7.1 - A Tale of Terrible Parties

I'm sorry this took so long, I have been unmotivated and terrible for the past month and a half.
OK Generation 7 time now.
The first picture I have of Summer is her hiding in bed from embarrassment.
Summer: Must...hide...
...watched over by her dearest china bunnies.
Bunny #1: Watch mistress! Watch mistress!
Bunny #2: No! NO! It's wall time! Stop being such a creep, 1!
Bunny #1: What? She's not even doing anything. Yet. Unfortunately...
Bunny #2: EW WHAT-
Summer: Can you lousy weirdos shut up? I'm busy mourning what my life will become.
(What, I want Pets now, but that's not happening for a while, so yeah. I'm making up my own).
Summer: YO PINK DUDE! I gotta make 'introductions' or some shit so say hi, come on over!
Sebastian: I do believe I am literally right over here.
Kingston: FIX ME.
There, you're fixed.
For some reason after I left CAS we were taken back to the home lot and I wasn't bothered to go out again so Summer can resume her first milestone tomorrow.
Paolo: Oh hell no, I'm not taking part in this shit.
Yes you are.
Paolo: You are?
No, you are.
Paolo: Sorry. I am?
You are.
Summer: I'm going to be holding a lot of parties...perhaps you may be given the opportunity to attend some.
Paolo: Yes please! When will that be-
Summer: You'll know.
Paolo: Can't wait.
Summer: If all goes well you won't be waiting too long.
Somehow, she reminds me of the femme fatale archetype. An insane blue femme fatale. I can work with that.
No! She still had kids and stuff! And a wife! And she only just became an elder! What gives, GAME?
Anyway, RIP Vesana, evil gluttonous bitch, kinda fabulous. Loved her very much, despite her clone status. See you in hell.
Quinton: Guess what this hand doesn't carry anymore? THE TORCH! Yeah, the Q is free!
Glass: Great, a useless husband!
Quinton: She says, like she hasn't had a fully uncontrollable life.
Glass: Talk to this hand, which has a-
Quinton: That's a plate of pasta!
Guys don't fight.
Paolo wtf.
Paolo: She said there was a party!
Rachel, you disappoint me. I did all that work and you decide to knock yourself up with a bit of this dumbf*ck's genes. Come on.
Rachel: I love him. And you did jack, it took like two clicks.
Rachel: Plus Charlee did the same.
Charlee is a Lexie child so I don't care that much, plus her elderly vampire husband doesn't inspire the same level of hatred in me.
Rachel: Plus Chester knocked up that nondescript thing.
Stop grasping at straws, Lyric seems fine.
HAHAHA what.
That is Vesa's widow.
Girl please.
Rachel: Apparently I'm the worst though.
Well I like that guy, shut up.
Rachel: Apparently I'm the worst though.
Well I like that guy, shut up.

Bronson: I'm saaad.
Not today, I just want to get through to tomorrow.
Bronson: Nope. Here to f up your ultra-speed.

Paolo: This is the worst party I have ever been to!
Paolo: First, all three of the other people went to bed, and then a ghost got me wet! I thought she would hold good parties!
Paolo: That ghost is allowed!

Oh, time to introduce the newest member of the family. There's no baby you say? Well of course. Meet Dino.
Blarffy: First rule of living here is that you don't talk about-
Uni: It's not Fight Club, Blarf.
Blarffy: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. You a-holes get left alone while I am beaten day and night!
Dino: O__O Am I going to get beaten too?
Blarffy: If I'm lucky!
Drago: BLARFFY! Get it together! There is no need to wish harm upon others!
Blarffy: I can't take this anymore! I'd do anything!
Drago: NO! Remember who you are!
Blarffy: I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE! I just don't know! I once considered you a friend, Uni, but...I...I can't.
Uni : *sigh* I miss those days.
Blarffy: So do I.
Drago: He is right about the first rule though. If he talks it's remembering the trauma and if we talk it's taunting. So shut up.
Dino: O__O__O__ O__O

Paolo: I'm never coming to one of your parties again!

Wrong supernatural state, dummy. Now get out. I have no need for blood-sucking pencils here.

Vlad: F*ck it, I'm going to coffin.
To cough in what?
Vlad: Probably your next meal if you don't stop making horrible jokes.
...Fair enough.

Shanice: RAAHHH-
Summer: Oh Neecey! Remember last time? Well, now I have knives. And a wood stake. And something that'll kill you.
Shanice: ...Try me.
Summer: Do you want to die?

Summer: Maybe being forced awake before everyone else has its perks!
Summer: Guess what's on my unwashed hands.
Channeling Scarlett, are we?
Summer: Who the f*ck is that?
Learn your history, child.

I'm going to make you throw a party soon.

Glass: Stem the tide!
...Well thanks for cleaning anyway, Glass.

Summer: Hey handsome...
Vaughn: What do you want?
Summer: Oh, screw it, I'm never going to see you again, this is an aspiration thing, WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SALAD?
Summer: More fool you then.

Back in the house...
Quinton: I'm having NO FUN!
I wonder why.

Summer: Hey. Apparently we haven't officially met yet, Uncle Jordon. Really game?
Jordon: I know! Why was I named this way? What is my life? Am I a complete loser or something?
Summer: Look, sometimes I think about how tough your life is. You gotta be some man to be married to my aunt. And I feel bad for you. But then I remember I don't care. Bye Jordon.
Jordon: Wow. You were the only person who even mentioned-
Summer: And now I'm leaving. Bye Jordon.

Back to the one and only Q...
Quinton: I can see all the words and none of the words!
Quinton: It's fantastic!
Quinton: Shut up, NESSIE reads like this!
Didn't say anything.
Quinton: HA!
Shut up.
My sweet baby Q, you're already losing it.

Summer: Hey.
Eliza: Nope.

Daya is still my Sim-crush.
For some reason she's hotter when she's angry and that's weird.
Daya: My life sucks. I live in the old Goth manor and there are ghosts. F*cking everywhere.
Well you can come to our parties!
Daya:...Pass. I grew up here. So obviously I'll avoid. Laters.

Right. Hi Annabelle. Summer, get over here.
Summer: You're really-
Yes. Oh yes. I'm not being picky here, Missy. You'll never have to see them again if they're lame, so stop whining and hurry up.

Literally two minutes later...
Summer: -I'll stab YOUR stupid baby, you stupid bitch-
Annabelle: Little girl, I own a whip-
Summer: HAH! KINKY!
Annabelle: Your point being...?
Summer: What was my point?
Annabelle: Are you saying...?
Summer: Nope. Oh no no.

Grief-banging didn't go well for you?
Anvi: Nope. I messed up.
You messed up, honey. You messed up.
But that's OK! Summer's going to be throwing parties!
Anvi: How does that help with anyth-?
PARTIES! Summer, get over here!

Summer C (got married): Well. Hi.
Summer S: Hey.
Summer C: Anyway, what's up?
Summer S: You're probably the least lame person I've met all day, just saying.
Summer C: Thanks.
Summer S: Low bar though.
Summer C:...OK. OK.

And first milestone done!
Summer: Hey. Bye. We're done here. Aspiration milestone complete!
Krishna: Wha-
Summer: I don't need you anymore. Time to party with people I actually like!
Krishna: Well-
Summer: Dude. Why are you still here? Go shave your back or something.
+5. Ohhhhh the positive points feel good!

Well damn Summer.
Even as a clown you look super hot.
Summer: Well of course.
The party begins! Incognito costume party this time.

Elin: Stupid game mechanics.
Aarush: Feel the muuuuusic...
Elin: I hate my life.

Paolo: Now this is what I call a party! Don't I look fabulous?
You're still dumb though.

Ashby: Margot said I was to be the hotdog princess!
Ashby: I think I just look stupid though.
Aw babe...well...
Ashby: *sigh*

Elin: Well HELLO sexy!
Summer: I didn't even bring out drinks yet!
Aarush: Summer I'm scared.
Summer: None of this concerns you, Aarush.
Ashby: Shame...shame...

Hey Margot.
Ashby: Dislike very much.
Margot: Mwah.

Paolo: Salute to the gods of eyelash-curlers!
Margot: Clearly you don't pray well.
Paolo: Exsqueeze me?
Margot: They're falling out.
Summer: Dears, dears, get along, please.
Margot: This party sucks.
Summer: I realise.

Kingston. Didn't your mother teach you any better?
Kingston: What? It's soft and fluffy. And there's a nice breeze on-
Kingston: Legs. Totally gonna say legs.

Ashby: Hey pretty one.
Lucas: I'm married to your cousin.
Summer: Who cares about that?
Lucas: Butt out. This is the worst party ever, Summer.
Ashby: Oh now I remember! I hate you, Lucas.
Lucas: You booby-trapped the sauna! I could have lost an arm!

Hey Rachel. Nice costume you've got there. How are you?
Rachel: My husband is on the brink of death. He could have lived forever.
But he sucks.
Rachel: That wasn't for you to decide.
...Yes it was.

Well. HA. Don't insult my authority again. I am omnipotent to you pixels.
Rachel: What did you show them?
You'll find out soon.
(I lie, this happened already. She was doomed from the start.)

Margot: LIIIIGHTS! I curse you!
Daya: O___O
Rachel: I sense some crazy behind me...
Daya: Says you. Chips.

This is actually the worst party.

Seriously Shanice?
Why did we even invite you?
Don't blame the vampire thing. Everyone else got in the house. You were outside for ages. I saw you.
Shanice: HOT HOT HOT - like me- AHHHH IT BURNS
Good riddance, Shanice.

Del: Look, we're counter buddies.
Summer: Don't put me on the same level as you, Auntie Del.

Del: See? Your party is terrible.
Summer: Shut up. Let's mourn Shannon or whatever her name was and go back to my AWESOME PARTY.
Daya: But I don't give a shit.
Quinton: Daughter. We must cherish and respect dear and departed...I wanna say Bobby.
Summer: You don't even know her, Dad.
Summer: Alright, Kingston. Get in the shot. What is it?

Kingston: 'Tis I who did it!
Daya: Well that's a f*ckin' lie.
Kingston: *sniff* I just want Mum to be proud of me!

Grim: Well, well, well, Grimmy. A double appointment! And no nitwits around this one! Damn it feels good to be a Reaper!
(Yes I did just do that)

Grim: Spoke too soon.
Quinton: BOBBY! Or was it Steve? STEVE!
Kingston: Why can't Mum just be proud of me?
Margot: WAH! A bloodsucker dead! She could have caused so much more misery.
Aarush, Saya, Paolo and Summer C: *general sadness*
Daya:...Why do any of you care?
Grim: You. I like you.
Daya x Reaper?
Daya: Married.
Grim: Busy.
Summer, yelling from the kitchen: Oh GET ON WITH IT! I hate that bitch. She stole my blood!

Woo. Party unsuccessful.
Saya: Well...that sucked.
Rachel: Lol.
Ashby: Shiny hotdog princess!
Summer: God I hate you.
Lady in background: NOT YOUR MOTHER.

Glass: I can't ballet right!
I know you're getting older but you can definitely get your leg higher than that.
Glass: Don't you care about my promotion?
Yes. Yes I do. Level 6, can you believe? I guess she has had a lot of time, but still.

Quinton: Guests...?
Quit tending the bar, Q! They've all gone home, the party sucked...yeah. Go do something useful.

Summer: I despise my existence. Give me something good, OK.
We can do it tonight.
Summer:...what tonight?
You'll see.

You're alive?
And her wife's pregnant with Sebby Westbrook's kid. He was actually at the fail party but he was so boring that he didn't appear in any screenshots.
Actually, a quick check shows they're not married anymore, as Anvi married Ashby's baby daddy Nash during Vesa's time with the deceased.
God this family is a mess.

Anyway, back to Summer's life.
Summer: I dunno. It looks like a sparkle.
Vlad: You've said that about every single one.

Like an asshole, Vlad teleported into the house, but I'm not giving up that easy.
Apparently he's living with Mila Munch and her two daughters. How her old ass popped out the tiny one...I've just decided to not give a shit.
Anyway, I had to move onto Caleb because he really didn't like her. He rebuffed a 'Get to Know' interaction, so she started mocking his plasma thirst and outfit.
Well. What did I expect?
And then Caleb WASN'T EVEN HOME.
Goddamn it, literally everything about today has been a failure. Bodes well for the rest of this Gen, huh?

I know, hon. I know.
Ida: What? Not this! My urn is just really uncomfortable!

Lilith: I hate my life....
Summer: Oh cheer up. I have an offer for you. And get the hell inside, do you want to burn alive, abandon all your children, and leave them to be sucked into the game vortex?

Summer: If you help me, I'll get you a nicer place to live!
Lilith: Oh. Thank you. Move, brats, Mummy's talking business.
Aubrey (redhead): So I won't have to sleep on the floor?
Rebekah (purple hat): Maybe. But we might push you there anyway.
Olive: It's kinda funny.
Lilith: Aren't they lovely. Brats. Leave.

Summer: -haha, you really could have done better.
Lilith: Oh, I know. But I had quadruplets and she was the only one available. I'm gonna go places without her now.
Summer: But-
Lilith: I was sad because she brought in the paychecks.
Olive: Mummy didn't love Mummy?
Rebekah: Eh.
Aubrey: No I'm not sleeping on the damn floor, guys, come on!

Summer: Basically I was just trying to schmooze you into turning me. I have connections with the Watcher and she'll get you a better house. Deal or no deal?
Lilith: F*ck yeah, gimme that nice blue neck! *just wants to leave this crappy bungalow*

Lilith: GET READY-
Summer: Ughabshlugh
Rebekah: Cool, right?
Olive: WOW!
Devonte: Just keep watching, just keep watching....

Lilith: Now bite, fledgling -
Summer: *rips through the bracelet Lilith's wearing*
Lilith: Are you serious? You couldn't have taken off my bracelet?
Summer: *muffled* Relax, I'll get you a new one.

I was so grateful this worked out that I kept the promise and moved them into this lovely San Myshuno penthouse.
Back to Summer's life now.
To celebrate, Summer is throwing a house party in the new penthouse!
Lilith: SHIT, do not want-
Too late, my lovely.

Summer: Have fun, lovely parents.
Quinton: I don't appreciate this-
Glass: I was sleeping, dammit!
Quinton: I mean every time...I even had to bartend my own wedding!

Eliza: Nice place this is...you must have been real successful...
Del: Wha...ahem, I mean, yeah! This is all mine, can you believe?
Ashby: *side-eye*

Q and Glass are protesting the party by staying out here and repeatedly making out.
Oh, and that is what Glass looks like unrendered.

Elin: -haha, you don't get it, I would love it if you borrowed my eyelash curler more often!
Jordon: But it hurts when I use it!
Elin: And that is why it makes me so happy to lend it to you!

Elin: You married me, ass! And those are your eyelashes you dipshit!
Margot: YES ELIN. Murder his face.
Vlad: She's so beautiful...I hate it.
(He does have a flirty thought bubble so I improvised)
Summer: I can hear you.
Vlad: So what. You're pretty. Deal with it.
Summer: I have, quite well, and if you touch me, I will fling a child at you. In fact, this one will do quite nicely.
Olive: What did I do?
Annabelle: Oh honey, you were just there. This one's just crazy.
Del: Why am I even here?

Del: Whatever. I'm just gonna make the most of this good computer - suck it Lilith! Die!
Lilith: I'll return from this.
Del: You can't return from the dead.
Lilith: Well you can, if some person who loves you gets a lot of ingredients-
Del: Oh hahaha. You're going down.
Summer: I might just fling you anyway, child-
Olive: Try me.
Lilith: You touch my daughter and I fling you.
Jordon: And I said, hahaha, Elin, my eyes hurt so bad! Call an ambulance!
Vlad: So pretty...
Summer: And she said what?
Jordon: NO! She said NO! Hahahahahaha!

Ashby: Hugs!
Elin: Five seconds.
Vlad: Yeah right, little child. You will never-
Olive: Were you going to say 'best me?' I think you were going to say that. I'm going to call bullshit, Vladislaus!
Jordon: You probably won't, kid.
Summer: Hm...don't say anything against this child's aspirations ever again, Jordon.
Jordon: Noted, ma'am.
Ashby: I thought he only called you that in-
Elin: Sh.
Olive: Didn't you threaten to fling me out of a window?
Summer: Aren't we both against Vlad?
Olive: Right.

Margot: My hair...*wink*! WINK GUYS!
Rebekah: She's cool.
Devonte: Wut.
Devonte is the one normal child, and the only boy at that. Poor kid, that's a double whammy.

Everyone hates Vlad!
Summer: Excellent.
Except Lilith.
Summer: Betrayer.
Lilith: Don't even think about it.
Think about- ohhhh. Well, you mentioned it.
Lilith: I can read your thoughts! You were totally thinking about it before I even said anything!
*leaves in shame*

Del: *smiles like a demon*
Paolo: I don't really like her parties.
Well, sorry, but-
Paolo: I may have enjoyed that one with the old parents and the wet ghost better than this!
Ya dumb.

Eliza: Honestly, if I could get a place like this, I'd leave Bob in a second-
Rachel: Haha my husband's probably going to die before he meets our children but you can just think of leaving like this hahaha-
Margot: I don't think people at this party really like me.
Eliza: Did you hear some sort of whining insect?
Rachel: Mm. Maybe.
Devonte, Rebekah and Audrey: Avoid the eye contact. Just don't look.

Summer: Uhhhh...

Everyone has actually acted like they're at a party and started dancing.
Vlad: You're hot too.
Margot: Eh.
Ashby: No chance, vampire boy.
Rachel: My husband....
Dammit, you're making me feel bad now. I'm not changing anything though.

We made it! Silver medal! Wooooooo!
If anything, I think Summer's forays into parties have just proven that the townspeople are nearly as stupid and random as the dear Sutherlands.

Summer: This water is disgusting.
What. How. Water is water, there is no quality to be assigned-
Summer: Well it's brown-
Nice. I don't think I want to know. Let's let the Vatores enjoy their new penthouse.

Kale: Why wasn't I invited?
Glass: Because Summer hates you, honey. Don't worry, it sucked.
Kale: You didn't even go inside!
I hate it when Kale is right.

Also, Madeleine's kid grew up. She was the evil toddler wishing to vanquish dear Q. Now she looks like a shady pumpkin. Oh, how time flies.

A little later, Margot is in our house for some reason...
Summer: -yeah, of course they loved you at the party, sis...
Margot: Aw yeah! Knew it!

Summer: Meh meh meh! I'm Margot and I think people might want to spend time with my stupid self! All I do is mess with others and worship my evil auntie! Meeeehhhh!

Margot: Sis?
Summer: I wear a stupid hat and still live with my sister!
Margot: You live with our parents!
Summer: I HAVE TO. You're just lame.
Margot: That genuinely hurt.
What is up with you today, Margot? You're normally kinda cool. Right now you're just sad.

Q hasn't moved and he got home two hours ago.
Quinton: Is this what it is like...to be one of...them?
Quinton: Ah. Poor Glass. And Dad. I mean, jeez.
I know. That's the way an ISBI goes though.
Just get inside, Q.
Next time, Summer's transformation takes place, and there are more parties.
Score Sheet- 25
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (56) +280
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (5) +25
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (86) -430
Self Wetting (25) -125
Fires (7) -70
Fires (7) -70
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