6.4 - Gender Confused Baby
Good news! Baby Margot is going to be reborn very soon, because Glass is in her third trimester. We're also going to get Glasston remarried.
I added Ida's sisters and their families, and all of Ida's kids. No-one else came because that's too much to deal with.
I also added five days to the YA, Adult and Elder bars because I've always felt like the ratio is off. So congrats Ida and Bronson, you have a bit longer to live and Bronson might even see his final son grow up into a Teen.
Bronson and Ida are still in love (I think).
Glass is still a half-decent parent.
Elin is still being her staring weird self.
Elin: I have freed myself from my stink cloud.
And I still don't give an f about Kale which is why he hasn't been introduced.
I still care about Quinton because he's my frickin' TH but he's busy and doesn't want to be disturbed.
Quinton: *shouts* No, you're lazy!
Shush child.
Elin: There are two kinds of evil.
Glass: You wanna know I made you?
Ashby: Nope. Not yet. I'm literally 6.
Ashby: Be still my heart! Ashbira, we must imbue ourselves with caaaaaalm.
Glass: I raised a strange little child thingy.
Kale: Wait, what?
Elin: Mmmm-hm. Me and Mum are bonding here.
Ida: Of course you got poked around a lot as a baby! That's why there's a tiny hole in your head! You think I fed you? There's a reason I don't cut that hair...
Elin: It was me, yeah.
Bronson: Oh jeez...
Ashby: Stretch out your neck, Uncle Veggie! No! I want it to HURT!
Kale: *whine*
Ashby: Have you pulled a muscle yet? Pull a muscle, you slack!
Glass: Can we pretend you're my child? This one is stupid and it belongs to my mother-in-law, right...
Kale: Uhhh...
Ashby: Zooooomm...motorcycle....zoooom - where's my bike?
Bronson: I have the best hand!
Glass: He's silly. Mine are the best.
What is it with this lot and hands?
Elin: Go, good sir! Make her miserable! I want those lovey-dovey sacks of shit to be separated forever!
Elin watches romance.
Glass and Bronson are quite close for autonomous in-laws in this game. I mean, she's talking about her insecurities to him.
Glass: And he's always like, a few rooms away from me, and I want to get closer!
Elin bonds with people...
Elin: I could do that to you!
Katarina: That looks like it hurts...
Elin: Of course silly; that's the point!
Katarina: Uhhhh...hey, anyone else wanna see this? Malfunctioning slide...
Gardener lady: Hello, I'm gardener lady and I wanna know what's up! I'm worth stacks of money and own two houses!
Quinton: Um, hello, ma'am.
Glass: Quinton what happened to focusing on ME?
Damned jealousy...
Elin is being Elin.
Elin: Y'know what? Your video sucks.
Katarina: I thought it was pretty good...
Elin: I could cause a whole world of pain, and that would be what's funny! Not some idiot falling off a slide!
Katarina: Be like that then!
Elin: Cause I am your worst, I am your worst nightmare-
Elin: So what do you like, kid?
Ashby: The laughter of people who have successfully completed a cartwheel.
Elin: Ohgodsaveme-
I got bored of the park, so they're all going home.
I'm honestly not sure if that thing has ever been used. Ah well, Bronson was always an interesting one.

*sigh* -5.

This is reborn Margot.
That's a boy.
Oh well, I'll just make her a girl when she stops being a baby. If it was a girl last time it's going to be a girl this time, I don't care if it counts as cheating or not (plus I can't think of any good boy's names and no child I care about will be named something stupid like Kale).

Quinton: Glass! Tell the Watcher that I don't need to do this!
Glass: I'm not gonna say anything honey!

Kale: Elin wants to stab me with old syringes? Wait until she gets a load of this!
What the heck is wrong with this family?

Kale: My niece the great Ashbira has proclaimed me the Joker. You may smile, peasant woman, as you eat that piece of beef!
What is wrong with you?

This time Lexie isn't going to have the horror of having twins by a former flame who married a freakin' man and then cheated on that man with her and knocked her up.
She gets a VERY happy marriage to Jade, the leader of Partihaus. Have fun Lex.

The next morning, Glass is...
Glass: Wha? - No I'm not applying to be a hand model why would you think that?

Poor Margot. She knows she's doomed.
Margot: My stomach is eating itself from the inside woman!
Glass: Say sorry or I won't feed you.
Glass: What? It's never too early to teach manners.
Margot: You haven't fed me in hours!
Glass: That's normal!
Margot: I'm a freaking baby!
Glass: Well you're not sorry, so I won't feed you.
(She eventually fed the kid)

Ashby: ITMOVES. Talk to me, friend.

Kale: Ashby, I think Elin may murder me...
Ashby: Shhh Kale I'm having friend time.
Kale: I'm your friend.
Ashby: Ashbira knew you would say that. Worship me with smiles.
Kale: But she's going to kill me.

Bronson: Remember that time I accidentally stabbed you with a rose?
Ida: Oh yeah, now that was what's sexy...
Kale: O__O
Bronson: Of course, then we W- made out in that bush.
Ida: Mmm. Those leaves tickled my-
Kale: Y'know what? I welcome death. Come at me, Elin.

Quinton: Say what now, murdered fruit?

Quinton: Wait, that wasn't lemonade...was it?
Quinton: How do I get away with being slightly drunk at work?

Quinton: Why did you make me lie down; I'll never get up now?
Shut up, drama queen.

Elin: Look at me one more f*cking time...
Jordon (really game): You're gonna do what?
Ashby: Is she going to stab him?
Kale: Most likely. You like blood?
Ashby: Nah.
Kale: Run.
Elin: Watch yourself....
Jordon: OR WHAT.

Elin: Don't worry children, I've handled it.
Ashby: Considering I didn't care...
Elin: Yeah, you know what happens when you cross me, children?
Kale: I'm going to go to my room, make no noise and pretend I'm not there.

Oh ffs.
I had to make Ida do it because Quinton was at work and Elin was...useless.

Bronson: I will defend you, bed!
Glass: Bed? I'm gettin' in mine!
Glass is me, Glass is everyone.

Glass: But first? CAAAAAKE.
Apart from the demon look, Glass is being pretty relatable here. Despite being blue and having no nose.

I suspect Blarffy is going to get very tired of this.
Ashby: Why hasn't anyone freaking exploded you yet?
Blarffy: Ha...ha...this family and their empty promises.
I thought they were threats.
Blarffy: Not anymore.

The next morning, Glass smiles as she watches what looks like a child narrowly escaping burning alive.

Elin: Why I oughta - no shut up Ashby he's there!

Glass: Your aunt's a little cuckoo, isn't she...?
Ashby: Mum I really wouldn't say that-
Elin: Miss Breakable. I guess you did squeeze out an acceptably intelligent being.
Ashby: Uh...

Glass: I'll be the one to spill the beans then! Guess what - there's no-one there. It's probably just that stink that stalks you. Also, your hands sorta suck.
Elin: You challenge me. Interesting.
Ashby: Ooooh yeah boy, this gon' be good...KALE GET THE POPCORN

Glass: See Elin? You're just batshit. I feel sorry for you-
Elin: I don't need pity from the likes of you, Glass-
Glass: I'll pity you anyway. You need all you can get.

Kale: I have come to steal the souls of your wishes...Kale, my vegetable, you have skipped school for a decent reason.

Julius: I'm way too cool for that - I'm skipping school to imitate Max Villareal!
Julius: Oooookk...

I expressed scepticism over Kale's reasons for skipping school? Scratch that, Ida is worse.
It's that f-ing gaming rig again. Stupid thing.

Picture of Glass doing the 'punch the air' dance.
Glass: Noooo, I'm killing a fly.

Glass: Yes Kale! Steal those wishes! Get a skin disease!
Glass: What? I want another baby. He's in the way.
Somebody's (Elin *sniff*, but I have plans for her so it's kewl) moving out in three days, you can wait-
Glass: I want a baby!

Ashby: Ashbira don't play around, she just straight up kills ya-
But you're so adorable!
Ashby: -__-

Margot, who was never a boy at all. No, what are you talking about?
She looks like a bit of a Quinton clone. Boo.
At least she has red hair and a pretty outfit.
Next time Glasston shall be remarried, Elin moves out, and I reveal my plans for her (which I already started bc I couldn't wait but...yeah, whatever)
Score Sheet- 50
Single Births (17) +85
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (48) +240
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (3) +60
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (65) -325
Self Wetting (19) -95
Fires (6) -60
Fires (6) -60
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