Gunther: Is it odd that Elin forced me to go fish out here at 10pm at night? I hope she's not planning on anything.
*cough* Of course not!
Welcome back to Elin's WYDC.

Az: Hi Gummy - that's not the forever-slave!
Az you got in at the worst moment.
Az: I shall keep my mother's secrets.
Good. I like you, kid.

What exactly is Elin doing?

Elin: Douchey ponytail, terrible shirt and some weird thing about hands. No thank you.
Bret: *gasp* I should have known!
Really. You should have.

Elin: Phew. Don't have to see him again!

Elin: Wait. I hate being pregnant.

Poor man. Sleeping in a bed where his girlfriend did the nasty with another man not two hours ago. The horror.
Gunther: What?

Gunther: This isn't even my kid...and I wonder about the next one too. I have an inkling.
Stamp that out and be a good househusband.

Az: You have walked into my trap! Haha!
Alex: Why do I keep coming back here?

Kian: So you won't try and make me call you or take you out for dinner?
Elin: No. I just need your spawn and you can leave me.
Kian: Cheques?
Elin: Eh.
Kian: OK, it's a deal.

Gunther: I'm sorry Wolfgang...it's been a rollercoaster. I didn't mean to take off that quick, honestly-
Wolfgang: Are you kidding? Mum gave me your room. We even had a party.
Gunther: You didn't invite-
Wolfgang: No. The point was Mum celebrating the fact that you weren't around anymore.

Gunther: But-
Wolfgang: It's great! Mum might even buy me a car now that she doesn't have to support you. Trust me bro, we're fine.

Elin has to do her wooing out here now. Gunther is confined to the house, writing a book.
Also, this guy is a klepto cop. Le irony.

Maranda: Love and that junk huh? Too cool for that.
This isn't love.
Elin: So what's your favourite position?

Gunther: I’m not going to ask who that is and why he’s here, as I feel it’ll make my life more difficult.
Maranda: I'll get him one day.
Maranda is also evil.

Lukas (bro to Evan): I was looking for Elin.
Gunther: Elin is occupied elsewhere, I can invite you round later when she is not busy.
Lukas: So you're her little househusband...works for me.

Maranda and Az are really hitting it off, despite her being evil. I admit when I saw her trait and general weirdness I thought future love interest.
I think that even more now; keep talking, kids.
Maranda: Yeah, it's only me...
Az: My mummy says she's going to have 24 more kids.
Maranda: I highly doubt that.
Az: Hm...if anyone can do it my mummy can, Maranda!

Vikram:...Is that plastic?
Elin: Take it or leave it; you could lose a chance with this.
Vikram:...Why not?

Elin: Is this the same rose I just gave to you?
Vikram: *cough* Uhhh... *cough cough* Yeah, a...uh, beautiful flower deserves to be with the most...ehm...beautiful of them all.
Elin: You are such bullshit...but we're both flirty so this should be easy.

Elin: Annnnnd easy.
Vikram: Why won't she touch my lips?

Yes Az!
It was a huge piece of annoyance to send him out talking to everyone all the time, but it was worth it because now I can focus on Bosnia when she ages up.

I did not invite you up here.
Oh, she's sciencey...Az, you're marrying her.
Az: (spits out grilled cheese) I'm SEVEN

(Yeah, Elin had WooHoo with Kian.)
Here is Marcus doing his best to not appear salty.

Gunther: Hi honey...why are you in your pyjamas?
Elin: And then I said to him - you don't get to leave! Ahahaha-
Gunther: Who's she talking about?
NEVER MIND. Run along and fix the f*cking toilet.

Maranda: Turtle, right?
Az: Yes, I'll agree, that's a turtle. Mummy says that women generally end up being right, and I listen to her.
Your mother would say that.
Maranda: Your mother is right.
Az: OK then!
Az: Um. We're busy.

You give me a 'left at the altar' vibe.

Hey Old Man Child.
Mack: We can have some prune juice and talk about it, Miss.

Oh come on Maranda, eating our food?
Still love ya though.

Because there is no way Elin wouldn't manage to secure this.

That's the second time a sink has broken in TWO HOURS, what the hell game?
Get working, Gunther.

The mailman is supposed to come straight to the mailbox! Not walk through the back door, the house and then to the mailbox!
He has red hair so there might be a use for him at some point.

Gunther has FINALLY finished a book. They're not named like Elin's, so that's why it wasn't mentioned before. He is a level 7 though.
Elin has also finished her book, a Romance named You Don't Get To Leave.

This actually looks fairly functional...couple enjoying a nice lunch on the sofa, the child doing homework in the background...

Elin moves onto self-help.

Az: How I wish my science table wasn't pressed against the wall.

Ah. I see.

In a subconscious, slightly resentful competition against his girlfriend, Gunther is also attempting to make inroads into the self-help market.
He has based the book on his own experiences.
With whom, he will not say. He has seen the videos.

Az has invited his little

Bosnia: Goodbye, former home...I am so much bigger than you now.

Bosnia. Is. ADORABLE.
Evan isn't the best looking person I could have chosen (but he was... there, so I chose him anyway) so I thought she'd just be an average looking child but look at her! She looks a lot like Elin as a child, which is good. Because Elin is pretty.
She is a Goofball who is a Rambunctious Scamp.

Bosnia: That's my mother?
Bosnia: Does she not own clothes?
She does but she's too lazy to put them on.
Elin: I can hear you.
Bosnia: We know, Mother. Now, is the man who freed me from my crib my father?
Elin can explain that.

Bosnia: Do you not see that I'm busy?
Maranda: Oh, I do.
Bosnia: Leave, it's ten pm.

Maranda: And then I SHOT THE ALIEN!
Bosnia: There is no way that happened.
Maranda: *sigh* You're boring.
And you don't match your trait.

Bosnia: Are you my father?
Gunther: Um...uhhh...these eggs smell divine!
Az: Computer dance, computer dance, look at my computer dance Mummy!
Elin: This is why I ignore this family.
Yeah, it's sounding quite ISBI-ish now.

Gunther: What is happening?
Elin: Poses lol.
I like poses but they do not work when A) We only have a loveseat, not a three-seater couch and B) Elin is in her third trimester.

I realised they weren't official in-game so I made that happened.
WTF Elin.

Then I went to fulfil some of Elin's whims.
She rolls quite a lot of Gunther-related whims, actually.
It might almost be sweet.

(Marcus: I. Am. Not. Bitter.)

Bosnia's skill shall be MOTOR!
Bosnia: TO MY SKILL BAR! Up and away!
Seriously why.

How in the hell did he get here?
I ask this, because he is a child I made and saved to my LIBRARY, in his little family of cult weirdos. So how in the hell is he in this save?

Elin: Gunther, we've got cleaning to do.

Evan: Just let me see my daughter!
Elin: Then don't *gasp* call *wail* at 10pm!
Yeah. Don't. She was sleeping, dummy.

Elin: Ooh, a hand. I really should get me one of these.

It's another girl, and she's named Cambodia! (Cam for short, bc I'm lazy).
Next time, baby D is implanted, Cambodia grows up, and also I'm going to get Elin and Gunther married.
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