Quinton: Ha, daughter, this never happened to me, I'm so much smarter than-
Summer: Shut up, or I'll chunk on your ghost jacket.
Quinton: Oh that's not what I meant. You do remember that I'm literally a genius.
Summer: Great, we're all reminded of your traits now, Dad. Shut up.

Blaze: Uhhh, stop being a creep, I'm bath-
SHUT UP. Just SHUSH, Blaze. This isn't about you!
Blaze: Well what is it ab-?
Look at the water! It's CLEAN. CLEAN I TELL YOU.
Blaze: O...K? Can you just leave now?

Summer and Q are still really good friends, actually.

Not Darin Day. RIP Mr Fanservice Extraordinaire. I'm sure the women of these towns miss you already.
Ghost Darin: And some guys. Actually, a large amount.
Well, all Sims are bisexual.

It's a rite of passage to use this thing now. Blaze is using it. Welcome to the family. For real.
Blaze: Why am I half-naked in every picture you take?
Coincidence, and it's been like five pictures, would you chill?

Summer: I'm so glad that my family, dead and...actually also dead, are showing a lot of consideration for my pregnancy.
Glass: This is a punishment for being dumb enough to get pregnant again.
Danika: Yeah, you think I want to see another one of your kids grow up before me, Mother?
Glass: Sure it was.

Zenobia: Is this ALL I'm going to be doing in screenshots? Gardening Mother's dumb garden? I should insult her about it, then pretend I'm friends with these loathsome space things-
Why are you and Blaze so fussy about what you're doing in screenshots?

Mercy: -I will STAB IT-
Summer: NO. You will accept my little alien child or you'll get BIT.
Mercy: Why the favouritism?
Summer: Because I want ONE normal child.

Aw. She almost looks...sweet, while asleep.
Zenobia: *mumbly sleep-talking* I'm gonna destroy you Dad.

I forgot I gave her this snazzy pink outfit. Too bad the one of her in the boring brown outfit is going to be the until-I-have-a-banner picture.
Zen would make an excellent model, I think.

Wow, Blaze, you're actually skilling. I'm so proud.
Blaze: Well at least I have a shirt on in this one!
Oh my God, knock it off. 'Twas a coincidence.

Brad, on the other hand, has no problem wandering around with no shirt on. He's actually in his underwear.
Brad: What? Living free.
Living with Blaze, a person you don't know well, so...put on some damn clothes.

Quick and random update on Summer's royalties. They're decreasing fast.
Her bestseller remains 'Underwhelming Alien Environment'.

Blaze: Uh. Hi, Bradley...
Brad: Just Brad...ahem. How's your day going?
Blaze: *mutters* For the love of God put on clothes.

Zenobia had a nice conversation. I'm shook.
Zenobia: And now I know a little more about what to do when I have his job!

Summer: I will FIGHT YOU-
Mercy: But who has the knife?
Summer: Um, vampire powers-?
Danika: I wish I didn't know them...or live with them...or get associated with them...*sigh* One day, Danika, one day.

Summer why are you so cross-eyed?
Summer: Who even knows, man?

Zenobia: You ready for this?
Blaze: Mm-hm, you bet-
Summer: Yeah, alright, I won't ask what you're doing...but I will stay at this computer, which is right on your wall, as you do your thing, dears.
Zenobia: Mum shut up.
Blaze: I am so uncomfortable right now.
Summer: Mission accomplished!

Zenobia: Oh, look. Blaze's potato-looking acquaintance is coming to visit. She's so sad.
Azzy (and me):...Hurtful.
Azzy how can you hear her?
Zenobia: And that light is a cool person.

Blaze: Well, at least you're not half-naked.
Mercy: What? Excuse me, I'm sixteen and you're with-
Blaze: I said NOT! NOT! No more half-clothed members of Zen's family, PLEASE.
Mercy:...K. By the way, KATANA. MERCY OUT.
He's actually done two workouts today. Finally, some skilling.

Oh, hey Azzy. Whatcha doing?
Azzy: You forgot I was here, didn't you?
Azzy: *eyeroll* Two screenshots ago...I just...I'm you! Pay attention to me!

Zenobia: Ooh, I'm starving-
Blaze: How good do I look making salad for myself, huh Zenny?
Zenobia:...Never mind. *grabs leftovers*
Meh. At least he's cooking, AND he's cooking something that won't catch fire. I've had enough of fires.

Zenobia: Mum, you pathetic child oven, get your hand out of my damn hair and chest! I don't need your peasant self in my body!
Zenobia: What did I DO?

NOW who's half-naked in the communal areas?
Blaze: This is a swimsuit, it's different.
Summer: What if I stole your man, daughter?
Zenobia: As if, you know enough about autonomy to accept that that's an empty threat.

Dahlia had twins, nice.
Really should visit her. Her first kid is almost grown up and we still haven't seen her.

Mercy: A katana is nothing without its wielder having decent strength.

Summer: Brad, you idiot, this hurts.
Brad: *confident voice* And why would that be?
Because you're stabbing her in the boob...?

Zenobia: Is this the only - ugh, this bug spray is practically choking me. And is that...is that a music note hitting me in the face?

Mercy, being helpful, are we?
Mercy: Shut up, I'm evil. This is for arm strength.

Zenobia: You're gonna die out there, don't say I didn't warn you!
Mercy: Shush. Everything is fine.
Zenobia: Whatever. Foosball, talk to me.
Mercy: Nice fronting.
Zenobia: Shut up.

Mercy: See! I'm not DEAD.
Zenobia: *repairing a TV* You're literally on fire right now!

Shadow Guy: Spinning through diamonds, yeah I'm spinning through diamonds, what!
Danika: You have awful taste in movies.
Zenobia: And you have awful choice in life-states. Well, life isn't quite correct.
Danika: I hate you so much.
Zenobia: Same, little ghostie, same.

Glass, you're slow.
Glass: What, we don't get a whole lot of news in the afterlife!

Blaze: See, this kind of outfit is better for screensh-
Knock it off!

Blaze: See, I can skill!

Brad: Damn you, chairs. How dare you get burnt.

Summer strikes up a conversation and actually tries to make a friend.
Summer: There's an alien in there!
Sai: Really...?
Summer: Well if you don't believe me, I'm sure my fangs will change your m-
Sai: Alien it is then, congratulations on the little extraterrestrial...

Summer: I love making friends!

Zenobia got a promotion to Assistant to the Manager.
Not Assistant Manager.
Imagine if Zenobia was on The Office.
Also she's kind of pulling off the ruffles like I knew she would, the bitch.

This is another one of Zenobia's outfits, which will most likely not make many appearances. Zenobia seems to stick to her first outfit.

Summer: Your grilled fruit is the worst! It makes me feel sick! Get it away!
Sai: That might be the vampirism-
Summer: No, it's not me, it's you! And your disgusting fruit!
Sai: OK, OK, I'll put it away.
Summer: Hurry up or I'll bite you...FRIEND!
Sai: Haha, yes, we're friends...

Caleb asked to join Summer's club, the Spin Masters, which she took over after Joaquin and Candy died.
I still think he has a tiny bit of a thing for her.

Summer: Your hair is too pointy, you can't cook, you're on death's doorstep-
Sai: What happened to friends?
Summer: I dunno. This is how my sisters used to talk to each other. Shut up and let me bond with you!
Poor Sai.

Sai: You are a bad and messed-up person-
Summer: Well I guess there's some truth to that.
Sai: -now get out of here, and my life!
Summer: I live in this house!
Sai: So get in your house and leave me alone!

Summer: Hello, daughter.
Zenobia: Walking uterus. How are you?
Summer: OK, this is getting hurtful.
Zenobia: I like talking to sofas, goodbye.
Summer: *rolls eyes* Where did I go wrong?
Danika: *yelling from somewhere* Where didn't you go wrong?

Mercy: #meandthebestie #illsliceyouup
I'm sure that'll get all the likes, Mercy.

Nice mother-daughter movie night.
Apart from the fact that Mercy is toting a katana, Zenobia looks like she wants to kill someone with her plate, and Summer has forgotten to hold something.
Summer: It's coming...it's coming.
Mercy: Moron.
Zenobia: We should just end her.
Summer: But you won't.

Brad, have you forgotten that you actually do own a bed?

Blaze is chatting to Mariska online. (Yes, I checked his queue but did not control him).
Blaze: We're trading insults. Luckily, her situation is a goldmine.
So is yours.
Blaze: I know. It's because you're taking a picture over the hedge like a creeper.
Stop your fussing.

Mercy is also chatting online, though it just says 'Chat'.
Mercy: Name is classified. *mutters to self* So you did see my katana selfie...and now you know what you're playing with. Let's see what you do. Make good choices! *writes sarcastic emoji*

Ida: Damn, he is fine. I love Bronson, but let's be honest, we let ourselves go. He, however, is-
Blaze: I am so uncomfortable right now - really Watcher, you picked this angle? No-one can see me!
Because the focus of the shot is on Ida, you prick! Go and sleep in your princess palace and think about what you've done.

Raelynn had her kid, i.e. Danica with a C.
Mercy: As in the correct Danica.
Danika: *groans and rolls over* Shut up!

Ooh, it's a full alien!
So this is Baby Groot (hahaha) and he's a little alien! I can't wait for him to grow up!

Zenobia: *half-asleep* Hehehe my little brother is suffering.
Blaze: You are a - come on, a picture of my back? You're not doing me justice, Watch-

Brad: Sauna is love, sauna is life.
You missed the birth of your stepson.
Brad: Don't even care.

Summer: Grandma, put on clothes...
Ida: Living fun, living free!
Summer: Not caring, still not caring! Get in your gravestone then, WHATEVER.

Summer: Am I the only one who knows how to wear clothes around here? Seriously, I'm getting worried.
Brad: These towels are soft.
Summer: At least put on shoes...!

Ida: Coffin.
Summer: Gravestone.
Ida: Coffin.
Summer: I don't need sleep.
Ida: And neither do I!
Summer: I don't want you to sleep, I want you to go away, Grandma.
Ida: After all I did for you?!
Summer: Which is WHAT?!

Zenobia: Idiots.
On the way to garden, are we?
Zenobia: You made me.

And Mercy awakens.
Mercy: Well, well...which one of these school bitches is gonna get cut today?
Hopefully none of them.
Mercy: Well that wouldn't be any fun now would it?

Zenobia: What do you want?
Summer: Have you seen your new brother yet?
Zenobia: I'm going to keep as far away as possible, dear mother - I mean, kid maker. I don't plan on looking at him.
Summer: Y'know...
Zenobia: Now get away from me.
Summer: I will bite you.
Zenobia: Your threats are hilarious. Unfortunately for you, they won't come true. I have work to do.

Grim: Whaaaaaazzzup, it's Grim in the house. How ya doing, SOULS?
Grim go away, no-one's dying.
Grim: Just passing in anticipation...it's like shaking the Christmas presents before you get to open them.

Groot: You people are the wooooooooorst!
It's true, little buddy, it's true. You're screwed.

Groot: Oh God I can sense the evil!
Zenobia: I will slap you!
Groot: I'm a baby!
Zenobia: And I don't care. Don't use your attributes to get out of consequences for being a dick!
*cough cough*
Zenobia: No...it's...it's different! I really am insane! I love you...er...alien sleepsuit! You're my new best friend.

Good afternoon, princess.
Blaze: Don't look at me! It hurts!
This is literally the best way to take a picture. We can see your damned face now, Blaze. Stop whining.
Blaze: Yeah, not like this.
I'm done with you.

Seriously Summer has a point.
Brad: Making my way downtown...actually haha no, I'm just running to the back garden!
You're on public property! Put on clothes! If that towel fell you would get arrested!

Brad: What say you, pancakes?
Nobody cares.

Groot: STEPFATHER YOU SUCK. If only my hand was longer! I'm supposed to be GROOT.
I'm just keeping up with the trend of naming you guys after 'G' alien characters I know very little about because I like name themes.
Groot: If I was Groot, I could reach out and just SMACK-
Brad: Remind me why I'm doing this?
If you think Blaze wants to help out you're even more crazy than I thought.

Brad that doesn't look comfortable at all; it actually looks quite precarious, and if Zenobia finds you in here she'll probably bribe Mercy to skin you alive so...why.

Mercy: This is how things will be for you.
Groot: Oh my...
Mercy: Quit whining, you big baby!
Groot: I am a baby, and a baby of average weight at that! You on the other hand-
Mercy: Don't try with that. I have too much confidence and too few fucks to give.

Woman why are you still out here.
Summer: Don't you like my impression of a mannequin?
Just go inside and...do stuff. I mean you can't really fail so-
Summer: SO I can do what I like? Sweet! Bye!

Oh and here's Danika, who hasn't appeared in forever. Because she's been spending all her time doing this. Well, this, sleeping, taking care of her needs and pouting. I think she's given up on the fam because she doesn't interact with them anymore.

Mercy, not being shady or threatening people.
Mercy: Even a boss vampire needs to build her strength.
Boss vampire? You almost die like every day!

Oh look, Zen's home.
Zenobia: Damn right Zen's home. Put on the news.
Mercy: Uh-
Zenobia: Not so tough without the katana, huh?
Mercy: Actually, wait, I forgot. I have fangs! So let's watch this batty old lady cook a chicken.
Zenobia: *mutters* If only Mum did one thing right and passed down her vampirism to me...

And aren't these two a fine pair.
Danika: Go away!
Brad: You talking to me or-
Danika: Oh. Hi, stepdad. I didn't notice you there.

Zenobia: I am so getting the manager in trouble with these reports...come tomorrow, I'll have his job! *evil laughter*

Mercy: Polish it.
Brad: Why would I do-
Mercy: Or I'll use it on you.
Danika: I hate you all, and I don't care what happens.
Brad: Uh, thanks? Whatever, ghostie.

Zenobia: *shouting* Oh DANI! Guess what I'm doing. Not looking up ways to bring you to life, which definitely exist.
Danika: -__- Yeah, you're committing a crime for a promotion. Figures.
Zenobia: I will neither confirm nor deny that, and ain't it sad that there are ways to resurrect you but no-one loves you enough to do them?
Danika: Bye Zenobia.
Actually, writing that gave me an idea.

Before that though, I notice that Xena now plays nice with the Sutherlands.

Quality time for Bradmer.
Summer: *hiss* You will be old and decrepit! *hiss*
Brad: Oh thanks. I didn't realise. Sarcasm sarcasm.
Summer: *scream* You don't say sar - how are we married?

Brad: It hurts!
Summer: Ooh, Bradley. That ain't good.
Brad: Even you now - y'know, never mind, I don't think I care anymore. Come on, tell me how bad it is. I just gotta know.
Summer: Mate, I don't want to look.
Brad: *sigh* And now my wife of thirty-five years is calling me 'mate'. Life can't get worse.
Summer: OK, I could have meant mate as in 'mating' (but not really), and it can totally get worse. Zen and Mercy still live here, y'know.

Brad got an elder hairstyle change, and Danika got made over (which will be seen).

...I seriously can't believe I didn't think of this before. Thing is, I can only do it once so...good luck Dani!

This is so sad...:( Poor Danika. Now she'll have to wait until someone's aspiration fits making ambrosia.

Mercy: I told you I don't have the katana on me!
Mercy: That's not your son! He's blue!
Brad: So are the other kids! You were at one point!
Mercy: ...
Brad: Wait, what are you say-
Mercy: Nothing.

Zenobia: Wow, Ma, Dad is looking ROUGH. Haha, you're married to an old man...
Summer: Don't remind me.

Summer: This guy is looking weirdly attractive.
I won't have a repeat of the incident. Remember what your dear mother Glass did to your own husband.
Summer: Yeah but...well Zenobia's horrible and I'm not...
You forced people to attend your terrible parties and screwed up five kids.
Summer: Yeah but...
Stop it.

Felix: ...So, came here to escape the twins' irritating babies.
Too bad that your mother just had one of her own.
Felix: ...Well. Fuck.

Felix: I mean, seriously, how many kids does one woman need?
Your poor mother probably thinks she should have stopped after the twins.
Felix: But then I wouldn't have been born!
That's my point.

Summer: -Dad, it isn't my place to stop Mercy from doing anything.
Quinton: Summer, what do you think parenting is?

Blue chef dude: Honestly, Randy, that hat is not fabulous.
Whoever Randy is: This is a cookery contest!
Brad: Oh how I love this show...if only I didn't have to stand while watching it.

LOL @ Summer's stank face.
Glass: Wah wah wah I'm Summer and I'm losing control of my life.
Summer: At least I'm making like the BeeGees and staying alive!
Glass: Ohhh, you're an immortal and you bite, we've never heard that before-

Glass: I speak the truth, I'm gospel, I am immortal!
Summer: I'm immortal, and get the hell out of my house.
Glass: Not until burning time, aka 6am.
Summer: *growl*

Summer: Why do you HATE ME? ...I was being productive and I need that machine!
*snort* Productive. Right.

Brad: Wait...where are the toilets? SUMMER I FORGOT AGAIN.
Quinton: I'm in the floor.
Felix: Wow. Ageing is bleak.
That will be you one day, don't laugh, hon.

Glass: Wow, those are nice paintings. Maybe Summer did one thing right..
Summer (out in the hallway, still glaring at Felix): I can hear you!
Groot: Am I wrong or do people normally go to meet babies they're related to...
Glass: These paintings!
Groot: Guess I'll...just lie here...

Felix: How dare you desecrate my sanctum by putting a baby in it?
Summer: I am NOT in the mood for this...!

Summer: I never told you could come here, you don't own this place! Buy your own real estate or get married and sponge off the unlucky lady for all I care! You are lucky that I'm unable to ask you to leave on my own and that Zen is asleep! She'd make what I'm saying feel like a picnic!
Felix:...Yes Mum.

Who the goddamn hell are you, and what the hell kind of feature is this?

Groot: So now you give me attention.
Glass: Cut the sass and accept it.
Groot: But it's wrooong, my nappy was clean!
Glass: What did I just say?
Then Felix left. At 5-goddamned-16 am.

Zenobia: This is my life now, I guess.
Well, that, your job, raising kids (soon), cleaning the house, cooking food and occasionally getting to spend time with Blaze?
Zenobia: I'm overjoyed.

Zenobia: *yelling* Mercy, don't sit outside for attention. No-one is going to give it to you.
Mercy: Not that! It's just...*laughs uncontrollably*...that girl is never going to step to me again.

I think this may have happened due to the well, or it's a glitch. Thoughts, anyone?
Anyway, now Dani gets embarrassed all the time rather than playful.

Azzy, you're better than this.
Azzy: No, we're not. He was picked out because he's hot, we're married to Caiphus, i.e. green-haired not-a-looker, so why not?
-__- Blaze isn't going to breakfast with you!
Azzy: Worth a shot.
Blaze: What is wrong with you, woman?
Azzy: What is wrong with you? *furiously hangs up*

Zenobia: And today I will get the one thing that still brings me joy. A promotion.
Stop being melodramatic.

Brad: But Summer I love you! And I am not rejecting your alien child!
Summer: Just tell me I look cool like this!
Brad: What? No! I'm not insinuating that you have just as much of a desperate need for attention as our screwed-up children!
Summer: Screw you! Cold shoulder officially GIVEN.

Literally 20 sim-minutes later...
Summer: Really? I'm special to you?
Brad: Of course, desperate need for attention and all.
Summer: Watch yourself, geezer.
Brad: You're...technically like 12 years older than me.
Summer: That's not important anymore, dear. I still look 21!
I guess they have their...well, let's call it ups, and downs.

Meanwhile Blaze is a basement goblin in a leather jacket.
Blaze: High scooooore.
He and Zen have such a low relationship it's sad. Those damn clashing work schedules...and probably also my lack of interest in their relationship, tbh. Q and Glass worked opposite schedules their whole married lives and stayed hella close.
(Still miss em)

Summer: And good clothing choice, by the way.
Brad: Wouldn't you like it more if I was...wearing less? Perhaps that blue underw-
Summer: No. We're in the non-private area of the house.

...I do not understand you two.
Also, if Summer gets pregnant again (Risky WooHoo is on 5% so if she does the game is just being cruel) I'm kicking you both out. We need room for Zennyfire kids.

Blaze: *can kind of hear them* I don't want to know what's going on downstairs, do I?
Blaze: *sigh* My in-laws get action while I eat this disgusting salad Zen made. I'm really living the charmed life here, Watcher.
No need to be snarky, Blaze.

Summer: Well, this is ruining what just happened.
Brad: But at least I got laid!
Summer:...And the moment is dead. Thanks, Brad, and disgusting sauna!

Summer: Maybe the sauna is disgusting because people are standing around in outside shoes in it.
Brad: I'm quite sure I don't know what you're talking about.
Summer: Ugh.

...I seriously don't understand you two.

Blaze really isn't having a good day.
Blaze: Could you get any louder?
Groot: I'll shut up if you help me, dude...

Blaze: What the-

Blaze: NO! Get away from me! If I was going to cheat on Zen I wouldn't do it with someone who lives with us. Oh, and you're her mother. That's...that's important too.
Summer: Come on, dude, let's spice up our lives.
Blaze: NO.

Summer: Boy I see where you're staring.
Blaze: Why do you have to look like her?
Summer: I can look like anything you want.
Blaze: Really? Zen hates my costume ideas...I mean. I'm embarrassed by this and you're not hot at all, bye.


Summer: I'm sure Zen's room really doesn't suit you, you could join me in mine-
Blaze: Nope!

Aaaaand she followed him down to the basement.
I'm fucking watching you two.
They had a friendly conversation for like two seconds until...

Summer: You're bad and you should feel bad!
Blaze: But I...ah. You are a strange woman. Why am I slightly turned on by this? Hang on, hang on, I said no to this.
Unlike a certain Founding Father we all know.
I'll stop.

Summer: What's that look?
Blaze: What's what look?
Summer: You know...
Blaze: Do I?
You two have one of the weirdest dynamics I've seen in this ISBI and considering all the weird relationships that have occurred...that's saying a LOT.

Summer:...Ya moron.
Blaze: *hisssss*

Summer: Aha! Joking!
Blaze: You make my heart flutter...I mean beat really hard. And fast. Because of fear.

Well she did it faster than Dwight Schrute.
Go rescue your boyfriend, Zen. He's spent a very weird day with your mother.

Summer: Why are you so RED?
Blaze: It's...it's kind of my thing, and I don't have to explain it to you, Zen's mum!

Blaze has been so thoroughly shook by interacting with Summer that he ran outside to trim the bonsai.

Zen: So how was your day, my lovely Fire?
Blaze: I really don't want to talk about it.
Zen: Fair enough. I'm just practicing my niceties. I work in business after all...
Blaze: It's a relief to be around you again...
Zen: Dude. What happened?
Score Sheet- 95
Pass Out (100) -500
Quinton: Oh that's not what I meant. You do remember that I'm literally a genius.
Summer: Great, we're all reminded of your traits now, Dad. Shut up.

Blaze: Uhhh, stop being a creep, I'm bath-
SHUT UP. Just SHUSH, Blaze. This isn't about you!
Blaze: Well what is it ab-?
Look at the water! It's CLEAN. CLEAN I TELL YOU.
Blaze: O...K? Can you just leave now?

Summer and Q are still really good friends, actually.

Not Darin Day. RIP Mr Fanservice Extraordinaire. I'm sure the women of these towns miss you already.
Ghost Darin: And some guys. Actually, a large amount.
Well, all Sims are bisexual.

It's a rite of passage to use this thing now. Blaze is using it. Welcome to the family. For real.
Blaze: Why am I half-naked in every picture you take?
Coincidence, and it's been like five pictures, would you chill?

Summer: I'm so glad that my family, dead and...actually also dead, are showing a lot of consideration for my pregnancy.
Glass: This is a punishment for being dumb enough to get pregnant again.
Danika: Yeah, you think I want to see another one of your kids grow up before me, Mother?
Glass: Sure it was.

Zenobia: Is this ALL I'm going to be doing in screenshots? Gardening Mother's dumb garden? I should insult her about it, then pretend I'm friends with these loathsome space things-
Why are you and Blaze so fussy about what you're doing in screenshots?

Mercy: -I will STAB IT-
Summer: NO. You will accept my little alien child or you'll get BIT.
Mercy: Why the favouritism?
Summer: Because I want ONE normal child.

Aw. She almost looks...sweet, while asleep.
Zenobia: *mumbly sleep-talking* I'm gonna destroy you Dad.

I forgot I gave her this snazzy pink outfit. Too bad the one of her in the boring brown outfit is going to be the until-I-have-a-banner picture.
Zen would make an excellent model, I think.

Wow, Blaze, you're actually skilling. I'm so proud.
Blaze: Well at least I have a shirt on in this one!
Oh my God, knock it off. 'Twas a coincidence.

Brad, on the other hand, has no problem wandering around with no shirt on. He's actually in his underwear.
Brad: What? Living free.
Living with Blaze, a person you don't know well, so...put on some damn clothes.

Quick and random update on Summer's royalties. They're decreasing fast.
Her bestseller remains 'Underwhelming Alien Environment'.

Blaze: Uh. Hi, Bradley...
Brad: Just Brad...ahem. How's your day going?
Blaze: *mutters* For the love of God put on clothes.

Zenobia had a nice conversation. I'm shook.
Zenobia: And now I know a little more about what to do when I have his job!

Summer: I will FIGHT YOU-
Mercy: But who has the knife?
Summer: Um, vampire powers-?
Danika: I wish I didn't know them...or live with them...or get associated with them...*sigh* One day, Danika, one day.

Summer why are you so cross-eyed?
Summer: Who even knows, man?

Zenobia: You ready for this?
Blaze: Mm-hm, you bet-
Summer: Yeah, alright, I won't ask what you're doing...but I will stay at this computer, which is right on your wall, as you do your thing, dears.
Zenobia: Mum shut up.
Blaze: I am so uncomfortable right now.
Summer: Mission accomplished!

Zenobia: Oh, look. Blaze's potato-looking acquaintance is coming to visit. She's so sad.
Azzy (and me):...Hurtful.
Azzy how can you hear her?
Zenobia: And that light is a cool person.

Blaze: Well, at least you're not half-naked.
Mercy: What? Excuse me, I'm sixteen and you're with-
Blaze: I said NOT! NOT! No more half-clothed members of Zen's family, PLEASE.
Mercy:...K. By the way, KATANA. MERCY OUT.
He's actually done two workouts today. Finally, some skilling.

Oh, hey Azzy. Whatcha doing?
Azzy: You forgot I was here, didn't you?
Azzy: *eyeroll* Two screenshots ago...I just...I'm you! Pay attention to me!

Zenobia: Ooh, I'm starving-
Blaze: How good do I look making salad for myself, huh Zenny?
Zenobia:...Never mind. *grabs leftovers*
Meh. At least he's cooking, AND he's cooking something that won't catch fire. I've had enough of fires.

Zenobia: Mum, you pathetic child oven, get your hand out of my damn hair and chest! I don't need your peasant self in my body!
Zenobia: What did I DO?

NOW who's half-naked in the communal areas?
Blaze: This is a swimsuit, it's different.
Summer: What if I stole your man, daughter?
Zenobia: As if, you know enough about autonomy to accept that that's an empty threat.

Dahlia had twins, nice.
Really should visit her. Her first kid is almost grown up and we still haven't seen her.

Mercy: A katana is nothing without its wielder having decent strength.

Summer: Brad, you idiot, this hurts.
Brad: *confident voice* And why would that be?
Because you're stabbing her in the boob...?

Zenobia: Is this the only - ugh, this bug spray is practically choking me. And is that...is that a music note hitting me in the face?

Mercy, being helpful, are we?
Mercy: Shut up, I'm evil. This is for arm strength.

Zenobia: You're gonna die out there, don't say I didn't warn you!
Mercy: Shush. Everything is fine.
Zenobia: Whatever. Foosball, talk to me.
Mercy: Nice fronting.
Zenobia: Shut up.

Mercy: See! I'm not DEAD.
Zenobia: *repairing a TV* You're literally on fire right now!

Shadow Guy: Spinning through diamonds, yeah I'm spinning through diamonds, what!
Danika: You have awful taste in movies.
Zenobia: And you have awful choice in life-states. Well, life isn't quite correct.
Danika: I hate you so much.
Zenobia: Same, little ghostie, same.

Glass, you're slow.
Glass: What, we don't get a whole lot of news in the afterlife!

Blaze: See, this kind of outfit is better for screensh-
Knock it off!

Blaze: See, I can skill!
Go to work, you're already half an hour late.
Blaze: But I'm skilling.
Do that when you're not working!
Blaze: I think I'll skill.
You annoy me.
Blaze: Yay!
Figures that's the first thing you sound enthused about the entire time you're here.

Brad: Damn you, chairs. How dare you get burnt.

Summer strikes up a conversation and actually tries to make a friend.
Summer: There's an alien in there!
Sai: Really...?
Summer: Well if you don't believe me, I'm sure my fangs will change your m-
Sai: Alien it is then, congratulations on the little extraterrestrial...

Summer: I love making friends!

Zenobia got a promotion to Assistant to the Manager.
Not Assistant Manager.
Imagine if Zenobia was on The Office.
Also she's kind of pulling off the ruffles like I knew she would, the bitch.

This is another one of Zenobia's outfits, which will most likely not make many appearances. Zenobia seems to stick to her first outfit.

Summer: Your grilled fruit is the worst! It makes me feel sick! Get it away!
Sai: That might be the vampirism-
Summer: No, it's not me, it's you! And your disgusting fruit!
Sai: OK, OK, I'll put it away.
Summer: Hurry up or I'll bite you...FRIEND!
Sai: Haha, yes, we're friends...

Caleb asked to join Summer's club, the Spin Masters, which she took over after Joaquin and Candy died.
I still think he has a tiny bit of a thing for her.

Summer: Your hair is too pointy, you can't cook, you're on death's doorstep-
Sai: What happened to friends?
Summer: I dunno. This is how my sisters used to talk to each other. Shut up and let me bond with you!
Poor Sai.

Sai: You are a bad and messed-up person-
Summer: Well I guess there's some truth to that.
Sai: -now get out of here, and my life!
Summer: I live in this house!
Sai: So get in your house and leave me alone!

Summer: Hello, daughter.
Zenobia: Walking uterus. How are you?
Summer: OK, this is getting hurtful.
Zenobia: I like talking to sofas, goodbye.
Summer: *rolls eyes* Where did I go wrong?
Danika: *yelling from somewhere* Where didn't you go wrong?

Mercy: #meandthebestie #illsliceyouup
I'm sure that'll get all the likes, Mercy.

Nice mother-daughter movie night.
Apart from the fact that Mercy is toting a katana, Zenobia looks like she wants to kill someone with her plate, and Summer has forgotten to hold something.
Summer: It's coming...it's coming.
Mercy: Moron.
Zenobia: We should just end her.
Summer: But you won't.

Brad, have you forgotten that you actually do own a bed?

Blaze is chatting to Mariska online. (Yes, I checked his queue but did not control him).
Blaze: We're trading insults. Luckily, her situation is a goldmine.
So is yours.
Blaze: I know. It's because you're taking a picture over the hedge like a creeper.
Stop your fussing.

Mercy is also chatting online, though it just says 'Chat'.
Mercy: Name is classified. *mutters to self* So you did see my katana selfie...and now you know what you're playing with. Let's see what you do. Make good choices! *writes sarcastic emoji*

Ida: Damn, he is fine. I love Bronson, but let's be honest, we let ourselves go. He, however, is-
Blaze: I am so uncomfortable right now - really Watcher, you picked this angle? No-one can see me!
Because the focus of the shot is on Ida, you prick! Go and sleep in your princess palace and think about what you've done.

Raelynn had her kid, i.e. Danica with a C.
Mercy: As in the correct Danica.
Danika: *groans and rolls over* Shut up!

Ooh, it's a full alien!
So this is Baby Groot (hahaha) and he's a little alien! I can't wait for him to grow up!

Zenobia: *half-asleep* Hehehe my little brother is suffering.
Blaze: You are a - come on, a picture of my back? You're not doing me justice, Watch-

Brad: Sauna is love, sauna is life.
You missed the birth of your stepson.
Brad: Don't even care.

Summer: Grandma, put on clothes...
Ida: Living fun, living free!
Summer: Not caring, still not caring! Get in your gravestone then, WHATEVER.

Summer: Am I the only one who knows how to wear clothes around here? Seriously, I'm getting worried.
Brad: These towels are soft.
Summer: At least put on shoes...!

Ida: Coffin.
Summer: Gravestone.
Ida: Coffin.
Summer: I don't need sleep.
Ida: And neither do I!
Summer: I don't want you to sleep, I want you to go away, Grandma.
Ida: After all I did for you?!
Summer: Which is WHAT?!

Zenobia: Idiots.
On the way to garden, are we?
Zenobia: You made me.

And Mercy awakens.
Mercy: Well, well...which one of these school bitches is gonna get cut today?
Hopefully none of them.
Mercy: Well that wouldn't be any fun now would it?

Zenobia: What do you want?
Summer: Have you seen your new brother yet?
Zenobia: I'm going to keep as far away as possible, dear mother - I mean, kid maker. I don't plan on looking at him.
Summer: Y'know...
Zenobia: Now get away from me.
Summer: I will bite you.
Zenobia: Your threats are hilarious. Unfortunately for you, they won't come true. I have work to do.

Grim: Whaaaaaazzzup, it's Grim in the house. How ya doing, SOULS?
Grim go away, no-one's dying.
Grim: Just passing in anticipation...it's like shaking the Christmas presents before you get to open them.

Groot: You people are the wooooooooorst!
It's true, little buddy, it's true. You're screwed.

Groot: Oh God I can sense the evil!
Zenobia: I will slap you!
Groot: I'm a baby!
Zenobia: And I don't care. Don't use your attributes to get out of consequences for being a dick!
*cough cough*
Zenobia: No...it's...it's different! I really am insane! I love you...er...alien sleepsuit! You're my new best friend.

Good afternoon, princess.
Blaze: Don't look at me! It hurts!
This is literally the best way to take a picture. We can see your damned face now, Blaze. Stop whining.
Blaze: Yeah, not like this.
I'm done with you.

Seriously Summer has a point.
Brad: Making my way downtown...actually haha no, I'm just running to the back garden!
You're on public property! Put on clothes! If that towel fell you would get arrested!

Brad: What say you, pancakes?
Nobody cares.

Groot: STEPFATHER YOU SUCK. If only my hand was longer! I'm supposed to be GROOT.
I'm just keeping up with the trend of naming you guys after 'G' alien characters I know very little about because I like name themes.
Groot: If I was Groot, I could reach out and just SMACK-
Brad: Remind me why I'm doing this?
If you think Blaze wants to help out you're even more crazy than I thought.

Brad that doesn't look comfortable at all; it actually looks quite precarious, and if Zenobia finds you in here she'll probably bribe Mercy to skin you alive so...why.

Mercy: This is how things will be for you.
Groot: Oh my...
Mercy: Quit whining, you big baby!
Groot: I am a baby, and a baby of average weight at that! You on the other hand-
Mercy: Don't try with that. I have too much confidence and too few fucks to give.

Woman why are you still out here.
Summer: Don't you like my impression of a mannequin?
Just go inside and...do stuff. I mean you can't really fail so-
Summer: SO I can do what I like? Sweet! Bye!

Oh and here's Danika, who hasn't appeared in forever. Because she's been spending all her time doing this. Well, this, sleeping, taking care of her needs and pouting. I think she's given up on the fam because she doesn't interact with them anymore.

Mercy, not being shady or threatening people.
Mercy: Even a boss vampire needs to build her strength.
Boss vampire? You almost die like every day!

Oh look, Zen's home.
Zenobia: Damn right Zen's home. Put on the news.
Mercy: Uh-
Zenobia: Not so tough without the katana, huh?
Mercy: Actually, wait, I forgot. I have fangs! So let's watch this batty old lady cook a chicken.
Zenobia: *mutters* If only Mum did one thing right and passed down her vampirism to me...

And aren't these two a fine pair.
Danika: Go away!
Brad: You talking to me or-
Danika: Oh. Hi, stepdad. I didn't notice you there.

Zenobia: I am so getting the manager in trouble with these reports...come tomorrow, I'll have his job! *evil laughter*

Mercy: Polish it.
Brad: Why would I do-
Mercy: Or I'll use it on you.
Danika: I hate you all, and I don't care what happens.
Brad: Uh, thanks? Whatever, ghostie.

Zenobia: *shouting* Oh DANI! Guess what I'm doing. Not looking up ways to bring you to life, which definitely exist.
Danika: -__- Yeah, you're committing a crime for a promotion. Figures.
Zenobia: I will neither confirm nor deny that, and ain't it sad that there are ways to resurrect you but no-one loves you enough to do them?
Danika: Bye Zenobia.
Actually, writing that gave me an idea.

Before that though, I notice that Xena now plays nice with the Sutherlands.

Quality time for Bradmer.
Summer: *hiss* You will be old and decrepit! *hiss*
Brad: Oh thanks. I didn't realise. Sarcasm sarcasm.
Summer: *scream* You don't say sar - how are we married?

Brad: It hurts!
Summer: Ooh, Bradley. That ain't good.
Brad: Even you now - y'know, never mind, I don't think I care anymore. Come on, tell me how bad it is. I just gotta know.
Summer: Mate, I don't want to look.
Brad: *sigh* And now my wife of thirty-five years is calling me 'mate'. Life can't get worse.
Summer: OK, I could have meant mate as in 'mating' (but not really), and it can totally get worse. Zen and Mercy still live here, y'know.

Brad got an elder hairstyle change, and Danika got made over (which will be seen).

...I seriously can't believe I didn't think of this before. Thing is, I can only do it once so...good luck Dani!

This is so sad...:( Poor Danika. Now she'll have to wait until someone's aspiration fits making ambrosia.

Mercy: I told you I don't have the katana on me!
Mercy: That's not your son! He's blue!
Brad: So are the other kids! You were at one point!
Mercy: ...
Brad: Wait, what are you say-
Mercy: Nothing.

Zenobia: Wow, Ma, Dad is looking ROUGH. Haha, you're married to an old man...
Summer: Don't remind me.

Summer: This guy is looking weirdly attractive.
I won't have a repeat of the incident. Remember what your dear mother Glass did to your own husband.
Summer: Yeah but...well Zenobia's horrible and I'm not...
You forced people to attend your terrible parties and screwed up five kids.
Summer: Yeah but...
Stop it.

Felix: ...So, came here to escape the twins' irritating babies.
Too bad that your mother just had one of her own.
Felix: ...Well. Fuck.

Felix: I mean, seriously, how many kids does one woman need?
Your poor mother probably thinks she should have stopped after the twins.
Felix: But then I wouldn't have been born!
That's my point.

Summer: -Dad, it isn't my place to stop Mercy from doing anything.
Quinton: Summer, what do you think parenting is?

Blue chef dude: Honestly, Randy, that hat is not fabulous.
Whoever Randy is: This is a cookery contest!
Brad: Oh how I love this show...if only I didn't have to stand while watching it.

LOL @ Summer's stank face.
Glass: Wah wah wah I'm Summer and I'm losing control of my life.
Summer: At least I'm making like the BeeGees and staying alive!
Glass: Ohhh, you're an immortal and you bite, we've never heard that before-

Glass: I speak the truth, I'm gospel, I am immortal!
Summer: I'm immortal, and get the hell out of my house.
Glass: Not until burning time, aka 6am.
Summer: *growl*

Summer: Why do you HATE ME? ...I was being productive and I need that machine!
*snort* Productive. Right.

Brad: Wait...where are the toilets? SUMMER I FORGOT AGAIN.
Quinton: I'm in the floor.
Felix: Wow. Ageing is bleak.
That will be you one day, don't laugh, hon.

Glass: Wow, those are nice paintings. Maybe Summer did one thing right..
Summer (out in the hallway, still glaring at Felix): I can hear you!
Groot: Am I wrong or do people normally go to meet babies they're related to...
Glass: These paintings!
Groot: Guess I'll...just lie here...

Felix: How dare you desecrate my sanctum by putting a baby in it?
Summer: I am NOT in the mood for this...!

Summer: I never told you could come here, you don't own this place! Buy your own real estate or get married and sponge off the unlucky lady for all I care! You are lucky that I'm unable to ask you to leave on my own and that Zen is asleep! She'd make what I'm saying feel like a picnic!
Felix:...Yes Mum.

Who the goddamn hell are you, and what the hell kind of feature is this?

Groot: So now you give me attention.
Glass: Cut the sass and accept it.
Groot: But it's wrooong, my nappy was clean!
Glass: What did I just say?
Then Felix left. At 5-goddamned-16 am.

Zenobia: This is my life now, I guess.
Well, that, your job, raising kids (soon), cleaning the house, cooking food and occasionally getting to spend time with Blaze?
Zenobia: I'm overjoyed.

Zenobia: *yelling* Mercy, don't sit outside for attention. No-one is going to give it to you.
Mercy: Not that! It's just...*laughs uncontrollably*...that girl is never going to step to me again.

I think this may have happened due to the well, or it's a glitch. Thoughts, anyone?
Anyway, now Dani gets embarrassed all the time rather than playful.

Azzy, you're better than this.
Azzy: No, we're not. He was picked out because he's hot, we're married to Caiphus, i.e. green-haired not-a-looker, so why not?
-__- Blaze isn't going to breakfast with you!
Azzy: Worth a shot.
Blaze: What is wrong with you, woman?
Azzy: What is wrong with you? *furiously hangs up*

Zenobia: And today I will get the one thing that still brings me joy. A promotion.
Stop being melodramatic.

Brad: But Summer I love you! And I am not rejecting your alien child!
Summer: Just tell me I look cool like this!
Brad: What? No! I'm not insinuating that you have just as much of a desperate need for attention as our screwed-up children!
Summer: Screw you! Cold shoulder officially GIVEN.

Literally 20 sim-minutes later...
Summer: Really? I'm special to you?
Brad: Of course, desperate need for attention and all.
Summer: Watch yourself, geezer.
Brad: You're...technically like 12 years older than me.
Summer: That's not important anymore, dear. I still look 21!
I guess they have their...well, let's call it ups, and downs.

Meanwhile Blaze is a basement goblin in a leather jacket.
Blaze: High scooooore.
He and Zen have such a low relationship it's sad. Those damn clashing work schedules...and probably also my lack of interest in their relationship, tbh. Q and Glass worked opposite schedules their whole married lives and stayed hella close.
(Still miss em)

Summer: And good clothing choice, by the way.
Brad: Wouldn't you like it more if I was...wearing less? Perhaps that blue underw-
Summer: No. We're in the non-private area of the house.

...I do not understand you two.
Also, if Summer gets pregnant again (Risky WooHoo is on 5% so if she does the game is just being cruel) I'm kicking you both out. We need room for Zennyfire kids.

Blaze: *can kind of hear them* I don't want to know what's going on downstairs, do I?
Blaze: *sigh* My in-laws get action while I eat this disgusting salad Zen made. I'm really living the charmed life here, Watcher.
No need to be snarky, Blaze.

Summer: Well, this is ruining what just happened.
Brad: But at least I got laid!
Summer:...And the moment is dead. Thanks, Brad, and disgusting sauna!

Summer: Maybe the sauna is disgusting because people are standing around in outside shoes in it.
Brad: I'm quite sure I don't know what you're talking about.
Summer: Ugh.

...I seriously don't understand you two.

Blaze really isn't having a good day.
Blaze: Could you get any louder?
Groot: I'll shut up if you help me, dude...

Blaze: What the-

Blaze: NO! Get away from me! If I was going to cheat on Zen I wouldn't do it with someone who lives with us. Oh, and you're her mother. That's...that's important too.
Summer: Come on, dude, let's spice up our lives.
Blaze: NO.

Summer: Boy I see where you're staring.
Blaze: Why do you have to look like her?
Summer: I can look like anything you want.
Blaze: Really? Zen hates my costume ideas...I mean. I'm embarrassed by this and you're not hot at all, bye.


Summer: I'm sure Zen's room really doesn't suit you, you could join me in mine-
Blaze: Nope!

Aaaaand she followed him down to the basement.
I'm fucking watching you two.
They had a friendly conversation for like two seconds until...

Summer: You're bad and you should feel bad!
Blaze: But I...ah. You are a strange woman. Why am I slightly turned on by this? Hang on, hang on, I said no to this.

Summer: What's that look?
Blaze: What's what look?
Summer: You know...
Blaze: Do I?
You two have one of the weirdest dynamics I've seen in this ISBI and considering all the weird relationships that have occurred...that's saying a LOT.

Summer:...Ya moron.
Blaze: *hisssss*

Summer: Aha! Joking!
Blaze: You make my heart flutter...I mean beat really hard. And fast. Because of fear.

Well she did it faster than Dwight Schrute.
Go rescue your boyfriend, Zen. He's spent a very weird day with your mother.

Summer: Why are you so RED?
Blaze: It's...it's kind of my thing, and I don't have to explain it to you, Zen's mum!

Blaze has been so thoroughly shook by interacting with Summer that he ran outside to trim the bonsai.

Zen: So how was your day, my lovely Fire?
Blaze: I really don't want to talk about it.
Zen: Fair enough. I'm just practicing my niceties. I work in business after all...
Blaze: It's a relief to be around you again...
Zen: Dude. What happened?
Score Sheet- 95
Single Births (21) +105
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60 (I haven't counted this in forever)
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (100) -500
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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