I can start another spare adventure if I want.
...I probably shouldn't.

...I probably shouldn't.

Hey, Steve.
Steve: What is this? Aren't I supposed to be dead? And not really involved with your BS?
Well, nice to see you too, Stevie.
And you're touching it. You're probably cursed for life now or something.
Steve: Ahhhhh oh my God-
Also you have no money.
Steve: What. Why. Please no-
Because it's the Movin' On Up challenge! If all goes well you won't be in this haunted-ass apartment for long. Because look at this place, it's definitely haunted.
Would you chill out?
Basically, this challenge involves our dear Steve, starting in a shit apartment with no furniture and 0 simoleons. He has to make enough money to furnish the house, stay at least a week (paying at least one rent), before moving onto the next place. Here is the rules, with list of required apartments.
He might die before achieving that goal, so his kid will take it over if that happens. I also added a rule that he can't leave San Myshuno. Just to make everything a lil harder...
But don't worry Steve...

Steve: Of course I won't! Frogs!
Due to starting with literally 0 money, before he can paint Steve has to find collectibles.
Steve: Yeah, well...I got frogs at least!
You'll be selling those.
Steve: And the fun is ruined.

Steve: I'm just staring at a painting. Why are you taking pictures?
Because...I don't even know.

Alice: I bet you can rev an engine. *wink*
Steve: -__- Nope, more of a painting guy.
Elsa: Well, this is the worst conversation I've ever been privy to.
Anaya: You're like 5, it's going to get worse.
Steve: I'mma just go...

Steve: Lightbulb sparkles...since I have to live in this random haunted apartment with an OUTLINE OF A GUY ON THE FLOOR, they can be my fucking friends!
Deep breaths, Steve.

Steve: Dude, there's like three other easels...
Flat Cap Guy: My precccciiiousss....
Steve: I don't think I like this place anymore.
Flat Cap Guy: Not you! Who cares about you? It's the ah-MAZING painting.
Steve: OK hurtful, and...I literally copied the picture from a kid's book. I'm very new to this.

Steve, after almost two paintings, is at Level 3. I love how fast this skill goes.
Steve: Ride 'em cowboy...yeah, I know he's not real, OK!
*holds hands up*

Steve: Do the sparkles mean I DON'T smell?
Unfortunately not.

Steve: Listen up, man, there are other easels and I'm not good at painting, so-
Mitchell: What? No, I don't care about your painting. Just get out of here. You smell like ass and you're ruining painting for everyone else.
Steve: Do you WANT to hear about my life circumstances or-?
Mitchell: Not really.

Raj: Dude WHAT is that cologne you have on?
Mitchell: What.
Steve: See? He likes it.
Mitchell: He doesn't know what he's talking about!
Steve: I'm still not leaving.

Steve: OK, I smell like pondslime and oil paint, take me home so I can...oh shit.
You don't have a shower, you poor thing. Guess you'll just have to paint until you do.

Steve: All that painting and dealing with people's bullcrap and I only could get a shower?
Steve: I did so much painting! So much!
Time to do more.
Steve: But I need the loo! Couldn't we get one of those?
They have those at the gallery, dear.

One trip to the Casbah Gallery and a painting later...
Steve: *snore*
He got a bed! Yaaaay!
Steve: This is the shittiest bed...
He was left with...5 simoleons. It's going to be a hard ride for our Stevie, I feel.

Steve: I'm starving!
...Whoops. Eat at work.
Steve: Seriously?
Yes. Seriously. Now get your clothes on and make a quick trip to the public loo!
Steve: Ugggghhhh.

Steve: Is this my life? No fun? Just sleep in my dark crappy house and work all day?
Well you have £600...so not so crappy. Soon.
He got a promotion first day!

He bought a fridge and a toilet.
Steve: And now I'm here, yet again. But at least this clay is the shit.

Darling: Wow-
Steve: There are other easels, this painting is...actually pretty good, and I don't SMELL today. So back off!
Darling:...I just wanted to tell you that your painting is really good.
Steve: Oh. :) Thanks.

At a karaoke bar...
Anaya: We attack at dawn.
Miko: I just wanted to pee.
Rieko: Can you move from the mirror or...

Steve: *wails in Texan*
Zoe: You SUCK!
Old Lady: This is the only place to dance.
Zoe: Both of you!

Steve: Break it down with me, floor man!
I guess you like that creepy outline now?
Steve: Don't talk bad about my roommate!

After his job, a very tense Steve was brought down to GeekCon, where there are gaming rigs. Unfortunately, he wouldn't get in them.
Steve: These things suck! They will eventually control us, and-
Oh knock it off, not-a-Technophobe-bc-that-doesn't-exist-in-this-game.
(He eventually got in one and raised his fun like crazy. HA, Steve. HA)

Steve: Plus signs...lightbulbs...sparkles, you rascals - we are in this together! Let's paint!
Glad to see you showing enthusiasm, Stevo.
Steve:...Never call me that again.

Alice: *breathes heavily* Haaaaaiiiiiiii
Steve: Oh no...
Alice: Relax, I just love how this painting's coming along. Keep at it, Steve!
Steve: I don't remember telling you my name...

Steve: Let's think...oh yeah. I don't smell, this painting is awesome, there are other easels, and I definitely didn't meet you ever.
Vest Guy: -__- Awesome, yeah right.
Steve: Y'know-
Poor Steve, just wants to paint one painting without rude and weird fools coming up behind him.

Steve: *screams and throws sandwich on the floor* Oh no, these things are gonna crawl over my roommate!
Ewww. Roaches. What do you do with them?

This I guess.
Steve: Die, you motherf - aiiii it went in my shoe! My shoe! Oh God get it out, it's so huge and crawly. This spray does NOT work!

Steve:...I feel antsy just being on this floor.
Don't worry, Stevie, no roaches here. At least not now.

Good painting Steve! Maybe stress makes you creative?
Steve: No I'm just religiously staying in this room out of fear.
(And yes, there's an easel in his house now.)

He also has a good day at work, but he was going to get a promotion anyway so -__-
Steve: You just can't be happy with anything, can you?
You're a Sim, don't judge me.

Steve here got himself a bathroom sink, a kitchen island with only one barstool b/c I ran out of money and a new double bed.

Steve: I will fling paint on anyone who stands behind me! Whee!
Eric: Listen here, Alice is my damn wife-
Steve: I know nothing of what you speak.

Steve: Floor TV AND a sandwich! Whoo! I'm making it!
Yeah you are!

Steve: Not my floor friend! You're killing him.
Darsh: Just getting rid of the smell, weird dude. Seriously, I've been landlord for ten years and that fucker's never coming out.
Steve: He's GAY-?
Darsh: What?

Steve: Cartoooons!
Steve here has the childish trait.

Lolololol Steve.
Steve: What is this round orange thing? And is it supposed to be fun? I don't get this!

More weird fools. Hi Ulrike Faust.
Steve: Dammit, no paint to fling!
Ulrike: I just love this painting!
Steve: Forget the paint-
Ulrike: But who paints in sweatpants?
Steve: Oh, but the things I want to say about HER ensemble...

Steve: *murmurs* Did you get dressed in the dark?
Ulrike: I can hear you!
Steve: I know.

Matt: Who's this sad sack?
Ulrike: Haha, I know right!
Steve: Fated to be bothered...

Steve is in a hella shit mood. So he gets the day off tomorrow to deal with all that.

This apartment needs TLC. Seriously. That's what the trait says. And Darsh has been up here every day for the past three days.
Darsh: I wish I couldn't hear him in the bathroom as I work.
Steve, you weirdo.

I don't think he'll be happy if he gets called up again.
Darsh: Yeah, because this is the worst apartment I own.
Then fix it! Permanently!
Darsh: Where's the fun in that?

Steve: GodDAMN you all to hell...bed!
So why did you say all?
Steve: I'm furious!

His irrational rage continues as he makes a fruit salad.
And because he has a day off, he's going to meet someone very special.
Steve: Sounds awesome.
It is. She's your intended spouse, you two have loads in common, and she's quite pretty.

Steve why, obviously I didn't mean you should go meet her like that.
Rita: Uhhh...
Uhhh to you too, Missy. Why are you pregnant?
Rita: Who cares? I'm in labour like right now!
Steve: Oh, I'll go.
Rita: Are you gonna help-
Steve: I'll go.

Arun Bheeda: Move, move, I need to get away from this weirdo too.
Steve: Well that didn't work out at all.

Steve:...just had the worst first encounter with a very attractive woman.
Gavin: Oh gawd, I don't want to hear you talk about this.
Steve: *sigh* Too bad, I'm going to.
Thus ends the first part of Moving On Up With Steve.
Next time Steve hopefully gets Rita, and maybe she'll move in. Rules say that's only allowed after he pays one week's rent, but we'll see how long that chapter lasts.
Steve: What. Why. Please no-
Because it's the Movin' On Up challenge! If all goes well you won't be in this haunted-ass apartment for long. Because look at this place, it's definitely haunted.
Would you chill out?
Basically, this challenge involves our dear Steve, starting in a shit apartment with no furniture and 0 simoleons. He has to make enough money to furnish the house, stay at least a week (paying at least one rent), before moving onto the next place. Here is the rules, with list of required apartments.
He might die before achieving that goal, so his kid will take it over if that happens. I also added a rule that he can't leave San Myshuno. Just to make everything a lil harder...
But don't worry Steve...

Steve: Of course I won't! Frogs!
Due to starting with literally 0 money, before he can paint Steve has to find collectibles.
Steve: Yeah, well...I got frogs at least!
You'll be selling those.
Steve: And the fun is ruined.

Steve: I'm just staring at a painting. Why are you taking pictures?
Because...I don't even know.

Alice: I bet you can rev an engine. *wink*
Steve: -__- Nope, more of a painting guy.
Elsa: Well, this is the worst conversation I've ever been privy to.
Anaya: You're like 5, it's going to get worse.
Steve: I'mma just go...

Steve: Lightbulb sparkles...since I have to live in this random haunted apartment with an OUTLINE OF A GUY ON THE FLOOR, they can be my fucking friends!
Deep breaths, Steve.

Steve: Dude, there's like three other easels...
Flat Cap Guy: My precccciiiousss....
Steve: I don't think I like this place anymore.
Flat Cap Guy: Not you! Who cares about you? It's the ah-MAZING painting.
Steve: OK hurtful, and...I literally copied the picture from a kid's book. I'm very new to this.

Steve, after almost two paintings, is at Level 3. I love how fast this skill goes.
Steve: Ride 'em cowboy...yeah, I know he's not real, OK!
*holds hands up*

Steve: Do the sparkles mean I DON'T smell?
Unfortunately not.

Steve: Listen up, man, there are other easels and I'm not good at painting, so-
Mitchell: What? No, I don't care about your painting. Just get out of here. You smell like ass and you're ruining painting for everyone else.
Steve: Do you WANT to hear about my life circumstances or-?
Mitchell: Not really.

Raj: Dude WHAT is that cologne you have on?
Mitchell: What.
Steve: See? He likes it.
Mitchell: He doesn't know what he's talking about!
Steve: I'm still not leaving.

Steve: OK, I smell like pondslime and oil paint, take me home so I can...oh shit.
You don't have a shower, you poor thing. Guess you'll just have to paint until you do.

Steve: All that painting and dealing with people's bullcrap and I only could get a shower?
Steve: I did so much painting! So much!
Time to do more.
Steve: But I need the loo! Couldn't we get one of those?
They have those at the gallery, dear.

One trip to the Casbah Gallery and a painting later...
Steve: *snore*
He got a bed! Yaaaay!
Steve: This is the shittiest bed...
He was left with...5 simoleons. It's going to be a hard ride for our Stevie, I feel.

Steve: I'm starving!
...Whoops. Eat at work.
Steve: Seriously?
Yes. Seriously. Now get your clothes on and make a quick trip to the public loo!
Steve: Ugggghhhh.

Steve: Is this my life? No fun? Just sleep in my dark crappy house and work all day?
Well you have £600...so not so crappy. Soon.
He got a promotion first day!

He bought a fridge and a toilet.
Steve: And now I'm here, yet again. But at least this clay is the shit.

Darling: Wow-
Steve: There are other easels, this painting is...actually pretty good, and I don't SMELL today. So back off!
Darling:...I just wanted to tell you that your painting is really good.
Steve: Oh. :) Thanks.

At a karaoke bar...
Anaya: We attack at dawn.
Miko: I just wanted to pee.
Rieko: Can you move from the mirror or...

Steve: *wails in Texan*
Zoe: You SUCK!
Old Lady: This is the only place to dance.
Zoe: Both of you!

Steve: Break it down with me, floor man!
I guess you like that creepy outline now?
Steve: Don't talk bad about my roommate!

After his job, a very tense Steve was brought down to GeekCon, where there are gaming rigs. Unfortunately, he wouldn't get in them.
Steve: These things suck! They will eventually control us, and-
Oh knock it off, not-a-Technophobe-bc-that-doesn't-exist-in-this-game.
(He eventually got in one and raised his fun like crazy. HA, Steve. HA)

Steve: Plus signs...lightbulbs...sparkles, you rascals - we are in this together! Let's paint!
Glad to see you showing enthusiasm, Stevo.
Steve:...Never call me that again.

Alice: *breathes heavily* Haaaaaiiiiiiii
Steve: Oh no...
Alice: Relax, I just love how this painting's coming along. Keep at it, Steve!
Steve: I don't remember telling you my name...

Steve: Let's think...oh yeah. I don't smell, this painting is awesome, there are other easels, and I definitely didn't meet you ever.
Vest Guy: -__- Awesome, yeah right.
Steve: Y'know-
Poor Steve, just wants to paint one painting without rude and weird fools coming up behind him.

Steve: *screams and throws sandwich on the floor* Oh no, these things are gonna crawl over my roommate!
Ewww. Roaches. What do you do with them?

This I guess.
Steve: Die, you motherf - aiiii it went in my shoe! My shoe! Oh God get it out, it's so huge and crawly. This spray does NOT work!

Steve:...I feel antsy just being on this floor.
Don't worry, Stevie, no roaches here. At least not now.

Good painting Steve! Maybe stress makes you creative?
Steve: No I'm just religiously staying in this room out of fear.
(And yes, there's an easel in his house now.)

He also has a good day at work, but he was going to get a promotion anyway so -__-
Steve: You just can't be happy with anything, can you?
You're a Sim, don't judge me.

Steve here got himself a bathroom sink, a kitchen island with only one barstool b/c I ran out of money and a new double bed.

Steve: I will fling paint on anyone who stands behind me! Whee!
Eric: Listen here, Alice is my damn wife-
Steve: I know nothing of what you speak.

Steve: Floor TV AND a sandwich! Whoo! I'm making it!
Yeah you are!

Steve: Not my floor friend! You're killing him.
Darsh: Just getting rid of the smell, weird dude. Seriously, I've been landlord for ten years and that fucker's never coming out.
Steve: He's GAY-?
Darsh: What?

Steve: Cartoooons!
Steve here has the childish trait.

Lolololol Steve.
Steve: What is this round orange thing? And is it supposed to be fun? I don't get this!

More weird fools. Hi Ulrike Faust.
Steve: Dammit, no paint to fling!
Ulrike: I just love this painting!
Steve: Forget the paint-
Ulrike: But who paints in sweatpants?
Steve: Oh, but the things I want to say about HER ensemble...

Steve: *murmurs* Did you get dressed in the dark?
Ulrike: I can hear you!
Steve: I know.

Matt: Who's this sad sack?
Ulrike: Haha, I know right!
Steve: Fated to be bothered...

Steve is in a hella shit mood. So he gets the day off tomorrow to deal with all that.

This apartment needs TLC. Seriously. That's what the trait says. And Darsh has been up here every day for the past three days.
Darsh: I wish I couldn't hear him in the bathroom as I work.
Steve, you weirdo.

I don't think he'll be happy if he gets called up again.
Darsh: Yeah, because this is the worst apartment I own.
Then fix it! Permanently!
Darsh: Where's the fun in that?

Steve: GodDAMN you all to hell...bed!
So why did you say all?
Steve: I'm furious!

His irrational rage continues as he makes a fruit salad.
And because he has a day off, he's going to meet someone very special.
Steve: Sounds awesome.
It is. She's your intended spouse, you two have loads in common, and she's quite pretty.

Steve why, obviously I didn't mean you should go meet her like that.
Rita: Uhhh...
Uhhh to you too, Missy. Why are you pregnant?
Rita: Who cares? I'm in labour like right now!
Steve: Oh, I'll go.
Rita: Are you gonna help-
Steve: I'll go.

Arun Bheeda: Move, move, I need to get away from this weirdo too.
Steve: Well that didn't work out at all.

Steve:...just had the worst first encounter with a very attractive woman.
Gavin: Oh gawd, I don't want to hear you talk about this.
Steve: *sigh* Too bad, I'm going to.
Thus ends the first part of Moving On Up With Steve.
Next time Steve hopefully gets Rita, and maybe she'll move in. Rules say that's only allowed after he pays one week's rent, but we'll see how long that chapter lasts.
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