'Tis like I never left; as usual, someone's being an idiot on the computer.
But because I control you, Summer, I will force you to stop talking to yourself and start writing FASTER.
Hey look, dead Cowsy.
Cowsy: Reveeeenge.

Zenobia you are starting to annoy me.
Zenobia: Down for the count!
DROWN IN IT. Whatever it is.
And this is our 100th passout. Truly a milestone, THANKS Y'ALL

Mercy: I shall never have a knife now.
Mercy: *cries* My ancestors would have understood me!
No-one understands you, weird knife-obsessed child thingy.

Megan had her children, William and Chandler, I like those names.

Danika: Whee - oh shit! *almost falls over, uses hands to steady self* Oh well. Time to be a heartless troll! If you can't beat them join them! Haha die trash.
Danika: Wait why am I here again? God what's up with me?

Zenobia: If the toilet bowl is in the shot is it good for Insta?
She literally took a selfie while ON THE TOILET, as in while doing her business. WTF ZEN.

Melina: Scarlet selfie!
Child: I will own you all...
Stop hanging out in front of the freaking house, PEOPLE. GAWD.

Summer: Go home and get away from here!
Melina: You could have just called my parents...they would have picked me up...
Summer: This is better.
Melina: Not for meeeee...

Zen: This is my 'heir smile'.
Mercy: No, it's why you should pick me.
Zen: Don't you like it?
Mercy: No!
I have to agree with her there. WTF ZEN.

Danika: I will have my revenge on her...
Oh you've tried. Sorry, kid. Zen is terrible, but you probably can't do anything about that.

Hi Lana! We haven't seen a lot of you.
Lana: *grits teeth* Those damn lazy/slob/whatevers won't pick up their damn stuff, and FELIX. Always with the working out, we know you have muscle and a proper body now, dude, but we don't care, and Mariska with her stupid pregnancy! We all love Ashes to Ashes but it didn't have to work out THAT way, holy shit-
This living situation...we're going to have to get over there.

Lana: Now, let me tell you how to keep a house. You might end up moved in with us, and THAT won't be good if you don't know how to clean.
Zenobia: Ugh, Mum, I was sleeping.
Lana: Well considering I'm going to be a mum, and your actual mum doesn't do anything, I'll give you a lesson!
Zenobia: Go away!

Zenobia: *hisses*
Lana: Oh Zen, you're so crazy. But seriously, let me tell you about the best type of cleaning liquids for each surface that must be cleaned. I have a list.
Zenobia: Wall! You're my friend! I don't understand the blue-red-purple-*quickly looks at jeans*-grey lady. *hisses some more* Can't listen at all.
Lana: Now, I know you, and I know you're a demon who likes to use this little insanity thing as a front. So listen-
Zenobia: *screams*

Danika: Could they do that anywhere else?
Zenobia: Hey, dark blue dead ghost child, dark blue means you're sleeping. So sleep!

Lana: -And trash days. You gotta remember trash days. They always miss collection time-
Zenobia: Y'know what looks awesome? That chicken I can't even see. I'mma talk to and eat it bye.

Lana: You should have made me heir.
Summer: It really isn't my choice, dear. Now get out of this room and let Dani sleep in peace.
Danika: Yes! Someone cares about me!
Lana + Summer: You're supposed to be sleeping, sleep!

Zen: SEE? I'm really, really crazy!

Lana: And now, the one daughter who had no choice but to clean EVERYTHING, went into the night, knowing that a sibling had failed once more...
Zen: Good! Go then!

Brad passed out. *sigh*

Avani: Don't laugh.
Brad: I...I wasn't.
Lana: I was! HA! What will they say at the next council? It's a good thing you don't show up in mirrors or you might burn your eyes out!
Avani: *sigh* Shut it.

Quinton: *whispers* The sky is embarrassing.

Glass is out too!
Glass: All I want for Christmas is stew.
It's September, and NO.

Darren: I'm a motherfucking scarfboy!
Darren: Yes get on with it. Look at me, breaking into your house.

Summer: *appears* You messed with the wrong house and the wrong woman. I command you...you are under my COMMAND!
Mercy: So that's what I can do when older? Good. I like that.

Darren: I am yours. Must kneel to Master.
Summer: I am a damn Master. Now sit out there and think about what you've done.

Summer: Actually, I'll stay and taunt you a bit. I'm up here, and you're nothing, sitting down there. I am queen, you are a peasant, etc. etc.

Summer: Oh, Dad...I haven't talked to you in years!
Quinton: Well, that's because I'm dead and you're busy and you're TH. Are you still TH?
Summer: Two of my kids remain, and the TH is a surprise. Even for me.
Quinton: Huh.
Summer: Wanna stargaze?
Quinton: Sure.

Mercy is out here mocking our little victim.
Mercy: Mum was right, you are a little ant. On the floor, controlled...you can't even move.
Darren: Speak respectfully to me! I am-
Mercy: You're nothing. You don't have a presence or persona and you were quickly overpowered today. My my...it's not looking good for you!

Zenobia, for once, wants a normal conversation.
Zenobia: Why won't you make eye contact with me?
Darren: I CAN'T MOVE.

Some poor child actor: Uh...rawr! I'm a dinosaur!
Mercy: Nope. I'm not giving you money! *turns off TV, goes to mourn*

Darren: You are my sunshine! Seriously, you're out here, keeping me company, and it's wonderful!
Zenobia: Oh you pathetic little scarfboy. You know what I just realised? The only thing worse than dying alone is living alone forever. You'll live one of those, anyway. Maybe we should keep you here until midday.
Darren: Uh-
Darren: Double uh-

Brad, for shame, it's like 12.
Brad: What? This is my lunch.

Even later...
FINE. You get to have FUN. Go have fun.
Old Ashby: La-da-da, walking along, chill af-
Summer: *scream*

Old Daya: Kid, go away.
Danika: Auntie Daya, I would really like to-
Old Daya: How do you know my damn name? Go away. You are not at all like a Sutherland.
Danika: I'm adopted but I still belong. Way to be offensive.
Old Daya: No, it's not that. I sense sense within you. Sense even I don't have...
Danika: ...K.

Zen: Computer is lyfe, right? Computer comes above anything else!
You disgust me.

Danika: Oh...you're here. This time can you please not throw me off?
Mercy: *laughs* I make no promises. I don't have my knife and I have to get my kicks somewhere.
Danika: *sigh* What I thought.

Katelin: They threatened to marry me into that family, bind me to them...I would have been forced to live there!
Leann: Who's 'they'?
Katelin: I don't know. No-one knows.
Felix: Healthy body, healthy mind! Hey, who sees stars?

Summer: Hey dude.
Sai: Could you be my second friend? Obviously the kebabs will come first but-
Summer: Yeah yeah. Just give me one thing.

Creepy Talk Show Guy: Oui oui oui, I love you very much, dear audience!

Zen: *pants*...really, I've been going for three minutes? Well, three minutes is a twentieth...I can do this nineteen more times, right? RIGHT?

Zenobia: Psh. Stew. PSH.
Mercy: STEW. Just eat some food, get me a knife, or go away. Seriously.

Caleb: Let me in at your window
That's a door.
But fine, come in ya turd.

Caleb: Bradley sucks...
Summer: Just Brad, and if you do anything that remotely resembles hitting on me I will castrate you. Successfully.

Summer: That was a fun duel, right?
Caleb: My hand is mangled...
What did you two do?

Caleb:...I need a drink.

Elyse: O__O__O WOOOO! Wow it's been a WEIRD night so far.
Summer: *sigh* Get away from my porch.

Oh. It's Mariska. I forgot I let her come over.
Cooking Lady: See. Ovens are hot. *touches* FUCK
Mariska: Didn't know THAT, holy shit-
Cooking Lady: OK, camera crew, can I get an ambulance or - OK, fine, Randy. Just keep eating your donut. Jeez.

Caleb: Where's the remote?
Mariska: You don't own this place, and I like this show! It's teaching me a lot of new things.
Caleb: Fool, you don't live here either, and this show... How do you not know how to scramble eggs?
Mariska: Shut up. How do you not know my mum's number after being friends with her for thirty years?
Caleb: ...
Mariska: HA.

Caleb: Who's the lucky baby daddy?
Mariska: Go fuck yourself.

Brad: You're the most beautiful girl in the world.
Summer: Even with glowy red eyes?
Brad: You're testing me, and I'mma pass. Of course with glowing red eyes!
Summer: You pass.

Bronson: DAMN that's a fine specimen.
Caleb: Um...go away.

Dahlia: So how are you, Brad my dear?
Brad: Good...
Dahlia: I hope your view of me isn't tainted by that time I tried to hit on you...
Brad: Haha, nope!
Dahlia: Why don't you face me then, I do love to look at a piece of lovely older man like you-
Brad: Bye.
LOL Dahlia you're still a mess.

Also how are you after Kale died?
Dahlia: Who's Kale? I fed Jasmine some yesterday and she screamed, and Mum tried to bite her neck, but I don't believe in violent parenting so I stopped her- wait, who's Kale?
So you're fine.

Bronson: Behold my sitting down dance!
Mariska: Oh go away, ghost man.

Bronson: I ain't no ghost! I'm your great-grandfather!
Mariska: And you're also a ghost.

Brad no.

Dahlia: OMG this game is so good.
Stupidity everywhere.

Dino: You're getting BEAT
Uni: So what's new?
Blarffy: *sigh* Noth - OW!
Dino: What's a nothow, dear Blarf?
Drago and Uni: OH FUCK OFF

Bronson: OW MY HIP. Can't hit like I used to!
Blarffy: GOOD
Danika: You suffer, I suffer, we all suffer.
Bronson: I SUFFER
Blarffy: You brought it on yourself old man!

Zen: Good fucking luck with that one.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Mercy's YA trait will be 'Hates Children'. So she is out of the running...
Which leaves us with the Pink Queen Bitch Zenobia as our TH for Gen 8. She grows up in two days so...I'll ride this chapter out until then. This has been the longest freaking generation. I love Summer but I also would love a change.

This is Mercy. She's a pretty cool-looking gal, even if she is a clone of Zenobia. I guess it also helps that I dressed them reeaallly differently.
Also, LOL @Felix. I mean, he got beat in the muscle department by his baby sister, who just aged up and hasn't worked out a day in her life.
HA. I don't know how she got that muscly though. Brad has no muscle tone at all, and Summer is toned, but not freaking musclebound and scary. I think it suits Mercy though.
Oh, and the katana? Just had it lying around in the bracelets category. I also have a knife there but it was all fucky with the hood of her sweatshirt; I guess the textures overlapped or something. So she got the katana instead. (She also received a tattoo sleeve later)
Mercy: Forget the knife, this is the best.

Mercy: I'm already practicing!
Zenobia: COME ON, she gets what she wants and-
Mercy: Heh.

Eden: This does not seem appropriate for outside. I feel a certain breeze.
*MC Dressers person, who is Kale's grandkid btw*

Zenobia: Congratulations! Yet another born far later than you is now biologically older!
Danika: Ha ha ha. *tries to squeeze life out of*
Zenobia: Ah ah ah, you're too incorporeal for that.
Brad (by the fridge): Be nice, Zenny.

Brad: You're seriously the worst.
Zenobia: *Spongebob-memeing it* YoU'Re SeRIousLY tHe WorST

I thought you might make a better vampire than Lana but NOPE.
WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS OUTSIDE. There are like 25 seats in the house!

A typical day for Sutherlands left at home.
(She aged up at like 5am so doesn't have to go to school)

Mercy: So if they see the katana in the shot...that'll make them so persuadable.
What are you doing?
Mercy: I'll be nice and not tell your for your own protection.
*backs away slowly*

Aw Luna no.
Bit weird that her biological son was dead before her in this save. I guess that's what happens when you start a new save and don't bother clearing out townies who should be cleared out.

Mercy: Wait how do you differentiate? *rests chin on katana* 'Tis a mystery.

Mercy: Hopefully I suck less than you. *hangs up*
Lana: Why you little-

Brad: What do you want? I was having fun on the microscope-
Summer: *gritted teeth* You would have more fun if you stopped looking at the damn microscope and had sex with me.

Mercy: How dare you scare me?
Danika: I'm just doing what I do. And I'm mad you get to be a teen, so I'm taking it out on you. Good enough?
Mercy: I will stab you.
Danika: TRY ME.

Zen: These wonderful plants shall one day be MINE.
More like 'in a day and a half', because that's when your birthday is.
Cowsy: *croaking* Remember...meeee...

Mariska had her children. She named them after the housekeeper from the first few episodes of Arrested Development and a brand of crisps. I wouldn't expect anything else from someone like her - i.e. a Lazy sim who gives very few fucks.

AND LUZ IS A COOL NEW SHADE OF BLUE. And Tyrell has the HUMAN skin. Best grandkids ever!
Summer: They're my only grandkids and Mariska birthed them, so we'll see about 'the best'.

Mercy: Lana aren't you in labour?
Lana: YEAH. Come and watch, GET SCARRED. *heavy pained breathing*

Tonya: My...knife...
Summer: -didn't help you one bit, now gimme BLOOD.

Zenobia: And of course I'm heir. The universe wouldn't let me lose to that.
Mercy: *snore*
Sorry about the v. obvious walls down thing going on here. It's impossible to take good bathroom shots from this angle.

Our dear Dahlia is pregnant again, this time with a non-related man who is also her husband. Good going, girl.

Jami's wife died TODAY. Damn girl.
Jami: GRIEF BANGING - oh shiiit.

Ida: Why are you CRYING? And why do you have a - what is happening to this freaking family?
I dunno.

Ida: MY POOR SON *wails*

Zenobia get in bed, it is nearly 1am.
Zen: If Mum and Mercy can stay up, I sure can!
STOP IT. You're not a damn vampire and you pass out. GOD.

And Lana named her kid a normal name. Nadia Polanco sounds really nice.

Brad: What? It's 12, for shame? *rolls eyes*
Don't sass me like a teenager, you're like 55. And it's 11.
Brad: Elevenses?

Mercy: Come on, katana. Who to pick? Incarnation of Darin Day or incarnation of Katelin Sommer?
(i.e. the prettiest townies)


Mercy: *hugs* Congratulations, my dear. Now you better be nice to me for my remaining days living here...
Zenobia: Of course, if you get that sword away from my head.
Mercy: Who's the one with the sword, sweetie?
Zenobia: That would be you, darling, but I will and can destroy you.

Mercy: Namaste, motherfuckers.
I love her athletic outfit. Her shirt says 'shit happens'. With a picture of death.
More like 'trusting Mercy and doing things with her' happens.

Aylin: I will kill you with a pillow, lady! That is my dad.
Colby: I..don't...know...her...
Summer: GREAT. SHUT UP. Food doesn't talk.

Summer: I got the power! I got the FOOD!
Colby: *snore*
Melina: Meh. Just your basic average day.
Around here? Yeah.

No dialogue for this. Danika is just super cute.

Mercy: GOD, you're DEAD and the WORST.
Danika: Whatever. I'm cute and I have a hotdog and I do not give a shit about what you say-
Mercy: Well I do give a shit about what you say and I order you to-
Danika: You're not shit without that katana, dear Mercy.

Brad: I just want to say congrat-
Zenobia: Dad quiet, you're trash.
Brad: I always love our talks.
Zenobia: Right? The sofa agrees.
Brad: No-one is falling for that.
Zenobia: Hey! Clue in the sofa, rude one. Falling for what?

Quinton: Oh damn, she grew.
Mercy: Where is my katana?

Yasmin remarried.
Heather: *walks in house* *senses vibes* Oh what have I done.

LOL. One for Townie Fashion Police for sure.
Marielle: Don't mock me, I'm going to a fancy dress party. I'll be the slickest vampire queen there!

WTF game.
Which one is worse, I wonder?

Quinton: So you'll be handing over the torch soon, huh?
Summer: Indeed.
Quinton: Ready to get stupid?
Summer: That won't happen to me. I'm pretty damn sharp.
Quinton (and me): We'll see.

Summer: Who let you in the house?
Lana: Who let the demon take over?
Zenobia: I AM READY

Lana: Damn you! *punches*
Summer: Inappropriate, and...apparently I'm the stupid one.
Quinton: I told you we'll see.
Zenobia: Ahem? Back to me? Time to start my reign.
Quinton: You scared?
Summer: Maybe.
Lana: Idiot, letting the demon-
Summer: Move your hand for the love of God, Lana.
Also +10 for Summer's milestones into Computer Whiz (she did 2, and looking back I never counted them.)
AND +20 for Summer's aspirations, which I also didn't count. Amanda, Ida and Wanda did two, and Scarlett and Q did one each, and Summer did two soooo...that adds up to ten. Not 8. Whoops.
Next time, we meet Zen's spouse and she gets a job. That's it.
Score Sheet- 90 (oh yeah! This is what happens when I finally maths right!)
Single Births (20) +100
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (66) +330
Aspiration (10) +100
Aspiration (10) +100
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (5) +50
Not using spare's satisfaction points (6) +60 (I haven't counted this in forever)
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (100) -500
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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