5.10 - Luna's Tinder

5.10- Luna's Tinder

Vesana and Matt are always apparently mourning...but they never look that sad.

Oh thanks a lot, Bronson.

(May have been my fault, he woke up and tried to get food because Elin was crying and Ida was painting so I didn't bother sorting it out...considering there are two teens in the house, but as we've established, Matt and Vesa are freakin' useless)

Ida: Step away from the baby.

Del: But she likes me.

Ida: She definitely doesn't now.

Matt: I don't get why Vesa likes you.

Quinton: And I don't get your sweater.

Matt: It's for MOONY.

Quinton: (What the...)

Ida has a movie night for the kids who aren't totally exhausted. (Looking at you, VESA).

Ida: So, we're watching a space adventure movie, guys...

Matt: Let me count the threads on my jeans. One, two, three-

Del: This is gonna be a long night.

Matt: Why THIS one?

Del: That actor's kinda cute...

Quinton: Ma, what's she doing?

Ida: Oh f*ck oh f*ck I really should've checked the rating on this...

Quinton: I don't need to see this! My young eyes!

Quinton and Del are getting pretty excited and Matt's all like-

Matt: Mum, can I leave?

Ida: No. You must stay. We are going to be a family.

Matt: But Dad and Vesa aren't-

Ida: They do not exist right now!

Ida: Thaaaat...doesn't make any sense.

Del: I am the giant frog alien! Hear me roar!

Quinton: Mum, is the insanity acting up again?

Ida: ARRRGH- shut up Quinton!

Matt: This is why we can't be a normal family.


Why is it only the powerless children who are interested in helping the baby? Vesa and Matt, who could help, are like 'lol, nah, let's just mourn at the graves and piss around doing nothing'

I appreciate the thought, Quinton, but GTFO.


This is the first time in this save.

Meanwhile Quinton keeps sleeping like the BEST KID EVER. I've forgiven him for passing out. His needs are always the most filled up and he has the best grades.

Vesana: Maaattt, don't give into her demands. Spray her in the f*cking eyes. There isn't a monster.

Matt: But she's pleading to Moony- she, she respects him!

Vesana: Smart kid. Playing to your crazy. *shouts* HEY DEL, YOU'RE 34% OK!


Vesana: Did you sort it?

Matt: Nope. She's in bed now.

Vesana: Did you spray her in the eyes?


Vesana: Damn it. I knew you'd gone at least a little soft-hearted.

Matt:...Apparently I'm weird.

Vesa: *glutton eating*

Matt:...That's disgusting.

I take it back. Quinton, you suck.

Scarlett: Boy, have the joints gone bad! I should not be haunting those twirly lights anymore!

Ida: La la la la la...

Elin: Bitch you are going to DROP ME

Matt: Da da da da DA! *drumming rhythms*

Oh, and I'm changing your hair because it's Ida's hair also now, and that's stupid. Because you're weird and I still don't really like you, you get the change.


Matt: Heh...heh....*twitch*

Del: I'm eating, Father.

Bronson: But don't you want to talk to your awesome, secret-agent Dad?

Del: I'm. Eating.

Bronson: But I'm a Field Agent.

Del: Please. You're Level 4. 'Field Agent' just means they think you're expendable.

Bronson: ...

Aww snap Del.

And here is some picture proof of Vesana being scared.

Vesana: Wh-wh- NO! I was scared that his scaring was so terrible!

Suuuure...(she was scared).


Bronson: Uhhhh...no!

Vesana: You're way too damn proud of yourself...

Bronson: *laughs to self*

Vesana: Yes, very funny. You'll be laughing when I find Mum's hiding place for the rat poison...

I always forget to check on this thing. But awww, yes!


Vesana: Aha! A masking food! Now all I need to do is hack into this mainframe...


Ida (offscreen): OK, I guess I need to move the poison again!

Vesana: #readytokill

Ida: *is sitting down* Should spend time with my lovely husband...oh, the kid's here.

Quinton: Hi, nice to see you too, Mum. Now...GIVE IT HERE!

Bronson: NO.

Quinton: But she WANTS it! Why'd you have to move the rat poison Mum, Vesa wants it!

Ida: And that's exactly why I moved it, kid.

Bronson's Mum invited him out. So I brought the family.

Luna: F*ck.

Luna: Hey there, hot stuff. Make us the strongest of what you've got and let's see where things go from there.


Bronson: *screams into the void*

The siblings that sleep on the same bench love each other...actually these two hate each other.

Matt: Zzzz...must not touch her...zzz

Vesana: Zzzzz...I win...zzzzz

Quinton: First time at the club!

Del: It's not really fair though...Mum said Granny Scarlett brought her out all the time when she was young! We're like...twelve or something! Ohhhh...why did she have to die?

Quinton: Granny Scarlett hated us, Del.

Luna: Sooooooon! Move!

Bronson: Mum. Please. You're supposed to be dead right now...MCCC says you're six days past! No more flirting!

Luna: MOVE.

Reid: Thank God, thank God.

Kurtis: Heeeey girl...*turns to camera* I'd tap that.

OK, ew, just ew.

Kurtis: She's the only woman here who isn't married or underage.

Luna: Bronson I can handle myself. Have you even SEEN my Tinder?


Bronson: Mum, this Tinder hookup thing could literally kill you...we're TS4. Elders die from this shit!

Luna: Oh ALRIGHT, Bronson...hello there young man.

Kurtis: Hey *eyebrow waggle*.

Bronson: *sigh*

Lyric: If I stick myself in here I won't have to look after these things...

Kurtis: Hey baby.

Lyric: Oh, and your strongest, please.

Damn, Lyric! You're about to pop.

Lyric:...I'm in my second trimester.

*walks away awkwardly*

The four Sutherland siblings hanging out.

Matt: So you wanna hear about the components of my hair gel?

Del: N- *head drops*

Quinton: Vesa take me away from the scary boring boy.

Vesana: With pleasure, dear favourite, with pleasure. Help me scout out some rat poison or something.

Matt: Well fine then, I'll go tell that preggo over there... oh wait, hey Mum, wanna hear about-

Ida: Don't even think about it boy.

Lyric: You're a very nice young man...

Kurtis: And you're a veritable work of art...!

Luna: Left, left, left, oh- left straight in the dust!- oooh that's a swipe right!

Bronson: Mum?

Luna: Uhhhh...Candy Crush?

Reid: Oh, sorry Miss Abernathy, your drink-

Melina: Well my dear distant relation?

Matt: Yes?

Melina: How shall we kill him?

Annabel: Uhm.

Matt: *sticks hand*

Kerri (Ethan's kid): *slowly dying*

Melina: That's my little...distant relation! Sticking his hand in people's livers already! Ohhhh, I'm so PROUD.

Luna: What the hell Grandson, she was supposed to be mine!

Annabel: I wanna leave. I really really wanna leave.

Kerri: Phew! I'm OK. I might not drink though, because my liver has been punctured a little...

Matt: Maybe it's a good thing...I don't wanna go to prison.

Melina: A good thing...? I am NOT proud! She's FINE, distant relation! You suck!

Matt: At least I'm not ageing and alone and still living in my parents' old house!

Luna: Ooooh snap! Hey snap! Do you wanna play snap, anyone?

Annabel: I'll just drink...

Bronson: *mental facepalm* Mum...

Luna: What? I'm saying hi to this nice man?

Caiphus: Move your hand, lady...

Luna: But you really are so pretty...

Caiphus: I'm married to your daughter-in-law's sister, Ma'am...

Luna: I'm pretty sure I'm going to die tomorrow, sir. That doesn't faze me.

Caiphus: Fine. Um... I killed a man. You fazed?

Luna: Nah.

Bronson: MUM!

Vesana with the modelling pose. (And they're all home)

Vesana: I can work it.

Heh, you really can. I like Vesana more then I generally let on...

I am running out of things to write for them mourning...

Vesana: Ohhhh Granny Scarlett! You really taught me the meaning of pure hatred.

Guess who's back!

...The glitches. Yeah. F*ck this shit.

Paris: School!

Seriously what is wrong with you? You may just be crazier than the Sutherlands.

Vesana: *gasp* No way! There's no-one weirder than us!

Wassup weirdo.

Lexie: You let me come over.

Why did I say yes?

This chapter is a giant points-fest, PLUS no-one's passed out on me yet. So yay!


Lexie: Y'know the Watcher could EXPLODE YOU.

Lexie stop scaring the child...though I could set you on fire with MCCC.

Lexie: *cowers in fear* NO!

Well not here...don't wanna destroy the house.

Lexie: *pitiful squeak*

And at long last, we see Elin! Because of my terrible playing this last month or so, we've had at least a month and a half of waiting for her. She has Ida's nose and Bronson's everything-else but his genetics have been pretty dormant so far, so I'm happy.

Don't let that cute little face fool you though, she's actually yet another evil spawn. (Whiz Kid aspiration, so I'm not even going to get one milestone out of her as a kid...)


I'm just going to end it here.

Score Sheet- 155

Single Births (14) +70
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (43) +215
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (3) +60
Immortalise TH (1) +5

Pass Out (56) -280
Self Wetting (14) -70
