Welcome back! Last time...*thinks* Baby Groot was born, the ghosts of Glasston were sassy and Summer and Blaze got a weird dynamic between the two of them going.
Summer: Your outfit is the worst!
Danika: But I'm properly clothed for the common areas of the house!
Summer: Not that! It just sucks!
Danika: Well it isn't my fault the Watcher's out of ideas!
Danika: Isn't that your kid?
Summer: Shush.
Blaze: *steadily avoids eye contact* I hate this.
Summer: I feel so hella good right now!
Danika: Are we not going to talk or...
Mercy: Close your mouth when eating.
Danika: Or what...right. *sigh* I hate this place.
Mercy: I'm being reasonable, Dani! I may be a katana-nut and a little violent but don't be gross!
Zennyfire are bad at taking romantic photos. There are three things wrong with this.
(Yes, I always forget to make people official. He was basically her boyfriend before this anyway).
Zen: Come on, we're going to plow the stress out of me in the observatory.
Blaze: *thinking* Do this and all that stuff with Summer will stop being a problem...
Again with being half-naked in public. I know it's a swimsuit...but there are times and places when public swimsuit-wearing is OK. This is not one of those times and places.
Summer: You're my special little ghost child. You're my favourite ghost child!
Danika: There's only one of me...and what? What's happening with you, Mum?
Brad: I'm going to defeat that monster!
Zen: And I'm going to destroy you, like you're destroying the goddamn sofa with your wet swimming trunks!...The rest of you are tolerable. I rather like you right now.
Summer: You should just take that.
Danika: FINE. *sigh* Thank you Zen.
Azzy? Ya desperate.
Blaze: LOL true.
Azzy: Why are you aligning with this ginger troll to take down your own Simself? I'm literally a representation of you in this world.
Danika: Who the hell is that?
Bronson: *sniffle* I'm just saaaaad!
Danika: No, but seriously, who is that? I'm scared.
Oh dear.
Mercy: Why did I have to do this?
Because I haven't used your teen action and I wasn't bothered to wake Zen up. It's not like I'll need the action again.
Groot is a hybrid for some ungodly reason (probably my MCCC settings) and I changed his hair to Summer's colour because he got red and that makes no sense. He is a charmer, and pretty cute.
Groot: What's with the sword?
Mercy: It's a katana, you peasant.
Groot: Who is this woman?
Summer: Why I'm your mother!
Groot: I don't know you!
Seriously she's taken care of him like once. BLAZE has done more for him and 1/3 of his personality is his hatred of kids.
Mercy grows up alone, with only spoiled tea for company.
Mercy: Time to wreak havoc on the world!
She got the Hates Children trait and moved out to live alone in Forgotten Hollow. Best of luck to you, Ms. stabby evil weirdo.

And here is Mercy as an adult. I feel like she'd adopt a more toned-down look as she got older but retain her winning personality. I think she turned out pretty!

And here is Mercy as an adult. I feel like she'd adopt a more toned-down look as she got older but retain her winning personality. I think she turned out pretty!
And with Mercy gone, Zennyfire get to work on making some Gen 9 babies.
In here.
Sorry guys, I forgot how gross it is.
(And I don't know why she has her teenage makeup on).
Anyway, success! Gen 9 is arriving!

Blaze: Hello, little worm, I'm basically your uncle!
Groot: What is this man.
Who knows, little one. Who knows?

Groot: *snore* I just want to sleep...
Blaze: I have food for you!
Groot: Too...late...
Yes, Blaze is really bad at taking care of kids and no-one should be surprised.

Groot: WHAT. IS. THIS. Fire! Get over here with an explanation!

Blaze: BLT time!
Brad: Ohhhh, so he can be half-naked in the common areas! For once it's not me, let it be known!
Groot: That doesn't make your previous conduct any better.
Brad: Just let me have this.
Groot: What if I don't want to?
For being a charmer, Groot is an angry little child. I can't really blame him though. This family is a mess.

Brad: I am totally the better spouse today.
That's nice, Brad. I mean it. Maybe aim the spray bottle at the actual dirty part of the sauna though?

Brad really is being good. Here he is not starting a weird dynamic with Blaze.
Brad: Red is hilarious!...So that's why you wear it!
Blaze: Is this my future?

And here is Ms Superior Work Performance herself.
Summer: Shut it, Danika. You probably smell. In fact, I bet it's definitely you, ya filthy child! I'm classy and clean!
Danika: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Summer: What? I finally get to troll Mercy now we have separate computers.
And you can't do that after getting the literal dirt patches off yourself?
I feel like Summer's descending into total idiocy.

Zen: Screw this shit! And where's my proper outfit?
It wasn't doing you justice, Zen.
Zen: Well this pregnancy thing sucks! Can I go berate a child or something?
No, my dear, you have a lot of work to do.

Zen: Nope.
Felix: But Zeeeen, we kind of liked each other growing up. Well, you were occasionally - oh screw you, I'm just feeling really vulnerable, like I'm not awesome or someth-
Zen: Fine! You're great! Leave me alone!


Summer: Practicing? I'd bring in some insults, a bit more profanity, maybe...make it sound real.
Zenobia: Mum you're a TRASH PERSON - I mean. Salad, you fuck! You're causing this! My colleague cut her hand making you that one time!

Blaze: Fire...and dogs. There is a chance I won't set this on fire...but a chance I will...O__O
Whatever randomer. Please don't set a fire.

Summer, did you break my TH?
Summer: I just said that she'll get to live like me once her kids get old enough to take over or move out! Y'know, she's terrible but she does remind me of my younger self...
Zenobia: NOOOO-
So you broke my TH and your own daughter, Summer. THANKS.

Aaaand you lost all the Good Spouse points, Brad.

Groot isn't a very happy baby, and I can't really blame him.
Groot: *cries*
Summer, you're the only one awake and you're his mother, please do something.

Summer is still a glarer. She's had a fuckload of kids but I'm not sure how much she actually likes them.

Groot: Stoooop this is...why are we going so faaaaast?
Summer: Efficiency, little one. For efficiency.

You too, Zen?
Zenobia: I'm pregnant, don't shame me.
-__- So you're exploiting that now. Wouldn't expect anything else.

Danika: I hate this place.
Zenobia: Wow dad...or, person who raised me, at least... put on some clothes.
Brad: Huh...wait...what?
Summer: Shush, Zen, and you too, Bard, I do not have time for this.
Danika: Why are you calling him his typo-name in speech?
Zenobia: Hey. Shush, Danica.
Danika: Oh, you amuse me.
Zenobia: As you do to me. Because you're dead.
Groot: Mum, are people supposed to eat breakfast in their underwear or is it just a 'this family' thing...
Summer:...It's a Sutherland thing right now, let's just say that.
Groot: Knew it.

Groot: I demand a bath!
Summer: Why you insolent...actually, I did leave you stewing in your filth all night. I guess I'll do this one thing.
Zenobia: Will I be a pushover parent like Mum too? D:

Groot:...I still need a bath.
Zen: Spoiled little shit...
Summer: You will have to clean your own children, Zenobia...

Zen, treat your foetus right.
Zen: It's making me feel ill, serves it right!

Summer: Wow, Dahlia. You live in this shithole?
Dahila: Well I never!
Brad: Please step away, Dahlia.
Blaze: Ooh. More of Zen's messed-up family members. Fun.
Shayla: Twin, you suck!
Nicholas: Don't hurt me!
Danika: We're doing this again? Fuuun. *eyeroll*

Jasmine: Mum, stop rubbing your ass all over that old man before Carmelo sees, and get inside. I'll get the kid.
Dahlia: I...I wasn't...yes, Jas. I'll do that. Smart.
Danika: I like her.

Carmelo: Dumb book people...
Yasmin: Idiot. So, wife, how are you getting on with it?
Heather: Yas I don't want to read about blood sacrifice rituals. I'm not a Satanist-
Yasmin: Who's to say it's about Satanism?

Dahlia: Oh dear, my eyes-
Summer: *giggle* Your immortal life is just one continuous downward spiral, huh?

Roberto: Free me, mother. I don't think I like chess anymore.
Heather: I wish I could help you, kid.

Dahlia: *manic laughter* I wish you would burn.
Yasmin: But I'm not stupid. Come on, let's be functional for the guests.
Brad: Goddamned mirrors!

Summer: Danika what are you doing?
Danika: Flying out of the door. Well, trying to. I don't want to see this. You might want to because it's the closest to action you're getting-
Summer: I had sex TWO DAYS AGO, and it was steamy and hot...and yeah, it was in a sauna, but it would have been great without-
Blaze: Are we done? Because that really ruined it.
Zen: Yup.

Shayla: Those are blocks, duh.
Jasmine: Don't get snarky, kid. I'm the only functional person in this goddamned house.

Aahana got old.
Aahana: Screw you, Zara! There can be only ONE old lady.
There are so many old ladies, Aahana.

Zenobia: I can smell it as it leaves my mouth! So...I am probably not going to clean this.
Yeah, you're a jerk, but what's new?
Zenobia: I'm pregnant and I'll do what I like.

Jasmine: Why is this my life?
Dahlia: So you fed the kid...crackers? Really? I was having a very nice bath and you can't even do one thing right!
Jasmine: *sobs* That doesn't make sense! Why was I cursed?

Yasmin: Roar like me!
Nicholas: But...I...I'm a human!
Heather: How did this happen to me.

Summer: Your not-the-worst hair is back.
Brad: I think it's an oversight on behalf of the Watcher.
Summer: Don't fix it...please?
Sorry. I'm going to.

Zen got the whim to do this so she gets to do this.
Zen: Put this on your finger, Fireboy.
Blaze: O...K? I guess I will. Thanks.

Are you making out with her...bit between the nose and lip? That isn't sexy.
Zen: Meh. I'm getting some chin action.
This animation is so messed up.

Blaze: So do you wanna...celebrate? *bad wink*
Zenobia: Well, we are in someone else's house...
I took them home. Mainly because there are eight (!!) people living in the Hawk household and, combined with the main family, it was making my game lag, meaning the Sims weren't doing anything (serves me right for playing on a MacBook).

Summer: So. Getting married.
Blaze: I really don't want to talk about that with you.
Summer: How are you feeling? How's life?
Blaze: I am not interested in talking to you, how's that?
Summer: *mutters* Rude piece of...

Danika: Guys, I know you've been pretty out of focus, but wanna help me take over?
Blarffy: Nope.
Drago: Not gonna happen.
Uni: I don't get involved...
Dino: With this new horn treatment? Girl please.
Blarffy: We're made of fucking fabric, Dino, just say no and tell her straight.

Danika what did you think would happen if you played in trash? You'd end up smelling like sunshine and roses?

Zen: Both of you, really?
Danika: I just wanted a bath...
Zen: I already told you I was going to pee! And I'm pregnant! I get priority or SOMETHING.
Summer: Well this is a horrific sight.
Groot: Mother HELP.

Summer: OH MY GOD.
Summer: I'm...I'm half-naked in the common areas! I'm what I hate!
At least you admit your hypocrisy!
Summer: You're not helping! Shit! What am I going to do? Telling people off for this has been one of my shticks for a while now!

Zenobia: Screw you, game! I'm pregnant, help me out!

Groot: Mum, you're getting my duvet wet.
Summer: It's the thought that counts, sweetie.
Groot:...I won't argue with that.

Summer: So, how was your day? Are you being respected at work.
Blaze: At...at... least put on a robe and shoes or something.
Summer: There's nothing weird about this, Blaze.
Blaze: Oh but...dammit why do you look like her?
Mariska: What is happening here?

(And Summer was very happy about this too. She just looks annoyed in the pic)
Mariska (somewhere): This is going on my Simstagram.

...When I turned on No Strings WooHoo this isn't what I wanted to happen. I didn't think it would happen autonomously!
The second Summer got her dumb self out of that bed I checked her MC Pregnancy. AT LEAST she's not pregnant. AT LEAST.
And...I'm not going to punish Blaze by having Zenobia dump him. Because they deserve each other.

Having regrets? -__-
Summer: It wasn't even very good!

Oh don't worry Azzy, he just burned calories with his girlfriend's mother.
Azzy: I feel like something went down.
Blaze: *ahem*
You'd be right, lovely Simself.

Q this family is falling apart.
Quinton: How bad can it be?
Ask your DAUGHTER.

And of COURSE Brad is going to stand around forever because fucking Blaze fell asleep in this bed after he and Summer finished having sex and Brad is too stupid to figure out that there are like five spare beds in this house and he won't have to bunk in with Zenobia.

Brad is lucky that Zen is tuckered out from pregnancy, or he would not get away with this. That and I don't want him to pass out, so if he's sleeping, it's cool.
Zenobia: I'm going to kick all night.
You do you. I actually like you best out of the four adults right now, funnily enough.

Quinton: The Watcher said you did something. What did you do?
Summer: Well...I...uhhhh...I kind of slept...wait, you don't need to know this! You're my dead dad, DAD.
Quinton: Fine. Just know I'm disappointed in you. I know you did something.
Summer: Whatever.

Back to your second home, Zenobia. We've been neglecting this place.

And this smug annoying shit is awake. At least you're grilling and not doing Summer.
Blaze: Aren't you going let that go?
Not for a good fucking long while!

Groot: Mum you suck!
He has a point. Why would you put him back in? He just ate and he's actually dirty and needs a bath, SUMMER.

Zen: Why do you smell like synthetic plasma, and why are you at least trying to mean something with your hugs?
Blaze: No reason...I just like you...love you. And our engagement.
I can't help feeling slightly bad for her, even if she does sort of deserve a messy relationship. She did spend a significant part of her formative years toying with others' relationships. Or just their self-esteem and life status quo.

Danika: -talk to the hand!
Summer: You are see-through, don't deny it!
...Not even gonna comment.

Summer: Get your life together.
Brad: I can day-drink if I want to.
Summer: You have work in two hours.
Brad for fuck's sake.

Oh, Summer, you and your weird dynamics with the men in this house. At least Zen keeps it simple: she hates Brad and has slight affection for and a lot of banter with Blaze.

Zenobia had to step in. Groot has been dirty for way too long now.
Groot: Oh, the feeling of water, the cleanliness...why am I wearing a vest?
Zenobia: Shh or I'll 'accidentally' get soap in your eyes.

Danika: Who was day-drinking...should I start a betting pool? I think I should.
Don't do that. The state of this house is precarious enough.

Groot: Cabinets? Why do kitchens need so many cabinets? Yeah, you get me, Other
Congratulations, Sutherlands, you've taken such poor care of this kid that he's started talking to himself. He's not even insane...yet.

Wow, Groot. Nice smile.
Summer: And you wonder why I don't play with him.

Raelynn you're doing amazing, sweetie.

I'm really starting to dislike you...

Summer: Isn't this nice? Quality time...
Blaze: Watching sports...
Summer: Not touching each other at all...
Blaze: I...am not interested. It doesn't matter how much you look like Zen...
Summer: And it's not like your hair is even better and redder than Brad's used to be...definitely not doing that again...
If you do that again I'm kicking you both the fuck out.

Groot: Your hair looks like my favourite crayon.
Summer: When did I give him one of those...?
Blaze: No, you can't play in the sink!

Blaze stop sniffing Groot's HAIR. What is wrong with you all?

Summer: -no-one wants to see your old saggy chest and stick limbs!
Brad: I just wanted to eat some salad!
Danika: Didn't you walk around in a swimsuit yesterday?
Summer: Didn't you learn when you should just SHUT UP?
Danika: *cough* Hypocrite. *cough*

Zenobia: We have a fountain now! Cool! I see why people like this...

Blaze: CRAP I forgot she was pregnant!
Zenobia: SHUT UP or I'll break you later, desperate little rejectee. Don't you realise - AH THAT HURT.

Meet Ebony! So far we don't know what she looks like, but the extensive CAS testing I did with Zen and Blaze before this generation even started suggests she'll be cute.
Next time Ebony grows up, and Groot will too.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (22) +110
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60 (I haven't counted this in forever)
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (102) -510
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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