And I get back into my game to find this.
Caleb: I don't even care about your stink cloud, it's so good to hold you.
Summer: I feel like I'm reigniting a flame I'll never acknowledge or help to put out.
Zenobia: That dude is far out.
Bentley: Right?
Zen: Take the rose.
Bentley: I was going to, jeez.
Zen: Oh. Good.
Caleb:...Maybe you aren't attractive tho.
Summer: Whatcha say? C'mon, man, I need a person...
Zenobia: This is my body. You like?
Bentley: *stare* Hang on, is this my personality? Finding you hot?
Zenobia: For now. Don't worry though, I'll tolerate whatever personality you give me.
Bentley: So...what are we going to do?
Zenobia: Don't act so serious dude, we're just going to hookup and I might see you again...
Bentley: Are we doing it now?
Zenobia: Yeah we're doing this now. I'll get to know you later. You may get to move in once my dad dies or something...
RIP Kingston, put-upon husband of an idiot, sad-sack, and guy with many mother issues. He never had children, sadly, and he leaves behind said idiot and two little brothers.
Bentley: Well...
Zenobia: I might be pregnant.
Try definitely.
Zenobia: Oh, it's definitely.
Zenobia: Don't freak out, dude, it's definitely yours.
Bentley: No, that's not what I - I know it is - I guess I'm sticking around?
Zenobia: Just wait until my dad dies!
Zenobia: See Mum you can't destroy my happiness-
Bentley: What am I getting into.
Zenobia: Bentley here I come...Lux, let's do bathtime.
Lux: Kay. Bye, garbage-pa.
Brad: Regrets...so many regrets...
Bentley: OH my God...I guess I have to move in.
Grim: So many taunts...I've been waiting on this one.
Brad: Regrets...
Ebony: Grandpa no! Now there's no positive influence in this house!
Lux: O___O Well I'm traumatised now.
Ebony: And who is that guy?
Lux: At least we might get a new dad.
Ebony: *sobs* Not the time! I want Grandpa back!
Danika: Why are you yelling at me for?
Summer: I'm not yelling, I'm ranting. So Caleb just says-
Danika: Mum. Please. Stop talking to me and get out. You've got outdoor shoes on and you smell like death and cheap lotion.
Ebony: I feel so empty...
Groot: Well that was...
Lux: Horrific.
Bentley: This house is suh-weet.
Ebony: I'm never going to have a positive role model again.
Lux: Wah-wah-wah, at least you can clean yourself. Is anyone gonna help me?
And with that, I kicked Summer the fuck out! :)
RIP Bradley Bard Brad. I kind of liked you even if you were annoying and pretty stupid at times, and I'm sorry that everything went up shit creek regarding your personal life. He got pretty high-up in his career and almost mastered video-gaming so...not such a failure of a life.
Thank you to mojot89 (author of amazing stuff like the Wilde ISBI Alphabetacy (Brad's original home), Operation Repopulation (which Steve was a baby daddy on) and A Swift Drift)
Thank you to mojot89 (author of amazing stuff like the Wilde ISBI Alphabetacy (Brad's original home), Operation Repopulation (which Steve was a baby daddy on) and A Swift Drift)
She got a small makeover before she left, and got her first vampire eye detail. I think she's overdue anyway, so there you go, Summer. Some nice permanent eye bags.

Lux: I dance on your grave, grandpa! I dance!
Groot: I need to mourn my stepdad, it's not like anyone else will.
Bentley: Get over your victim complex kid.
Grim:...So am I gonna get yelled at? Can I stick around a bit...how's your TV?
Lux: Just leave, gawd!

Zenobia: Oh shit, things are gonna get rough.
Zenobia: Because now I have no-one to help me out!
Rough. But at least...she's growing up soon?
Zenobia: I'm pregnant again, fool!

Unamused. Un-a-fucking-mused.
So now Blaze is both Ebony and Lux's dad and stepgranddad. And Summer is their stepmother and grandma. And Zen's ex is her stepdad. What the fuck have you two done.

Oh hi, Lilith, thanks for not breaking into the house.
Lilith: Believe me I wanted to.
You heard what Summer did?
Lilith: Hell yeah I did. I'm envying her a little. He's an ass, but hot.
That's why I initially picked him out. For Zen.

Blaze, you're a horrible father. It's 2am.
Ebony: Screw off, shitheel.
Blaze: I'll bring your grandma/stepmum over!
Eb: Kindly go to hell.

Lux: Up and at 'em, y'all!
Groot: Even the other children are terrible...
You're one of them, genius. And Luxy's just a traumatised baby, she's not terrible.
Groot: Yet.
That I can't object to.

Glass: Wow, Zen really can't keep house.
Are you going to help her?
Glass: No...

Glass: See? I'm being a bitch to the bitch! I'm cleaning up her indoor Slip 'n' Slide.
Nobody tell her.

Danika: Let's socialise! Please socialise!
Groot: I need the loo...
Danika: Oh, sure, put your own needs above my need to talk to you. Thanks.
Groot: I just wanna pee.
Danika: At least Mum was always around for a - wait, I don't miss her! I do not miss her.

Danika: Hugs!
Ebony: Yay...I mean, get out of my face! I'm a mean child!
Danika: Do you still want the hug before I go?

Ebony:...She actually left. Granddad would never.
He accepted his life here, Little Eb. And now he's gone. Find someone else to talk to.

Ebony: They can't see me cry! I don't, do miss him! I mourn! I am strong!
Poor little broken child. I think Brad's passing finally did her in.

Ebony: You're still not a good father.
Blaze: Really? *calls to Summer* Fine, you win our bet! Kid still hates me.
Ebony: Of course I hate you! You don't even like me!

Lux: Fire! Flames! Light! I might respect that!
Zenobia: No-one likes a pyromaniac, kid. Now hurry it up, what do you think this is? A functional household? A proper celebration of your age transition?

Lux: My mum ran away from me on my birthday...:(

Zenobia: It's not personal. I just needed to puke. But I'll let that disrespectful kid think it is.
You're a horrible mother.
Zenobia: She'll think twice about being a bitch then, won't she?

Lux is a complete face clone of Blaze, and her colours are all Zenobia. Sigh. Hopefully the next one has some of Zen's genes.
Lux here is Insane, with the Artistic Prodigy aspiration.

Lux: Dude. What happened to you?
Groot: This is my awkward phase.
Lux: I think it might be a 'phase'...of the forever kind.
Groot is a Vegetarian Music Lover and he wants a Big Happy Family, btw.

Lux: I don't want a new dad, my old one is bad enough.
Bentley: So they're definitely your kids?
Zenobia: Oh, yeah, totally. And unfortunately, Lux, that a-hole is still your dad. And step-granddad.

Zenobia: The kids are very self-sufficient. I don't know where any of them are at the moment!
Bentley: Perfect...so I've got you to myself?
Zenobia: For a bit. C'mon, let's cloudgaze. We need the friendship boost.

Lux: You're the best, Aunt Dani.
Danika: We found love in a hopeless place!
Lux: Nope, detach, detach, you made this weird...
Danika: Hey. Look. I'm really embarrassed. It's fine, let's hug.
Lux: Please let go of me.

Ebony: I'm mean!
Lux: And I'm full-on bonkers crazy.
Both: Well, you don't seem it.

I only brought Bentley into the fray because I wanted Zen to have more kids, but they're kind of cute together.

Zenobia: Hurry up and get in!
Bentley: I feel like everyone can see me.
Zenobia: So? We're just taking some time to observe everything...wait, that's not sexy. Pregnancy body. Dammit, I'm horny, just screw me.

Jalen: I wanna observe things!
It can be up to your imagination whether this kid is a mini-perv or just a regular kid who likes space.

Danika: You guys are my last hope for socialisation.
Blarffy: Thanks, Dani.
Dino: Yeah, thanks you ageless see-through freak!
Danika: And I don't wanna hang out with you anymore!
Uni: Dammit Dino, that was the most respect we've gotten since little Lana was...little.

Bentley: We're finally together...
Zenobia: And you can't sleep with my mother...
Bentley: Wait what?
Zenobia: *shrug* That's what my last boyfriend did. I asked him to marry me, and he...but y'know, it's a new lease of life for me.
Bentley: OK...
Zenobia has done a pretty good job playing the poor sympathetic single mother, hasn't she?
Anyway, Bentley is from the gallery (I slightly modified him) and is at the start of his adult stage. Zen ages up really soon so I thought it made more sense for him to be an adult. Plus if he started at YA he'd be around for-fucking-ever, and I don't want that.

Lux: Dad stop trying to win that bet, I don't like you either, and I never will!
Blaze: Little Eb told you about that bet?
Lux: Why wouldn't she tell me?

Lux: I wish someone cared about me...
I'm sure someone does...kind of...
Lux: Meh. Wanna bet?
I wouldn't.
Lux: And that says it all.

Bentley: It's 4pm and Saturday, I can do what I like.
I'm just here to say thanks for skilling, dude.

Mercy: I bet he's stab-tacular!
Zenobia: Please don't stab my new boyfriend.
Mercy: Sorry. Sometimes I forget that not everyone likes-
Zenobia: This conversation is over.

Danika: Dude, get away while you can.
Bentley: Why would I do that, when I get to be with this lovely creature?
Zenobia: Danika, shuddup.
Danika: You know she mocks me like every day for being a dead child?
Bentley: That's hilarious.
Danika: Fine, you deserve her...and I won't be socialising with you. Oh joy, back to those toys.

Ebony: You're terrible! The worst!
Blarffy: Y E S. Get him, girl. I love her more than Lana.
Drago: I approve! I approve so hard!

Zenobia: No, Felix. Not all of us are dying alone, so I don't need to dine out with you. If I wanted to visit some restaurant I'd go with my boyfriend.
Felix: Hurtful, but I'm still-
Zenobia: This conversation is finished. *to self* God, all my siblings have lost it.
Did they have it though? And you never had it either.

Ebony: OK, OK. Time to practice. *deep breath* I'm mean and I'll punch you! No...too much. Wait, these aren't fists.
Ebony: I miss granddad!

Zenobia: Well fuck my life.
See kids, getting a new man doesn't automatically solve all your problems.
Zenobia: You are the cause of most of my problems.

Ebony: I'm mean and I'll punch you!
Bentley: You must be Ebony? Zen's oldest? Aren't you sweet.
Ebony: Hey, screw off! You can't replace anyone! ANYONE!
Bentley: So I'm not your dad but...
Ebony: Why is there only a sparkle on YOUR food?
Bentley: What's up with this child?

Ebony: Die in a hole!
Bentley: What do you think happens in my dreams? You know you can't bring up stuff like that!
Ebony: How would I - UGH, why does my dumb mother have to pick out the worst partners? Shut up!

Bentley: Ain't no party like a party alone, with this glass of mostly-Coke and my own sweater!
And your weirdness seeps out. But that's OK. You wouldn't be interesting if you weren't weird.
Bentley: Hehehe.

Quinton:...I don't want to hear about my mess of a daughter's latest mess.
She's not here.
Quinton: ...You kicked out my little girl? *gasp*
You say after roasting her every time I see you for the past 3 chapters. Anyway, she promptly made Zen's ex Zen's stepdad.
Quinton: Wait...how would...oh for fuck's-

Zenobia: Well, what do you think, pics of pretentious food? Did I rush into this?
Zenobia: Shush, I'm practicing my front. Y'know.
So you admit it.
Zenobia: I've had a pretty dramatic and shitty time of it. I've run out of fucks to give.

Ebony: It's your fault Mum's having a stupid new kid.
Lux: I just wanted some 3am noodles in peace...I no longer respect you.
Ebony: I no longer care.
Quinton: So that's Gen 9, huh?
Quinton: I would say 'what happened to the fam' but my siblings were just as bad.

Ebony: Ah!
Quinton: Just a bit of fun!
Ebony: You can be my new role model!
Lux: This ain't gonna end well. And ghost man? Ya dumb.

Quinton: What's your deal, kid?
Lux: I'm insane and I hate all adults in this fam.
Quinton: Don't let that define you-
Lux: And I'm not in the mood for a deep conversation. I literally just wanted my 3am noodles.

Ebony: Ha. Haha! This ottoman was loved by granddad so I love it too! And Bentley, I am in your room!
Bentley: *snore*

Zenobia: Oh, of all the people to hug...
Groot: Yeah. Worst gets the hug first.
Zenobia:...Fuck, maybe I am the worst now. Whatever. Get off me or I'll get Mercy over.
Groot: Eep!

Bentley: What have they DONE to this thing?

Zen and her not-quite-yet-boyfriend get some time together.
Bentley: Seriously, I definitely WON'T sleep with your mother.
Zenobia: A girl can never be too careful.

Look how nice they look in their romantic photo, compared to the one with Blaze. Hopefully that's a good omen.

Londyn (OK game): I have escaped the crush.
Zenobia: You a-holes better let me in your bathroom or I'll destroy you all emotionally.
Ebony: She will, dude.
Davin: I ain't afraid of no ghost!
Danika (stuck behind Zen): Say what about me? I didn't even do anything.
Groot: So...sleepy...
Chandler (blue dreads guy): Headbutt, headbutt, headbutt!
Lux: I already have no respect for these people.
Zenobia: Well respect me enough to get out of the way or I will pee all over you! I'm PREGNANT, a-holes.

Megan: Aw fuck.
Cruz: I don't like this woman...
Megan: That is my child, by the way.
Cruz: We know that, and I don't like you.
Megan: Why are they here?
I said I'd pay you a visit.

Branden: Bawk bawk bawk! See, Davin loves your fashion sense!

Edgar: What's all this noise?
Megan: Shut up, Edgar, or I'll ambush you in your sleep again.
Edgar: No fair, it's my turn! You already did that two nights ago!

William: Hai Mrs S, you look really good tod-
Londyn: We've lived together your whole life. I changed your nappy. Stop.

Bentley: Hey man, I just had this crazy dream...
Davin; Heh...heh...
Chandler: Dude you have to stop with her.
Londyn: Yes, thank you Chan-
Chandler: Because she'd pick me. Hypothetically...
William: No way.
Londyn: Davin you need to get that promotion and get us out!

Megan: So how is that Mercy, I always liked-
Zenobia: You look pretty hot.

Megan: Why thanks, now tell me about that sister of yours...
Zenobia: Married, living in Forgotten Hollow with a collection of swords and knives...
Megan: Do you think she's my Customer X...never mind, never mind, this doesn't concern you.
Zenobia: I know she loves your stuff...
Megan: And how's your life, dear?
Zenobia: I'm having a baby with my boyfriend, who may be the one person I could stand spending my life with...

Megan: Nice. What about the other two?
Zenobia: Huh?
Megan: I know they're yours. You brought them. Two of them are freaking blue!
Zenobia: Well...turns out my lovely fiance was having a slight affair with my mother...they got married like, right after she finally left the house. The two girls are his and mine, and the other blue one's my stupid little brother.
Megan: Oh no...can Branden use that? He says he needs something good but trashy for his 'novel'...
I then took them all home because it was a bit crowded and Zen needed to skill.

In other news, Zen definitely isn't as straight as I thought she was. She used a compliment appearance interaction on Megan that actually worked...

Bentley: Oh shit!
Ebony: I hate you forever now! Get out, freak!

Our Mercy may be a katana-wielding scary bitch but she's a good and supportive sister.

Lux: Cool guys don't look at explosions, right guys?
Blarffy: Uh, sure.
Lux: I did the tradition. Can I go home now?
Dino: You are home, silly goose.
Lux: Call me a goose again and I'll rip those horns off your head and feed 'em to you.

Groot: You're not so bad, Luxy. And neither am I.
Lux: You're an ass and an idiot...but I'll be civil. Maybe.
Groot: Works for me! I mean, everyone in this house is just the-
Lux: Worst? Yup.
Groot: See? We get each other!

Bentley: OH my chest...why does this have to be so fun?
Welcome to the household. Properly.

Danika: Have I been weirded out by or scared off from you yet?
Ebony: I dunno. It's been a weird weekend.
Danika: Hug?
Ebony: Aight...but I'm mean. So tell no-one. Or I'll...make fun of your awesome little hat.
Danika: I do really love you sometimes, little Eb.

Groot: I'm in her room. Cos she's the worst!
Sleep in a bed, backup member of Blue Man Group.

Groot: Alcohol left out on a school night! I'm gonna sit down and *sip* just rest and then I'll *sip* just *sip* put this *sip* away *glugs*. Oh look it's gone.

You slept in Groot's bed, meaning he's gone to sleep in Zen and Bentley's bed...you have your own bed! With a Claim and everything!
Ebony: What can I say except you're welcome!
No! Shut it. Hey, guess what, you were finally mean!

Oh Groot, you may be annoying and kind of a twat, but this makes me so happy. No fire risk! So happy. *wipes tear*

Lux: Me playing outside near a road at 2am? This seems safe.
So why are you doing it?
Lux: Just to see...if the adults notice...
They won't, sweet child, you know they won't.

Groot: Whatcha doing?
Lux:...Dark web stuff. Dangerous. Seeing if people notice.
Groot: I...am pretty good and nice, but I don't wanna deal with that...

Ebony: I kinda wish Grandma was around, because then she'd lay into you...
Zenobia: I'm pregnant, I can wear what I LIKE in the common areas.
Ebony: That's not how anything works.

Danika: One day, I'll fly far away from here...
Dino: Yeah, good luck, KID.
Drago: Aw, she's pretty nice though.
Blarffy: Yeah, lay off, dick.
Dino: Why are y'all always picking on me?
Uni: Because you're terrible. In every way.

Ida: I don't sense skank, so I guess Summer left!
Lux: Ooh. Suffering. Just what I love to see in the morning...apart from you, Mum. Goddamn it, way to ruin everything.
Zenobia: It's what I do best, dear! But seriously, why does everyone hate my body...
Ida: Cos it looks like you swallowed a watermelon?
Lux: You are hilarious.
And thus, you find someone to respect.
Lux: No - no I don't!

Zenobia: Even you, Bentley. And you're supposed to be my boyfriend.
Bentley: I'm just really uncomfortable right now...
Zenobia: So me growing our kid makes you uncomfortable? And you get to walk around shirtless, huh?
Bentley: *sigh*
Zenobia: Well, you're just a blank cipher provided so I can have more babies. How's that for a greeting, ass?

A bit later...
Bentley: Sorry?
Zen: Meh. Get away, I've got work to do. And you have work in half an hour.
I shoved him in the science career, btw.

Zenobia made a plant.
Apparently if you cross a dragon fruit and a quill fruit you can get a spike fruit. So this plant now grows dragonfruit and spike fruit.

RIP Xena. Thanks for making nice with them in the end, though I would have liked it if you harassed Summer a bit more when she started to annoy me.

Groot: Whoops, didn't see you there.
Lux: This isn't even the worst thing that happened today.
Danika: *sigh* So that was the tenth time I've had that lesson... I've been in Grade School for sixty years...
Ebony: *mocking* Oh boohoo I'm a ghost child. *a bit more normal* No-one wants to hear about your existential crisis, Danika.
Lux: True dat.

Did I say I had love for Groot?
Well I don't now.

Serious business.
Ebony: Don't joke about this. I'd tear my arm off to beat Lux in our hang-off-the-bars competition.

Ebony: Oh, go get a suntan.
Summer: I'm sun-resistant, ya little jerk.
Ebony: Then just...I don't know. Stop eating. Hibernate in your stupid coffin forever.

Groot: So how was-
Lux: Groot. I don't mind you but I love TV!
Groot: So?
Lux: So shut up and let me experience TV in peace. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?
Groot: Shouldn't you be minding your own business?
Lux: Don't sass me or I won't hang out with you.

Ebony: See how mean I am? I'm here even though I could be next to you! I am awful!
Zenobia: Yes, but not because you're 'mean' dear.
Ebony: D:

Bentley: Time to get m'cheese on!
Please don't start a fire.
Bentley: Too smooth for that.

Bentley wished for this. D'aww.
Bentley: Hearing her screaming while having my kid upstairs as I chill with...m'cheese....made me realise that I wanna marry this woman!
OK dude, whatever.

This is Aaliyah, who will probably have her name shortened to Ali at some point.
Zenobia: How many more of these do I have to have?
Just one, I promise. All we can fit, anyway.
Aaliyah: Bruuuhhhhh.
Next time, Zen has her fourth and last child, and may get engaged to Bentley (and this time actually marry him).
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (27) +135
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (108) -540
Self Wetting (29) -145
Fires (10) -100
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