Elin: I am going to cheat on Gunther with an ALIEN!
I don't know why you're so excited. You've already done it with a vampire, but I guess another supernatural notch on your belt might be fun for you.
Also I forgot how expensive rockets are. Just getting the basic rocket stuff was like 6000 simoleons. It might be a while before we get to Sixam.
Gunther: I'm gonna be a father again! Oh I'm terrified!
And chill the f out, Fiji was born...healthy, hopefully...three hours ago. Just go change her smelly nappy, kk?
Elin's forays into space travel hit the family bank account hard. As in, 'we have less than 500 and can't pay our bills' hard. So Gunther was sent on a collectible hunt, just like the good old days!
Gunther: But I'm an artist!
You're a - I'll refrain from describing your actual role in this shitshow to you. It might break ya, hon.
Gunther: Why?
Never you mind.
Then I thought: having Gunther be almost purposefully ignorant of Elin's activities will get old...so perhaps he can have a bit of extramarital sex too.
Gunther: What was that about the extramarital sex? Is that why I introduced myself to this lovely young lady?
Kristina: ...Ew. Hell no.
Mm. Might be hard for him. He's completely unlike Elin - meaning he's not pretty or scary.
Gunther: I don't mind being different to my wife!
Kristina: You've got a wife, creep? Fuck off!
Gunther: Oh no, she thought that I wanted to...what have I done? If Elin finds out about this I will die...literally. The actual literally. FOR REAL.
When the kids get home, something resembling functionality goes on, courtesy of this NEW TABLE.
Cam: So, Egypt, how did you like school?
Egypt: My favourite part was smushing Dji's stupid face into his stupid lunch.
Den: I know, right? Who picks milk?
Dji: You guys, my-
Egypt: Yeah, your shirt still smells!
Cam: That is pretty funny.
Den: I have the best ideas.
Elin: Hello, my little failures.
Den: We haven't failed yet, Mum, so watch it.
Elin: Aw. Resilience. This is why you're my favourite.
Cam: OK you don't have to say it loud Mum! *sniffle*
Elin: And you're definitely not my favourite. Get the pattern, Den?
Den: I got it the day we were born.
Elin: More of my disappointments, how lovely to see you all!
Egypt: Who is this woman again?
Den: Uh. Dumbass. That's our mother.
Egypt: *mutters* I will bite you...
Dji: She doesn't act like a Mum!
Elin: I don't like whiners.
Bosnia: Am I a part of this or...
Gunther: Wow, you do look fancy. And hot.
Elin: I wish I could say the same for you.
Gunther: Yeah I know, the outfit sucks-
Elin: It's not about the outfit. At all.
Gunther:...That's my Elin.
Goddammit people, stop trying to sleep in Elin's sex tent! It gives terrible energy...and sex tent. Doesn't that explain it all?
Egypt:...OK, message received and listened to. I'm sorry, damn!
Elin: Get your goddamn homework done! Don't you know how many more children I have to have?
Bosnia: Not this again, Mum, we're bored of this spiel.
See, I decided that Elin and Gunther need to take care of themselves, so today they both got a workout.
I'm not changing those.
Gunther: Why would you? I look fly.
Right. -__-
Vlad is a manwhore in this game, lol. He's already had kids with Elin and some blonde chick, and now eyeshadow-headband lady, I guess.
Normally he marries some townie really quickly and has like one kid...but here he's trying to be some sort of Ethan or something.
Dji: Another one? I bet she's like mum too!
I can't blame Dji for not wanting more siblings. The ones he has are bad enough.
Den: Apparently we've got another sibling. God I can't wait to befriend her.
Egypt: But I'm outgoing.
Den: But I can't wait.
Cambodia: You two are really freaking hilarious.
Dji: Don't talk about her! I don't want to hear it!
Cambodia: And you too, Dji. Do you think you can control them? Fat chance, bro.

The next morning...
Fiji: D: Put me back! I can feel the evil.
Elin: Hell yes you can!
Fiji: I never said that was a good thing!

Elin: She is my greatest disappointment.
Fiji is a clingy baby, with Elin's hair colour and Akira's eyes. She's pretty cute.
And yes, it has been two days. I've just taken like zero pictures because everything is so chaotic and without a toddler in the house all that happens during the day is skilling and homework.

Gunther: My fingers are bleeding!
Then get a new sponge and start over.

Fiji: I have been abandoned.
Gunther: Of course you have. Let me help...
Fiji:...I'm good, actually.

Elin: These alien bitches aren't gonna know what's hit them! This is gonna be so good!

Fiji: You're in charge of me. Oh, joy and celebration.
Gunther: You can be sarcastic all you like, daughter, but-
Fiji: *laughs* I'm half-Asian! How can I possibly be your daughter?
Gunther:...Just...silly toddler talk.
Fiji don't do it.

Elin: Kabir, don't you slack! Get working on your side!
Kabir: I don't know you! How the hell did I even get here?
Elin: I have my ways.
Kabir: *shivers*
Lies. I saw him on the street and made you ask him for help.
Kabir: And I agreed? The fuck kinda reality is this?

Cam: That did not feel good...
Dji: What did?
Egypt: Hey losers, guess who got a B the same day as you even though I'm younger! Ha!
Dji: I'm not even the smart one...
Egypt: Ain't I the greatest, and you the lamest?
Den: Why I oughta-
Bosnia: My little brothers fighting; I wanna see that get physical! Come on, Den, rip his hair out!

Dji: Hey, guys, there's a strange man in the yard.
Egypt: When did Mum get a rocket?

Cam: That did not feel good...
Dji: What did?
Egypt: Hey losers, guess who got a B the same day as you even though I'm younger! Ha!
Dji: I'm not even the smart one...
Egypt: Ain't I the greatest, and you the lamest?
Den: Why I oughta-
Bosnia: My little brothers fighting; I wanna see that get physical! Come on, Den, rip his hair out!

Dji: Hey, guys, there's a strange man in the yard.
Egypt: When did Mum get a rocket?
Dji: You guys...aren't concerned?
Den: Hell no! We all know why he's there.

Gunther: Kids, it is unnecessary to divide yourselves by gender-
Dji: Wow, Gunther, shut up.
Den: Shut up Dji.
Dji: You guys didn't even hear what I s-
Egypt: Yeah, yeah, whatever Dji. We don't want to hear it.

Bosnia: You're not terrible! Ha, see, Mischief Skill Gods, that's false confidence instilled!
Gunther: But you just...told...I...I'm confused.
Bosnia: Of course you are, pathetic little man.
Gunther: I now feel worse about myself.
(Yes, I extended the main room. The family can now actually move around and that)

Gunther: I know you're just lashing out-
Bosnia: Fuck off you sad little servant...how's that for lashing out?
Den: Give him hell, Bos.
Den: Hell no! We all know why he's there.

Gunther: Kids, it is unnecessary to divide yourselves by gender-
Dji: Wow, Gunther, shut up.
Den: Shut up Dji.
Dji: You guys didn't even hear what I s-
Egypt: Yeah, yeah, whatever Dji. We don't want to hear it.

Bosnia: You're not terrible! Ha, see, Mischief Skill Gods, that's false confidence instilled!
Gunther: But you just...told...I...I'm confused.
Bosnia: Of course you are, pathetic little man.
Gunther: I now feel worse about myself.
(Yes, I extended the main room. The family can now actually move around and that)

Gunther: I know you're just lashing out-
Bosnia: Fuck off you sad little servant...how's that for lashing out?
Den: Give him hell, Bos.

Egypt: I'm Gunther and I have no dress sense!
Bosnia: I've worn the same hoodie for eight years and the only useful thing I do is clean!
Gunther: I don't have to take this.
Bosnia: Oh, but you will-
Egypt: Because you can't go anywhere else!
Bosnia: Good one, Egypt! Now don't you leave, 'cos I'm not done roasting ya!

Egypt: I spy with my vampire eye - something beginning with L.
Gunther: Oh, OK...
Egypt: It's a synonym for Gunther.
Bosnia: Haaaa!
Gunther: Wait, did you say vampire-

Dji: Mmm yoghurt!
Cam: Oh this sounds fun. Hey mum. MMM YOGHURT.
Elin: I will end you, dear children.

Dji: As if! You...you...SUCK!
Elin: Don't even try, Dji, or I'll have one of your siblings shave all your hair off.
Dji: Threat noted.
Elin: Now get out of my sight.

Elin: I am way too good to sit by you peasants.
Den: Well I'm too cool to even look at 'em!
Cam: Mum. Not cool.
Gunther: I...have no response.
Elin: Good. Does the rest of the peanut gallery have anything to say?
Dji: *quaking in terror* My beautiful hair!
Cam: Beautiful? Psh, as if.

Isn't this room great now? There's actual space for everything I want in there!
Cambodia: So? We all still have to share!
Bosnia: *snores*
Cam: Just lovely ambiance for my doll stories.

Bosnia: Have fun suffering with her, kid.
Fiji: Erm.
Bosnia: Hehehehe...
Elin: You can suffer too, Bos.
Bosnia: Not likely. I move out today.
Elin: Hmmph.
Fiji: Can I do this moving out thing too, Mummy?
Elin: As Bosnia might say, not frickin' likely.

Dji: Halp.
You have a motor skill of Level 8, I'm sure you can work it out.

Fiji: This one is even worse.
Gunther: Yeah. I understand. I appear to be going blind in one eye.
Cam: LOL
Gunther: Just go to school you little shit.

Gunther: You're seriously making one portion of eggs and toast? When the fridge is practically empty?
Elin: Don't question me.

Fiji: Put your hands in the air like you just don't care.
She is very cute, as well as being the only person here with an ounce of innocence.

Gunther: I really wanted to eat Eggs and Toast today! *sob*
Oh get over yourself.

Elin: Hey, handsome. Wanna...do stuff with me at some point?
Leland: OK? What did I do to deserve this?
Elin: Nothing! Absolutely nothing! You're lucky that...well never mind, it's complicated.
Leland: Weird but I'm not complaining!
Elin: Of course you aren't.

Fiji: What is this I see?
Don't worry about it.

Elin: Yeah, Kian? Hi, I'm ready for you.
Blue-ffy: I'm gonna tell her.
Fiji: Tell me what?

Bosnia: Hell yeah, I'm getting out of this place!
Egypt: I bet it's annoying the Watcher that we're doing our homework here when there's a table.
Cambodia: Haha yeah.
Egypt: We ain't never gonna use this table.

Gunther: Yaaaaay you grew up and get to leave.
Fiji: There's no escape for you is there?
Dji: Dare I sit at this table...with my TWIN?
Bosnia: Do it, Dji, do it!
Bosnia: I won't have to deal with the consequences will I?
Bosnia is stunning. I absolutely love her. She was moved into an apartment, and maybe she'll get married? IDK.
Next time, Baby G is born, and Cam and Fiji might age up.
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