5.3- Party and the Park
I like you already, Vesa.
Scarlett: I hate the world.
My little scary face-maker...she has one day until elder and I'm sad.
Is this just a thing with Pietro's family? Getting the wife pregnant after ageing up into an elder? IDIOT.
Elektra's son is having a baby with his wife.
Rene's son married an old woman.
Oh my Gosh I'm a freaking Seer. Yeah Isa!
Wanda: I am superior to ya!
Amanda: I don't think that's true...
Wanda: Well my hat tells me differently.
Wanda: No! I'm the chicken round here!
Bronson: Well it's time for some fresh talent!
Wanda: You're a piece of trash! Y'all will never be a chicken!
Bronson: Lady CALM DOWN.
Easton: AH!
Lexie: You are an idiot, father.
Oh no. Oh no. Do not drink six cups of coffee again, Easton. I'm telling you.
Easton: You're gonna die.
Blarffy: You can't break me!...*sighs* I wish I'd gone with Isadora.
Easton: You have crab hair!
Scarlett: EXCUSE ME?
Ida: Now you see it, don't you Bronzey?
Bronson: I don't like your family.
Ida: Neither do I, honey, neither do I.
Easton: You two are terrible and should be ashamed of yourselves!
Bronson: Sir! Please! Let's be adults here.
Ida: Dad, don't be a douche to my fiance. Take it out on me. I'm used to it.
Poor Ida.
Vesana: I hate you!
Ida: I thought little kids were supposed to love their parents...!
Bronson: Don't worry dear. You've got another one in you. I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Vesa must be defective.
Vesana:...And this is why I hate you! BOTH OF YOU.
Carter, one of Nyla's twin son's son.
Frank and Constance, Sel's daughter Evie's twins with McBlahface (who is STILL NOT DEAD).
Lexie: Dad? Do you like penguins?
Easton: Yeah, sure I like penguins. I like them more than I like your mother right now.
Lexie: Oh dad. Stop trying to trick me into talking about your relationship problems. Penguins are all that matter.
Yes Vesana!
OK, looks like you're making up. I knew you guys would end up fighting a lot.
An ISBI first! Someone autonomously helps a kid with homework. Go Scarlett!
Easton: Why are you out here wailing like a loser? You're an IDIOT.
Isadora: And YOU'RE a HYPOCRITE.
Aw, welcome back Isadora GOTH. I can't get over the fact that she married Caiphus, I just can't.
Ida: Yeah! Feel my spawn!
Isadora: Can I? I want a baby, but Caiphus says that he has two already...
Ida: Just get pregnant anyway and pretend it was an accident. Now feel the spawn.
And then she consoles her sister about death.
Labour face!
Ida: BABY!
Matt: Er...hi.
Ida: YAAAAAYY! You look WAY less defective than your sister.
Matt: Put me down please.
Welcome Matthew Sutherland. And no, this is not the end. Ida's having more kids...though I'm gonna be nice and let her wait until Easton kicks the bucket...

Ryan: Ooh, tiny descendant!
Matt: Ew. Ectoplasm.

I don't know why but this guy annoyed me. We rarely saw him...but he was just so dang annoying, you feel me?

Bronson greets his son too.
Bronson: This kid doesn't look like he belongs to me.
Oh he does.

Vesana: Stupid baby...
Nat: I understand, that baby is very saddening.
Ryan: I am embarrassed that any of you are related to me.
Nat: What? He is sorta depressing.
Ryan: He's a BABY, Nat.

Vesana: I am the most important person here...!
Ryan: I dunno, I think my lovely wife Natalie is pretty important...
Nat: Ooh! We have a wall there! I like that!
Vesana: *raises eyebrow*

Vesana: I wasn't poking it!

Easton: This salad is disappointed in you!
Bronson: Jeez dude. Clearly it hates you!
Easton: SAY WHAT? That salad is my friend.

Salad: I didn't say anything...

Scarlett: What is this? Are you high?
Ida: Mum it's INCENSE...it gives me inspiration.

I took everyone to the park. I brought Isadora and Caiphus too.
Ida: I wear this style of jacket better than you.
Scarlett: Sure daughter, keep trying me.
Lexie: HI!
Easton: I need the loooooo!
Bronson: Ooh, back of a dude's head.
Caiphus: Uncle why are you here?
Isadora: Caiphus that's not your uncle.
Homeless dude: I don't know you but I like your face.

Isadora and Caiphus: *noms face*
Karter: Girl bye.
Matilda: Oooh yeah! That's good. That's gooood. Ohhh yeah, feel the love-
Isadora: Your sunglasses are poking my eye.

Isadora: Caiiiiiphus!
Caiphus: I love you but not that much! GET OUT.
Red shirt: *gets possessed* Helllooooo to the floor.
Mariana: Freaks. I'm glad I'm married to my Gally.
Right, because your Gally is a totally normal Sim-being, coming from this family of weirdos.

Easton: I'm pretty hot, huh?
Scarlett: Like shit you are. Die already.

Mariana: Blah blah I'm Scarlett. I have carrots for hair and I hate children.
Scarlett: You keep talking and I drive my rocket up your ass.

Vesana: Sir which dead pilot did you steal those glasses off?

Scarlett: Is it HUMAN? *knocks on face*
Easton: Scarlett I like it when you touch me but not like this.
Maverick: The f are these two doing? That's love? And apparently they're one of the main couples. Go figure.

Isadora: DAD. I was having FUN here. You ruined it.
Easton: I was just saying hi-
Isadora: SCRAM.

Maverick: Waaait...what do I do with my piece again?
Scarlett: Can I just...y'know...not be here?

Easton: Dropped the burger. Welp. I can never pick it up again.

Galactus=only spare who cares.

Scarlett is old.

So. She is completely too far gone into insanity now.
Scarlett: Ehehehehehehe....
(I used her elder move to get her to fly in her rocketship)

Bronson shower!
This reaction will never not make me laugh.

Kira: Dad did what...are you kidding me? Why is he such a loser?
Kira's father is Eddie, the tormented son of Kezia.

Oh no...

Scarlett is just staring out of a window and laughing to herself.
Scarlett: HAHAHAHA...I've lost it!
You never really had that much of it.

Scarlett: Dear little Vesa, would you please move a little further away from me?
Vesana: No thank you granny. *knows exactly what's up*

Ida: Come on in. I know exactly what we're going to do...
Bronson: Er...

Scarlett: Hhheeeeeeeyyyy...I'mma ostrich.
Easton: Something about you being dumb is just really attractive to me right now...

This reminds me that I want them to get married today.
Except then Bronson's uncle (Gerardo, also klepto, son of the old Villareal guy and this girl in a hat) called and asked them to come to his birthday party...

Gabby II: It's people?...Back to my tablet.
Apparently he lives at Nyla's house, because Shaowen is also here.

Shaowen: Urgh...I can feel the impending idiocy. AGH.

Scarlett: The f is she wearing? We're BOTH OLD. Come on girl.
Nyla: Haters gonna hate.
Kobe: Honey, we've been over this, that's not cute.

Vesa bonds with Shaowen.

Ohhhh. Gerardo (Bronson uncle) is married to Nyla's son, and he moved here.

Gabby: My mum isn't behind me in bondage-looking shorts and a see-through top. Nope.

Nyla: A LLAMA SUIT. You kidding me?
Kobe: That's just NOT what I said...
Shaowen: Excuse me? Can you GTFO or something?

Lexie: Penguins?
Lexie: YES! Someone appreciates the penguins!

Lexie: Yeah, my siblings and parents just shouted at me.
Gabby: Wow kid. Wow. I thought this place was crazy.

Nyla: Honey, Shaowen, why can't I be in the picture?
Darian: OMG Mum you KNOW why. I can't even bear to look.
Shaowen: This is for school Mum!

Lexie: Why do people care about him more than me? We've never met this stringbean!
Kobe: Well, a useless loser who mooches off us is ageing up into an adult and still hasn't left! Wooo!
Nyla: Whooo!
Shaowen: I'm going to elbow my mum in the leg.
Vesana: I'd like to see you try, WUSS-wen!

Kailani died. She was Noah's kid, had three kids herself, was the only non-ISBI line Sutherland who got knocked up literally on her YA birthday, and (still) died grandchildless 'cos her kids were more responsible. RIP.

Scarlett: Knock knock table! Who's there? Not my sanity, that's for sure!
Lexie: Someone needs to know about this shit I go through...*taps angrily, designs angsty blog*

UGH. -5.
Ida: Fail, my fiance, fail.

Gabby II: YOU SUCK, random caterer guy, YOU SUCK. I HATE YOU AND YOUR HAIR. It looked like you were Loki but then you weren't!
*tries to get self back on track*
Ida took them home because the party was over and Bronson was about to pass out again.

Easton was crying in the shower...

These two are cute...in their own very special way.

Vesa: Heh, yeah, I'm awesome. Doing my homework and all.
Considering your Auntie Lexie hasn't done hers ONCE...I'll say you're doing pretty well.

Hell yes, look who got another promotion.
To the top of her career, hells yeah.


Eddie had a husband for ages, but then he died...so he married this girl. She was Wanda's friend Arianna's daughter.

Derek's (a Sel spawn) daughter got married.

Here is Matt. He is Evil and a Whiz Kid. You can't tell from here, but he's also a stringbean sorta Sim.

He isn't a complete clone either! He has Bronson's colouring, but Ida's features. Can't work out who the hell's eyes those are because both have big, brown eyes.

I decided that Scarlett's hair just wasn't really doing it for me anymore, maybe cos she's old now and has had it since she was a teen. So I gave her this one. She looks like a cool elder.

Tricia and Elsie, Galactus's twins, by a dead woman. This woman honestly had so many kids...also she got knocked up by both Gen 4 manwhores. Davin the hot nerd lives here too.
As with what happened with Gamora's twins, one looks like a normal girl but green, and the other has huge eyes, a pointy little face and a Disney Princess look overall.
Next time...Easton's probably dying and when he does I'm getting Ida knocked up again.
Score Sheet- 115
Single Births (13) +65
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (39) +195
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (48) -240
Self Wetting (12) -60
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