Zenobia: One step closer to having all of this be mine! Right, Father? Right?

Kale: Wha...
Grim: GET IN THE URN MOTHAFUCKER! *cough, choke.*...Dammit I always mess that part up! Stupid smoke.
Linda (in the background): Lol.

Kale: *choke* My life spirit! My breath! I'm DYING.
Linda: Huh. *intensely not giving a shit*

Grim: NO mourners? At all? Really? Well...guess it's time to go, dude.
Kale: Please put me out of my misery for the love of God! There is floor gum sticking to my HAIR!
Grim: Aight. *reaps*
RIP Kale, I guess. You were pretty sad and annoying, but you did produce my favourite wonderful mess, Dahlia. Who we haven't seen recently. But...yeah, whatever. RIP you, and may Yasmin find somebody worthy.

And this hella old person just had a new kid. Wtf.

People in Background: Meld the bubbles! MEEEELD.
Mercy: I'm dead inside.

Why won't your freaking eyes stay the colour I set them as? I made them glowy and purple! Why are they BROWN now?

Summer what.
Summer: No! This stupid thing is causing me to LOSE!

Zenobia: Hey, little dead one. Guess who can cook! I'll be great heir material!
Why the obsession with being heir now?
(Oh yeah, I wrote that in because it seems in-character for Zenobia's personality).
Danika: Ohoho, you stupid bitch. We've heard the stories. What is it, no cooking skill? HA!

Zenobia: I have my GRILLED CHEESE COOKIN'! *slams phone down*
Danika: WOMAN WATCH THE STOVE do you want to kill us all?
Zenobia: No. I'm not Mercy. And what difference does it make to you? You're dead and permanently a child.
Danika: *sigh* *mutters* Are we still doing that? I guess we're still doing that.

Mercy: Why won't these losers sell me a knife? I'm NINE! That's old enough. And...hey, should I try the 'dark w-'
Mercy no.

Summer dedicates her next book to two of her dearest friends.
I believe the ellipsis says it all.

Zenobia: Et voila.
Nice job, I guess.

Zenobia: Selfie with my food! #typicalteenager
Zenobia: You wouldn't understand, with your puny little mind-
I own you.
Zenobia: -anyway, I have to get this image out to the whole world. Nobody will want to give me my successful lineage if they think I'm WEIRD.

Drago: I would have liked it to be Miss Lana. Once she gave up on taking over the house she was very kind. She always loved children too.
Blarffy: I honestly don't care. No matter who it is I'll be assaulted! *false cheery smile*
Danika: It'll be worse with Zenobia. What about me and you guys-
Blarffy: No, Danika, I will not start a plot with you to overthrow the bloodline. I can't even move.

Mariska! Haaaaaiii!
Mariska: GTFO, I need pond slime... That'll show Lana for throwing my clothes away! I left them there for like, five days, and she threw them in the Straud graveyard! GOD!
Lol I love imagining what you two would be like as roommates.

Screw it, yes.

Summer: So this is my crew.
Aahana: Way to ignore me for like five chapters-
Megan: Stop whining, no-one even knows who I am.
Fredrick: I know that that outfit isn't doing it for you.
Megan: I am PREGNANT, ASS-
Kingston: Oooh snap, someone's getting CUT.
Mercy: Hey! Stop hiding me! I wanna watch! Miss Megan can I have a knife?
Summer: So this is a mistake.

Mercy: He must suffer.
Aahana: Little girl, don't interrupt my dance time with your whining. I have twin boys tearing up my house and a whiny needy husband back home.
Mercy: He broke his promise...

Venkat: Shit.

Megan: *dances*
Ashly: Snap girl, it's not the time for dancing or that outfit!
Megan: I could say the same for you. How many months?
Fredrick: Damn.
Aahana: Ohhh that made my week.
Kingston: Can't we just go out and not cause a scene for once?
Danika: You picked the wrong crew to hang out with then, Kingsy!
Aahana: Lol TRUE.

Violet: I'll meet you out there! I'll come back.
Amara: Get out of the wall and meet me inside, you idiot! I need new friends.

GodDAMN, Darin Day.
Darin: Yeah, don't laugh.
You're not looking soooo bad...
Hey, hey Darin.
Darin: What?
Darin: Can I go back home now?
The power of game mechanics compels you!

Darin: Hi...all.
Summer: Darin, dear, how nice to see you!
Venkat: I wonder what THAT guy would do for money.
Darin: Oh, and it's Mr Sad and Tired.
Kingston: I hate my life.
Amara: Hey, is anyone getting a phone signal? I think my friend is maimed. She was in a wall, and y'know...
Darin: Why do I even go outside.

Stefanie: Just me and my hot new vampire husband-
New husband? You two have been married for like 40 years.
Stefanie: But I'm only 25! That's impossible.
Stefanie. Girl. You're old. And he's not even here.

Zenobia: Aahana, Ashly, how are your sad lives going?
Megan: I like this chick.
Aahana: Well...my life is fine! I got married to someone! His name is Agustin and he's...what is he?
Ashly: No comment.
Zenobia: As I thought. Oh, I love Mum's destructive little circle of friends.
Ashly: I'm not friends with her, apparently, even though I ALWAYS ASK TO HANG OUT-
Aahana: Unfortunately for me, I am.
Megan: Hey, Zen. We're family, right? We should stick together.
Zenobia: I would like that.

Amara: So...are you trying to hold my hand or is it a coincidence?
Venkat: You'll find out.
Summer: Um. COUSINS. You're COUSINS. Does no-one else-
Kingston: Better than what I have! *fake laugh*
Summer: True.
Kingston: ...Thanks.
Nayeli: *brushes through Darin* I'm only sad I didn't get to do this earlier. That chest is still legendary.
Violet: Right?
Darin: Seriously why do I go outside.

Zenobia: MUM WTF. Do that outside!
Megan: Right? She used to break into my house and drink from my dad...

Mariska: Here to get wasted and pick someone up! Also escape Lana...
Zenobia: You're a shame on this family.
Megan: -Yeah, I've got a stash in the back. Evil's gotta stick together.
Mercy (somewhere offscreen): Oh yeah!
Megan is evil, apparently. Great.

Stefanie: But I want a whole bottle! Why's she back there?
Samson: You have no idea of the things she did...and I wouldn't be payed to let you do them.
Zenobia: O__O SHAME!
Mariska: Relax. I just sort of shoved him and then he got a little pissed, so I kissed him on the cheek and now I get top shelf liquor.
Samson: I'm very alone.
LOL loser.

Megan: Wimp.

Ida: No she doesn't have the knife anymore.
Megan: Aren't you evil too?
Ida: Eh. Not really. Anyway, no-one wants a vampire with a knife. I did the right thing, throwing it out that window.
Megan: Way to spoil our fun, Granny Ida.

The outing is winding down.
Megan: Damn, Gramps, you're too old for this.
Amara: You're pregnant.
Megan: And? I'm fabulous.

Mariska: *laughing* I can't even see right now.
Felix: WELL WELL WELL, inviting me back already? I see how it is. YOU MISS ME.
Zenobia: In your dreams. Felix. This is supposed to be a family trip. Unfortunately for us, you're family.
Mercy: My knife...:(
Danika: Thank God for Granny Ida.
Zenobia: Right? I mean, I don't want you guys hurt.
Danika: Physically, that is-
Felix: ANYWAY, if this is a family trip, where's Lana?
Lana is...Lana is a vampire and isn't coming on an OUTDOOR RETREAT.
Ha see what I did there-
Gen 8 (apart from Lana): YES.
Yeah...so I did this late. Mainly because by the time all the kids were born Lana was a teenager and she didn't know how to get out of the sun when she lived in a HOUSE.

I then went to Manage Worlds, and took a look at Lana's new husband. OK, first of all, bad aspiration. Secondly...looking at those traits, he should have married Mariska.
...Great now I'm visualising an AU where he did marry Mariska and they open-marriage all over the place. Because that would totally happen.

He even has the same boots as her.

Summer:...I cannot believe this. I cannot - who thought this was a good idea?
Brad: Ehe...
Summer: The soil is ruining my heels!

Felix: Aaaaand I'm using the other tent tonight.
Brad: This is unstable - move me back!
Summer: FINE, DAMMIT, I thought it would be fun on the wall-
Felix: ...Make that all other nights. This tent is tainted forever now.

Dhruv: Aieeee! A ghost!

Mercy: What's going on?
Felix: (shouting from the other tent) Get away from there, even demons don't deserve that!
Mercy: You don't own - ohhhh shit, ew. I'm leaving now.

A Sutherland vacation would not be complete without someone sleeping on a bench when there are perfectly good tents at the campsite.
Zenobia: *snore* Wouldratherdiethansleepinthosethings *snore*

I then left the game to y'know...get on with my life...so when I returned, I decided to see who else on was on vacation.
This is Megan, her husband and Raelynn, Del's granddaughter and the girl who married Lyric's freaking old as hell child (who died, thank God, because that was creepy. She was fresh out of high school AND they were first cousins once removed!), plus some RANDOM CHILD. WHO ARE YOU, ABIGAIL?

And this guy, who I do not want to meet while wandering the woods. I know I'm being shallow, but look at that.

Summer: Yay, a blue-yellow blob.
I didn't think about Summer's vampirism when I sent them on this damn trip. Because Summer is obviously awake all night, with none of her usual stuff (rocket, computer, wishing well, unwilling prey), I put her on the closest skilling object.
We're here for two nights; I wonder how well she'll do.

The only other awake Sim, Zenobia, is stargazing.
Zenobia: For once in my life, something is worth my time.
Not going to be your snarky cruel self?
Zenobia: Nah. And I'm only as snarky and cruel as a regular teen-
Yeah, whatever, evil pink child.

Zenobia: BUGS, get away, you lousy worthless buzzy things! Nobody likes you!
Zen speaks the truth here,

Um...go away.
Mariko: I just need a friend...I am so cold. It is so lonely. I have been here many a year...hey, a rhyme-

Zenobia: THIS SUCKS.
Well, good news for you, heir hopeful! It's a TH duty, princess.
Zenobia: GAWD.

Danika: I used to look so cool! Now I am...boring.
Sorry, dear. Your outfit for the next few chapters is an 'outdoor basic' thing. Basically you're used to try out whatever random child stuff I want to use because the other kids have aesthetics to preserve. Like there's no way I was dressing Mercy in this shiz.

Zenobia: Great forest statue! I love your hair, girl! Like, seriously...uhhh...Snapchat me.
Best 'basic stereotypical teenage girl' ever.

Mariska: This was a stupid fucking idea, Mum.
Summer: What if I told you I don't care what you think?
Mariska: I would not be surprised!
(Yes, her outfit is different. I just changed some swatches around)

Mariska: Ha, your eyes changed colour again.
Mercy: Don't you know it.
Mariska: Haha, and it looks stupid as-
Mercy: Where is my damn knife? I heard Megan is on vacation-
Mariska: Such a stupid idea.

Mariska: I heard food deprivation is good for demons!
Summer: Haha, you're suggesting I starve my child.
Mercy: One day, I won't need food. One day...I'll feed off people like you, Mariska.

Mariska: HA! She won't get ANY of these!

Mariska: Actually...come closer, demon.
Mercy: Fuck you, I hate fire! You're a goddamn idiot; if I just had my KNI-
I refuse to count this. I only just started getting my points up. And Mariska is no longer part of the active household.

Mariska: Mum save me! Save me now! Help!
Summer: Not so tough now, are you? Now get away from me, you're hindering my epic rescue.

Felix: WOW DAD. Fashion crime!
Brad: Shut up! Wait no, scream, but scream at the correct thing!

Zen (out somewhere random): Flaaaames.

Danika (also out somewhere random): *hears the screaming* I've gotten so tragically good at staying away from my foster family's insanity.

Felix: Run away from the chef's outfit!
Brad (somewhere else): Shut up about the goddamn chef's outfit! It's for work! You don't even have a job-
Summer: Mariska, what did I say?
Mariska: I'M BURNING
Summer: Well don't take me down with you!

Summer: Fire-free!
Extinguish your child!
Summer: Can't. For some reason I can't select her.

Mariska: Put me out put me ouuuuttt!
Summer: SHUT UP what does it look like I'm doing?
Mercy: Stupid knife-denying-
Brad: Kids, even I can look past my insanity to feel relief for Mariska.
Felix: Great. Change your outfit.

I put a spa in Granite Falls, and we're visiting.
With Megan.

Aya: Deborah, this is not suitable attire for work-
Deborah: Living my best life!
Aya: Cliches do not change the fact that-
Deborah: Treat yo'self.
Aya: Right, you're being written up.
Deborah: I don't need you!

Mercy: Screw you!
Mariska: What? I made you cereal.
Mercy: You poured milk down my back! And I don't need you to make me cereal!

Felix: Oh look at Dad, still in his CHEF'S OUTFIT.
Zenobia: Whatever, Felix. Hey, Danika, get out-
Danika: You people forgot my ghost robe!
Mariska: No-one cares - also, Mercy, I was teaching you-
Mercy: What could I possibly learn?
Danika: Why?
Mariska: That you shouldn't be evil, it brings consequences-
Zenobia: -cos you suck, and there's a no ghost rule-
Danika: Seriously?
Mercy: What about laziness-?
Mariska: I make it work-
Summer: I'll let you work that one out for yourself, Dani. You've been alive for too long to be so stupid.
Zenobia: 'Alive'. Haha, right.
Danika: I just love how you're all so sensitive to my condition.
Zenobia: Condition? You're DEAD.
You people are the worst sauna customers possible. Coming in with food and outside shoes...*shakes head*

Mariska rendered properly.
Felix: Ew! You're nasty! Get away from me!
Mariska: I was here first, and you're the one wearing only a towel.
Felix: But I'm clean and strong!
Mariska: Have you seen this body?
Felix: Have you seen this body - stop holding my hand!
Mariska: You grabbed it!
Felix: You-
Summer: If you don't shower/change, get onto separate yoga mats and stop holding hands, I will disown you both.

I felt really bad leaving her at home but a non-sun-resistant vampire camping...not a good idea. And I didn't want to lose Lana.

Mercy: Leg! Stay in place! If I had a KNIFE-
You're getting stupid about this knife thing, how would it even help here? Just put your foot down.

Danika: Peace at last.
You enjoy yourself, Dani.

Summer: Who are you? *hangs up*
Alejandra: I'm important!
I know you're one of the recently-orphaned children of Isadora's triplets, but seriously. You don't feature that heavily. You are not important.

Mother-son yoga. They're the only two at the class.

Brad: I feel a wetness.
Brad, you are a grown-ass man! Ugh, fucking pee fail. That shouldn't happen. It rarely does. Unless you're

Ira: So you two just...aren't gonna follow my class...great.
Felix: Shush, lady, we're working.
Summer: And looking awesome doing it. Right, son?
Felix: Well I don't know about you, but-
Summer: Just stop talking.
Way to ruin the only bonding moment you'll ever have with your mum, Felix.

Brad: That was a good shower...WHATTHEF-
Grim: What? The GRIM REAPER can't go to the spa? Rude.
Imagine walking out of the shower only to see that.

Raelynn: Hi there, where's your adult?
Mercy: I don't need an adult. I need a knife.
Raelynn: *nervous laughter* Well I wouldn't know about that.
Mercy: Would you not, cousin?

Felix: I did pretty good in your dumb class, huh?
Ira: *sigh* You did, Mr Sutherland. You did.
Felix: Right?
Ira: Right.
Ira's thoughts: GTFO of my yoga room.

Raelynn: Well, instead of knives you could try...woodworking? I don't know, what do kids like?
Mercy: Stop trying to distract me. Knife.
Deborah: Knife, you say. Well, it would cost you a pretty penny, but-
Mercy: Oh I have money.

Nobuya: You'll need a robe, and $40-
Megan: Massage my feet for free and let me stay in these clothes. You don't want to know what will happen if you don't do as I say.

Felix: She was in awe of me.
Ira: *muttering to self* Thank God that asshole left. At least he was cut.

Grim: Yep, hi, I'm Death, serve me now, I have all the power.
Nobuya: Oh God, not the scales again. We should make Deborah do this.
Grim: Chop chop, guy, I want those feet singing - hey, Megan, I wouldn't have cut in line if I knew it was you...you're looking well.
Nobuya: You know the Grim Reaper.
Megan: Yes. Don't ask questions about a customer's private life, it's rude.

Felix: On reflection, the yoga instructor was not sufficiently impressed by me and my awesome. Time to go.
You don't own me, and it's like 12. We're not leaving.

Mercy: Will you give me a knife if I smile? I am adorable.
Raelynn: No, it doesn't matter how adorable you are! Get out of my massage room.
Deborah: Yours?
Raelynn: I'm the one who does the damn work-
Deborah: Well, I'm getting work from Megan.
Megan: I'll tip you big, I know you need the cash. Your knives really aren't so good-
Mercy: Hmmm, I'll reconsider.
Raelynn: Is this my life? My job? Knife people?
Mercy: Didn't you also marry your elderly cousin-once-removed straight out of high school?
Deborah and Megan: Lol.
Raelynn: SHUT UP.

Raelynn: *grits teeth* Deborah where is your customer?
Deborah: I decided I had enough of her being a passive-aggressive monster, it's not only here that she was mean-
Raelynn: So you refused service for a personal reason.
Danika: How is this woman not fired?
Mercy: Seriously. She doesn't even sell good knives!
Raelynn: If only I owned this place..

Felix: See! I'm better at this, even Genji agrees!
Genji: Yeah! Boo Ira!
Ira: I hate this job.

Raelynn: - you poor thing, Danika.
Mercy: Danika gets on OK. Right, Dani?
Danika: You tried to stab me last night.
Mercy: Yeah, weeeeelll-
Raelynn: Come on, let's gossip.
Danika: I am very much FOR that.

LOL Felix, now you suck.
Felix: *struggling to touch his toes* Ha! His legs aren't even straight.
Genji: They were, asshole, the Watcher just didn't capture it in time.
Ira: YOU TELL HIM! *reading a book because no-one is listening to her anyway*

We haven't seen a lot of Zen at this spa day. She's been sleeping.
Zen: Haha, benches are friends.
This pic was an excuse to show off her awesome swimwear.

Danika: For the love of GOD put a towel on and get out of your chlorine-y swimsuit!
Mercy: What are you, spa police?
Danika: No, I'm someone who respects public venues!
Mercy: Whatever! I'm gonna have a knife, and ooh, I'm bringing FOOD in!
Danika: Way to ruin your crackers, dummy!

Mercy: Now Felix has sweaty gym clothes in here! Ew!
Danika: OK, he's worse, I'll give you that.
Felix: We're gonna sweat in here anyway, aren't we?
Mariska: Your trainers smell like dog crap, please get out. God I was having such a good time before Demon and Bighead got in here...
Karim: What about me?
Mariska: What about you? Who even are you? Look, dude, we clearly claimed this sauna so use another one-
Karim: I would have, you disrespectful young lady! But-

Summer: Ohhh we gotta move, my hair's gonna burn in those coals-

Mariska: OK, ew. Fine. I get it, Karim. But there is yet another one!
Skyla: How happy I am to be here...would your wife appreciate this? Us, alone, in this steamy, steamy environment-
Branden: Haha, no. She'd kill me. Seriously. You gotta hide me. Damn, where's my knife-

Back in the Sutherland (+Karim) sauna...
Mariska: Right, I'm done. Felix, you and your stink can get out.
Felix: This is my green flow of heavenliness.
Mariska: *muttering, shaking head* Fucking hate you...
Karim: - a knife! How dare you ask me this, child? You know nothing of the world.
Mercy: Uh...guy...*gives look to Danika*
Danika: Haha, I am NOT helping you.

'Tis a sad day when Zen is existing best.
Zen: Oh it burns!
Also, here is her awesome athletic wear.

Raelynn: *overhearing* Wow my second cousins are MENTAL - oh God, are more people having sex in the saunas? Every damn day...well, fuck it. I heard nothing, so I can't get written up for not doing something. After all, nothing's going on! *slightly manic laughter*

Mercy: Heard you want revenge on my brother. I'll let you help me with him if you give me the knife.
Ira: I don't have a knife for you, kid.

Mariska: Karim. I will kick your ass in this.
Karim: I wouldn't be so sure.
Raelynn: And my body is...I just can't catch a break.
Mariska: I would be so sure. What if I did the whole class like...this?
Karim: I know what you're getting at. But I don't find you attractive, young miss. How about we all get along and do some yoga?
Raelynn: You, dude. You. I like you.
Mariska: Oh not again, Raelynn. At least this one isn't related to us.
Raelynn: Y'know...

Mariska: And there's your favourite coworker dressing inappropriately for the occasion AGAIN. And inappropriately for her age as well, but-
Karim: That's a terrible thing to say. I thought the younger generations were supposed to be less judgemental.

Two letters, Brad.

During the other yoga classes, I was aware that it was likely to be glitch and I was making it Felix's fault for story/'humour' purposes.
But hey, look at this. Maybe it was Felix's fault.

Back at the campground...
Summer: Gawd, you couldn't make it easier to get to your damn neck? Stupid camping.

Brad: We need to eat healthier-
Felix: Maybe you do, but not me. Didn't you hear it? The yoga instructor said I was cut!
Mercy: *sigh* She also called you an asshole. And Dad, you literally survive off pre-packaged hotdogs.

WHY is there always one idiot who can't keep it together during vacation? This time, that idiot is Zenobia. It's not that hard, for crying out loud! On the right are Mercy's needs, so it's clearly possible to be functional on vacation!

Felix: Wow, sis, you're looking rough.
Zen: Die in a fire.
Gen 8 just love each other so much...

Brad: Let's make this a family dinner, huh?
Felix: Half the family isn't even here, Dad. Actually, more than half. It's just us three.
Zenobia: If anyone starts trying to bond with me I'll throw this plate at their worthless SKULL!
So much love.

Summer: A-woooo! K bye Xena. *calls to Brad* Hey, call her wife, or husband, or whatever she married, and get them to pick your dumb friend up.

Felix: Look at me, staring into the flames. I am deep!
Bear Bitch: *heavy, weirdly sexual breathing*
Felix:...Do I know you?

Mariska: What? I invited him up here for a woods quicky. It worked like it worked in Ashes to Ashes.
Let's not compare this stupidity to...Actually, it worked exactly like it worked in Ashes to Ashes. (Sorry Citizen)
Mariska: Yes, except you're never going to see this guy again.
Oh, and congratulations Lana.
Even if your husband seems way better suited for your TWIN.

And Aahana is getting her first grandkid!

Mariska:...'Twas a mistake.
I fast-tracked their pregnancies, sue me...

Bear Bitch: What, no, I don't have a gun in my bear suit-
Felix: ...You're really interesting. Now tell me the same.
BB: Anything for you, Blue Overlord.

Zen you're a mess.

You're weirdly happy.
Mercy: I sense Zen's low social, energy and fun needs and I sing inside!
You two are 'good friends'.
Mercy: She is the only passable person available, it means nothing. I'm evil. I love misery.

Oh, it's this thing...it played a large role in the failures that took place during Q's gen.
I remember I sold it because of how many it caused.
Maybe I can buy it back, because this is the first time someone used it this trip, and we've been here for over a day.

I eventually had Summer do for Zenobia what Quinton did for Summer back in the day: buy a Moodlet Solver and use the free action so it is drunk.

I blame you, for trying to play horseshoes before you drank your Solver, and Mercy for distracting you with socialisation.
Thanks ZEN and GAME.

Brad: Hey kebabs! SHISH, I'm telling a great story!

Sooo...I sent them home early.
Kristine: I am Kristine Venkatamaran and I will destroy you ALL!
Summer: Go home, kid.
Next chapter Mercy ages up. Her teen trait is still a mystery (to any readers, dust and tumbleweed out there), but I will say that her YA trait will be 'Hates Children'. So we'll find out who's heir...
Score Sheet- 25 (y tho)
Single Births (20) +100
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (64) +320
Aspiration (8) +80
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (99) -495
Self Wetting (28) -140
Fires (10) -100
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