Zen: You're my perfect little baby, Ali.
Aaliyah: Duuuuude.
What is up with this weirdly chill baby? Surely you know what you've been born into?
Aaliyah: My crib is comfortable and this room is dope. What more could a baby want?

Aaliyah: I can think of one more thing I want.
Sorry Ali.
I figured that Zen isn't getting any younger and we should get on with it.

Bronson: Hehe, I have more plates than you!
Ebony: Who the f is this weird troll?

I have low hopes for this one.
He's in a bad mood and he's using the grill, which sets more fires than the stove...

Brad: So what have I missed?
Well Little Eb was cut up and kind of broke when you died...Zenobia got a new man...and Summer married Blaze.
Brad: She what?
Yeah, that very night. Sorry, man.
Brad: ...I have wasted my whole life on a woman who-

Bronson: You probably shouldn't've married her...
Brad: Shut up.

Brad: You're right, Rose Pictures! I can hit her with a PILLOW.

Zenobia: Last. Time.
But of course. The only thing that could do you in now would be Risky WooHoo.

Bentley: Woohoo!
Zenobia: Is how this happened. Once this kid is out wrap it up good, mister.

And so begins the storm of children crowding the crib and basically torturing the poor baby.
Danika there have been eight babies after you, you know you can't do anything.
Danika: Will it be terrible?

Zenobia: Crossing my fingers for Ali's life.
Don't worry, everyone else is leaving too, and Bentley isn't that bad so....

Felix: Just giving your house a dose of awesome. You should-

Bentley: I got fruit.
Cool. Can you shower?
Bentley: My fruit tho. I must complete the eating of it.
What is up with you?

Danika: Later peasants.
Ebony: Groot what is your smell? Why the hell do you smell like that, you...
Lux: Dipshit alien twat? Awkward chubby blue fail-turtle?
Groot: D: I thought we were friends.
Danika: Don't you guys notice me leaving? I'm 2cool4u.
Lux: I can't pass up an opportunity to insult.
Ebony: Uhhh...

Aw, the kids are playing.
Ebony: I'm practicing my kicking skills! Kick kick kick on those shins!
Lux: I'm pretending this is a real gun.
Ebony: Kewl. I'll kick you one day.
Lux: No you won't.

Zenobia: So how was your day?
Lux: I'm not having a conversation with you.

Lux: Having another baby...not like she knows what to do with the three she has. And I should know.
This doesn't concern you.

Zenobia: Can we not start with this again?
Caleb: But-
Zenobia: You might be a lonely little vampire with no-one left who gives a shit about him, apart from that sister who's more successful than you in every way...but I have a new fiance now. And a kid. So go think about...well, everything.
Caleb: ...I get it.
Do you?

Zenobia: Stupid life...stupid being heir...stupid garden...

Groot: Isn't this unacceptable? God, is no-one going to do anything about those dishes?
You do it.
Groot: Well...the thing is I'm already eating, and I'm not going to touch that old food...

Uni: Back to our regularly scheduled programming, I guess.
Ebony: Arrrrrrr!
Blarffy: The pain...
Dino: She's a little girl...
Ebony: Why would she have another child?
Drago: I know right!
Ebony: Exactly! *shove*
Blarffy: What, am I in the role of your mother, or the kid, or....
Ebony: Everything! You're everything I hate!
Dino: You're in for a rough ride, Blarffsy.
Uni: Would you shut up?
You too, Little Eb?

Aaliyah: Get away from me you dumb ghost!
Danika: Even babies mock me for my ghost status? Well I never. What has this world come to?

Bentley gets it right on his first attempt.
Aaliyah: You. I like you.
Bentley:...Do all babies talk or is it just...?
For comedic purposes babies talk, yes.
Bentley: Alright.

Mercy: No sense of danger. This baby won't survive.
It will only die if you mess around with that katana.

Aaliyah: Well that was horrific.
Zenobia: Gonna scream at me?
Aaliyah: Nah. I'm aight now. Come on, keep rocking me. It's nice.
Zenobia: You do not seem like a child of mine.

Glass: Nice to be back, isn't it?
Mercy: It looks like a unicorn threw up in this room.
Glass: Right?
Zenobia (just offscreen): I'm right here, you two.

I wouldn't get in there if I were you.
Glass: I have never listened to you.
Suit yourself.

Aaliyah: What is it with the ghosts 'round here?
Glass: Aren't you going to curse my name or something?
Aaliyah: I'd like it if you fed me...but nah. You get a chance to do this right.

Well Zen's busy, Ali.
Zen: *barf*

Glass: OH-
Danika: You saw me come in, idiot!
And are those flies flying around the toilet?
Danika: It smells of puke and soggy grout in here.
That would be Zen's vomit and the broken sink (thanks GLASS)

This guy is level 2 now so I'll try to be OK with him cooking...but I'm still watching you.
Bentley: Let's cheese away!
Wha...that doesn't even make sense!

Groot: Oh yeah! I'm super cool!
Danika: Meh.
Groot: Does no-one want to truly bond with me?
Danika: I can be your friend and call you out on your shit, Groot.

Ebony: Oh great. It's you.
Bentley: The problem being...?
Ebony: Uh, you sadden me? That might be the problem here.
Bentley: I'm not going to leave. I belong here too.
Ebony:...But seriously, leave as soon as possible. I speak in a place of wishing you well...

Groot: So we're going to hang out?
Lux: Of course, my favourite chubby blue bunny. In spite of your stupid hair and bad sleepwear-
Groot: Yeah, I'm done.
Lux: And I win.

Groot: *sigh* Mean little Eb?
Ebony: *whispers in ear* I'm going to choke the life out of you.
Zenobia: Well don't hang around then! Grab him 'round the neck!
Ebony: I don't need you, Mum!
Zenobia: Don't be difficult, kid-

Lux: SQUAWK SQUAWK...someone help me! The chickens are taking over inside!
Danika: I...dealt with enough of this from the rest of Gen 8.
Ebony: There's something important on the ceiling that I must deal with.
Groot: I...don't exist.
Danika: Seriously?
Groot: You guys took all the good excuses!
Ebony: I guess I could say serves you right...

Lux: Why are you running behind me, blool? Like blue -
Groot: Fool. I get it. And I guess you are OK now.
Lux: Who knew? I actually don't need any of you. Weird, right?

Groot: I look-
Lux: Hurry up or I'll start sliding anyway and kick your head in.
Groot: I'm not afraid of you.
Lux: You know me, and I'm crazy enough to disregard the safety rules. And I kinda hate you.
Groot: *subtly speeds up*

Lux: *ded*
Nice one.
Lux: At least this is realistic and natural! Who slides down a slide with a pretty little smirk?
Maybe you shouldn't have tried to do a flip on your first slide.
Lux: Again, crazy enough to say 'f*ck all of that!'

Groot: Haha, I'm getting up now! You won't hurt me!
Lux: Dammit, and I had a great trajectory heading STRAIGHT for the kneecaps...

Post-promotion Zen is feeling good. (She's on...Level 8 now)
Zenobia: Oh, you're going to be on top of the world, I can tell, little Ali! Already trying to damage your sibling...!
Aaliyah: Oh. Sorry, little sib. I'll move my leg.
Zenobia:...You are my greatest disappointment, and I was engaged to a guy who fucked my mum.
Aaliyah: Hey, hey. It's alright. Don't get agitated, I gotta eat.

Zen: Stupid kid! 'Meh, I'm relaxed and care about the wellbeing of others! Meehhhhh!'

Lux: That burger smells really good!
Groot: Jokes on you! I made it! Aha, I got a compliment out of you!
Lux: I don't object to that. I'm only so rude to you because mostly you deserve it.
Groot:...Well that did a 180.

Bentley is at level 2 now, which isn't bad. I don't expect him to progress very far because he did get moved in as an Adult.

Ebony: Wow...whoever made this deserves true gratitude.
Danika: *snort* Mean...
Ebony: I am mean! Mean like a tiger. This burger should be...put aside in the fridge for someone who may want it, because I, the mean one, do not want it.
Danika: Keep talking, Eb. This is funny.
Ebony: Shut up, little ghost...child...who is deserving of respect and sympathy due to dying tragically - no, that's not right...

Lux: Groot! Help me out here!
Groot: *sleepily* Whaa...
Lux is an a-hole. But then again we all knew that.
Lux: I'm just crazy, with no regard for the existence of desks.
She's kind of like her mother.

Bentley, you fuck. Get in the house. It's 9pm!
Bentley: Just one more round of Fruit Ninja...
Play it in the house!

Ali already has the pink outfit, kind of!
Zenobia: That was your randomised default? You should be my favourite.
Trust Zen to pick her favourite based on something totally arbitrary. Or pick favourites at all.
Ali is a wild little girl, and so far looks to be cute!

So cute.
She has Zen's eyes and hair (very dominant hair; 4/5 of Brad's kids had it (but I changed Mercy's)), but has Bentley's face shape. And that looks like the Tiny Nose (tm).

We press on, because this chapter ends when the last Gen 9 baby is finally freaking born.
Aaliyah: Mother...the hair...it burns...
Zenobia: O__O

Quinton: I still can't believe you kicked out my favourite daughter!
She's not...wait, she still is. You two always got along weirdly well.
Anyway, she had to go.
Quinton: @$%&!

Quinton: It's YOUR fault!
Blarffy: Sorry what.
Drago: What a weirdo...
Aaliyah: Hey, you three dudes, could you quiet it down? I'm trying to sleep over here.

Shayla: Mum always says the people in this house ignore her...
Your mother is a trainwreck, Shay.
Shayla: Who says I'm disagreeing with that?

Blarffy: I feel so attacked right now, I came out to have a good time-
Quinton: DID YOU? Weren't you just put here by a twist of cruel fate?
Drago: Lol true.
Blarffy: And now you laugh? ;__;

I was worried she might be attacking Zenobia, and that just wouldn't be helpful, but she went for Groot. That I'm OK with.
Shayla: Wake up, twat!

Groot: It burns...
Shayla: Shut up and be food, food.
This is almost making me miss Summer. Almost.

Groot: Wow...I could see us hooking up for real one day.
Shayla: This boy for real?
Well you are the correct age.
Shayla: *shudder* Shut up. Just shut up.

Groot: *passes out*
-5 I guess.

Lol weird angles resulting in tiny stick legs.
Groot: This burger smells better than my underarms!
Low bar, darling, low bar.

Q I love you so damn much, you weirdo.

Groot: My neck hurts and I have like two pints of blood left and ZEN WHY-
Zenobia: Hehehehe he's uncomfortable.

Ebony: Look how mean I am! I ate this delicious bowl of cereal instead of the proper food Groot made!
You mean the veggie burgers, which are probably soggy and gross now?
Ebony: Yeah! Soggy and gross! I'm saving that one.
You do you. Just don't act like people should be quaking in their boots at you expressing a preference.
Ebony: -__- Shut up.

Ebony: Better late than never!
It's 7.50.
Ebony: And I don't have to leave until EIGHT! HA!

Thanks, Ali. Thanks. I used Bentley's one adult action to feed you and you do this. THANKS.
Ali: 'Twas an accident.

Lux: Nice dress, Mother. Really emphasises the boulder-stomach bod you've got going on.
Zenobia: You try growing new life.
Lux: Probably one day, with either MCCC or heirship. And don't bang on about loving new life, I'm new life, and look how I treat you!
Zenobia:...Why don't you shut up and get on the bus, hmmm?

Ali: This isn't cool! Let me out please! Dammit, guys.

Ali: Living free, dummies!
What happened to your hair?

Ali: Screw you, books, you're not chill! OK, let's rip these. You wanna be ripped, book? K let's do it.
Apparently she gained the thinking skill. From destroying books. TS4 has irony, I guess.

Ebony: You're an idiot.
Lux: I am cool, though, right?
Ebony: Yeah right. Hey, you're getting a message too.

Lux: Do you think Dad's still trying to win that bet?...Actually, it's Granddad.
Ebony: Aw but I actually liked him. Why wouldn't he text me?

Groot: Why won't anyone stand near me?
Lux: Because you smell like...*thinks* bad cooking oil-
Ebony: Soggy and gross!
Lux: I told you not to say that one! Anyway, it's bad cooking oil, a sweaty vampire, and whatever the hell is in your hair product.

Danika: I wish it wasn't so easy for people to push me out of bus windows.

Lux: Awwww hell yeah! I respect THIS thing.
Of course you do.

Zenobia: Well this sucks.
Ali: It's aight. I know I'm not the easiest. :)
Zenobia: Who IS this kid, and what did you do to my real one?

Sorry WHAT.
I just...
How is that acceptable food at all?

Ebony: What a momentous feeling!
*cheers* Doing homework the night before! I'm so proud!
Too bad it's your birthday (which I only just realised).
And then the cake glitched so I aged her up via MCCC. It's only fair; Zen spent her time and money on it, so if it doesn't work I get to take shortcuts.
Imagine if that's how real life worked lol.

Ebony: I don't like this.
Groot: Haha, for once you look fucked-up.
Lux (just offscreen, don't know why I didn't put her in): You look like a melting mannequin.

Ebony is almost a Blaze clone, apart from Zen's shade of hair, eyes and the Tiny Nose (tm). She got the Jealous trait, which she adds to Mean, and the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration. I think she's really pretty.
Blaze looks a lot like his mother Belle Landgraab (find em over here at the hilarious Landgraabacy) and she was beautiful (of course) so I guess his features look good on female Sims too?

Lux: Why why why is she older? And why does she get a non-pink everyday outfit!
When you're older, Luxy. When you're older.

Found Bentley hanging around outside...as well as this.
Rez: Ooh, small human!
Oliver: This isn't my dad, by the way.

Ebony: I remember how neglected I felt...I'll help you out.
Ali: Cool. OK, I gotta sleep, I need some fun...

Why are all the newly teenified teens testing my patience?
Ebony: I can grill fruit-
Well, soon after I took this pic you turned the grill into a dirty horrorshow so...that bodes well.

Ebony: Easily! I did it easily! (Phew, I really did not think that would go well).
Fine. You win. But I wish you just wouldn't cook.

Danika: I can't believe I incessantly sought their company that one time...
You've done that many times.
Danika: This is the real life.
Or is it just fantasy?
Danika: To you it's a game.

Ebony: It smells like...dodgy chemicals and compost...
Bentley: Sorry. Science lab.
Zenobia: I just took a shower! Also, I'm bringing new life, I can smell as I wish.
Ebony: Wasn't talking about you, but now I do detect some smugness, Mother...

Ali: People are supposed to put me to bed, right? Yet I'm putting myself to bed. Curious.
At least you're going on your own and (hopefully) not passing out.

Ebony: Mum's an idiot.
Zenobia: -we're not doing shit until you shower.
Ebony: Still can't believe she picked that.
Bentley: Ebony I can hear you.
Ebony: Oh, was I mean? Wah wah wah.

Lux: Am I too late for homework?
It's 10pm but this is an ISBI so...nah. But hey, you respect the authority of teachers! Nice.
Lux: Do you think I'm doing it properly or respectfully at all?
Probably not.
Lux: HA.

Ooh, Mariska is knocked up again.
Tyrell: Yay?
Luz: You've gotta be shitting me.
Darryl: *already sneaking out the door*
Lana: Nice one sis.
Mariska: Shut up.

Bronson: What a bad-ass I am, haunting your TEA MAKER.

Yeah I was gonna skip until the actual birth of Zenobia's last child but I found this kinda sweet, even if it is Zen.
Fine. It's Friday, you can get married over the weekend.
Zen: Yes!

Oh, and Felix is here, for some reason he called to come over at like 3. He aged really well too, damn him.
Felix: I'm just that cool, right?
Bentley: Who are you?
Felix: Zen didn't mention me and my awesome? *dies*

Groot, what are you sad about now?
Groot: I have LOW SOCIAL in a house of seven people.
That is depressing. Sorry, dude, but you're almost the worst so...

Ebony: Come on, Mum's blank cipher, clean that grill.
Groot: Hehe, clean, servant!
Ebony: So those three words are ruined...as well as laughing. Goddamn it Groot.
Bentley: Not interested.
Ebony: Hell no.

Groot: Fuck the sun, am I right?
Ebony: And more words ruined. Mum, save me.
Zenobia:...But this is fun. Serves you right for not showering.
Groot: Gross, am I right? Or should I say grooss? Like my na-
Zenobia: You can shut up too.

And he's BLUE. Yes yes yes yes!
Mason: That was traumatising.
Zenobia: Ohoho you ain't seen nothing yet, sweet prince.
Next time, Mason grows up, Zen grows up (in age), we approach the brilliant days when Groot gets kicked out, and we see Lux's angst get teenage.
Score Sheet- 85
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (109) -545
Self Wetting (29) -145
Fires (10) -100
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