5.2- Weird Names and Easton's Coffee Addiction
This is Bronson's close-up. I tweaked his eyes and nose slightly but for the most part I stuck to them genetics.

Bronson: I'm not so sure about Ida. She keeps stroking my hair and whispering 'mine'.
Ida: *breathes* My precccious...

Lexie: Ohhhh it's a BEAUTIFUL day!
Ida: For some, kid.
Lexie: Yeah. Obviously not for you. I mean, you're doing all the cleaning and you look like a whale.
Ida: I really hate you.
I feel the same way.

Ida: I am having a baby in like, a day and a half.
Scarlett: Fine by me. Long as you keep it far far away from me...

Ida is writing...that's basically all she does.
I retired Easton bc he never got real sleep and kept passing out after work, and he's talking to himself, while Scarlett is gaming. Interesting lot, they are.

Ooooookkk...and most unusual autonomous action goes to Easton. I've NEVER had a Sim autonomously start trimming the tree. I originally bought it so Scarlett could clip it into a different shape every day, but...she got busy. Forgot I even had the stupid thing.

Bronson stole a slablet from work. I didn't know they could steal stuff that high-value, Wanda mainly stole metal and dishes.

Lexie: He's not behind me doing weird things. Nope.

Used Scarlett's adult move on a special bath, so she might get promoted...
Scarlett: I call that a waste but I don't care, cos this bath is NICE.

A. That's her freaking twin.
C. Why do you care about Ida? I'm sure she doesn't give a crap about you.
D. And what's up with your tiny face and long neck?
E. Also who the flip are you again?

Ida: Oh Bronson, you're so wonderful. I'd rip someone's heart out for you if you wanted.
Bronson: Creative. Sadistic, but creative. Love you too, honey.

Lexie:....Whatcha doing?
Ida: Don't worry Lexie. You can get closer to the baby this way.
Lexie: I like it. *creepy smile* I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT.

Isadora: Thiiiis place has NOT changed...kinda glad I got out. Anyway, I'm good, there's too much evil here. Also, what the hell is up with Ida's man? He's muttering about how the voices tell him to steal things.
Welcome back, honey.

Easton: Salad, salad, fly like a rocket, go in my mouth-
Isadora: UGH.

Isadora: Back with my old pal Uni!
Uni: You ain't no PAL of mine, sister! You left me here to rot, certain to be tormented by these idiots!

Lexie: AH! Dad- why are you behind the shower? Yell at me upfront like a real dad! You did it for Ida, WHY NOT ME?

Isadora: Huh. She sleeps in the hallway. I like that.

Scarlett: I'm just gonna eat my cheese and pretend he doesn't exist...

This is a favourite of the ghost's.

Wanda: Dude. DUDE. Ya don't need to mourn me, I'm right here!

Then she dived right into the ground and started haunting Cecil's grave marker.
Wanda: Ceeeecil. Cecil baby! Come haunt wi' me!

Lexie: I like grilled cheese...but cupcakes are LIFE. DAD? Can we have cupcakes for breakfast tomorrow?
Easton (from other room): Sure, if Ida makes them.
Parent of the year.

Scarlett's totally winning that award too.

Easton: Ohhhh...liquid gold.
Maybe if you slept ya little shit.

Ida: Yeeees! YEEESSS! Go into the deep dark recesses...
Clearly Ida has never seen a mailbox, or done anything with a mailbox...
That all changes now! She's written three books over the past two days, but I didn't want to self-publish because that makes crap money. So I waited until she had level 5 writing skill so she could do normal publishing.

Bronson does not get much screentime. Mainly because he just whines a lot.
Have a shower.

Easton: Too...much...coffee.
That's what happens when you drink three mugs.
Easton: Ehehehehe...*crazed laughter*

Easton: You're a BAD CHILD...you wore your boots in the house!
Lexie: What the hell are you talking about...and I WEAR PLIMSOLLS.

Bronson: The pink love magic? Oh Ida, you shouldn't have!
Scarlett: Ugh. Smells like mush and old shoe around here.
Ida:...That would be your future son-in-law...

We'd fallen behind in collecting because I was so focused on skilling Scarlett up, but I'm back with it!
While Ida is in her third trimester.
Wow I'm horrible.

Easton: *shakes* Must...have...coffee...

Scarlett is painting!
Scarlett: Hmmm...now should the llama maul the bunny or strangle the bunny. Choices...

While also making a point of falling out with Bronson.

Easton, Easton buddy, this is insane....you can't have five cups of coffee in one day.
And then he went to have his sixth...

And Ida's giving birth!

Let's welcome baby Vesana, the first of Generation 6!
Ida: I don't know why...but I love the name.
(Yes, just keep acting like you named her).
Vesana: Oh. No. You. Didn't.
Vesana is a Latin word that means 'maddening'. If she acts like an ISBI kid usually does then that is very fitting.
She's quite cute, actually. I like her.

Bronson immediately goes to cuddle little Vesa (that's her nickname forever now)...
*prays that he'll be a better dad than Easton and Ryan*

Scarlett does another painting!

Lexie: Hey mum, hey mum, PENGUINS!
Scarlett: Didn't you hear the news dumbass? I'M IGNORING YOU.
Lexie: But penguins!
Scarlett: SHUT UP.

Ethan's son grew up and...le sigh.

Kezia's son got his wife pregnant...

Are you kidding me...they're not blood-related though, so it's not THAT bad. I forget that Gamora was actually Nat and an alien's child, so she's not actually related to the rest of them by blood. She should've been Gamora Willard technically...

I swear this dude should be dead...also he knocked up Gabby's older sister a while back...he's Cassandra Sutherland's father. Come on, man...

Yeah, I knocked up Ida again. I'm evil like that.
Ida: You don't say, I JUST HAD VESA!

This is the meditation nook I just built. There was just a random circle of trees, so where else would I put a meditation nook?

Scarlett: Grandma GET OUT!
Nat: But I'm embaaaarassed!

Nat: Ohhhh my grandson-in law! I'm your muse? How wonderful!
Scarlett: zzzzzzYou'redeadwhenyouwakeupzzzzzz
Easton:...maybe we should stop talking now...

Cecil! Meet your great-granddaughter!
Cecil: But she SMELLS.
Ida: I would change her if you MOVED OUT THE WAY, GHOSTIE.

Yet another repair-woman.
She's really pretty!

She has a really strong jawline. I think she looks like a right badass.
I actually made her over properly and saved her to my library. I really like her.

Easton: Heh...partay time...time to get my freak on.
NO, you're an old dude with no life and it's 5am. Get yo shit together, Easton.

Bronson: But, NO, my dear lamp! We must instead break through the window. No-one uses a door these days!
I was looking at Bronson and Ida's traits and now I see Ida as a brooding villain and Bronson as a flamboyant thief. Anyone else?

Lexie: Well, I love you dad, but I love the computer more. Loner and all that.

Holy shit who is this and what did you do with Easton? Y'know. The one who's a shit father.

Easton: AH!
Ida: Heh heh, now I've scarred HIM for life!

Aw Gally. You're nice.

Scarlett: Hey there little grandchild...ahem, I mean stupid baby! Why do I have to care for you?
Vesana: You know you love me.
I'm getting Kezia vibes from this one (Kezia was a Gen 2 spare who helped take care of Wanda and Pietro when they were babies, and pretended to hate it while loving the hell out of those two).

Evie is old.
Easton: Hehe. *texts gloaty text*


They both got flirty moodlets from being insane so they're rekindling the romance!

Easton: You're still as beautiful as the day I met you.
Scarlett: Hah! That's cos I'm not an Elder yet. Can't say the same for you, hon.
Easton: I love you Scar.
Scarlett: I've told you that's not my name.
Easton: Oh, well watch me care.
Scarlett: Ooohhh, you wanna make it like that?
You two are sweet.

Easton: I still got it going on here.
I will miss you so much...even though he was boring at first, he got a lot more interesting as time went on...

Isadora runs past the house, grateful for what she escaped...
I really love Isa actually. Sometimes I wish she was heir, but then Ida does something interesting again so it's cool.

Easton: OK, maybe I don't have it all.

Bronson got a promotion, and also...lost parts of his fingers...OK what's up with that?
I think he can get another one, because it's easy to get Sims to skill up logic.

OK, I'll give you this. Good job for using this thing on autonomy.

I don't know if this is cheating in some way...but basically I got Ida to play with Easton and then cancel her action...but his stayed.
Skill for me!

I loved this crazy dude. Even if he did kind of turn into Mr Suburban due to MCCC...anyway you were like the only male spare who wasn't being a manwhore! Yay!
RIP Steve. You leave behind two teenage sons and can now go join your wife in the afterlife.

Oh gosh, more death. This was Sel's son Derek. He leaves behind a daughter, named Katy, who is a YA and has yet to do anything.
(Later found it was because her house was full, so I moved her out with her cousin Kira (Kezia's son Eddie's daughter), so they could have lives)

Scarlett: Hmm. Dunno why I never tried this juice stuff before.

Ida: I certainly didn't sneeze in it...>:)
Scarlett: It's during moments like these that I don't hate my children...

A sisterly bonding moment, with Ida eating her germy salad and Lexie trolling the forums on the household's stolen Slablet.

Yes Bronson. YES.

Bronson: You're a lousy parent!
Easton: Well well well. Haters gonna hate.

Scarlett: Daughter, I believe I have been pregnant enough times. GTFO of me.
Also, Ethan got old.

Scarlett: How could you get pregnant again? We already have a baby in the house for crying out loud!
Ida: Mum, she's growing up tonight-!

Scarlett: *sings* I believe I can fly-!

Scarlett: *sighs* I wish MY husband held my hand, and took care of me like on this TV show.
It's my fault for marrying you off to someone as off-the-walls bonkers as the rest of your family.

One of Bronson's brothers came over. Look how happy he is to see him!
Gage: I need to check out my bro's new life! I heard that he's engaged to a really nice girl, great house, great in-laws-
Let me stop you there. You're right about the house.
Gage: K, what about the rest of it?


Gage: #creepinonbronson #wishthiswasmyroom

Easton: *in freaky voice* Hello there young man. Did you know that I'm a chicken?
Gage: Nice family huh. Maaaaybe, just maybe I should make sure my brother's OK...

This marks the first time someone takes care of Vesa and succeeds on the first try,
Bronson: Super-dad!

Flyin' through this aspiration!
Actually I checked back and for some reason I didn't give myself points for the first milestone, so +5 again.

Well done Lexie.

Vesana: Look at me, pretty hot huh?

Meet the improved Vesana. She looks like Ida, actually. She looks a lot like Ida. Boo, I think Bronson is really nice looking. She has slightly different lips and darker skin, I think. I'm kind of annoyed I wasted a cool name on a clone but hopefully her personality will make up for it, as she is evil.

Ida: I can't even stand to look at you.
Vesana: I love you too Mum.
Next time Ida's next kid is born and will probably be aged up.
For now, here are pictures of 3 billion other kids from this massive-ass family.

Ellie, Ana's kid. (Ana is a Noah child)

Gabby II, Nyla's child as a teen.

Eliana, Ethan's last child, who now has one of Elektra's kids as a stepfather.

Also one of those 'surprise beauty' kids. Y'know how the great majority of kids look cute but often are less cute when they grow up. Sometimes, sometimes that gets reversed. She's so so pretty. She inherited the best of her parents.

Alden, Pietro's daughter Jasmine's son.

This is Kate on the left, and on the right is her twin Alison. They are Gamora spawn.

Alison reminds me of a Disney Princess. She has that kind of eye and face shape. Like Gally's son Farhan.

Cameron and Carson, Santos's twins as teenagers. Too bad Santos died.

Jeanette, Galactus's daughter.

Constance, Galactus's other daughter, who definitely got the short end of the genes stick compared to Jeanette.

Presley, Rene's other daughter and sister of Sherry.

This is SHAOWEN, who I have decided has the best spare name ever. Thanks, Nyla.

Oh and Nyla gets an Elder makeover because she can't be running around in hot pants, crop top and backcombed hair when she's this old.
Score Sheet- 120 (YES)
Single Births (13) +65
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (39) +195
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (47) -235
Self Wetting (12) -60
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