7.4 - Stupidity of The Other Summer (+More Parties)
Malik: What do you mean I have no eyebrows...that's not what the black pieces said!
This kid is a legit Goth. How far they have fallen.
Daya was invited to this party (to her delight, I'm sure) and she lives here with Cassandra so...yeah. That's why the party's taking place here.
And here are Daya's adopted children.
Ismael (track jacket): The first rule of book club is that you don't talk about book club.
Clyde (hat and glasses): *serious nod*
Aahana and Glass joined book club.
Clyde: Resist them!
Ismael: We cannot. It is too late. They have infiltrated.
Daya: It's poor etiquette to throw a party without asking or informing the homeowner, Summer.
Summer: Bite me. I think your lack of party clothes is as rude, Daya.
Daya: *growl*
Summer: See? Look at Tabatha. She put on her best dress!
Daya: Well if that's her best I don't want to see how she looks normally...seriously, she looks awful.
Summer: Of course. But she tried. And you didn't.
Summer: Oh, hey Matt.
Matt: Whaaaat? Oh, no, I'm not here.
Aubrey: Come on, old man. I mean, really.
Glass: Defeating myself!
Summer: *sigh* Mother.
Summer: What's in her hair, Cassie, cocaine? Why are you sniffing it?
Cassandra: It's called clipping, Summer, not everyone is as deviant and screwy as you.
Ashby: Burn.
Daya: And this is why I love you, honey.
Cassandra: Darling!
Akira: Gotta get low, low, low, low-
Aahana: Oh I know.
Summer: You're gonna let him get away with that, 'Hana?
Aahana: Don't call me that. And...why not?
Malik: Should I try that?
Summer: No honey. You'd get slapped. Akira is attractive. You are not.
Tabatha: And he doesn't have any eyebrows, ha!
Malik: There is no need to mock my eyebrow status!
Daya: There is always a need to mock your eyebrow status.
Summer: Wow. Evil stepmother much?
Daya: It was Cassie's idea.
Summer and Dina: Oh! A ghost!
Tabatha: Isn't that your kid?
Ashby: This family sucks!
Matt: Nonsense!
Daya: Haha, you're decapitating me...
Glass: Oh nooooo - seriously, quit whining.
Madeleine: Pretty sure my cousin's daughter's wife is one of my dad's ancestors, but then what do I know?
More then you will ever realise.
Seriously, you're hella correct. You basically got moved to the past. In this reality, Bronson should have never been born, because his mother was Luna, and Luna has different kids this time.
But we needed a new save file.
Summer: Knock knock!
Rachel: *grimace* Who's there?
Summer: The end!
Rachel: The end who?
Summer: The end of your marriage.
Rachel: You are the worst.
Summer: Caused by the avoidable death of your husband.
Rachel:...So much hate.
And with that, another one bites the dust. 5/15 social events done, with 1/2 gold medals.
Summer, what the actual f is your eye right now?
Summer: Still cute, right?
And you haven't been cute since you were...
Well you were cute as a toddler before you made friends with a cracker.

Dinner party time.
Damn Megan, nice party outfit.
Megan: Randomisation, what can you do?

Caleb:...please stop inviting me here.
Anvi: Why? It's fun!
Glass: That's because you're three drinks deep already.
Summer: Aw, but I'd miss you Caleb.
Caleb: Yeah. OK. It always ends in a fight, y'know, when I come here...and I still haven't got that mansion.
Summer: Relax. Just wait until I finish hosting all of these parties and inviting you, thus triggering fights with your wife.
Glass: This is why you don't make deals with her, my dear.

Summer: Really. You're a babysitter.
Anvi:...Well I have a lot of kids of my own?
Summer: I'm just not convinced.
Megan: Shouldn't be. Mum hired her to look after me one time.
Caleb: Was it...
Megan: Oh. It was fun. But I really shouldn't've been allowed to consume a bag of sugar.

Kingston, you're late.
Kingston: There was an incident-
Don't wanna know, get the hell inside.

And you too Matt, your daughter's been here alone for two hours.
Matt: Well? Anvi's a babysitter isn't she...Gabby said that she's a great - actually, she wasn't great, was she. Ohhhh... well, whatever. I hate children and I'm only here for the food.

Stefanie: So why are we here again?
Caleb: There's food?
Stefanie: Good enough.

Anvi:...Tell me about this incident...
Kingston: That's classified.
Megan: Did she ever babysit you?
Kingston: Yeah. She sucked. She spent the whole time gossiping to me. I was five!
Anvi: You're never too young to learn how to dish out the dirt!

Jordon: Am I not the most awesome person who ever awesome'd?
Glass:...Sure, dear...are we in-laws? How does that work?

Matt: It tickles!
Summer: Go and clean, numpty.
Danika: Mum, you're gonna break the stereo...
Caleb: That's OK. There's a 'command to repair' action available as well.
Danika: What if he like, electrocutes himself or something? Matt doesn't know handiness.
Summer: Unfortunate side effect, dear...
Caleb: Actually, as responsible vampires we really shouldn't-
Summer: Shush.

Summer: Gold medal again, my dears. Out, out, all of you...I have my nighttime hobbies to work on.
Matt: Woo! I haven't actually cleaned a thing and I can leave.
Summer: Not so fast! You may have not cleaned... but you can still be useful to me.

Megan: Lol, fail.
Thanks Megs.
Megan: Hey, where's my dad? I don't know the way home.
Not my problem kid.
Megan: *sigh* I hate these parties.

Summer: *through the blood* He'll be out soon, honey! Uh...give him an hour?
Matt: Blaaaaahhh...

Ashby got knocked up again.

I sort of forgot she got old and was due to die...
May actually miss this dipshit.

Bronson, you brilliant bastard.

Bronson: Wheee!
Good to see that someone is getting use out of that. *side-eyes the rest of the household*

Maddison: Well I could just SLAP YOU!
Sage: You're joking right? Please...are you joking?
Venkat: FIX ME.
You'll grow into it when you're an adult, shut up and let's get on with this party.
Miko (Sage's mum, Madalyn's wife): Mads? Maddie! You said you didn't give them this address! What the hell?

Nash: Akira! Akira! Hide me! It's her sister!... Oh wait, I have a tablet. I'M HIDDEN!
Akira: So, yes, I'm very happy...
Summer: Ahahaha! So am I! Ashby slept with that! Ahahahahaha! That's brilliant!
Akira: Lovely, aren't you?

Jasper: But why am I here...I hate her.
Paolo: It's like a deadly force. You hate it here, but you get pulled in every time...
Joaquin: The deadly force is whatever the hell you're doing to Dina, Paolo.
Dina: I will literally die.

Darin: We match!
Bella: No we don't. I'm not wearing a stupid hat.
This hat saddens me; I like that hair. How did he get all of that hair in there to start with?

Summer S: Hey Summer C...
Summer C: So about what happened to Jasper...
Summer S: Noooo, it must have been some other insane blue ruthless vampire that attacked your husband!
Summer C: Oh. Good. Cos I'm real mad at the person who did it. We have no money left!

Madeleine: Hi kids!...oh what fresh hell is this?
Venkat: There are people in the house, Mother.
Maddison: One of them said I looked like a pumpkin!
Madeleine and Venkat: Well, you do.

Bella: Ah...love.
Akira: No, she can still see you if you cling on! And she doesn't even care.
Nash: But in the TV shows people are protective of their siblings!

Darin: Well...I do have a wife, yes.
Summer: *sigh* All of the good ones...
Nash: Please don't kill me, please don't kill me...
Summer: *yelling* I'm not gonna kill you, dude! I don't give a shit!
And then there's Aahana in the background getting over-excited for the butt.
Aahana: A paragon of perfection!
Darin: Stop.

Dina: Take me to the hospital...
Paolo: Not now. I'm firing Summer up!
Summer C: How nice...!
Paolo: Not you. SUMMER S! Stop inviting us places! We don't like it.
Aahana: I'm alright. And I'm not even drinking.
Dina: *cough* *choke* A miracle!

Summer C: Nope! Get away from me!
Jasper: So you still won't take down this blue bitch?
Summer C: She's my...well I kinda like her! More than I like you! And it wasn't her!
Jasper: Are you joking?
Summer S: It really wasn't me. And are you causing a scene at a party? Shame on you. That should never be done. And unhand your wife, I don't think she wants that right now.
Summer C: Thank you! You are a...
Summer S: We can be friends. I'll come visit you, catch up with Gabby and Matt...bond with little Megan...
Summer C: Wonderful!

Nash: What's Paris?
Joaquin: You are fascinating.

Sage: No, she's a dipshit!
Bella:...you live with that idiot?
Sage: Stepsister. And the adults aren't any better.
Madeleine: Are you trying to sniff my hair? Get off!
Akira: I just want to know your shampoo brand! I'd like to use it!
Madeleine: Don't pretend like you don't already!
Akira: It works really well!

Aahana: That chest doe.
Summer C: So am I.
Paolo: How are you uncomfortable?
Summer C: Because of him. Stand further back. I'm mad.
Jasper: *grumble*

Aahana: Can I move yet?
Summer: Nope. I thought you liked standing too close to guys and staring.
Aahana: This guy isn't much to stare at.
Jasper: Well, neither are you.
Aahana: Perhaps, but I at least have a body that doesn't resemble a beach ball.
Summer: Lol.
Aahana: So,to continue, why am I still here?
Summer:...I'll give you a fifty.
Aahana: Deal.

Avani: Y'know who the best at this party is?
Avani: The wall.
Akira: Nash and I are getting the good bed tonight.
Madeleine: In your dreams. That man does not appreciate the memory foam.

Avani: Yeah wall! Pump it up!
Summer S: So, Jasper, I actually care about your wife. So why don't we stop fighting and you can have her back?
Aahana: Dude. Just do it. You were way lucky to land her in the first place. Don't ruin it because this chick blackmailed you, drank a dangerous amount of blood from you and almost caused you to lose your livelihood.
Aahana: Just move and go hug it out. I see Darin and I am here for that.
Darin: F*ck.
Summer S: You can't touch me though.

Avani: Garlic? Shit, right?
Dina: I reeeeaaallllyyy need a hospital.
Dina: I don't even know what's happening anymore.
And neither do I. Let's end this shitshow of a party!

Summer: F*ck.
Rachel: And of course it's a shitshow...
Summer: I did not think this through...
Correction: I did not think this through. I accidentally clicked Weenie Roast when setting up Summer's party, and I decided I'd go with it and hold one indoors so Summer doesn't burn.
Rachel: Well done, now we're all gonna burn.

Summer: Rachel. Move!
Rachel: It feels nice on-
Glass: Moving on...Delphina stop stabbing me.
Danika: Not a safe environment for a kid, Mother!
Del: Hey, I'm the one with a chance, kid! You died already.
Stefanie: Come back to one of these parties, you said. It could work out, you said.

Stefanie: You're such a dipshit.
Summer: Incorrect prenatal care there, dearie. And I'm handling it.

Rachel: Again?
Destinee: Well, no fire this time...
Rachel: And this is black and white bash wear?
Glass: The randomiser just loves me, darling.
Destinee: At least you don't look like you're wearing shiny brown paper.

Anvi, Vesana's ex-wife, is a...character.
Anvi: What does he mean, we can't have another baby? I happen to think there's plenty of space in the house!
Nice outfit.
Anvi: I can wear what I want.
Doesn't mean you should.

Candy: Drinks! I'm up for that!
Victor: Not if I get there first. I will need it.
Candy: Tough. I want it.
Victor: And I'm leading our little race here.

Destinee: What will happen next? I am RIVETED!

Black dog: Come back!
Gold dog: But I have to go home, dummy.
Black dog: Fine then! Leave me.
Gold dog: Every time, Walter.
(Don't ask why the dog is called Walter)

Frederick: If you cared about me, you'd stop staring. I don't like you that way.
Violet: One day...
Frederick: I'll see if the 31st of February is free.

Summer: How about you do what Violet's not and stop looking at me? Dear Stefanie is right here.
Stefanie: *opposite them* *sigh* I'm on this tablet, I see nothing.
Summer: Sure you don't. Now, Caleb, dear...
Caleb: Well, you see, you're standing between us...
Summer: You never said excuse me.

Violet: For now we'll be friends then.
Frederick:...We'll be friends forever. I don't really mind your company.
Violet: Really?

Glass: Ashby, stop dancing into my hip.
Ashby: The dance consumes Ashbira. In turn, it consumes me. I can never stop.
Lilith: Just move, Mrs Sutherland.
Glass: What do you think I'm doing?

Violet: Hmm. I sense a 'who wore it better?' discussion.
Victor: Well, I'm going to die, but I can die knowing that I can pull off the same outfit as a young guy.
Caleb: *grimace* I did tell Stefanie that someone else would wear this...but then it is my fault for spending so much time on my hair and leaving now time for the outfit...
Summer: Aw, but I love your hair.
Caleb: Thank you?
Summer: Hey, it's OK, it's OK, you're welcome!
Caleb: Strange enthusiasm.
Victor: OOC moments are always justified by references around here.
Violet: True.
Shut it. But you do speak the truth.

Ashby: Ohhh I'm gonna be sick.
Margot: What, did you look in a mirror on the way down here?
Ashby: One more word and I aim at your face.
Margot: Noted.
Ashby: As you see, this threat works like a charm. I haven't had to do the dishes once.

Caleb has the most adorable face I swear.
Margot: Summer, stop making that face.
Caleb: She looks...well, for her that's kind of sweet.
Margot: So that's what's sweet for vampires?

Summer: Wonderful joke. And I'm never sweet. But I could always change my demeanour...not that I will.
Caleb: I never said you needed to change.
Summer: Good. You people who come here can accept me as I am.
Margot: Well it's not like we have a choi-
Summer: On with the show!

Back upstairs...
Anvi: Enough with this party shit! I need to go home and have another kid before I get old tomorrow!
That will halt the ageing process for three days only, and then you'll be looking after a toddler in your elder years.
Anvi: None of your judgement!
It's advice.

Stefanie: And finally she ignores me!
Candy: Pregnant schmegnant. But we don't need you, Stefanie. There's always this chick!
Ashby: I'mma dance forever!

Ashby: After you pop, you gotta try some of this shit!
Stefanie: No thank you. I don't want to wake up stuck in a futon ag- never mind. I don't want to.
Ashby: OK?
Stefanie: The futon thing was a friend, alright?

Back at home...
Summer: Oh Jarrett! I'm right here!
Jarrett: It's polite to knock on the door.
Summer: I understand, but I don't need you by the door, Jarrett-
Jarrett: Need? Wha-
You shouldn't have come here.

Summer: I found out about your affair, dear Jarrett...
Jarrett: Oh please, I'm not having an affair! I just...bumped...mouths...
Summer: Save it. Cash, please!

Jarrett: This is none of your business! And I don't get blackmailed.
Summer: Take a few steps back. I can smell your breath. And it's not good. Remain calm and hand over the money, please.

Summer: Oh Dani. Please, step away. You won't like this.
Danika: I just want to say hi to the green man! He looks like me!
Jarrett: Wouldn't expect anything more of a woman like you. Has a daughter, lets her die...
Summer: She came from the wishing well, don't be a dick. If it wasn't for me she'd have no home at all. Now I need a meal...Danika please go inside.

Danika: But Grandpa, why don't other mums make people pass out, and float, and have red eyes?
Quinton: Your mother makes interesting choices, Danika.
Jarrett: *snore*
Quinton: He's just resting.
Danika: Oh, I know.
Until next time, guys.
Score Sheet- 5 (What the f*ck is this. I haven't been so low since Amanda's gen)
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (58) +290
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (5) +25
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (90) -450
Self Wetting (25) -125
Fires (8) -80
Fires (8) -80
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