Zenobia: You ready for dis?
Quinton: *shrug* I don't live here so...actually, now I think about it-
Summer: We really don't care, dear. That's what Dad was trying to say.

Zenobia's room, aka the Pink Palace. Imo it is one of the best rooms I have ever built in this game.

Quinton: So you're-
Lana: You gotta remember me! I mourned you as you died.
Summer: Ooohh dad you're being tested.

Lana: So you don't remember? I am APPALLED.
Summer: LOL I'm free.
:( I miss you already.

Zenobia's room, aka the Pink Palace. Imo it is one of the best rooms I have ever built in this game.

Quinton: So you're-
Lana: You gotta remember me! I mourned you as you died.
Summer: Ooohh dad you're being tested.

Lana: So you don't remember? I am APPALLED.
Summer: LOL I'm free.
:( I miss you already.

Time to cook, dear.
Zen: Oh. Shit. Really? Mum's the one who cooks-
Nope nope nope, she may have cooked a lot in the past but you're the one who will actually be forced to do it. Chop chop.
This is her new look. More YA-ish for sure.

Zen: I-I just started. God this is stressful!
Summer: Don't you think I went through this, you ungrateful little-
Zen: Ma SHUT IT.
Summer: You will respect me-!

Summer: UGH.
Zen: Eat my earwax, MUM!
Brad: Great, I gotta eat that food.
Zen: Cook for yourself then! I am burning the system.
Summer: That is impossible. Cook properly for us, it's your responsibility now.

As a teen she looked a little awkward (obviously still pretty AF) but as a YA she is freaking stunning holy shit. She looked good in CAS and looks better out of it.

Danika: Stop with the stabbing...

Zen: EY DEAD ONE. I'm grown up and I'm heir.
Danika: Great, I'll send you recipes. Maybe you'll make mac and cheese.
Mercy: Give me the tablet back, I have some people to talk to-

Summer: Listen, hubs. I think you look pretty darn good. But for the love of God put on clothes before you enter the communal areas. Three of our kids still live here, and we'll have some boy we don't even know...
Brad: Now, there are benefits to this kind of outfit-.
Summer: Save it for our bedroom, dear.

Zen has joined the Business career. Apparently you can do investing once you're at a certain level and I wanna do that. It's the perfect generation to try that with because she doesn't have a skill-based Aspiration.
I actually wanted her to have a business but then I remembered she's Ambitious and due to stupid game mechanics she'll get tense sans job. Even if she owns a successful business. Sims logic, huh?

Zen: Dad, GTFO
Brad: I'm washing a bowl and I don't take orders from demons.
Zen: *sigh*

Zenobia: So what the hell is this exactly?
Blaze: PUSH. IT. UP.
Azzy: *thinking* Why did I get dragged into this?
So the dude is Blaze Landgraab, from the hilarious and brilliant Landgraabacy. Over there he was a shitheel, and he might be a shitheel here too! But hey, he's marrying Zen. He can't be too nice or I'd feel cruel forcing him to marry her. Also he's freaking hot. Seriously.
Blaze: I'm marrying who? What? Kids? NO AH.
He also Hates Kids. And is Active. And a Genius (yeah right. I don't think he'll really be one).
Azzy is my Simself! Basically every generation I've put a roommate in with the spouse. E.g. Eveline, Xena (for some reason I didn't with Glass and Cecil). Now, I threw my Simself into this dysfunctional hell of a world. Also I want to see her kids...that's a bit weird, lol. Anyways, nobody cares about my Simself, let's get on with this.

Zen: Hi, so I'm-
Blaze: New person who dis?
Azzy: Hallelujah, a person to take him AWAY from me. Gonna be the best life ever once he's gone!
You live on an empty lot.

Zen: Guy. Come on. I'm pretty pretty. Get over here and let's get on with this shiz.
Azzy: Blaze SERIOUSLY go near her.
Blaze:...This is good. I do not want to get any closer to crazy like that.
Azzy: I can't argue with your logic, but real-life-me needs you two to get it on. So GO OVER TO HER.

Zen: BTW I'm Zenobia. In case I didn't know.
Blaze: Oh, I know. Azzy wouldn't stop whispering that I was 'doomed to meet you' at like 4am last night. *shudders* Weird chick.
Zen: Cool. Let's cloudgaze.
Blaze: And ruin this jacket, I don't think so bi-
Zen: That's no way to talk to your future lover, and GET ON THE GROUND. Please.
Blaze: Ohhhhh such manners.
Zen: Ohhhh SHUT IT.

Azzy: Well, my part in this is done.
LOL at my Simself and her loner trait. Two people are talking and she nopes right out of the conversation. Same, Azzy. Same.

Blaze: So, Zenny - can I call you Zenny?
Zen: No, Fireboy, you cannot. Anyway, what do you want? Can we just look at clouds and get silent friendship points?
Blaze: Nah. That would be too easy on you. Anyway, look at that big puffy cloud.
Zen: What, is it my face? Very origi-
Blaze: Of course not. It's your body. Body shape that is, in case I wasn't cl-
Zen: Now you've done it.

Zen: What if a horse just ran over here? Like, ran over here and trampled all over you. Your shiny jacket wouldn't be so shiny would it now Fireboy?
Blaze: Interesting. What if a bird flew over and shat on your jacket? I bet that would make you shriek.
Zen: It would make me shriek more than you ever could.
haha i have an immature sense of humour

Zen: I have a dream that you will go the hell away, but if we're stuck together, let's start by listing our attractive qualities. I have legacy money.
Blaze: Money doesn't do shit for me, I came from money, Zenny dear. So how about-

Zen: How about we get real, Fireboy. You flopped over in the Landgraabacy. You'll flop here too. Most likely real-life-Azzy will end up hating you. You don't have much to offer apart from looks and you wouldn't've been considered as a spouse had you not been hot and had I not been a 'demon' or something. So how about you shut up and accept your lot in life?
Blaze: ...Nice speech, future wife.
Zen: You cowed? Good. Let's do this shit.

Azzy: Soooo how's it going - uhhh, hai, I'm Azzy-
Blaze: *raises eyebrows*
Zenobia: Wanna mock this fool?
Azzy: Pls don't I am fragile enough already.

Back at the house, Summer is autonomously doing social media stuff. Good on ya.

Zen: So! We have three insane sims, one evil one and a DEAD CHILD. Think you can handle that?
Blaze: Please, I dealt with my idiot business brother and my idiot wannabe rebel brother, plus my 'Serial Romantic' of a sister. I'll put up with it.
(No offence to DashingSyndrome, I love your Landgraabs, Blaze is just an ass)

Zenobia: Right.
Blaze: Yeah.
Zenobia: Right.
Blaze: Yeah.
You two are boring me, move on with your conversation.

Blaze: *heavy angry breathing* I don't want this!
Zen: Hey, neither do I, but let's make it work.
Solid basis for a marriage if I ever saw one.

Zen: I mean, you're gonna be marrying THIS after all!
Blaze: O fuck.
Hahahahahaha her face.

ONE (1) failed interaction throughout this whole conversation and they keep making these bored faces at each other.
Zenobia: It's not the interaction.
Blaze: What is this woman?
Zenobia: I'll show you what I am if you don't get that pout off your insolent mouth!

Zenobia: -blah blah blah, I'm Blaze and I'm a bitch and I'm a 'genius'-
Blaze: Oh the things I could mock about you! How about 'Zenobia is a controlling demon woman who wants to destroy!'?

He loves her really.
Blaze: What, she might be cruel, but she's freaking attractive.

Zenobia: Let's be civil.
Blaze: Like you'll stick to that one.
Zenobia: What are you gonna do about it?

Zenobia: Hint, you'll do nothing, Fireboy!

Blaze: Come on, if I'm stuck I wanna check out the house.
Zenobia: Come. Back. Here. Now.

Felix: Aw, Zen, is that your widdle spouse? Hey, dude, you know what you're getting into, right-
Zen: Hey, at least we're not going to die alone.
Felix: Whatever. I'm too awesome to die alone.
Blaze: Dude, you are not awesome in the slightest. I can tell.
Zen: Ha...good one? Damn, I like you sometimes.
Blaze: HA
Zen: Shut up.

Mercy: Hungry, burning, help-
Danika: Get inside, or maybe don't...oh hi Zen. This is the kind of man you're bringing home?
Blaze: Hey-
Zen: You're dead so you don't get an opinion-
Danika: If I live here I totally get an opinion.
Zen: And the Watcher made me!

Zen: Let's get this straight, we're both pretty.

Zen: Damn, and I was about to make a speech. MERCY GET YOUR BURNING ASS INSIDE.
Mercy: *out of breath*...YEP.
Blaze: That's hilarious. Does she almost die like every day?
Zen: Mmhm. It was even funnier when stupid Lana went through this. Pity I sort of like the younger one.
Blaze: That's pathetic.

Zen: ...Continuing on, you are reasonably nice-looking so it's good for future children.
Zen: Nothing, shut up, let me continue, shut up.

Blaze: Nothing? So...kids not a thing? I guess your crazy just lets things slip out, huh?
Zen: Waaatcheeerrr help me with this.
HAH you're on your own, and you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.

Blaze: That does not feel natural!
Zen: I wear a lot of lipstick!
How are you two even TALKING?

Blaze: K, wanna make this official.
Zen: Sure.
ROMANCE, boom.

The other couple are getting some romance in as well.
Bradmer are still very sweet together.

And Brad is now drinking at an appropriate time! It's like 5pm...it's taken NINE HOURS to get Zennyfire together (which is their ship name, BTW).

Zen:...I didn't get promoted yet.
Zen: Fool you don't even have a job!
Felix: I am too good for that, dear lil sis.
Zen: Ugh.

Zen: This is your room.
Blaze: Joooyyy.
Zen: Pretty, right? Come on, strip off, let's do this.

Brad: Soooo how are things for you, weird stepdaughter...thing.
Danika: 'Stepdaughter' or 'Danika' will do, Brad. And I'd be doing well were it not for your scary scary eyes!
Brad: Heeeeeh.

Blaze: Leftovers...leftovers - ooh a burger. That's got my name on it.
Brad: There's a strange man poking around inside the fridge.
Danika: Eh. He's Zenobia's thing. Should we leave him be?
Brad: Why not? Wanna share this dri...oh right. You're a kid-
Danika: *sigh*

Blaze: Well, I got laid, which is more than Jaxon can say-
Danika: Is he really too self-absorbed to notice this? Fucking this?

I put Blaze in the Athletic career. He is Active, and Felix, who is also Active, did really well with the skill so hopefully he'll get promotions.

Blaze: SIT IT UP

Zen: So how are you liking it?
Blaze: Do I have a choice in this? Well, you have good gym and logic stuff, and your Wifi is topnotch so...sure. Whatever.
Zen: Good. You shall stay forever.

Blaze: Fine then. *blows kiss*
Zenobia: Affection, huh? I might not crave it desperately like we all know Mercy does but I appreciate that.

Blaze: Lol, your family is far out.
Zen: Dad I swear to God-

Blaze: I want no part in this.
Blaze: I don't love you that much.
Brad: Now, boy-
Zen: Shut up, you old bitch. No-one wants you, needs you or cares about your opinions! So GTFO and stop talking to me; you're unimportant!
Brad: Wh - wh - I - oh why do I even bother?
Blaze: Lol I like you more now, Zenny.
Zen: Enough to fight for me?
Blaze: Nah gotta smash!
Zen (and me): SMASH WHAT?

Blaze: Kill and destroy the kid things! Why do we need these anyway?

Raelynn (Del's grandkid, she worked at the spa in Granite Falls, she got a makeover because her sad life amuses me) continues her poor choice of men. This is Aahana's screwed up kid, who is all grown up, but probably still talks to his dolls every day (remember 7.14?).

Mercy: Anyone interferes with my underage school-night drinking, they get cut.

Hey, hey Blaze.
Blaze: WHAT?
Remember that this is your room until you die.
Blaze: *through gritted teeth* I'm fine with that.

Summer: Drinking on a school night? Soooo evil. *rolls eyes*
Mercy: Quit mocking me, I'm so uncomfortable and thirsty I can't see straight.

D: Darin nuuuu.

Mercy: Mum there's a random ghost on-
Summer: Oh for God's sakes that's my grandfather.

Bronson: Don't judge me! This is a really good way to shower!

Summer finally gets to enjoy her nights.
I miss having all night to skill. I'm sure Zen will achieve a lot but Summer will have done a lot more and that's just fact.

Glass: How curious.

Summer is cleaning the bar. She is good NTH.
Summer: Oh goddammit Brad, I swear some of these stains have been here for like thirty years.

Bronson: Am I...did I...die? *gasp*
Summer: Granddad you died fifty years ago, of old age, PEACEFULLY.

Bronson: Now you don't get to tell me if I'm dead or alive! I'm dead and I say I'm alive! When I say I'm alive, I mean it! I am DEAD.
Summer: Get back in your grave for crying out loud!

Summer: Give Bronson hell, Ma.
Glass: Don't worry, I harass them both every day. We hid it well but I did not like your grandma!

Summer: You did not hide it well. I was seven and I knew what was up. Ya know what, you were really bad at hiding it.
Glass: Well, I tried-
Summer: Did you?

Zen is taking care of the Galactic Garden, which is starting to bring in some nice money. I'll expand it when she has more time but right now she has zero time. She's human and needs sleep, plus filling out reports takes like three hours. Seriously.

Summer: Now, now, don't cut at my dress. What the hell do you want?
Summer: So leave. Walk inside. You can do that, can't you?

Brad: the epitome of the modern man.
Brad: Gotta live-tweet!

Damn Zen, you even make the Level 1 Business outfit look good and I sorta hate you for that.
Now to see if she can pull off the ruffles. I know they're coming.

Blaze: Morning, losers.
Nobody is here except Brad b/c you are a lazy shit who woke up at 10.

Azzy: Please. Just never come back.
Aaaand I'm ending this one. Last couple of gens the chapter lengths were getting a bit out of hand at times so I'm going to try and reign it in this time.
Score Sheet- 90
Pass Out (100) -500
Blaze: New person who dis?
Azzy: Hallelujah, a person to take him AWAY from me. Gonna be the best life ever once he's gone!
You live on an empty lot.

Zen: Guy. Come on. I'm pretty pretty. Get over here and let's get on with this shiz.
Azzy: Blaze SERIOUSLY go near her.
Blaze:...This is good. I do not want to get any closer to crazy like that.
Azzy: I can't argue with your logic, but real-life-me needs you two to get it on. So GO OVER TO HER.

Zen: BTW I'm Zenobia. In case I didn't know.
Blaze: Oh, I know. Azzy wouldn't stop whispering that I was 'doomed to meet you' at like 4am last night. *shudders* Weird chick.
Zen: Cool. Let's cloudgaze.
Blaze: And ruin this jacket, I don't think so bi-
Zen: That's no way to talk to your future lover, and GET ON THE GROUND. Please.
Blaze: Ohhhhh such manners.
Zen: Ohhhh SHUT IT.

Azzy: Well, my part in this is done.
LOL at my Simself and her loner trait. Two people are talking and she nopes right out of the conversation. Same, Azzy. Same.

Blaze: So, Zenny - can I call you Zenny?
Zen: No, Fireboy, you cannot. Anyway, what do you want? Can we just look at clouds and get silent friendship points?
Blaze: Nah. That would be too easy on you. Anyway, look at that big puffy cloud.
Zen: What, is it my face? Very origi-
Blaze: Of course not. It's your body. Body shape that is, in case I wasn't cl-
Zen: Now you've done it.

Zen: What if a horse just ran over here? Like, ran over here and trampled all over you. Your shiny jacket wouldn't be so shiny would it now Fireboy?
Blaze: Interesting. What if a bird flew over and shat on your jacket? I bet that would make you shriek.
Zen: It would make me shriek more than you ever could.

Zen: I have a dream that you will go the hell away, but if we're stuck together, let's start by listing our attractive qualities. I have legacy money.
Blaze: Money doesn't do shit for me, I came from money, Zenny dear. So how about-

Zen: How about we get real, Fireboy. You flopped over in the Landgraabacy. You'll flop here too. Most likely real-life-Azzy will end up hating you. You don't have much to offer apart from looks and you wouldn't've been considered as a spouse had you not been hot and had I not been a 'demon' or something. So how about you shut up and accept your lot in life?
Blaze: ...Nice speech, future wife.
Zen: You cowed? Good. Let's do this shit.

Azzy: Soooo how's it going - uhhh, hai, I'm Azzy-
Blaze: *raises eyebrows*
Zenobia: Wanna mock this fool?
Azzy: Pls don't I am fragile enough already.

Back at the house, Summer is autonomously doing social media stuff. Good on ya.

Zen: So! We have three insane sims, one evil one and a DEAD CHILD. Think you can handle that?
Blaze: Please, I dealt with my idiot business brother and my idiot wannabe rebel brother, plus my 'Serial Romantic' of a sister. I'll put up with it.
(No offence to DashingSyndrome, I love your Landgraabs, Blaze is just an ass)

Zenobia: Right.
Blaze: Yeah.
Zenobia: Right.
Blaze: Yeah.
You two are boring me, move on with your conversation.

Blaze: *heavy angry breathing* I don't want this!
Zen: Hey, neither do I, but let's make it work.
Solid basis for a marriage if I ever saw one.

Zen: I mean, you're gonna be marrying THIS after all!
Blaze: O fuck.
Hahahahahaha her face.

ONE (1) failed interaction throughout this whole conversation and they keep making these bored faces at each other.
Zenobia: It's not the interaction.
Blaze: What is this woman?
Zenobia: I'll show you what I am if you don't get that pout off your insolent mouth!

Zenobia: -blah blah blah, I'm Blaze and I'm a bitch and I'm a 'genius'-
Blaze: Oh the things I could mock about you! How about 'Zenobia is a controlling demon woman who wants to destroy!'?

He loves her really.
Blaze: What, she might be cruel, but she's freaking attractive.

Zenobia: Let's be civil.
Blaze: Like you'll stick to that one.
Zenobia: What are you gonna do about it?

Zenobia: Hint, you'll do nothing, Fireboy!

Blaze: Come on, if I'm stuck I wanna check out the house.
Zenobia: Come. Back. Here. Now.

Felix: Aw, Zen, is that your widdle spouse? Hey, dude, you know what you're getting into, right-
Zen: Hey, at least we're not going to die alone.
Felix: Whatever. I'm too awesome to die alone.
Blaze: Dude, you are not awesome in the slightest. I can tell.
Zen: Ha...good one? Damn, I like you sometimes.
Blaze: HA
Zen: Shut up.

Mercy: Hungry, burning, help-
Danika: Get inside, or maybe don't...oh hi Zen. This is the kind of man you're bringing home?
Blaze: Hey-
Zen: You're dead so you don't get an opinion-
Danika: If I live here I totally get an opinion.
Zen: And the Watcher made me!

Zen: Let's get this straight, we're both pretty.

Zen: Damn, and I was about to make a speech. MERCY GET YOUR BURNING ASS INSIDE.
Mercy: *out of breath*...YEP.
Blaze: That's hilarious. Does she almost die like every day?
Zen: Mmhm. It was even funnier when stupid Lana went through this. Pity I sort of like the younger one.
Blaze: That's pathetic.

Zen: ...Continuing on, you are reasonably nice-looking so it's good for future children.
Zen: Nothing, shut up, let me continue, shut up.

Blaze: Nothing? So...kids not a thing? I guess your crazy just lets things slip out, huh?
Zen: Waaatcheeerrr help me with this.
HAH you're on your own, and you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.

Blaze: That does not feel natural!
Zen: I wear a lot of lipstick!
How are you two even TALKING?

Blaze: K, wanna make this official.
Zen: Sure.
ROMANCE, boom.

The other couple are getting some romance in as well.
Bradmer are still very sweet together.

And Brad is now drinking at an appropriate time! It's like 5pm...it's taken NINE HOURS to get Zennyfire together (which is their ship name, BTW).

Zen:...I didn't get promoted yet.
Zen: Fool you don't even have a job!
Felix: I am too good for that, dear lil sis.
Zen: Ugh.

Zen: This is your room.
Blaze: Joooyyy.
Zen: Pretty, right? Come on, strip off, let's do this.

Brad: Soooo how are things for you, weird stepdaughter...thing.
Danika: 'Stepdaughter' or 'Danika' will do, Brad. And I'd be doing well were it not for your scary scary eyes!
Brad: Heeeeeh.

Blaze: Leftovers...leftovers - ooh a burger. That's got my name on it.
Brad: There's a strange man poking around inside the fridge.
Danika: Eh. He's Zenobia's thing. Should we leave him be?
Brad: Why not? Wanna share this dri...oh right. You're a kid-
Danika: *sigh*

Blaze: Well, I got laid, which is more than Jaxon can say-
Danika: Is he really too self-absorbed to notice this? Fucking this?

I put Blaze in the Athletic career. He is Active, and Felix, who is also Active, did really well with the skill so hopefully he'll get promotions.

Blaze: SIT IT UP

Zen: So how are you liking it?
Blaze: Do I have a choice in this? Well, you have good gym and logic stuff, and your Wifi is topnotch so...sure. Whatever.
Zen: Good. You shall stay forever.

Blaze: Fine then. *blows kiss*
Zenobia: Affection, huh? I might not crave it desperately like we all know Mercy does but I appreciate that.

Blaze: Lol, your family is far out.
Zen: Dad I swear to God-

Blaze: I want no part in this.
Blaze: I don't love you that much.
Brad: Now, boy-
Zen: Shut up, you old bitch. No-one wants you, needs you or cares about your opinions! So GTFO and stop talking to me; you're unimportant!
Brad: Wh - wh - I - oh why do I even bother?
Blaze: Lol I like you more now, Zenny.
Zen: Enough to fight for me?
Blaze: Nah gotta smash!
Zen (and me): SMASH WHAT?

Blaze: Kill and destroy the kid things! Why do we need these anyway?

Raelynn (Del's grandkid, she worked at the spa in Granite Falls, she got a makeover because her sad life amuses me) continues her poor choice of men. This is Aahana's screwed up kid, who is all grown up, but probably still talks to his dolls every day (remember 7.14?).

Mercy: Anyone interferes with my underage school-night drinking, they get cut.

Hey, hey Blaze.
Blaze: WHAT?
Remember that this is your room until you die.
Blaze: *through gritted teeth* I'm fine with that.

Summer: Drinking on a school night? Soooo evil. *rolls eyes*
Mercy: Quit mocking me, I'm so uncomfortable and thirsty I can't see straight.

D: Darin nuuuu.

Mercy: Mum there's a random ghost on-
Summer: Oh for God's sakes that's my grandfather.

Bronson: Don't judge me! This is a really good way to shower!

Summer finally gets to enjoy her nights.
I miss having all night to skill. I'm sure Zen will achieve a lot but Summer will have done a lot more and that's just fact.

Glass: How curious.

Summer is cleaning the bar. She is good NTH.
Summer: Oh goddammit Brad, I swear some of these stains have been here for like thirty years.

Bronson: Am I...did I...die? *gasp*
Summer: Granddad you died fifty years ago, of old age, PEACEFULLY.

Bronson: Now you don't get to tell me if I'm dead or alive! I'm dead and I say I'm alive! When I say I'm alive, I mean it! I am DEAD.
Summer: Get back in your grave for crying out loud!

Summer: Give Bronson hell, Ma.
Glass: Don't worry, I harass them both every day. We hid it well but I did not like your grandma!

Summer: You did not hide it well. I was seven and I knew what was up. Ya know what, you were really bad at hiding it.
Glass: Well, I tried-
Summer: Did you?

Zen is taking care of the Galactic Garden, which is starting to bring in some nice money. I'll expand it when she has more time but right now she has zero time. She's human and needs sleep, plus filling out reports takes like three hours. Seriously.

Summer: Now, now, don't cut at my dress. What the hell do you want?
Summer: So leave. Walk inside. You can do that, can't you?

Brad: the epitome of the modern man.
Brad: Gotta live-tweet!

Damn Zen, you even make the Level 1 Business outfit look good and I sorta hate you for that.
Now to see if she can pull off the ruffles. I know they're coming.

Blaze: Morning, losers.
Nobody is here except Brad b/c you are a lazy shit who woke up at 10.

Azzy: Please. Just never come back.
Aaaand I'm ending this one. Last couple of gens the chapter lengths were getting a bit out of hand at times so I'm going to try and reign it in this time.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (20) +100
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60 (I haven't counted this in forever)
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (100) -500
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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