Blaze: Aww, why do you smell? I can't think of why that would be.
Ebony: I'm a daughter of an idiot.
Sorry Eb.

Zen: Hey, kid, leave.
Groot: *bangs head on ottoman or whatever it's called* I just want to belong And even you won't let me, sister!
Blaze: It's not that deep, kid. We just want to WooHoo. Go eat your sandwich somewhere else, dummy.
Zen: *smirk* He is a dummy.

Brad: Hey, hey Zenobia, even though you're making fresh food, I'm gonna eat this wilted leftover salad!
Zen: HEY, HEY, you half-clothed fool, not only is that a pathetic attempt to emotionally harm me, it doesn't even make sense.
Brad: And why?
Zen: Because I made the salad too. All the food in the fridge was made by me...and there's nothing wrong with it. At all. Go eat your salad.

Groot: ZEN where are you? Answer to me! Or pay!
Danika: Ooh...no, no, I'm not going to team up with a baby. Come on, Danika, you're better than this. ...Maybe when he's older.

Summer: So how have you been treating my babies?
Zenobia: Nice of you to finally show interest in my hard work.
Summer: I'm NTH, don't hate. And don't neglect these beautiful things, whatever you do!
She will have to finish taking care of the plants later because Mariska's having a party!

Hi Caleb and Kingston.
Caleb: What is this?
Kingston: I regret everything...
Zenobia: Dude, this can't be the worst event you've ever gone to or something.
Kingston: Not about coming here! Just...everything.
Danika: Damn, dude.
Zenobia: I'm getting some ideas! Let's go inside!

Summer: Your outfit saddens me, my son.
Felix: You don't like the snazzy chef look?
Eddie: No-one likes the snazzy chef look. It isn't snazzy and that's definitely not what chefs wear.

Mariska: Luz! You were the only child I invited to my birthday party-
Luz: I don't know why either.
Mariska: So get out there and dance. ...Mum's not a hypocrite, my feet hurt.
Luz: Can't I just go upstairs and play? I'm like six, I don't need to be here.
Mariska: Don't be a...wait for it...Luz-er.
Luz: I hate you, and my life, and everything.

Kingston: Boy, I'm going to give you some advice. Never go to a llama ranch for your anniversary trip. Your spouse will be angry.
Eddie: Oh, no, I was about to do that! You really saved my bacon! *thinking* Whaat....

Zenobia: Hey, Caleb. What do you think of my mum in that outfit? Your wife's dead, you can do what you like.
Caleb: *cough* I...respect my late wife and still have a child to raise so-
Felix: Haha! This child sucks! He's wearing pink.
Zenobia: True...
Summer: Caleb stop staring. I know I look good but have some dignity!
Zenobia: Aha, oh snap.

Lana: Oh! MC Dresser worked! You actually look good now!
Nadia: Aw, thanks.
Lana: Go clean something. I won't be the only neat person in a house of slobs.
Nadia: What about Luz and Tyrell?
Lana: Those children are doomed, daughter, and you shall not associate with them.
Nadia: I'm just gonna...go.
These kids are...relatively well-adjusted.

Caleb: *tries to do Gangnam style*
Felix: -so then I totally kicked his ass! For fun, obviously.
Summer: I don't think that happened, Felix, and for the love of God Caleb STOP IT.
Eddie: Idiots.
Tyrell: And this is why I love crackers.
Eddie: Not you too!

Eddie: Oh. Hi, Lana. You look really good tonight.
Lana: I'd look better if you'd've picked my dress off the floor this morning and it hadn't creased, wouldn't I?
Eddie: ...Y'know...
Lana: WHAT? I like neatness. You knew this when we got married!

Zenobia: Hey. There are people fighting at this party. I'm having fun now.
Caleb: What is wrong with you?

Zenobia: *grin turns fake* Well, what is wrong with you, Mr Gangnam Style? You look like a cheap cosplayer crossed with an emo, sans hair dye, and we all know there's only one reason you came here tonight.
Caleb: I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now...

Summer: Listen, your outfit sucks-
Nadia: Your intellect leaves much to be desired-
Summer: Good one kid.
Nadia: Yeah. I have to live with this guy, Grandma! Anyway outfit bad, smarts, worse-
Zenobia: And your hair is stupid.
Summer: It's actually fine.
Nadia: It's OK, so it's the best part of you.

Zenobia: See? They just want to disagree with me, right Tyrell?
Tyrell: Who are you?
Zenobia: Whatever? Count Pathetic, weigh in on this?
Caleb: Stop talking to me.
Zenobia: Improve at life.
Tyrell: Touche, random weirdo lady.

Kingston: Wow! I remember you! You haven't grown at all!

Luz: Promise me you'll stay sane?
Tyrell: By the power vested in me by animal crackers and staring at the table when weirdness goes on, I will, twin!

Lana: Why would you just dump your laundry in-?
Mariska: Because otherwise I'd just leave it on the floor, silly!
Lana: Where I'd pick it up? Nice.
Mariska: It isn't my fault that you're neurotic, sis.

Zenobia: My lovely sisters-
Lana: What do you want, you evil little thing?
Mariska: Aw, still the worst, huh Zenny?
Lana: Demon!
Zenobia: I'm just here to congratulate you. It must feel amazing to almost be forty and still living with your sister, without any decent job, all the while raising the two children you had after banging a random guy in the woods alone.
Mariska: *grimace* Shut up.
Lana: Don't let her get to you-
Zenobia: What about you? You're supposedly happily married but you're arguing at a birthday party. That's sad.
Mariska: OK, great, can you leave now?
If only you two knew.

Kingston: Remember the llama ranch! Remember!
Eddie: Come on, man. Just tell me what's up. Did you make the mistake of taking someone there on your anniversary?
Kingston: No.
Eddie: Did someone do it to you?
Kingston: ...It was our honeymoon! Our honeymoon!

Tyrell: Hey, Auntie Lana, I think random weirdo lady finally snapped.
Lana: She 'snapped' as a child.
Caleb: Summer doesn't hate me! We were friends! We ARE friends!
Tyrell: And you didn't help her?
Lana: Go clean your room, Tyrell.
Zenobia: She hasn't talked to you all evening!
Caleb: WELL-
Tyrell: I cleaned it last night.
Lana: Clean your room every hour, you disgrace! MARISKA-

Tyrell: And apparently I was going to go insane! I told her the crackers would help.
Nadia: Maybe we're not well-adjusted.
Lana: Kids, let me tell you about the proper way to tidy a bedroom. And you too, MARISKA-
Caleb: How did I get here?
And finally, I took everyone home. Zen still had shit to do and she was getting tired.

At home, Blaze was found picking up Brad's habit of making tea.
Blaze: This is tea? Well, now I know!
You were going to drink it and you didn't know what it was?

Blaze: What happened to my NECK-?

Summer:...so what do we have to lose? What can she do?
Blaze: Everything. You do know Zenobia would murder me?
Summer: Fine. What do I have to lose?
Blaze: Sure, just think about yourself...and sit there, in that short skort, looking like-
Summer: Choose your words carefully, boy.

RIP Ashby! :( Ashby lived a good long life, always looked like a boss, was a kickass astronaut (somehow), and yeah, she was a little cray, but so is the whole town. She had five kids who seemed pretty OK, though we never got to know them.

Lilith I have missed you.
Lilith: Ugh. I forgot how weird the vibe here is. But I guess I've missed Summer. I wonder what that idiot's been doing anyway.
Lilith, btw, is still living in the penthouse, with a job as a detective and probably a few of her children. She is still unmarried, and has had no action since Margot died..
Lilith: That's what you think.

Summer: Friend!
Lilith: I'm seriously so glad you're not throwing parties anymore.
Summer: I gave that up....I completed my aspiration.
Lilith: That and nobody liked them...riiight?
Summer: Meh.
Lilith: You really haven't changed.

Lilith: But seriously, tell me what's up. I heard you gave your torch-holder thingy to some 'pink demon' as Caleb said. And, y'know, all of the crew that's met her.
Summer: He's right, y'know, about the demon thing. But I'm kicking back, and her fiance isn't half bad...I mean, Brad got old...
Lilith: Humans, am I right?
Summer: Right? Anyway...I kind of...
Lilith: Tell me, tell me.

Summer:...Banged the demon's fiance. It wasn't that good but it was entertaining nonetheless.
Lilith: Nice, nice...you think I didn't get with Fredrick?* He is married to one of my idiot children...
Summer: NICE.
You two are the worst.
Lilith: That would be Zen.
Summer: Right?
Glad to see they still get along though.
*He was the guy in the blue hat from Summer's generation who was at a lot of parties.

Summer: ....What are you doing?
Lilith: I still got it!

Summer: And so do I!
Lilith: Yeah you do.

Brad: Why are you pouting at me?
Summer: Why shouldn't I?
Danika: Ugh.
Brad: Why shouldn't I?
Summer: You are, aren't you?
Danika: Whaaa...

Zenobia: It's promotion time...and I'm not going to tell anyone about the weird chick on our porch. Maybe she's a scammer.
That's just Lilith. She's mean but harmless generally.
Zenobia: Shame.

Summer: Just take it...take it now! No need for this disguise bullshit, get the briefc- oh what are you smiling about?
Zenobia: Promotion time. And this salad is really good.
Summer: You and your futile ambition...

Zenobia: Stupid thing! Why did I birth it?
Zenobia: *hissss*

A little bit later, I am hating on this smug asshole, who has been running for over three hours, has work in just over two, and is sleepy. Do not like.
Blaze: What's wrong with working out?
You should have prioritised sleep, dumbass.

I haven't taken pics recently but Brad still very much adores this thing. It would be sweet if he wasn't so annoying.
Blaze is asleep. Thank fuck.

Summer looks like she went to a very rowdy work party.
Summer: I'm not gonna chunk! I'm gonna attack! I need blood.
Ella: Hide...gotta hide...I hate this frigging neighbourhood.

Summer: Damn you Blaze! I know we both have needs, you don't need to be coy!

Summer:...Absolutely not.
Caleb: But we're friends,
Summer: And that's as far as it's going to get.

Hi Nanny!
Nanny: My name is-
Just sort out these damn kids so I can have Zen ignore them and fill out reports without feeling bad.

(Took the pic before it loaded, but that was actually Zen.)
CALEB YOU GROSS FUCK. You have a thing for Summer for like twenty years and then you ask out her daughter?
Blaze: Yeah! At least when I had a moment of ‘they look like each other’ I just straight-up banged the other one, unlike you, you wuss.
YOU are not any better, and you're at work so be quiet.
…Screw the pair of you.
The nanny is doing good.
Ebony: Can you be my dad?
Atharv: Uh...
Groot: Mother y u reject me? It took me 2 hours to walk out here.
It really did. Stupid kid, there's a competent, non-insane nanny at home who could take care of you.
Groot: Want Mum!

WOULD YOU QUIT. I missed having you around but now I don't miss you anymore, and remember how annoying and clingy you are, especially with regards to a certain Summer.

Groot: This care is inadequate. Right, Other Groot?
Aw jeez.

Aw, Zen likes something.
She went for this autonomously, but Ebony’s happy and she needs fun so I let her.
Zenobia: Brief freedom from the Watcher's shackles!
Oh quit with your melodramatics.

Brad you life failure.
There are two things wrong with the circumstances under which you are greeting the nanny.
Atharv: I just...

Zen: Gardening in my bikini at night. Great way to get me stalked, by the way.
These towns aren’t too big and I think everyone's heard enough about you to want to give you a wide, wide berth.
Zen: Hey! That one dude asked me out tonight! I'm desirable.
Whatever. I’m still not letting you go inside!
And then Blaze passed out…but I don’t have a pic. Whoops. -5.

Some notifications.
Well done Simself! You had one job and did it. Megan, congrats to you too, catch up soon.
Megan and Branden: Please don't.

Oh. This can happen now.
Blaze: Aren’t you gonna leave?
Summer: I’ve seen it all. Yeah, that’s right, Groot. I’ve seen all of that man's body, down to the p-
Blaze: I don’t think he needs to know that.

Zenobia: Thanks for staying so late, but-
Atharv: Does no-one in this family know how to get dressed?
Summer (just offscreen): It's a problem.
Zenobia: Hey shut up, Mum! She's done it too. It's our thing right now.

Groot: Will the end of my toddler years mean the end of my misery?
Summer: Probably not, sweetie.
I didn't get a proper picture because I suck. But he got the Vegetarian trait.

Summer: My hand's in a counter!
Blaze: I didn't do it! So stop shouting at me!

Poor Groot went to sleep straight away. He had a rough night last night, what with the trekking out to Summer and trekking back when she wouldn't help him out.

Brad: I feel like she's ranting about me.
Danika: No shit. And she's right.
Danika: I was backing you up-
Danika: I'm wearing clothes.
Brad: Ohhh...right. I should have guessed that was what she was ranting about.

Ebony: I think I chose the worst possible time to wake up.
Blaze and Zen: *doing it in the same room*

Second baby for Zennyfire, and last one for a while. I have to wait until either Brad dies or Groot moves out of the house.

Blaze: What? Kids? NO! Why are you doing this?
Ebony: Thanks Dad...

And here's Eb, being very cute.
I think I see Zen's tiny nose that's been in the family for like 3 gens now. But she does look quite a bit like Blaze overall. Still, I'm certain there's some diversity there. At least with the nose and eye colour. We'll see when she gets older, I guess.
She got the independent trait btw.

So cute.
Ebony: Why am I cursed with looking like them?
Dramatic too.

Ebony: Hiya guys!
Blarffy: Crap. A new generation.
Drago: Now, let's give them a chance...
Ebony: I'm not going to hurt you! I love you more than I love anything, and right now I love nothing!
Blarffy: I wish I could believe you.

Brad: Time with my son! Felix, you have changed.
Groot: I am definitely not telling him.
I'd protest but he's annoying and he never looked after you...so go ahead!

Ebony: Can't one of you put me in bed!
Drago: We don't want to do that.
Blarffy: And we can't.
Car Beds: Give us the sacrifice...

Ebony: I renounce you!
Blaze: Now where did I leave that proteins shake...sorry what was that, Ebi Cube?
Ebony: Renounced.
Can't even blame you.

Bard: To day drink or not to day drink?
I'm sick of you already Brad. And everyone knows of my disapproval of day-drinking.

Ebony: Neglect! NEGLECT! What the hell is this house?

Ebony: I like this guy!
Join the club. Of like, no people. You're the only one.
Brad: Yaaay! Yaasss! That will show you, ZENOBIA! You can't turn your children against their Granddad!

Eb: I declare this sandwich 'non-terrible'!
Brad: Someone likes meeee!
Summer: *just offscreen* She'd be the only one, darling.

Zenobia: I swear to God you better go quickly. Mummy has work to-
Ebony: Oh don't worry about that! I'll do anything so I don't have...y'know, be in your presence, look at your face...
Zenobia: Why you little sh - I bet this baby will love me more! And then who will be crying?
Ebony: Probably me. I'm like two. It's what we do.
Zenobia: *angered growl*

Groot: Wow, Mum, you're...er, real weird.
Summer: *hiss* Shush, spawn, I'm PROWLING.

Summer: Zen this place is a disaster!
Zenobia: There is one dirty highchair...shut up and go away.
Summer: You want me to go away...?
Zenobia: Yes.
Summer: I'll go away!
Zenobia: DO THAT

Summer: Wanna do it again? There's a real nice coffin downstairs?
Blaze: A coffin? What the hell, woman?
Summer: ...

Blaze: Fine!
Summer: Sweet, let's do it.
One more time and you're both being kicked out of the house. I fucking mean it.

Summer: Come hither, Blaze!
Blaze: Your...your face isn't sexy right now, ya know...
Summer: Whatever! Hop in, Red, let's do this.

Blaze: I am the best at this!
Summer: Better than I've had in years...c'mere, hug?
Blaze: Nope. I refuse to get romantic.
You're just being as asshole-ish as possible, aren't you?

Mercy: What, a girl can't rob her childhood home?
...No burgling in this game, nice try Missy.
Mercy: I think you mean Mercy. Don't tell me you've forgotten me already.
I could never.
Also I've sworn for months that Mercy is Zenobia's face clone but she has sharper cheekbones. Zenobia's face is kinda round, but I think Mercy got very defined cheeks. That is all though. Otherwise, they're still the damn same.

Mercy: Zenobia really cannot keep a clean hallway! What is she even doing?
Summer: Refusing to clean. I had sex with her fiance in revenge tho, it's all cool.
Mercy: How could you?
Summer: Uhhh...
Mercy: No, I don't care! I'm evil! That guy's just a whiny asshole, Mum! God!
Summer: He gives it good.
Mercy: EUGH! Shut up - shut up!

Lilith got married. Surprised.
Lilith: I hacked into the hospital. His medical records are good!
Vincenzo: I'm normal!
That's what someone who isn't normal would say.
Lilith: SHUSH.

Brad: Oh. It's you.
Mercy: Hi to you too, Brad. You'll never guess what-
Summer: *mega-death-glare*
Brad: I don't listen to you, both of you! AWAY WITH YOU!

Glass I miss you D:. Everyone in this house is a fool.
Glass: I know! I can't imagine why Zenobia would kick me out of her bed after I slid in there with no warning!
Maybe you're all fools.

Summer: BRAD you're terrible at sex!
Brad: But...I'm the only...
Summer: I just...know.
Brad: Why have you decided this?
Summer: Because I discovered today I could have better.
Brad: What's going on?

Glass: We don't always get on but I miss-
Summer: Shh, shh. Lemme just say, wear some clothes, Mum.
Glass: Way to ruin this moment.

Groot: *watches Glass leave* That ghost is freaky.
Danika: Thanks, a-hole.
Groot: Ohhh...I just want a friend.
Remember when I grudgingly said Lana was the nicest biological Gen 8-er? Yeah, that title goes to Groot. He's quiet, sweet and takes care of himself. I couldn't ask for more.
Danika: Tell him not to be a dick!
He wasn't talking to you.

Groot: It is you. Causer of my traumatic last night of toddlerhood.
Summer: Do none of my kids like me or something?
Next time, Zen's baby is born and not much else. There's no way I'll get through Eb's whole toddlerhood.
(After thinking about it I realise I have not been counting some of Summer's children in the score. This will be correct from now on)
Score Sheet- 105
Single Births (25) +125
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (102) -510
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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