7.6 - End of An Era

Welcome back. We're going straight into Summer's next party, a Black and White bash. (Or Blue and Purple, judging from the CC ruining the theme. But OH WELL.)
Madalyn:...Can I just take the drink and leave?
Summer: You wouldn't dream of it.
Madalyn: See? Threats. No wonder I want to leave. Can I leave? With the drink.
Summer: Well, don't take the glass. I'll get charged, goddammit.
Madalyn: Can I take the bottle?
Summer: NO. Other people need drinks too. You can have more in glass-sized portions.
Madalyn: I'LL STAY THEN.
Summer: Yay.

Tabatha: Bit daring, isn't it?
Norma: Hiding these legs would be the real crime.
Tabatha: No, that would be those boots with those trousers.
Tabatha: It looks terrible, Norma.

Daya's still my Sim-crush even if her eye is a bit weird.
Daya: Did the club just go blurry...maybe I had one too many while pre-gaming for this shit.

Lucas: Now that is SEXY!


Elin: So tell me more about yourself, Joaquin...
Joaquin: My last name means 'dog' in French?
Elin: You're so interesting. Unlike Jordon. Who doesn't have any personality.
Joaquin: Thanks?

Daya: Apologise.
Summer: No.
Daya: I swear if you use my house again...
Summer: That's not even your house. You just married the woman who owns it.
Daya: What's your point?
Summer: I ain't saying she's a gold digger but...
Daya: Oh shut the hell up!

Daya: So why do you want to switch seats with me?
Elin: I'd like to catch the show.
Jordon: That's not necessary.
Daya: Probably can't do it, that was fixed a while back...well, 'fixed'...

So this is a show?
Elin: Better than watching Jordon's stupid face.
Jordon: HEY!
Fredrick: Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust!
Joaquin: Do the hair-comb! Do the hair-comb!
Aubrey: Swing, swing - DAMMIT MY MUSCLE!
Elin: Are you alright?
Aubrey: NO. My precious sinew!
Elin: Good.

Jordon: I just don't feel like we communicate enough.
Elin: We communicate plenty, shut up.
Jordon: See? Don't you see that, Daya? Shutting down that conversation immediately! I know you don't care, Elin, but-
Elin: I do care! I just find your voice annoying right now. All the time. Whatever.
Daya: Don't bring me into this.

Rachel: Oh yeah! The freedom!
Aubrey: From what?
Rachel: Well...let me just say that Yosef is...how would I put it?
Aubrey: On his last legs?
Rachel: It's been pretty hard to look after him and the kids so...yeah, I decided to come here and get wrecked. Woo!
Aubrey: That's-
Rachel: Genius right? God, they're all so annoying! And if you'd just let him remain a vampire-
Aubrey: I was gonna say 'selfish' and 'irresponsible' but whatever floats your boat.

You two aren't being very social.
Ashly: I don't want to be associated with Joaquin right now. He's being an idiot.
Destinee: So he's hair-comb dude? HA!
Ashly: How-
Destinee: 'Cos that's the stupidest thing I saw, and I guessed. Seriously though, I had to hide because it hurt so bad!
Ashly: That, and your ex is here.
Destinee: That, and my ex is here. I'm going to go face it now, though. I didn't buy this dress for nothing.

Destinee: Missing anything?
Lucas: Lemme see...no. Zara's prettier than you. And a lot nicer.
Madalyn: Lucas that chick is insane and you know it.
Lucas: Well she's prettier than you too!
Madalyn: Haha...don't cross me. Remember when I stole your signed football?
Lucas: That just went miss- OH MY-
Fredrick: Oh snap.
Rachel: We look out for each other, us triplets.
Madalyn:...yeah, that was totally for you.
Rachel: K...
Destinee: I don't believe you.

Annabelle: No-one likes my suit...
Jordon: Maybe because it's not right for this setting-
Elin: Shut up, that suit is awesome, you better give it to me afterwards or I'll steal it myself, and Jordon? Don't diss people who have unique faces.
Jordon: What is it with my face?
Elin: Your face is so bland it could be a mannequin!
Annabelle:...Gotta agree.
Jordon: Stay out of it.
Elin: Yet Daya can just hop in? She's my niece, y'know! Leave family out of this.
Daya: I'm an adult and I don't care, goddammit!

Daya: You involve me again, you get cut.
Elin: I'd like to see you try.

Summer is for once not the one instigating or getting involved with the typical party drama. Instead, she's discussing black and white things with these two ladies.
Summer: Zebras, huh? Like a...a stripy horse?
Norma: Aren't you sweet, dear?
Summer: Nope.
Tabatha: This one's crazy. I kinda like her though. So why did the penguin cross the road?
*insert punchline*

Joaquin: My dancing is awesome, thank YOU very much.
Rachel: YOU'RE welcome, and no it's not.
Aubrey: It's terrible, holy shit.
Daya: I will try, dammit, and I'll best you. You and dear Jordon are getting old and creaky, I see that Kingston's abandoned you...
Jordon: Hey! I'm as young as ever.
Elin: Ahahahahaha - wait, you're serious?
Jordon: What?
Elin: Stupid mannequin.

Elin: Honestly, you're alright. There's no-one more supportive than you. Even if you do look like a mannequin, it's what's on the inside that counts.
Jordon: Well, thanks...
Elin: I would never divorce you. I just can't.
Jordon: It makes me happy to hear that...we are gonna be together until the day I die, right?
Elin: No, I mean I literally can't divorce you. Game mechanics, y'know. Even if I really wanted to. But I don't really want to.
Jordon: Good enough.

Elin in the background: I knew you'd understand.
Hugo: ME? ME? Destinee, I love you too!
Tabatha: You haven't even met her before.
Aubrey: Goddamn, I can hear her from here. Shut up, lady!

Summer: So, how are you two?
Elin: We're getting over our problems.
Daya: Your whole marriage is a problem.
Jordon: Touché.
Jordon: I mean, how rude, Daya. Go back to talking to that...random teenager.
Aubrey: I have a name.
Elin: Nobody cares.
Summer: Right? Seriously though, I think you need to talk it out a little more.
Daya: You don't say.

Back home...
Quinton: Oh yeah...
We could say that Quinton is the...
Summer (at the gaming rig, working from home): Don't do it.
The Q-lest!
Quinton: Goddamn, you ruined it. You've ruined this slide for me. Thanks.

Well you used it again!
Quinton: I did a forward roll, dammit, give me credit!
That was cool.

OK enough slide spam.
Because he doesn't like this anymore, and went inside.
Quinton: Wouldn't you go inside?

Lilith: So I was reluctant to come after I heard about your last attempt, but...
Summer: Can we not talk about that?
Lilith: Well, you embarrassed yourself. We're always going to talk about that.

Aahana: Wow, dude, I didn't think you'd come. The notifications said you just had a friggin' kid!
Caleb: Yes, and she's wonderful, but she bites.
Lilith: Now you know how I felt. Four bitey babies at once.
Aahana: Shit am I glad I married a human. And got knocked up by him. Actually...
(It was him, I don't technically have affairs turned on because it always produces a way higher rate of infidelity than I like).

Summer: Seriously, again? I told you guys not to throw on so many logs!
Aahana: I threw one!
Bella: OK so I threw like five but - I'm hiding in the bushes if that helps!
Caleb: STFU about logs and help me. I'm on fire!
Aahana: In more ways than one honey.
Lilith: Not helpful.

After that mess...
Caleb: You're still hanging around that death trap?
Aahana: So many hot things around here...
Caleb: OH MY GOD-
Aahana: Not everything is about you, Caleb. Bella looks wonderful tonight.
Lilith: Hells YEAH! Don't be shitty, little bro.

RIP to the dumbass. I will miss her. She left behind four entertaining kids, who now have lives of their own...speaking of those lives...

Charlee is having another kid.

Del's daughter Krysta, last seen as a child, is all grown up and knocked up by...actually, one of Kale's kid's half-siblings (as in, Kale's baby mama + another guy unrelated to the Sutherlands=this Beejey guy). It's not incest, but it's weird.

And congrats for no family ties here, Weston. That's Vesa's kid.

Yes, this stupid weenie roast is extended to past midnight by now.
Danika: I'm pretty sure siblings aren't supposed to do that.
Yeah, that's creepy, Lilith, stop.
Lilith: Pinch pinch, and move, Caleb. Nothing's getting between me and that fire.
Danika: There's so much more fire circumference to stand around! Ya weirdo.

Summer: We're never having one of these again. Anyway, I've got the extinguisher - Aahana?
Aahana: I shouldn't be on my feet too long. I'm pregnant!
Summer: Well you shouldn't go in fire either! That foetus is a crisp now.
Sheesh that's dark.

Caleb: *bawling* The fire claims a victim this time! Oh noes!
Bronson: No, what? Dude - I died of natural causes forever ago. I'm just out to haunt this house tonight!
Quinton: Uh...there there random vampire guy (when will these parties stop?).
I think this may be the worst party yet.
Also, that's -20 for the fires and my score is so low it's in Hell.

Summer: It is. At least it wasn't my last though. Look, I have a plan. Tomorrow, I'm actually gonna go into work and get my promotion to level 3. Then, I'm gonna have one last house party, and then I'm free to start dating.
Nope. After your 'one last house party', we'll send you over to the house of your spouse.
Summer: I'm not married-
You will be. Very quickly. Your parents and their parents before them all did it. I gave you like...two weeks to screw around and have parties. It's final.

Caleb: Wheeee!
Summer: Stop jumping in trash.

Danika: It's a ghost power, WHAT?
NO IT'S NOT. It's a bloody glitch, that's what it is! Goddammit!

*Lana Kane nope*
It's 7am, Kale, either you're too early and they're setting up, or you're too late and they're clearing up.
But you did remind me that you, well, exist, and I have one hungry vampire here...

*narrows eyes*
If you're still carrying a flame for Glass than that's creepy towards her, and disrespectful to Yasmin. Y'know, your actual wife and mother of one of your kids.
Kale: I have a kid?
Two of them, actually. One of them is Liberty Lee's and one of them is Yasmin's.

Summer: Dude, you knew why you were here. Just accept it, it's the most attention you've been paid in a while.

Summer: You just couldn't wait, could you?
Er, no. So what if I kept you home? I want you to have kids. I had a lot of fun with this aspiration but I want you to have some goddamn kids soon enough.
Summer: It's like you're getting bored of me.

Summer: What is this? This isn't my party.
Well Joaquin and Candy wanted you to come to the club with them for a Spin Masters meeting. BTW, you're in Spin Masters. Anyway, I wanna see if this counts.
Summer: Goddammit, so that's going to be my last party? That weenie roast with the two fires?
Summer: *sigh*
Well, it didn't count, but I can't be asked to do a scored party, so...Dance Party time! We've invited Candy, Darin, Aahana, Caleb, Stefanie, Lilith, Bella, Saya, Summer C, Jasper...the classic party people who have been with us all along (my faves!). A few didn't make the cut, because I could only invite twelve, but it's a fitting send-off nonetheless.

Caleb: Goddammit sun! Go away!
Saya: It's 12pm...haha, he took a level in stupid.
Meanwhile in the background...
Summer C: I might even miss these...
Quinton: I certainly will not.

Candy: I've got the real hard stuff today!
Summer C: Will I miss this?
Ashby (who wasn't invited and just happened to show up): Why don't we hang out more, Darin? Seriously, I see you, and I suddenly understand the reasons behind all of Aahana's Snapchats.
Darin: Do I want to know?
Saya: Haha, probably not.

Aahana: Well, it's the end of an era, isn't it? I'm not even looking at Darin.
Avani: Girl, I see you. Get it together, you're knocked up by someone who isn't that fine slice over there-
Aahana: And a bit married to him as well?
Avani: Oh for f-

Stefanie: It's probably just a fluke that Deanna bites, you said. The next one might not, you said. Dammit Caleb, I think I'm gonna get an infection - are you even listening?
Caleb: Can't hear you, too bendy.
Stefanie: Oh my God - OK, y'know what? How many more times am I going to be dragged here?
This is the last one. You're a classic, Stef! We couldn't leave you out.
Stefanie: Yay.

And Mr Fanservice himself engages in a little bit of perving.
Candy: Raise the roof, raise the roof!
Stefanie: No-one here can dance.
Darin: I beg to differ, look at that ass.
Stefanie: No, I'm very straight, and very faithful. *clears throat at like...everyone in the room*
Candy: The ass can be free. What's in the ass though? You'll have to pay.
Stefanie: What is it?
Candy: Oh no, sweetie, you couldn't handle it. Even if you are de-foetus'd.

Summer: Hey Jas! We're cool right!
Jasper: So shiny! And the lady's hair is so PINK. I love it.
Summer: Did we squash the beef?
Jasper: Beef? Where?
Summer: And that's conflict resolution, father.
Quinton (offscreen): What? Just waiting for them to get old and senile? That's a terrible plan.
Summer: Which is why I don't piss off YAs, dad, God.

Lilith: Well, I guess after this I'll settle into life with Margot. The woman's cray, but I did marry her and adopt a kid with her, and all of that jazz...
Caleb: Well...I could settle into life with Stefanie. But there'll always be more to do.
Lilith: What?
Caleb: There's always going to be one party girl living off her parents and throwing events like this all the time.
Lilith: And you'll never stop trying to escape your responsibilities?
Caleb: Nope!
Lilith: You're way too happy about that.

Anvi: Oh. Where did the party go?
Blakely: *sigh* It's inside, Ex-Step-Auntie Anvi.
(Matt's stepdaughter)
Anvi: Call me Mrs! I'm Mrs...am I still Mrs Sutherland?
Blakely: Vesana took your name in the end...so you were Mrs Nair? I don't have time for this, go inside.
Anvi: Are you my new child? Good! We shouldn't be in an establishment like this, with you so young! Come home with me and I'll give you...milk or something. What do you feed babies anyway?
Blakely: I hate my life.

Darin: Seriously? Not you too.
Stefanie: Very straight, very faithful. I just dropped money in your hair and I'm looking for it.
Ashby: Plot twist.
Darin: I swear, you can be my best female friend by default now. THANK THE WATCHER.
Stefanie: No, dickhead. Thank me. I love my husband, y'know.
Ashby: What, Mr 'I'll keep going to parties hosted by dumb girls like Summer and avoid my responsibilities'?
Stefanie: He said what? Oh my God! Ashby, shit, I-
Ashby: ...Not my fight now. Bye.

Candy:...Yeah, that uterus is dead.
Anvi: Ooh, that's nice. And tickly. And warm, hehe...

Anvi: Don't hurt me! I'm a defenceless old lady with a new child!
Stefanie: Oh no, it's not like that, I just see where they're coming from-
Darin: Goddammit.
Candy:...no, I'm fighting the wall for Avani! Apparently it's being a dick.
Stefanie: We should hang out.
Darin: Sadly, I'll have to pass.
Caleb: Wait, Stef-
Stefanie: Shut up. I'm mad.
Lilith: And that's why you don't say stupid shit like 'I'll avoid my responsibilities forever' when your wife is RIGHT THERE.
Anvi: I made that mistake a few too many times...
Lilith: Yeah, that's why-
Caleb: You're divorced, aren't you?
Anvi: Well. Yes. But I got married again. We don't talk much though.

Aahana: Girl. Just stand straight like normal people.
Avani: I'm not going to communicate with the WALL, dammit!
Summer: Wouldn't be a party without this shit, would it?
Aahana: Nope.
Jasper: Where am I again?
Summer: *sigh*

Avani: Yeah! Take that, wall! The floor loves me too!
Aahana: Guuuuyyyys...
Bella: The puddle is...tequila?
Saya: I call piss.
Bella: Oh, ew. Just get off there, I bought you those shoes. Don't ruin them.
Summer: Whatever it is, it's gross. And I'll blame whatever Candy has people on.
Aahana: For once, Candy is not to blame here...
Avani: So the floor betrayed me?
Aahana: OH MY GOD. I'm in labour, for f*ck's sake. Get me out of here!

Summer: OK. We can't use the other side of the dance floor. Got it. This is still successful though.
Elin: So you didn't invite me to your party...? Hm.
Summer: I had to make cuts, Elin, I really do not need your shenanigans.

Gabrielle: So, a safe, lucrative business op...hmm...
Caleb: A bottle of your hardest stuff, please?
Candy: Yeah sure-
Caleb: Not you, I keep my vices legal.
Gabrielle: What now?
Candy: Damn. Sometimes, they won't take the sale, but more fool them!
Gabrielle: No, it's about - look, I don't want to risk losing my family-
Candy: It's totally legal, he's just stupid.
Caleb: I know more than you think...
Candy: SHUT UP.

Bella: Nothing says 'settling down into your life with your wife' more than skulking around here in dark corners, following me like a little dog.
Bella: But who's to say I object?

Anvi: That's nice...makes me wonder why I ever married a man?
Elin: I'm your ex-sister-in-law, it's weird, can we just detach?
Caleb: By the way, I'm going to demonstrate my commitment to responsibility by asking you to HURRY UP WITH THE HOUSE.
Summer: Well now you just set yourself back five days. I don't like it when people shout.

Bella: DJ booths are fantastic, aren't they?
Lilith: Oh yeah. Those wires-
Bella: So good when we're-
Caleb: OK, ew, stop, brother right here. And what of your responsibilities, Lilith...?
Lilith: Meh. All six of the kids are teenagers and...it doesn't matter what Margot and I do. You have a baby daughter, aaaaaand...you just gotta be responsible, OK? Damn.
Caleb: Hypocrite.

Candy: You wanna go? I will kick an old man in the nuts if it comes to that!
Jasper: Nuts? You have nuts? Are they almonds? I love almonds. Hey, can you tell me where I actually am?

Zara had a kid.
I'm gonna send Summer to catch up with her at some point.
Zara: Please don't.

With that dance party over (on an anticlimactic note, but never mind), Summer finishes her aspiration.
How do you feel, Summer?
Summer: Pretty good. I had a great run - well, not always great, but pretty entertaining - and I will consider settling down.
You're not considering shit. You're settling down.
Summer: Well, you say this guy is all that? I'll do it.
And with that, we move on!
(With a +15 that brings my score to...zero. I've gotta get some points soon.)
Madalyn: Can I take the bottle?
Summer: NO. Other people need drinks too. You can have more in glass-sized portions.
Madalyn: I'LL STAY THEN.
Summer: Yay.

Tabatha: Bit daring, isn't it?
Norma: Hiding these legs would be the real crime.
Tabatha: No, that would be those boots with those trousers.
Tabatha: It looks terrible, Norma.

Daya's still my Sim-crush even if her eye is a bit weird.
Daya: Did the club just go blurry...maybe I had one too many while pre-gaming for this shit.

Lucas: Now that is SEXY!


Elin: So tell me more about yourself, Joaquin...
Joaquin: My last name means 'dog' in French?
Elin: You're so interesting. Unlike Jordon. Who doesn't have any personality.
Joaquin: Thanks?

Daya: Apologise.
Summer: No.
Daya: I swear if you use my house again...
Summer: That's not even your house. You just married the woman who owns it.
Daya: What's your point?
Summer: I ain't saying she's a gold digger but...
Daya: Oh shut the hell up!

Daya: So why do you want to switch seats with me?
Elin: I'd like to catch the show.
Jordon: That's not necessary.
Daya: Probably can't do it, that was fixed a while back...well, 'fixed'...

So this is a show?
Elin: Better than watching Jordon's stupid face.
Jordon: HEY!
Fredrick: Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust!
Joaquin: Do the hair-comb! Do the hair-comb!
Aubrey: Swing, swing - DAMMIT MY MUSCLE!
Elin: Are you alright?
Aubrey: NO. My precious sinew!
Elin: Good.

Jordon: I just don't feel like we communicate enough.
Elin: We communicate plenty, shut up.
Jordon: See? Don't you see that, Daya? Shutting down that conversation immediately! I know you don't care, Elin, but-
Elin: I do care! I just find your voice annoying right now. All the time. Whatever.
Daya: Don't bring me into this.

Rachel: Oh yeah! The freedom!
Aubrey: From what?
Rachel: Well...let me just say that Yosef is...how would I put it?
Aubrey: On his last legs?
Rachel: It's been pretty hard to look after him and the kids so...yeah, I decided to come here and get wrecked. Woo!
Aubrey: That's-
Rachel: Genius right? God, they're all so annoying! And if you'd just let him remain a vampire-
Aubrey: I was gonna say 'selfish' and 'irresponsible' but whatever floats your boat.

You two aren't being very social.
Ashly: I don't want to be associated with Joaquin right now. He's being an idiot.
Destinee: So he's hair-comb dude? HA!
Ashly: How-
Destinee: 'Cos that's the stupidest thing I saw, and I guessed. Seriously though, I had to hide because it hurt so bad!
Ashly: That, and your ex is here.
Destinee: That, and my ex is here. I'm going to go face it now, though. I didn't buy this dress for nothing.

Destinee: Missing anything?
Lucas: Lemme see...no. Zara's prettier than you. And a lot nicer.
Madalyn: Lucas that chick is insane and you know it.
Lucas: Well she's prettier than you too!
Madalyn: Haha...don't cross me. Remember when I stole your signed football?
Lucas: That just went miss- OH MY-
Fredrick: Oh snap.
Rachel: We look out for each other, us triplets.
Madalyn:...yeah, that was totally for you.
Rachel: K...
Destinee: I don't believe you.

Annabelle: No-one likes my suit...
Jordon: Maybe because it's not right for this setting-
Elin: Shut up, that suit is awesome, you better give it to me afterwards or I'll steal it myself, and Jordon? Don't diss people who have unique faces.
Jordon: What is it with my face?
Elin: Your face is so bland it could be a mannequin!
Annabelle:...Gotta agree.
Jordon: Stay out of it.
Elin: Yet Daya can just hop in? She's my niece, y'know! Leave family out of this.
Daya: I'm an adult and I don't care, goddammit!

Daya: You involve me again, you get cut.
Elin: I'd like to see you try.

Summer is for once not the one instigating or getting involved with the typical party drama. Instead, she's discussing black and white things with these two ladies.
Summer: Zebras, huh? Like a...a stripy horse?
Norma: Aren't you sweet, dear?
Summer: Nope.
Tabatha: This one's crazy. I kinda like her though. So why did the penguin cross the road?
*insert punchline*

Joaquin: My dancing is awesome, thank YOU very much.
Rachel: YOU'RE welcome, and no it's not.
Aubrey: It's terrible, holy shit.
Daya: I will try, dammit, and I'll best you. You and dear Jordon are getting old and creaky, I see that Kingston's abandoned you...
Jordon: Hey! I'm as young as ever.
Elin: Ahahahahaha - wait, you're serious?
Jordon: What?
Elin: Stupid mannequin.

Elin: Honestly, you're alright. There's no-one more supportive than you. Even if you do look like a mannequin, it's what's on the inside that counts.
Jordon: Well, thanks...
Elin: I would never divorce you. I just can't.
Jordon: It makes me happy to hear that...we are gonna be together until the day I die, right?
Elin: No, I mean I literally can't divorce you. Game mechanics, y'know. Even if I really wanted to. But I don't really want to.
Jordon: Good enough.

Elin in the background: I knew you'd understand.
Hugo: ME? ME? Destinee, I love you too!
Tabatha: You haven't even met her before.
Aubrey: Goddamn, I can hear her from here. Shut up, lady!

Summer: So, how are you two?
Elin: We're getting over our problems.
Daya: Your whole marriage is a problem.
Jordon: Touché.
Jordon: I mean, how rude, Daya. Go back to talking to that...random teenager.
Aubrey: I have a name.
Elin: Nobody cares.
Summer: Right? Seriously though, I think you need to talk it out a little more.
Daya: You don't say.

Back home...
Quinton: Oh yeah...
We could say that Quinton is the...
Summer (at the gaming rig, working from home): Don't do it.
The Q-lest!
Quinton: Goddamn, you ruined it. You've ruined this slide for me. Thanks.

Well you used it again!
Quinton: I did a forward roll, dammit, give me credit!
That was cool.

OK enough slide spam.
Because he doesn't like this anymore, and went inside.
Quinton: Wouldn't you go inside?

Lilith: So I was reluctant to come after I heard about your last attempt, but...
Summer: Can we not talk about that?
Lilith: Well, you embarrassed yourself. We're always going to talk about that.

Aahana: Wow, dude, I didn't think you'd come. The notifications said you just had a friggin' kid!
Caleb: Yes, and she's wonderful, but she bites.
Lilith: Now you know how I felt. Four bitey babies at once.
Aahana: Shit am I glad I married a human. And got knocked up by him. Actually...
(It was him, I don't technically have affairs turned on because it always produces a way higher rate of infidelity than I like).

Summer: Seriously, again? I told you guys not to throw on so many logs!
Aahana: I threw one!
Bella: OK so I threw like five but - I'm hiding in the bushes if that helps!
Caleb: STFU about logs and help me. I'm on fire!
Aahana: In more ways than one honey.
Lilith: Not helpful.

After that mess...
Caleb: You're still hanging around that death trap?
Aahana: So many hot things around here...
Caleb: OH MY GOD-
Aahana: Not everything is about you, Caleb. Bella looks wonderful tonight.
Lilith: Hells YEAH! Don't be shitty, little bro.

RIP to the dumbass. I will miss her. She left behind four entertaining kids, who now have lives of their own...speaking of those lives...

Charlee is having another kid.

Del's daughter Krysta, last seen as a child, is all grown up and knocked up by...actually, one of Kale's kid's half-siblings (as in, Kale's baby mama + another guy unrelated to the Sutherlands=this Beejey guy). It's not incest, but it's weird.

And congrats for no family ties here, Weston. That's Vesa's kid.

Yes, this stupid weenie roast is extended to past midnight by now.
Danika: I'm pretty sure siblings aren't supposed to do that.
Yeah, that's creepy, Lilith, stop.
Lilith: Pinch pinch, and move, Caleb. Nothing's getting between me and that fire.
Danika: There's so much more fire circumference to stand around! Ya weirdo.

Summer: We're never having one of these again. Anyway, I've got the extinguisher - Aahana?
Aahana: I shouldn't be on my feet too long. I'm pregnant!
Summer: Well you shouldn't go in fire either! That foetus is a crisp now.
Sheesh that's dark.

Caleb: *bawling* The fire claims a victim this time! Oh noes!
Bronson: No, what? Dude - I died of natural causes forever ago. I'm just out to haunt this house tonight!
Quinton: Uh...there there random vampire guy (when will these parties stop?).
I think this may be the worst party yet.
Also, that's -20 for the fires and my score is so low it's in Hell.

Summer: It is. At least it wasn't my last though. Look, I have a plan. Tomorrow, I'm actually gonna go into work and get my promotion to level 3. Then, I'm gonna have one last house party, and then I'm free to start dating.
Nope. After your 'one last house party', we'll send you over to the house of your spouse.
Summer: I'm not married-
You will be. Very quickly. Your parents and their parents before them all did it. I gave you like...two weeks to screw around and have parties. It's final.

Caleb: Wheeee!
Summer: Stop jumping in trash.

Danika: It's a ghost power, WHAT?
NO IT'S NOT. It's a bloody glitch, that's what it is! Goddammit!

*Lana Kane nope*
It's 7am, Kale, either you're too early and they're setting up, or you're too late and they're clearing up.
But you did remind me that you, well, exist, and I have one hungry vampire here...

*narrows eyes*
If you're still carrying a flame for Glass than that's creepy towards her, and disrespectful to Yasmin. Y'know, your actual wife and mother of one of your kids.
Kale: I have a kid?
Two of them, actually. One of them is Liberty Lee's and one of them is Yasmin's.

Summer: Dude, you knew why you were here. Just accept it, it's the most attention you've been paid in a while.

Summer: You just couldn't wait, could you?
Er, no. So what if I kept you home? I want you to have kids. I had a lot of fun with this aspiration but I want you to have some goddamn kids soon enough.
Summer: It's like you're getting bored of me.

Summer: What is this? This isn't my party.
Well Joaquin and Candy wanted you to come to the club with them for a Spin Masters meeting. BTW, you're in Spin Masters. Anyway, I wanna see if this counts.
Summer: Goddammit, so that's going to be my last party? That weenie roast with the two fires?
Summer: *sigh*
Well, it didn't count, but I can't be asked to do a scored party, so...Dance Party time! We've invited Candy, Darin, Aahana, Caleb, Stefanie, Lilith, Bella, Saya, Summer C, Jasper...the classic party people who have been with us all along (my faves!). A few didn't make the cut, because I could only invite twelve, but it's a fitting send-off nonetheless.

Caleb: Goddammit sun! Go away!
Saya: It's 12pm...haha, he took a level in stupid.
Meanwhile in the background...
Summer C: I might even miss these...
Quinton: I certainly will not.

Candy: I've got the real hard stuff today!
Summer C: Will I miss this?
Ashby (who wasn't invited and just happened to show up): Why don't we hang out more, Darin? Seriously, I see you, and I suddenly understand the reasons behind all of Aahana's Snapchats.
Darin: Do I want to know?
Saya: Haha, probably not.

Aahana: Well, it's the end of an era, isn't it? I'm not even looking at Darin.
Avani: Girl, I see you. Get it together, you're knocked up by someone who isn't that fine slice over there-
Aahana: And a bit married to him as well?
Avani: Oh for f-

Stefanie: It's probably just a fluke that Deanna bites, you said. The next one might not, you said. Dammit Caleb, I think I'm gonna get an infection - are you even listening?
Caleb: Can't hear you, too bendy.
Stefanie: Oh my God - OK, y'know what? How many more times am I going to be dragged here?
This is the last one. You're a classic, Stef! We couldn't leave you out.
Stefanie: Yay.

And Mr Fanservice himself engages in a little bit of perving.
Candy: Raise the roof, raise the roof!
Stefanie: No-one here can dance.
Darin: I beg to differ, look at that ass.
Stefanie: No, I'm very straight, and very faithful. *clears throat at like...everyone in the room*
Candy: The ass can be free. What's in the ass though? You'll have to pay.
Stefanie: What is it?
Candy: Oh no, sweetie, you couldn't handle it. Even if you are de-foetus'd.

Summer: Hey Jas! We're cool right!
Jasper: So shiny! And the lady's hair is so PINK. I love it.
Summer: Did we squash the beef?
Jasper: Beef? Where?
Summer: And that's conflict resolution, father.
Quinton (offscreen): What? Just waiting for them to get old and senile? That's a terrible plan.
Summer: Which is why I don't piss off YAs, dad, God.

Lilith: Well, I guess after this I'll settle into life with Margot. The woman's cray, but I did marry her and adopt a kid with her, and all of that jazz...
Caleb: Well...I could settle into life with Stefanie. But there'll always be more to do.
Lilith: What?
Caleb: There's always going to be one party girl living off her parents and throwing events like this all the time.
Lilith: And you'll never stop trying to escape your responsibilities?
Caleb: Nope!
Lilith: You're way too happy about that.

Anvi: Oh. Where did the party go?
Blakely: *sigh* It's inside, Ex-Step-Auntie Anvi.
(Matt's stepdaughter)
Anvi: Call me Mrs! I'm Mrs...am I still Mrs Sutherland?
Blakely: Vesana took your name in the end...so you were Mrs Nair? I don't have time for this, go inside.
Anvi: Are you my new child? Good! We shouldn't be in an establishment like this, with you so young! Come home with me and I'll give you...milk or something. What do you feed babies anyway?
Blakely: I hate my life.

Darin: Seriously? Not you too.
Stefanie: Very straight, very faithful. I just dropped money in your hair and I'm looking for it.
Ashby: Plot twist.
Darin: I swear, you can be my best female friend by default now. THANK THE WATCHER.
Stefanie: No, dickhead. Thank me. I love my husband, y'know.
Ashby: What, Mr 'I'll keep going to parties hosted by dumb girls like Summer and avoid my responsibilities'?
Stefanie: He said what? Oh my God! Ashby, shit, I-
Ashby: ...Not my fight now. Bye.

Candy:...Yeah, that uterus is dead.
Anvi: Ooh, that's nice. And tickly. And warm, hehe...

Anvi: Don't hurt me! I'm a defenceless old lady with a new child!
Stefanie: Oh no, it's not like that, I just see where they're coming from-
Darin: Goddammit.
Candy:...no, I'm fighting the wall for Avani! Apparently it's being a dick.
Stefanie: We should hang out.
Darin: Sadly, I'll have to pass.
Caleb: Wait, Stef-
Stefanie: Shut up. I'm mad.
Lilith: And that's why you don't say stupid shit like 'I'll avoid my responsibilities forever' when your wife is RIGHT THERE.
Anvi: I made that mistake a few too many times...
Lilith: Yeah, that's why-
Caleb: You're divorced, aren't you?
Anvi: Well. Yes. But I got married again. We don't talk much though.

Aahana: Girl. Just stand straight like normal people.
Avani: I'm not going to communicate with the WALL, dammit!
Summer: Wouldn't be a party without this shit, would it?
Aahana: Nope.
Jasper: Where am I again?
Summer: *sigh*

Avani: Yeah! Take that, wall! The floor loves me too!
Aahana: Guuuuyyyys...
Bella: The puddle is...tequila?
Saya: I call piss.
Bella: Oh, ew. Just get off there, I bought you those shoes. Don't ruin them.
Summer: Whatever it is, it's gross. And I'll blame whatever Candy has people on.
Aahana: For once, Candy is not to blame here...
Avani: So the floor betrayed me?
Aahana: OH MY GOD. I'm in labour, for f*ck's sake. Get me out of here!

Summer: OK. We can't use the other side of the dance floor. Got it. This is still successful though.
Elin: So you didn't invite me to your party...? Hm.
Summer: I had to make cuts, Elin, I really do not need your shenanigans.

Gabrielle: So, a safe, lucrative business op...hmm...
Caleb: A bottle of your hardest stuff, please?
Candy: Yeah sure-
Caleb: Not you, I keep my vices legal.
Gabrielle: What now?
Candy: Damn. Sometimes, they won't take the sale, but more fool them!
Gabrielle: No, it's about - look, I don't want to risk losing my family-
Candy: It's totally legal, he's just stupid.
Caleb: I know more than you think...
Candy: SHUT UP.

Bella: Nothing says 'settling down into your life with your wife' more than skulking around here in dark corners, following me like a little dog.
Bella: But who's to say I object?

Anvi: That's nice...makes me wonder why I ever married a man?
Elin: I'm your ex-sister-in-law, it's weird, can we just detach?
Caleb: By the way, I'm going to demonstrate my commitment to responsibility by asking you to HURRY UP WITH THE HOUSE.
Summer: Well now you just set yourself back five days. I don't like it when people shout.

Bella: DJ booths are fantastic, aren't they?
Lilith: Oh yeah. Those wires-
Bella: So good when we're-
Caleb: OK, ew, stop, brother right here. And what of your responsibilities, Lilith...?
Lilith: Meh. All six of the kids are teenagers and...it doesn't matter what Margot and I do. You have a baby daughter, aaaaaand...you just gotta be responsible, OK? Damn.
Caleb: Hypocrite.

Candy: You wanna go? I will kick an old man in the nuts if it comes to that!
Jasper: Nuts? You have nuts? Are they almonds? I love almonds. Hey, can you tell me where I actually am?

Zara had a kid.
I'm gonna send Summer to catch up with her at some point.
Zara: Please don't.

With that dance party over (on an anticlimactic note, but never mind), Summer finishes her aspiration.
How do you feel, Summer?
Summer: Pretty good. I had a great run - well, not always great, but pretty entertaining - and I will consider settling down.
You're not considering shit. You're settling down.
Summer: Well, you say this guy is all that? I'll do it.
And with that, we move on!
(With a +15 that brings my score to...zero. I've gotta get some points soon.)
Score Sheet- 0
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (58) +290
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (5) +25
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (90) -450
Self Wetting (25) -125
Fires (10) -100
Fires (10) -100
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