7.15 - The Insanity Defence

Zen: I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free!
Pictured: The ONE time this baby wasn't miserable.
Dammit Ida. That's expensive.
Brad:...yeah, I can't be bothered to deal with her.
Bronson: I'm dead. I did enough while alive.
Lana: Is this seriously gonna be my job?
Zen: I don't care who it is. Chop chop and free me!
Lana: *sigh*
Ida: It's been a while.
Bronson: Are we cool?
Ida: We're cool.
Mariska: Who the f are you?
Ida: Your great-grandma.
Mariska: Huh. You're uglier than I would have thought. Right, dude? I'll help you out of the floor if you say so.
Ida: Don't you dare, Bronson.
Bronson: I really would like to get out of this floor...
Ida: Who's the one you're going to be stuck with most of the time? Me, or this corporeal bitch?
Zenobia: You really should have payed more attention to me.
Summer: *yawn, stretch* Why is that?
Zenobia: I'm insane now! See, the sparkles are my friends, so is that counter, I hate cake too...I'm full-on crazy.
Summer: Try harder.
As you can see, Summer is in her third trimester. The baby should grow up this chapter.
Zen is cute! She definitely has Summer's almost-nonexistent nose, and she has Brad's hair and eye colour. The lips and eye shape are a mystery right now, though. Well, the important part is that she's definitely a genetic mix.
Danika got another makeover.
Danika: I'd rather be al-
Sorry, no time for that. I really do wanna resurrect you right now some day, but Ambrosia takes a lot of work!
And this is the first thing Zen does in childhood.
Zen: *kicks floor* Life sucks!
Cake: But you've experienced nothing, little girl!
Zen: I live here!
Cake: True.
Zen: Wow, Mum. You look trashy as hell.
Summer: Alright, Miss I'm-Too-Insane-To-Be-Coherent.
Zen: I mean...ooh, a wall! Hey wall tile, be my friend!
Summer: What the f is this kid?
Zen: I'm a GOOSE!
Summer: ...I've failed myself; I have no words.
Summer: Water don't hurt me, don't hurt- dammit, Zen, you're making my insanity come out!
(Also, I am well aware I need to clear out my CCs, or get Sims 4 Studio so I can disable them all for nude).
Mariska: Wow. I'm plenty lazy myself, but who would eat that many hotdogs just to avoid cooking!
Pink Lady: I'm winning! I'm winning!
Blond: Dammit, now I'll never prove my love for her!
Some Target of Blond's Affections: Who the f are you?
Mariska: ...You're all losing here.
Bronson: Stop talking to the TV, crazy great-granddaughter. Now, go fist! Go! Let's dance!
Mariska: ...
Lana: *growl* I am a vampire!
Mariska: Everyone's crazy today...hey, Aahana, that is a nice Snapchat. Seriously, Lana, friend this woman.
Mariska: Well, that TV sucked. Time to move onto the other one!
The life of a Lazy Sim.
Lana has gained this nurturing side since she became a teen. She's constantly trying to talk to Zen, and she potty-trained her twice. Felix, not so much, but it's Felix. So I get that.
Zen: Thanks for the hug, I'm gonna go find Dad now.
Lana: Do not associate with our father; he will sully the world with unwashed dishes, dear lil sister.
Zen: And they say I'm the insane one.
Lana: Well, there's me too.
Zen: Oh? Really? Are we bonding over that?
Lana: Sure.
Eliza: I spy a delinquent!
Mariska: Go away, old lady. I'm living my best life.
Zen is seriously cute. Like, even cuter than the other kids.
Zenobia: Dancing is so great! And those magazines- I just wanna read those one day. Chill.
Mariska: You wish you could dance like that.
Zen: I already can.
Mariska: You dare sass your elder?
Zen: I learned from the best.
Mariska: Well, now I'm flattered and furious.
Zen: I'll be the new best some day.
Mariska: And I'm purely furious again, well done.
Zen: You think I do things for your approval? No. Ooh. Magazines! I wonder what they have to say.
Mariska: Nothing. Nothing at all. You crazy little child.
Zen: Wow, Cosmo! That's crazy!
Brad: Pot to the kettle, huh, Zen? Seriously, that kid is far-out.
Mariska: Right?...Dad, put on clothes before you come into the living room.
Zen: Drago, my dear...
Blarffy: Take cover, she's one of the crazy ones-
Zen: My sister already fulfilled the family tradition. I'm here to make friends.
Drago: Something just isn't right with you, child.
Zen started crying in Felix's bed. Then I remembered that...she doesn't have one. She doesn't have a bed.
Zenobia: All this for little old me?
One of these beds is for you, and you share the room with Felix and Danika. Quit with the ass-kissing,
Maybe Brad isn't becoming a completely shit father.
Mariska: But seriously, put on clothes, Dad.
Mariska: I'm a shit-stirrer and a food-stirrer.
I'm NOT in the mood for fires right now, Mariska.
Zenobia: Ha-ha, you have the face of a llama!
Brad: Zeeeennn.
Zenobia: Also, you're ageing horribly. Think of Mum. She's young forever. What about you?
Brad: *silent weep* Summer-
Zenobia: I heard the stories of Aahana's party. And that's just the start of it. What if you get really old and she decides to find something better?
Brad: Please stop.
Zenobia: Hee-hee...llama face! You're a llama! That's my insult today!
Huh. This actually went well.
Mariska: I'm as surprised as you are.
Glass: I hope you're actually aware I'm dead.
Zenobia: Sure. I know that.
Brad: So you were joking, right? About that stuff, with Summer...
Zen: Calm down. I don't really understand what's going on anyway. Llama.
Brad: But you-
Zen: I know. Now, there's a bookshelf. Let's speak to it!
Brad: You're so confusing.
Zen: :)
Brad: Hahaha. Haha. My security in my relationship has not been wrecked by my five-year old daughter. Nope, not me...
We own an OVEN! Get it together, game.
Lana: So hungry! And I'm burning alive!
Felix: So go inside and eat some food!
Lana: Does it look like I need your BS right now, Felix?
Felix: But I'm making sense.
That's why you don't act like an annoying jerk for 90% of your life, Felix. When you're nice, no-one will listen to you.
Felix: Wow. You went from Printed Sweater Dude to walking shiny glitch.
Caiphus: Heeeeellp...meeeee....
Felix: Well that mailbox kinda looks like your new shirt or something.
Caiphus: The power of MC Dresser!
Felix: You still look like a walking disaster.
Caiphus: Yeah, kid, but I got my torso back. That's an achievement.
Felix: Everybody has a torso, Caiphus. You're not special.
Caiphus: I'm just happy I got my torso back, there's no need to be shitty!
Felix:...I'm special though. So I can do what I like.
And he's back, huh?
What the hell, Lana? Seriously, both times she's come back from school, she's stayed outside for about an hour! A fucking hour. That is ridiculous!
Lana: It's cleaner outside!
Lana, I am not in the mood for this, GO INSIDE.
Lana: I wanna talk to Fredrick!
I'm sure Fredrick is cool, but not worth dying over. No one is! Go inside!
Brad: Leave, Felix!
He's not even in here!
It's a bad day when Felix is one of the more sensible ones.
Mariska: I don't like you, Felix, but I will warn you against her...
Felix: What? I'm older than her, I'm better than her, and she's crazy! She's harmless.
Zenobia: The door is happy!
Mariska: You are a manipulative little...
Zenobia: What's manipulative, guys?
Felix: She's fine! I'm the best one.
Mariska: I'm totally gonna say I told you so.
Zenobia may be weird and manipulative but I guess she likes people sometimes.
Zen: So you'll always be on my side if I give you affection.
Danika: Stop trying to be cute and huggy, I'm trying to help you get that hair out of your spine.
Or not...
Summer: Nah. Busy. I could send Aahana though, if you're in need of company.
Darin: Never mind, I'll stay home.
I like it when reminders of the party days pop up.
Brad: Yay. I'm an adult now. Uhh...Summer still cares, right?
Stupid game brought him home during work. I guess I should have caked him...so yeah, half my fault. And half the game's.
Summer: Ew. Old blood. But that seems like the best I'll get tonight.
J: What do you want? Who are you?
Summer: Just stand still. Stop freaking dancing, that won't help you! Stand still!
J will not be Summer's final victim, but he was the one to get her to Grand Master level. Now she just has to live three more days (which won't be hard) as a vampire, and she'll be done with the Master Vampire Aspiration.
Summer and Dahlia have matching baby bumps, ha. I don't know why Dahlia is still pregnant. Maybe it's because she didn't take the pregnancy test.
Also I changed her shirt, her old one kept glitching out.
Summer: So how's the love-child coming along?
Dahlia: How's number six coming along?
Summer:...Can we just agree we're both irresponsible?
Dahlia: Oh please. I get enough of that from my mother. Let's just chill out.
Lana: The sun sucks! It nearly killed me today!
Dahlia: So stay out of it! You're a vampire, it's like rule number one!
Summer: How is this new to you?
Brad: Not that! Not that! I've realised it! Now you've had all the children possible, I'll be kicked out! Goodbye, I loved you-
Summer: WHAT? Can we talk about this after I finish squeezing the human out of me?
Summer: Meet Mercy!
Mercy: I'm a vampire! I think!
Summer: Did you see the bats? Cos I saw-
Mercy: I THINK.
Summer: Cool. Now lie in that crib and shhh.
Also she's the SAME SHADE of blue as all the other kids. Is this some sort of glitch? Because if it is...that's really f-ing annoying.
So yeah, that's +5, and she might be another vampire, which is cool, so...yay!
Lana: Apparently I'm not the only vampire Gen 8-er now.
Mariska: Great.
Lana: Also, you've left this bathroom filthy, dear twin!
Mariska: I haven't even used it yet because you're STILL IN HERE. Please leave!
Summer: Don't worry, I'd never leave you no matter how old you got!
Brad: But-
Summer: Shh. Sh. Don't listen to Zen, OK?
Brad: OK.
Mariska: Finally someone recognises how devious that kid is.
Summer: Shh, we're having a moment.
Mariska: And the under-appreciation and bad parenting continues!
Summer: I'll probably get moved out and remarry when you die, though.
Brad: I'll accept that.
Brad: I'll accept that.
...More homework.
Mariska: These are just recipes I work on in Maths.
Danika: Whatever they are...nerd. You're a nerd.
Mariska: Seriously. Does no-one realise-
Lana: Of course, I'm getting her to like me.
Zen: Nothing to worry about from little old me!
Mariska: *shudder*
Lana: You stink, kid.
Quinton: Literally.
Zenobia: You didn't need to cut so deep!
Mariska: After what you did to Dad? That's a laugh.
Quinton: And a half!
Lana: Stop interrupting, Granddad.
Kale: You loser.
Summer: So I slipped up. You're the one who liked it.
Aw, isn't this sweet?
Mariska: Don't look at the demon!
Danika: OK, for real, just because I'm a ghost-
Lana: We're clearly not talking about you, Dani. It's behind you.
Zen: I'm just your basic average five year old!
Mariska: The power of Christ compels you!
Danika: Can't we just get along and hang out?
Danika: Zen, you're fine. Let's hug.
Zen: What will you give me?
Danika: Um.
Mariska: We told you, didn't we?
Lana: You silly person.
Zen: Well. Danika, since you didn't give me cookies, I've made you sad! And you've gone! You've gone!
Danika: *sniff* How dare she taunt me this way...I know she'll grow up, and I won't, and I thought I'd accepted it, but...*sob*
Really Zen?
Zenobia: The monsters are in my head again! Leave me in peace! I don't know what I'm doing!
Felix is out on the jungle gym getting philosophical.
Felix: We should leave the drama with my sisters behind...for we are just like these bubbles. Short, fleeting existences, until by chance we are popped.
OK, Sartre.
Felix: Also, the drama just isn't important when I'm around.
Caleb:...Never pegged you for the type.
Summer: *sigh* Neither did I. If this one's a clone I'm shipping her to Daya's, I swear.
Caleb: How lovely.
Summer: You don't get to judge me, Mister. For example, what the hell is your outfit, I swear-
Hopefully not. We haven't had a face-clone since Margot, and even she had a little bit of Glass in her.
Felix: My hand is like a shark fin! Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!
Zen: Look how sad he is. Come on, Danika, let's take him down.
Danika: I want no part of this.
Zen: Aw. Why?
Danika: Because you're a bitch.
Zen: That was very unwise.
Danika: Screw off, I don't care.
Felix: Dance or depart, girlies. The DanceMaster is at work here.
Zen: Are you sure?
Danika: I'm sure that my answer is NO. I don't make deals with demons.
Felix: Lol I'm in the way of the screenshot. I'm important.
Danika: - apart from the deal I made to get back to this world. That asshole should repay me though. I mean, I got stuck with you weirdos. He said it would be a 'loving family'. HA!
Zen: See? How cruel. Yet you don't trust me, and I'm just a little girl.
Brad: Oh dammit it's her.
Danika: I don't quite believe in your normality, Zen.
Brad: What are you working on?
Mariska: Extra credit, Dad. Extra freaking credit.
Brad: Keep on with that. I'm gonna go hide the knives from your sister.
Mariska: You didn't do that already?
Summer's books. She actually maxed the writing skill earlier this chapter. I'm gonna have her write her biography and gain us 5 points, before focusing on Charisma for those last two promotions.
And that glitch with the Mystery book remains. I had it before in one of my fun saves, and was foolish enough to hope that it might have gone away.
Felix: I don't think anybody in this house likes me.
Brad: Well, generally it's because you're insuffera-
Felix: It's their problem, isn't it?
Brad: Sure. *coughs* Denial!
I'm confused.
Mariska: I'm gonna feel horrible after this, trust me.
Lana: Listen up, Zen! No-one wants you, or your demonic meddling in our emotions!
Zen: Dad! Mum! A cat's being mean to me! I think it ate Lana!
Lana: Answer me!
Zen: The cat's scaring me!
Mariska: Well what can I say? I'm just way more useful than you.
Lana: Vampirism is hard.
So Summer actually won this ridiculous alien duel.
Summer: Rocket Science Level 9, bitches!
She won this kickass rock!
Zen: Oh, how unimportant you are...
Felix: What?
Zen: Nothing, person I don't care about.
Felix: K...
Summer: You tell him, Zen.
Danika: I'm warning you, Mum, do not encourage her...
Lana, stop going outside. You're really starting to annoy me.
Zen: Felix, you are an arrogant twat who NO-ONE likes! Just get off your high horse and act regular, you stupid, stupid bitch!
Felix: Mariska! You were right about her! Defend me!
Mariska: But I don't want to...she's...oh...God...she's right!
Zen: Exactly! I'm always right! All I do is tell the truth!
Summer: Extra pain for you!
Ronen: WHY
Summer: For your hat, stupid! Learn to dress!
Why didn't you just call Summer?
Mariska: Who the fuck are you? *puts phone down*
Caleb, you are getting so damn weird lately.
I let him come over anyway because...I wanted to.
I let him come over anyway because...I wanted to.
Mercy: What's eating you, fellow vampire?
Caleb: Nothing...
Mercy: Oh please. I can tell that you're all mopey about something. Is it the marriage? Mum talks a lot about the marriage.
Caleb: *sigh* I'm a laughing-stock amongst friends now, huh...
Mercy: What friends? ZING! Haha, just joking.
Caleb: Insulted by a baby...What have I become...
Caleb and Summer selfie.
Summer: Dude. Stop being all whiny and cheer up. It's me!
Caleb: I guess so.
Summer: Sorry about Mercy. They learn sass younger and younger...
Caleb: You hungry? Good. Stay that way.
Felix: She's just a baby, dude...
Summer: Get out of the fucking way, please. God, it's a sad day when I realise the most normal man in my life is Brad, Mr-I-Have-The-Insane-Trait.
Caleb: What's up with you two? You think you're special?
Blarffy: Well. I've been around a long time. I'm part of Sutherland tradition. So...duh, I'm totally special.
Drago, Uni and Dino: Hell yeah, us too.
Blarffy: You three are noobs!
Uni: Excuse me? I've been here almost as long as you!
Blarffy: FINE. The reptiles over there are not special yet.
Drago: Don't lump me in with that loser, dude.
Caleb: What's going on here?
Clara: Loser. He hasn't even had that many drinks!
He's been at work, hopefully he's had none.
Clara: Super-loser!
Summer: This upgrade is going to be the death of me. *forced laughter*
You're so close to fully pimping out this rocket, Summer.
Summer: Yeah, all I have to do is build a portal to FREAKING SIXAM.
Not hard at all.
Summer: *narrows eyes*
Ashby: I am pleased to announce my new late-in-life pregnancy!
Goddamn it, Ashby. Your youngest is a teen; you had so much time to do this. You're on the cusp of elder!
Ashby: Well, I'm using Anvi reasoning. This baby will hold off the transformation!
Glass: What the hell kind of hug is this?

She was in labour for like a day, I swear. I guess that actually mimics real life though, ha.
Also, because I love Dahlia, her baby is going to have a proper name. From the day it is toddler-ified, it shall be known as Jasmine.

Zen: Perhaps playing with this contraption will endear them to me. I must appear as a normal, crazy little girl!

Well, that makes sense. Weird tho. Weird. It seems like just yesterday Summer was pregnant with these kids.

Mariska: She's out there trying to appear regular. Don't fall for it.
Danika: Of course I won't. Do you think I was born yesterday or something?
Mariska: No. That's Mercy. You...I don't know when you were born.
Danika: Because I'm a ghost from who-knows-where, right?
Mariska: Yeah.

Lana: Mariska's not the only one who can do homework!
Why is it that you go outside, while she stays inside?
Lana: It's dark out!
The sun will rise in less than an hour and a half!

She was in labour for like a day, I swear. I guess that actually mimics real life though, ha.
Also, because I love Dahlia, her baby is going to have a proper name. From the day it is toddler-ified, it shall be known as Jasmine.

Zen: Perhaps playing with this contraption will endear them to me. I must appear as a normal, crazy little girl!

Well, that makes sense. Weird tho. Weird. It seems like just yesterday Summer was pregnant with these kids.

Mariska: She's out there trying to appear regular. Don't fall for it.
Danika: Of course I won't. Do you think I was born yesterday or something?
Mariska: No. That's Mercy. You...I don't know when you were born.
Danika: Because I'm a ghost from who-knows-where, right?
Mariska: Yeah.

Lana: Mariska's not the only one who can do homework!
Why is it that you go outside, while she stays inside?
Lana: It's dark out!
The sun will rise in less than an hour and a half!

Glass: Aren't you just the sweetest?
Zen: It's a BAT! I see a bat!
Glass: She's a little cray, huh? Q always told me it did run in the family.
Mariska: Don't fall for it, Grandma.

Aahana apparently got pregnant between the party and now.
Aahana: Fuck. Hey, Averie...
Averie: As a kid, I sought only to stay in my room, away from you lot. As a teen, I seek this further. I'm not helping you.
Aahana: Brat.

Also, due to the slight cousincest thing between Dahlia and Ismael (seeing it on the family tree makes me regret letting this happen), Baby Jasmine is the first Generation Nine child.

I poked around in the family tree some more. Apparently Daya's stepson, the eyebrow-less one, actually bred. With a woman who looks to be reasonably attractive.

I then looked at the Jalexie kids through my Show Sim Info Mod. Apparently Charlee (the bitchy one) really hates two of her siblings.
I've never seen this before, WTF Jalexie? How did you get your kids hating each other that badly?
Tonya: Well I don't have a soul-
I'll stop rambling about distant relatives and get back to gameplay now.

Lana: She's here.
Brad: Oh, I know.
Zen: You're such a failure.
Brad: *sniff* Shut up!
Zen: Haha, never!
Lana: Zenobia, I will get Mum!
Zen: The stereo speaks words...lots of words. I believe it has transformed into a plane.

Lana: Mariska is right. Please put some damn pants on, Dad.
Brad: But I feel so free!
Lana: And I'm trying to eat here, we all gotta make sacrifices.

Summer: Hey, babe. Get out of that bath. I can give you a way better time.
Brad: What if I really like this bath?
Summer: There is no way you can like the bath that much.

Zen: What are you two doing in there?
Summer: I'll fuck up your day and tell you the truth if you keep being a brat, y'know...
Brad: Don't anger her, Summer!
Summer: Don't be afraid of your own kid, Brad.
Zen: You are such a failure, Dad.
Brad: *lip wobble*
Summer: Well, you're not failing at getting sex, let's focus on that.

Felix:...I'm pretty sure health codes only allow for one person in the observatory.
...You don't wanna know.
Felix: I'll shut up and keep playing my very important game. Who cares about the observatory anyway?

Mariska:...Danika may have been right all those years ago. This is a cool shower. I don't even have to step over a barrier.
Bath-Shower: It's like a foot high, seriously...Lazy Sims.

The twins were already super-pretty in CAS, but I just realised that outside of CAS they are bona fide stunning...
Mariska: Just that beautiful, am I?
Hmmph. No. It was because of the game crapping out when I tried to accept Daya's invitation to her house.
We never went, because I just wanted to get to Mercy's birthday before I leave for a two and a half week holiday.
(Before I left, I finished playing this chapter, but didn't finish writing it. Which is why it's only coming out now.)

Lana: Christ, Easel! How can you let the house get like this?
Easel:...I...don't see what you want me to do.

Dina: Yeah. It's me. My husband just died, and...
As one can see from the last name, she was married to J for a while, apparently, though not during the party days. I would have noticed.
...Anyway, J is dead, and THEN she decided to finally contact Summer, which is kind of sad.
Dina: You are a last resort for company, yes.

Aaand before she got here, Dina died as well.

And Paolo is dying too.
Paolo:...Tell Summer...I hated...the parties!

Felix: Super-mega-facepalm at your wrongness!
Brad:...I just told the kid that he isn't Watcher's gift to Sim-manity.

Apparently Dina died outside and I failed to notice.
Margot: Do I care? Can I find it within me....eeeh. No. I'm gonna go home and eat a burrito in bed.
Ashby: *yelling* You're a bitch!
Margot: *sigh* Fuck you too, Ash.
Glad the Gen 7 girls are getting on as well as ever.

Gladys: I don't have time for this, guy. Get off the floor and let me pass.
Death: Child...he is DEAD. That man is not gonna move.

Even sadder...Elin is dead. Now the only Gen 6 kid left is KALE. Bleh.
RIP Elin, fabulous evil bitch, worst wife and mother ever, probably very shady. I will miss having you in this save. You are still a YA in the WYDC, which I promise I will play at some point.

Zen: - oh Felix, accept it. You're not all that. Dad is trying to do you a favour.
Felix: Well - then I agree with you! He's a failure!
Zen: But am I not a demon? Cruel?
Felix: Maybe not. Maybe Dad and the girls are wrong about you.
Zen: Exactly. Welcome, partner.
Felix: I just wanted an ego-boost.
Zen: And now you're my partner. It's like a two-for-one offer. Plus I'll never roast you again. Just tell me I'm sweet and normal and POWERFUL
Felix: Uhhh...byeeeee.

Mariska: Wanna talk?
Danika: Nope! I've gotta go slam my head into a wall for a few minutes.
Mariska:...Fine. Good burn. You're finally learning.

Lana: Like this outfit?
Mariska: *claps* This is the most enthusiastic I've been my entire life. I just love that flower thingy in your hair.
Lana: Well, it's not always easy to be the best at clothing, but...
Mariska: If you start talking like Felix I will use these hands to rip your throat out, not clap.
Lana: Fair.

Zen: Big sisters...not you though, Danika.
Danika: Yeah, because I'm younger than you. Ha ha.
Zen: Anyway...is this clam chowder alive? I think it's alive.
Lana: I've cracked it! She says insane things to deflect from the meanness! I'm a genius!
Mariska: I don't want to look at any of you. I'm so done.

Danika: I'm trying to watch a movie. Leave.
Zen: Make me. What if I want to watch with you?
Danika: Do you even like space movies?
Zen: Sure. Hey, I have an idea. What if Mum gets in one of those space disasters? Awful, right? It's not like Bradley is your dad. Where would you go?
(Brad, at work: Just Brad! What the hell?)
Danika: *grits teeth* You're not gonna get to me, Zenobia!

Summer: -why am I next to a random pond? Because even though I was already home, the game thought it smart to make me run all the way out here just to invite you over.
Here is Summer voicing one of my minor frustrations.

Charlee: Goddammit. I thought getting out of the house would lead to a difference in routine.
Summer: Does this often happen to you?
Charlee: I'm married to a vampire. So, yes.
Summer: Sorry, all vampires need food.
Charlee: You're...not...sorry...
Summer: Nope!

Lana: With this mop, I will clean the world.
Puddle: All you're doing is ending my precious life!
Lana: You're a puddle. I don't care.

Summer: Haha, not when you're dressed like that....also I'm trying to build an interplanetary portal so I'm a bit busy.
She finished it like an hour later.

Brad (an hour and a half after he finishes work): Hey. Bin. Yeah, you. Sit down, listen. I'm going to tell you about everything I cooked today!
Brad: See, last time I tried to tell one of my children...it didn't go well. I love her, but Lana was admittedly rude; she threw a cleaning cloth at my face.
Bin:...Just let it out, dude, I don't care anymore.

Brad: There it is! Bed, my mate! Nice to see you!
This occurred three and a half hours after he finished work. Idiot.

However, +5 for immortalisation.
Those two urns, BTW, are from two random old people who died at Summer's first or second party, can't remember which.

Brad: What is all of this disturbance?
Summer: Mercy, take your steps...Danika, get out of my mirror - stupid kids!
Mercy: I stupid?
Summer: Oh no. I like you very much.
Brad: That's sorta new. Why?
Mercy: Because I'm angelic!
Summer: Exactly.

She is Angelic, and she is also a vampire, like I thought. She looks very similar to Zen as a toddler...I swear if she ends up being a clone of her...
I like her though. She's cute, and she didn't get the blasted brown hair.
Next time, Felix grows up, and we get through a few days of her toddlerhood.
Score Sheet- 10
Single Births (20) +100
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (63) +315
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (6) +30
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (96) -480
Self Wetting (27) -135
Fires (10) -100
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