6.2- Glass's Failures and Ashby's Birth
(Guess what! There's a chapter list now! It only took me five generations and 68 chapters to make one!)
Del: Hello? Are you lost? Where's your adult...do you need me to call someone?
Kale: -__-
Del: Little boy, I know you're lost but you can't just wander into our family home like this...
Kale: Oh screw this, I'mma eat cake.

Del: Wiiiiiine!
Glass: Heh...heh...*grits teeth*

Elin: The smell of processed cheese...I bet I could use this to kill someone.
That was a serious 180.

Kale: KALE, MY VEGETABLE. You have forsaken their wishes....now get off the ground, peon!
What is wrong with you?

Ida: Quite delicious, aren't you...
Blondie: Dammit Bob, I told you not to run with scissors!
Bronson (and me): Ida what.

Glass:*growls* Where's the fridge again....

Glass: I love him but jeeeez...
That's how I feel about most of my heirs.
Except for the him part bc this ISBI was practically turning into a matriarchy.
Also I love her shirt so much holy shit.
She's also on a vacation day.

I know it was you. FFS.
Luckily Quinton is smart and got there fast.
(Why do I keep losing points. I'm on 50 now, D:)

Bronson: Crap! My son really shouldn't be touching things like that, he is but a smol child...who's this lady?
Glass: Did that come out of your ass? Because I'm not sure how useful ass extinguisher is...
Quinton: Shuddup and let me work.

Quinton: So maybe we should get the manuals out again-
Glass: Not in the mood.

Quinton: Hehe *thumbs...idk what*
Glass: Ehm...

Quinton: Yup, and he's married.
Glass: Ooooh snap, your aunt's a homewrecker.
Quinton: To. A. Man.
Glass: And he knocked her up?
Quinton: Indeed.
*person plus*
I've taken them to the Island Bluff thingies in Windenburg bc...well proposal. Duh.

Seems to be going well enough...

Glass: I like diamond....scoring some points, you are!

I thought this was quite a nice shot (apart from the square rock but shhhh my game was running like shit so I put the graphics on low)

Glass what.

Much nicer.
Of course we then had to go home because this woman is crap at looking after herself.

I repeat: this woman is crap at looking after herself.

Yeah, maybe congratulations aren't in order if Glass is going to be this stupid.

WTF stop.

Kale: So, do I pull it or...what even is this thing?

Ida: What the hell? A clean wooden floor? I thought we were better than this!


Ida: And now a clean plate, are you motherf-ing kidding me?
Ida go to bed.
Or do anything else, just stop staring at a plate like it killed someone.
Ida: Well it could.

Glass: Huehuehue...*winks* No stop it body, that wasn't in the plan.
Honey, maybe that's not the most...appropriate sleepwear to wear while pregnant? I know for a fact I gave you a better one (she has two bc I love her).

Elin: Woman...you have...arrived.

Glass: Hai. My name is Glass and I once saw a plane in a cloud.
Elin: Oh dear...

Glass: Inside me I have....a foetus. Hehehe...
Elin: Oh dear...
Glass: You keep on saying those words...I do not think you know what they express. I'm awesome!
Elin: Oh...I know.

Kale: I think I could take you!
Elin: Just you wait, brother. There are realms of cruelty which your tiny mind cannot yet contemplate, but which I know the full extent of. Think of this before you make idle threats.
Kale: O__O
Elin: Ah, that's what I love to see. Writhe, little boy, writhe.

Kale: So this is what I can hope for. Nice...
Glass: Keep talking and I rip out your eyes; I don't care if you're only 6 or whatever.
Kale: Why does everyone want me to die?
Because you're you and you're annoying, Kale.

Glass: There's no need to be afraid of me.
Bronson: Oh. No. I'm afraid of Ida. She has a jealous streak.
Glass: Maybe she'll understand me...

Glass gets her first breakthrough!

Ida: I've decided...I've worked enough, today I'm just gonna eat some pizza and play on theiPad Slablet. I've earned it.
No you haven't! Go to work!

Ida: Rawr! I don't want to update it!

Wow Ida.
Ida: Well, I went from an almost-triple-threat TH to a human mess in just three days. Find out how at idatheuseless.com! In conjunction with glasscannottakecareofherself.co.uk.

Glass and Quinton have a chat in the dining room...
Glass: You have to like being around me. Because I have to know what you're doing. At. All. Times.
Quinton: Uh-huh...
Glass: Answer the question.
Quinton: I love spending time with you!

That looks painful.

I'm really indulging them here. Most couples in the ISBI never get this much interaction. Shows how much I love these two.

Glass: I am an evil mouse. I will spring from my ball, and your face will soon not be attached to your head!
Not so aww....

Quinton: I love mice!

Quinton: I'm a boss-ass bitch, bitch-
Hell yeah.

Glass: UM...cleanup on aisle 3?
Baby time!

Elin: Nope. Nope nope nope. I refuse to be involved.

Booooooo no blue skin...but hopefully she'll get the red hair or pink eyes.
Ashby: There's no need to place these expectations on me, I am but a small baby...
And I really don't care, Ash.
Yeah, so here's baby Ashby. +5 for meeee!

Matt is here, and he has gathered outside with his mum and sister.
Ida: *snickers* You still suck.
Matt: Elin! Moony! Tell her she's wrong!
Elin: Don't bring me into this...all I need is my cheese.
I decided, hey I'm bored, and I know Ashby is going to start being annoying. And Quinton needs to mix 3 drinks at a social event...and he's a dance machine...so I planned a party at the ruins, I think. Or maybe the Bluffs...

It was the Bluffs. Quinton had the option to invite the ghosts...so invite the ghosts he did.
Wanda: I'mma BOX!
Ida: This is why I drink.

Vesana: Hmmm...little Quint is all grown up and thinks he can mix drinks. Gimme one, Q.
Elin: Oh no. Don't do that.
Janelle: I will admit that I'm surprised I'm the only one who wants to tap that.
OK 1. The other two are his sisters and 2. You met Quinton when he was a child! Ewwww.

Elin: Seriously. You'll die.
Janelle: That tree is very interesting.
Vesana: And this is why I need to drink.

Zion: C'mon! I'm rich and cool! I have this kickass hat!
Wanda: ...
Elin: Haaaaiiii.
Zion: And to top it all off, I'm desperate! I'll do anything for you!
Elin: Would you like me to finish him?
Wanda: Soundin' pretty temptin', crazy great-granddaughter.

Vesana: Quinton, did you put sulphur into this bowl?
Janelle: Are you kidding me...you had time to get sulphur but can't make a drink?
Quinton: I don't provide fast service to people who make sexual comments about me while I am at work.

Vesana: Oh Quinton. I'm so proud! You dealt with that bitch like a boss, and you were so good at sneaking chemicals into my bowl...this is why you're my favourite. Now, do you have a toothpick? Sulphur tastes f-ing disgusting.

Meanwhile, the losers of the family dance in the bushes.
Matt: Moony wants your foetuses.
Lexie: So God help me if I kill you, Matt.

Janelle: You actually ordered one? Y'know they're gross...
Y'know what, screw you Janelle. I checked, your drink was an excellent. An EXCELLENT. Now f off.

Whatever the f*ck this is is still happening.
Lexie: Do the punch! Do the punch!
Matt: Yes! Now aim over there! Moony likes to be hurt!
Ryan: What the hell has this family been doing?

Zion: Almost...almost...stretch a little further Zy!
Wanda: Smite.
Elin: With pleasure.

Scarlett: Hello, handsome...

Plant thing: You don't need to be so nice to little old me!

What the hell, who leaves the party at eight? And you were the motherfreaking DJ!

OH MY... there is so much going on in this picture.
Ryan: Wanda this isn't OK!
Wanda: I'm floatin', I'm really floatin'! Lemme rise!
Scarlett: YES LEAF! LOVE ME.
Ida: What in the hell.
Isadora: Swing swing swing, do the swing swing swing...
Lexie: Stop, wait a minute, fill my cup, put some liquor- oh wait.

Zion: Oh yeah...
Vesana: I'm gonna die alone, you're gonna die alone...oh this is perfect! :)

Matt: You're in pain. I like that.
Isadora: £%#*
Scarlett: Maybe things with Planty and I won't work out.
Ryan: This conversation makes me uncomfortable.

Quinton and Isadora are dance-battling.
Quinton: Work it, work it...
Isadora: My achey achey knees.
My darling Isa is old now. That means she's close to...death.

Isadora: O__O Do not do pelvic thrusts at me, young man!
Damn right. Stop it, Quinton.

Janelle: Curses! I have not ruined his night!
Elin: Oh look...a fist.
Vesana and Zion are still talking...

Isadora: Do the evil bunny!

Ryan how do you need the toilet? You're dead.
Scarlett what.
Annabel why are you so alone.
Annabel: You don't know me! *dramatic stare*

Del: What the hell, you were all buddy-buddy with my sister and now you're IN me?
Wanda: *sigh* This f*ckboy...
Ida: Daughter, you sadden me.

This beauty (who replaced Quinton after he mixed enough drinks) is actually Elektra's late in life baby. It's weird that Gen 4 kids are still alive...
Justine: >:) I haz a flask.

This- ZION!
Ida: Um...if I touch my face will he go away?
Zion: Hey bby.
Vesana why are you so happy?
Vesana: I enjoy seeing other people in uncomfortable situations.
Matt: No! We must defend our mother's honour!
Ewwww, it tastes so baaaad....but I gotta accept and say it: Matt, you're quite right.

I had to go home because stupid IDA was stupid and wouldn't just pee in a bush.
Let's leave off with this picture of Glass watching TV.
Glass: He's gonna burn things. Oh, that's my favourite part!
Next time, Ashby (the baby) ages up, I will most likely knock up Glass again, and Quinton and Glass may get married.

Also, these are Isadora's kids. First is Rachel, the one who got basically the worst of Caiphus's features, namely the weirdly shaped face. Then, we have Destinee who is beautiful because she's an Isadora clone. She's also dressed like a school queen bee type in my opinion. My favourite is Madeleine because she's a genetic mix who's also really, really attractive.

Old Isadora. It didn't feel right putting her in the typical old-lady clothes so I shoved her in this converted-from-childrenswear dress. Considering she's a childish Sim...yeah I like it.

Old Lyric. We're probably never gonna see her again because she is three days older than Isa, but hey. At least she'll die stylish.

Del: Wiiiiiine!
Glass: Heh...heh...*grits teeth*

Elin: The smell of processed cheese...I bet I could use this to kill someone.
That was a serious 180.

Kale: KALE, MY VEGETABLE. You have forsaken their wishes....now get off the ground, peon!
What is wrong with you?

Ida: Quite delicious, aren't you...
Blondie: Dammit Bob, I told you not to run with scissors!
Bronson (and me): Ida what.

Glass:*growls* Where's the fridge again....

Glass: I love him but jeeeez...
That's how I feel about most of my heirs.
Except for the him part bc this ISBI was practically turning into a matriarchy.
Also I love her shirt so much holy shit.
She's also on a vacation day.

I know it was you. FFS.
Luckily Quinton is smart and got there fast.
(Why do I keep losing points. I'm on 50 now, D:)

Bronson: Crap! My son really shouldn't be touching things like that, he is but a smol child...who's this lady?
Glass: Did that come out of your ass? Because I'm not sure how useful ass extinguisher is...
Quinton: Shuddup and let me work.

Quinton: So maybe we should get the manuals out again-
Glass: Not in the mood.

Quinton: Hehe *thumbs...idk what*
Glass: Ehm...

Quinton: Yup, and he's married.
Glass: Ooooh snap, your aunt's a homewrecker.
Quinton: To. A. Man.
Glass: And he knocked her up?
Quinton: Indeed.
*person plus*
I've taken them to the Island Bluff thingies in Windenburg bc...well proposal. Duh.

Seems to be going well enough...

Glass: I like diamond....scoring some points, you are!

I thought this was quite a nice shot (apart from the square rock but shhhh my game was running like shit so I put the graphics on low)

Glass what.

Much nicer.
Of course we then had to go home because this woman is crap at looking after herself.

I repeat: this woman is crap at looking after herself.

Yeah, maybe congratulations aren't in order if Glass is going to be this stupid.

WTF stop.

Kale: So, do I pull it or...what even is this thing?

Ida: What the hell? A clean wooden floor? I thought we were better than this!


Ida: And now a clean plate, are you motherf-ing kidding me?
Ida go to bed.
Or do anything else, just stop staring at a plate like it killed someone.
Ida: Well it could.

Glass: Huehuehue...*winks* No stop it body, that wasn't in the plan.
Honey, maybe that's not the most...appropriate sleepwear to wear while pregnant? I know for a fact I gave you a better one (she has two bc I love her).

Elin: Woman...you have...arrived.

Glass: Hai. My name is Glass and I once saw a plane in a cloud.
Elin: Oh dear...

Glass: Inside me I have....a foetus. Hehehe...
Elin: Oh dear...
Glass: You keep on saying those words...I do not think you know what they express. I'm awesome!
Elin: Oh...I know.

Kale: I think I could take you!
Elin: Just you wait, brother. There are realms of cruelty which your tiny mind cannot yet contemplate, but which I know the full extent of. Think of this before you make idle threats.
Kale: O__O
Elin: Ah, that's what I love to see. Writhe, little boy, writhe.

Kale: So this is what I can hope for. Nice...
Glass: Keep talking and I rip out your eyes; I don't care if you're only 6 or whatever.
Kale: Why does everyone want me to die?
Because you're you and you're annoying, Kale.

Glass: There's no need to be afraid of me.
Bronson: Oh. No. I'm afraid of Ida. She has a jealous streak.
Glass: Maybe she'll understand me...

Glass gets her first breakthrough!

Ida: I've decided...I've worked enough, today I'm just gonna eat some pizza and play on the
No you haven't! Go to work!

Ida: Rawr! I don't want to update it!

Wow Ida.
Ida: Well, I went from an almost-triple-threat TH to a human mess in just three days. Find out how at idatheuseless.com! In conjunction with glasscannottakecareofherself.co.uk.

Glass and Quinton have a chat in the dining room...
Glass: You have to like being around me. Because I have to know what you're doing. At. All. Times.
Quinton: Uh-huh...
Glass: Answer the question.
Quinton: I love spending time with you!

That looks painful.

I'm really indulging them here. Most couples in the ISBI never get this much interaction. Shows how much I love these two.

Glass: I am an evil mouse. I will spring from my ball, and your face will soon not be attached to your head!
Not so aww....

Quinton: I love mice!

Quinton: I'm a boss-ass bitch, bitch-
Hell yeah.

Glass: UM...cleanup on aisle 3?
Baby time!

Elin: Nope. Nope nope nope. I refuse to be involved.

Booooooo no blue skin...but hopefully she'll get the red hair or pink eyes.
Ashby: There's no need to place these expectations on me, I am but a small baby...
And I really don't care, Ash.
Yeah, so here's baby Ashby. +5 for meeee!

Matt is here, and he has gathered outside with his mum and sister.
Ida: *snickers* You still suck.
Matt: Elin! Moony! Tell her she's wrong!
Elin: Don't bring me into this...all I need is my cheese.
I decided, hey I'm bored, and I know Ashby is going to start being annoying. And Quinton needs to mix 3 drinks at a social event...and he's a dance machine...so I planned a party at the ruins, I think. Or maybe the Bluffs...

It was the Bluffs. Quinton had the option to invite the ghosts...so invite the ghosts he did.
Wanda: I'mma BOX!
Ida: This is why I drink.

Vesana: Hmmm...little Quint is all grown up and thinks he can mix drinks. Gimme one, Q.
Elin: Oh no. Don't do that.
Janelle: I will admit that I'm surprised I'm the only one who wants to tap that.
OK 1. The other two are his sisters and 2. You met Quinton when he was a child! Ewwww.

Elin: Seriously. You'll die.
Janelle: That tree is very interesting.
Vesana: And this is why I need to drink.

Zion: C'mon! I'm rich and cool! I have this kickass hat!
Wanda: ...
Elin: Haaaaiiii.
Zion: And to top it all off, I'm desperate! I'll do anything for you!
Elin: Would you like me to finish him?
Wanda: Soundin' pretty temptin', crazy great-granddaughter.

Vesana: Quinton, did you put sulphur into this bowl?
Janelle: Are you kidding me...you had time to get sulphur but can't make a drink?
Quinton: I don't provide fast service to people who make sexual comments about me while I am at work.

Vesana: Oh Quinton. I'm so proud! You dealt with that bitch like a boss, and you were so good at sneaking chemicals into my bowl...this is why you're my favourite. Now, do you have a toothpick? Sulphur tastes f-ing disgusting.

Meanwhile, the losers of the family dance in the bushes.
Matt: Moony wants your foetuses.
Lexie: So God help me if I kill you, Matt.

Janelle: You actually ordered one? Y'know they're gross...
Y'know what, screw you Janelle. I checked, your drink was an excellent. An EXCELLENT. Now f off.

Whatever the f*ck this is is still happening.
Lexie: Do the punch! Do the punch!
Matt: Yes! Now aim over there! Moony likes to be hurt!
Ryan: What the hell has this family been doing?

Zion: Almost...almost...stretch a little further Zy!
Wanda: Smite.
Elin: With pleasure.

Scarlett: Hello, handsome...

Plant thing: You don't need to be so nice to little old me!

What the hell, who leaves the party at eight? And you were the motherfreaking DJ!

OH MY... there is so much going on in this picture.
Ryan: Wanda this isn't OK!
Wanda: I'm floatin', I'm really floatin'! Lemme rise!
Scarlett: YES LEAF! LOVE ME.
Ida: What in the hell.
Isadora: Swing swing swing, do the swing swing swing...
Lexie: Stop, wait a minute, fill my cup, put some liquor- oh wait.

Zion: Oh yeah...
Vesana: I'm gonna die alone, you're gonna die alone...oh this is perfect! :)

Matt: You're in pain. I like that.
Isadora: £%#*
Scarlett: Maybe things with Planty and I won't work out.
Ryan: This conversation makes me uncomfortable.

Quinton and Isadora are dance-battling.
Quinton: Work it, work it...
Isadora: My achey achey knees.
My darling Isa is old now. That means she's close to...death.

Isadora: O__O Do not do pelvic thrusts at me, young man!
Damn right. Stop it, Quinton.

Janelle: Curses! I have not ruined his night!
Elin: Oh look...a fist.
Vesana and Zion are still talking...

Isadora: Do the evil bunny!

Ryan how do you need the toilet? You're dead.
Scarlett what.
Annabel why are you so alone.
Annabel: You don't know me! *dramatic stare*

Del: What the hell, you were all buddy-buddy with my sister and now you're IN me?
Wanda: *sigh* This f*ckboy...
Ida: Daughter, you sadden me.

This beauty (who replaced Quinton after he mixed enough drinks) is actually Elektra's late in life baby. It's weird that Gen 4 kids are still alive...
Justine: >:) I haz a flask.

This- ZION!
Ida: Um...if I touch my face will he go away?
Zion: Hey bby.
Vesana why are you so happy?
Vesana: I enjoy seeing other people in uncomfortable situations.
Matt: No! We must defend our mother's honour!
Ewwww, it tastes so baaaad....but I gotta accept and say it: Matt, you're quite right.

I had to go home because stupid IDA was stupid and wouldn't just pee in a bush.
Let's leave off with this picture of Glass watching TV.
Glass: He's gonna burn things. Oh, that's my favourite part!
Next time, Ashby (the baby) ages up, I will most likely knock up Glass again, and Quinton and Glass may get married.

Also, these are Isadora's kids. First is Rachel, the one who got basically the worst of Caiphus's features, namely the weirdly shaped face. Then, we have Destinee who is beautiful because she's an Isadora clone. She's also dressed like a school queen bee type in my opinion. My favourite is Madeleine because she's a genetic mix who's also really, really attractive.

Old Isadora. It didn't feel right putting her in the typical old-lady clothes so I shoved her in this converted-from-childrenswear dress. Considering she's a childish Sim...yeah I like it.

Old Lyric. We're probably never gonna see her again because she is three days older than Isa, but hey. At least she'll die stylish.
Score Sheet- 55
Single Births (16) +80
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (48) +240
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (3) +60
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (65) -325
Self Wetting (17) -85
Fires (6) -60
Fires (6) -60
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