5.12- Restaurant Drama (and Matt's Birthday but who cares lol)
Oh great. I hate it when they all reset.
Don't pass out on me later today, guys.
Today we're gonna age up Matt. Will Matt be heir? Or will he go live with Vesana in the old Sutherland house?
I also checked on the rules, and apparently I was supposed to subtract 10 for fires all along. So I'm going to check back over the previous posts and see how many fires there were. Because I'mprocrastinating on actually doing this chapter that dedicated. Then I will add the fire total onto here. (I'm not THAT dedicated)
5 fires. That equals -50 points.
Today we're gonna age up Matt. Will Matt be heir? Or will he go live with Vesana in the old Sutherland house?
I also checked on the rules, and apparently I was supposed to subtract 10 for fires all along. So I'm going to check back over the previous posts and see how many fires there were. Because I'm
5 fires. That equals -50 points.
Stinky Elin.
Elin: Curse these game mechanics! Why can they not let me shower?

Quinton: I wanna be hugged...
Matt: No you don't, this feels awful.
Easton: Exactly. It's part of my plan.
Scarlett (still in tomb): ACK! Get off Ryan! Easton, you pulled that straight out of your ass!- MOVE RYAN! AW GOD I HATE BEING DEAD.

This is officially the most pathetic picture of a Sim I have.
Quinton: Um...
No excuses. NONE. -5, 4 SCREENSHOTS IN. Thanks a lot idiot.
Elin: Imbecile.
For once, people will be inclined to agree with you, little weirdo.
Elin: They already do... with persuading, Watcher.
Elin: Writhe, Watcher, writhe.

Del: I can smell it from here! *gags*

The kids are all home...
Seriously guys? Why?
Well guy: So disappointed.
Me too, wishing well, me too...
Elin is asleep too, but she's in her bed like a good Sim. Sigh.

Oh yay!
When Bronson gets home, I'm taking everyone out to a restaurant to celebrate. I am having problems with the running side of things (the chef is not working and I'm not sure what mods could be causing it, or if it's EA), so I'm going to test if I can at least eat at a place with nothing going horribly wrong.

Ida's next aspiration is Musical Genius. Let's see how far she gets...
And now it's restaurant time. I placed the diner down. Also, we brought Vesa. It feels wrong to leave her out.

Elin is the typical younger kid brat (older sister here) who sits at the head of the table although it makes no sense. Quinton is doing his homework. Matt got up for no reason.
This is going so well.

The table next to him appear to have a lot of drama. (She's just been crying).
The chef is not actually working.
This is going to go SO WELL.

-5. This was a terrible idea.
Bronson: *snore* *mumble*
Katy: I don't think he's ever actually SEEN ME, Tyrell! I don't know why we're still together...
Tyrell: Because of your daughter...
Katy: I'm just wondering if it's all worth it?
And the chef is still not working.
Yeah, I'm going to have to go through my mods if I want to use this pack I spent £11 on. Screw you, EA.
We're going home. Vesana has been left there because she's a big girl and can make her own way home.

So Ida orders pizza and chills out to a crappy sitcom about a neurotic chef.

Blarffy: I didn't say anything!

Del! -5!
This chapter is just a cascade of failure. Maybe 'cos it's the leadup to Matt's adulthood and it wants to anticipate.
Matt: HEY!
Oh go back to socking the stuffed bear nearly everyone else abandoned when they aged up to teen.

I spy with my little eye an idiot who won't go the hell to bed even though he has the Exhausted moodlet.

Ryan: This cake is so cool! We never had this when I was alive! How awesome!
Don: That's a hamburger.
Ryan:...I am so done with you.
So am I.

Don: Well fine then! I guess I'll just leave.
Ryan: You do that Dad.
Amanda: I'm looking for one brain cell here guys, one brain cell.

Elin: Horseshoe. You will bend to my whim.
Horseshoe: Try me, little girl. No-one has ever come away...unchanged.

Ida is listening to music. I really want her to do Musical Genius, just so I have a bonafide triple threat. She's also having the leftover pizza.

Ida: Pah! Away with your ambitions! Let me chill with my PIZZA.
You may chill in either 3, 9 or 21 days.

Isadora: So this is the fancy living room, huh...
Ida: I'm conflicted.
Isadora: Aw come on.
Ida: I want Matt to be heir so I can relax. But then again I don't want Matt to be heir because he's a f*ckwit. Choices, choices...

Ida plays the piano.
Ida: Plink plink.
Ida played for a few hours before receiving an invite to the restaurant of disaster. I agreed.

Demario: And at last I see the light.
Yuki: F*ck I'm next, aren't I?
Talia: Dad...give me the light, OK.
What is up with the drama at this restaurant? First we have Katy and her relationship issues, and now we have a man dying in front of his wife and child-aged daughter.

Demario: Ahhh...oh no.
Yuki: You got a B+? Good! Now raise that up.

Isadora: Mmmm-hmmmm
Caiphus: Would you let it go? It's just the stupid club outfit. It was the Watcher!

Darian: Mama... life just killed a man!
(Darian your mum was Nyla and she's dead, dumbshit)
Isadora: Ooh. Well. This is an eventful lunch.
Kaila: WHY...nothing ever goes right for this place...*sigh*
Josephine: Lemme get my phone...

Caiphus: Too late, Josie. Already tweeting it as we speak.
Talia: DADDY!
Addison: Well this is going to be a good story...
Diego: I don't give a f*ck, not a single f*ck...

Yuki: My love, my darling...!
Del: Ugh. I was right in the middle of Blicblock Tap and then this old bastard goes and dies. Oh well, I'll go in, pretend to care, yadda yadda ya...
Quinton: So over this death thing.
Matt: Huehuehuehuehue

Elin: Morons. When I have my way, they will not sniffle and wail over death. That sort of thing will be too commonplace for them to care.

Nice little crowd, ain't it...
Karen: People, people, nothing to see here, get back to your meals that Diego isn't cooking.
Quinton: Jeeeeeez, Grim hurry up.
Del: Ugh. I agree.
Caiphus: Guys, please. His wife and child are here.
Karen: Oooh. Caiphus with the preaching...
Blah blah blah death and shit.
And now we're going home.
I might just let the restaurant be a clusterf*ck for a bit...hehe.

Quinton: Why? PEPPERONI? Oh sob, my day is ruined.
Right, so a man dying is all fine but a pizza topping is what breaks you. Seems legit.
Ida: You're writing this, aren't you?
Shut up.
Vesana invited us over, so we're going to see the old Sutherland house.

Oh finally!

Poses. How cute.
The kids are all gathered around the gaming rig. Idiots.

Gregory: SHUT UP KID.
Lucian: I'm not joking, he actually still wears the same jacket.
Gregory: BULLSHIT.
Lucian: Tra la la la la...

Throwback to Gen 1. I swear, they did this all the damn time.
Elin: I feel the spirits of my ancestors...and I will best them all!

Vesana: Smells like inferior evil...
Elin: Please, sister, I'm seven and I know that it's pronounced SUperior evil.
No, it's just Elin's stink.

Scarlett: Say what about AU me?

Isadora what happened to you?
Isadora: This is just like...school!
Oh ffs. *resets*

Quinton: Damn these action movies!
Stop watching them then, dumbass?

Bronson: You dare to troll me? RAH! RAH! ROOOOAAAARRR! AAAAHHH! SUSHI!
Let me just leave you to that.

Yay Ida!

Why the interest in the bonsai, Quinton?
Quinton: The leaves...speak to me.

Damn you Elin, and just after I got the aspiration points.
Elin: F*ck you, I'm evil.
Elin: Hypocrite.
Very true.

Don't look like that, Q, that's three and a half more skill points then you'll ever have on the piano.
Quinton: What if I'm heir?
Well that's not your aspiration and I wouldn't do the same one two generations in a row, dummy.

Bronson: Cleaning like a BAWSE!
Thank you. Honestly. That plate was either glitched, or used by a ghost, because I couldn't drag it into the NanoCan. So thank you, Bronson.
Bronson: On second thoughts, why clean...?
Don't you f*cking eat it.
*checks queue*
It was just going to be a boring Friday night in, but then Lexie called Del, inviting her to the diner. As per usual, I decided that everybody got to go along. That was an absolute f*cking disaster before, but maybe...
HAHAHAHA it's gonna be a bigger disaster ain't it?
I wonder what drama is going to go down this time.

Here we have Lucian, husband of Katy the Distant Relative, who was crying at the restaurant last time.
Lucian: She's gonna leave me... *sobs into menu*

Britany: You're not gonna get down my bra tonight *wink wink*
Rocky: I don't WANT to get down your bra tonight! I don't even know you!
Britany: Relax honey

Matilda: Oh Davon, how I love you! It's so nice that you're taking me out to celebrate our pregnancy!
Davon: Ohhhh snap...Addison we definitely cannot do this now.
Addison: You said! You said so! I wore this jacket so we could match today, and you bring her?
Matilda: Helloooo? Are we going to get a table in here or-?

Diego: Awww snap son.
I feel you, Diego.
Also the chef is still not working. However, the kitchen's open. So I'll just see if I can make Ida make something good.

Aww, this is...why are the Sutherlands the LEAST dramatic table in here right now? That's ass-backwards, if you ask me.
Quinton: And remember, stay safe on the internet.
Ida's making clam chowder.

I'm having great fun stalking the other tables tho...
Lucian: We're gonna stay together, aren't we Katy?
Katy: ...
Lucian: Kate? Katy? Darling?
Katy: Yes, of course. Now, do you think we should have the minestrone or olive and pita?
Emily: I knew the gossip would be good when I took this job...
Britany: And then when you left the hairdresser, I'd sneak in, and I'd-I'd pick up the trimmings! Just so I could have a piece of you...and now you're here. Next to me. Oh Rocky...
Rocky: *smiles, dies on the inside*
Britany: Aren't you flattered? I went to all that, just for you.
Rocky: I think...um, ring ring! Ring ring! Sorry, my phone...
Addison: My Davon...we will be together one day, I think...
Delphina: And those are the parts of your body that you SHOULDN'T put near a vacuum cleaner!
Quinton: You think I didn't know that? I had to pull out her whole hand-
Bronson: Are we bad parents, Ida?
Matt and Elin: *snicker*
Ida: *stares into soup*
Lexie: What's the problem? It sounds fun.
(OK, so I may have made them all eat the soup, and I may not be counting it as a free action...but I had to cut corners here, people. Not my fault if the chefs are borked)
(Dammit, Matt's head, get out of my shot. I knew why I didn't like you)
Del: Auntie? Auntie Lexie? Please don't look at me like that.
Lexie: I have had a...realisation.
*ultimate mega-plus double FACE-PALM*
Britany: And that's my impression of a dying goose! *HONK HONK HONK*
Rocky: Hehe, yeah *claps half-heartedly*...let me go now please.
Addison: But I love him!...*sigh* Maybe you're right...they look so happy...
Lucian: You whore, who's is it?
Katy: It's yours! Who else would I have been able to WooHoo with, Lucian?
Lucian: I don't believe you- now I know why you didn't want to stay with me!
I love this drama. Love it so much.
Britany: You'll come home with me, right?
Rocky: ...Lemme think.
Come on Rocky.
Katy:...It's over.
Lucian: You say that.
Katy: Screw you. Take me home.
Lucian: We live together.
Katy: You sleep in the yard tonight.
Davon: You can sit down now, baby *nervous laughter*
Matilda: Aw hell no. You need to notice me. See me. I'm pregnant. PREGNANT. So get your shit together...and no more messing about with the hostess of this place.
Davon: *splutters*
I'll leave you two to it.
Lucian: I'll show her! She can sleep here instead of kicking me out of my own house, that little-
Elin: *shakes head* Hy-po-crite.
Rocky: So I've made my decision.
Britany: What, my love?
Rocky: First of all, don't call me that. Second of all, I will WooHoo with you. Once. In public. And I get to bring three knives.
Britany: Deal!
We did not see the rest of the drama, as Isadora called up Ida inviting her to the club for a dance party. We brought everyone who was at the restaurant, along with Emmitt, Lexie's boyfriend-from-the-well, who married another man.
Elin: Drama-chaser.
Stop being my conscience, Elin.
Scarlett: Out of my way bitches, I need a f*ckin' drink.
I'm so bad at this.
*stays out anyway*
Blair: Hot mama on my right, let me go for that.
Scarlett: I'm having fun, don't ruin it for me... nephew.
Wanda: Awwwww c'mon, I'm hot too! Hiiiiii.
Isadora: Just stabbed my leg, but the party don't stop till I walk out!
Nice reversal there Isa.
This looks like a pose pack for a DJ booth that's still firmly in beta.
Emmitt: Mmmm metal.
Kaiden: Please leave the booth...your butt is all in my switches.
Del: I think you dodged a bullet Auntie.
Lexie: Perhaps...I believe he still needs to die.
Isadora: *condescending sigh* You kids and your drama.
Emmitt: You're supposed to grind back, not punch me in the nipple!
Kaiden: *tweak tweak* GET OUTTA MY BOOTH!
Blair: Now, lemme tell you the story of the first time I touched a boob.
Scarlett: Blair I am your auntie, could you please not.
Ellie: Come play with me.
Lexie: Rejected, huh? *feels no sympathy*
Emmitt: Look...the well must've realised it was trying to give you a good life, and then somehow subconsciously backfired, Lex...I couldn't be with you any longer...
Lexie: You hurt me, Emmitt! I thought what we had was real!
Emmitt: I came from a MAGIC WELL, what about that is real to you Lexie...?
Bronson: There's a pretty sweet closet down here...
Ida: I'm listening...
Bronson: And I always have the ol' cuffs with me...today ain't an exception.
Ida: Oh, I'm really listening now.
Scarlett: Oh Lordy do I not need to hear THIS!
Ida: They don't call it a 'tie' rack for nothing!
OK, it is time to go home. Elin is about to wet herself/pass out again, it's 12.30, and I'm still trying to skill Ida.
Aww, does pure evil wet herself? I thought pure evil was past diapers.
Elin: *sniff, almost-sob*
Alright, I'm sorry. You are only seven, and the family did just drag you to the club until 1am...yeah, I think I'm gonna give you a pass on this one, hon.
I do not remember bringing you here!
Lexie: There's no way you're gonna wake up my sister just so she can ask me to GTFO, right?
*sigh* No, Ida needs her sleep.
Lexie: And Lex needs her gaming time. We cool?
No. We're not.
First of all, I don't remember letting you come over either, Isa (though I do love you, so it's kewl).
Second of all, what the fuck are you doing at Ryan's grave? You're not evil. (Again, that's ass-backwards, but it's how it seems to be working).
Next morning...
Quinton: Everything hurts and I'm dying.
At least you have PIZZA!
Del: Quinton, Quinton look, my mouth can go so wide *opens maw of death*
We didn't need to see that Del.
Quinton: Shut up, I'm dying.

Matt: You're leaving? I just sat down!
Quinton: Sort of the point, bro!

1. There's so many tables
2. This is the only room someone is asleep in.
In conclusion, you make zero sense.

Yay! +5.

I have no idea why or how Matt and Del got so close (they're good friends, which is just weird), but it's pretty nice amongst the typical weirdness and f*ckery.
Plus, Del is the only person Matt will tell about his wish for a Barbie Dream House.

Del is on coffee #2.
As a reminder, the record is still six, set by Easton.

Arianna what the f*ck.

Good girl Elin. She's on a B, I have hope!

Is he...is he mentoring her? I love you, Quinton.

And it looks like this chapter will be coming to a close.

That ain't looking good.

Oh dear.
Go age up, Matthew.
Matt: *splutters* She's a G-GHOST?
Better than Vesa, hon.

Matt is taking after Granny Scarlett, with his hates children trait. Fortunately, he isn't gonna have them (unless things with Layla (the ghost girl) don't work out).
I'm going to move them out together with Vesa.
Alright, next time I'm just going to play as much as I can until the chapter gets too long, so we'll hopefully reach Elin and the twins' birthdays.
Score Sheet- 90 (*sniff* Stupid fire points)
Single Births (14) +70
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (46) +230
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (3) +60
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (61) -305
Self Wetting (17) -85
Fires (5) -50
Fires (5) -50
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