Quinton has just finished making drinks for everyone in the house.
Elin: No poison in this? Lame.
Ashby: The great Ashbira wishes to know the carrot content of these drinks.
Quinton: Two types of people...
Margot: My sparkle dances to hear your mouth music!
Glass: Maybe I should spend more time with my children.
Margot is a creative Whiz Kid BTW.

These two are over so Quinton can re-introduce himself to them.
Lyric: Sometimes, I look at the new meat and I think - I should have stayed in the dead save!
Lexie: Nuuu! Who would threaten to stab me each evening?
Lyric: *ahem* That never happens.
Ashby: Ashbira imbues herself with zen to escape this weird conversation...
Quinton: Why do you all get to come to my wedding again?

Ashby: Great-Auntie Lyric gives out money?
Lexie: Yeah! Step 1, ask. Step 2, poke her. Step 3, play chipmunk songs until she starts yowling like a dying cat. Finally, she will hand it over with a smile!
(A grimace)
Lyric: Yeah Lexie! I just love giving money out to my freeloading sister! Fuuuun!

Bronson and Elin watch TV. For some reason that is Bronson's formal. I was curious about what it was, but unbothered to go into CAS. So yeah.
I'm keeping it, he's dying in like a week anyway.
Elin: How could he lose? He would have made a fine ruler of the world, and stupid Hero McHero had to go and ruin it all!
Elin: Dad, f*ck off if you want to live! Ohhh, that's what that future ruler said...and that stupid man murdered him!

Margot: The covers tried to EAT me!
You're not very good at being a kid yet, are you?
Margot: I'm only two days and nine hours old!

Glass: Don't worry honey. The covers won't eat you.
Margot: Yay!
Glass: Your auntie will be the most likely to.


Elin is brought down from her gaming time to be shown this.
Margot: See? Isn't it pleasing that this thing once lived? And now I get to eat it? How cool!
Elin: I like the way you think, kid.

Elin: K I'm gonna go piss off someone on Twitter-
Margot: Should I throw any things I dead in the trash?
Elin: OK, if you're going to be like me you need to know the words kill and murder...and the trash isn't a bad place to start.

Margot: This metallic substance...so lethal!
God it's Elin all over again and this one isn't even technically evil. I picked Quinton partially because HE'S not evil, so no evilness, please!

Margot: Auntie Elin, is this an appropriate object for deadening things?
Elin: Use kill and murder, please. And yes. Look at all of that metal.
Margot: Noted.

Ida: Oh God, what're you telling her-
Margot: Don't worry, Granny. Elin knows about ten different types of poison!

Ida: No. More. Killing talk.
Margot: But it's fuuuuun-
Elin: You don't own me.

Margot is ill and is staying off school.
Ida: It's called karma, honey. This is why you don't talk to Elin.
Ashby: The Great Ashbira wishes you well.

Quinton is blackmailing Nancy Landgraab (thanks Wishing Well!)
Quinton: I know about your lovechild!

Glass: *jealousy senses tingling*
He's only blackmailing her!
Glass: He's too close to her face.
Glass it's a normal distance.
Glass: Ten feet I told him! Ten feet! Does that look like ten feet to you?

Ida sucks at going to work. Maybe it's because she's been a freelancer her whole life?
Ida: I'm just not getting the right vibes at that gallery?

Glass: Ahhh - I meant to do that!

Quinton: Bottle friends, assist me!

Margot: I am imbued with the power of metal.
I honestly thought doing that would be more fun for you and Ashby. Ah well. Just don't kill anyone.
Margot: What gave you that idea?
I wonder.


Ashby: Ashbira is recharging her ZEN!

Ashby: IT. HAS. BEGUN.


We're finally going to meet Isadora's kids -
Destinee: TIT PUNCH
Rachel: DUHHH...I film now.
Ida: Isa your kids are worse than mine.
Isadora: Ida take that back-

Madeleine is the smart one then.
Madeleine: I'm going to try and avoid them all.
You do that girl.

Lyric: Yeah, I'm out. I gotta wash my hair.
Ida: You just got here!

Kale: Kale my vegetable...you have lost the battle but you will win the war.
Caiphus: Are you listening?
Kale: You're going to want to shut up old man.

Margot: I deaden him, you find his wallet.
Kale: I like that...Kale my vegetable, you have found a worthy partner.
Caiphus: Why the hell are they all invi- ISA!

Isadora: I'm sure he can handle them...

Kale: So I say, HEY, OLD MAN, I'm stealing the TV!
Margot: Ooh, I like that very much!
Caiphus: Kids, I am right here.

Glass: Phew, you showed yourself! I was worried-
Quinton: *uses hand as puppet* Oh wait! Except every woman in that house is part of Quinton's family! *back to normal self* You were gonna follow up with that, right?
Quinton: Oh come on.

Glass: Stop sassing me! You knew what I was when you moved me into your stupid house with your whacko parents and siblings! If I have to live with them you can live with me being irrational!
Quinton: That's fair.

Ashby: Ashbira does not sense much zen. She will squash you like bugs.
Rachel: I film, I film now...
Elin: We're gonna get kicked out before I find my knives...where's my little protege?

Margot: I wonder if these are poisonous...
Probably not.
Margot: *sigh* You're right...now how do I get out of here?

Quinton: Heh, I work out.
Glass: Well. I am about to fall out of your slippery noodle arms.
Quinton: Shh and enjoy.
Glass: Never said I wasn't going to.

Madeleine: One chip. ONE. We all need survival rations here, people!
Destinee: OK, grammar, and also - nah. These crumbs are all mine!

Rachel: Totally a SimTuber...I'll send you ALL my links!
Elin: Someone put the poor thing out of its misery.
Isadora: My family are GENIUSES!

Ida: Make love not war honey.
Margot: (thoughts) Where best to stab?

Caiphus: Des! You came!
Destinee: Yeah. I couldn't leave the last sane person alone. Mum is just so...used to it.
Caiphus: I can't believe your mother grew up with them...actually, I definitely can.
Destinee: Yup.

Madeleine: Crap! Caught! I just wanted chips-
Quinton: Calm down, we're the sanest of them all.
Madeleine: Not you.


Rachel: Yeah totally. I'm gonna make a great storytime out of this one. I've got it all planned out, let me tell you-
Elin: No! NO! Oh God, can plants be weapons?

Madeleine: Mother why. Why did you drag me in here?
Isadora: They're family! - Elin I can see you making threats, if you hurt a hair on my duaghter I'll shank you - Quinton and Glass be lovey somewhere else - Ida shut up and stop talking to nobody!
Madeleine: *sigh*
Ooookkk...time to go, I think.

Elin: That. Was. The worst. Thing ever.

What the-
Why are you in the house?
Katarina: Elin pushed me down the stairwell! But I clawed myself back up again! Because I am that BOSS!
Or you could have just used the steps.
Katarina: Oh yeah.
Katarina: Still a total BOSS!

Katarina: So you're the man of the house?
Quinton: I am the TH, so...
Katarina: You must work hard to keep this swank up.
Quinton: I wouldn't say that-
Katarina: Do you have any spare bedrooms?

Glass: My jealousy senses are tingling...no, Glass, play the long game...

Katarina: Why must I leave?
Quinton: Paranoid fiancee, no bedspaces. Out.

Katarina: Well screw you Quinton! And I thought you might be good for me when I get older!
Quinton: Wait what - did Elin invite you over?
Katarina: Yeah. We have Simlish together.
Quinton: Oh just leave!

Ida: Isa why are you in my room?
Isadora: We didn't get a chance to catch up when you were at my place...
Ida: Yeah. Probably should have just brought Quinton. I wanted him to meet his cousins...but not like that.
Isadora: Hehe yeah. I think Madeleine is still mad at me. Caiphus is handling it.
Ida: *sigh* Everyone's crazy.
Isadora: Yup.
Ida: Thanks for breaking into my room for catch-up time anyway.
Isadora: *shrug* It's what you would do.
Ida: Definitely.

Isadora: Ida!
Ida: Isa!
Both: Love ya, sis.

Quinton: 4am delight? Downstairs?
Glass: 1. Our kid likes that thing. 2. I'm mad at you.
Quinton: *shrugs* OK.
Glass: *sigh*...Nah I'll be mad later. I will not throw away this shot. You'll pay one day, Quinton!
Quinton: For what?

Glass: I'll tell you later.
Quinton: Eh. Let's find those ribbons you like.
Kale: *grumble* *snore* Do...not...want...

Glass: So what was I mad about again?
Quinton: Off the hook....I am that smooth.
Glass: Hmmph- I will get you when I remember.

Glass: *sigh* I swear I'll remember.

Bronson: Wait. No. I can't eat my hand.

Glass: I'm sure IDA knows what I'm mad about - hey Ida up and at 'em.
Ida: Five more minutes mother! I need to finish painting east as Satan!
Glass: Do I want to know?

Margot. It's 9.30.
Margot: Elin says I'm too smart for school, and that since nobody's on my shit list I don't have to go.
Elin is wrong.
Margot: You lie....
I'm done with you. Just go amuse yourself for the day or something.

Glass: Hello there, great machine of the highest order.
Computer: *sigh* What? Are you going to go on Twitter and try to bait people again? *whimper* That's all they do with my greatness...I wish Ida still wrote books.
Glass: I don't need your life story. What am I mad about?
Computer: Nothing important.
Glass: No, it is, or I wouldn't remember about it.
Computer: If it was important you'd be remembering it right now honey.
Glass: *sigh* Maybe.

Glass: Or maybe not.
Computer: Your fork is in your h - why are you even eating spaghetti for breakfast?

Just realised I never acknowledged these two. I know for a fact he didn't do any of these milestones on his own.
+10 SON!

Oh, and this as well. Nice one Ashby!

Quinton: Yeah Del, I just won the LOTTERY! The well guy said I did - yeah I'm being showered with coins - OW stop it!
Well: Take it or leave it bitch!

Which gave us POINTS!

Margot: Please turn on the fire Dad, please! I won't push you into it, I SWEAR!
Quinton: ...I'm definitely not turning on the fire now.

The kiddos who actually went to school are home.
Ashby is dancing away her tension (only on Sims.)
Ashby: And...FORCE! No? Ashbira is simply more tense now...:(.

Margot: Yes! Die die die die DIE! This really relieves the tension.
From WHAT?

Elin: Yes fire! Come to me!

Vesana: Damn it feels good to be back here.
Even though I cheated the friendship back up and made them related again through MCCC, Quinton couldn't invite his siblings to his wedding. So I held it off until I introduced them to each other and that.

Vesana: Mother? Looking dumb as always - where's that idiot Elin? I may have...mi-mss- I can't say it!
Ida: You missed us? I knew you cared!

Del: Kid? You still live here? MUM - why do you keep him around?

Ida: Eh? What? Oh yeah, just leave him be. He's not a bad kid.

Glass: Quinton! Tell me what you did today!
Quinton: Can't talk, gotta talk to my sisters who travelled with me across save-file boundaries!
Glass: Psh. Everyone can do that.
Quinton: Just one second!

Matt: Heeeyyy! I'm joining the party too, guys!

This is actually nice and functional. :D.

Vesana: I annihilated them all. >:).
I missed you Vesa.

Matt: My brother is a lucky, lucky man...
Glass: *mouths* Dead...

Glass: Fine. I guess I'm not mad. Now what were you doing today?
Quinton: Winning the lottery, baking a cake for Elin, talking to Margot - she was off. She said she had a headache, poor girl...
Glass: Yeah, Margot definitely didn't have a headache. She was in a screaming match with Kale as they left.
Quinton: Ah...
Matt: Doyhoyhoyhoyhoy FACEY!
Glass: Can you not?
Yeah. Count yourself lucky you're immediate family, dumbass.

Elin's leaving! *sniff*

One nice pic before she goes!
Elin now lives with Lyric, her husband and her kids.
And she's also going to be having 26 kids in an AU.
Elin: Wait what-
Elin's WYDC is going to happen! I (think) I put the rules up already, and she's going to have 26 babies. In another save file. So yeah. Read that too.
Next time Bronson might die, Ida will get old and Glass is getting knocked up again.
Score Sheet- 85
Single Births (17) +85
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (51) +255
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (65) -325
Self Wetting (19) -95
Fires (6) -60
Fires (6) -60
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