Elin is a spare from Gen 6 of my ISBI. Whom I love very much, despite her insanity and strange evil ways. In fact, she would have been heir if she had not been a) too young and b) female - although I have no gender laws in this ISBI I wanted a male heir. Quinton is cool and I love him, but I decided that in order to keep me from getting bored again I could do a spinoff. So I picked Elin, gave her a makeover, and shoved her into a new lot to do this challenge.
(Rules here)
Because, watching Elin raise 26 children is going to be funny. Believe me.

Hello sunshine.
Elin: This isn't funny, put me back.
Welcome to the AU version of your hometown!
Elin: This is not the part I am accustomed to residing in...I'm afraid you'll have to die.
Not now sweetie.

Elin: Eurgh, I can't look. Where's all the family money?
Not here. In the other universe. Here, you have £37 and a house I haven't finished yet.

Yes I'm lazy. I didn't even bother with decorating a shell, I just downloaded a house, stripped it of its decor and plants for cash, threw together this crappy extension and ran out of money. It does have 6 beds though so...yay?
Elin: *frown*

Sorry Jacques, I'm going to delete you bc...you're technically Elin's great-granddad so yeah...it's weird having you around.

Luna: Dad honestly...
Jacques: Luna! At last! You can tell this very rude man to go away!
Luna: DAD.
Jacques: I need to win this argument with other me! NO, OTHER ME, I HAVE THE BEST NECK SKIN-
Goodbye to both of you...
Now onto finding Elin an actual baby daddy.

So I sent her to the library to get a head start on a new book.
Really Elin?
Elin: I know, it's only basic torture. Lame right? I thought I should go easy considering it's gonna be my first book and all... But I can make it a series if you want!

This is going to be the father of Baby A. It's Marcus Flex.
Elin: Hey, the voice in my head said I had to bang you...
Marcus: Yeah, I go for the crazy ones.

Elin: That was when I put salt on a snail, and that's when I killed a rat by hanging it by its tail in my sister's wardrobe, and there's the video Del took of me slapping a puppy! I know I haven't gotten to humans yet but it's gonna be fun-
Marcus: ...Is it wrong that I still would?
Not at all, I like that compliance.

Elin: -yeah, and she told me I had to have 26 babies, which I don't wanna do, but I guess I'll do it or I might get locked in a room with a fireplace, grill and stove...

Marcus: Duh. I'm getting right up there, Elin. You have no idea...
Elin: Ugh, you're one of those ambitious lil f*cks...I mean yay Marcus *just so unenthused*

Yes! That was easier than I thought.
Elin: What can I say, animal cruelty's a turn on.
Just....ew. No. Stop it.
Elin: You're coming with me now.

Elin: So do you want to do it?
Marcus: I would be glad to do that, just make sure you don't get...

Elin: Pregnant. You actually did this to me. I'm pregnant.
New thing to torture?
Elin: No! You monster-
Elin: You want me to be arrested? I'll not torture my child; I can do that to the other ones.

Elin: Right, get out.
Marcus: But-
Elin: What do you think get out means? I'm doing this by myself, loser.
Marcus: Don't I get a second round or something?

Elin: Definitely not; the first one was an ordeal in itself.
Marcus: I beg to-
Elin: OUT

Elin: Hahahahaha- that look on his face!
She'll have to get her evil kicks while doing other things now that she's to be a single mother. Have fun Elin.

Elin: But how do I phrase it so these stupids get the concept...
That's for you to work out.
Elin: I hate this.
That's what you get for being my favourite.
Elin: Blehhhhh it feels gross - but I honestly wish I was Matt.

Elin: Smells processed...what the f*ck are you staring at?
Firstly, I know for a fact you ate only cake and hotdogs the whole damn time when you were a kid, and secondly...are you going to give birth out of your back?

Elin: Foetus, thou art my only friend.

'I'll not torture my child' my ass.

The next morning, Elin starts work on her next book.
Elin: I think I really need to start showing off the real me...

Elin: Ha ha...that was a GOOD day!

Elin: As you can see there is a thing that isn't yours in my stomach already...but you're wearing a suit jacket with sweatpants, so we can't have everything we want, can we?
Evan: Fair.
We'll see you soon, Evan.
Why do half your outfits involve crop-tops, Elin? That was super-dumb of me.

Elin: Once, I found a human skull...it was bashed in, and extraordinarily interesting. Piqued my curiosity...
Evan: Oh, you want to be a biologist?
Elin: You could say that.

Don: Wow, hot chick to my-
Yeah, no. I don't condone incest.

Pregnancy struggles (lol what do I know, I'm sixteen and have fortunately never been pregnant)
Oh, and it's a new day because nothing interesting happened last night! She's in her second trimester right now, baby comes tomorrow afternoon.

Reminder: Elin is Gen 6 of a legacy (a legacy filled with stupids, but a legacy all the same) which menas that there's been a handy heir (Scarlett) who dealt with all the upgrades and anyway it's not like this girl's ever cleaned a thing in her life...
Elin: I'm gonna vom...like I just did...FLIES LEAVE ME BE OR I WILL DE-WING AND SALT YOUR ASSES!
(Reminder: I do not condone animal cruelty)

Too many of these, I know. But this is what passes for clever in my stupid little mind. (My copy of Republic is glaring at me from where I sit and write this stuff. Plato I will get back to you one day).

Oh hi Evan.
Evan: Little fishy friend! *swing swing swing*
Fish: AH *glub* *dies*

Elin: OW - oh look, foetus, it's a cloud shaped like a pig. I bet having a pig would be nicer than this.
You can still get done for being excessively cruel to pigs.
Elin: Hmmph.
Afterwards she gets started on a poetry book called Laments of my Enemies.

And this is all the way to the next day again and the baby will be born soon.
Elin has been scouting out places for men but there is an overabundance of women.
Like Katrina over here.
Katrina: Just because my hair is red does not mean you can set it on fire!

Eventually Evan showed up.
Elin: You see that green thing, right?
Evan: Wha?
Elin: Peon...I will, of course, still breed with you.

Elin: SHIT
Marcus: What the hell, why haven't you called me since we made this stupid kid?
Dr: Oh. It's like this. This'll be good...

To round it off, Marcus f'ed off and Elin wet herself in the reception area.

Elin: I *gasp* wonder *huff* how I could *scream* tweak this claw machine!

Elin: Oh...I see. It requires no tweaking at all F*CK THAT HURTS

The baby is a boy and is called Azerbaijan because the naming theme for this WYDC is countries (the more obscure the better).
Azerbaijan: Goo!
Elin: Don't look so happy kid, it's me that's your mother...actually, I think we'll have fun together.
Next time...well, baby B will be born and Azerbaijan (I've got to look into a nickname) will grow up.
(Rules here)
Because, watching Elin raise 26 children is going to be funny. Believe me.

Hello sunshine.
Elin: This isn't funny, put me back.
Welcome to the AU version of your hometown!
Elin: This is not the part I am accustomed to residing in...I'm afraid you'll have to die.
Not now sweetie.

Elin: Eurgh, I can't look. Where's all the family money?
Not here. In the other universe. Here, you have £37 and a house I haven't finished yet.

Yes I'm lazy. I didn't even bother with decorating a shell, I just downloaded a house, stripped it of its decor and plants for cash, threw together this crappy extension and ran out of money. It does have 6 beds though so...yay?
Elin: *frown*

Sorry Jacques, I'm going to delete you bc...you're technically Elin's great-granddad so yeah...it's weird having you around.

Luna: Dad honestly...
Jacques: Luna! At last! You can tell this very rude man to go away!
Luna: DAD.
Jacques: I need to win this argument with other me! NO, OTHER ME, I HAVE THE BEST NECK SKIN-
Goodbye to both of you...
Now onto finding Elin an actual baby daddy.

So I sent her to the library to get a head start on a new book.
Really Elin?
Elin: I know, it's only basic torture. Lame right? I thought I should go easy considering it's gonna be my first book and all... But I can make it a series if you want!

This is going to be the father of Baby A. It's Marcus Flex.
Elin: Hey, the voice in my head said I had to bang you...
Marcus: Yeah, I go for the crazy ones.

Elin: That was when I put salt on a snail, and that's when I killed a rat by hanging it by its tail in my sister's wardrobe, and there's the video Del took of me slapping a puppy! I know I haven't gotten to humans yet but it's gonna be fun-
Marcus: ...Is it wrong that I still would?
Not at all, I like that compliance.

Elin: -yeah, and she told me I had to have 26 babies, which I don't wanna do, but I guess I'll do it or I might get locked in a room with a fireplace, grill and stove...

Marcus: Duh. I'm getting right up there, Elin. You have no idea...
Elin: Ugh, you're one of those ambitious lil f*cks...I mean yay Marcus *just so unenthused*

Yes! That was easier than I thought.
Elin: What can I say, animal cruelty's a turn on.
Just....ew. No. Stop it.
Elin: You're coming with me now.

Elin: So do you want to do it?
Marcus: I would be glad to do that, just make sure you don't get...

Elin: Pregnant. You actually did this to me. I'm pregnant.
New thing to torture?
Elin: No! You monster-
Elin: You want me to be arrested? I'll not torture my child; I can do that to the other ones.

Elin: Right, get out.
Marcus: But-
Elin: What do you think get out means? I'm doing this by myself, loser.
Marcus: Don't I get a second round or something?

Elin: Definitely not; the first one was an ordeal in itself.
Marcus: I beg to-
Elin: OUT

Elin: Hahahahaha- that look on his face!
She'll have to get her evil kicks while doing other things now that she's to be a single mother. Have fun Elin.

Elin: But how do I phrase it so these stupids get the concept...
That's for you to work out.
Elin: I hate this.
That's what you get for being my favourite.
Elin: Blehhhhh it feels gross - but I honestly wish I was Matt.

Elin: Smells processed...what the f*ck are you staring at?
Firstly, I know for a fact you ate only cake and hotdogs the whole damn time when you were a kid, and secondly...are you going to give birth out of your back?

Elin: Foetus, thou art my only friend.

'I'll not torture my child' my ass.

The next morning, Elin starts work on her next book.
Elin: I think I really need to start showing off the real me...

Elin: Ha ha...that was a GOOD day!

Elin: As you can see there is a thing that isn't yours in my stomach already...but you're wearing a suit jacket with sweatpants, so we can't have everything we want, can we?
Evan: Fair.
We'll see you soon, Evan.
Why do half your outfits involve crop-tops, Elin? That was super-dumb of me.

Elin: Once, I found a human skull...it was bashed in, and extraordinarily interesting. Piqued my curiosity...
Evan: Oh, you want to be a biologist?
Elin: You could say that.

Don: Wow, hot chick to my-
Yeah, no. I don't condone incest.

Pregnancy struggles (lol what do I know, I'm sixteen and have fortunately never been pregnant)
Oh, and it's a new day because nothing interesting happened last night! She's in her second trimester right now, baby comes tomorrow afternoon.

Reminder: Elin is Gen 6 of a legacy (a legacy filled with stupids, but a legacy all the same) which menas that there's been a handy heir (Scarlett) who dealt with all the upgrades and anyway it's not like this girl's ever cleaned a thing in her life...
Elin: I'm gonna vom...like I just did...FLIES LEAVE ME BE OR I WILL DE-WING AND SALT YOUR ASSES!
(Reminder: I do not condone animal cruelty)

Too many of these, I know. But this is what passes for clever in my stupid little mind. (My copy of Republic is glaring at me from where I sit and write this stuff. Plato I will get back to you one day).

Oh hi Evan.
Evan: Little fishy friend! *swing swing swing*
Fish: AH *glub* *dies*

Elin: OW - oh look, foetus, it's a cloud shaped like a pig. I bet having a pig would be nicer than this.
You can still get done for being excessively cruel to pigs.
Elin: Hmmph.
Afterwards she gets started on a poetry book called Laments of my Enemies.

And this is all the way to the next day again and the baby will be born soon.
Elin has been scouting out places for men but there is an overabundance of women.
Like Katrina over here.
Katrina: Just because my hair is red does not mean you can set it on fire!

Eventually Evan showed up.
Elin: You see that green thing, right?
Evan: Wha?
Elin: Peon...I will, of course, still breed with you.

Elin: SHIT
Marcus: What the hell, why haven't you called me since we made this stupid kid?
Dr: Oh. It's like this. This'll be good...

To round it off, Marcus f'ed off and Elin wet herself in the reception area.

Elin: I *gasp* wonder *huff* how I could *scream* tweak this claw machine!

Elin: Oh...I see. It requires no tweaking at all F*CK THAT HURTS

The baby is a boy and is called Azerbaijan because the naming theme for this WYDC is countries (the more obscure the better).
Azerbaijan: Goo!
Elin: Don't look so happy kid, it's me that's your mother...actually, I think we'll have fun together.
Next time...well, baby B will be born and Azerbaijan (I've got to look into a nickname) will grow up.
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