6.6 - Bronson Prepares + Glasston Wedding
Really Glass? This is where you're leaving the FAMILY slablet? For shame.
Glass: I wanted a BABY.
Relax, you'll get one! You already had two so you can definitely have a third (plus there's no infertility in the Sims). Just clean your nasty self up and you can go for Try 2.
Margot: To school or not to school...
Please. Go to school.
I just LOVE the fam. I make them a formal living room and all they do in it is eat or dance stupidly.
Bronson: I am thinking of death...while enjoying a normal quality fruit parfait.
Oh. Yeah. How're you feeling about that one?
Bronson: Ehhh. I do wish I could be around to see my son grow into a young adult. I'm sure Ida will tell me all about that though. Maybe that is a perk of having to wait so long to see her...
Aw. You're getting deep.
Bronson: Isn't that what you're supposed to do before you die?
You're taking this well.
Bronson: F*ck no! I can't die yet! I don't wanna! AH.
Hey there.
Bronson: I mean, um, I accept my ultimate passing with the greatest dignity.
Should have known...
Glass: That took way too damn long - ow confetti in eye, this is not a drill people!
Quinton: THANK GOD I WAS GETTING TIRED - I mean yay baby!
Glass: Eee!
Bronson: Water is healthy right? Come on water, pull through! I don't wanna die!
Are you off work today?
Bronson: Yeah. Oh, I gotta do everything I never did! I'm dying HELP-
OK Bronson. You won't die before Saturday.
Soooo...if I hold a wedding on Saturday for Glass and Quinton, will you stop freaking out?
Bronson: Yeah. I really wanted to see one of my kids get married. I know it happened already, but pesky glitches and save moves. That crap.
*sigh* Yeah.
Bronson: Get ready, Queen Kickass! We're going to beat this level! I've wanted to beat it since before the boy was born, for goodness' sake! Let's go!
Bronson: I DID IT! I DID IT!
It's nice to see you happy.
Quinton: No. NO. This. Isn't. Horrible.
Motivating words, Q. Motivating words.
Quinton's had three straight days off so I put him on a workout routine after I ran out of shit for him to do. Sorry Q.
Kale: Ohhh God I'mma - hey, girls, I bet I can hit my hand with it!
Margot: GO! GO! GO! GO!
Ashby: Ashbira wants no part in this....
And neither do I.
Bronson: Aw son. You're so good with her.
Ashby: Ashbira can feel your sweat.
Quinton: Sorry sweetie...
Ashby: Ashbira liiiikes it.
Ashby: Boy.
Lucas: Yes?
Ashby: This is the place of Ashbira. You have violated it.
Ida: Full of unartistic heathens, that place...
At least you got promoted.
Ida: Only one capable. I was the only one.
But not the only one to pass out in the formal living room! *sarcastic thumbs-up*
Ida, you are an imbecile.

Ida: Wow. You're actually listening to one of her stories.
Bronson: I'm to die soon. I can't not listen to at least one before I go.
Ashby: Ashbira says they have ice cream down there.
(No they don't, I don't have that pack.)

Ida: Oh coffee. You will not provide me with long-term energy, will you?
Afraid not Ida. Go to bed.

Bronson: My love, my Ida...

Ida: SPIRITS COME BACK HERE! Do NOT take him away!
(Seriously, do. Free house space FTW, y'all).

Kale: That looks fun.
Glass: *death stare*

Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. It is time for the wish-stealing.

The Glasston wedding begins!
Vesana: Aw. My little favourite getting married...
Lyric: I'm too old for this shit.

Matt: Layla and I got in a fight again...and now she won't come.
*sigh* Why were you fighting with your ghost girlfriend?
Matt: She told me my suit was stupid! It is not!
It is!
Matt: Quinton's is patterned too!
Yeah, but he can pull it off, honey...

Ashby: Hey, we're the Polka-Dot sisters!
Margot: Don't talk to me.

Lyric: I should be in bed!
Quinton: For f- just go to bed then Auntie Lyric.
Lyric: *grumble*
Elin: Would you like me to get rid of her, Q?
Quinton: NO - I should have eloped.

Quinton goes to the kitchen to hide from his family.
Quinton: Beautiful Glass...I am unworthy of you.
Glass: *sigh* Is this your way of apologising for bringing your entire family into the house?
Quinton: Maybe.
Glass: Y'know what? Your family are alright. Mainly because they make me feel less bad about not really having one.

Quinton: I suppose so-
Glass: Come here!

Ida: Wow. You're actually listening to one of her stories.
Bronson: I'm to die soon. I can't not listen to at least one before I go.
Ashby: Ashbira says they have ice cream down there.

Afraid not Ida. Go to bed.

Bronson: My love, my Ida...

Ida: SPIRITS COME BACK HERE! Do NOT take him away!
(Seriously, do. Free house space FTW, y'all).

Kale: That looks fun.
Glass: *death stare*

Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. It is time for the wish-stealing.

The Glasston wedding begins!
Vesana: Aw. My little favourite getting married...
Lyric: I'm too old for this shit.

Matt: Layla and I got in a fight again...and now she won't come.
*sigh* Why were you fighting with your ghost girlfriend?
Matt: She told me my suit was stupid! It is not!
It is!
Matt: Quinton's is patterned too!
Yeah, but he can pull it off, honey...

Ashby: Hey, we're the Polka-Dot sisters!
Margot: Don't talk to me.

Lyric: I should be in bed!
Quinton: For f- just go to bed then Auntie Lyric.
Lyric: *grumble*
Elin: Would you like me to get rid of her, Q?
Quinton: NO - I should have eloped.

Quinton goes to the kitchen to hide from his family.
Quinton: Beautiful Glass...I am unworthy of you.
Glass: *sigh* Is this your way of apologising for bringing your entire family into the house?
Quinton: Maybe.
Glass: Y'know what? Your family are alright. Mainly because they make me feel less bad about not really having one.

Quinton: I suppose so-
Glass: Come here!

Quinton: Now let's get to that arch.
Glass: Yeah. Before I get anymore blimp-like.

Lexie: Surprise.

Matt: I'm forever alone, small one.
Margot: Sounds about par for the course.

Bronson: It's a good thing HE wasn't TH. I'd never see a wedding then!
Elin: Mm-hm, you betcha.

Matt: Elin, Dad, I heard that!
Elin: *shouts* GOOD!
Del: I really am alone.
Margot: Yeah. It's rough. You'll meet the right person one day, Auntie Del. Come now. Look at the pretty ceremony!
Matt: Wait what-
Margot: You suck Matt.

Caiphus: Our great-niece is real funny, right Isa?
Isadora: Eh.
Ida: Come on wedding, start already!
Vesana: Yeah, where did they go? Start the wedding!
Ashby: Ashbira says the actual ceremony will not be starting for hours.
Oh COME ON. Go and watch the ceremony now.

Whoops. You morons MISSED it. How.

Lexie: Uhhh...one straight up, yo!
Quinton: ???
Lexie: *sob* I just wanna be like my wiiiiife!
(Lexie is married to Jade of Partihaus.)
Glass: Draaaaama.

Elin: It was always going to be you. You or Del. I can't believe I'm saying this sorta phrase...but congrats, bro. Hopefully I'll get it one day.
Quinton: Nah. You want a drink?

Margot: Hah! You morons! You all missed the ceremony!
Kale: Kale my vegetable. You unfortunately underestimated the power of tiredness.
Ashby: Ashbira was...wrong?

Vesana: I won't be alone, right Uncle Caiphus, right?
Caiphus: For the fifth time, perhaps. You have a difficult personality.

Isadora: Nice, nice.
Lexie: JADE can do better. That's right, I love my wife and she loves me.
Elin: Same old, same old. Every mixologist this side of Newcrest practices the same thing.
Del: Well if I could do that I definitely wouldn't be alone!

Matt: I may be indefinitely committed to my bitchy ghost girlfriend, but at least I don't eat like that.
Lyric: Well she's definitely gonna be alone if she carries on like that!
Vesana: Whatcha say?

Quinton: Listen. Up. Everybody reads the gossip sites, y'know! We know everything about your wife and we know she's not committed to you!
Lexie: You - you lie!
Del: Well DAMN.

Compare Glass to Lyric...
Glass: Aw. I love you, Margot, even though you have Elin as a role model and you're incredibly rude.
Margot: That is not a good dress to wear while pregnant, Mother.
Glass: I...love you, Margot.
Lyric: No romance, no kisses, no cake, no doves, I spy someone unlucky in love.
Kale: Dad's married, Auntie Lyric!
Lyric: Sweet summer child...

Matt: Yeah, just give over the whole bottle, bro.
Caiphus: I can no longer see.
Quinton: There's always one... and also, I'm not licensed to do that.
Matt: You gave Elin and Vesana entire CASES of wine!
Quinton: *shrugs* I actually like that lot.
Caiphus: BURN...oh it hurts! Why did I drink that tequila?

Bronson: I'm sorry you feel alone...and sorry I won't be there to see any wedding you have.
Del: Eh. It's alright. Margot says I'll find someone, and despite her evil streak that child is kinda wise.

Matt: *reaches* Oh sweet booze.
Quinton: That's 10 bucks.
Matt: *glare*

Caiphus: Don't look at me like that; I'm your brother-in-law.
Lexie: This is what Jade does when she's drunk. And, see, I keep up with my wife, I don't just lag behind like a saddo desperately seeking attention and validation, so-
Vesana: Just stop listening.
Caiphus: Believe me, dear niece, I have.
Lexie: So what if it was a Vegas type thing? We're in LOVE!

Lexie: You believe me, right Elin? Tell me she loves me.
Elin: I ain't gonna say a damn thing...but I do read the gossip websites too.
Lexie: *whimper*

Lyric: I hate your happiness.
Glass: And I love you, Lyric.
Lyric: You don't even know me!
Glass: Oh lemme guess. No-one knows you.
Lyric: Why you-
Vesana: Of course I heard about the Paolo rumour - oh, and you got owned, Lyric. Face it.

Ashby: Ashbira has grown disillusioned with this dress, and the whole idea of a wedding reception.

Margot, by contrast, is at the head of the table, right in the thick of it.
Margot: If you hate weddings so much, then WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Lyric: I don't think I have to answer to you!
Del: Why are you fighting a child?
Quinton: Keep it coming. It's not a Sutherland wedding without some drama.
Truer words have never been said, Q.

Quinton: Right, bye siblings, bye aunties...
Caiphus: You did alright, kid. This is definitely not the worst wedding I've been to.
Quinton: Huh?
Caiphus: I'm a Goth. We have drama.

Ida: I should probably have been nicer to you last night.
Bronson: It's alright. There are some things only a dying man can get.
Ida: You're milking it.
Bronson: Maybe just a bit.
Ida: I do really love you.
Caiphus: See? You did well. Romance is in the air now.
Margot: How would that work?
Quinton: Yeah...Glass is elated and my parents seem happy...now are you going to leave, Uncle Caiphus?
Caiphus: It's very quiet here...so no.

Margot: How does romance get in the air?
Ashby: The great Ashbira is a bit too little to understand that, Margie.
Margot: Ah...I'll kill you if you call me that again.
Ashby: Aw. I love you, Margot!
Margot: Why does everybody say that to me? I'm scary! Rawr.
Everyone but Quinton is now headed to Lexie's b-day party.

Lyric: Oh God, not again.
Vesana: I'm ALONE.
Tabitha: But I'm right here, cousin Vesa.
Vesana: You don't count.

Lexie: Meet my fam, Eva!
Eva: Oh. Shit.

Elin: Matt is wearing the SAME SWEATER as you!
Bronson: Who wore it best?
Elin: You, of course. Even if you're old and fat, it's still MATT.
Bronson: Uh...thank you?
Elin: Yeah. He's got sunglasses on.
Bronson: Oh no.

Elin: Dad! It's me, Elin, and I'll stab you till I realise!

Kale: I'mma be screwed up, right?
Lyric: Indubitably.

Margot: Great Ashbira left out, huh?
Glass: It's nothing personal honey. Your outfit is just...trash.
Glass! That's not the sort of thing you tell an eight year-old!
Ashby: No, no, it's alright. The Great Ashbira doesn't actually need any of you.

Jade: Yes. I love my Lexie, and she is allowed to have family over. I love Lexie, she can have her family over. In-out. Phewwww.

Caiphus: Oh look, it's the Gen 6 losers.
Lexie: With my bare hands...
Matt: You're the only one who loves me Lexie!
Caiphus: You're wearing sunglasses indoors.

Ida: So now that we're finally here, Caiphus...

Ida: You're going down! Ohhhh you're going down!
Caiphus: In your dreams, Ida. You wish you could sink my -
Ida: Less trash talk, more playing, huh?

Meanwhile in the bathroom...
Jade: Lexie won't find out, Eva, she won't!
Eva: But what if my tongue was to slip a little...

Jade: Eva don't. Please. We're friends.
Eva: Ahahaha...funny how you bring that up when it suits you. Friends stopped when you slept with Paolo. Again.
Jade: What do you want from me?
Eva: Simple. Accept he's mine. Oh, and bin that skirt. I wear it better.

Back at home...
Ida: And then my droids were like PEW PEW PEW, and down went Caiphus's loser ones, and then I killed his captain, it was amazing!

I think Elin threatened this guy that one time.
Have fun Elin.
(Notifications are also coming on Sunday midnights because I can do that now. Ha.)

Ashby: The Great Ashbira enjoys her time in the company of her flies.
Flies: Bzz bz bzzz.

Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. You have found your people.
Margot: *cough* We have to eat salad for breakfast. *cough*

Glass: *hack* Stop feeding us *retch* salad all the damn time!

Ashby: Yeah. I'm great at this.

Kale: I look GOOD - ooh what comes out of those taps? The stolen hopes and dreams of others, in coin form? Ohohoho, I'll get them one day.

Elin came to hang out. Yeah, I gave her a makeover. I think she looks pretty good.
So, how's it being married to Jordon 'Really Game?' Schell?
Elin: Good. I was super-drunk that night and we remember nothing, but he's scared of me because I once threatened him with death. It's fun. I'm really glad I didn't kill that imbecile.

Elin: Listen up, small peons. One of the best things about having a spouse is having someone to do things for you. Life's no fun otherwise, just remember that.
Ashby: The great Ashbira has taken that into consideration.
Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. She should not be this happy. Why is she happy?
Elin: Because I'm married! And somebody actually cleans the dishes over there!

The girls play outside.
Ashby: Take that sea monster! Get impaled!
Margot: Perhaps this could be a real weapon...
Seriously what. I thought we sort of forgot about this unsettling side of your random-ass personality.
Margot: *shrug* I was reminded of it by my Auntie's visit.

Elin: I need to get me one of these!

Ashby what.
Ashby: What's a maths book without a few good doodles on the cover?
I'd lecture you but that would make me a hypocrite.

Elin: Princess Cordelia was a good one...take note of her methods.
Ashby: Uh...yeah...sure...(whispers) I just wanna do my sums.

Margot: I was looking under Grandma's bed for some sort of weapon - no, not you, Ash, you're fine - and I found handcuffs.
Ashby: I'm intrigued.
Margot: Same! Who hides those?
Ashby: Can I bring them in for show-and-tell?

Bronson: So, I am going to be gone soon -
Margot: Yeah. I know. I always hear you and the adults talking about it. Wah wah, Granddad's dying. It's kind of sad, but it is your time. You're old as hell.
Bronson: So you're not-
Margot: Nah. Why did you hide your handcuffs?
Bronson: No reason.
Margot: Ok then. Can Ashby bring them in for show-and-tell?
Bronson: Tell her not to do that.
Margot: Why?
Bronson: Your grandma will explain.

So now you a-holes make food. After Quinton spends his whole morning slaving making it for you and misses his workout. Well freaking done.

Margot: I look good, and our toilet is the best backdrop EV-AH! SELFIE!
Ashby: Ooh me too, me too! CHEEESE.
Oh honey.

Ida: Dammit.
Ooh, you got old...

Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. We will work to overcome this homework!

Bronson: Did you have your birthday?
Ida: Yeah. Outside.
Bronson: Ah. No-one there?
Ida: Ha, as if I wanted people there. Birthdays stop getting good after the YA stage.

Margot: Shit, I'mma look like that one day? Holy mother of llamas.

Margot: Mum. Tell him he's no better than a fly and can be squashed like one too. Tell him.
Kale: I am not! Tell her I'm not, Glass.
Glass: What the hell kinda child...?

Kale: I'm Margot and I'm eeeeevil! BAHAHA.
Glass: Well, he is lame. But not that lame.
Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. You impersonate her well! One wish-in-a-coin for you!
Margot: Seriously Mum. He's lame.

Bronson: Seriously son, you could be squished. Just know that.

OK Ida, you really didn't have to try and treadmill yourself to death. You should be around for like, two more weeks.
Ida: I LOOK AWFUL! *bangs head into wall*
I'm going to just...leave you.
Bronson: Did you really just try to use that on me?
Ida: Uh...ahem...no...?

Wow Elin. You move fast.
Of all the spares...I honestly thought it would be Del first.

Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE....I sense an oncoming change.

That would be it.

Kale is jealous like his Auntie Lyric and an aspiring painter like his mother (at one point) and Aunt Isadora. Throwback much?

Margot actually does homework, yay!

Ashby: Ashbira is actually a PIRATE, see, and I must be her crew! So of course I can't go to school today! We're going to steal wishes and fairy dust from the tree by the pond.
Glass: Perhaps we should get more involved as parents.

Kale: Don't you see, Mother? Deep down, inside, we Sims are all furniture.
Ida: I don't have time for this.
Kale: What are you doing?
Ida: Literally anything else.

Bronson: *humming* I should get some tea...

Bronson: Ohhh, I hope they don't have to see this...I just need to stay quiet...

Glass: Ow ow ow OWWW!

Aww. It's another girl and she's called Daya.
And she's not blue. Ah well. Bronson IS freeing up another space...so we can always try again if I want to.
Glass: Baby!
She's so happy... :).

Kale: Who was that man?
Ida: More bedspace for me...

Ida: But that's not worth it, is it? Not for this...
Kale: KALE MY VEGETABLE. I believe that was your father!

Kale: Hey Grim, Grim. Check this phone out! It's better than your little tablet.
Ida: *sobbing*
Really Kale? Really?
RIP Bronson, Gen 5 spouse. Always crazy, sometimes senile, father of six (SIX why) kids, and a decent autonomous career-haver who actually got to level five.
Next time Daya ages up, and I may knock up Glass YET AGAIN (this is definitely the last time, if I do.)
Score Sheet- 85
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (51) +255
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (66) -330
Self Wetting (19) -95
Fires (6) -60
Fires (6) -60
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