist is quite easy-
Bentley: No, seriously! How? I was stuck in the break-room fridge half the day!

Mason: Hey. Hey! I'm cleaning.
Zenobia: Oh wow, Mason...maybe next time don't boast and start with repairing the darn dishwasher you little shit!
Mason: Me...repair...are you joking?
Zenobia: What do you think?
Mason: You're really hard to please.
Zenobia: Tbh...yeah.

Aaliyah: Woe is me. In fact, so woeful is my life that the sheer strength of the woe will break through this door. 1..2...whatever...

Zenobia: I think we're out of practice?
Bentley: Nah!
I'm afraid your wife's right, Bents. WTF even is this shit.

Zenobia: First one there has to be the one leaning against the telescope!
Bentley: I'll take that and run even faster! I love you but I also love my back, Zen!
Zenobia: Yeah, you do that, Bentley!

Aaliyah: Wait what did I do?
Danika: You got really dramatic and ran into a door, OK? For the fourth time!...Ugh, I'm too old for this shit.
Aaliyah: I'm older than you.
Danika: OK but I'm like...seventy.

Aaliyah:...seriously? That really doesn't sound like something I'd do.
Danika: Well that's how it happened, Aaliyah. For the eleventh time. Now stop asking me. I don't care about your concussion.

Danika:...but for a second there, I thought you'd join me in...y'know. This plane of existence.
Aaliyah: Yeah...but I'm not dead. I'm not a ghost child.
Danika: *sigh* Yeah...
Aaliyah: You're not...sad about that...are you?
Danika: Hahahaha of course not...

Why did I think this would be a good one to complete? MAYBE the first and last one are doable but...eesh. She's going to be my first heir since Ryan to not complete an aspiration and that makes me sad.
Zenobia: My whole life has been wasted.

Mercy: I think you're the only one awake, Aaliyah! Never mind, any party's a katana party, no matter the number of people.
Aaliyah: Oh please God help.

Bentley: Partaaaayyyy. Can't say I'm lame now, right?
Actually I can. You're a 50 year-old man drinking alone on his balcony at 2.30am. Bit lame.
Bentley: Aw, but it's Friday night!
I don't care! Still lame, man. Still lame.

RIP Megan, irrational bitch, and much more awesome than any child of Matt's had any right to be. You will be missed.

Aaliyah: Glasses will not be left uncleared either! *face of determination*
You got out of bed at 4.45am, with a yellow sleep bar, because of a glass.

Ebony: Damn, that girl was raised wrong! Flouting her Circadian rhythms.
You say as you go to grab a taco from the fridge...it's still 4.45.
Ebony:...I just really need the taco in my life right now, OK.

Ebony: Don't talk to her, Aaliyah.
Aaliyah: Yeah, Eb, I'm gonna totally talk to the random dead woman in our backyard...I'm seven, not stupid, OK?
Glass: But it's me! Your Great-Grandma! C'mon, Zenny, tell em.
Zenobia: I would prefer not to.
Glass: Wow, you really are as bitchy as Brad says.
Zenobia: You listen to the garbage that guy spews? More fool you. But seriously, my grandparents died when I was like, a baby. I have no idea who you are!
Glass:...Fair enough.
Ebony: Now would you get out?
Aaliyah: And take me with you?

Zenobia: Well, that was fun...duh, Watcher, of course I know who that is. Mum keeps pictures of people. She actually loved her parents, the stupid bitch.

Glass: Hey, hey Ali, I'm a mime!
Aaliyah: Stop mocking the great process of eating!...No, seriously, I'm eating and I'd like you to stop. Again, seven, not stupid.
Ebony: Who says you can't be both?
Aaliyah:...Your mum!
Ebony: We have the same mum, dillweed.
Lux:...Well this is a riveting conversation, right weird ghost lady in our yard?

Aaliyah: That was weird.
Lux: No shit.
Ebony: You don't actually want to leave, do you?
Lux: Don't get sappy on us, Miss 'Mean'.
Mason: Ebony? Mean?
Ebony: Us? Who says I give a shit about you, Lux?
Aaliyah: Aw snap!
Ebony: Boom! Meanness!
Mason: You're all weird.
Lux: Whatever. You're a little creep.
Aaliyah: Aw SNAP!
Lux: Aaliyah stop saying that or I swear I will throttle you.

Ebony: Welp. I'm out. Aaliyah already ran off to have a breakdown about plates by the jungle gym so..I'm out.
Lux: Yeah, I'mma watch TV...
Danika: Aw come on guys...I just got here!
Mason: I've got food. I'll hang with ya...
Danika: Ugh, whatever.
Mason: Hey, I am the most normal person here.
Lux: Last night tells a different story.

Emmanuel: Mmm yeah, baby, keep on with that sliding.

Ebony: *resigned, fake smile* Guess I'll go inside and watch TV.
Emmanuel: Wait no, was it something I said?
Ebony: It was everything.

Mason: They won't let last night go, will they?
Absolutely not; you know this.
Mason:...I shall remain stoic. For now, I consume water.

Oh, look. Their hatred for Groot is so strong it keeps him from truly being in this neighbourhood.
Lux: Yes!
Ebony: And he looks like an idiot too!
Aaliyah: Meh, whatever. I didn't even fully realise that dude existed.
Mason: I would not have pegged Ebony for being so mean...
Zenobia: *in the observatory* Well I'm definitely going to treasure the sight of THAT-
Groot: I hate my life.

Jayme (who is the wife of Elin's grandchild): Wow, Iris. I know you're old and all...but did you get dressed in the dark?
Iris: Hey, take a look at yourself, Missy.
Jayme:...At least I'm wearing pants! And I'm sans nose-ring and bad aviator sunglasses!
I did use MC Dresser to randomise them into half-decent things. And there's Groot in the background, fully rendered.

Lux: Really? That's...ugh! I must increase my level of hatred!
Mason: No don't do that.
Lux: You think I'm going to listen to you?

Bentley for fuck's sake. Please don't be a Brad.
Bentley: Don't worry! Zen won't stray from me!
I sure hope not.

Ebony: OK, fun chat but get out. I wanna bathe.
Lux: Of course. Who do you think I am, Mason?
Ebony: Ha, touche...but would you get out?
Lux: Yeah, yeah, I'm going, calm your tits.
Mason (on other side of wall): IT WAS ONE THING.
Lux: Pretty big thing.

Sorry about the UI but I just wanted to show this and say..
Bentley you dick.
Bentley: Weights? This just ain't your thing, Luxy.
Lux: Active is my trait you idiot. *looks past him* Hey, hey Watcher! *smirk, giggle* Really picked a winner here, didn't you?

Bentley: This little book I pulled out of my ass says - wait, wrong ass-book.
Lux: Whatever.
Why is this even an interaction? WTF Bentley.

Lux: I just finished my set. I'll finish many more in the future. I'm going to kick your ass, Bentley.
Bentley: Hehe *gulp*...I think I may have made an error.

Aaliyah:...seriously, she says I ran into a door? Like who would do that?
Blarffy:...A Sutherland, to be honest.

Bentley: I just discouraged your daughter from following a hobby!
Zenobia: Whatever man, just kiss me. I've been locked in the observatory all day and I need to feel the touch of another human.

Mason: Ah, the place of my suffering...all those interrupted nights!
Aaliyah: He's pretty far out isn't he?
Lux: He's also a little creep.
Mason: And I am still not accepted...
Aaliyah: He also talks to himself.
Lux: Fuckin' weirdo...
Mason: OK seriously, you guys are hypocrites.

Mason: Do you accept me?
Danika: Well you're not rude or outright annoying to me so...yeah.
Mason: Screw the others, am I right?
Danika: Ugh. Sure. Whatever. But I'm not doing any alliance shit, for real.
Mason your parents are attractive, why do you look like this. What is happening to your face?

If this bitch starts another fire...
Ebony: Don't worry. If I watch the 'dogs real hard, they can't possibly catch fire!

Of course two are doing homework at once. Zen, help someone!
Zenobia: I am so good at this!
Lux: *snort*

Mason:...Well this all just took a turn for the unpleasant. I just wanted one nice thing. ONE.

Mason: Mum...can you leave please?
Zenobia: So now he respects privacy? Funny.
Mason: You too?
Zenobia: Of course, honey!

Aaliyah: Oooooh, bro, having fun on the TOILET?
Mason:...Not particularly. Are you also mocking me?
Aaliyah: Nah.
Mason: Y'know what, I like y-
Aaliyah: Can we talk about this when you're not on the toilet? Thanks.

Ebony: Dad. No. You burned your bridges. Stop.

Aaliyah: -yeah, and he's just asking if he's being mocked, guys. I think poor Mason's got some problems.
Uni: Don't we all?
Dino: Yep! I have to sit next to you! Zing!
Aaliyah: Come on man, don't say 'zing'.
Uni: Also, fucking same to you!

Zen: *sleepily* I'm wivva chaiiirrr...
Zen: That would be you, dumbass...*yawn*

Elin's twin sons died. RIP Charles and Duncan. We barely knew ye.

Felix is married now...fucking finally am I right?
Tara: What have I done.
Felix: No cri, I'm awesome! You'll have a great time!
Tara: Well our wedding night was already underwhelming...seriously WHAT HAVE I DONE.

A late in life baby for Azzy and Caiphus (their firstborn is a teen) and Mercy's having a kid too.
Mercy: I wanna stab it.
Issac: Honey please, I love that katana..seriously I love it when you use that thing...but not on our child, please!...Wait until it's out of the womb before you introduce.

And Mariska's going to be a grandma!
Next time...I dunno. Might be a birthday. Time will pass. And so on.
Score Sheet- 60
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (67) +335
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (110) -550
Self Wetting (30) -150
Fires (12) -120
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