Proof #145346 that Zenobia is still an asshole, even if she's been pretty nice compared to Summer and Blaze recently.
You could fucking walk around the slide instead of stepping all over it! People slide with their bare skin on that!
Zenobia: I would but I don't want to. I'll tell them about the bird crap I stepped in after they use it.
And this is her work outfit now. I figured that now she's a Regional Manager she can wear what she likes. That and the default didn't have any pink options.

Ebony really loves these dolls.
Ebony: They're the only competent people.

Caleb invited Summer out, and I actually let her go. Everyone but her two lovers are at work.
Brad: Huh?
Summer: Nothing...and shh, Watcher!
Caleb: *sigh* Did you have to bring-?
Summer: Yes.
Blaze: What the fuck am I doing here?
Summer: I told you to get ready.
Blaze: No, you smacked me awake and dragged me on the ferry out here!

I missed the cheek-kiss shot but the cheek-kiss happened.
Summer: I didn't bring your clothes...don't be mad?
Blaze: Heh...OK.

Brad went over to her. I thought he'd be mad.
Brad: Friendly cheek kiss. I am OK with that!
She touched his hip, Brad, it wasn't really fr-
Summer: Yay!

Blaze: Uhhh...you go, Bradmer! Said your names together because I believe in you and I love the fact that you're so affectionate.
Summer: Way to be suspic-
Brad: Ooh. A tree.
Summer: Never mind. Say what you like.

Brad: You're the best around.
Summer: We are not bringing that back. Right, Blaze?
Blaze: Of...of course not!

Brad: What the fuck? I said you were the best! At least wait for whatever moodlet you got before ou start flirting with someone else!
Summer: I didn't get a moodlet. Ya just plain boring.
Blaze: Hehe, best view ever.

Aw, look, their marriage is in the toilet.

Brad: Screw you!
Summer: Do you know how much this dress cost?
Brad: I wish it was your wedding dress, then I could also ruin something about this marriage!
Summer: That one was really expensive, you fool!...You can sell it on Ebay if you want.

Brad: Gross!
Summer: I may have cheated but I'm still the sexiest woman you'll ever meet! I'm a fucking ten, accept this!

Blaze: Yeah you are!
Summer: NOT NOW

Summer: FUCK YOU! I had five of your kids and gave you everything! I'm not allowed to have fun now that you're old and your hip doesn't work?! Blaze may be an utter tool but he is really bendy!
Brad: YOU SLEPT WITH HIM? I'm telling Zen - but I don't want to improve her life! She's the worst. Ugh what do I do?
Blaze: You think we're going to tell you?
Summer: There is no 'we', BLAZE!

Caleb: OK guys! It took me four hours but I finally got the fire going! What's up?
Oh Caleb, you awkward little turtle.
Caleb:...C'mon, what did I miss?
All you DIDN'T miss is them going home.
BTW, I was controlling NONE of this. All the flirting and fighting they did themselves.

Summer: Marriages are a lie, little Eb. Never get into one.
Ebony: *doesn't care*

Zenobia, your parents are on the brink of divorce.
Zen: *stretch* Ooh, my back - what was that?
Divorce. For your parents.
Zen: About time.
She got a promotion. Lvl 6 and she only has one kid so far. There's a really good chance she'll max it before Gen 9 takes over.

Zenobia: Friendly reminder that this kid will be an adult before you. OK, thanks.
Danika: *narrows eyes*
Zenobia: Oh that felt good to say!
Danika: You're such a bitch, honestly...

Brad: Damn you Summer, fucking around with Blaze Landgraab-
Ebony: Yet another reason to consider my father a total idiot.
Blarffy: I don't see how I'm involved!
Drago: Adult Sutherlands taking it out on us. A new low.
Summer: Oh would you leave the toys out of this? And the CHILD.
Ebony: It's OK, grandma, I hated Dad already.

Blarffy: I Feel Like This Isn't About Me*
Drago: No shit.
Ebony: Hey, slut, food time.
Blaze: How do you know that kind of lang-?
Ebony: *mocking* How do you know that kind of - you know what I'm talking about. Granddad told me by mistake. Now gimme food.
*Crazy Ex-GF? Anyone?

Blaze: I'll be here when you need me!
Summer: Um she's right outside.

Blaze: You suck, and kids suck, and I hate you, UNI-
Dino: Blarf tell me you're not enjoying this. I mean after years of-
Drago: He gets it, you horned fuck.
Dino: You have horns too.
Uni: I'm the one being verbally abused here, do I get a-
NO. No line!
Summer: -see, the Watcher is dumb. She just gave the unicorn a line.
Danika: You sadden me so much I'm turning bluer by the second.

Brad: I can't even look at you!
Summer: You never had a problem before!
Groot: I don't know what's going on in this house but I don't like it.
:( Neither do I, little buddy, neither do I.

Ebony: I just ate, you scarlet fool.
Blaze: I think Scarlet's your ancestor.
Ebony: Ugh.

If you thought I was going to write a snarky caption you are WRONG.
How could I desecrate this cuteness?
Ebony: I can almost forget about my dumb father standing right next to Lovely Blue Boy!
Who wouldn't accept the love of Groot? I love Groot.

I regret you Blaze. I just regret you.
Minus fucking five because Blaze tailed this kid for like an hour but didn't put her to bed.
Ebony: ...father...idiot...
Damn right, little Eb. Damn right.

Groot: You're the best, Uni, you will succeed.
Uni: Why tha-
Dino: Haha, you don't get a line.
Uni: I just did, you moron.
I swear I ignore these guys way too much. They haven't featured properly in like ten chapters. Maybe it's because my Sims seem interested in them again recently.

The mother-daughter pair that pees together stays together.
Ebony: I'm uncomfortable.
Zenobia: Do you think I like watching you do your business?

Zen is huge. She just hit her third trimester...I think my timings are screwed somehow because I definitely got her pregnant later than this two days ago. And Brad's anger moodlet ran down as well.
Oh well...I want her to give birth and I want Brad to stop scowling all over the place so this works for me.

And at 8-fucking-30 am the kid is put to bed. At least she'll sleep until Zen gets home, which is good, because Brad and Blaze don't know what the heck they're doing.

Blaze: Uhhh...
Past me wtf?
But Blaze is a dick so he has to wear it. And it will remain one of his outfits until he dies.

Literally ten minutes later...
Blaze: Hey, Watcher. Hey, hey, hey. I'm not wearing it.

Hi Luz!
Luz: Well...Granny's a nutjob. Wait, why am I here?
Danika wanted to bring you over.
Luz: Does she hate me?
I don't think so. You haven't really done anything to her. But I think the clothing randomisers do.

Luz: You fixed my trousers!
And you cleaned the potty. You are just awesome. I can't believe you're Mariska's kid. I love Mariska but she definitely doesn't have her shit together.

Turquoise Demon Car: You are upsetting our sacrifice! DESIST.

Danika: You and Brad are gonna get divorced, right?
Summer: We'll see about that...he'll be begging for me back soon enough.
Will he?
Sorry mojot89, by the way. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I thought they were going to have the typical Sutherland marriage.

Luz: Hey. Dani. You'll grow up good one day.
Danika:...I love you.
Luz: Well that answers that!
Danika: Answers what?

Quinton: Let's just catch up! I'll be asking you many questions about how your life is going!
Summer: ...Nope.
Let's be real. Q for sure would judge the heck out of her, and I DO NOT BLAME HIM.

Summer: Y'know, that asshole still won't talk about anything-
Ebony: Because you broke his heart?
Summer: Shut up, Little Eb.
Ebony: Why am I being called that? I'm supposed to be little, it's not like I'm unusual...
Summer is an asshole, because she's blocking Zen from getting this poor stinky child bathed.

This kid is awesome. She went to the potty on her own instead of doing it in her nappy and losing me points.

Summer: See, your mother's a prime example of what we should not do. We should not walk around the common areas half-naked, especially when preg-
Zenobia: Shut up, I'm pregnant, shut up, I'm kinda sleep-deprived, and I'm better at life than you. Gimme the kid, she needs a bath. And not to listen to her grandma.
Ebony: You both know I don't listen to either of you, right?

This would be a typical sweet family shot if Blaze wasn't a cheating asshole (with her mother at that), Zen was wearing a bit more and Ebony respected anyone around her.
Ebony: I don't think this family is very good at those types of pictures.
Damn right, little Eb. Damn right.

Ida: Ghosts can have alcohol too!
Can they?
And why is she all...fuzzy-looking?

Ida: Dumbasses! Dumbasses everywhere!
Uni: Excuse me-?
Blarffy: Bitch...
Drago: Oh come on!
Dino: I think she's talking about you three.
Ida: And who's the random child?
Well the legacy didn't end with Q, Ida. You know that.
She's Ebony 'Little Eb' Sutherland, the first of Gen 9, gawd!

Ida: Fuuuun.
You look freaking possessed!
And don't go in there! I don't think Summer cleans it.
Ida: Why would it have to be...oh for the love of God, why are descendants of mine doing the nasty in tombs?

Here is Groot being adorable as usual. <3
Groot: Splash splash, alien!

Zen: Not good. NOT GOOD. I think I'm gonna have to clean this chair.

Different skin-colours, on second child only! Ahhhh!
This is Baby Lux, and she's very adorable. And no, I had this idea for a name way before Mariska's kid (i.e. Awesome Cousin Luz) was born.
She is also continuing the trend of girls in the latter half of this ISBI. If we count Danika, out of the last 15 kids in this family there's been...three boys. Kale, Felix, Groot.
Zenobia: You look like me and I love you more than the other one for it already.
Lux: Oh. I see what's going on here. I see what I've been born into.

Blaze: Lmao kid are you trying to like, bond with me or something-
Groot: Well, yeah.
Blaze: Please don't.
Groot: But you're the only guy!
Blaze: There's always Brad.
Groot: The only guy who still has his brain left.
Blaze: I still don't want to bond with you. I have enough children of my own.

No, it was because of a glitch where it kept disappearing for no reason, leaving an empty desk. The glitch wasn't happening to the indoor computer so I moved it inside.
Groot: -And the gaming rig is broken, and the kitchen is messy-
Summer: Fortunately, I don't deal with those things anymore. Zenny?
Zenobia: Die, Mum, and Groot, my dear little brother? Get used to things being broken. And get used to no-one wanting to fix them for you. You're too sweet for this world and you're going to be eaten alive. It's the sad truth of your existence.
Groot: Erm...I guess I'll just wait until you have time, sis.
Zenobia: *muttering to self* I wanted a goddamn reaction you little alien fuck...

Thanks Azzy. Have you heard what's been going on?
Azzy: Yeah. I got the gist of it. That's why I'm not calling so much. Blaze is kinda gross.
Yeah. I know. But we will get you over at some point. Or visit you. I wanna see your kid.

This may not end well.
I still brought them all though. No shenanigans, and talk to the kids or Caleb, Summer.

Good start.
Brad: Stupid boy...
Well at least he's being romantic with the right person.

Summer: How dare you not clean your room!
Danika: There wasn't anything to clean, you idiot. Don't take out your bullshit on me!
Groot: Oh sNAP

Danika: Hehe, now you're getting wailed on.
Summer: You're an IDIOT-
Blaze: I thought we had some - uh, a friendship! We're FRIENDS.
See Caleb and Zen getting along in the background? Yeah, that's still weird to me. I honestly thought she'd hate him.

Blaze: You look-
Groot: Stop sexually harassing my mother!
Danika: Is a sentence I didn't think would apply to my SISTER'S FIANCE.

Zen: I'm going to KILL HIM.
Caleb: Hey, hey Zen, watch this video of some sloths on a slide.
Zen: Not NOW!
And if you catch him again I'm probably going to break you up. You two are actually kind of incompatible and I regret forcing this.

Zen: WOW that felt good!
Summer: Should I feel bad...? Probably.
Groot: Serves you right for being a bitch, dude!
Danika: Hells yeah!

Zen you are weak.
Remember when I said she kind of deserves this? I stand by that, even more so because despite the slap she doesn't mind.
It makes sense. She likes dramatics and emotional havoc. So of course she'd do the slapping.

Zen: -you are still a goddamn asshole-
Blaze: Uh. I'll change. What do you wanna hear?
Zen: Screw y-

Brad you shitheel! There are so many bushes around here!

Zenobia: -And now you're gonna go talk to other people, like you didn't just majorly betray me?
Caleb: You go, Zen. Show that-
Zenobia: Caleb SHUT UP-
Summer: I really should feel bad...

Back at home...
Ebony no!
Ebony: WHY.
Cba to explain germs and disease to you but if you don't stop I'm going to have everyone call you little Eb for the rest of your life.

Yay Caleb wasn't a creeper through text! He sent a normal text! I'm very proud.

Summer GO AWAY. You aren't helping.
I hate her so much this chapter it's not even funny anymore. Maybe it's because I've been playing a while or it's late and I'm sleep-deprived but I was close to punching my screen. Worryingly close. Because of pixels.
What have I become?

All the plants were infested.
Zenobia: There's a flower in my face and this bug spray is literally asphyxiating me.
Nice try, but wrong use of literally. You can't die by bug spray in this game.

Aw, Eb, you look genuinely happy for something.
Ebony: I have a sister! She'll understand me! Ooh, we're gonna have so much fun talking about our parents and stuff!
I checked her moodlets and she does have the happy one! Yay, some positive relationship building in this chapter!
Ebony: I wish I didn't have to match their room though.
Sorry kid. Zenobia is the type of mother to dress her kids exclusively in outfits in her favourite colour. It's a good thing you're growing into a child before Lux is a toddler. I think.

Mercy married one of Aahana's kids! Welcome to the fam...Issac.
Next time Lux ages up, and maybe there'll be some more drama!
Score Sheet- 100
Single Births (26) +130
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (103) -515
Self Wetting (29) -145
Fires (10) -100
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