Happy New Year everyone!
*warning* In this chapter I was incredibly frustrated on every level with almost every Sim. Lots of ranting.

Groot: Muuuum, please get out.
Summer: Why don't ya make me, Groot? Do it! I dare you!
Groot: But I gotta pee!
Summer: Is that my problem?
Groot: Y-you're in the bathroom!
She has a low friendship bar with Groot, btw. She does not like this kid. I swear she's always yelling at him.

Summer she's still crying!
You're worse than Blaze! He may hate the kids and probably curses at them under his breath but he generally fulfils their needs and then fucks off somewhere else! Jesus woman you just want to make me hate you!
Summer: Living my best life, Watcher, haters can back off.
1. CRINGE. and 2. Your marriage is in shreds and you can only ever have one of your seven kids liking you. So shut it.

Summer:...And Granddad was half naked. I don't even know why I try.
You don't try! You don't do anything except get in my way and fuck with relationships anymore! I used to really love you, you were like my fave Sim. You were competing with Wanda. Now you're definitely not.

Groot: Hey, Eb!
Ebony: You know you're my fave, right? It's by default, but-
Groot: It counts, it counts! You're the best!
Summer: Don't get too functional!
Summer: I was joking, get the stick out your ass.

Lux is cute. She also doesn't have the tiny nose, and appears to have a similar mouth to her sister. She looks a lot like Zen because of the colouring but I think there's a lot of Blaze in her face.
She's also fussy...so I'll probably end up ranting at her at some point.

It's also Ebony's birthday! And there's NO CAKE. Zen is gonna be late for work because of this, but whatever. These idiots can barely take care of one toddler. I'm not leaving them all day with two.
Zenobia: I can add wine to this cake, right? I think we all need that.

Lux: Little Eb says that these dolls can be substitutes for our parents! *hugs* I'm going to call her Zebra!

Ebony: Lux you are littler than me and you know it!
Little Lux just doesn't have the same ring to it...
Ebony: Hmmph.

Well screw you too, Little Eb! You couldn't wait like ten minutes?
-5! Now grow the hell up!

Ebony: You're about to drop me!
Brad: Grow up well, i.e. unlike your damned father-
Ebony: I know, right dude? I'mma be awesome.
Brad: Yeah you are, Little Eb!
Ebony: Whee, self-sufficiency!

Eb got the mean trait.
Eb: And a horribly pink outfit.
Again, Zen would make you wear that. She's looking a lot like Blaze, but with the tiny nose.

Danika got a new outfit again.
Danika: Small victories, huh?
Shuddup, I worked very hard for like 30 seconds on this winning ensemble.

Ebony: Halp.
D: I have to get rid of the moustache hat?
Ebony: Please do. Or I'll...I will curse you out, because I am MEAN!
You're that type of mean, huh?
Ebony: What is that supposed to mean? Hehe...mean. I...I didn't laugh at that, and it wasn't me!

Lux: I want proper human attention! These dolls SUCK!
You're not going to get that, sunshine, sooo...

Lux: Can you two act like people?
Drago: We can't move, kid.
Blarffy: To be a person, to be afforded a modicum of respect.
Lux: You think people in this house get respect? We need a revolution!
Drago: Why does everyone propose that?
Blarffy: Because this place is a hellhole.

Lux: Food!
Blaze: Say 'please'.
Lux: Haha, he think he deserves respect!
Blaze: You are not a nice child.
Lux: And you're a horrible adult but I don't complain about it. Food, now, chop chop!

Ebony: Best radio show ever! It's about constructing your own identity!
You'll need that, you've been a child for like seven hours and haven't done anything interesting. I don't have a personality for you yet.
Ebony: Can't pin me down, huh?
Not yet.
Ebony: :D
Y'know that just leads to a lack of screentime?
Ebony: And that's myevil mean plan.

Lux: -why should I respect you? Gimme one good reason. For starters you're walking around in your underwear-
Blaze: I don't need this from you!
Lux: But you'll take it from Grandma?
Blaze: Wha - how do you know-?
Lux: Comedic potential? I dunno. Just shut up and stop thinking you have a right to tell me what to do with my life.

Groot: I hurt everywhere.
Well you're a true Sutherland now, kid. Just don't get obsessed.
Groot: Will do. This fall has kind of put me off.

'This fall has kind of put me off', huh, kid?
Groot: Oh don't bitch, I look smooth af.
-__- Fine. You do you. You're doing good, kid.

Blaze: Back you go for being terrible.
Lux: Can I just be put to bed?
Blaze: Now you're playing nice.
Summer: You're both idiots.
Given recent events, Summer, you cannot non-hypocritically call another an idiot.

If I put spouse-focused pictures in banners I would use this picture of you in Gen 8's, Blaze.
Blaze: What's that smell?

Summer: Why do you both have to be here?
Zen: Head of house, can do what I like.
Blaze: I'm just...eating this cake. Nothing happening except eating this cake and enjoying the company of my fiance.

Summer: Get that thing away from my chest.
Mercy: Lovely to see you too, Mum? How's the Blaze situation?
Summer: I haven't done anything with him...for a while.
Mercy: Aw. I bet you're really suffering.
Summer: Mercy if you want to poorly taunt someone don't do it to a powerful vampire.
Mercy: I'll talk to and taunt who I like because I have a very sharp katana. I mean, Issac likes it-

Uni: Damn am I glad she rarely came into the playroom.
Dino: But she would have picked Blarff. They always do, huh?
Uni: How is that possibly the right thing to say?
Mercy: Shut up, you two, or I'll slice through your stuffing.

Brad: WOW you're hot - I mean-
Summer: Hahahahaha! I knew it! I knew you're still into me! I should have started screwing other dudes ages ago!
Brad: And the magic is gone.
Summer: Is it? And what magic?

Ida: I can see what's happening.
Summer: What do you care? And come on, you can't have been happy with Granddad forever!
Ida: I wasn't always happy, but I didn't go round wrecking my marriage and flirting with the next gen's intended spouse. You bring shame upon the institution AND this family. Well done, little girl, well done.
Summer: ...Whatever, Grandma.

Summer: Stop lecturing me about my life choices! I get it! I get it! Now shut up!
Ida: You are past redemption.
Ebony: Oh, ghost lady, whoever you are, I'm on your side.
Ida: Great baby-raising!
Summer: SHUSH.

Ida: Blah blah blah, I'm a little slut-
Summer: You're bad at impressions.
Danika: Cake is all that brings me happiness.
Ebony: I need the toilet! Where are those?
Summer: Ugh. Who are you, Brad?
Ida: Better him than you, Summer!
Danika: Daaaaamn...preach, great-grandma.
Ida: Be quiet.
Danika: ...OK

Later, after everyone but Brad and Blaze has gone to work...
Lux: You suck Grandpa! I don't know why Eb likes you so much!
Brad: Can I pee before being subject to your whims!
Lux: I won't allow that!
Brad: Well...it's happening.

Blaze, you asshole, give her the yoghurt.
Blaze: But I'm pretty hungry myself...
Lux: Unbelievable. Actually, no. Totally believable! But unacceptable!
Damn right, Luxy.

She got it in the end.
Lux: Why must I suffer so?
Because you're being raised by a pack of idiots.

Don't worry...actually, do. Seeing you reminded me how close you were to being forced to get with Zen. And now that Blaze has been the worst...
Kate: No. NO. Don't do this.

Summer: We match in the worst possible way.
Lux: Yep.
Ebony: Also your skank arms are touching her.
Summer: I'm not even in the mood to fight you, Eb.
Ebony: Good!

Promotion, heck yeah!
As in stocks. Finance. Money. That stuff. She went into the Investor branch sooo...
I'm just relieved she doesn't have to fill out reports for hours anymore.

Groot: I try to be nice, Mother, but let me give it to you straight: get your putrid self out of the good chair and take a shower! I can see the smells!
Danika: We can see all smells, Groot.
Summer: Exactly.
Danika: That doesn't mean-
Summer: I'm just gonna stay here.
Groot: Please don't.
Danika: Amen to that.

Ebony: You are the one adult I like in this place.
Brad: Flattered...?
Ebony: I know, I know, it's not much of a compliment.

Brad ru fuckin kidding me mate?
Zenobia: Seriously? I was busy.
Lux: Yeah, same. Ugh, Ebony WHY do you like Granddad?
Brad: This is my favourite toilet! You must leave.
Zenobia: *muttering* And the only one you know the location of, you senile old...
Ebony: Nice one Granddad.
Zenobia: You are no child of mine.
Lux: Dear positive-influence-starved sister, you don't need to turn to this dummy!

I'm seeing red here, people, I'm seeing red.
Lux was about to nap on a chair and Summer decided to start fucking talking to her. She doesn't need to hear about your day, Summer!
Lux: You're a disgrace.
Thank you!
Summer gets the crown for worst former TH ever.

[insert every swear in the English dictionary]
Zenobia, you are also the worst.
Zenobia: This isn't my fault in the slightest. You control me, you're just bad at it.
I control you, yes, and I told you to put her in bed. Then I looked away for like 5 seconds. Why did you let her pass out?
Lux: So much hate...

Summer: The smell and mud has become a second skin. It's an important part of my life.
Ebony: Grandma please let me go have a shower.

Ebony: LET ME LEAVE! LET ME LEAVE! We're gross! Why are you so proud of this, you stupid skank?
Summer: Don't talk to me like that-
Ebony: I will talk to you how I like because you've done nothing to earn my respect! I have no respect for you, so there!

Summer: You're the best!
Groot: I wish I could say the same about you.
Summer: Well, you're using the only bathroom-
Groot: I'm done using it, you had all night, and there are two more downstairs. Who doesn't know that? Are you Brad or something?
Ebony (from somewhere): She's worse.
Right, that's that done! I am so tempted to just move these fools (aforementioned fools being Summer, Blaze and maybe Brad) the fuck out and have some more room for Zen kids. They don't have to be Blaze's.
Summer and Blaze have one more chance. If they WooHoo one more time...
Pass Out (107) -535
*warning* In this chapter I was incredibly frustrated on every level with almost every Sim. Lots of ranting.

Hmm. Two adults who raised 10 babies between them can't work out that a smelly baby should be fucking changed.
Summer: I'm stumped.
Glass: Honestly me too.
Zen I told you to put her in BED! What are you doing?
(She was trying to take a bath in the DOWNSTAIRS BATH when the upstairs one was free anyway! This is why I want to scream)
This generation is getting on my last nerve.
-5! In the second screenshot. Fuck you all.
Danika is back on the darts.
Danika: You say that like it's a problem...I can stop at any time! Totally.
Zenobia: Hehehe, your outfit is the worst. Like your life decisions, you little slut.
Blaze: I regret...*pained smile*...most things.
Zenobia has gone from put-together pink queen of mean to woman who eats garlic noodles for breakfasts.
Zenobia: I can't blame...uh...post-pregnancy cravings can I? That isn't a thing, is it?
I don't think so.
Brad: Everyone shh! This is awesome!
There's no-one in the room, Brad.
Chef Lady: SLAP. DAT.
Just a random pic of Zen on the microscope, being beautiful and smug.
Zen: I'm hella intelligent!
She needs Logic for her job anyway, and we all know about Zen's ambition!
Brad, you beautiful bastard, you're finally learning some gourmet cooking.
Too bad you die in like a week, meaning you most likely won't get up to Level 2 and actually get your stupid promotion.
Summer:...I feel like I should feel bad.
Danika: You definitely should.
Summer's really got close to Danika recently. It's kind of sweet.
Danika: It's because she destroyed her marriage and now all that's left is me and Groot.
Summer: I won't deny that.
Zen just took care of you (which took forever because these idiots were idiots and kept blocking the crib) and you're crying again? Ugh, Lux, you better be cute.
Lux: But I'm a tortured sooouuull....
And now that Zen is actually busy you don't want to help at all? Summer...I...argh! I do not like you!
Danika: She smells like a garbage truck. It's best for the baby that she doesn't go near it.
Matilda: This kitchen is gross.
Zen: Hey - listen, you sad lady! You don't live here, and your life is pathetic. No-one here cares. So get out.
Thanks, Zen! Now get out, Matilda! No-one let you in! No-one even knows you! OUT.
Lux you got attention 20 minutes ago and your nappy is clean. I bet she grows up with the Fussy trait. As demonstrated by Felix, that will probably make me hate her no matter how cool she turns out. I kinda like Felix now even if he is a conceited shit, but that took until literally his YA years.
Zenobia: Remind me why I need to have more of these?
I don't even know anymore.
Groot is being awesome and taking out some trash.
Groot: What else am I to do in this large, empty house?
Seven other people live here.
Groot: Do any of them pay attention to me? Y'know, Watcher, I think this is my first screenshot in this WHOLE chapter! Odd, huh?
It's not my fault you spent most of the day either going on epic dish-clearing binges or playing video games. You're not very interesting.
Zenobia: Yeah, sure Mum. Just watch the baby as it cries. And flirt with my fiance. And-
Summer: It's your kid.
Zenobia: -__- I could always use the help.
Hey Blaze? I hate you.
Blaze: *mumbles, probably drools slightly* Same to you.
A few hours later, Blaze got woken up by Lux crying (big surprise there) and redeemed himself a tiny tiny bit by bathing a very dirty Little Eb.
Ebony: Stop calling me that.
Blaze: But you are little, and you're Eb!
Ebony: No doy, father. This stuff is why I don't like you. That and the cheating and being stupid and hating the idea of me and things...
Bronson: I am going to beat this level!
That's the ghosts for tonight. I wanna see Q at some point. I feel like it's been a while since Q's been out.

Groot: Muuuum, please get out.
Summer: Why don't ya make me, Groot? Do it! I dare you!
Groot: But I gotta pee!
Summer: Is that my problem?
Groot: Y-you're in the bathroom!
She has a low friendship bar with Groot, btw. She does not like this kid. I swear she's always yelling at him.

Summer she's still crying!
You're worse than Blaze! He may hate the kids and probably curses at them under his breath but he generally fulfils their needs and then fucks off somewhere else! Jesus woman you just want to make me hate you!
Summer: Living my best life, Watcher, haters can back off.
1. CRINGE. and 2. Your marriage is in shreds and you can only ever have one of your seven kids liking you. So shut it.

Summer:...And Granddad was half naked. I don't even know why I try.
You don't try! You don't do anything except get in my way and fuck with relationships anymore! I used to really love you, you were like my fave Sim. You were competing with Wanda. Now you're definitely not.

Groot: Hey, Eb!
Ebony: You know you're my fave, right? It's by default, but-
Groot: It counts, it counts! You're the best!
Summer: Don't get too functional!
Summer: I was joking, get the stick out your ass.

Lux is cute. She also doesn't have the tiny nose, and appears to have a similar mouth to her sister. She looks a lot like Zen because of the colouring but I think there's a lot of Blaze in her face.
She's also fussy...so I'll probably end up ranting at her at some point.

It's also Ebony's birthday! And there's NO CAKE. Zen is gonna be late for work because of this, but whatever. These idiots can barely take care of one toddler. I'm not leaving them all day with two.
Zenobia: I can add wine to this cake, right? I think we all need that.

Lux: Little Eb says that these dolls can be substitutes for our parents! *hugs* I'm going to call her Zebra!

Ebony: Lux you are littler than me and you know it!
Little Lux just doesn't have the same ring to it...
Ebony: Hmmph.

Well screw you too, Little Eb! You couldn't wait like ten minutes?
-5! Now grow the hell up!

Ebony: You're about to drop me!
Brad: Grow up well, i.e. unlike your damned father-
Ebony: I know, right dude? I'mma be awesome.
Brad: Yeah you are, Little Eb!
Ebony: Whee, self-sufficiency!

Eb got the mean trait.
Eb: And a horribly pink outfit.
Again, Zen would make you wear that. She's looking a lot like Blaze, but with the tiny nose.

Danika got a new outfit again.
Danika: Small victories, huh?
Shuddup, I worked very hard for like 30 seconds on this winning ensemble.

Ebony: Halp.
D: I have to get rid of the moustache hat?
Ebony: Please do. Or I'll...I will curse you out, because I am MEAN!
You're that type of mean, huh?
Ebony: What is that supposed to mean? Hehe...mean. I...I didn't laugh at that, and it wasn't me!

Lux: I want proper human attention! These dolls SUCK!
You're not going to get that, sunshine, sooo...

Lux: Can you two act like people?
Drago: We can't move, kid.
Blarffy: To be a person, to be afforded a modicum of respect.
Lux: You think people in this house get respect? We need a revolution!
Drago: Why does everyone propose that?
Blarffy: Because this place is a hellhole.

Lux: Food!
Blaze: Say 'please'.
Lux: Haha, he think he deserves respect!
Blaze: You are not a nice child.
Lux: And you're a horrible adult but I don't complain about it. Food, now, chop chop!

Ebony: Best radio show ever! It's about constructing your own identity!
You'll need that, you've been a child for like seven hours and haven't done anything interesting. I don't have a personality for you yet.
Ebony: Can't pin me down, huh?
Not yet.
Ebony: :D
Y'know that just leads to a lack of screentime?
Ebony: And that's my

Lux: -why should I respect you? Gimme one good reason. For starters you're walking around in your underwear-
Blaze: I don't need this from you!
Lux: But you'll take it from Grandma?
Blaze: Wha - how do you know-?
Lux: Comedic potential? I dunno. Just shut up and stop thinking you have a right to tell me what to do with my life.

Groot: I hurt everywhere.
Well you're a true Sutherland now, kid. Just don't get obsessed.
Groot: Will do. This fall has kind of put me off.

'This fall has kind of put me off', huh, kid?
Groot: Oh don't bitch, I look smooth af.
-__- Fine. You do you. You're doing good, kid.

Blaze: Back you go for being terrible.
Lux: Can I just be put to bed?
Blaze: Now you're playing nice.
Summer: You're both idiots.
Given recent events, Summer, you cannot non-hypocritically call another an idiot.

If I put spouse-focused pictures in banners I would use this picture of you in Gen 8's, Blaze.
Blaze: What's that smell?

Summer: Why do you both have to be here?
Zen: Head of house, can do what I like.
Blaze: I'm just...eating this cake. Nothing happening except eating this cake and enjoying the company of my fiance.

Summer: Get that thing away from my chest.
Mercy: Lovely to see you too, Mum? How's the Blaze situation?
Summer: I haven't done anything with him...for a while.
Mercy: Aw. I bet you're really suffering.
Summer: Mercy if you want to poorly taunt someone don't do it to a powerful vampire.
Mercy: I'll talk to and taunt who I like because I have a very sharp katana. I mean, Issac likes it-

Uni: Damn am I glad she rarely came into the playroom.
Dino: But she would have picked Blarff. They always do, huh?
Uni: How is that possibly the right thing to say?
Mercy: Shut up, you two, or I'll slice through your stuffing.

Brad: WOW you're hot - I mean-
Summer: Hahahahaha! I knew it! I knew you're still into me! I should have started screwing other dudes ages ago!
Brad: And the magic is gone.
Summer: Is it? And what magic?

Ida: I can see what's happening.
Summer: What do you care? And come on, you can't have been happy with Granddad forever!
Ida: I wasn't always happy, but I didn't go round wrecking my marriage and flirting with the next gen's intended spouse. You bring shame upon the institution AND this family. Well done, little girl, well done.
Summer: ...Whatever, Grandma.

Summer: Stop lecturing me about my life choices! I get it! I get it! Now shut up!
Ida: You are past redemption.
Ebony: Oh, ghost lady, whoever you are, I'm on your side.
Ida: Great baby-raising!
Summer: SHUSH.

Ida: Blah blah blah, I'm a little slut-
Summer: You're bad at impressions.
Danika: Cake is all that brings me happiness.
Ebony: I need the toilet! Where are those?
Summer: Ugh. Who are you, Brad?
Ida: Better him than you, Summer!
Danika: Daaaaamn...preach, great-grandma.
Ida: Be quiet.
Danika: ...OK

Later, after everyone but Brad and Blaze has gone to work...
Lux: You suck Grandpa! I don't know why Eb likes you so much!
Brad: Can I pee before being subject to your whims!
Lux: I won't allow that!
Brad: Well...it's happening.

Blaze, you asshole, give her the yoghurt.
Blaze: But I'm pretty hungry myself...
Lux: Unbelievable. Actually, no. Totally believable! But unacceptable!
Damn right, Luxy.

She got it in the end.
Lux: Why must I suffer so?
Because you're being raised by a pack of idiots.

Don't worry...actually, do. Seeing you reminded me how close you were to being forced to get with Zen. And now that Blaze has been the worst...
Kate: No. NO. Don't do this.

Summer: We match in the worst possible way.
Lux: Yep.
Ebony: Also your skank arms are touching her.
Summer: I'm not even in the mood to fight you, Eb.
Ebony: Good!

Promotion, heck yeah!
As in stocks. Finance. Money. That stuff. She went into the Investor branch sooo...
I'm just relieved she doesn't have to fill out reports for hours anymore.

Groot: I try to be nice, Mother, but let me give it to you straight: get your putrid self out of the good chair and take a shower! I can see the smells!
Danika: We can see all smells, Groot.
Summer: Exactly.
Danika: That doesn't mean-
Summer: I'm just gonna stay here.
Groot: Please don't.
Danika: Amen to that.

Ebony: You are the one adult I like in this place.
Brad: Flattered...?
Ebony: I know, I know, it's not much of a compliment.

Brad ru fuckin kidding me mate?
Zenobia: Seriously? I was busy.
Lux: Yeah, same. Ugh, Ebony WHY do you like Granddad?
Brad: This is my favourite toilet! You must leave.
Zenobia: *muttering* And the only one you know the location of, you senile old...
Ebony: Nice one Granddad.
Zenobia: You are no child of mine.
Lux: Dear positive-influence-starved sister, you don't need to turn to this dummy!

I'm seeing red here, people, I'm seeing red.
Lux was about to nap on a chair and Summer decided to start fucking talking to her. She doesn't need to hear about your day, Summer!
Lux: You're a disgrace.
Thank you!
Summer gets the crown for worst former TH ever.

[insert every swear in the English dictionary]
Zenobia, you are also the worst.
Zenobia: This isn't my fault in the slightest. You control me, you're just bad at it.
I control you, yes, and I told you to put her in bed. Then I looked away for like 5 seconds. Why did you let her pass out?
Lux: So much hate...

Summer: The smell and mud has become a second skin. It's an important part of my life.
Ebony: Grandma please let me go have a shower.

Ebony: LET ME LEAVE! LET ME LEAVE! We're gross! Why are you so proud of this, you stupid skank?
Summer: Don't talk to me like that-
Ebony: I will talk to you how I like because you've done nothing to earn my respect! I have no respect for you, so there!

Summer: You're the best!
Groot: I wish I could say the same about you.
Summer: Well, you're using the only bathroom-
Groot: I'm done using it, you had all night, and there are two more downstairs. Who doesn't know that? Are you Brad or something?
Ebony (from somewhere): She's worse.
Right, that's that done! I am so tempted to just move these fools (aforementioned fools being Summer, Blaze and maybe Brad) the fuck out and have some more room for Zen kids. They don't have to be Blaze's.
Summer and Blaze have one more chance. If they WooHoo one more time...
Score Sheet- 80
Single Births (26) +130
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (107) -535
Self Wetting (29) -145
Fires (10) -100
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