Pictured: Brad, doing something right!
Brad: Franks and Beans is a great breakfast!
Doing something half-right, then. You have the skill to make stuff like a fruit salad. USE IT.

WHY are you out HERE?
Felix: I wanted to cook and stupid Dad was using the grill to make food! I SHOULD MAKE FOOD.
Level 3>Level 1, Felix. You are Level 1. STFU.
Anyway there's food in the fridge!

Fun fact: When Summer doesn't render properly she goes pretty much bald and her CC dress dies.
Unrendered Summer: I WILL LOVE YOU ALL O__O
Unrendered Summer: HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.

And now you're here.
Cooking NOTHING.
Felix: I'm the best at this, seriously.

Mercy: I'm so...tired...*head droops*
BRAD. Why did you wake her up? You suck!

Lana: WOW I'm low on energy.
Caiphus: Maybe stop staying outside all the time? It makes Mum tired as well, and she's a vampire too!
Lana: I was hungry!
Caiphus: You can drink plasma packs indoors, idiot!

Danika: Woo! :D Do the karate chop amirite?

Felix: LOVE ME, AIR!

Stop waking the baby up!
Mercy: I just wanna sleep!
Zenobia: Why would you tell me that? I'm going to keep you awake forever now.

Mariska: So you're that fancy vampire dude who hit on my mum at that green woman's party?
Caleb:...Uhh...I think I have the wrong number?
Mariska: Oh snap, were you asking my mother out? Well, trying to ask her out, I guess.
Caleb:...No. It was a friend dinner.
Mariska: Right.
What is it with men being inadvertently creepy to Mariska lately?
At least this isn't as creepy as the time Geoffrey Landgraab asked teenage Kale out.

Lana: BLEEHSHSAHIG! Now you can't get to the fridge! You shall not pass!
Felix:...But I already have my food. I don't care. You're stupid, I'm excellent, BYE!
I don't know what to make of Lana. Sometimes she's Little Miss Clean and the most put together person in the house. Sometimes she's even stupider than the average Sutherland.

Glass: Congratulations Summer! I heard you've almost made it to the top!
Lana: Does NO-ONE know Mum's number?

I never had this problem with any of the other kids! WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Mikayla: OK...just walk quickly, hide your face...she won't get you again!
Yes she will.

Actually, not yet. Apparently Mikayla can't be drunk from again for a while.
But this girl is new prey!
I actually changed her outfit a bit because she's pretty, so gets to have fashion sense. LOL I'm vain.
Robin: What's happening?
Summer: Shhhh. No more tears.
Robin: I'm not crying, what-

Way to lose more of your tiny body mass, Felix.
I will give him props for having Level 3 fitness skill after being a teen for like two days. The twins still don't have a skill up to level 3.

Summer: HA!
Mariska: How did I only knock over ONE?

Mariska sucked at skilling, and I want her to get an A. I used her action to make her do homework, and now I'm making Summer play games with her to get her to Level 3.
Mariska: How are you so good at this?
Summer: Because. I just am.
Felix: I'm the awesome one.
Mariska: Shut up, Felix.
Lana: You've never touched this game in your life!

Ismael: Dammit Dahlia!
Dahlia (crashing the wedding): IT'S BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AS A FRIEND!
Ismael: You barely even know me! It was one night at that one bar-
Hun: Honey should we get a restraining order?
Yasmin: Hey, Dahls. That one looks tasty. Grab him!
Dahlia: Dammit Mum, that's not what I'm here to do!
Carmelo (Dahlia's husband): What are we doing here?
Dahlia: Shut up until you can find the money to get us a house!

That's Rachel's daughter Hayley, and that's Lexie's grandson (from her adopted child, but STILL).
Sooo...idk what the hell kind of thing this is?
I guess sometimes the pseudo-cousins actually end up getting married.

Dahlia: So. Would you say that crashing the wedding of your ex - OK, maybe it would count more as 'baby daddy' is a bad idea?
Blarffy: Don't do it.
Uni: Yeah, that's a terrible idea.
Dino: Oh, girl, I'd say go for it.
Dahlia: What if I told you I...already did that and am now hiding here...
Dino: Well you stood up for yourself, so I'd say...nice one!
Uni: Stop with the bad advice, oh my GOD!

Summer: I know it's hard, but you have your own husband and a child, and you barely knew-
Dahlia: NOT THAT! It's the doooooolls!
Summer:...How are we friends?

Lilith: I already 100% disliked being married to you. I now 150% dislike it. You aged horribly!
Caiphus: She'll die in two weeks, Vampire Mum. It'll be a new lease of life for you!
Lilith: Huh.

Zen: You wanna hurt him, don't you?
Danika:...Shut up.
Zen: Come on, forever-child. You really want to, right?
Felix: Zzz...I'm the best...zzz...you all suck...
Zen: You really want to.
Danika: I will not ally myself with the likes of you.
Zen: Suit yourself, ghostie. You'll come crawling back one day.

Summer:...But my mum is dead.
Daya: Trololololol.
Cassandra (Daya's wife): Nice one, darling! That'll show her for using our house for a party venue that one time 20 years ago!

Person: Well done!
Summer: That happened forever ago and...of course I deserved it. Who are you?

Nice shirt, Brad.
Brad: You probably picked it.
Brad: Namaste!

Yay more urns. On the street we have the urns of Anvi, Jordon, Dina and Paolo.

Brad: Naaaaaaaahhhhh. It's not too early to drink.

Felix: Woo! Window punch!
Lana: Wow, you're an idiot.

That was Xena btw.
Too bad we're busy.

Mercy: OUUUUT! Let me out!
Zenobia: *taunting sing-song* No-one's going to help you! You'll be stuck forever! *normal voice* And I'll be eating these delicious fish and chips as you suffer!
Summer: Zen, don't be mean to your sister, please. Mercy I'm coming-
Zenobia: OMG fish and chips is my best friend!

Mariska: What the hell, Caleb?
Caleb: SHIT! *hangs up*
Mariska: MUM! Your friends are WEIRD!
Summer: Tell me something I don't know next time!

Zenobia: Yeeeess, plate...you are right. I must appear more defenceless...just a normal little girl.

Lana: Tablet, tablet, you're the one! Heeeehehehe...
It looks like 'Stupid Lana' is out again.

Mariska: No-one is falling for that! I thought you gave up on it!

Felix: Even this food thinks I'm the best!
Danika: I don't care. Now what do you want?
Felix:...That was it.
Danika: Die in a fire.
Please don't die in a fire. That would be -20 points.

Tate: Well well well young one...you are doing well.
Summer: Drop the act, Charlee's husband, I'm a better vampire than you and you know it. Plus I had the foresight to get turned as a young person. You're stuck with creaky bones forever.
Linda: Wait WHAT? Vampires! WAIT NO-

Zenobia: I'm Mariska and I'm lazy and I can't even get one skill up to level 3! You know who did it? FELIX. And he's been a teen for like four days!
Mariska: You-you-I-shut up!
Zenobia: HAH! I'm right!
Zenobia: Scarfs are friends :D! Sorry what were you saying? Me and Scarfy gotta dance.
Mariska: You cannot just keep pretending to befriend inanimate objects to escape the consequences of-
Zenobia: Stop being mean to Scarfy! HE'S REAL!

Brad: We're great parents, right?
Mercy: This is the first time I've been happy in three days!

Lana: I think I killed my eyeliner...

Mercy: You have ruined my happiness!
Lana: Whoo! Time to fly!
Mercy: No pls.

WAY2GO guys.
Lyric: I am happy to announce my new late in life pregnancy!
Steve: MUM! D:
Chester: Yay... both of you!
Hayley: This is weird.
Steve: Right?

Mercy: BUT I SAW THE HIGHCHAIR UP THERE! I was so close!
Lana why did you bring her downstairs?
Lana: Because this one is better :D
Mercy: GAHD.

Felix: Alright, what do you need?
Lana: No! My baby!
Mercy: No-one owns me!

Lana: Where'd the kid go?
Felix: Eh. Who knows? Someone should put her to bed.

Mercy: Must...reach...bed! CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN.
Zenobia: Ohhhh how my siblings fail.

Lana: Oh, she...she went up here. Maybe we're not the best at looking after her.
Felix: Speak for yourself! I'm Felix the Fabulous and I do everything well.
Quinton: You two sadden me.
Q! *waves enthusiastically*

Felix: What does this internet person mean? Of course I'm the best of Newcrest! It rhymes!

Mariska: Wha-
Caleb: Hang on, wrong-
Mariska: GO FUCK YOURSELF IT'S 5 IN THE MORNING! *slams phone down*

This is Summer's next aspiration. She probably won't finish but I'll get a few points out of it.

Summer: Do you want the steak? I bet you want the steak! What if I make you work for it?
Cowplant: Don't test me woman, I could eat you and all your children.

Summer: So it's like that, huh Cowsy?
Cowsy: Oooh, very inventive. I was just playing, dear. I'll stay away.
Summer: Good.
Cowsy: If you feed me.

AGH. This is so stupid. I like it when the idiots help out, but only when Summer isn't available! Stupid Brad and Lana and Felix kept blocking her way and cancelling the interaction!

Is that a mud bath?
Brad: Nah. Plain old bubbles.
What the HELL, graphics? First the 'excellent' quality cake and now this? What is happening?

Brad finally got a bit of an adult makeover. He kept his cardigan, but changed the other shirts.

I like you, person.
Those are good names.

RIP Destinee. Ya weirdo.

Why is it that the lazy one did the best in school?
+5 anyways, yaaaay!

That's the savings + the house value which = >500,000
So +20 for another 100000

Mariska: I've told you her number like 100,000 times dude! And no, I do not want to go to your HOUSE! *hangs up phone, throws it at the wall*

WTF why are you out here?
Felix: The other kids conspired to throw me off the bus! Apparently I was being arrogant and annoying! The bus driver even gave them a thumbs up!
Well you are arrogant and annoying.
Felix: Gasp! I might faint!

Felix: *drools*

Lilith: Drinking from the kids? Interesting method, though I don't recommend it. I always drank from Angie and she turned out real stupid...
Lilith hai.
Lilith: Whatever. Margot's totally lost her mind and I need to escape.

Caiphus: Yeah, that's why I'm here. They have really soft towels-
Lilith: Caiphus, you are an embarrassment, and if it wasn't such a taboo I might have returned you to the orphanage already.

Pelham Crespo.
That's almost as golden as Pelham Le Chien.

No rule states that I can't count this, so I'm counting it.
Danika: It took me 45 days, it's not an achievement.
Shhhh it counts. +10

Pretty yoga room.
Lana: *pouty yoga* I am...pretty inflexible.

Tonya: Even soulless ones need money, dear cousin.
Summer: Cousin - I don't care who you are. Just be quiet and stand still.

Tonya: Why? Whatever that green shit is, it didn't work.
Summer: Really? Again?
Tonya: Some sorceress, or whatever you are. Later, I gotta catch up with Satan.

Lilith: Heh heh heh. I'm WINNING, and I'm not looking at Margot's ugly face. This is the best afternoon I've had in fifteen years!

Kale: LOL. Summer sucks, right?
Tonya: She tried to eat me!
Dante: UHHH-
Summer: No, shut up, stay still, she's wrong, she talks to Satan!
Tonya: Don't discriminate against me and my hobbies!
Kale: Whatever. I'm just gonna go die now or something. Probably.

Ashby, hi! Haven't seen you since the wedding.
Ashby: Late in life pregnancy was a bad idea...I'm tired all the time, can't drop the baby weight and I remembered how much I hate nappies...

Lilith: What's up with you, kid?
Felix: My stomach is all bruised and hurty! Someone bodyslammed-
Lilith: Do you walk with your stomach?
Felix:...Of course not, idiot. Seriously, these people are MORONS-
Lilith: Silence! If you don't walk with your stomach, use your presumably uninjured feet to get out of the bathroom! I wanna take advantage of these bathtub jets you have here!

Mariska: Hm. I 40% want that weird cowface cake; if I do eat it it's not like I'll die or anything.
Cowsy: I warned Miss Blue Lady of what would happen if I wasn't fed.
Mariska: Um...
Please don't go near that.

Felix: Sweet dreams!
Mercy: Get AWAY from me.

Melina: Mmmmm this feels so goood!
Melina: So good.
D: I don't even wanna know.

Zen why are you out here?
Zenobia: When the bar spits fire, I see images. Pleasing images. They burn.
*backs away* Do what you want then!

Good thing we squeezed in one last look then.

Lana: Nothing like a good old 'romance between the household staff'.
Meh. I guess.
Lana:...I should reenact that!
Lana:...And I don't know boys who aren't family. Yay.
Literally the only non-related people who the kids know are the dysfunctional friends of Summer.
Not that any other generations had better friend-people.

I feel like I only just grew Zen up.
Zenobia: I need a new form.
What are you, a demon?
Wait, you are. Go away anyways. You're sleeping.

Lana: *grimace* Tell her! Tell her! No, don't put the ring away-
Mariska: *laughs* These characters are idiots.

Mercy: I tried to be so good...
Summer: What are you doing...
Mercy: Yet I lived in misery...I spent most of my toddlerhood either 'Sad' or 'Very Sad'!
Summer: I have a busy life and your father and siblings are pretty bad at babycare.
Mercy: What did being 'angelic' give me? No benefits, that's for sure.
Summer: It gets easier from now, kid.
Mercy: Of course it will. No more Miss Nice Mercy.
Summer: Seriously what.
Mercy: I have chosen the dark side, the side of my great-great-grandfather Easton, and great-granny Ida... my great-aunt Elin. You remember your auntie Margot-
Summer: You copy Margot and I disown you.
Mercy: Fair enough. But enough babbling. I am now evil. Screw you people.

Then I noticed this little resemblance.
ARGH. I suspected when she was a toddler but I was hoping there might be SOME difference.
Why are there only two faces this generation?

Here is evil vampire kid Mercy.

Actually, no. Here is evil vampire kid Mercy, with some genetic cheating done bc I deserve it. TWO faces this generation...WHY.

Zen, is that a mud bath?
Zen: No. It's a bath. There's nothing wrong with it.
-__- I believe this to be a glitch. That looks like a tub full of mud.

Lana: This TV show really gets me going.
Felix: That's super-fun!
Lana: I mean, damn, I'm just like-
Felix: Tell me more.

Mercy: Why was I neglected? WHY? Answer me, little GHOST CHILD! ANSWEEERRRRR!
Danika: I'm just a kid-
Mercy: SO WAS I!
Danika: Sorry, but-
Mercy: I hope you burn in Hell!

Summer played with the cowplant. I've never had one of these things before...always been too lazy.
Summer: BOO!
Cowsy: Try to scare me again, woman, and you die.

Zenobia: DIE, PLATES. DIE! *kicks* Eheheheheeeeee
Plates: I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now, I just came out to have a good time, and-

Mariska: Hey, hey Felix. This is you!
Felix: SAY WHAT? *prepares to slap*
Mariska: You slap me and I full-body slam you, scrawny one. Tread carefully.

Lana: I guess a demon might need love too?
Zenobia: Demons need sun too? Wanna come outside? I know you love outside!
Lana: Don't be cheeky, I'm trying to be nice.
Zenobia: HA! And that's your weakness. I like that. HEY EVERYONE. Lana tries to be nice.
Summer: WHY?
Felix: I'm the best at being nice though!
Mariska: We call that an uphill battle, dear twin.

Noelle: Haaaaaaaiii. Dad says I need some friends my age so here I am!
Mariska: Well well well, unfortunately I'm growing up soon. By that, I mean, I don't want to be your friend so I'm happy I'm growing up soon!
Conner: Noelllleeeee
Noelle: WHAT?
Conner: She's biting my arm.
Zenobia: Pray tell, Conner. What is your greatest weakness?
*sigh* Why can't I go to people's houses anymore?

Summer: Don't put that thing in my face. I'm not tempted.
Cowsy: I'm just showing you how I'll lure in your family if you don't feed me.
Summer: FINE. Fuck you, here's a steak.

Mercy: I hope they all die. In a fire. Preferably by suffocation.

Summer: How old are you again?
Mariska: Oh, Mother, I wouldn't expect anything else. I'm actually about to grow up-
Summer: Aren't you like twelve years old?

Mariska: Nooo, and-
Summer: I'M SAD NOW.
Mariska: Yeah, this movie makes wimps cry all the-
Summer: The movie? No. I'm sad that you two are growing up.
Mariska: Don't go soft now, Mum. The remaining children will eat you alive if you go soft.

Summer: Whoa, what the hell kind of lapse in character was that? I'm back.
Mariska: Aww. Goo-
Summer: Stop talking, Mariska. Can't you see I'm trying to watch a film?

Ghost-Douche: Baby, I came back for you!
Romantic-Lead-Girl: Who ARE you again?
Ghost-Douche: *dies inside*
Summer: *facepalm* This movie is stupid.

Lana: Oh God, two demons.
Zenobia: Oh hai, little sister. It is time for me to show you the way.
Lana:...Don't listen to her.
Mercy: If she'll help me make you people suffer, I will, fool! You don't own me!

Cowsy: Mmm...too bony. Not good to eat.
Felix: As if! I'm too cool to eat, you can't touch me.
Cowsy: What are you going to do?
It was soon after this that my game crashed AGAIN after trying to visit Ashby. I have no idea what is causing this.
Tried to visit Daya, crashed again.
*still later*
I may need a new save file.
*more thinking*
I don't want to lose Summer's relationships and the townies here...so once Gen 8 takes over, I'm probably going to move the family to yet another new save file.
AND I'll lose the rocket AGAIN...*cries*

Lana: Why are we at a bar?
Summer: Just be grateful we are still able to leave the house. This was a test and what's the point of going home?
Lana: We never leave the house anyway, so fine.
Felix: Because the world and its paving stones cannot handle my awesome.
Lana: Why must I live with this insane narcissist?

The only other person in the bar is Edgar, someone who Summer terrorised a few chapters. Two nights in a row she fed from and blackmailed him.
Edgar: So it's Sutherlands...
Mariska: Unfortunately yes.
Brad: Are you in a towel?
Mercy: Yes. I like to make people uncomfortable.
Edgar: Well, you're all as terrible as I remember.
Zenobia: With your habit of being owned by my mother and fed off, I wonder how you remember anything about us.
Edgar: I don't even think you were born!
Zenobia: Am I right or am I right, dumbass?

Mercy: Angelic smiles in 3..2...
Both: We're innocent!

Mariska: Gawd.
Felix: You all disgust me. *dramatic hair-flip and stare-into-distance*
Zenobia: We work together, huh?
Mercy: I will be a better vampire than the purple and orange one, older sister.
Zenobia: So that's an agreement.
Mercy: Duh.
Danika: Lord help us all.

What is their lovely mother doing while that goes on outside?
Summer: Hello darkness my old friend...*somehow gaining charisma skill*

Brad: I'm almost there! Almost! This drink will touch my lips!
Zen and Lana: Nope nope nope, we don't know who the hell that guy is?
Mariska: *some form of verbal abuse*
Zen: I think we agreed on something, dinosaur.
Lana: Shut up.

Mercy: I have decided that there can be nothing more unsettling than a frilly dress with combat boots.
She's channelling an evil, slightly girlier, Wanda look.

Zenobia: Lana the Lame! OH LANA THE LAME!
Brad: I need a new glass!!
Lana: Must stare at the wall forever.
Danika (in the jukebox): WhoooOOOOOooooo
Edgar: Just get me one of those whole bottles, please.

Venkat: So hey there beautiful...
Lana: Dude, you were adopted by a relation and I'm not Dahlia, so GTFO.
Mercy: Don't worry. She's playing hard to get.
Lana: Mercy, shut up.
Mercy: Lana, go back in time and make my toddlerhood less miserable. *shrug* C'mon, Venkat, if you give me a knife I'll give you her number!

Mikayla: Sutherlands.
Edgar: Did she bother you too?
Mikayla: What do you think? Hey, bartender, an entire bottle?
Edgar: Two great minds think alike, huh? You're a woman after my own heart.
Mikayla: Stop talking in cliches and come plot with me.

Danika: I can't believe you're leaving me with them.
Lana: Ohhhh Dani...you'll leave. One day. In a few generations maybe.

Zenobia: *growl*
Summer: Our daughter is now a bear.
Brad: Par for the course, right?

Zenobia: Oh don't even bother, Dad. You're too old for her now.
Brad: I knew it! I knew it!

Venkat: I made the call for the knife, now-
Mercy: Hey! The number's over there, in Never-Gonna-Get-It-Land!
Venkat: You little brat-
Mercy: My mother has a rocket, I'll shoot you into the sky! She'd do it!

Summer: I'd say you're about 70% as handsome as you were the day we met.
Brad: Erm...should I be happy about that...
Summer: I'm still down to do you so yeah. Just accept it.

Zenobia *giggling*
Mariska: *smirking* Alright, little brat, come out with it.
Zenobia: I spy with my little little eye, a useless lazy person without a chance in hell of becoming heir.
Mariska: ...Nice try. Do you think I want to stick around in this hell of a household?
Zenobia: We're the only people in town with a big movie screen, and very few have our nice indoor TV.
Mariska: ...Good point.

Ashly: Do you remember me?
Summer: NO.

Robin: *sarcastic laughter* Ohhh, it's that blue bitch who BITES!
Mariska: So absolutely nobody in this town likes us...
Zenobia: So, non-heir, how will you get your TV, food, and/or loving?
Mateo: *yelling* I GOT NO BEEF WITH YOUR FAMILY, and you're pretty!
Mariska: I'd rather die alone.
Zenobia: Die alone then. You probably will.
Could people in this bar stop hitting on teenagers? I know they grow up in a few hours but still!

Mercy: Hey! Hey hey HEY! I'm a better vampire than you.
Lana: You don't even have fangs yet, gappy.
Mercy: I know! And I'm still better than you! How about that, huh?
Felix: Stupid man! I am as beautiful on the inside as I am on the out!
Due to your weird body and arrogance...not very beautiful anywhere.
Hun: Oh, Watcher, you read my mind. I like being honest with bitches.
I love you Hun.

Robin: So how's it growing up with a monster for a mother?
Zenobia:...You're not worth talking to. So I shan't talk. Your hair just...offends my eyes. Use a brush, lady.

During my latest update to MCCC, I turned the birth control setting on. So this is happening every time they WooHoo.
(It's supposed to be a full house but I moved the capacity up to ten, sue me)
Summer (and me): This shit better work! No more kids!
Mercy: I'm going to choose to be offended by that.

Mercy: Oh Ida, Bronson, Quinton, Glass...if you were still alive I wouldn't have to get a knife through the black market!
Well...Bronson may have been persuaded to get you one in his older age...but none of the others would have.
Scarlett, Cecil and Wanda would have definitely allowed that though.

I just thought this was a cute picture.
Despite their eccentricities Summer and Brad are in love, if not as deeply as their predecessors. I mean, they're no Glasston. But they're cute all the same.

Felix is doing this in the yoga room.
Felix: Ohh..oh it burns! It burns!
Boy please. Even I'm more flexible than that and I came almost last in every flexibility test we ever did in school.

Mariska: *mocking* Meh meh meh I'm Felix and I'm a SERIOUS yoga guru. Whatever. Felix is bullshit.

Summer: *out of breath* I'll say a little more than that.
Lilith: Oooooh...you texting him heart emojis and shit?
Summer: More like we've been married for about eighteen years, have five kids together and just got done sexing each other in our sauna?
Summer: You were at the wedding.
Lilith: Wellll....
Summer: You're as bad as my sister!

It's time for the girls to grow up.
That's nice, dear.

Mariska: Time to leave!
Summer: *smugly and aggressively not giving a shit*

Mariska: Hey...wait, WHY couldn't I be heir? Trait-wise I'm crazy as Lana, Felix and Zenobia now!
Aspiration, dear. I did writing with Ida and Summer. I don't want to do it again. Sorry.
Mariska: Not like I wanted to stay for the TVs or anything...

As per usual (at least since Elin) they have been given a YA makeover. I especially like the hairstyles. :D. Lana's new trait is Geek, btw.
Also, none of them are heir. I was thinking of doing an heir poll but then my brain latched on to one kid who I really want to be heir (I'd be happy with them all, but I really want this one)...so will it be Felix, Zenobia or Mercy?
I am planning to do an orphan challenge with them plus one of the other spares of this gen., so we'll probably see them soon.
Bye girls!
They have moved into a house that I placed in Forgotten Hollow, right opposite their Aunty Ashby.
Mariska: Joy.

For some reason we can visit Lilith and Margot's place.
Everyone else is outside but Mercy was teleported to the building.
She looks like she's trying to emulate Lilith and be her little prodigy.
Mercy: I would be honoured, because Lilith's a proper vampire.
Lilith: Shut up, kid.

Summer: My dear friend and creator!
Lilith: Why are your demon spawn in my house?

Fredrick has aged. He's still one of the best looking townies I've ever seen though. I would have considered using him as a spouse for next gen if he'd been the correct age. I could have married him to Summer but I'd planned on using Brad for ages...

His wife, Lilith's idiot kid Angie, is doing what she does best... being stupid.
Angie: ZOMG I love this movie.

Mercy: WOW Danika your outfit SUCKS! I will shred it with my knife!
Danika: Stab me, I'll still be around! And at least I can keep to one aesthetic!
Mercy: My outfit is a work of genius!
Felix: Psh. Girls and outfits. I'm much better.
Summer: Doing what? Staring into space. Wow son. That's lame even for you.
Lilith: Right? Oh...be nice to your kids blah blah blah. Sometimes you just have to be honest.

Marielle: Meh. This place is alright, I guess.
It's the most expensive apartment in San Myshuno you idiot!
What are you doing in here anyways? Aren't you a vendor?
Marielle: I need a snack!

Margot: You're going down, Becky!
Rebekah: We're not even playing the same game, Grandma.
Margot: I'm your stepmother-
Lilith: Of course, but you could be all of our Grandmas the way you're looking, you old hag.
Margot: What has my life become?
Lilith: I ask myself the same every damn day!

FINE Caleb, we'll go out with you. I've never been to the stupid Romance Festival anyway, this might be fun.
Caleb: It's not a-
Sure, whatever. I'll accept just because you called Summer and not MARISKA, who is legal now but still...that was weird.

Summer: Damn, what is that stuff?

Lana: Why am I here? Goddammit.
Yeah, the festival has no people in it. Maybe because I was already in the penthouse, so the game is using that as the active lot rather than the lounge it's supposed to use? IDK.

So I just sent Summer to do festival things.
Summer: I'mma light this right here, right now!
Julius (vendor): Everyone get down! I accidentally sold to a crazy person again!
Ernesto: I wanted no part of her demon rituals! *whimper*
Julius: It's just fire!

Summer (and me): Well that was...really lame.
Seriously! It didn't shoot up into the sky? LAME.

The kids are here...just being their freak selves.
Mercy: *evil laughter* I'll kill you all! My misery has manifested well, dears! WELL!
Felix: Heh, I'll be spared, 'cos I'm awe-
Zenobia: Another word and I'll do it myself.
Danika: I can't even find it within myself to be against that.

Back home..
Summer: Hey Cowsy, you're getting roommates.
Cowsy: You still have to feed me.
Most of the plants at the festival were too low-value for me to bother with, but what's wrong with some extra income? So Summer picked up a dragonfruit and a space fruit. At NORMAL quality they are worth 16 and 24 simoleons respectively.

Summer: No Singles Night wants an old grandma hanging around.
Margot: I don't look that bad for my age!

Ronen: Noooo I was the chosen one...!
Summer: You weren't chosen for jack! Now SUBMIT!

Xena: *sings* It's been a long day, without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you-
Summer: Never. I don't want to hang out with you. *hangs up*

Thaaaat's...pretty gross. That's Lyric's kid and Ida's great-grandkid. Also, she just became a YA while he's almost dead. So, doubly gross. I'm not going to undo it though because like I said...he's almost dead. She'll find an appropriate man afterwards.
(She is Del's grandchild by the way)

Ashby! No!
Ashby: I am happy to announce my new late-in-life-
Ashby: It's the Anvi Nair method, chill!
She was literally insane and that's a shit life method, Ashby!


Game the other two happened forever ago, get with it.

Summer: Time to use that stupid wormhole!
*ahem* Awesome, long-awaited wormhole. I've never been to Sixam in this game!

Summer: This is kinda cool, actually...
Where are the freaking aliens? By using 'Show Sim Info' for all Sims on the lot there is exactly one and I CAN'T SEE HIM.

Jedidiah the Alien: This is the correct attire for male humans, yes?
Jedidiah the Alien: Yes.

Summer:...Perfect. Flattering, normal...like anyone on Earth!
JtA: Of course! I'm fabulous.
Summer: You remind me of my son.
JtA: Is that a...
Summer: Meh.
NO OTHER ALIENS spawned, so I sent her on a huge collectibles run and found some cool aliens and plants (for money)

Zen: Hey, it's me, Zenny, with my daily reminder that everyone is garbage, but especially you, Felix.
Felix: Sticks and stones, Zen. Now about your behavoiur-

Cowsy: Hello, unwise child.
Danika: I've experienced death already. I'm not afraid of you.
Cowsy: Do you want to experience being corroded in my acids?
Summer: Now, now, Cowsy, you've been fed. Don't threaten my children.
Cowsy: I could-
Summer: If you eat anybody, you will be sold. The power of an inventory, huh?

Cowsy: I've been fed, but how recently?
Danika: Nice try. I'm going to go eat a hotdog and cry about how I'm stuck here like this forever.

...I'm not salty at all.

Mercy: I require my knife....WALL.
You're like the only kid who isn't insane (apart from Danika). Please act like this.
Mercy: Fine. How about 'I need to cut a bitch'? Does that do it?
Considering you're like five...go less heavy on the language?

Zen: Oh Dani!
Danika: *hurriedly shoves sunglasses on* Hi, I'm very happy. What.
Zen: Why can't you take a bath in the cowplant acid? We have life to sacrifice. You have nothing.
Danika: I have things.
Zen: All you have is this place and these people...oh and the dishwasher. He's a mate, I'll introduce you two.

Mercy: One day I will kill your every hope and dream. And your body, provider of misery.
Brad:...Do hugs make you miserable?
Brad, put on clothes before you hug the children.

Danika: Why are you following me?
Mercy: To find the best spot to plunge a knife into!
Danika: A knife would go right through me and not change my ghost status.
Mercy: I know that. That's why you're practise.

Mercy: Alas, for now I do homework. Dammit Venkat, I need that knife.

Felix: The skinny-ripped look is BACK IN A BIG WAY.
Zen: Ripped? Eh.
Brad:...I'd say not.
Felix: It has to be-
Zen: Lemme guess, he was going to say 'my awesomeness'.
Felix: No, 'my awesomeness'. Not yours!
Brad: Even I'm not that dumb.
Zen: Weeeellll

This would be such a sweet picture if the child wasn't plotting murder, the father wasn't an imbecile and the mother wasn't an insane bitchy vampire.

Felix: No! Nooo! Skinny-ripped is IN! They are wrong.

Edgar: Oh no...I sense evil. There is evil at that house.
Murderous child or crazy vampire? Which one?

Summer: I found the records, we all know you went to prison. Well, I know! ALL will know if you don't cough up the cash, Edgar!
Edgar: How...how? My parents covered that up so well!

Felix: I...I guess I should have washed this fruit more thoroughly?

Zenobia: *ded*

Zenobia: The tiger rises! Yet Danika is still dead. And she complains of it when she could RISE!
You didn't actually die on that slide, kid. That would be way too dark for this game.

Felix: Let's enjoy my wonderful fruit sticks!
Brad: CRAP there's a worm on this fruit.
Zenobia: The worm's dead. I think you fried it, big bro.
Brad: CRAP it's her!
Zenobia: Yeah it is! Haaaaiii.
Can't we have a normal meal?

Mercy got invited to join Upper Crusts.
...I find it very weird that this club of adults asked a child to join.

Zen: *sings* You're the best around, you're gonna keep so many people down! You go, Zen!
Brad: That's not the lyrics, and don't do that.
Brad: I - you know what, I don't care-
Zen: - Self love is a positive thing, and you should encourage me to have it.

Yay! +5.

Mercy: Like I'm a criminal. Someone in this family stole this barstool from the SUTHERLANDS!
Game what.
No-one has been a klepto since Lexie!

Summer: I put a spell on you, and now you're mine!
Linda: Tonnnyyaaaa come back! You said you'd always help me. Friends forever, right?
Tonya: NOPE

Felix: I don't want to go to a random nightclub party-
Lana: You should. Maybe you'll disappear.

+5 again, woo!

This is a Villareal child. I'm surprised too.
Beatriz: What do you want? I'm kind of trying to pick up a man, so...

Blake: A man, did you say? I can borrow my parents' car and I'll take you out for Taco Tuesday!
Beatriz:...No thanks.

Blake: Hey, as of now it's me or that guy.
Brad: *snore**dribble*
Beatriz: *sigh*

Summer's next book.

Q is out visiting.
Quinton: I'm...stuck...this is embarrassing, I'm supposed to be a genius,

Zenobia: AH! BLACKENED BASS! Smell my stink, you lousy things that shall be eaten!

Zenobia: No longer will I be an innocent little girl-
So you let go of your persona?
Zenobia: I will now be a stereotypical teenage girl!

She's jealous like her mama, with the Successful Lineage aspiration.

And here is our dear Zenobia, still thinking pink. I think she's one of the prettiest kids. Not in this generation, just overall.
This chapter is officially way too long. Sorry. I probably should have split it up or taken fewer pictures.
Well...I didn't do any of that so...see ya in the next one.
Pass Out (97) -485
Brad: Franks and Beans is a great breakfast!
Doing something half-right, then. You have the skill to make stuff like a fruit salad. USE IT.

WHY are you out HERE?
Felix: I wanted to cook and stupid Dad was using the grill to make food! I SHOULD MAKE FOOD.
Level 3>Level 1, Felix. You are Level 1. STFU.
Anyway there's food in the fridge!

Fun fact: When Summer doesn't render properly she goes pretty much bald and her CC dress dies.
Unrendered Summer: I WILL LOVE YOU ALL O__O
Unrendered Summer: HAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH.

And now you're here.
Cooking NOTHING.
Felix: I'm the best at this, seriously.

Mercy: I'm so...tired...*head droops*
BRAD. Why did you wake her up? You suck!

Lana: WOW I'm low on energy.
Caiphus: Maybe stop staying outside all the time? It makes Mum tired as well, and she's a vampire too!
Lana: I was hungry!
Caiphus: You can drink plasma packs indoors, idiot!

Danika: Woo! :D Do the karate chop amirite?

Felix: LOVE ME, AIR!

Stop waking the baby up!
Mercy: I just wanna sleep!
Zenobia: Why would you tell me that? I'm going to keep you awake forever now.

Mariska: So you're that fancy vampire dude who hit on my mum at that green woman's party?
Caleb:...Uhh...I think I have the wrong number?
Mariska: Oh snap, were you asking my mother out? Well, trying to ask her out, I guess.
Caleb:...No. It was a friend dinner.
Mariska: Right.
What is it with men being inadvertently creepy to Mariska lately?
At least this isn't as creepy as the time Geoffrey Landgraab asked teenage Kale out.

Lana: BLEEHSHSAHIG! Now you can't get to the fridge! You shall not pass!
Felix:...But I already have my food. I don't care. You're stupid, I'm excellent, BYE!
I don't know what to make of Lana. Sometimes she's Little Miss Clean and the most put together person in the house. Sometimes she's even stupider than the average Sutherland.

Glass: Congratulations Summer! I heard you've almost made it to the top!
Lana: Does NO-ONE know Mum's number?

I never had this problem with any of the other kids! WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Mikayla: OK...just walk quickly, hide your face...she won't get you again!
Yes she will.

Actually, not yet. Apparently Mikayla can't be drunk from again for a while.
But this girl is new prey!
I actually changed her outfit a bit because she's pretty, so gets to have fashion sense. LOL I'm vain.
Robin: What's happening?
Summer: Shhhh. No more tears.
Robin: I'm not crying, what-

Way to lose more of your tiny body mass, Felix.
I will give him props for having Level 3 fitness skill after being a teen for like two days. The twins still don't have a skill up to level 3.

Summer: HA!
Mariska: How did I only knock over ONE?

Mariska sucked at skilling, and I want her to get an A. I used her action to make her do homework, and now I'm making Summer play games with her to get her to Level 3.
Mariska: How are you so good at this?
Summer: Because. I just am.
Felix: I'm the awesome one.
Mariska: Shut up, Felix.
Lana: You've never touched this game in your life!

Ismael: Dammit Dahlia!
Dahlia (crashing the wedding): IT'S BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AS A FRIEND!
Ismael: You barely even know me! It was one night at that one bar-
Hun: Honey should we get a restraining order?
Yasmin: Hey, Dahls. That one looks tasty. Grab him!
Dahlia: Dammit Mum, that's not what I'm here to do!
Carmelo (Dahlia's husband): What are we doing here?
Dahlia: Shut up until you can find the money to get us a house!

That's Rachel's daughter Hayley, and that's Lexie's grandson (from her adopted child, but STILL).
Sooo...idk what the hell kind of thing this is?
I guess sometimes the pseudo-cousins actually end up getting married.

Dahlia: So. Would you say that crashing the wedding of your ex - OK, maybe it would count more as 'baby daddy' is a bad idea?
Blarffy: Don't do it.
Uni: Yeah, that's a terrible idea.
Dino: Oh, girl, I'd say go for it.
Dahlia: What if I told you I...already did that and am now hiding here...
Dino: Well you stood up for yourself, so I'd say...nice one!
Uni: Stop with the bad advice, oh my GOD!

Summer: I know it's hard, but you have your own husband and a child, and you barely knew-
Dahlia: NOT THAT! It's the doooooolls!
Summer:...How are we friends?

Lilith: I already 100% disliked being married to you. I now 150% dislike it. You aged horribly!
Caiphus: She'll die in two weeks, Vampire Mum. It'll be a new lease of life for you!
Lilith: Huh.

Zen: You wanna hurt him, don't you?
Danika:...Shut up.
Zen: Come on, forever-child. You really want to, right?
Felix: Zzz...I'm the best...zzz...you all suck...
Zen: You really want to.
Danika: I will not ally myself with the likes of you.
Zen: Suit yourself, ghostie. You'll come crawling back one day.

Summer:...But my mum is dead.
Daya: Trololololol.
Cassandra (Daya's wife): Nice one, darling! That'll show her for using our house for a party venue that one time 20 years ago!

Person: Well done!
Summer: That happened forever ago and...of course I deserved it. Who are you?

Nice shirt, Brad.
Brad: You probably picked it.
Brad: Namaste!

Yay more urns. On the street we have the urns of Anvi, Jordon, Dina and Paolo.

Brad: Naaaaaaaahhhhh. It's not too early to drink.

Felix: Woo! Window punch!
Lana: Wow, you're an idiot.

That was Xena btw.
Too bad we're busy.

Mercy: OUUUUT! Let me out!
Zenobia: *taunting sing-song* No-one's going to help you! You'll be stuck forever! *normal voice* And I'll be eating these delicious fish and chips as you suffer!
Summer: Zen, don't be mean to your sister, please. Mercy I'm coming-
Zenobia: OMG fish and chips is my best friend!

Mariska: What the hell, Caleb?
Caleb: SHIT! *hangs up*
Mariska: MUM! Your friends are WEIRD!
Summer: Tell me something I don't know next time!

Zenobia: Yeeeess, plate...you are right. I must appear more defenceless...just a normal little girl.

Lana: Tablet, tablet, you're the one! Heeeehehehe...
It looks like 'Stupid Lana' is out again.

Mariska: No-one is falling for that! I thought you gave up on it!

Felix: Even this food thinks I'm the best!
Danika: I don't care. Now what do you want?
Felix:...That was it.
Danika: Die in a fire.
Please don't die in a fire. That would be -20 points.

Tate: Well well well young one...you are doing well.
Summer: Drop the act, Charlee's husband, I'm a better vampire than you and you know it. Plus I had the foresight to get turned as a young person. You're stuck with creaky bones forever.
Linda: Wait WHAT? Vampires! WAIT NO-

Zenobia: I'm Mariska and I'm lazy and I can't even get one skill up to level 3! You know who did it? FELIX. And he's been a teen for like four days!
Mariska: You-you-I-shut up!
Zenobia: HAH! I'm right!
Zenobia: Scarfs are friends :D! Sorry what were you saying? Me and Scarfy gotta dance.
Mariska: You cannot just keep pretending to befriend inanimate objects to escape the consequences of-
Zenobia: Stop being mean to Scarfy! HE'S REAL!

Brad: We're great parents, right?
Mercy: This is the first time I've been happy in three days!

Lana: I think I killed my eyeliner...

Mercy: You have ruined my happiness!
Lana: Whoo! Time to fly!
Mercy: No pls.

WAY2GO guys.
Lyric: I am happy to announce my new late in life pregnancy!
Steve: MUM! D:
Chester: Yay... both of you!
Hayley: This is weird.
Steve: Right?

Mercy: BUT I SAW THE HIGHCHAIR UP THERE! I was so close!
Lana why did you bring her downstairs?
Lana: Because this one is better :D
Mercy: GAHD.

Felix: Alright, what do you need?
Lana: No! My baby!
Mercy: No-one owns me!

Lana: Where'd the kid go?
Felix: Eh. Who knows? Someone should put her to bed.

Mercy: Must...reach...bed! CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN.
Zenobia: Ohhhh how my siblings fail.

Lana: Oh, she...she went up here. Maybe we're not the best at looking after her.
Felix: Speak for yourself! I'm Felix the Fabulous and I do everything well.
Quinton: You two sadden me.
Q! *waves enthusiastically*

Felix: What does this internet person mean? Of course I'm the best of Newcrest! It rhymes!

Mariska: Wha-
Caleb: Hang on, wrong-
Mariska: GO FUCK YOURSELF IT'S 5 IN THE MORNING! *slams phone down*

This is Summer's next aspiration. She probably won't finish but I'll get a few points out of it.

Summer: Do you want the steak? I bet you want the steak! What if I make you work for it?
Cowplant: Don't test me woman, I could eat you and all your children.

Summer: So it's like that, huh Cowsy?
Cowsy: Oooh, very inventive. I was just playing, dear. I'll stay away.
Summer: Good.
Cowsy: If you feed me.

AGH. This is so stupid. I like it when the idiots help out, but only when Summer isn't available! Stupid Brad and Lana and Felix kept blocking her way and cancelling the interaction!

Is that a mud bath?
Brad: Nah. Plain old bubbles.
What the HELL, graphics? First the 'excellent' quality cake and now this? What is happening?

Brad finally got a bit of an adult makeover. He kept his cardigan, but changed the other shirts.

I like you, person.
Those are good names.

RIP Destinee. Ya weirdo.

Why is it that the lazy one did the best in school?
+5 anyways, yaaaay!

That's the savings + the house value which = >500,000
So +20 for another 100000

Mariska: I've told you her number like 100,000 times dude! And no, I do not want to go to your HOUSE! *hangs up phone, throws it at the wall*

WTF why are you out here?
Felix: The other kids conspired to throw me off the bus! Apparently I was being arrogant and annoying! The bus driver even gave them a thumbs up!
Well you are arrogant and annoying.
Felix: Gasp! I might faint!

Felix: *drools*

Lilith: Drinking from the kids? Interesting method, though I don't recommend it. I always drank from Angie and she turned out real stupid...
Lilith hai.
Lilith: Whatever. Margot's totally lost her mind and I need to escape.

Caiphus: Yeah, that's why I'm here. They have really soft towels-
Lilith: Caiphus, you are an embarrassment, and if it wasn't such a taboo I might have returned you to the orphanage already.

Pelham Crespo.
That's almost as golden as Pelham Le Chien.

No rule states that I can't count this, so I'm counting it.
Danika: It took me 45 days, it's not an achievement.
Shhhh it counts. +10

Pretty yoga room.
Lana: *pouty yoga* I am...pretty inflexible.

Tonya: Even soulless ones need money, dear cousin.
Summer: Cousin - I don't care who you are. Just be quiet and stand still.

Tonya: Why? Whatever that green shit is, it didn't work.
Summer: Really? Again?
Tonya: Some sorceress, or whatever you are. Later, I gotta catch up with Satan.

Lilith: Heh heh heh. I'm WINNING, and I'm not looking at Margot's ugly face. This is the best afternoon I've had in fifteen years!

Kale: LOL. Summer sucks, right?
Tonya: She tried to eat me!
Dante: UHHH-
Summer: No, shut up, stay still, she's wrong, she talks to Satan!
Tonya: Don't discriminate against me and my hobbies!
Kale: Whatever. I'm just gonna go die now or something. Probably.

Ashby, hi! Haven't seen you since the wedding.
Ashby: Late in life pregnancy was a bad idea...I'm tired all the time, can't drop the baby weight and I remembered how much I hate nappies...

Lilith: What's up with you, kid?
Felix: My stomach is all bruised and hurty! Someone bodyslammed-
Lilith: Do you walk with your stomach?
Felix:...Of course not, idiot. Seriously, these people are MORONS-
Lilith: Silence! If you don't walk with your stomach, use your presumably uninjured feet to get out of the bathroom! I wanna take advantage of these bathtub jets you have here!

Mariska: Hm. I 40% want that weird cowface cake; if I do eat it it's not like I'll die or anything.
Cowsy: I warned Miss Blue Lady of what would happen if I wasn't fed.
Mariska: Um...
Please don't go near that.

Felix: Sweet dreams!
Mercy: Get AWAY from me.

Melina: Mmmmm this feels so goood!
Melina: So good.
D: I don't even wanna know.

Zen why are you out here?
Zenobia: When the bar spits fire, I see images. Pleasing images. They burn.
*backs away* Do what you want then!

Good thing we squeezed in one last look then.

Lana: Nothing like a good old 'romance between the household staff'.
Meh. I guess.
Lana:...I should reenact that!
Lana:...And I don't know boys who aren't family. Yay.
Literally the only non-related people who the kids know are the dysfunctional friends of Summer.
Not that any other generations had better friend-people.

I feel like I only just grew Zen up.
Zenobia: I need a new form.
What are you, a demon?
Wait, you are. Go away anyways. You're sleeping.

Lana: *grimace* Tell her! Tell her! No, don't put the ring away-
Mariska: *laughs* These characters are idiots.

Mercy: I tried to be so good...
Summer: What are you doing...
Mercy: Yet I lived in misery...I spent most of my toddlerhood either 'Sad' or 'Very Sad'!
Summer: I have a busy life and your father and siblings are pretty bad at babycare.
Mercy: What did being 'angelic' give me? No benefits, that's for sure.
Summer: It gets easier from now, kid.
Mercy: Of course it will. No more Miss Nice Mercy.
Summer: Seriously what.
Mercy: I have chosen the dark side, the side of my great-great-grandfather Easton, and great-granny Ida... my great-aunt Elin. You remember your auntie Margot-
Summer: You copy Margot and I disown you.
Mercy: Fair enough. But enough babbling. I am now evil. Screw you people.

Then I noticed this little resemblance.
ARGH. I suspected when she was a toddler but I was hoping there might be SOME difference.
Why are there only two faces this generation?

Here is evil vampire kid Mercy.

Actually, no. Here is evil vampire kid Mercy, with some genetic cheating done bc I deserve it. TWO faces this generation...WHY.

Zen, is that a mud bath?
Zen: No. It's a bath. There's nothing wrong with it.
-__- I believe this to be a glitch. That looks like a tub full of mud.

Lana: This TV show really gets me going.
Felix: That's super-fun!
Lana: I mean, damn, I'm just like-
Felix: Tell me more.

Mercy: Why was I neglected? WHY? Answer me, little GHOST CHILD! ANSWEEERRRRR!
Danika: I'm just a kid-
Mercy: SO WAS I!
Danika: Sorry, but-
Mercy: I hope you burn in Hell!

Summer played with the cowplant. I've never had one of these things before...always been too lazy.
Summer: BOO!
Cowsy: Try to scare me again, woman, and you die.

Zenobia: DIE, PLATES. DIE! *kicks* Eheheheheeeeee
Plates: I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now, I just came out to have a good time, and-

Mariska: Hey, hey Felix. This is you!
Felix: SAY WHAT? *prepares to slap*
Mariska: You slap me and I full-body slam you, scrawny one. Tread carefully.

Lana: I guess a demon might need love too?
Zenobia: Demons need sun too? Wanna come outside? I know you love outside!
Lana: Don't be cheeky, I'm trying to be nice.
Zenobia: HA! And that's your weakness. I like that. HEY EVERYONE. Lana tries to be nice.
Summer: WHY?
Felix: I'm the best at being nice though!
Mariska: We call that an uphill battle, dear twin.

Noelle: Haaaaaaaiii. Dad says I need some friends my age so here I am!
Mariska: Well well well, unfortunately I'm growing up soon. By that, I mean, I don't want to be your friend so I'm happy I'm growing up soon!
Conner: Noelllleeeee
Noelle: WHAT?
Conner: She's biting my arm.
Zenobia: Pray tell, Conner. What is your greatest weakness?
*sigh* Why can't I go to people's houses anymore?

Summer: Don't put that thing in my face. I'm not tempted.
Cowsy: I'm just showing you how I'll lure in your family if you don't feed me.
Summer: FINE. Fuck you, here's a steak.

Mercy: I hope they all die. In a fire. Preferably by suffocation.

Summer: How old are you again?
Mariska: Oh, Mother, I wouldn't expect anything else. I'm actually about to grow up-
Summer: Aren't you like twelve years old?

Mariska: Nooo, and-
Summer: I'M SAD NOW.
Mariska: Yeah, this movie makes wimps cry all the-
Summer: The movie? No. I'm sad that you two are growing up.
Mariska: Don't go soft now, Mum. The remaining children will eat you alive if you go soft.

Summer: Whoa, what the hell kind of lapse in character was that? I'm back.
Mariska: Aww. Goo-
Summer: Stop talking, Mariska. Can't you see I'm trying to watch a film?

Ghost-Douche: Baby, I came back for you!
Romantic-Lead-Girl: Who ARE you again?
Ghost-Douche: *dies inside*
Summer: *facepalm* This movie is stupid.

Lana: Oh God, two demons.
Zenobia: Oh hai, little sister. It is time for me to show you the way.
Lana:...Don't listen to her.
Mercy: If she'll help me make you people suffer, I will, fool! You don't own me!

Cowsy: Mmm...too bony. Not good to eat.
Felix: As if! I'm too cool to eat, you can't touch me.
Cowsy: What are you going to do?
It was soon after this that my game crashed AGAIN after trying to visit Ashby. I have no idea what is causing this.
Tried to visit Daya, crashed again.
*still later*
I may need a new save file.
*more thinking*
I don't want to lose Summer's relationships and the townies here...so once Gen 8 takes over, I'm probably going to move the family to yet another new save file.
AND I'll lose the rocket AGAIN...*cries*

Lana: Why are we at a bar?
Summer: Just be grateful we are still able to leave the house. This was a test and what's the point of going home?
Lana: We never leave the house anyway, so fine.
Felix: Because the world and its paving stones cannot handle my awesome.
Lana: Why must I live with this insane narcissist?

The only other person in the bar is Edgar, someone who Summer terrorised a few chapters. Two nights in a row she fed from and blackmailed him.
Edgar: So it's Sutherlands...
Mariska: Unfortunately yes.
Brad: Are you in a towel?
Mercy: Yes. I like to make people uncomfortable.
Edgar: Well, you're all as terrible as I remember.
Zenobia: With your habit of being owned by my mother and fed off, I wonder how you remember anything about us.
Edgar: I don't even think you were born!
Zenobia: Am I right or am I right, dumbass?

Mercy: Angelic smiles in 3..2...
Both: We're innocent!

Mariska: Gawd.
Felix: You all disgust me. *dramatic hair-flip and stare-into-distance*
Zenobia: We work together, huh?
Mercy: I will be a better vampire than the purple and orange one, older sister.
Zenobia: So that's an agreement.
Mercy: Duh.
Danika: Lord help us all.

What is their lovely mother doing while that goes on outside?
Summer: Hello darkness my old friend...*somehow gaining charisma skill*

Brad: I'm almost there! Almost! This drink will touch my lips!
Zen and Lana: Nope nope nope, we don't know who the hell that guy is?
Mariska: *some form of verbal abuse*
Zen: I think we agreed on something, dinosaur.
Lana: Shut up.

Mercy: I have decided that there can be nothing more unsettling than a frilly dress with combat boots.
She's channelling an evil, slightly girlier, Wanda look.

Zenobia: Lana the Lame! OH LANA THE LAME!
Brad: I need a new glass!!
Lana: Must stare at the wall forever.
Danika (in the jukebox): WhoooOOOOOooooo
Edgar: Just get me one of those whole bottles, please.

Venkat: So hey there beautiful...
Lana: Dude, you were adopted by a relation and I'm not Dahlia, so GTFO.
Mercy: Don't worry. She's playing hard to get.
Lana: Mercy, shut up.
Mercy: Lana, go back in time and make my toddlerhood less miserable. *shrug* C'mon, Venkat, if you give me a knife I'll give you her number!

Mikayla: Sutherlands.
Edgar: Did she bother you too?
Mikayla: What do you think? Hey, bartender, an entire bottle?
Edgar: Two great minds think alike, huh? You're a woman after my own heart.
Mikayla: Stop talking in cliches and come plot with me.

Danika: I can't believe you're leaving me with them.
Lana: Ohhhh Dani...you'll leave. One day. In a few generations maybe.

Zenobia: *growl*
Summer: Our daughter is now a bear.
Brad: Par for the course, right?

Zenobia: Oh don't even bother, Dad. You're too old for her now.
Brad: I knew it! I knew it!

Venkat: I made the call for the knife, now-
Mercy: Hey! The number's over there, in Never-Gonna-Get-It-Land!
Venkat: You little brat-
Mercy: My mother has a rocket, I'll shoot you into the sky! She'd do it!

Summer: I'd say you're about 70% as handsome as you were the day we met.
Brad: Erm...should I be happy about that...
Summer: I'm still down to do you so yeah. Just accept it.

Zenobia *giggling*
Mariska: *smirking* Alright, little brat, come out with it.
Zenobia: I spy with my little little eye, a useless lazy person without a chance in hell of becoming heir.
Mariska: ...Nice try. Do you think I want to stick around in this hell of a household?
Zenobia: We're the only people in town with a big movie screen, and very few have our nice indoor TV.
Mariska: ...Good point.

Ashly: Do you remember me?
Summer: NO.

Robin: *sarcastic laughter* Ohhh, it's that blue bitch who BITES!
Mariska: So absolutely nobody in this town likes us...
Zenobia: So, non-heir, how will you get your TV, food, and/or loving?
Mateo: *yelling* I GOT NO BEEF WITH YOUR FAMILY, and you're pretty!
Mariska: I'd rather die alone.
Zenobia: Die alone then. You probably will.
Could people in this bar stop hitting on teenagers? I know they grow up in a few hours but still!

Mercy: Hey! Hey hey HEY! I'm a better vampire than you.
Lana: You don't even have fangs yet, gappy.
Mercy: I know! And I'm still better than you! How about that, huh?
Felix: Stupid man! I am as beautiful on the inside as I am on the out!
Due to your weird body and arrogance...not very beautiful anywhere.
Hun: Oh, Watcher, you read my mind. I like being honest with bitches.
I love you Hun.

Robin: So how's it growing up with a monster for a mother?
Zenobia:...You're not worth talking to. So I shan't talk. Your hair just...offends my eyes. Use a brush, lady.

During my latest update to MCCC, I turned the birth control setting on. So this is happening every time they WooHoo.
(It's supposed to be a full house but I moved the capacity up to ten, sue me)
Summer (and me): This shit better work! No more kids!
Mercy: I'm going to choose to be offended by that.

Mercy: Oh Ida, Bronson, Quinton, Glass...if you were still alive I wouldn't have to get a knife through the black market!
Well...Bronson may have been persuaded to get you one in his older age...but none of the others would have.
Scarlett, Cecil and Wanda would have definitely allowed that though.

I just thought this was a cute picture.
Despite their eccentricities Summer and Brad are in love, if not as deeply as their predecessors. I mean, they're no Glasston. But they're cute all the same.

Felix is doing this in the yoga room.
Felix: Ohh..oh it burns! It burns!
Boy please. Even I'm more flexible than that and I came almost last in every flexibility test we ever did in school.

Mariska: *mocking* Meh meh meh I'm Felix and I'm a SERIOUS yoga guru. Whatever. Felix is bullshit.

Summer: *out of breath* I'll say a little more than that.
Lilith: Oooooh...you texting him heart emojis and shit?
Summer: More like we've been married for about eighteen years, have five kids together and just got done sexing each other in our sauna?
Summer: You were at the wedding.
Lilith: Wellll....
Summer: You're as bad as my sister!

It's time for the girls to grow up.
That's nice, dear.

Mariska: Time to leave!
Summer: *smugly and aggressively not giving a shit*

Mariska: Hey...wait, WHY couldn't I be heir? Trait-wise I'm crazy as Lana, Felix and Zenobia now!
Aspiration, dear. I did writing with Ida and Summer. I don't want to do it again. Sorry.
Mariska: Not like I wanted to stay for the TVs or anything...

As per usual (at least since Elin) they have been given a YA makeover. I especially like the hairstyles. :D. Lana's new trait is Geek, btw.
Also, none of them are heir. I was thinking of doing an heir poll but then my brain latched on to one kid who I really want to be heir (I'd be happy with them all, but I really want this one)...so will it be Felix, Zenobia or Mercy?
I am planning to do an orphan challenge with them plus one of the other spares of this gen., so we'll probably see them soon.
Bye girls!
They have moved into a house that I placed in Forgotten Hollow, right opposite their Aunty Ashby.
Mariska: Joy.

For some reason we can visit Lilith and Margot's place.
Everyone else is outside but Mercy was teleported to the building.
She looks like she's trying to emulate Lilith and be her little prodigy.
Mercy: I would be honoured, because Lilith's a proper vampire.
Lilith: Shut up, kid.

Summer: My dear friend and creator!
Lilith: Why are your demon spawn in my house?

Fredrick has aged. He's still one of the best looking townies I've ever seen though. I would have considered using him as a spouse for next gen if he'd been the correct age. I could have married him to Summer but I'd planned on using Brad for ages...

His wife, Lilith's idiot kid Angie, is doing what she does best... being stupid.
Angie: ZOMG I love this movie.

Mercy: WOW Danika your outfit SUCKS! I will shred it with my knife!
Danika: Stab me, I'll still be around! And at least I can keep to one aesthetic!
Mercy: My outfit is a work of genius!
Felix: Psh. Girls and outfits. I'm much better.
Summer: Doing what? Staring into space. Wow son. That's lame even for you.
Lilith: Right? Oh...be nice to your kids blah blah blah. Sometimes you just have to be honest.

Marielle: Meh. This place is alright, I guess.
It's the most expensive apartment in San Myshuno you idiot!
What are you doing in here anyways? Aren't you a vendor?
Marielle: I need a snack!

Margot: You're going down, Becky!
Rebekah: We're not even playing the same game, Grandma.
Margot: I'm your stepmother-
Lilith: Of course, but you could be all of our Grandmas the way you're looking, you old hag.
Margot: What has my life become?
Lilith: I ask myself the same every damn day!

FINE Caleb, we'll go out with you. I've never been to the stupid Romance Festival anyway, this might be fun.
Caleb: It's not a-
Sure, whatever. I'll accept just because you called Summer and not MARISKA, who is legal now but still...that was weird.

Summer: Damn, what is that stuff?

Lana: Why am I here? Goddammit.
Yeah, the festival has no people in it. Maybe because I was already in the penthouse, so the game is using that as the active lot rather than the lounge it's supposed to use? IDK.

So I just sent Summer to do festival things.
Summer: I'mma light this right here, right now!
Julius (vendor): Everyone get down! I accidentally sold to a crazy person again!
Ernesto: I wanted no part of her demon rituals! *whimper*
Julius: It's just fire!

Summer (and me): Well that was...really lame.
Seriously! It didn't shoot up into the sky? LAME.

The kids are here...just being their freak selves.
Mercy: *evil laughter* I'll kill you all! My misery has manifested well, dears! WELL!
Felix: Heh, I'll be spared, 'cos I'm awe-
Zenobia: Another word and I'll do it myself.
Danika: I can't even find it within myself to be against that.

Back home..
Summer: Hey Cowsy, you're getting roommates.
Cowsy: You still have to feed me.
Most of the plants at the festival were too low-value for me to bother with, but what's wrong with some extra income? So Summer picked up a dragonfruit and a space fruit. At NORMAL quality they are worth 16 and 24 simoleons respectively.

Summer: No Singles Night wants an old grandma hanging around.
Margot: I don't look that bad for my age!

Ronen: Noooo I was the chosen one...!
Summer: You weren't chosen for jack! Now SUBMIT!

Xena: *sings* It's been a long day, without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you-
Summer: Never. I don't want to hang out with you. *hangs up*

Thaaaat's...pretty gross. That's Lyric's kid and Ida's great-grandkid. Also, she just became a YA while he's almost dead. So, doubly gross. I'm not going to undo it though because like I said...he's almost dead. She'll find an appropriate man afterwards.
(She is Del's grandchild by the way)

Ashby! No!
Ashby: I am happy to announce my new late-in-life-
Ashby: It's the Anvi Nair method, chill!
She was literally insane and that's a shit life method, Ashby!


Game the other two happened forever ago, get with it.

Summer: Time to use that stupid wormhole!
*ahem* Awesome, long-awaited wormhole. I've never been to Sixam in this game!

Summer: This is kinda cool, actually...
Where are the freaking aliens? By using 'Show Sim Info' for all Sims on the lot there is exactly one and I CAN'T SEE HIM.

Jedidiah the Alien: This is the correct attire for male humans, yes?
Jedidiah the Alien: Yes.

Summer:...Perfect. Flattering, normal...like anyone on Earth!
JtA: Of course! I'm fabulous.
Summer: You remind me of my son.
JtA: Is that a...
Summer: Meh.
NO OTHER ALIENS spawned, so I sent her on a huge collectibles run and found some cool aliens and plants (for money)

Zen: Hey, it's me, Zenny, with my daily reminder that everyone is garbage, but especially you, Felix.
Felix: Sticks and stones, Zen. Now about your behavoiur-

Cowsy: Hello, unwise child.
Danika: I've experienced death already. I'm not afraid of you.
Cowsy: Do you want to experience being corroded in my acids?
Summer: Now, now, Cowsy, you've been fed. Don't threaten my children.
Cowsy: I could-
Summer: If you eat anybody, you will be sold. The power of an inventory, huh?

Cowsy: I've been fed, but how recently?
Danika: Nice try. I'm going to go eat a hotdog and cry about how I'm stuck here like this forever.

...I'm not salty at all.

Mercy: I require my knife....WALL.
You're like the only kid who isn't insane (apart from Danika). Please act like this.
Mercy: Fine. How about 'I need to cut a bitch'? Does that do it?
Considering you're like five...go less heavy on the language?

Zen: Oh Dani!
Danika: *hurriedly shoves sunglasses on* Hi, I'm very happy. What.
Zen: Why can't you take a bath in the cowplant acid? We have life to sacrifice. You have nothing.
Danika: I have things.
Zen: All you have is this place and these people...oh and the dishwasher. He's a mate, I'll introduce you two.

Mercy: One day I will kill your every hope and dream. And your body, provider of misery.
Brad:...Do hugs make you miserable?
Brad, put on clothes before you hug the children.

Danika: Why are you following me?
Mercy: To find the best spot to plunge a knife into!
Danika: A knife would go right through me and not change my ghost status.
Mercy: I know that. That's why you're practise.

Mercy: Alas, for now I do homework. Dammit Venkat, I need that knife.

Felix: The skinny-ripped look is BACK IN A BIG WAY.
Zen: Ripped? Eh.
Brad:...I'd say not.
Felix: It has to be-
Zen: Lemme guess, he was going to say 'my awesomeness'.
Felix: No, 'my awesomeness'. Not yours!
Brad: Even I'm not that dumb.
Zen: Weeeellll

This would be such a sweet picture if the child wasn't plotting murder, the father wasn't an imbecile and the mother wasn't an insane bitchy vampire.

Felix: No! Nooo! Skinny-ripped is IN! They are wrong.

Edgar: Oh no...I sense evil. There is evil at that house.
Murderous child or crazy vampire? Which one?

Summer: I found the records, we all know you went to prison. Well, I know! ALL will know if you don't cough up the cash, Edgar!
Edgar: How...how? My parents covered that up so well!

Felix: I...I guess I should have washed this fruit more thoroughly?

Zenobia: *ded*

Zenobia: The tiger rises! Yet Danika is still dead. And she complains of it when she could RISE!
You didn't actually die on that slide, kid. That would be way too dark for this game.

Felix: Let's enjoy my wonderful fruit sticks!
Brad: CRAP there's a worm on this fruit.
Zenobia: The worm's dead. I think you fried it, big bro.
Brad: CRAP it's her!
Zenobia: Yeah it is! Haaaaiii.
Can't we have a normal meal?

Mercy got invited to join Upper Crusts.
...I find it very weird that this club of adults asked a child to join.

Zen: *sings* You're the best around, you're gonna keep so many people down! You go, Zen!
Brad: That's not the lyrics, and don't do that.
Brad: I - you know what, I don't care-
Zen: - Self love is a positive thing, and you should encourage me to have it.

Yay! +5.

Mercy: Like I'm a criminal. Someone in this family stole this barstool from the SUTHERLANDS!
Game what.
No-one has been a klepto since Lexie!

Summer: I put a spell on you, and now you're mine!
Linda: Tonnnyyaaaa come back! You said you'd always help me. Friends forever, right?
Tonya: NOPE

Felix: I don't want to go to a random nightclub party-
Lana: You should. Maybe you'll disappear.

+5 again, woo!

This is a Villareal child. I'm surprised too.
Beatriz: What do you want? I'm kind of trying to pick up a man, so...

Blake: A man, did you say? I can borrow my parents' car and I'll take you out for Taco Tuesday!
Beatriz:...No thanks.

Blake: Hey, as of now it's me or that guy.
Brad: *snore**dribble*
Beatriz: *sigh*

Summer's next book.

Q is out visiting.
Quinton: I'm...stuck...this is embarrassing, I'm supposed to be a genius,

Zenobia: AH! BLACKENED BASS! Smell my stink, you lousy things that shall be eaten!

Zenobia: No longer will I be an innocent little girl-
So you let go of your persona?
Zenobia: I will now be a stereotypical teenage girl!

She's jealous like her mama, with the Successful Lineage aspiration.

And here is our dear Zenobia, still thinking pink. I think she's one of the prettiest kids. Not in this generation, just overall.
This chapter is officially way too long. Sorry. I probably should have split it up or taken fewer pictures.
Well...I didn't do any of that so...see ya in the next one.
Score Sheet- 40
Single Births (20) +100
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (64) +320
Aspiration (8) +80
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (5) +100
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (1) +10
Pass Out (97) -485
Self Wetting (27) -135
Fires (10) -100
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