7.14 - Aahana Tries To Party + Risky WooHoo's BS
Yeah, it's been a while. I was on holiday tho...updates should be quick until early September (when I go back to school D:).
Glass: Take me to the rest of those Gen 6 idiots. Really, they were the best family I could have had...
Glass: Well, yeah, that's pretty sad, but...hey. I sealed my fate when I married my Q. Time to go!

Mariska: La di da, doing my homework...what was that thumping sound?

Danika: Another one bites the dust.
Felix: OMG. This is going to affect ME so much! Ahhhh! Only me, too!
Summer: What the hell, Felix? This is our beloved relative!
Grim: Glass Woodard, you have lived way too damn long. Get in the urn.

Summer: Well, you took like, no pictures.
Brad: Yeah, this wasn't depicted properly.
Grim: I was feeling efficient.
Danika: I may seem pink but I am empty inside...
Felix: RIP Grandma?
The twins didn't witness anything at all. Lana was asleep, and Mariska didn't give a shit.
Anyway, RIP to Glass, alternately sassy, senile and stupid, the best autonomous worker I ever had, a questionable parent, and the bringer of half-alien genetics into the main Sutherland line. Her nature lives on in Summer, and her skintone lives on in all four of her (eligible) grandchildren.

Edgar: Well well well, Edgar, it's not every day a girl like this approaches you. Even if she is blue.
Summer: Blue or not, you're never gonna get it, so stand still.
Edgar: Yes ma'am.

Edgar: Baaad ideeeaaaaa...

Grim: The better the TV, the longer I stick around.
Grim? What are you watching? What the f is that?
Grim:...Don't judge me! Don't judge me!

Brad: Oh, dearly departed Glass, I...really don't know how to feel about you. You were weird.

Brad: Ida! I miss IDA! (Who the f is Ida?)
Felix: And I miss Grandma? Who else will I mock for being an ugly sea-monster?

Brad: Time to get wasted.
You're having one drink.
Also he's so adorable, seriously.

Brad: So you're that Bronson guy none of us actually knew...
Bronson: The one and only, Bradley.
Brad: Why does everyone - it's just Brad.
Bronson: OK, just Brad. Wanna slide?

Summer what.
That's your dead granddad, and I'm pretty sure Brad isn't attracted to guys...

Bronson: Fly, woman, fly!
Statue: Put me down! I'm not some object you can pick up and move around.
Bronson:...But you are.

Felix: Mummy! My mum's invisible!
Plumbob: I'll be your mother now, child!
Felix: D:

Mariska: MOTHER!
Summer: Don't shout in the ear of a very irritable vampire who's been in space half the night, Mariska.
Mariska: OWLS!
Summer: Well I warned you...
Summer, no.

Lana: School is too dirty for me! I must hide in this house!
Or you just want to eat some cereal and chill?
Lana: I must confess...that too.

Lana: Child! You are disgusting! Get in the bath!
Zen: I'm stuck.
Lana: In filth! Unburden yourself of the dirt and bathe!
Zen: I can't bathe myself.
Lana: How ridiculous! Never rely on others for cleanliness!
Zen: Did you bathe yourself when you were a toddler.
Lana: ...Well I was independent, aaaaaand...
Zen: No. You didn't. Leave me alone to die.

Lana: Drown, monster, drown, said the brave girl in the black and red dress, and suddenly, the world was clean again!

What's up, Xena?
Xena: I'm just gonna accept his WRONG decision and move on with my life.
...Surprisingly mature.

Zen: Toilet play time over, now to hug the sister.
Lana: Ehehe...I'll kill you.

Brad:...no we are not sending Zenobia away!
Lana: But she touched me, Dad! Please, take her away from me!
Brad: No.

Lana: One way or another, I'll get her to leave.

Felix: You say I'm sad? Ridiculous? You say that no-one likes me? Eat plaster!

Oh Mariska.
Mariska: I'll make him pay. At some point. No-one messes with me. I mess with them.

Summer: Wh- how are you beating me?
Lana: It would be more surprising if I wasn't beating you. I've been practising. Now. About Zenobia-
Summer: Yeah, she's alright.
Lana: She put her hands in the toilet. And she touched me!
Summer: Today?
Lana: Yeah!
Summer: What time?
Lana: It happened at precisely 11.51-
Summer: OK. You skipped school. Fine. You're going to leave your sister alone and I'll let you off the hook.
Lana: *scowl*

-5, courtesy of Zenobia.
Lana: She sucks! Get rid of her!
Summer: SHUT IT.
It's apparently Aahana's birthday.

And this thingy is her husband.
Avery: Oh computer, you are the only one that understands.

This other thingy is her son.
Clint: Oh. Mr Dollyface. It's humans.
Well, you're creepy.

Aahana: -you think you have problems? I'm stuck here every day with my stupid family! I mean...damn! Life's hard.
Summer: Well, my mum did just die, Aahana, so...
Aahana: Glass? Ahaha. That woman was- HA!
Summer: Why are we friends, you're kind of a huge bitch sometimes.
Aahana: Love me or hate me, I really don't care.
Summer: I'll introduce you to my daughter.

Caleb: Why? Why am I always at these things? Goddammit.

Aahana: So how are you...Mr Blond and Glasses?
Demetrius: Sis, this is getting sad.
Aahana: What? I miss Darin.
Samson: Glad to know I'm second choice.
Summer: Oh please. I know Aahana, and you're way below second choice.
Aahana: Truuuue.

Samson: BOO!
Caleb: Get the hell out of my face. Please.
Demetrius: It's no use. He'll always be an idiot.

Lucas: Destinee...are you here? I wish to roast you!
Mariska: That's an example of a sad old man if I ever saw one.
Danika: HA.
Lucas: I'm very alone nowadays...
Mariska: I know.
Danika: That makes you happy?

Avani: So, how's everyone been?
Samson: Now, I will start my impression of Chris Rock-
Demetrius: Dude. No.
Caleb: Just stop.
Aahana: Stop looking at my hair, Lucas.
Lucas: It's like you're a vegetable!

Aubrey: This party is sad...
Lukas: You think you're sad? This thingy is actually my nephew!
Clint: The people must go! Attack! Attack!
Aubrey: He can't even aim correctly. Not that I want to get hit by a doll, but...

Samson: Fine! I won't do it.
Aahana: Why have I even invited you?
Lucas: I don't like her hair...it's like candyfloss. It's bad for the heart.
Avani: Screw you, I got my walls!
Aahana: Or you two!
Summer: OK, just sleep here while Mummy has fun-
Aahana: Or you, Summer.
Summer: Don't bring me into this. She'll be quiet.

The kids are still outside.
Felix: What do you mean, get rid of her?
Lana: Oh, it'll be easy!
Danika: I've done 'recon' or whatever it was you said, and there is nothing to spike...
Mariska: Goddamn it. Well, well, there's always other things to do at parties.

Averie: I want no part of anything to do with this party.

Everyone at this party is just so sad.
Avery: Aahana, what is wrong with your friends?
Aahana: Don't call them my friends. It implies I give a shit.
Avery: Yes dear.
Aahana: Don't call me dear. It implies-
Avery: I do give a shit though!
Aahana: Answer me this. Do you think I do?
Avani: Recently, I've been having a very positive relationship with my chest of drawers.
Lucas: Tell me more!
Caleb: You've got to be kidding me.

Aahana: Clint, dear, let's get you outside-
Aubrey: *false laughter* That kid is far-out.
Lukas: Yeah. You need to be a parent, Aahana.
Clint: What's a parent? It's just been me and Mr Dollyface, all along.
Aahana: OK, so maybe I've made some mistakes-
Lukas: Your life is a mistake.
Aubrey: *genuine laughter* BURN.

Summer: Caleb. Why are you dancing so close to me?
Caleb: Ehehe, no room.
Lana: There's just so much room, Vatore. Mother, don't listen to him.
Summer: Do you think I'm an idiot, Lana?
Mariska: Y-
Mariska: Anyway, clearly it's because his marriage is on the rocks, and you're a friendly familiar face, plus, given how every man in this town sees you, he probably thinks you're pretty.
Summer:...Hmmm. Just watch yourself, Caleb.
Caleb: Yep. OK. I'll do that.

Avani: No! I don't look like money!
Lucas: You do. You look like those old guys on money!
Avani: Screw right off, I'm a vampire, and I'm eternally young! Forever.
Summer: If you say eternally, we already know you're young forever.
Caleb: This party is full of idiots.
Summer: Says the most unsubtle one yet.
Summer: So you're not the most unsubtle person I've met, but you're pretty close, dude.
Avani: -so you can go f-
Mariska: Avani. You don't look like one of the people on money. Lucas is confused.
Avani: Really? What did he say?
Mariska: Lucas thinks you look like a Munch. Like one of Lilith's kids.
Avani: WHAT-
Lucas: No, I-

Avery: Well, well, well. I've been kicked off my own computer by a little girl.
Danika: Sad for you, isn't it? But good for me. We don't have all the DLC at home.
Avery: This is actually one of the least sad days of my life.
Danika: Really...? Would everybody stop making me sad?

Clint: Pigtails person! I have arrived!
Lana: Why should I give a shit?
Clint: For I have entered the world of humans!
Lana: Why?
Clint: The small redheaded one...she smashed Mr Dollyface's home.
Lana: Ah. Say, Clinton...
Clint: Just Clint.
Lana: Never mind. I want to get rid of little Zenobia as well. Obviously she should pay for what she did to Blurryface or whatever. So let's team up...

Clint: So I said 'I have arrived' to Miss Lana! I don't think she liked that.
Aahana: Kid, you have no social skills.
Felix: Yeah, Mrs Bellamy, this kid sucks!
Aahana: So do you. Join the party properly if you're going to talk to me.
Summer: -see, my son really is a loser-
Caleb: Oh, you haven't met my eldest daughter.
Summer: I have, actually.
Mariska: Oh yeah, I heard! Didn't you blackm-
Summer: Shut it Mariska.
Mariska: What will you give me?
Summer: I'll give you cake.
Mariska: Sold. I'll keep dancing now.
Caleb: What's happening?
Summer: Nothing.

Summer: OW - goddamn it, too close!
Caleb: Sorry, sorry-
Mariska: So are you leaving Dad now?
Summer: No, of course not-
Mariska: *fake tear* Please don't leave Dad-
Summer: I gotta go. I'm not heartless; I should put her mind at ease-
Aahana: See Clint, this is why we go outside our bedrooms. For fun stuff like this.
Felix: No Mum don't do it! Was I not important enough?
Clint: Like that?
Aahana: Exactly, kid.
Mariska: And now I've ruined your night, Vatore. Game, set, match.
Caleb:...yeah, I don't care.

Averie: OUT.
Aahana: This is my bedroom, twat. Also, you suck at parties.
Averie: You suck at life!
Aahana: Excuse me?
I ended the party, because there was no cake or caterer, and anyway, Aahana called it early. She still has two days. Who wants an early birthday to adult, WTF? Also, there was no caterer, the kids were tired...it just made sense to leave.

Edgar: Well well well. It's you again, isn't it?
Summer: *sigh* I'm not in the mood for banter. I just want my food.

That's right. Enjoy your last few days, ladies.

Daya's adopted son got married.

Brad: So I heard Summer and the kids went off to a party! What did I miss?
...I can't tell you, you're too adorable.

Summer: Do you wanna join the fifty mile high club?
Brad: I thought the spacesuit would just be roleplaying!
Summer: I would've got a sexy one, dear, if that were the case. Now let's do this. It'll be kinky.
Brad: Will we be breaking any...rocket laws?
Summer: Oh, for sure. Like, so many.

Ida: Ha-ha! Summer is so bad at keeping house! This place is filthy.
Lana: Do not gloat, for I live with it every day...
Ida: Leave me to gloat in peace, kid.
Lana: You don't understand how I suffer!

The next day...
RIP Del, twin to Q, inexplicably a chef, and probably the sanest Gen 6-er. Del, even though we didn't see much of you later on, I always loved ya. She leaves behind like, a billion of her kids, plus several grandkids. I'll miss her.

Goddamn, everybody's dying.
I liked you, Bella. You were pretty cool, actually.

Summer: I would, if I wanted to wake up with a pounding headache, no wallet, and a stranger beside me.
Candy: I dunno. That sounds kind of fun.
Summer: I like my cash and pain-free head, thank you!

Felix: Lana, tell her to stop mocking me! You're the eldest.
Lana: That I am, that I am.
Mariska: -I'm Felix, I'm a smelly whiner-
Lana: Felix, you know Zenobia?
Felix: Yeah. She sucks, right?
Lana: Right.
Danika: Guys, don't do this. Please? Can't I have a normal childhood?
Mariska: -I'm Danika and I'm a depressing dead child! Wah wah wah!
Lana: Ahaha, good one.
Danika: Well screw you lot.
Felix: Even me?
Danika: Especially you. I just don't like you for some reason.
Mariska: I'm Lana! I'll see a speck of dust and scream!
Lana: I don't like you anymore. Come on, Felix. We have plotting to do.

Mariska: Seriously, Felix. You smell so bad that I'd rather stick my face in a toilet.
Lana: Ew! Ew! Mariska! Stop it! The images! EW. Felix, let's leave these filthy heathens behind.
Felix: No! I must defend my honour.
Danika: You're not gonna defend shit, Felix.

Mariska: Obviously I wouldn't stick my head in a toilet. That's disgusting. I'd rather smell Felix.
Lana: Oh, good we got that cleared up. Yeah, screw you, Felix. I only aligned myself with you because Mariska was being gross.
Felix: Goddamn it.
Danika: What about me?
Lana: What about you?
Felix: Burn.
Danika: Pot to the kettle, dummy.

Danika: Take a shower.
Felix: I must climb the...uhhh...difficult ladder of hardness. It'll take a while, you see...
Danika: It's three steps. Why are you so opposed to taking a shower?

Summer: Listen, if you do this homework, you might get a Grade A in school. Funny it would be you, but...
Mariska: So you're gonna stand here for as long as it takes for me to finish this?
Summer: Unfortunately yes.
Mariska: This might take a while. I'm stuck on the first question. What is 3+4?
Summer: Goddammit. You little troll.

I often rip on Brad, because I rip on everyone, but he is very helpful.
Brad: Scrub-a-dub-dub...

Summer: You may be scrawny and weird, but to me you're the hottest man on the planet...
Brad: At least this planet, huh? What will you do with this realisation?
Summer: You'll see that...
Mariska: OK Mum, I'll just be over here pretending you don't still smell like Caleb Vatore's cologne.
Brad: What's that, Mariska?
Summer: *aside whisper* Fangs, Mariska. Fangs.
Mariska: Maths homework. Very boring, actually did it, bye?
Summer: Good girl.

Jennifer: -Shit where did you come from?
Summer: It's the vampire speed. I'm sorry, I forget not everyone is used to it.
Jennifer: How do I know you?
Summer: I'm your cousin. I actually grew up with your father, idiot as he is...
Jennifer: Max? He grew up in Windenburg.*
Summer: Never mind. Clearly Kale sucks even more at being a dad when he doesn't live with the kid...well, there's only one reason for your presence.
Jennifer: How do I know you again?
*Jennifer's mother is married to Max Villareal.
Jennifer was fed from and lay passed out on the porch for an hour.

Quinton: Mum and Glass don't mean it! *deep breathing*
This is why you're my favourite, Q. Instead of destroying, you deal.

Summer: Goddammit.
What's up?
Summer: I just gagged.

Notice I didn't censor it like I normally do (which I might stop doing, because it's stupid).
How did I let this happen again?
At least it isn't at a point when we're basically at the next generation. I'm still going to put Risky WooHoo on ONE percent though. I'm sick of this shit.

Quinton: Well...I would laugh, but...
Summer: I never saw myself like this. Never. Goddamn it.
Quinton: Yeah. That's a lot of kids.
Summer: I KNOW.

Cue everybody secretly admitting that they miss her and her wares.

Brad, it is 6.35am!
Brad: I'm celebrating fatherhood!
A, You are a father of four already, chill. B, Celebrate later!

And Kale is old.
Dahlia: I'll get the house to myself very s- oh.
Yasmin: Yeah. Oh. Eventually even that loser husband of yours will be dead. And it'll be us. Forever.
Dahlia: I could get married again.
Yasmin: You really shouldn't. You have horrible taste.
Dahlia: Pot to the-
Yasmin: Kettle. I know. Maybe it's a genetic thing?
Dahlia: Hm.

I don't often show Zen because she's just miserable. Always.
Zen: I'm saaaaaadd!
Brad: Why?
Zen: I dunno.
Brad: Summer...it's just me with you, isn't it?
Zen: *sniff*

Krysta, Del's daughter, consistently picks good names for her kids (so far, she has two).
Valentina and Lex. I like that.

Dahlia, dear, no.
You were at the wedding.
They've been together for seven chapters.
What are you doing?

This came in later.
Xena texted to say congrats for the WEDDING earlier. WTF game.

Blarffy: Well, well, well, look who came crawling back!
Brad: You talking to me?
Drago: Now is not the time for sass. I know we've been ignored but you will be hit.
Blarffy: Oh, I'm always hit! Lana was too good to be true, you know?

Dino: And now you're alone again? Womp womp.
Uni: *sigh* Stop being such a BITCH.

Mariska: This is so OOC.
Lana: Seriously. How am I still on a C?
Danika: Maybe because you never did your homework?
Lana: Neither do you!
Danika: Time advantage, dear sis.
Stop bickering, it's birthday time!
I feel bad for Danika. It must be hard being stuck as a kid while kids you knew as babies get to move onto the teen stage.
Mariska: And YA, and adult, and elder...
Lana: Not me. YA forever.
Mariska: Damn.

Caiphus: Thank God I'm not going back to my parents' house. Have you been there?
Caiphus: The printed sweater dude is gonna hang out at this very normal place with his cousins!
Stop referring to yourself in third person. And normal? Uhhhh...

Lana: Ew. Bats. Ew.
Danika: They'll leave. You know what won't leave? My ghost status. So stop whining.
Lana: Y'know what? My aspiration is Freelance Botanist. So I could help you if I'm TH.
Danika:...W-well that doesn't mean shit if you're not TH.
Lana: I've got a chance. I'm insane.
Danika: I don't like you, but you have my vote.
None of you twerps get a vote, shut up and let's get on with Mariska's caking.

Summer: Another ugly outfit, and 1,800 followers required for my next promotion, plus pregnancy? Goddammit. And the plasma pack expenses...!
The family savings are almost £250,000 at this point, chill out.
Summer: I just wanted things to bitch about. It's that kind of day.

Caiphus: Doing homework? You wouldn't want me to mess up your chill cred, would you?
Mariska: Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I don't give a shit about people or what they think. Get on with your life.
Caiphus:...Oh, I wasn't-
Mariska: QUIET. Come back when you're better at blackmail.
Homework-doing has been the one thing Mariska does that goes against her personality as written.

Makeover time...
Lana: Can you please aesthetically cheat? My back already hurts.
Yes. Even Summer's boobs aren't that big and she's pregnant.

This is Lana's makeover (she actually got different jeans in the end but I forgot to take a picture so...yeah).

And this is Mariska. She has inherited Brad's Foodie trait, and like Ida before her, has the Author aspiration.

This is their face. Well, obviously it's Lana's face, but they have the same face, apart from the eye colour; Mariska's are green. As for other genetics, they have Brad's eyes and nose, with Glass's skintone (obviously) and Summer's lips and hourglass figure. They're both really pretty, IMO
This would have been a good place to end it, but to regulate the length of these chapters, I'm going to play one more day.

Felix: That child is killing my buzz.
Brad: OK, can't you move?
Felix: She can move!
Brad: She's stuck in the highchair, son.
Felix: Take her out.
Brad: I'm still split on that...

Felix: Damned baby! Why don't they see how awesome I am?
Blarffy: Hitting people isn't the way to go, boy.
Drago: And if you're the only one who thinks you're awesome, you have the problem.
Dino: And that's Problem Solving With Drago and Blarffy! Ha!
Blarffy: That's very unfunny.
Drago: Just stop.
Uni: Can I have a-
Drago: You cannot have a damned line, stop asking for one.

Glass: Too bad I wasn't there to see it.
Lana: Shit, you're dead, Grandma?
Glass: Where have you been, child?

Kale: Shit, I sense her! *sings* Running, running, running, running...!
You do realise...

Summer:...I have SUPERSPEED, dumbass! You thought you and your weakass old body could outrun a vampire?
Kale: Ow! The pain begins!

Linda: Hot damn I wanna do that when I'm older!
Summer: I love influencing the youth of tomorrow!
Kale: Don't...you...already...screw up your five... existing kids enough?
Summer: I'll ask the food to talk if I want it to.

Summer, why are you doing this facing away from the target?
Summer: Um, because I'm badass? Leave me be.
Edgar: I should probably move away from this evil green ray thingy...
Summer: This one never learns. I like him.

Brad: I can't see straight. D:
Dammit, and the Sims were getting so good at not using this thing.
This idiot is close to passing out (and doesn't even have an excuse; he's been home all day), and is on his third coffee.

Summer: Do you mind?
Felix: Do you mind? I'm just trying to get cereal and you're here sticking an arm through my HEAD!
Summer: Where else would I put it?

Glass: TV, feel my rage!
You're going to run into it?
Glass: It will feel my rage when I bash into it!
You're incorporeal!

Felix: Look, mother, we're doing writing together.
Summer: But mine's important.

Octopus: Look who came crawling back.
Lana: It's not my fault you're only in shots when I do homework.
Octopus: Hmmph.
Lana: Just tell me about trig, OK? I'm stuck.

Zen: Screw you, Grandma.
Demon Car Beds: Yeees! Yeees! We like this woman! Keep doing your thing, purple lady!

Lana: This is an...old, bendy tree pose?
Lana: Don't judge me! I'm only just starting out!

Lana: Look at this video I took of Felix falling off the jungle gym.
Mariska: Ha! Classic. By the way, have you got a Snapchat request* from some Aahana chick?
Lana: Yeah...she's Mum's friend. Here it is.
Mariska: Apparently her posts will enrich my life.
Lana: Huh.
*Still don't know how Snapchat works, but in-story Aahana has one and now I have to stick with it.

Glass! You have redeemed yourself!
Car Beds: Noooo! Do our bidding!
Glass: F off, I'm still my own woman.

Lana: Well this is weird.
Phew, they will autonomously drink plasma packs.

Zen: I'd rather SLAM MY HEAD INTO A CABINET than do this!
Lana: Tough luck, who has fangs here?
Zen: *sigh* I'll sit on the damn potty. Fine.
Taking a page out of your mother's book, Lana? You already have the insanity.
Lana: You can screw off with that.

Mariska: So that's how people cook? How does Mum do this?
I keep forgetting she's a foodie. Well, if she skills with the TV, I'd say that's a perfect way to blend one's traits.
Mariska: I don't even have to leave this couch!

Mariska: So whaddya want, child? What do kids do anyway?
Zenobia: *bobs and stares intently*
Mariska:...Not weird at all.

Summer's working from home because Brad is still sleeping and his needs suck in general. One of her tasks is to talk with co-workers. I only found one. No-one is enjoying this.
Penny: -sellout!
Summer: I run the entire social networking site for business conglomerate Dewey Cheatem and - yeah, you have a point. But I make big money and I don't rely on ad-rev!
Penny: Don't talk to me about ad-rev, dammit!

And Mariska gets a birthday text from Q.
Mariska: Apparently Grandma is dead.
Quinton: And these two are possibles for my legacy.
It's not yours, it's Amanda's.
Quinton: Who's Amanda?
You guys are bad at your ancestry.

Dammit, we only just lost Del and Glass.
Elin: Dying will be my final 'fucking up your day' thing.
Kingston: I wouldn't expect anything else, Mum.

Lana: GodDAMN do I need this!
Could you drink it inside? I don't want one of my heir-possibles to die.

Lana: - And the highchairs are just dirty, and the kitchen is - eugh!
Brad: *sigh* Deep breaths, dear. Deep breaths.
Zen: So you a-holes can't do that anywhere else? There's only two rooms that have sleeping people in them, and one of them has Felix! FELIX. It doesn't even COUNT!
Brad: Wanna move?
Lana: Move? I'm telling my story! So I see all this grime on the counter-
Brad: I see your homework. Please do it.

Lana: If you leave trash around, you are trash. Cough, cough, sis.
Mariska: If that's a badly veiled insult, fuck off. You're the one who started homework only to distract herself.
Mariska: Loser.

Tracy: Everyone said not to come here...but you seem so nice!
Summer: Right.
Obviously we all know what's happening next, but then Brad barged his way into the conversation, and I didn't feel like fixing the inevitable relationship hit, so we'll save Tracy for later.

Red Kid: Look at you lame people. Lying on the floor.
Summer: I could kill you from the floor in 10 seconds, little boy. Run along.
Brad: She really could.
Red Kid:...Mother?
Summer: Wimp. Don't dish it if you can't take it.

Brad: You are a ridiculous child, Lana!
Lana: I like the world to be clean, don't judge me!
Brad: That's impossible!
Lana: Only because stupid people keep fucking it up!

Lana: You'll understand one day, Father.
Brad: Yeeeeaaahhh...no. I'm going to go eat some delicious salad and forget this ever happened.

Lana: What's up with this arm-slicing?
Brad: I dunno. I think your mother said it builds character...and I'm not bothered to move my arm. That too.
Lana: I hate you right now. So much.
And thus, Brad has finally fulfilled a longtime Sutherland tradition. A tradition of heirs, spares and spouses - terrible parenting!

Heeeyyy! It's Jami, who has acquired a child.
...I feel like she and Mariska would really get along. They are both shit-stirrers.
Next time, Zenobia grows up and Summer finally gives birth to her last child.
Score Sheet- 5
Single Births (19) +95
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (63) +315
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (6) +30
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (96) -480
Self Wetting (27) -135
Fires (10) -100
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