7.2 - Holy (Supernatural) Mother and Child
Welcome back, yadda yadda ya. More stupid shit is about to happen.
We start off with Summer being engulfed with pink vampire magic.
I thought it might look more deadly.
Oh well.
Also, I think I've found the picture I shall use for the entire generation, because we don't have a banner yet.
Summer: WAIT NO-
Summer: This is better, no?
You look too well-put-together and normal. I cannot allow it.
Kingston: - that's what she said!
Summer: Bleh!
Kingston: Oh come on, it's a classic!
Summer: Your jokes are terrible!
Have to agree with Kingston here. To me and my stupid sense of humour, that will never get old.
I took her out here to meet some people, in order to diversify the parties, but it's early and there are no people around.
I brought Kingston because that boy is just sad.
Ernesto: *growls*
Candy: What did we do?
Summer: Crazy, right...
Candy: I know. Hey, I need some help with something...
Candy: Quick! Shove it up that dress! It's full of cocaine!
Summer: This is NOT what I had in mind!
Sorry hon.
She then went to introduce herself to cousin Madeleine, who apparently she didn't formally know yet.
Summer: So, after I become a vampire, I'm going to be holding some parties. Wanna come?
Dina: Vampires...parties...really, Summer, I just want to spend time chilling with my wife, spending quality time with our kids...
Summer: I will break into your house, leave no evidence, and drain you dry of blood.
Dina:...Parties sound great, send me an invite! *terrified laughter*
I had to change her outfit because it was glitching on me. Shame, I liked that dress on her.
Glass and Q: I don't give a f*ck, not a single f*ck, I don't give a-
Hahaha. Don't be a dickface next time, Vlad.
So this is what's going down at the Flea Market!
Glass and Q are going in the lounge to do some karaoke and it's giving me feels. I love you little pixels.
Kingston: Mother WHY do you need a shovel...
Kingston: Alright fine! I won't question you! I love my brothers!
Candy:...And back to my life as a citizen! She has the drugs, right?
Kingston: 'Tis I who stole them!
Candy: No you didn't.
Ernesto: So how's your day going...
Mila: Eh. I dunno. Think my husband's on fire - hey lady! Hurry up with my curry! Goddamn it!
Kingston: But I thought she was going to be here!
Kingston: Well you didn't tell me to check, did you?
Summer: Nope. Nothing illegal happening at all. Kingston is a good boy.
Victor: I accept bribes, Miss Summer. Of every nature.
Summer: *cough cough cough* EW!
Baako: Please. I knew my way around drugs when I was her age!
Mila: Your look tells us that, Baako.
Ashly: Burn.
Mila: And to be honest, you still look like you're on plenty. How are you not dead?
Baako: We're like the same age.
Mila: But I wear it well, honey.
Ashly: Double burn.
Ashly: Double burn.
Mila is an old lady who doesn't give any more shits. I get it now.
Destinee: Heeeey. I got it. This is my face!
Destinee, Destinee, what has happened to you?
Summer: Oy get out-
Victor: Well. This is as close as I'll get.
Madeleine: *muffled giggling*
Mila: Not the only person she's going to get inside.
Madeleine: *snorts*
Summer: Hey shut up!
Mila: You are using the Force to try and get your bun.
Summer: 'Cos I'm stuck in Feng, ya bitch!
Hugo: So that's what it looks like. Fascinating.
Hajar: Yeah, that's great, boy. Go get some help.
Glass: This is for all of those jilted people out there...
Glass: It's for my husband, who abandoned me here!
A. No-one else is in this room, they're enjoying the flea market. (Unless you're Hajar or Vlad)
B. Q went to work.
Glass: I do deduce...that you are on FIRE!
Vlad: Thanks. Didn't know. Can you help or-
Glass: It's amazing! Keep burning! Let it burn!
Glass: Typical vampires!
See, Vlad. This is what you get when you're a dickhead to everyone. Nobody cares about your demise. They're all just talking in a circle! Ashly is talking about how marriages will for sure break down (which is weird because she's married to Joaquin; Summer is pointing that out). Bella is ranting about toast, Sofia is just happy to be here....even Baako is happily smiling at a plate!
Oh Kingston.
Kingston: GOD NOT AGAIN.
Poor traumatised kid.
Summer: Is this the ball with the - dammit Candy!
Let's just go. Straud is dead, Glass is sad for some reason, and Kingston has another notch on his trauma belt. Summer has met new people and she's going to host a dinner party tonight! Everything is awesome!
Bye flea market. It was a good day.
Dinner party time!
Lilith: Computer time! Del, you will be my BITCH by the time we're done here!
Rude. After I gave you that penthouse.
Lilith: And proceeded to attempt to wreck it and scar my children?
Everything's fine though, right?
Lilith: Hm.
Daya: You've gotta be kidding me.
Hey Daya!
Because Q is at work, it's sort of a girl's dinner now. Summer, her mother, her sisters, Auntie Elin and Lilith, her only female friend.
Summer: Well. Party goals, party goals. Thanks for coming!
Daya: Hehehe...I f*cking hate you.
Lilith: How best to ruin her house?
Pictured: Summer's only friend outside of the family.
Glass: So how do you know my Summer?
Lilith: Well...she barged into my flat, promised me a penthouse and convinced me to turn her into a vampire? Yeah. That's it. She'll need regular blood sources and you do live with her so she might ask-
Glass: Wha- SUMMER!
Summer (out the door already): You don't own me, I'm gonna annoy Ashby with some terrible jokes!
(She's uncomfortable so they're going to be terrible).
Daya: *mutters* Why does she get all the cool stuff...?
Margot: Dinner parties are so passe. Where's my knife?
There's our Margot. Why were you so weird last chapter?
Margot: A mystery that a peon like you cannot hope to solve.
...Alrighty then, you're back.
Glass: Er Daya-
Daya: Hi.
Glass: Inappropriate...
Daya: You assume that I give a f*ck.
Glass: I think I may have failed as a parent...
Elin: *snort*
Glass: Don't give me that, Elin, what about your son?
Elin: I own my failures. Kingston sucks, I sucked, and I probably shouldn't have bred. Good enough for you?
Literally every party Summer has sucks.
Case in point: Scrambled eggs for a dinner party.
The caterer glitched out and started going on the computer, and Summer was super-uncomfortable (that dang transformation), so I knew any food she made would be poor quality, so I grabbed some leftovers out of the fridge and used those. There also wasn't enough for Margot.
Lilith: This isn't blood!
Glass: Well what did you expect, Lily...and Summer, we need to talk.
Ashby: Nice party, sincerely, hotdog princess.
Summer: Why does nothing go right for me?
Daya: Same.
Lilith: Why are you in a towel?
Summer: Dear Lilith. Asking questions like those of my family is largely pointless.
Ashby: -And that's when Alexander Similton just popped right out of the spaceship!
Margot: I spy with my little eye...someone who doesn't know etiquette.
Summer: I shouldn't invite you anywhere...God everything is a DISASTER!
Margot: Also, someone finish this wall. It looks like poverty and shame.
Summer: OK, quit roasting my dining room, Margot-
Elin: I'm just finding this really funny.
Y'know what? Same.
Margot: Meh.
Elin: This food is genuinely disgusting. Do you have a spitting napkin on hand?
Summer: I hate you all.
Y'know what, Summer, you goshdarn beautiful bastard?
Summer: What? I can kick them out? Apart from Mother. But she was OK.
She was, she was. And yes, they will be leaving. You got gold!
But it's actually about the generational picture. This is it.
Summer: Why, thank you. Now get these idiots out of my house.
Some light reading...
Margot (still in the room): Ha! NERD!
...Before the transformation.
Margot (ass still plonked in room): Haha! You're wearing pink!
Summer: I swear to GOD I will-
Margot (basically glued to the room at this point): HAHAHA! Peach now! You peon, unable to control your outfits!
Margot: And that hairstyle's not working for you.
Summer:...I know.
We are fixing that dark form.
Felicia: I'll just clear this up and be on my way, ma'am.
Glass: Y'know you've been no help today, right? I literally could have hired a disabled chicken and it would have been about as useful.
Felicia: ...
Glass: May I do the honours?
Glass: Y'know?
Just do it. Whatever it is.
I only made a few subtle changes to Summer's normal form (I was so happy when I realised she could have glowing purple eyes). I have also decided that for every hundred days she lives, she gets one of those vampire detail things. Like those cracks on the face, and the severe eye bags. Sort of a 'price of immortality' thingy. The price is some of Summer's beauty.
Summer's dark form is also fairly normal, for a dark form. She has to look more practical here, and of course she needs the gloves. What vampire leaves fingerprints on clothing?
Kale: You invited me to a place!
Summer: Ashly, get out of the way.
I regret inviting her too.
I threw a dance party instead of a house party because it's cheaper and I don't have to hire a mixologist, but that was before I realised that it's NOT EVEN SCORED.
But I spent £20 and I've assembled some people and honestly what the hell else is Summer going to do. She doesn't really have to sleep anymore, and when she turned she got an automatic full vampire energy bar.
Amara: Alright, I almost got her in the neck, people!
Destinee: Nice...uh, niece/daughter.
Summer: I like the way you think, Amara.
I had notifications turned off for the previous night because I updated my MCCC, but apparently Lexie and Jade obtained a new child. Or maybe this happened before and I didn't remember.
And it turns out Amara is Rachel's kid. Y'know, the one who sucks at picking men.
Ah, Lilith. I really like her for some reason.
Lilith: Thanks for killing off Straud.
Ashly: Hmm...I do recall you were just mean to me, Summer, and tried to get your second cousin to stab me in the neck...
Summer: What are you talking about, I didn't do that! Any of the things! I'm not evil.
Lilith: Riiight.
Go away Ashly. You suck.
Summer: Oh Auntie Elin!
Elin: *hic* What.
Summer: A little birdie told me that your kids just aged up. And you're here. Pissed out of your mind. On their birthday.
Elin: Ahem, I don't need you bothering me. Notification pics or it didn't happen.
FINE. You're lucky I'm too lazy to find them.
Tabatha: Oh please, I could pull twice as many guys as you-
Kale: Yes Tabatha! Keep fighting for me!
If you cheat on Yasmin I will erase you from this existence.
Kale: Dance dance dance! Whoo!
Summer: OK sweetie. Let's make this quick. I am going to suck your blood. Do you want to me to do it consensually or non-consensually?
Hey, look in the background.
Ida: How did I...get here?
We invited you out.
There is now a bunch of people watching Ida The Floor Ghost.
Madeleine: May I not be this lame when I die!
Amara: Can someone tell me what the hell is up with Paolo?
Paolo: I wanna be an OWL!
I don't even with you any more.
Summer: Did I stutter, Kale? Get over here. I'm thirsty to the point of nausea. Give me your neck.
Kale: No way! I get enough of this from my wife! At least she's ni-..well she was nice to me at one point and she even let me touch her the other day! You have never been nice! Keep those fangs away from me.
Summer: Did I stutter?
Kale: NO! And I refuse to-
Summer: I gave you many chances. Get over here.
Ida: Son why are you trying to fight a vampire?
Summer: This could have been so much easier...
She looks legitimately creepy, I'm going to say. I think the gloves help.
Summer: Oh Kale...I'll call the couriers. Thanks for the nutrients!
Hey! Apparently the dance party did count!
OK, +5! Woo!

Hai Lilith.
Lilith: Oh - for the love of batwings I JUST GOT HOME from your stupid party! I do not need to be bothered again!
But you will be. Summer needs training.
Lilith: Busy. I just got a spa tub and I'm about to-
Oh look. I don't care.

I guess we'll just go to your brother.
Lilith: THANK YOU. Now let me take a mud bath in peace.

Caleb: So let me get this straight. You barged in here at 5.45am with your weird parents, claiming to be a vampire, and you expect me to train you?
Glass: It's a staircase.
Quinton: Stretch the back bottle friends!
Summer: Hmm. Uh-huh. Sorry about them, I brought them by accident. And I can offer you a material reward.
Caleb: Like what you did for Lilith? Sorry, but I'll have to decline.
Summer: If you train me enough, I can get you Straud manor. Remember, he's dead. Mila will want to move back to Windenburg and she's probably dead already anyway.

Stefanie: So who is this tiger bitch?
Caleb: Steph, this is my pupil. Summer.
Glass: Don't talk about my daughter like-
Summer: Chill out, Mum. Hey, cuz.
Quinton: Technically she's my cousin.
Everyone else: That helped how?
Quinton: *shrug*

Caleb: Right. Copy me. Steph, are you gonna-
Stefanie: I will stand right here.
Summer: Oh, it's alright, Stefanie. I understand. I'm far too pretty to be alone in a room with your husband. I'd trust you with any spouse of mine though.
Stefanie: Excuse me-
Caleb: Please don't antagonise my wife, Summer.

Hai Lilith.
Lilith: Oh - for the love of batwings I JUST GOT HOME from your stupid party! I do not need to be bothered again!
But you will be. Summer needs training.
Lilith: Busy. I just got a spa tub and I'm about to-
Oh look. I don't care.

I guess we'll just go to your brother.
Lilith: THANK YOU. Now let me take a mud bath in peace.

Caleb: So let me get this straight. You barged in here at 5.45am with your weird parents, claiming to be a vampire, and you expect me to train you?
Glass: It's a staircase.
Quinton: Stretch the back bottle friends!
Summer: Hmm. Uh-huh. Sorry about them, I brought them by accident. And I can offer you a material reward.
Caleb: Like what you did for Lilith? Sorry, but I'll have to decline.
Summer: If you train me enough, I can get you Straud manor. Remember, he's dead. Mila will want to move back to Windenburg and she's probably dead already anyway.

Stefanie: So who is this tiger bitch?
Caleb: Steph, this is my pupil. Summer.
Glass: Don't talk about my daughter like-
Summer: Chill out, Mum. Hey, cuz.
Quinton: Technically she's my cousin.
Everyone else: That helped how?
Quinton: *shrug*

Caleb: Right. Copy me. Steph, are you gonna-
Stefanie: I will stand right here.
Summer: Oh, it's alright, Stefanie. I understand. I'm far too pretty to be alone in a room with your husband. I'd trust you with any spouse of mine though.
Stefanie: Excuse me-
Caleb: Please don't antagonise my wife, Summer.
Summer: Quiet, Vatore. You do want Straud manor.
Caleb: Ugh. Fine.

Summer: What the heck-
Stefanie: Still not f*cking moving.
I should have put you in trousers.

Caleb: Great job, Summer-
Stefanie: Oh yeah, you're done! Great! Now where's the house, please get out of our lives-
Summer: Ah ah ah. I'm still a fledgling, my lovelies. Enough training for now, but I must have more. This wasn't what I call 'enough'. House later. Probably when you're dead, Steffie.
Caleb: Wait wh-
Stefanie: What the-
Quinton: *snicker*
Summer: Alright. Time to go, parents. Bye Vatores. I definitely didn't poison your daughter. See ya!
Caleb: What-

Quinton: Summer, tell me-
Summer: Of course not. I just wanted to screw with them.
Glass: Nice one. Aren't you proud, Q?
Quinton: Y'know what? Kinda.

Rachel: Oh hey, just going to my second job! Because my husband is really close to death and I need to support myself-

Drop the Siopao! You don't even need human food anymore!
Summer: I don't wanna do this house party thing, so I gotta ruin my phone!
I would still make you do it. Have you forgotten your aspiration?

Summer: Oh hey every- OW! Motherf-
It's definitely a Summer party.

Candy: Thanks for inviting me! I just need to get the-
Candy: Dammit! No, I just sent something up here...
Oh whatever.

Rachel:...you see, he's going to die anyway! How sad, I know!
Summer C.: Well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Lucas: I'll run smooth! In you.
Summer S.: Well that was disgusting. What did it even mean? And aren't you married to my cousin?

Stefanie: OK, this is what we get for now? A crappy party at tiger bitch's crappy house? No thanks!
You didn't even do anything! And you're here now, shut up!

Destinee: Ah. You're just jealous because you're not nearly as well-liked by the Watcher. Or Q. Or Summer. I could recalibrate that...
Destinee: A hammer. With a hammer. Fun, right Paolo?
Paolo: Uhhhhhhhhh....
Destinee: Paolo.
Paolo: I don't even know-
Destinee: Paolo.

Stefanie: Caleb...
Caleb: Steffie...
Summer: So this guy is just like 'but Summer, you have to use the blue plates at any cost'! I had to wash a dish before serving that customer!
Caleb: Oh what an idiot...Stef do you have anything to say or-?
Stefanie: Nope. But I'm here.
Dina: Draaama....
Avani: No YOU suck at the Mexican wave, Lucas! JUST TAKE MY HAND!
Lucas: I'm freestyling here, Avani, don't kill my vibe!
Candy: You can't do a Mexican wave with two people...and that's not even a-
Destinee: I could get a hammer?
Summer: Oh for f*ck's sake-

In the kitchen...
Victor: Hey Lizzie, I'm gonna get myself some buns, *wink wink*
Eliza: *sigh* Screw it. Just get me a fruit salad as well.

Back in the living room...
Victor: Eliza? She said she was going to sit out here if I got her fruit salad!
Ashly: And she didn't?
Summer: I wonder why.
Stefanie: You don't listen to ME, Caleb! ME!
Caleb: I can talk to whoever I want and you don't own me!
Rachel: Is this really the time?
Destinee: I could smack him with my hammer, Summer?
Summer: What? No, just- URGH!
Avani: Great. So now we're doing boring dancing, LUCAS.
Lucas: Shut up.

Way to practice your pelvic thrusts right in front of Victor's face, Caleb.
Victor: Well I'm not going to say I'm enjoying it, but I'm not going to say I'm not enjoying it.
Summer: Oy. C. Move a little closer.
Ashly: How about me? C'mon, share the love.
Summer: Your husband's here.
Ashly: What's your point?

Apparently I hired a mixologist instead of making Q do it. My bad.
Sorry for killing your husband, Mila.
Mila: Oh. It's chill. I get to live in his kickass mansion for my remaining few days. Without him annoying me and trying to suck my blood! It's great!

Caleb: *deep breath* Sorry, I didn't mean it, do you forgive me?
Stefanie: Of course! I didn't mean it either. You are free, fanged one!
Caleb: *kisses cheek*
Stefanie: You're not even touching me!
Caleb: We'll get there one day.

Eliza: Oh HEY Paolo, you're looking great. Owlish.
Lucas: Say what now?
Victor: Hey Eliza? Um...my hand's kind of being sliced up right now...
Eliza: *determinedly not giving a shit*

Bella: Why are you in me?
Joaquin: Sorry, there's just no space!
Bella: *narrows eyes*
Mila: *snigger*

Victor: She's eating her cake THROUGH ME-
Rachel: I know.
Summer: Do you expect us to help you?
Dina: Because that's just Karma, Feng.
Ashly: *looking away* Hey baby what did you do at the party?
Joaquin: *cough* Nothing much. Hung around...
Ashly: Yeah same, just me and the ladies...

Dina: What? Gotta get in the workout?
Summer S.: The sad thing is that you're not even the worst person I've had at my parties.
Quinton: Why is our house constantly invaded?

Rachel: When was that due?
Avani: During my maternity leave...
Rachel: OK...
Avani: He's kind of a kid now...
Summer: OK assholes, out of my house. I gotta meditate.

Diego: Don't laugh, Llama Man needs a job too...well, that and I only could find the head part of my costume...*sigh*

Sorry Glass, didn't realise how tired you were...
This was going to be a nice social event but I guess everyone has to go home now!
At least I now have 2/5 locations for milestone 3.

Summer: Father.
Quinton: Yes?
Summer: I'm your darling daughter who you love very much, correct?
Quinton: *checks relationship panel* You're my favourite person apart from Glass. What do you want?
Summer: Remember my new feeding requirements?
Quinton: Uhhh...
Summer: Dad.

Quinton: Summer, I really don't want to...
Summer: Fine. I have a whim to drink one of those plasma packs. But I'll get you one day, pretty.
Quinton: Just invite Kale over a lot.
Summer: I dunno. I think he's still in the parcel I put him in after that lovely party we had.
Quinton: *sigh* Drink your plasma.

Summer: It's disgusting!
Quinton: You made your choice.

Well well well Q.
That's not happening though. Hahahaha. I love you but you gotta die at some point.

No no no.
I'm not OK with this.

Summer: URGH! I'm alive! I'm just really invisible!

I'm OK with this.
I feel like you two wouldn't be the closest couple, but you'll get on well when you do spend time together.

Apparently Anvi was not married to Ashby's baby daddy after all, even though the family tree said so at one point...can't even remember any crashes. WTF.
Your life is...
Anvi: A mess?
Good girl.
This guy looks like a sideburn-ed goblin.

Sawyer: Just read it.
Violet: Why is Violet sad...she has no body.
Sawyer: HA!
Violet: I'd strangle you if I had hands.
Sorry about the bad CC, my dear. I'll fix you later.
Why are we here? Because Summer is thirsty and I want to preserve her plasma packs. It turns out Summer C., her husband and her twin daughters live with Matt, his wife Gabrielle, plus their daughter (Megan) and some kid who is Gabrielle's from another guy.
We're going to feed off Matt.

Oh hai Matt.
Blakely: Are you going to say anything?
Matt: Nah. Moony told me that you're a disgrace, and I should ignore you forever.
Summer: You want me to teach him a lesson?
Blakely: Who are you?
Summer: His niece. Q's side of the family.
Blakely: K.

Megan: My life sucks.
Well, Matt's your dad. Sorry kid.
She's adorable though.

Gabrielle: Nice of you to introduce me so late in the game.
Sorry. I just don't like Matt.
Gabrielle: OK. We can be friends then.

Summer: Uncle Matt, I'll give you the chance to consent. Do you consent?

Matt: F*ck no! I'll die before I allow that to happen!
Blakely: Die then.
Summer: *snigger* Thanks Blakely. That was funny. Now. Uncle Matthew. I told you I'd give you the chance to consent. Now, stand still.

Matt: Oh yeah, Moony! Fought that bitch off!
Violet: You gonna die...
Summer: I'm not going to kill him.
Blakely: Aw.

Violet: This is disturbing.
Blakely: It's what he deserves.
Violet: True.

Summer C: You have gotta get it together, Gabby! You two are stuck together now! I've given you the numbers for counsellors-
Gabrielle: I'd take you more seriously if you weren't stabbing me right in the boob.

Summer: Call me your guardian angel, girls. *shakes head* This fool thought he could match me...sorely mistaken you were, Uncle Matt.

Megan: Are you the devil?
(Little horror movie child right there)
Summer: Wha- no! I'm teleporting! This is just vampire mist and spell stuff.
Megan: Did you kill my dad?
Summer: Your dad is resting, dear.
Megan: So he is.
Summer: Listen, I don't wanna hurt kids, but I will squash any revenge plot your little mind tries to carry out.
Megan: Noted.

Summer: You're going d - oh what is it?
Quinton: You know what.
Summer: *innocent blinking*
Quinton: Ugh. Fine. I got a text from Gabby telling me you broke into their house and drained Matt.
Summer:...I neither confirm nor deny that statement.
Quinton: Chill. Sounds kind of funny. Gabby just wishes you to not scar her daughter next time.
Summer: Noted. If I did do that. Ha! Goal!

Quinton: By the way, I almost used an enchanting introduction on your friend. Eliza something.
Summer: WHAT?
Quinton: I never did it! It just showed up in my queue!
Summer: I may tell Mum...if you keep refusing to give me blood.

Q went to have a nap (his sleep schedule is f'ed) so I was bored. It was 6am and I had to wait until it was an acceptable hour to start a party.
So I did something incredibly impulsive and stupid.
I did 'wish for a kid' with no offering.
See that black cloud?
I wonder what it is.

Summer: Hahahahaha am I dreaming?
Get inside.
Danika: What about me?
I'm going to peruse the rules and see if I can get rid of her.

Summer: Ghost child? What?
Danika: I'm...I'm in the world! After that kid told me that joke and I died from laughter, I thought I'd -Hi Mum...Mum?
Summer: Ahahaha you're DEAD! And your backstory is so clunky! HA! *teleports inside*

Danika: Never mind. I have this!
She's super cute though.
I might move her out to live with Layla the ghost (if she's still around) when she gets older.
She has twenty days. Even Glass is going to live longer than twenty days at this point. I can do twenty days.
Also, she is now the eldest of Generation 8 (the other two, Ashby's son Conner and Zara's child Karl, are still toddlers). Even when I tried to have a Sutherland TH wait and not have kids super-early, fate will make it so the TH STILL has the eldest kid of every generation.
Anyway, it's party time. Incognito costume party round 2, at the dive bar in Oasis Springs. Because we're super classy like that.

Aahana: *fake cry* To be that unpopular.
Summer: STFU.
Seriously, the second I got on the lot, EVERY GUEST apart from Q and Danika popped off it. A-holes.
Sooooo I quit the party. At least I got another unique location added to milestone 3!

This Black and White Bash, at the Black and White Club I downloaded from the Gallery, seems to be going better.
Pity all of my CC kind of ruins the black and white theme.
Glass that is not an appropriate dress for a woman of your age, come on.
Bella: You'll never be as classy as the Goths!

Apparently this is a black, white and green bash.
Candy: We match!
Summer: I'm going to need someone to do a pat-down on you.

So, Lilith, how's marriage?
Lilith: Ugh.
Wouldn't expect anything else. Next!
Caleb: Look at me go!
Bella: I would.
Jordon: Same.
Lilith: What.
Is Elin even here? I never invite you anywhere without bringing her. What is this?

Ladies hangout!
Candy: I can get you ANYTHING...
Bella:...I may take you up on that.
Saya: Um, same?
Megan: So can she get me a pony?
Dina: Well, kid...
Megan: Or a new dad?
Dina: OK what's up with this kid?

Dina: So you lot do sparkle!
Lilith: Would you like me to end her?
Caleb: I'm generally a pretty chilled and calm vampire...but I'm seriously considering it.

Aw look! Kingston already trying to sneak in a drink.
Kingston: Uh...one alcohol please?
Mila: You don't know what the f*ck you're doing, do you?
Candy: Psh. Loser.
Summer: Yeah, you're hella lame, small cousin.
Kingston: *whimper* Just get me one, please.
Madeleine: Come on guys! Let's not act like this towards him! It's wrong.
You got it, Maddy.
Madeleine: Of course the boy doesn't know his alcohol! But don't worry, Kingston, I'll take you on a tour of mine.
Dammit Maddy.
Mila: Alright, you get chips.

Kingston: I got chiiiips!
Danika: Whatever floats your boat.

Dina: Q I'm not going to grind on you.
Quinton: Never asked.
Danika: What's grinding?
Quinton: Can we pretend you never asked that?
Dina: Who even brought these kids?
Megan: She said that the pills would be out-of-this-world! How does that work, Uncle Jordon?
Jordon: I'm going to pretend that wasn't asked as well.

Bella: What do you mean they're at the warehouse?
Candy: They're at the warehouse is what I mean, Bells.
Bella: BUT - they're illegal?
Candy:...Are ya dumb?

The vampires are just running around with their super-speed.
Caleb: Thanks, Saya. Let's get faceshit! Shitfaced! Whatever! Woo!
Saya: Th-that was mine.
Caleb: You snooze you lose. Woo!

Bella: Not that I'm NOT lonely...I mean, Mortimer is dead! But the thing is, Jordon...
Jordon: What?
Bella: You're married to Elin and, like a sensible person, I fear that bitch!
Danika: Dina, why's Bella calling a person a dog?
Dina: I'm not explaining that either, just keep dancing.

Megan: So can you come in the house and make my dad pass out too?
Lilith: That's against regulation - SUMMER!

Saya: Wow, Kingston, that is no way to behave at a party.
Lilith: You have three seconds before I rip that arm off.
Danika: And that's not against regulation?
Lilith: Shut up kid. I think he may have punctured my stomach.
Kingston: You sound like mother.
Saya: I really don't think that's a good thing.

Cooking lady: Put your hands up! Do the oven dance!
Caleb: *slurring* Are you an angel?

Silver medal people!

Y'know what kid? I like you. I'm going to keep you.
Danika: Bubbles....
Don't get creepy on me.

Oh wait who lives there? I remember now!
Lilith: *Office-style no*
Actually, it was Glass who got the invite, and she's tired so we're not going.

Perks of having a ghost child.
Summer: *yelling from kitchen* DANIKA, OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN.
How wonderfully domestic.
Due to the non-functioning caterers, Summer has had to give a lot of food away to party guests.

Rebuilding the rocket...

Why so pissy, Daya?
Daya: My foot is being swallowed by a pavement.
Anyway. It's Alien Night. Summer's parties might get more interesting if we invite aliens.

Summer: Alien in dress.
Rez: Nope.
Summer: Yes.

Eddie: Oh, that one with the black hair...hello there...
Rez: Hi.
Eddie: Well. All Sims are bisexual.

Summer 'discovered' two aliens. She got two moodlets!
Tell me how this makes sense.

Lilith and Margot adopted a teenage boy.
Margot: My protege. I shall be a perfect Auntie Elin figure to little Darius...Darian. I knew that.
Lilith: This kid is SCREWED.

Daya and Cassandra adopted this child.
Daya is still in the bar, I wonder how that works.
Oh well.
Next time, yet more parties. Probably some more breaking and entering. I may introduce Summer's spouse, or I may not.
Score Sheet- 25
Quinton: Yes?
Summer: I'm your darling daughter who you love very much, correct?
Quinton: *checks relationship panel* You're my favourite person apart from Glass. What do you want?
Summer: Remember my new feeding requirements?
Quinton: Uhhh...
Summer: Dad.

Quinton: Summer, I really don't want to...
Summer: Fine. I have a whim to drink one of those plasma packs. But I'll get you one day, pretty.
Quinton: Just invite Kale over a lot.
Summer: I dunno. I think he's still in the parcel I put him in after that lovely party we had.
Quinton: *sigh* Drink your plasma.

Summer: It's disgusting!
Quinton: You made your choice.

Well well well Q.
That's not happening though. Hahahaha. I love you but you gotta die at some point.

No no no.
I'm not OK with this.

Summer: URGH! I'm alive! I'm just really invisible!

I'm OK with this.
I feel like you two wouldn't be the closest couple, but you'll get on well when you do spend time together.

Apparently Anvi was not married to Ashby's baby daddy after all, even though the family tree said so at one point...can't even remember any crashes. WTF.
Your life is...
Anvi: A mess?
Good girl.
This guy looks like a sideburn-ed goblin.

Sawyer: Just read it.
Violet: Why is Violet sad...she has no body.
Sawyer: HA!
Violet: I'd strangle you if I had hands.
Sorry about the bad CC, my dear. I'll fix you later.
Why are we here? Because Summer is thirsty and I want to preserve her plasma packs. It turns out Summer C., her husband and her twin daughters live with Matt, his wife Gabrielle, plus their daughter (Megan) and some kid who is Gabrielle's from another guy.
We're going to feed off Matt.

Oh hai Matt.
Blakely: Are you going to say anything?
Matt: Nah. Moony told me that you're a disgrace, and I should ignore you forever.
Summer: You want me to teach him a lesson?
Blakely: Who are you?
Summer: His niece. Q's side of the family.
Blakely: K.

Megan: My life sucks.
Well, Matt's your dad. Sorry kid.
She's adorable though.

Gabrielle: Nice of you to introduce me so late in the game.
Sorry. I just don't like Matt.
Gabrielle: OK. We can be friends then.

Summer: Uncle Matt, I'll give you the chance to consent. Do you consent?

Matt: F*ck no! I'll die before I allow that to happen!
Blakely: Die then.
Summer: *snigger* Thanks Blakely. That was funny. Now. Uncle Matthew. I told you I'd give you the chance to consent. Now, stand still.

Matt: Oh yeah, Moony! Fought that bitch off!
Violet: You gonna die...
Summer: I'm not going to kill him.
Blakely: Aw.

Violet: This is disturbing.
Blakely: It's what he deserves.
Violet: True.

Summer C: You have gotta get it together, Gabby! You two are stuck together now! I've given you the numbers for counsellors-
Gabrielle: I'd take you more seriously if you weren't stabbing me right in the boob.

Summer: Call me your guardian angel, girls. *shakes head* This fool thought he could match me...sorely mistaken you were, Uncle Matt.

Megan: Are you the devil?
(Little horror movie child right there)
Summer: Wha- no! I'm teleporting! This is just vampire mist and spell stuff.
Megan: Did you kill my dad?
Summer: Your dad is resting, dear.
Megan: So he is.
Summer: Listen, I don't wanna hurt kids, but I will squash any revenge plot your little mind tries to carry out.
Megan: Noted.

Summer: You're going d - oh what is it?
Quinton: You know what.
Summer: *innocent blinking*
Quinton: Ugh. Fine. I got a text from Gabby telling me you broke into their house and drained Matt.
Summer:...I neither confirm nor deny that statement.
Quinton: Chill. Sounds kind of funny. Gabby just wishes you to not scar her daughter next time.
Summer: Noted. If I did do that. Ha! Goal!

Quinton: By the way, I almost used an enchanting introduction on your friend. Eliza something.
Summer: WHAT?
Quinton: I never did it! It just showed up in my queue!
Summer: I may tell Mum...if you keep refusing to give me blood.

Q went to have a nap (his sleep schedule is f'ed) so I was bored. It was 6am and I had to wait until it was an acceptable hour to start a party.
So I did something incredibly impulsive and stupid.
I did 'wish for a kid' with no offering.
See that black cloud?
I wonder what it is.

Summer: Hahahahaha am I dreaming?
Get inside.
Danika: What about me?
I'm going to peruse the rules and see if I can get rid of her.

Summer: Ghost child? What?
Danika: I'm...I'm in the world! After that kid told me that joke and I died from laughter, I thought I'd -Hi Mum...Mum?
Summer: Ahahaha you're DEAD! And your backstory is so clunky! HA! *teleports inside*

Danika: Never mind. I have this!
She's super cute though.
I might move her out to live with Layla the ghost (if she's still around) when she gets older.
She has twenty days. Even Glass is going to live longer than twenty days at this point. I can do twenty days.
Also, she is now the eldest of Generation 8 (the other two, Ashby's son Conner and Zara's child Karl, are still toddlers). Even when I tried to have a Sutherland TH wait and not have kids super-early, fate will make it so the TH STILL has the eldest kid of every generation.
Anyway, it's party time. Incognito costume party round 2, at the dive bar in Oasis Springs. Because we're super classy like that.

Aahana: *fake cry* To be that unpopular.
Summer: STFU.
Seriously, the second I got on the lot, EVERY GUEST apart from Q and Danika popped off it. A-holes.
Sooooo I quit the party. At least I got another unique location added to milestone 3!

This Black and White Bash, at the Black and White Club I downloaded from the Gallery, seems to be going better.
Pity all of my CC kind of ruins the black and white theme.
Glass that is not an appropriate dress for a woman of your age, come on.
Bella: You'll never be as classy as the Goths!

Apparently this is a black, white and green bash.
Candy: We match!
Summer: I'm going to need someone to do a pat-down on you.

So, Lilith, how's marriage?
Lilith: Ugh.
Wouldn't expect anything else. Next!
Caleb: Look at me go!
Bella: I would.
Jordon: Same.
Lilith: What.
Is Elin even here? I never invite you anywhere without bringing her. What is this?

Ladies hangout!
Candy: I can get you ANYTHING...
Bella:...I may take you up on that.
Saya: Um, same?
Megan: So can she get me a pony?
Dina: Well, kid...
Megan: Or a new dad?
Dina: OK what's up with this kid?

Dina: So you lot do sparkle!
Lilith: Would you like me to end her?
Caleb: I'm generally a pretty chilled and calm vampire...but I'm seriously considering it.

Aw look! Kingston already trying to sneak in a drink.
Kingston: Uh...one alcohol please?
Mila: You don't know what the f*ck you're doing, do you?
Candy: Psh. Loser.
Summer: Yeah, you're hella lame, small cousin.
Kingston: *whimper* Just get me one, please.
Madeleine: Come on guys! Let's not act like this towards him! It's wrong.
You got it, Maddy.
Madeleine: Of course the boy doesn't know his alcohol! But don't worry, Kingston, I'll take you on a tour of mine.
Dammit Maddy.
Mila: Alright, you get chips.

Kingston: I got chiiiips!
Danika: Whatever floats your boat.

Dina: Q I'm not going to grind on you.
Quinton: Never asked.
Danika: What's grinding?
Quinton: Can we pretend you never asked that?
Dina: Who even brought these kids?
Megan: She said that the pills would be out-of-this-world! How does that work, Uncle Jordon?
Jordon: I'm going to pretend that wasn't asked as well.

Bella: What do you mean they're at the warehouse?
Candy: They're at the warehouse is what I mean, Bells.
Bella: BUT - they're illegal?
Candy:...Are ya dumb?

The vampires are just running around with their super-speed.
Caleb: Thanks, Saya. Let's get faceshit! Shitfaced! Whatever! Woo!
Saya: Th-that was mine.
Caleb: You snooze you lose. Woo!

Bella: Not that I'm NOT lonely...I mean, Mortimer is dead! But the thing is, Jordon...
Jordon: What?
Bella: You're married to Elin and, like a sensible person, I fear that bitch!
Danika: Dina, why's Bella calling a person a dog?
Dina: I'm not explaining that either, just keep dancing.

Megan: So can you come in the house and make my dad pass out too?
Lilith: That's against regulation - SUMMER!

Saya: Wow, Kingston, that is no way to behave at a party.
Lilith: You have three seconds before I rip that arm off.
Danika: And that's not against regulation?
Lilith: Shut up kid. I think he may have punctured my stomach.
Kingston: You sound like mother.
Saya: I really don't think that's a good thing.

Cooking lady: Put your hands up! Do the oven dance!
Caleb: *slurring* Are you an angel?

Silver medal people!

Y'know what kid? I like you. I'm going to keep you.
Danika: Bubbles....
Don't get creepy on me.

Oh wait who lives there? I remember now!
Lilith: *Office-style no*
Actually, it was Glass who got the invite, and she's tired so we're not going.

Perks of having a ghost child.
Summer: *yelling from kitchen* DANIKA, OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN.
How wonderfully domestic.
Due to the non-functioning caterers, Summer has had to give a lot of food away to party guests.

Rebuilding the rocket...

Why so pissy, Daya?
Daya: My foot is being swallowed by a pavement.
Anyway. It's Alien Night. Summer's parties might get more interesting if we invite aliens.

Summer: Alien in dress.
Rez: Nope.
Summer: Yes.

Eddie: Oh, that one with the black hair...hello there...
Rez: Hi.
Eddie: Well. All Sims are bisexual.

Summer 'discovered' two aliens. She got two moodlets!
Tell me how this makes sense.

Lilith and Margot adopted a teenage boy.
Margot: My protege. I shall be a perfect Auntie Elin figure to little Darius...Darian. I knew that.
Lilith: This kid is SCREWED.

Daya and Cassandra adopted this child.
Daya is still in the bar, I wonder how that works.
Oh well.
Next time, yet more parties. Probably some more breaking and entering. I may introduce Summer's spouse, or I may not.
Score Sheet- 25
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (57) +285
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (5) +25
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (87) -435
Self Wetting (25) -125
Fires (7) -70
Fires (7) -70
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