5.1 - When Ida Met Bronson
Generation 5 everyone, led by the 'lovely Ida'.
This is my crappy shot of Ida's room. It is Wanda and Cecil's old room, converted to 'slightly depressing' for Ida.
Easton: Hehe, OLD NOW.
Which also means I'm changing your freaking sleepwear. That's not OK anymore.
Wanda: Pretty sure Scarlett quit kids...
Yeah, but Risky WooHoo had other plans...
Good morning, TH.
Ida: Ah-ha! Yes! My own room! No more of Isadora wailing!
Ida: No more Isadora....at...all...D:
Aw, maybe Isa will be a good spare...or maybe she'll be like Scarlett's brothers (exc. Galactus) who barely came over...
Ida: I'm trapped in this house with my awful dad, my f-ed up mother and a screaming thing?
Well. I am getting you a husband.
Ida: OK?
...buuuuut he's a teen for one more day so today you're going to work on your aspiration...
Ida is going to be a freelance author. I've tried the career and the pay is meh compared to the book royalties.
Wait. Hang on. No he isn't.
He's like six hours younger than her. His mother is Luna Villareal the Windenburg townie, who is nearing the end of her adult lifestage. He has two teenage half-brothers as well.
...Says still-youngish Eveline.
I think she's rubbing it in his face.
Ida, just make your eggs. HONESTLY.
And quit pouting, it's not like you set yourself on fire.
Ida: But...compared to Mum's food this is so inadequate! I may hate the woman, but I like her food.
You mean that stuff she sneezes in and drops all the time?
Ida: She does WHAT...? These ain't looking so bad...
Exactly, and you're family cook now.
Ida: Eh. At least they can suffer my shitty eggs.
Ida: Oh GREAT Dad, way to ruin my already subpar breakfast with your dickish presence.
Easton: I got your birthday cake and that's all I care about.
Bronson: Er...hi? Why the camera?
I have a very special someone to introduce to you!
Ida: I wanna live with this family! They seem so nice!
I haven't hit play so all they're doing is staring at one another.
Ida: But...they're not yelling at each other. Their mother doesn't seem to want to pound them into the ground! It looks WONDERFUL. Pleeeeease let me live here!
Ida: So. Bronze boy. How much would you say I'm worth? My sister said twenty and my dad put an Amazon ad up saying £0.01. My mother told me to f off and went on a space mission.
Bronson: Uhm.
Because his mother and two teenage brothers are hanging around...I thought it best to leave. Off to Oasis Springs park!
Ida: See! I screenshotted it! My sister threw crayons at my dad until he took it down, but I keep it as a memory of my horrific childhood.
Ida: You have a really pretty, er- mouth.
Bronson: Thanks...
Lol. Caiphus. That kid they terrorised a couple of times. Now grown up, complete with douchey sunglasses.
I would laugh so hard if he got with Isadora. (Lyric is taken).
Bronson: I think that you're worth as much as a CD-
Ida: Uh...
Bronson: Let me finish, it's like a gold, diamond-edition CD...
Ida: Aww. Thank you!
Bronson: LOL you just buzzed my hand off!
Ida: Wait...off...hang on evil streak coming throoouuuugh--ahahahahaha....!
Bronson: Not actually off...but hahahaha that tickled!
Ida: BTW, I am the best you'd get.
Bronson: That's true.
Ida: Do you ever...smash dollhouses?
Somehow they ended up in here.
Ida: This is romantic, right?
Bronson: Hell yeah, Ida. Your traits are as messed up as mine. I like that.
Ida: Exactly. We're the best the other will get.
Ida this isn't helpful.
Bronson: Kewl.
Ida: HA I look like a frog-bat!
Bronson: Awesome! I like you.
Ida: The frog-bat KILLS.
Bronson:...even more awesome!
Bronson: *does good selfie expression*
Ida: Look I have a quasi-normal smile!
Bronson: Aw yeah, my mother's gonna be so proud!
I'm sure she is.
Bronson: Look at this video of me!
Ida: Aw! You're quacking like a duck!
Bronson: I'm beautiful? You really think I'm beautiful?
Ida: I said that you were the best guy I ever met...but then I've only met my asshole dad, some random kid from school and a guy in a museum who shouted at me.
Bronson: Works for me!
Bronson: And you're the best woman I've ever met!
Ida: And you've met...
Bronson: My mother and probably some other female relatives.
Ida: Works for me also!
Ida: How about you give me an idea of what you'd do for me?
Bronson: Er...I'd buy you cake?
Ida: SOLD SOLD SOLD. Let's do this.
Bronson: Ooh, pink love magic- I mean yay first kiss!
Ida: Yay I kissed a person.
Ida: Well...I've got this...bed...It has energy rating six and you can do WooHoo in it.
Bronson: Let's do this.
Ida: Oh hell yeah we're gonna do this.
Ida: So pack your shit and move into my place!
Bronson has moved in! His traits are Kleptomaniac, Self-Assured and Insane. (BTW, Insane was his YA trait. I saw him as a teen with the other traits and picked from that...I didn't mean to have another crazy one in the house. OMG 4 insane sims in one house. Poor Lexie...)
Bronson: Sweet flatscreen.
Easton: I have a bowl.
Bronson: Congratulations old man.
Ida: So about my bed. The one with energy 6? *tries to wink, fails hard*
Bronson: I got it. Let's do this.
Yeah we're totally trying for a baby here. Ida doesn't need to wait because there's only five people in the house.
Let us begin another round of 'clueless spares'.
I missed the confetti cos I suck, but here is Ida's 'I'm pregnant' face.
She looks so genuinely joyful...-__-
Ida: Yeah, we're having a baby.
Bronson: Cool.
Bronson: Hey look I'm a chicken!
Ida: Yeah! Keep doing that! It's amusing.
Easton: Oh, it's this BOY.
Bronson: Hell yeah! I am the boy you speak of! And Ida is worth an entire gold doubloon, BTW.
Ida: Heelloooo, pregnant? That's why you're all here!
Easton: I thought you just put on random weight...
Ida: Ahahaha...ahahahahaha...screw you.
Bronson: You're the best looking pregnant person I've ever seen!
Ida: Lemme guess, you've only seen your mum pregnant. With twins.
Bronson: Yeah! You make a nice comparison.
Ida: I'll take it.
Easton: Alright...bye...someone should teach that boy a thing or two about compliments.
Ida: Shut up DAD, this is romance.
While Ida writes, I'm just going to watch these two.
Bronson: Did you know my Ida is going to be a famous writer?
Easton: That's her aspiration, you dimwit. Also, you think my idiotic daughter can write for shit?
Bronson: Yeah, and what have you done?
Easton: And what will you do? You'll be NTH like the rest of us.
Bronson: I can distort my face. This is SCARY.
Easton: Yeah...no...you'll meet my wife and find out why I didn't jump three feet into the air.
Oh and also? +15.
Bronson and Ida: Haha! Nose boop!
Yeah, I have no idea why either...

Le stalking of the relationship panel.
As far as people who don't live in the house, he only knows his relatives and Galactus (I have no idea how he knows Galactus but he does). Good, no rogue RIs.

This is why Easton is no longer phased by face-making.

Scarlett: *pops up* Hi! I'mma carrot!
OK, not really, she's doing yoga but it's more fun to imagine it this way.

Nat just looks so surprised that she can go through things. Lol.

Ida: Wasn't going to...y'know, cos you're unwanted, and I don't like you...
Lexie: Yeah, yeah WHATEVER. I know. And you don't like anyone Ida. Now get me into CAS.

Lexie: HAY GUISE. *derps out slightly*
She's a Loner who wants to be a Rambunctious Scamp and...she's like a mini-Ida with the narrow nose that Wanda, Nat AND Scarlett had...so yeah, Ida wins the genetics.
Lexie: See if I care. I know you don't want me.
Yeah. I DON'T.

OK...repair-woman, you need to get a bigger overall size.

Lexie why are you still walking around in a towel? Freaking weirdo.
Lexie: And I'm the freak. Seems legit, huh?
Shut up.

Oh, and I made Easton over because I can. I wasn't going to let him go full grey...

Ida: Sooooo? Do you wanna crush my family with a tank or not?
Bronson:...I've made a horrible mistake.

Scarlett: Living the charmed life, me and this quiche. Oh yeah.

Easton: What. No. I didn't randomly reset and drop this stack of plates? What are you talking about?

Wow Bronson how interesting you are. Watching a random light-thingy. (Le sigh).

That's more like it. This makes you interesting.
Bronson: Wow, you're so pathetic it makes me wanna cry.

Ida...keep writing please!
Ida: But I'm gonna HURL.

The bathroom is NOT THAT FAR.

Ida: Oh look, it mysteriously disappeared.
Doesn't excuse it Ida. Now get back to writing! I'm about to get one milestone done.

Bronson: You are a small weird thing. And you have cake. I like cake. Do you like cake? CAKE.
Lexie: Whut...this dude cray. But then so is my sister...

Lexie: Yeah, they're a perfect match.

Siblings are nice siblings...

Bronson: Oh my God, we should totally sell you for money! Dat cash!
Lexie: YEAH! Great idea! It'd be better than this place!

Bronson: Glad you agree! Now, I'm so excited that I'm going to clip through the fridge!
Lexie: Yay! Is your arm broken or nah?

Bronson: Who's that random woman?
Scarlett: Well who are you, retard?
Ida: That's my mother, Bronson. I hate her nearly as much as I hate my dad.
Scarlett: Honey I never emotionally scarred you, I just let it happen, OK? You kids knew from the start what kind of deal you were getting.
Bronson: Are you sure we can't live with my family?
Ida: Hehe, no. Stupid rules and all that.

Scarlett:...WOW my daughter has bad taste in men.

See, she sleeps in the hall area.
Lexie: Technically that means I have the biggest room, so screw you too. *rolls over and ignores*

Someone actually used this thing...

Easton yet AGAIN being a terrible father.
Lexie: I hate to say this BUT I SUPPORT IDA.

Nuuuuuuuu! STEVE D:.

Lexie: Do I sadden you? Do I sadden you? Are you sad? Do I sadden you? Am I a chicken? Are YOU a chicken?
Easton: I don't want to be here anymore.

Lexie: No! Bend down FURTHER! That way I can stick it in your eye!
Nah she's just consoling him about death. Wow Easton. Shouldn't this be the other way around?

Easton: You're so useless, you might as well be a puppet.
Ida: WTF Dad I'm TH. I do everything around here. What are you talking about?

Easton: Ohhh...crap wrong person. Tell that lousy boy that lives here what I just said.
Ida:...No. I don't like you, remember? Lulz you fail.

Scarlett: Hehehe I'm great at this...whooooahhhh...

Scarlett: OMG why is my daughter even having a baby?
We shall end Ida's first chapter with updates.

Nyla's son got his wife pregnant.

Sel's daughter Evie got pregnant again with McBlahface.

And Eveline FINALLY got married...finally, story prog., finally.

Actually I lie, I'm ending with the ghosts being dumb.
Don: Ryan get out of my body.
Ryan: You think I'm happy about this arrangement?

Ryan: MOVE.
Don: But I wanna use it!
Ryan: I'm nearer the door, and I called dibs! So screw off!
Don: You will DIE if you don't let me use it!
Ryan: I'm ALREADY DEAD, dipshit!

Ryan: Now shut up you dumb trash of a person!
Don: DIE.
Ryan: I AM dead already and so are you!
Oh, and here are pictures of a million boys from some spares.

This is Farhan, Galactus's son by Windenburg townie Sofia Bjergsen.
Look at him! He looks so...Disney Princess. Even more so when he opens his eyes. And I mean PRINCESS, not prince. Drawing styles and all. He just...ahhhhh! I love him. *saves*

Aubrey, Steve's son. Steve is so close to death...

More adorableness. This is Davin, Ethan's son with some old woman who is now dead. He's a freaking hot nerd. I love it.

This is Nat(haniel), Galactus's son. I decided on a whim that the eldest of Galactus's line must take on the pink. So it's up to this guy to have kids so I can pinkify them.
Yeah that's random but watch me care.
Will, Nyla's grandchild, and the son of one of her twins (I forgot who)

Emmanuel, son of the other twin.

Emmanuel, son of the other twin.
Score Sheet- 105
Single Births (12) +60
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (36) +180
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (47) -235
Self Wetting (11) -55
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