5.9- Goodbye Lexie
There is something unsettling about teen Matt. I'm not sure what it is, but it's there.
Matt: I've been unsettling my whole life darling.
Oh shut up.

Scarlett: Why aren't you doing more crying over me? Douches. Same with you, great-granddad.
Don (offscreen): Haters gonna hate.

Blarffy: *moves head back in slo-mo* MAN DOWN! MAN. DOWN.

Amanda: I WON! OMG I WON!

Don: I love you...and it kinda focuses me.
Amanda: Eh. You didn't make any sense when we were alive, and you don't make any sense now, but what's new? Love ya too.
Ida: This is my future. I can see it.
Ida: Shit.

Bronson: Hahaha! You feel like utter crap!
Lexie: One more word...
Bronson: Apple?

It's official, the man's lost it.
Burgers: He never had that much of it.

OK Bronson, this is what's weird. You had a whole long weekend with your family, and you did like two friendly interactions? What even the hell?

I wanted to find Ida's favourite drink. It costs 80 simoleons! Friggin' 80! Anyway, it's going in the fridge and so God help me if anyone drinks it before Ida's un-pregnant.

Kids are back...
Vesana: No-one told me there would be STEAM.
STFU stupid.

Vesana: Me and my armpit stench are all up in this sauna.

Bronson: This grill smells TERRIBLE.
I'm more worried about the fact that you're burning your hand and not noticing.

Rachel, Destiny and Madeleine! The triplets I cursed Isadora with. Have fun sweetie.
Isadora: #@&*

Vesana: Erm... Gabby II, slow your shit.

Quinton: I've made a horrible mistake.
Yeeees...now keep the book open.
Del: Quinton! Come splash with meeeeee!
Quinton: I wanna splash! *sobs pitifully*

Vesana: Well. Maybe I'll have this many graves one day. One for Matt, one for Mum, one for Lexie, one for Dad and definitely one for that chick who cut in line at McDonalds. I'll get Quint to dig 'em!

Santino: Yoooou didn't see me. I'm so SNEAKY.
Seriously where was this dude? He asked Lexie to hang out so I said yes, but I just figured he bailed when I didn't see him! He's been here for hours! How have I not seen him?
Santino: I'm just trying to escape my mother, OK? I'm only leaving because she is threatening to put soap in my Fanta if I don't come home.

Lyric is pregnant.
Lyric: #@&*
I won't curse you with triplets. Maybe.
Pietro's daughter is pregnant too.
Ah-HA, Santino. When you said you needed to go home, you really just wanted to bang someone. Lol, Precious...
(Also, no more updates from non-Ryan descendants). I cba.
Ethan's son married an old man.
Natty-boy got married.
And one of Galactus's daughters married this dude.
Easton hides in his old bed.
Easton: DAMMIT SCARLETT. Why'd you say that, I wasn't THAT BAD, OK?
Quinton is up at silly o' clock because he needed to pee, but at least he's doing his extra credit. I haven't seen that since Noah.
More traditions.
And I used Quinton's action to make him skill. He may get his A today...
This, however, is one of his siblings...
Vesana: OW salad! Ohh...my face. Where'd it GO?
Guys come on...
Vesana: No, no, it's fine. I will make sure he is dead.
Easton: I cannot believe someone so stupid is descended from me.
Del: Leeeeexxxxiiiie...
Lexie: Be quiet, slug.
Del: Help me with this homework. What is 15+9?
Lexie: You're nine, slug, you should know that shit.
Del: Eh, I'mma C student.
Lexie: More like a C stu-pid.
Del: Good one Auntie. But I'm not going to stop staring at you until you help me.
Quinton: Heh heh heh.

At least you have a sickness moodlet. THIS little asshole decided that needing the loo was a good enough excuse to skip.
Matt: Have you seen those school toilets? BLEUGH. Also, Moony told me not to go to school today.
*looks at shirt icon*
FFS, me and Matt.

Adriana: It's wearing a crown! Eee!
The painting club! We should meet the other members.

Such as Melina, the person who clearly seems to have better things to do.
Melina: I could probably get someone to do me in a rocketship.
Shaowen: I do like an older- wait she's my cousin, isn't she?
*checks family tree*
Yep, Melina is the daughter of Santos and Shaowen is the son of Nyla. Nyla and Santos are the twin son and daughter of Kezia.
So yeah, NO.

And here is Isadora, who is taking a break from triplets.
Isadora: I have...seen things.

And Yesenia, the widow of one of Pietro's children.
Yesenia: *sigh* I remember when I did things like that to my husband...

I'm a terrible person.
No, I really am. My brain just needs to stop.

Matilda: I...I like this! It's a land of forests, rocks and a flowing river. I call it Generica Paintingville.
That's all the members of the *checks name* Complimentary Colours.
Paint on, darlings, paint on.

Eliana: I'm...I'm afraid. That rock looked at me funny.
(I just wanted to show her, b/c she's SO FREAKING PRETTY)

This however...
Quinton: I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Why must I shove my fingers into your arm?

Eliana: They are everywhere...why must it be this way?
Uhhh, Eli...?

Green Fedora: I'm preetttty hot, huh?
Yesenia: You know, I heard from my daughter that your wife just had a kid, maybe you should...
Green Fedora: Naaaah bro, I'll hit on a sweet old lady like you.
Melina: What do you think, Yesenia? Should it be decapitation or a tank of sharks for him?
Yesenia: Well I- coming here was a mistake, wasn't it.
(Melina is evil AND mean...)

I think you lot are plotting...

Quinton...what did he even do?
Quinton: He nearly hit on his cousin.
True dat.
Shaowen: It's just...it was a mistake, OK?

Isadora: I could hide in that thing! It's huge... I'd never hear them.
Melina: Suits of armour...laaaame. Just decapitate 'em if they're pissing you off.
Isadora:...They're my triplet babies.
Melina: TRIPLETS? Slice 'em.

Matilda:...I need that.
Ida: Why? I painted it.
Matilda: Look, I'm behind on the water bill and I need to pay for the vodka somehow! So if I could have it...and sell.
Ida: You are a hack of little talent.
Matilda:...And you are a whale.
Ida: Touche.

Emmitt: How did I GET here...?
Lexie: My wish came true! *squeals*. Now I've got a guy to talk penguins with, a guy who'll post my bail money, a guy who can make me food... eeee!
(I used her action, yes, but her birthday is very soon. I honestly thought something would go badly wrong, but no, Lucky Lexie gets a guy out of it.)
Emmitt: Ohhhh no. No no no. Put me the fuck back.
Wishing Well: Tough luck, little bitch. Have fun with this hell-beast they call a Sim.
*modifies Emmitt in CAS a bit, but actually keeps random outfit*

Emmitt: Soooo, random soulmate-girlfriend-person, shouldn't we actually talk...
Lexie: Shuddup. I'm trying to get this burger using the Force and you're not helping.

Quinton, I know what you just did. I was too busy focusing on Lexie, but I know. I looked at your stats.
He passed out.

Matt! I was...I was saving that! And it cost 80!
Matt: Moony needs his fuel.
I really hate teen Matt, and I don't even know why.

So I got a/the (dunno if there's more than one) no-censor mod. This may not be a censor bar, but it is still not the desired result.
And now I have to go through my (horrendously disorganised) mods folder and find this ONE piece of CC so I can take it out.
And then pray another CC does not take its place.
(It was actually the FIRST CC I looked up, The world likes me!)

Ryan, your wife is upstairs being obnoxious.
Ryan: So? Tell me when you have real news. Now I'mma drink this coffee and you will leave me in peace.
Also, Quinton, what in twenty hells are you doing awake? Do you wanna pass out again?


Quinton: You eat (and smell) like a pig, sister!
Vesana: Wha? Can't hear you over this delicious burger!

Ida: I hate you.

The caterer is back.
That FACE tho...

This caterer is crap! She just sneezed in the food. Like Scarlett did. I miss Scarlett...

Del: Ooooh! Green cloud!
Quinton: I'm a failure.
Yeah...why don't you have your A yet?

Bahaha. Seriously, what the-?

Quinton go the f*ck to bed! You were a great Sim at this 'not falling on the floor' stuff before this chapter! WHY.

Lexie decides to work out for NO reason whatsoever...

Goddamn it Quinton!

This, by contrast, is Del. I like you, faceclone.
Better than all of the other kids.
Bronson got invited to his Uncle's birthday party to Elder (I think). He brought his wife, the kids, and his brothers. (and they're sans Lexie because I doubt Bronson really gives a crap about her).
That was when I didn't play for about two weeks-ish because I didn't really feel like it...
So I don't know HOW much we're repeating...

Lexie's wish still happened. Sooo...OK, didn't lose that much. Vesana is pictured here getting on my nerves by cleaning up dishes when she could clean her own stinky self up.

Bronson: Wife.
Ida: Burger!
I don't have these two interact enough...

Bronson: That's a real interesting wall over there.
Ida: Shut up and let me eat my burger, Bronson.

Matilda: So about that vodka money...
Ida: *fake smile* Screw off.
Adriana: Why are you facing the ROAD?
Yesenia: Are we not going to speak about how last time your cousin sorta tried to-
Melina: Shut up.
Ah, good having you back, ladies.

Kate: What a beautiful work of art!

Gamora's kid. Makes sense, really.

Miss Pink: Mmm, oh yeah, in a banister...

Melina: Now how to kill them...

Isadora: Does anyone else see that hand?
Nicolette: What hand, dearie? Maybe you're going as insane as your sister.
Kate: *muffled screaming*

That is a creepy car. Seriously. There's someone screaming for freedom inside.
Or several corpses.

Yesenia: This isn't funny.
Nicolette: You're telling me! Ha! I bet you wouldn't show up to bingo like that!
What? I like it. And it's your new club outfit.
Yesenia: Fffff-

This time around, Quinton went to BED. Yay! So no pass out.

Vesana is watching Simder.
Vesana: Oh God, that's so unrealistic! No-one falls in love in two hours!
Says the SIM.

Vesana: Oh f*ck it! Why doesn't she just...make some money? Ugh, what a dumbass. I'm out.

Lexie: Picture, the chicken, so sweet and strong. Let me praise it.
Matt: And they say I'm the crazy one in the family, Moony, huh?

So far, it looks like Del is the only one doing her homework. Le sigh.

Toni: Oh world! Take me! Take me!

Isadora is echoing my sentiments.
Isadora: GTFO!
Toni: I'm fighting the man!
Isadora: F*ck this, let's bail.

Del: You really ARE quite sweet, Uni.
Uni: *sniff* You-you really think so?

Del: *traumatised* What?
You're stupid.
Del: *sniff* Fair.
Matt: How dare you intrude!

Matt: Splashing, splashing, lots of fun-
Del: Yeah, that looks fun!
Matt: OK, GTFO!

Lexie: Yeah, this is going to be crappy.
Stop watching them then, JEEZ.

Lexie: Oh nooooo! He's dead! I quit and I will now sulk in the family fountain!

Ida: I name her Elin! A BABY! AH!
Elin: Er...help.
Bronson: Phew. All of that made me hungry!

Oh my GOD, Gally and Mariana!

This wasn't my fault, BTW. She finished labour and suddenly she's dirty and embarrassed. Ugh.

Magical flying pee puddle! *throws hands up*
Baseball bat random thing: *edges up in terror*

Quinton: Need to pee! Need to pee!

RIP Pawel (Sel's child). Yoooouuu....really didn't do much.
I'm wrapping this up after Lexie grows up. I will also grow up her wishing-well person and they can hopefully be happy.
Or not. I kinda want some Lexie drama...

Quinton and Vesa have some bonding time!
Quinton: But aren't I your favourite?
Vesana: Kid, please. You're the one I'm not going to kill. That doesn't mean you stick to me all the goddamned time. Scram.
Quinton: But I just got here.

Yes, Matt's doing his homework...

Bronson: Can't you see I'm doing something?
Bronson: GET OUT.

Bronson: And thus, the glass of water never spoke again... *wipes a fake tear*
Now go the f*ck to work.

Ida does some of the endless mopping that needs to be done.

I aged her up into Adult too! Girl has been a YA for way too long...that's what you get for making your TH get pregnant four times. Did the same w/ Wanda.
I absolutely love this hairstyle for the ladies. She also has some new outfits.

Quinton got his A!
Del almost got there, but 'twas not to be. They age up on the weekend, and it's Friday.

Quinton celebrates.
Quinton: I'm better than alllll of you!
True that. Only kid this gen to get an A in primary school. Elin could...

Lexie, quit taking selfies and grow the hell up.

She was pissing me off. She kept doing random other stuff when I told her to blow out the candles. But hey, she's finally leaving. *fist pump*
Her new trait makes sense; being ignored and picked on for her entire childhood would manifest itself in some kind of underlying anger.
And now she's gone with her wishing well made-to-order boyfriend.
(Holy shit it's been a while! Sorry...I was getting a bit bored of the Sutherlands and I just needed a break. I'm on holiday too so the next one could take a while...)
Score Sheet- 130
Single Births (14) +70
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (42) +210
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (56) -280
Self Wetting (14) -70
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