Gunther: It's odd. Once again, straight after giving birth, my girlfriend has asked me to leave the house for a couple of hours. You would think she would like me around to help with the recovery and that.
Welcome back to the WYDC. It's been forever, I know. But I'm on a bit of a Sims kick right now, and because of my heir poll (see last post) I can't play the ISBI save. So I'm doing this, and it's more fun than I remembered. I think after this I can get at least one more WYDC chapter out before the heir poll for Gen 7 closes, if I keep writing/playing at this rate.

Elin: Knock me up already, my boyfriend's gonna be back soon!

Oh my God.

After the deed...
Elin: I met you at the park bench and asked you to be my next one. I don't know why you're surprised!
Vikram: But...but...we exchanged plastic roses!
Elin: Ugh! Everyone gets a plastic rose! It's not special and you certainly aren't special either! OUT.

Phillip: She asked you to leave the house?
Gunther: Yeah...
Phillip: Like straight-up asked you, didn't fudge around with the question...
Gunther: No, my Elin's very direct.
Phillip: OK, I'm sure it's fine then.
Little do you boys know...

Elin: Round 4!

Oh well, at least Gunther won the self-help book market.

Gunther: Hey - are you -
Elin: Nah. Too many pancakes.

Yet ANOTHER child from the stupid creepy cult family!

Gunther: You look pregnant...
Elin: Fine, I'll check!

*two minutes later*
Gunther: So it's definitely mine?
Elin: Oh sure!

She looks like Wanda why.
Why did I make a member of the creepy cult family look like one of my favourite Sims of all time?

Maranda, Az's
Cambodia: I'M DYING HELP
Maranda: Who's blocking you from an actual source affection and nutrition? I am!
Maybe she is evil after all.

Rules state I need to marry her off before baby E, so I'm going to do it sooner than later.
Elin: About time.
Gunther: Uhh...*drops ring* WTF am I even doing...

Gunther: What do you want from me...
Elin: Nothing....just being nice. That was fun. Now put me down so we can get married.
Gunther: Now? As in, say our vows and do it now.

Elin: Yes now! You think I have all the time in the world?
Gunther: But my family...
Elin: Forget your family; you belong to me!

Gunther: Oh well. *clears throat* Dear Elin, from the day you threatened to kidnap me and trap me in your house...
Elin: Yes, a nice memory, keep going.

Gunther: I knew there was something about you...
Elin: Of course, of course...

Gunther: And I felt compelled to stay. So here we are, getting married by the side of the crappy house.
Elin: Nice, nice.

Gunther: I promise to clean every day, and put my writing career behind yours...
Elin: (Under. My. Thumb.)

Elin: Would now be a bad time to mention the little poison darts in here?
Gunther: Uhhh...
Elin: Of course, I'd never have to use them...

Elin: And now, we become one!
Gunther: I don't want to get this close.

Elin: 'Twas a joke, new husband. You're way more useful when not clipped into me. Now get back to your life, I gotta pee.
Best wedding ever.

And best relationship!


The next morning...
I mainly play the ISBI, where our appliances and plumbing are actually stable.
*sigh* GUNTHER...
Damned mods.

Elin: Oh don't worry, my pretty, I'll still get you.
Kian: ...
Yeah, sorry. No escape. And they're married already, keep up honey.

Bret gets it.
Bret: Nah. Not salty at all.

Birthday time! Firstborn is already a teen, hell yeah!
Elin: They're coming...aaagh...!
Az: This is the best birthday ever!

Which means Maranda needs a birthday too.
Maranda: Wow, you got tall. And ugly.

Maranda: One word...
Az: Wooo! Pigtails, pink dress and sparkles! WOOOOO!
Elin: Haha...
Maranda: If you tell anyone, you die. Simple as that.
Elin: She's so mad...*wipes tear*
Maranda: *growls*

Az looks like Marcus, apart from having Elin's lips.

And her butt, lol.

Maranda: Much better.

I almost forgot to add reminders of her childhood eccentricity...so yeah. Flat cap and weird goggles.
She's a klepto too, lol, but she wants her soulmate (Az, obvs).
Tbh I think I like Maranda more than I like any of the kids so far.

Bosnia: Um? Hello! I think she broke me!
Elin: Don't touch me like that, son.
Az:...yeah, Maranda, you remind me SO MUCH of my mum!
Maranda: That's not a good thing, Az!
So much wrong with this picture.

Az, you're an idiot, wtf are you doing?
Maranda: *charmed anyway*
Maranda: What? He's an idiot, but a pliable one. His mother made sure of that.

First kiss, yay!
Love these two.
It was then I realised that Az was supposed to wait three days before ageing up.
Oh well. As penance, he will stick around three days after meeting the teen requirements.

Maranda: Who's my little pliable squeeze? You are! YOU ARE!
Az: I just love it when you compliment me.
Maranda: Not really a - OK whatever, you're welcome Az.

Well. They needed fun and I don't have any other Woohoo spots at the house.

Maranda: Well, that was the worst, gotta run!
Ok then-!
Maranda: JK JK. Gotta run because the finer I look, the more under my thumb that boy gets!

Hey! Maranda's getting a sibling!
I swear I don't mean to keep focusing on her...it's just that she and Az are way more interesting than anyone else right now. I mean Gunther is put-upon and unwillingly domestic, Bosnia is the slowest skiller ever, Elin is whiny, evil and pregnant...it's same old, same old.

Scratch that, something interesting is (hopefully) gonna happen.
Elin: What? If he's going to show up and hiss like a moron, he can at least be useful to me.

Hi Vlad. Nice of you to drop by.
Vlad: I'm breaking in.
It's cute you think you have the power right now.
Elin: Oh, hey. You're that creepy pencil vampire dude.
Vlad: What a lovely home you have here, Mrs Sutherland. And neck.

Elin: Oh Straud, you're not going to have my neck. But you could have something else...
Vlad: Interested...

Gunther: I thought I heard something...
Gunther: Chill I shall be...but I don't think that's-
She is crying, and that is all! Now get to it!
Gunther: Where's-

Elin: Be...my...next, be my next-

Vlad: -don't even get me started! The sun, it just burns through you-
Elin: *feigned enthusiasm* Great! Can we seal this deal and I'll call you in a few days, how about that? It's three am.
One heck of a wedding night, Elin.
Elin:...There's a great bush out here, Vlad. Let's go and have some privacy.
I literally control you; I could pan the camera over and watch. But I shan't.
Elin: Sooo grateful.

Dude, quit. You just knocked up another woman, you were Dad #1 so it's been ages, and no-one else does this! Evan only tries to contact Bosnia, and the others give no f*cks. So how about you follow their example?

Elin: I love this kid! Already endangering and attempting to harm her sibling! A fighter, this one!
Yeah yeah, meet Cambodia, first toddler of the WYDC.

Gunther: You stay here forever now.
No use putting the toddler stuff upstairs.

Mila what the heck,
Gunther: What?

Elin: YES. One day I WILL kill a man.
Az: K mum.

Hey Bos. What's happening?
Bosnia: Eh. Just being a normal kid. Swinging around, building skill.
This is why this is your only appearance this chapter.

Elin: I like that girlfriend of yours. It seems like she could take over the world.
Az: I think I kind of just want a quiet life with her.
Elin: A quiet life with an evil klepto. Oh honey. You'll be in for one heck of a ride.

Elin: That ain't good.

Evan. I appreciate the fact that you're trying to have a relationship with your daughter. However, IT IS 10PM! BUY A CLOCK.
Oh, and a nightclub? For shame.

Gunther: Finally a chance to work on my writing!
Yeah, the roles have reversed tonight. Elin is outside taking care of the plants, and Gunther is writing!

Elin: *sigh* You just had to switch our roles when I'm in my third trimester.
Uh, yeah, I'm changing that shirt now...
Elin: Way to avoid the topic at hand.

Cam: Hmm. Acceptable.
Toddlers are actually so much easier to take care of when controllable.

Like all kids of today, Cam spends all her time on the tablet.
Though in the Sim world it's just because of skilling. She's learning Imagination and I don't have enough space for a dollhouse.

Elin: Gunther? Hon? We're gonna need some cleanup around here...
Gunther: La-di-da, wife in labour...I'mma read a book.
Eh, I don't care what you do.

Elin: You shall be Denmark.
Denmark: *babbles*
Djibouti: And I'm Djibouti, yo!

Djibouti: Yeah me. Djibouti. Now put me in the good room with my bro and parents.
Well, one of them.
Gunther: Sorry?
Gunther: I already kinda do.
Shut your face, Gunther, and get back to work.
So yeah. Twins. Surprise! (Nah, not really. I knew the entire chapter).
Next time, Baby E is conceived, born, and we will then have a stretch of time where no babies are born, because it's gonna take a long time to skill Az up, plus I have to keep him three days extra as penance for ageing him early.
(Update: 26 pregnancies, not 26 kids. So yeah. These are the D kids, not the D and E kids.)
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