7.13 - Spousing Time Two: The Actual Marriage

Mariska welcomes you back to the Sutherland ISBI...with a fake cannon pointed at your head.
Mariska: Ha! Drop your weapons!
That gun shoots bubbles.
Mariska: What? Lame.
It's a kids toy. You're a kid. It's suitable.
Lana: I will not dominate them with stuffed toys! But I will make sure they clean.
Lana: As a persona or as a thing to do?
Both is good.
Lana: Then I'm awesome!
Summer: Vampiric hug!
Mariska: That's not a thing.
Summer: Of course not, but if you love me you'll break your arms to give me a hug!
Mariska: Well, I'll do it. Only because your arms are being broken too.
Summer: That's my girl.
Ernesto: I want no part of this demonic ritual.
Too late.
Ernesto: Yeah, about that...remember when Summer-
Can't talk, busy, bye.
Summer: Dammit I'm being beaten by my children!
Lana: No, I must be the best! I am the neatest, the cleanest, the best!
Danika: I just wanted to play some games.
Brad: Food? You don't need food yet!
Zenobia: I will slap you, little man!
Brad: Haha, you can't reach.
Zenobia:...Taking a rain check then.
Summer: HA!
Mariska: Dammit, my lead!
Lana: No! How am I third? You will suffer.
Mariska: No talking like Auntie Margot. Bad twin.
Lana: Sorry, the game's taking me over.
Summer: I knew I'd win- ah shit!
Danika: Slow and steady wins the race!
Jordon: I told Elin, I told her I was going to die, and she's not even here-
Paolo: Bye, dude.
Jaxen: See ya soon. I mean, we're old now. All of us.
Lana: Noooo!
Mariska: HA!
Danika: Screw it, I'm getting competitive.
Summer: I'll kill you all...
Brad: I'm so alone...
Summer: YES DEAR.
Brad: I wish someone would appreciate me around here.
Mariska: Whatever Dad - yes! YES!
Brad: I've been taking care of Zenobia so much...am I the only one who gives a shit?
Summer: Can you go feed the baby, I'm busy!
Brad: *sigh*
Meanwhile at the lake...
Paolo: Oh shit will I look like this at death?
Jaxen: Goddammit I have to pretend to miss him and everything.

Glass: Everyone's leaving...
Did you give a shit about Jordon?
Glass: Well noooo but...ugh, I'm getting so old.

Then this bullshit came in. Del no.

Felix: *sobs obnoxiously* This is traumatising! Oh my God!
Paolo: Grim looks way lamer than I thought he would.
Jaxen: I know, right? Is that a freezer bunny on his sash?
Matilda: Lol.
Ernesto: Have some sensitivity, lady! This guy is dying!
Matilda: I'm dead inside, this doesn't affect me.

Lana: It doesn't matter if I came last. I'm still the best at games.
Mariska: Listen, I'm the one who's most likely to hang around playing games and watching Netflix all day in a hoodie or pyjamas. For my whole life. You gotta let me have this.
Lana: That's just sad.
Mariska: Sadder than obsessing over dirty plates?

Summer: Wow. *mockingly* I'm Lana, and I like lame hugs.
Brad: You did look a little demonic there, dear, with Mariska-
Summer: Shhh. Let the child burn me back. I want to test her.
Lana: What he said?
Summer: You're my biggest disappointment.
I hate him so much.
*hasn't saved since 12pm the previous day*
*4 days later*

I normally don't show pictures from replays, but I couldn't not show this guy with a knife.
Summer: Fool! You think that will protect you?
Elisha: Well...it's a knife.

Also, while the Dahlia/Ismael/Nina situation stayed the same, Ashby's son got married this time around.

Glass: Summer! Did you let in a stray? That's not like you!
Felix: Grandma, it's me...
Glass: Grandma who? I'm no grandma of yours, boy! Who said you could touch my Blicblock account anyway?
Felix: Me. I deserve it.
Glass: The hell did you do, urchin? Out!
Even when Felix is correct about something he's still a prat.

This time around, the girls watched Jordon die.
Lana: And now I remember that great-granddad is dead! Poor Bucky!
Mariska: *sobbing*
Glass: If you're going to wail like prats, remember the guy's name.
Danika: Psh. Death.
Glass: You've seen it all, have you then?
Danika: Well...yeah.

Glass: Well. Do you know about Death, little Zen?
Zenobia: I'm dead inside, if that counts.
Glass:...I'll just take care of your needs.
Zenobia: Please, do.
Hey look! Glass actually looked after a child!
Glass: *shrug* I know what these are! That tiny thing that walks and squeals and throws things? No thanks.

Woo! Nice one, Lana. +5

Lana: Death's just a natural thing, y'know...
Danika: Right.
Lana: I mean, if you're gonna die, you've probably lived enough already...
Danika: Oh, definitely!
Not so nice one there, Lana.

Felix: Silly Grandpa. I don't need a congratulatory text from a GHOST. Hahaha. Who says I need that? *laughs to self*

Glass: I feel as if I am dressed inappropriately.
Summer: You don't say, Mother.
Mariska: Goddammit, why do we have to bring her places?
Danika: I was sad before. About death. Now I'm sadder. Thanks Grandma.
Glass: Cut me some slack! I'm old!
Summer: You're also supposed to have the intellect of a lead scientist at

Lana had to be summoned using MC Cheats because she is a little glitch who is never available as an option to take to social events.
Glass: Lana, move your face!
Lana: Grandma, move your ARM!
Mariska: Bite her. Bite her! Dani, make Lana bite her!
Danika: I'm too sad. Also I don't want to get involved.
Felix: Silly sisters! I will not get involved either.
Brad: I'm going to give you some tough love and point out that no-one asked you to get involved, so you should STFU.
Mariska: Exactly. Butt out.

Margot: Like a boss!
You look like a broken puppet.
Margot: No, I'm the best around.
Not this again.

Christopher: F*cking in-laws...don't they know that that was a last-chapter thing?
Thank you, Chris. Some sense, finally.

Chris: Hold your praise. I did marry a moron.
Angie: Woo! Explosions! Invisible explosions! It's so cool, I can't even hear them.
Chris: That is a nature documentary, Angie.

Summer: You know, Brad, you're like the only man I know who I haven't threatened with a stiletto...
Brad: Cheers?
Felix: Hahaha! That can't possibly be-
Danika: True? Yes it can.
Mariska: I definitely believe it.
Glass: I've seen it with my own two eyes.

Lilith: No, you see - I can't swim with you because I'd DIE. I'm allergic to sunlight.
Margot: But Summer is immune to sunlight-
Lilith: Don't compare me to your sister, I have a different power set-
Margot: I don't understand! Just come out, swim.
Lilith: I literally cannot...goddamn it, I married a dumbass. I gotta...
Margot: What?
Lilith: You seen Chris? I like that boy. We relate to each other well.

Felix: HA! You're a ghost!
Mariska: *snort*
Danika: Great, guys. I'm sadder now.

Glass: *gasp* Lesbians!
Lilith: We've been married how many years?
Margot and Glass: I dunno...
Lilith: I hate this entire family.

Summer: Bradmer? Really?
Brad: It's all I could come up with!
Summer: It sounds like a cheap synthetic fabric.
Brad: Like your clothes! *ba-dum-tish noise*
Summer:...Don't mock my clothing. Bradley.
Brad: Does everyone-
Summer: Right. Right. It just seems natural for you to be Bradley when I'm being serious...

Brad: Why are we out here?
Summer: Clearly for the sake of picture-taking. It's beautiful.
Brad: Both views are. But why is it only us? I'm sure the kids would love it.
Summer: Danika would sulk and complain, Lana would find one speck of dirt on the patio table and start obsessively cleaning it, Felix would whine, and Mariska would take bets on who is 'badass' enough to hop over onto the fence.
Brad: True.
Summer: Also, we have four kids together, so I'm well overdue on this one...

Brad: Is it a Running Man thing? Is this about your job? I don't see how the kids-
Summer: Ahaha, shut it Brad.

Brad: Oh my goodness!
Summer: This is happening.


Summer: Now, if you don't listen to my super-f*cking-good poetry, the stiletto thing might come true...
Brad: I love you!
Grill: *sniff* I just love being part of these moments, man!
Aren't many of them in this place, are there?
Grill: Nope.

Caiphus: I am the Printed Sweater Dude! Come play with me, Lana!

Lana: What happened to him? He was so normal before!
Glass: Clearly this place got to him.
Lana: How does he know my name?
Lilith: If we tell him about new people, he leaves us alone, dear. It's for the best.

Felix: No, I'm better. I do stuff. What have you done?
Caiphus: Well I successfully found Vampire Mum's hair dye from her old party days, and applied it to my head.
Caiphus: And don't I look fly?
Felix:...Ugh, you do. Seriously you look so cool!

Mariska: -no, I was laughing at Felix being an ass, not your ghost-status!
Danika: I hate you all so freaking much.

One last thing before we go...
Angie: ZOMG! That child is RED!
Caiphus: Unless it's about style, don't envy me.

We're at Elin's house.
Yasmin: Hi, new relatives! It's so nice to meet you all!
Kingston: So my brother is married to this ray of sunshine, and I'm not being sarcastic, she's lovely, while I'm married to a sit-up-doing idiot over there.
Summer: He just has no self-awareness. Keep him. He's adorable.
Guadalupe: T-t-two!
Yasmin: He's been there for fifteen minutes! Your husband is so entertaining, Kingston!
Lana: I genuinely feel bad for you, and that's crazy in itself, but even Mariska and Felix appear to fell similarly. That's a true miracle.

Elin! How are you holding up?
Elin: Well. The dead weight is gone. I was fond of him, in my own way, but my life isn't over. I'm not devastated, ya feel me?
No. Not at all. I'm pretty sure you were married to him longer than you weren't. How are you not upset?
Elin: Ehhh...y'know me.

Yasmin: He loves you really, Guada. Don't worry.
Kingston: You are the best I'm gonna get now. So screw it. *kisses*
Yasmin:...Just accept it.

Duncan: OMG, squids aren't fantasy!

Yasmin:...I mean, I accept it. Do you think Duncan was my first choice of spouse?
Kingston: Look at the appreciation here, Yas!
Yasmin: Cool.
Guadalupe: Affection!
Turns out Yasmin isn't Miss Rainbows-And-Sunshine after all.
Yasmin: I moved in with this family. Clearly I'm attracted to darkness.

Guadalupe: You're my favourite!
Kingston: Sure, yeah, great...*eyes Yasmin*
Yasmin: Eyes on the hubby, Kingston!

Yasmin: Child...whoever you are, please move. I gotta sit down.
Felix: I like it here! So...no.
Yasmin: But I'm pregnant...
Felix: And I like it here.
Brad: Dick move, son.
Mariska: Seriously, even I wouldn't go that far.
Danika: I'm way too sad now.

Lana: Mother? Music is demons.
Summer: Uhm.
Glass: What the hell kind of things is she watching?
Summer: *shrug* I dunno. We don't really parent.
Glass:...Would chew you out, can't.
Summer: And that's why we get on so well, Mother.

Yasmin: So. A dead child.
Danika: Yeah, that's me. You could offer...*taps chin*... sympathy?
Yasmin: No. Now tell me more about yourself. I'm attracted to darkness.
Felix: But Granny, how do you know music isn't demons?
Mariska: Sweet Jesus.

Elin: HAHAHA. You're my favourite child, because you married so...out of your league, and incompatibly!
Kingston:...Again, best parent I'm gonna get.
Guadalupe: Of course, hubs! I'm way above your league. You were lucky to score me!
Kingston: *grits teeth*
Duncan: What about me and Yasmin?
Elin: Not you. You married above your league. That makes you irritatingly lucky. I relate to you, Kingston. I settled too.

Summer: I've been busy. I've got kids now.
Kingston: I do sort of miss the old days...
Summer: For more than just the parties, am I right?
Summer: I know you miss the times when you weren't married to Hat Dumbass, right?
Summer: Well. We're leaving, I need plasma and there's no-one here to feed from...see you in a few chapters, I guess.

Um. Caleb.
Caleb: This is platonic! We're friends!
Summer: I never claimed that it wasn't. I like you as a friend, obviously...I can't be bothered to come though, so I won't.

Glass: This is what I've wanted all day!

Elin cares!
Elin: HA! I use an AI to do that text stuff. Try harder.

Summer: A new one! That's always the funnest!
Mikayla: Dreads guy...dreads guy...help me out.
Summer: You will stay away, nephew, you know not what you are messing with.
Clyde: I'm well aware of that. Laters.
Dreads guy, or Clyde, is Daya's adopted son, BTW.

Felix:...Can I have some salad?
Glass: Make your own food.
Felix: I...I'm a child, I can't make food.
Glass: Get some leftovers out of the fridge.
Felix: There's nothing GOOD in there!
Glass: Y'know what, how about you stop acting like your food situation is my problem?

Lana, what's up with you?
(Meanwhile, in the kitchen, there is one dirty bowl)
Lana: There are TWO!

Dahlia: Round Number Two of getting a man worked!
This is an adopted grandson of Caleb's BTW, from his eldest daughter, who he had with Ulrike Faust.
Dahlia: Does it matter who he is? I will be free of my parents.
Carmelo: I don't have a house.
Dahlia: Dammit.
Vampire Yasmin: You and your husband and your baby can stay with us, how about that? And you'll be the best vampire ever.
Dahlia: Shit.
Carmelo: Just do it. Where else are we gonna live?
Dahlia: Fine...*sigh* Nothing ever works out properly for me...

Q, I love ya, but this makes no sense.
Quinton: I heard that Glass's life bar is sparkling. I'm happy she'll join me but I'm sad she'll be leaving this world, and her family...so do I look effectively conflicted?
Yes, and yes, the notification came in. Glass is gonna die. *sigh*

Lana: Clean clean clean bowls! CLEAN bowls! WOOOOO-

Goddammit you two. Stop making me sad.
Glass: Turn the light off!
Quinton: Sorry, sorry.

I did this accidentally-on-purpose.
Summer: It's good for my job- f*ck, I'm fired.
Nah. You're not. Candy-is-a-drug-dealer is a story thing, not a Sims thing. This is a Teen rated game.

Zenobia, or Zen, as she may be called at some point, had a birthday, and this is her little squish of a face. Look at her! She has the wild trait, which means she might be more easygoing than Felix (that little shit). She does have Brad's hair and eyes though, like Mariska, which is a small disadvantage but eh. She seems to have lots of Summer's facial features too, so it balances out.

Lana: *scratches* Do you think I can wake them up by pencil scratch?
Why would you want to do that?
Lana: Revenge for the dirty bowls everywhere! It's disgusting!
Octopus: Yeah. You go girl.
Lana: You're my best friend.

Zen: Throwing food? Moi? No way!
The highchairs had been clean for days, and that's definitely your second food.

Zen: Ain't I wild?
That's just disgusting!

Danika: I wonder how dumb this one is?
Lana: She already played in the toilet. I can never touch her again.
Zen: Exploring new things is my jam.
Danika: It's a tablet. It's not that new.

Zen: Mawiska! Mawiska! Wooo!
Mariska: HA. I like you, Zenny. I like you a lot better than Felix anyway.
Felix: I don't need you, or your approval.
Zen: Dumbassicus!
Mariska: Very good. She's my favourite.

Lana: *sleepily* Shut it...

Danika:...I just wanted to know if you wanted to play with me!
Mariska: No! Screw you! You're a GHOST.
Danika: God, I hate you.
Mariska: Ha-ha, kidding...
Danika: You are not funny.

Zenobia: So to be happy I have to shove my hand in an armrest?
Glass: Yep! Whatever works!
Lana: So I'll submit whatever the f*ck this is to junior film class.

Glass: I'mma monster!
Glass: Don't be an ass, I'm doing my best.
I do appreciate Glass's half-assed attempts to bond with the grandkids.
Felix: Kill it with bubbles kill it with bubbles-

Summer: And then I just said that I needed it, to live, and he gave the blood right over!
That has never happened.
Summer: You always have to practice your cover stories.

Mariska: So that was where the ugly blue and red thing once lay? Shoot with FIRE! 3...2... SHOOT, MEN!

Glass: Go talk to your kid about respect, Bradley.
Brad: Again, just Brad, and...yeah sure bye now.
Glass: You're not gonna do it, are you?
Brad: ...

Brad: She won't see me now!
Glass: I can HEAR you!

Summer: Guess who's about to be a married woman?
I started the wedding, this is happening.

This is Summer's wedding dress.
Summer: This thing has a ton of clipping issues.
Shhh, it's pretty.
Summer: Apparently the desk chair is part of my train! And my hands are cutting right into the skirt.
Shhh. Pretty.
Summer: I do feel like a f*cking queen though.

Caleb: I have heard of this child.
Danika: Yeah, he sucks but...just...deal, y'know.
Felix: I am awesome!
Caleb: I cringe simply being in his presence.
Danika: Yeah, that happens a lot.

Glass: Nice wedding. Would be a shame if I threw a wrench in it by leaving this...plane of existence...
PLEASE don't die during the wedding.

And of course Elin's here.
Elin: This dress doesn't quite do it for me anymore, does it?
I'm not going to fix you, sorry.

Lana: I am a pretty, pretty princess!
I figured Lana would be the kind of child to dress up like this is her own freaking wedding.
Caleb: Love, marriage, blah blah blah. I'm just saying, if you ever get resurrected, don't get married. Stupid idea.
Danika: Why does everyone have to ruin everything for me?
Lana: Don't worry. His marriage is just constantly on rocks.
Danika: K...
Lana: You're just not gonna get married though. Realistically, you're a kid forever.
Danika: *sigh* Thanks, Lana.

Ashby: Aren't weddings amazing, Auntie Elin? Even if they are weddings of your bitch vampire sister.
Elin: Don't bring me into this, Ashby, and I like your sister a whole lot more than I like you.

Summer: Let's do this shit!
Brad: I'm stuck in your dress...

Dahlia: You didn't think this through. I feel flames licking me.
Goddamn it.
Fine, the wedding is being moved indoors.

Glass: My last day, and I'm spending it at this crap wedding. Dammit.

Daya: I can get through it! I can get through this wedding without STRANGLING that little house-using - OK. Good thoughts, Daya, good thoughts.

Margot: So sad! It's the saddest thing ever!
Elin: I've gotta say...that would be you, dear.
Margot: Great. Now I'm sadder.
Elin: All in a day's work.

Lana and Felix's outfits match really well, which is slightly unsettling.
Lana: I match him! *pretends to throw up*
Felix: I wear it better.
Lana: No you DON'T! *gag*

Danika: A wall!
Caleb: Wow, these children. Wouldn't expect anything else of Summer.
Ashby: We shouldn't worry. Mine do that all the time.
Mariska: You are the worst, Aunty Ashby, I mean seriously-that isn't normal!
Caleb: And what would you know about normal?
Mariska: TBH, I live here, so not much.

Lilith: It's Summer's wedding. I do not want to talk to anyone else there.
Your wife is there.
Lilith:...As I was saying, I do not want to talk to anyone else here, leave me alone. I'll watch the ceremony.

Ashby: Blah blah blah it's not normal to talk to walls. Ridiculous!
Danika: Cool!
Caleb: Well, it isn't! During the party era, there was that chick Avani. Who's seen her recently?
Ashby: Go screw yourself, Caleb.
Caleb: Listen here and listen good-
Mariska: And thus, I have stirred shit. My role in this wedding is done.

Aahana is the last guest to arrive!
Aahana: I look like a f*cking pumpkin.

Summer and Brad are getting it on in the bathroom.
Summer: In this dress? You kidding me?
Brad: I love you.
Summer: You are a gift, dearest - Watcher-writer person! Shoo!

Ashby: Come on, niece. Break the tie. I'll buy you an ice-cream.
Mariska: Not in this game yet.
Caleb: You know it's not normal, Mariska.
Mariska: The funny thing is that I don't care, so...shoo, shoo.

Summer: Listen up, you goof. I'll love you until the day you die. You're everything, really. You've given me four...let's just call it beautiful...children, and not been horrible at helping out with the one I already had. So...I'll just say I love you.
Brad: I love you too.
Summer:...That all? OK, let's get on with this.

Summer: And remember what I said about the dress? It's partially true. I'll definitely be getting it off later.
Brad: I await that.
Summer: Of course you do.

The Vatores are...well, siblings will be siblings.
Caleb: Move your head, or I'll BITE you.
Lilith: I'll bite you first! I'm stronger than you anyway!
Caleb: Bullshit! Bullshit! Prove it right now.
Summer: Um. Guys. Getting married right now. Cool it.


Margot: Are you sure you don't wanna stand by me?
Lilith: Ha. Entirely.
Margot: Well can I come over-
Lilith: You can if you never want to have any for the rest of your life.
Caleb: Stay away from my sister if she doesn't want you, Margot!
Margot: We're married.
Lilith: Fairly unhappily!

Aahana: Weren't the Vatores literally having a fight like two seconds ago?
Ashby: Siblings, huh? I guess that's just a thing.
Aahana: Yeah, I had siblings too. Grudges were held a loooong time.
Ashby: I dunno. Maybe it's just me. We had a weird childhood.
Aahana: Ya don't say.

Daya: Ha. This wedding is crap. That makes me feel better.
Caleb: Could you not push in front please, Elin?
Elin: I'm a dying old lady, who is the aunt of the bride, and I have a mangled arm.
Lilith:...So go to the hospital.
Elin: I...I am not welcome there.
Daya: I don't wanna know.
Caleb: I don't care what you do! Just don't push in front of me!

Dahlia: I am like, the expert on getting men, just listen. First, a vampire and her adopted relative walk into a bar-
Lana: I will not listen to a single word.
Danika: I might.
Lana: ISBI.

Brad: I've never seen so much excitement on your face.
Summer:...Because I really wanna marry you! So damn much!

Margot: I sense impropriety.
Ashby: To be fair, that pumpkin thing was worse.
Aahana: STFU I'm comfy now.

Elin: My arm is fixed. Womp womp, I can't move now.
Caleb: You absolutely can!
Lilith: I swear this family has no logical thinking skills at all.
Daya: I am tracing that statement back to so many incidents...
Caleb: Let's just watch this wedding.
Elin: I dunno. Weddings kinda suck.
Caleb: So why are you here?

Summer: I did it! I got married.
Brad: Hell yes!

There's always a few.
Glass: So when are those vows starting?
Zen: I dunno, Grandma. I feel like we missed something.

Elin: Um...Kale. Is that a wall? I'mma just....stare.
Dahlia: Oh great, my dad's here.
Kale: You see me every day.
Dahlia: I wish I didn't.
Kale: Well, daughter, it serves you right for marrying a man with no house. I could have helped-
Dahlia: My baby needs a father, and you're the worst father figure in existence. I needed somebody.

Caleb and Lilith: Stop SMILING like that!
Mariska: It's a twin thing.
Lana: For once I agree with you - this is pretty damn fun.
Daya: No logical thinking skills...it makes so much sense!
(Apologies for the small amount of...icon area...IDK what...in the shot)

Felix: Is there nowhere else to hug?
Lilith: For you, yes.
Caleb: Good one, sis.

Lana: - what do you mean, you have the best dress? OK, Mum's might eat everything it touches, and Mariska's isn't quite formal enough, but mine is clearly perfect! You look like a hooker! I don't like to judge but clothes reflect character to a certain extent.
Dahlia: Two men! I've been with two men! What are you, a bratty little pageant queen?
Lana: At least that doesn't mean I got knocked up by some guy who was so repulsed at the end of it that he ran to the nearest old folk's home and picked at random!
Dahlia: Why you little-
Brad: I feel like I should intervene.
Mariska: Do you want to?
Brad: Nope.
Mariska: So don't. This is fun. Seriously, I live for it.

Aahana is doing yoga, and holy shit her athletic outfit sucks.
Aahana: This is a...it's a tree on a still day. Pose.

Lana: To you stirring up shit at this wedding!
Mariska: And to you for roasting our Cousin Dahlia.
Dahlia: I hate my life....well, at least I get to leave this wedding.

Caleb (inexplicably in random clothing): Um...bye...and what are you doing?
Summer: Eat the chips! If you throw 'em, that's one spray.
Caleb: And I thought I wasn't that great a parent.
Zen: Chips! Must eat chips. Gotta eat chips! Ahhh Mama stoooop!
Summer: Good girl.
Wedding over, chapter over. Next time, the twins will actually become teens.
Score Sheet- 5
Single Births (19) +95
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (63) +315
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (6) +30
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (96) -480
Self Wetting (27) -135
Fires (10) -100
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