Your eyes don't deceive you; this is a WYDC post! Yep, it has definitely been a while. But I hope to focus on this one more in the future.

Bosnia: Hmmm...garlic noodles, tell me your secrets.

Cambodia: You sadden me. Honestly.
Bosnia: But I have noodles.
Egypt: Look how productive I am, everyone.
Bosnia: Shut up. We're hungry.

Elin: You got me pregnant again.
Gunther:...Yay. Wait, how do you know?
Elin: Mother's intuition.
Elin: Before you ask, the Watcher said nothing.
Gunther: I am curious though-
Elin: Quiet, peasant. I may have married you but that doesn't mean I want to listen to everything you say.

Denmark: Hahaha! Dji sucks!
Bosnia: So how do you make garlic noodles?
Dji: Block it out and think about cleanliness! That's what I'll do.
Elin: Aren't you supposed to be skilling?
Elin: How am I supposed to rule the world with children like this? Even completing my aspiration would be enough! But no...alas no.

Wilson: What do you want?
Elin: Well...handsome...all I want is-
Wilson: Don't I know you? I've at least heard of someone who is a lot like you!
Elin: Don't sweat it, dear. Now-
Wilson: Oh. Oh no. No no no-

Elin: No. Just let me mentally steal your number.
Wilson: But you're my daughter's boyfriend's mother! And I'm married!
Elin: So am I?

Elin: I'll be honest, I'm doing this because you're not bad-looking, and I enjoy life more if I mess with my son's. So. Wanna do it? You won't ever have to see the baby.
Wilson: Er...
Elin: We're thinking about it! That's progress. I'll call you later.
Wilson: Please don't.
Elin: Too little too late, sport. See ya!

Evan: I feel like this is the wrong person.
Den: Hey, Dji, get your wimp self away. What's up, man? What do you need?
Bosnia: D-Dad? I thought you were nocturnal all these years, you asshole!

Gunther: Eeeellliiin...
Elin: Yes dear?
Gunther: Why are you talking to this random guy...?
Elin: He's my next victim. Cos I'm pretty bad. *wink*
Philip: This lady scares me, but-
Gunther: Did you just wink at him?
Elin: There was something in my eye.

Wilson: Ohhhh! You're a GIRL! That's why you-
Bosnia: Dude. Stop.

Elin: *through gritted teeth* Wilson, what are you doing-
Wilson: I don't want to be called 'later'. I'm over here now.
Elin: I'm already pregnant!
Wilson: Ohhhhhh, I thought you were just-
Elin: Not another word.
Bosnia: HA!
Denmark: Your husband-thingy is right in the other room, Mum.
Wilson: You're married.
Elin: Yeah? You are too. Get out of my house, I'll see you around.

Elin: Tell your idiot dad-
Denmark: Only one of those words is true.
Elin: -shut up, and tell him to go clean the sink.
Denmark: HA! Only if Egypt and I get to stick Dji's face in it!
Elin:...i don't know why I try and make you do anything. Go skill.
Denmark: Aw, so you want me to have a functional life? So evil, Ma.
Elin: I want you to get out of my house!

Cam has been locked in the nursery all day drawing pictures.
Cambodia: I see glitter in my dreams!

Az, we just got rid of you.
...Come over anyway, I don't give a shit.

Elin: As a bat swooped up and grabbed his hair-
Egypt: Yaaaay! Tell the part where the vampire finally kills all of those humans!
Elin: Of course, dear, that's my favourite bit!
Cambodia: I want no part in whatever hell that is.

Dji:...Are you alright?
Bosnia: If she wants to do drugs, let's let her. What's the worst that could happen?

Elin: You that klepto cop?
Kian: Don't judge me for my problem, it's an illness!
Elin: Whatever. Don't call this number again. If I need you, I call you.

Violin: *ugly screechy sounds*
Cambodia: This violin is AWEEESSSSOOOOMMMME

Gunther and Elin needed the computers to, y'know, make money, so the boys were made to skill outside.
Dji: So do I get a turn yet?
Den: You get a turn when I say you get a turn.
Dji:...K. Love you bro!
Den: Whatever.

Gunther: Heh, you break it you buy it, right? Well, that's yours, I don't need to-
Elin: Gunther, switch computers with me.
Gunther: Yes Elin.
Bosnia (offscreen, on the other computer): HAAAA.

Cambodia: Let your baby hear my music, Mum!
Elin: Yes, why don't we traumatise it too? That'll be good.
Gunther: But Elin...all the kids are traumatised. I think Cam can do what she wants.
Elin: Go fix the computer.

Bosnia: Gael I thought you WEREN'T's 10pm!

Mila: Son we need to talk about those kids-
Elin: Hi, it's me, Elin, his wife...Gunther went to bed. He's had a hard day; he's very tired. Goodbye now!

Dina:...So you DON'T like the dress?
Laura the Cult Member: SINNER.
I've decided to just accept the fact that they're here.


Damn, and I thought I had this BS turned off.
Cambodia: Ahhhh-
Denmark: OK I'm not gonna mock you for being scared 'cos I'm terrified.
Dji: *too high-pitched for human ears*
Bosnia: FML.

Denmark: Oh - so scratchy. Why would I pee out here?
Beats me, kid.

YOU OWN TOILETS. Elin this is your goddamn sexing bush, stop.
Elin: Where else am I supposed to chunk, damn?
In one of the TOILETS.

Egypt: Fascinating yellow string things with messy red sauce...yeeees.
Enjoy it while it lasts, little vamp. Soon all you need is blood!

Gunther: I miss the outside world!
You chose this life.
Gunther: Sometimes I wonder if my marriage was the best thing for me! Elin just always wants to have kids, and more kids...I didn't even know I was this fertile!

Sink: Lol, screw you saddo. *breaks*
Elin: *showering* You better be getting on fixing that shit, Gunther! I want that done by the time I get out of here! You got me pregnant so you better help out around here.
Gunther: What else do I do...truly, I miss the world-
Elin: Stop your brooding and fix my sink!

Everything gets into full, chaotic swing.
Dji: GARLIC NOODLES will get me NOT made fun of...
Cambodia: Who will be my muse today?
Bosnia: STFU you're seven.
Gunther: My life is a waste.
Bosnia: *sarcastically* Nooo...of course not...
Gunther: I'm not stupid, Bos.
Cambodia: You married - uh - our mother. All of our mothers. You married her. HA!
Bosnia: Smooth move, Cam.

Elin: Bunch of idiots...

Denmark: I can hear the mockery! Why am I missing out? Oh, curse the need for showers!

Bosnia: Heyyoooo Vikram! Is your refrigerator running? Does your out-of-shape, ugly body need help catching it?
Dji: Lame.
Bosnia: You wish to be dis, Dji.

Cambodia and Egypt are locked in the nursery skilling, as usual.
Cambodia: You gotta try these potions...
Egypt: I'm listening...

Elin: My kid with you is a YA, and I haven't seen you since we conceived him. I have no interest! There are so many other - ahem, yes Gunther, I know I'm married, that too.
Marcus: Aight, damn!

Den: That stupid idiot, swimming. Ha. HA.
Dji: were swimming too.

Cam is on the dollhouse. The drawing table is ridiculously slow at giving skill so we're trying this.
Cam: Free! Free to see the outside, and...things that aren't the ugly nursery wallpaper!
I resent that! I decorated these rooms myself!
Cam: I know.
*cracks whip* Well now you're locked outside with this cheap dollhouse. Have fun, Cammy.

Denmark: Damn it feels good to be this awesome.
Dji: You make no sense D:

Elin: Hey Kiamehfewewoh
Egypt: Boy do I love having my hair stroked by some weirdo that my mum's meeting...for some reason.
Kian: Hehe, soft.
Egypt: I hate my life.
Kian: Ooh, you're pregnant. Weird. But I'd still do ya.

Elin: That's awesome! You'll see me after our romance bar is back to an acceptable level!
Kian: Yessss...
Cam: *cough* Skank *cough*

Elin: I will end you.
Kian: My love, what have I done?
Elin: Nothing until you used the 'L' word.

Gunther: *singing* Writing, writing, writing, writing...this is gonna be my big break!

Elin: OK, here's a number.
Kian: A number?
Elin: Yeah. A number that is totally mine, duh. But seriously, I'm not that into you.
Kian: *doesn't care, just wants to smash*

Someone inside, probably Bosnia: Gunther there's a nice window if you want to see the outside world.
Gunther: Something's telling me not to look out of it.
Elin: *sigh* I really can control his every move...
Kian: How are you talking?

Cam: *sarcastically* I just love your new friend, Mum.
Elin: You tell and you get moved to the streets, Number 3.
Kian: So am I going to live out my lifelong dream of doing it in a tent or are you going to talk to this kid?
Elin: I'll be right there.
Cam: You both disgust me.

Cambodia: Well, Mum's a tramp.
Egypt: Tell me something I don't know.
Gunther: Children, you will not talk about your mother that way.
Dji: *snort*
Gunther: And you will learn respect!
Dji: *sarcasm* OK, suuuure.
Lower on the totem pole than DJIBOUTI. That's gotta suck.

Denmark: I guess that tent was never for a backyard sleepover.
You can still have one.
Denmark: I don't want to now.

Elin: Hey, baby. Do me a favour...don't look up from the screen, alright? I'm just escorting my friend out.
Gunther: I'm almost finished! This is gonna be amazing!
Elin: Whatever you say. Just focus real hard! Do not look up from the screen.
Kian: You're mar-?
Elin: Shhhshshhshh

Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Cambodia: Companionship!
Egypt: As if, puny human. I just want these dolls.

Elin: Why am I doing Gunther work?
Dji: Right? Get on it, dupe-sl- I mean, stepdad.
Elin: Aw. Maybe you aren't my lamest kid.
Dji: You thought that?
Elin: Everyone thought that.

Gunther: Another same old day...seriously, I even think I ate these pancakes yesterday.
You're in this life for another...20 babies? Yeah. 20. Good luck!

Denmark: Oh dear, it's bothering the only halfway cool person in this house.
(Bosnia is a lot cooler than you, Den, shut it)
Gunther: - do you think that's all there is for me, Bos? You were so nice, yesterday-
Bosnia: I lied. Sorry. Hey, there's something different about today! Zing!
Denmark: Oh snap.
Gunther: -__- Thanks.

Denmark: Just a quick reminder that I'm awesome, you're terrible, and-
Dji: I will NOT take this any longer-
Denmark: You've taken it this long, whiner, why don't you just sit here and suck it up-
Dji: I'm not even SITTING you fool!
Elin: Boys if you're going to fight, make it more physical. At least I could start an online betting pool or something.
Denmark: I'll beat the crap out of him, Mum, don't worry.
Dji: Our coding doesn't allow for that, stupid!
Denmark: One day...

After all the kids are packed off to school, Elin and Gunther are allowed alone time. They actually have whims for each other so...
Elin: There's no other man who would treat me so good. Seriously. I mean, seriously.
Gunther: At least you appreciate me, even when things get samey...
Elin: Yeah. You're alright.

Elin: This is the sexiest thing he's ever done. And I'm only propping myself up a little bit!
Gunther: I am the MAN!
Elin: Yeah, we'll see about that.

Elin: Look, honey, I'm teaching our baby self-defence.
Gunther: Nice!

Their romantic (or as romantic as it'll ever get for this pair) morning was over because Egypt maxed out potty and could age up!
Egypt: True independence!
Gunther: Whatever, kid, let's just get you aged.

Egypt got the Outgoing trait and the Social aspiration. Woot! It's not clear in this pic but he is all his mother, but he has Vlad's eyes.
Egypt: Who's eyes?
Gunther's. That's what I said. *shifty eyes*

Egypt: So the man behind me is not my father? I did hear you the first time.
Egypt: OH THANK GOD! He's so lame.
Gunther: Now, show some respect, Egypt.
Egypt: *mutters* Tell that to Mum.

Cam: Seriously Den, there is space!
Denmark: That's fine, my knees don't hurt at all!
Cam: *mutters* Like you're so cool...
Denmark: At least I don't have flowers painted on my face!
Cam: How did you hear me?

Gunther maxed writing.
Bosnia: Finally some achievement, right old man?
Gunther: Shut up, Bos.
Elin (from the bathroom): Give my daughter respect please, Gunther!

Bosnia: But don't I look hot?
Vikram: I...uh...stop it, please.
Bosnia: God I love making people uncomfortable.
Vikram asked to hang out and he's being used for mischief practice by Bos.

No, Bos. We're not do that. That's Ew.
Bosnia: Ew? Ew to you for having that setting on!

Ayyyyy finally.
Maranda: Mine forever....seriously.
Az: Just as I like it!
Aw, he's so messed up.

The next morning...
Denmark: Ugh, hurry the hell up, loser. We're all uncomfortable...
Gunther: So am I!
Denmark: That's so cute, it thinks we care about its feelings.

Dji: Well, Mum's slave thingy is a human too I guess-
Bosnia: Oh god, the stench of loser is worse than that scummy water...
Denmark: Aha, right?
Gunther: I love you guys too.
Den: Go to hell.
Bosnia: Nope!
Dji: Well...
Den: Don't you dare.

Pretty standard morning for these two, really.
Elin: Don't you dare stop working!
Gunther: Never ma'am!

Meet baby F, Fiji!
Fiji: Wheeeee!
Elin: You're happy? Don't get used to it.
Fiji: Well shit.
Elin: That's more like it.
Next time, a short interlude because the house is full AGAIN. During that interlude, Bos will move out, and hopefully Cam ages up.

Elin: You know the drill, correct?
Denmark: Chill. We've known how to talk and manipulate your little dupe-slave thing since day 1, Mum.
Elin: Good. Get typing. Mummy will be back to help you very soon.
Denmark: No, you won't.
Elin: That's right. I won't. Good child.
Denmark: No, you won't.
Elin: That's right. I won't. Good child.
Akira: I just saw your said he was on a work trip, dammit!
Elin: Of course he's not on a work trip. He doesn't work. There's a bush out back, let's use it.
Akira: Fine.
Romance for the ages.
They decided to walk through the living room of the house anyway. At that exact moment they got in the door, Gunther went into the bathroom to wash his dish. It's like he tries to be ignorant.
Elin: Oh GUNTHER, get out here. I have a little surprise for you.
Deception WooHoo before the belly pops. I like it.

Bosnia: Hmmm...garlic noodles, tell me your secrets.

Cambodia: You sadden me. Honestly.
Bosnia: But I have noodles.
Egypt: Look how productive I am, everyone.
Bosnia: Shut up. We're hungry.

Elin: You got me pregnant again.
Gunther:...Yay. Wait, how do you know?
Elin: Mother's intuition.
Elin: Before you ask, the Watcher said nothing.
Gunther: I am curious though-
Elin: Quiet, peasant. I may have married you but that doesn't mean I want to listen to everything you say.

Denmark: Hahaha! Dji sucks!
Bosnia: So how do you make garlic noodles?
Dji: Block it out and think about cleanliness! That's what I'll do.
Elin: Aren't you supposed to be skilling?
Elin: How am I supposed to rule the world with children like this? Even completing my aspiration would be enough! But no...alas no.

Wilson: What do you want?
Elin: Well...handsome...all I want is-
Wilson: Don't I know you? I've at least heard of someone who is a lot like you!
Elin: Don't sweat it, dear. Now-
Wilson: Oh. Oh no. No no no-

Elin: No. Just let me mentally steal your number.
Wilson: But you're my daughter's boyfriend's mother! And I'm married!
Elin: So am I?

Elin: I'll be honest, I'm doing this because you're not bad-looking, and I enjoy life more if I mess with my son's. So. Wanna do it? You won't ever have to see the baby.
Wilson: Er...
Elin: We're thinking about it! That's progress. I'll call you later.
Wilson: Please don't.
Elin: Too little too late, sport. See ya!

Evan: I feel like this is the wrong person.
Den: Hey, Dji, get your wimp self away. What's up, man? What do you need?
Bosnia: D-Dad? I thought you were nocturnal all these years, you asshole!

Gunther: Eeeellliiin...
Elin: Yes dear?
Gunther: Why are you talking to this random guy...?
Elin: He's my next victim. Cos I'm pretty bad. *wink*
Philip: This lady scares me, but-
Gunther: Did you just wink at him?
Elin: There was something in my eye.

Wilson: Ohhhh! You're a GIRL! That's why you-
Bosnia: Dude. Stop.

Elin: *through gritted teeth* Wilson, what are you doing-
Wilson: I don't want to be called 'later'. I'm over here now.
Elin: I'm already pregnant!
Wilson: Ohhhhhh, I thought you were just-
Elin: Not another word.
Bosnia: HA!
Denmark: Your husband-thingy is right in the other room, Mum.
Wilson: You're married.
Elin: Yeah? You are too. Get out of my house, I'll see you around.

Elin: Tell your idiot dad-
Denmark: Only one of those words is true.
Elin: -shut up, and tell him to go clean the sink.
Denmark: HA! Only if Egypt and I get to stick Dji's face in it!
Elin:...i don't know why I try and make you do anything. Go skill.
Denmark: Aw, so you want me to have a functional life? So evil, Ma.
Elin: I want you to get out of my house!

Cam has been locked in the nursery all day drawing pictures.
Cambodia: I see glitter in my dreams!

Az, we just got rid of you.
...Come over anyway, I don't give a shit.

Elin: As a bat swooped up and grabbed his hair-
Egypt: Yaaaay! Tell the part where the vampire finally kills all of those humans!
Elin: Of course, dear, that's my favourite bit!
Cambodia: I want no part in whatever hell that is.

Dji:...Are you alright?
Bosnia: If she wants to do drugs, let's let her. What's the worst that could happen?

Elin: You that klepto cop?
Kian: Don't judge me for my problem, it's an illness!
Elin: Whatever. Don't call this number again. If I need you, I call you.

Violin: *ugly screechy sounds*
Cambodia: This violin is AWEEESSSSOOOOMMMME

Gunther and Elin needed the computers to, y'know, make money, so the boys were made to skill outside.
Dji: So do I get a turn yet?
Den: You get a turn when I say you get a turn.
Dji:...K. Love you bro!
Den: Whatever.

Gunther: Heh, you break it you buy it, right? Well, that's yours, I don't need to-
Elin: Gunther, switch computers with me.
Gunther: Yes Elin.
Bosnia (offscreen, on the other computer): HAAAA.

Cambodia: Let your baby hear my music, Mum!
Elin: Yes, why don't we traumatise it too? That'll be good.
Gunther: But Elin...all the kids are traumatised. I think Cam can do what she wants.
Elin: Go fix the computer.

Bosnia: Gael I thought you WEREN'T's 10pm!

Mila: Son we need to talk about those kids-
Elin: Hi, it's me, Elin, his wife...Gunther went to bed. He's had a hard day; he's very tired. Goodbye now!

Dina:...So you DON'T like the dress?
Laura the Cult Member: SINNER.
I've decided to just accept the fact that they're here.


Damn, and I thought I had this BS turned off.
Cambodia: Ahhhh-
Denmark: OK I'm not gonna mock you for being scared 'cos I'm terrified.
Dji: *too high-pitched for human ears*
Bosnia: FML.

Denmark: Oh - so scratchy. Why would I pee out here?
Beats me, kid.

YOU OWN TOILETS. Elin this is your goddamn sexing bush, stop.
Elin: Where else am I supposed to chunk, damn?
In one of the TOILETS.

Egypt: Fascinating yellow string things with messy red sauce...yeeees.
Enjoy it while it lasts, little vamp. Soon all you need is blood!

Gunther: I miss the outside world!
You chose this life.
Gunther: Sometimes I wonder if my marriage was the best thing for me! Elin just always wants to have kids, and more kids...I didn't even know I was this fertile!

Sink: Lol, screw you saddo. *breaks*
Elin: *showering* You better be getting on fixing that shit, Gunther! I want that done by the time I get out of here! You got me pregnant so you better help out around here.
Gunther: What else do I do...truly, I miss the world-
Elin: Stop your brooding and fix my sink!

Everything gets into full, chaotic swing.
Dji: GARLIC NOODLES will get me NOT made fun of...
Cambodia: Who will be my muse today?
Bosnia: STFU you're seven.
Gunther: My life is a waste.
Bosnia: *sarcastically* Nooo...of course not...
Gunther: I'm not stupid, Bos.
Cambodia: You married - uh - our mother. All of our mothers. You married her. HA!
Bosnia: Smooth move, Cam.

Elin: Bunch of idiots...

Denmark: I can hear the mockery! Why am I missing out? Oh, curse the need for showers!

Bosnia: Heyyoooo Vikram! Is your refrigerator running? Does your out-of-shape, ugly body need help catching it?
Dji: Lame.
Bosnia: You wish to be dis, Dji.

Cambodia and Egypt are locked in the nursery skilling, as usual.
Cambodia: You gotta try these potions...
Egypt: I'm listening...

Elin: My kid with you is a YA, and I haven't seen you since we conceived him. I have no interest! There are so many other - ahem, yes Gunther, I know I'm married, that too.
Marcus: Aight, damn!

Den: That stupid idiot, swimming. Ha. HA.
Dji: were swimming too.

Cam is on the dollhouse. The drawing table is ridiculously slow at giving skill so we're trying this.
Cam: Free! Free to see the outside, and...things that aren't the ugly nursery wallpaper!
I resent that! I decorated these rooms myself!
Cam: I know.
*cracks whip* Well now you're locked outside with this cheap dollhouse. Have fun, Cammy.

Denmark: Damn it feels good to be this awesome.
Dji: You make no sense D:

Elin: Hey Kiamehfewewoh
Egypt: Boy do I love having my hair stroked by some weirdo that my mum's meeting...for some reason.
Kian: Hehe, soft.
Egypt: I hate my life.
Kian: Ooh, you're pregnant. Weird. But I'd still do ya.

Elin: That's awesome! You'll see me after our romance bar is back to an acceptable level!
Kian: Yessss...
Cam: *cough* Skank *cough*

Elin: I will end you.
Kian: My love, what have I done?
Elin: Nothing until you used the 'L' word.

Gunther: *singing* Writing, writing, writing, writing...this is gonna be my big break!

Elin: OK, here's a number.
Kian: A number?
Elin: Yeah. A number that is totally mine, duh. But seriously, I'm not that into you.
Kian: *doesn't care, just wants to smash*

Someone inside, probably Bosnia: Gunther there's a nice window if you want to see the outside world.
Gunther: Something's telling me not to look out of it.
Elin: *sigh* I really can control his every move...
Kian: How are you talking?

Cam: *sarcastically* I just love your new friend, Mum.
Elin: You tell and you get moved to the streets, Number 3.
Kian: So am I going to live out my lifelong dream of doing it in a tent or are you going to talk to this kid?
Elin: I'll be right there.
Cam: You both disgust me.

Cambodia: Well, Mum's a tramp.
Egypt: Tell me something I don't know.
Gunther: Children, you will not talk about your mother that way.
Dji: *snort*
Gunther: And you will learn respect!
Dji: *sarcasm* OK, suuuure.
Lower on the totem pole than DJIBOUTI. That's gotta suck.

Denmark: I guess that tent was never for a backyard sleepover.
You can still have one.
Denmark: I don't want to now.

Elin: Hey, baby. Do me a favour...don't look up from the screen, alright? I'm just escorting my friend out.
Gunther: I'm almost finished! This is gonna be amazing!
Elin: Whatever you say. Just focus real hard! Do not look up from the screen.
Kian: You're mar-?
Elin: Shhhshshhshh

Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Cambodia: Companionship!
Egypt: As if, puny human. I just want these dolls.

Elin: Why am I doing Gunther work?
Dji: Right? Get on it, dupe-sl- I mean, stepdad.
Elin: Aw. Maybe you aren't my lamest kid.
Dji: You thought that?
Elin: Everyone thought that.

Gunther: Another same old day...seriously, I even think I ate these pancakes yesterday.
You're in this life for another...20 babies? Yeah. 20. Good luck!

Denmark: Oh dear, it's bothering the only halfway cool person in this house.
(Bosnia is a lot cooler than you, Den, shut it)
Gunther: - do you think that's all there is for me, Bos? You were so nice, yesterday-
Bosnia: I lied. Sorry. Hey, there's something different about today! Zing!
Denmark: Oh snap.
Gunther: -__- Thanks.

Denmark: Just a quick reminder that I'm awesome, you're terrible, and-
Dji: I will NOT take this any longer-
Denmark: You've taken it this long, whiner, why don't you just sit here and suck it up-
Dji: I'm not even SITTING you fool!
Elin: Boys if you're going to fight, make it more physical. At least I could start an online betting pool or something.
Denmark: I'll beat the crap out of him, Mum, don't worry.
Dji: Our coding doesn't allow for that, stupid!
Denmark: One day...

After all the kids are packed off to school, Elin and Gunther are allowed alone time. They actually have whims for each other so...
Elin: There's no other man who would treat me so good. Seriously. I mean, seriously.
Gunther: At least you appreciate me, even when things get samey...
Elin: Yeah. You're alright.

Elin: This is the sexiest thing he's ever done. And I'm only propping myself up a little bit!
Gunther: I am the MAN!
Elin: Yeah, we'll see about that.

Elin: Look, honey, I'm teaching our baby self-defence.
Gunther: Nice!

Their romantic (or as romantic as it'll ever get for this pair) morning was over because Egypt maxed out potty and could age up!
Egypt: True independence!
Gunther: Whatever, kid, let's just get you aged.

Egypt got the Outgoing trait and the Social aspiration. Woot! It's not clear in this pic but he is all his mother, but he has Vlad's eyes.
Egypt: Who's eyes?
Gunther's. That's what I said. *shifty eyes*

Egypt: So the man behind me is not my father? I did hear you the first time.
Egypt: OH THANK GOD! He's so lame.
Gunther: Now, show some respect, Egypt.
Egypt: *mutters* Tell that to Mum.

Cam: Seriously Den, there is space!
Denmark: That's fine, my knees don't hurt at all!
Cam: *mutters* Like you're so cool...
Denmark: At least I don't have flowers painted on my face!
Cam: How did you hear me?

Gunther maxed writing.
Bosnia: Finally some achievement, right old man?
Gunther: Shut up, Bos.
Elin (from the bathroom): Give my daughter respect please, Gunther!

Bosnia: But don't I look hot?
Vikram: I...uh...stop it, please.
Bosnia: God I love making people uncomfortable.
Vikram asked to hang out and he's being used for mischief practice by Bos.

No, Bos. We're not do that. That's Ew.
Bosnia: Ew? Ew to you for having that setting on!

Ayyyyy finally.
Maranda: Mine forever....seriously.
Az: Just as I like it!
Aw, he's so messed up.

The next morning...
Denmark: Ugh, hurry the hell up, loser. We're all uncomfortable...
Gunther: So am I!
Denmark: That's so cute, it thinks we care about its feelings.

Dji: Well, Mum's slave thingy is a human too I guess-
Bosnia: Oh god, the stench of loser is worse than that scummy water...
Denmark: Aha, right?
Gunther: I love you guys too.
Den: Go to hell.
Bosnia: Nope!
Dji: Well...
Den: Don't you dare.

Pretty standard morning for these two, really.
Elin: Don't you dare stop working!
Gunther: Never ma'am!

Meet baby F, Fiji!
Fiji: Wheeeee!
Elin: You're happy? Don't get used to it.
Fiji: Well shit.
Elin: That's more like it.
Next time, a short interlude because the house is full AGAIN. During that interlude, Bos will move out, and hopefully Cam ages up.
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