4.13- TH Reveal
Easton welcomes you by cleaning the coffee machine!
Easton: I just want coffee! What did Isadora even do with it? Is...is that moving? EW! *sprays frantically*
Scarlett, you have a level NINE in cooking. Why are you still so crap at it?
Scarlett: My subconscious protests this setup.
After all this time...
Isadora: Ugh, I feel like crap...and I didn't go to bed last night.
Calling it. -5.
Isadora: It's going down, I'm yelling timber-
Called it correctly.

Good Isadora.

I like his expression there.
Easton: Wait who am I again?
Senile before your time?

Easton: I'm EVIL! Playing a ski simulator!
What is evil about that?
Easton: I am controlling these tiny people- right now I am commanding them to hurtle off high slopes on slippery metal blades. I am sure one will die.
That's almost like being a Simmer, Easton! Nothing evil about that. Wait...

Are you being a boring mourner again, Easton?
Easton: BUSTED.
Go yell at one of your daughters or something. Ida's free...
Easton: But...don't you want me to be a good father?
No, I want you to be an interesting Sim and a good father, but you've shown me that with you I can't have both from you... so I'll take the interesting part.

Galactus came back because apparently he's a masochist.
Or he misses having one of these around.
Galactus: Hell yeah Blicblock baby!

Isadora's craptastic needs.

Don: I am sure I broke your computer.
No you very well freaking didn't. That thing is indestructible.
Don: Well back in my day Amanda actually had to repair computers-!
And now we don't, it's cool and GET BACK IN YOUR GRAVESTONE.

Why are you nauseous?

Autonomous flirting goes on...
Scarlett: I am the best cat. I'm YOUR best cat.
Easton: I'm the MAN.

Yeah, EASTON, you're so MAN that you managed to knock up your wife.
I hate you.
Scarlett: Hehe.
You hate children!
Scarlett: Yeah, but I hate your happiness more.
Christ you guys. Lyric is one day from YA. Easton is 4 days from Elder, Scarlett is 7...URGH. I hate you. *runs to turn down the risk on Risky WooHoo*

Isadora: Me and my stink cloud can get down.

Ida: Guess what. I helped smash the dollhouse!
Isadora: But you're my twin! You're supposed to LOVE me!
Ida: I do. It's to stop you playing with it. You're seventeen, it's freaking unhealthy.
Isadora: But...but Mrs Hat-

Ida: I wanna fly away from this place!
Isadora: Well I wanna catch the ball for once in gym class!
Ida:...we have very different goals in life.

Isadora autonomously worked out. I was very surprised, as she isn't even energised.

Easton, you're a shit parent. So you wander over, give your lonely daughter a hug, and then run off to do IDK what?
Lyric; We're all used to it, but thanks.

Blarffy: Hot damn someone's mad.
Ohhhh Easton.

Scarlett: I'm pregnant.
Easton: WHAT.

Scarlett: We're annoying the watcher!
Easton: YES. YES. You go, Scar!

Isadora: Hey. You mad bro? Skipping FTW.
I dislike you, but I dislike you less than Scarlett.
Isadora: Why do you hate my mum? I mean I hate my mum because she ignores us, but-
You'll see.

Later on Gamora invited Scarlett out so I brought Easton.
They did this.
Gamora: *cowers behind plant*
Except THEN Easton was about to pass out because he didn't sleep so I had to bring them both home.
That was underwhelming.

TBH this was my fault. Entirely. I first woke him up at night because Scarlett needed fun, so then he didn't go to bed and now he's passing out.

I'm starting to think Galactus hates himself.
Or his marriage is sucky.

Gamora is here too...I must have brought her over.
Gamora: #Healthfreak

But it's also Lyric's birthday!
Lyric: Please let me leave, please let me leave...

Lyric: Gaaaalllly! I grew up.
Galactus: Cool. (I don't give a crap)

Lyric gets her wish!
She will leave! No insanity here. (No official insanity, the evilness makes her crazy enough).
Lyric is going to grab a partner, hold on tight, never let them leave and they can play video games together until they die...at least that's what I glean from these traits.
Sayonara hon!

Isadora: *does victory dance* Ding dong, bitch gone.
Lyric was not very well-liked.

Elektra's son Ernest's husband died so he married one of Ethan's baby mamas.

*frowns* NYLA. You're so close to Elder. Why you do this? IDIOT.

Amanda's out haunting tonight...and I know that mood, break as little as possible please.
Also those workout clothes aren't cute anymore.

Wanda: Guess what Granny! I'm the better ghost.
Wanda: AND the watcher says I'm their favourite TH!
Amanda: But-but...I was the FOUNDER-
*holds hands up*

These two random babies are the kids of Nyla's kids Chandler and Darian. I thought they had one between them...my bad. The one on the right is Emmanuel and the one on the left is Will.

Amanda: You descendants mistreat the bear THAT badly?
Blarffy: Yeah. I try and be nice and I get yelled at. So I yell back and then I'm considered mean. This family is confusing...

Scarlett: This sucks.

Scarlett: Come on then. Let's do this parenting thing. Place your hands on the hellspawn. I'm sure she'll be awful.
Easton: Sure, but I was hoping that IT would be a he...
Easton is surrounded by oestrogen. I don't think I've ever had a son-free gen yet before now...will surprise-baby break Gen 5's girl streak?

Easton: It shall be wonderful.
Scarlett: *caresses bump* I'll sick it on you next time you make me mad.

Isadora: I feel like I'mma pass out again.
Ida: *smugface* Well I will not!

Isadora did not pass out, but Easton did...

Scarlett: SHIT.
Isadora: *sips coffee, puts on smugface* Hasn't anybody told you not to play with knives, mother?

Ida: I wanna strangle you...
Easton: Please don't...

Ida. Don't go burning all your bridges. Isadora is the only person in the house you like. You're still friends with your mother but...that's from when you were born and didn't have attitude.
Well actually, considering I gave the babies actual voices this time around...

This is what Scarlett does all day. Apparently you're allowed to do intense running while pregnant. I'm so close to maxing out her fitness...

Lyric: Remind me why I was excited to live in Uncle Steve's place again?
Be...cause...it's not this place?
Lyric: Eh. True. But Uncle Steve yells at everyone, his kids are weird and there's a stupid old woman and her baby! How did her gross wrinkly self pop that out?
It's a Surprise! baby. Your mother's having one too.

Ida does her homework! She'll never get an A though...both twins are barely hanging onto their B's.

Easton is a twat and is out here, stinking like hell and...desperately trying to get signal? Dunno what he's doing...

Also Scarlett mastered fitness, after a Moodlet Solver drink and some incense...

Lucky, lucky Romeo...
Lyric: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo, come with me so we can play video games. I will never let you go...

Kailani's kid Matilda also got herself married.

Isadora: AH!
Ryan: Yeah, I'm here and I'm swooping mofo. You mad?

Yeah, the ONLY reason why they're playing together is because I wanna keep Ryan from breaking things...

Scarlett: F*ck my liiiiiiife....

Isadora: OMG Mum, BE QUIET. Some people are trying to enjoy 3am salad.
Well your mother is 'enjoying' a 3am BIRTH, so STFU Isa.

Scarlett: This one definitely looks like a tormentor! I semi-like her already!
Lexie: Put me BACK.
Welcome baby Lexie, the baby no-one actually wanted. Have a happy life.
Lexie: I hate you.
Feeling's mutual kid.

Also, you're sleeping in Galactus's hallway bed that I recoloured. HAVE A NICE LIFE.

Ida goes to meet Lexie. She's not even crying.
Ida: I like this thing! It's so...defenceless.
Lexie: REALLY? *bites arm*
Ida:... :(

Don: Last chance for this generation...
Lexie: Put me down and leave me to rot like I was meant to!
Don: :O


OK, I REALLY wanna know what Isadora just said.

Nice name, Nyla.
She gave birth and aged up into Elder STRAIGHTAWAY.

Ida: SHUT UP, kid.
Lexie: No. >:(

Isadora: Whyyyyyy did I get dropped off here? It's not like it's far, but...

IDIOT. There are nine bedspaces in this house.

Ida: Making deliberate annoying spelling mistakes as I write in the forums! I am evil!

Ida: UGH. I'm as gross as those plates.
You're WORSE. Why don't you just take a shower?

Ida has had to do most of the baby care because Scarlett is busy working on her aspiration...
Ida: *jams bottle into mouth*

Isadora: Meh. I'm bored of you. I want cake.
Ida: You're so childish...
Isadora: Caaaaaake.

The parents of Alcohol named their next daughter Presley. I love you, random name generator.

Ida: Well. I may be a gloomy evil loser teen, but at least I'm not crying over a dollhouse.
Isadora: *sniff*

Ida: OMG. What's gonna happen?

Easton apparently believes that the shower is his friend. He manages to keep that insanity repressed most of the time, but late at night, alone in the bathroom...that seems to be a safe place.

Holy shit yes +15!
Now I can age the twins up. One of them is TH...
(I only held off on it for like, an hour).

Wanda: Holy crap y'all leave lots of dishes 'round!

Ida: Birthday time!
Wanda: *doesn't give a damn*

Here with the sad news that Santos died. The first of the non-ISBI line Gen 3 kids.

Wanda: Whoo! Confetti!
Ida: Grandma it's IN MY EYE...

Lookee here...
Welcome, new TH.
I knew this, and I would have aged the TH up last to keep the suspense, but I wanted to send Scarlett to space so she could get nearer a promotion (I'm sure she'll get it, she has two and a half weeks to live), so I had to age Ida up so she could be official TH and put Isadora's candles on.

She got the good trait. The GOOD trait. She does not fit in in this house anymore.
Next time we start the reign of Ida!

Emerson, Kailani's surprise kid.

This isAlcohol Sherry, Rene's kid as a teenager.

Blair and Jase, Ethan and Eveline's twin boys. They both have pretty faces but are pretty sticklike... does anyone find that a lot of the girls age up super curvy and a lot of the boys age up looking like stick insects?

This is Blair, and his genes are pretty close to what I wanted for my ISBI line...Ida is pretty and I love her, but I wanted her to get those eyes. I'm sick of boring freaking brown...(4/5 TH's now...)

Aurora, Noah's daughter Ana's daughter as a teen.

Good Isadora.

I like his expression there.
Easton: Wait who am I again?
Senile before your time?

Easton: I'm EVIL! Playing a ski simulator!
What is evil about that?
Easton: I am controlling these tiny people- right now I am commanding them to hurtle off high slopes on slippery metal blades. I am sure one will die.
That's almost like being a Simmer, Easton! Nothing evil about that. Wait...

Are you being a boring mourner again, Easton?
Easton: BUSTED.
Go yell at one of your daughters or something. Ida's free...
Easton: But...don't you want me to be a good father?
No, I want you to be an interesting Sim and a good father, but you've shown me that with you I can't have both from you... so I'll take the interesting part.

Galactus came back because apparently he's a masochist.
Or he misses having one of these around.
Galactus: Hell yeah Blicblock baby!

Isadora's craptastic needs.

Don: I am sure I broke your computer.
No you very well freaking didn't. That thing is indestructible.
Don: Well back in my day Amanda actually had to repair computers-!
And now we don't, it's cool and GET BACK IN YOUR GRAVESTONE.

Why are you nauseous?

Autonomous flirting goes on...
Scarlett: I am the best cat. I'm YOUR best cat.
Easton: I'm the MAN.

Yeah, EASTON, you're so MAN that you managed to knock up your wife.
I hate you.
Scarlett: Hehe.
You hate children!
Scarlett: Yeah, but I hate your happiness more.
Christ you guys. Lyric is one day from YA. Easton is 4 days from Elder, Scarlett is 7...URGH. I hate you. *runs to turn down the risk on Risky WooHoo*

Isadora: Me and my stink cloud can get down.

Ida: Guess what. I helped smash the dollhouse!
Isadora: But you're my twin! You're supposed to LOVE me!
Ida: I do. It's to stop you playing with it. You're seventeen, it's freaking unhealthy.
Isadora: But...but Mrs Hat-

Ida: I wanna fly away from this place!
Isadora: Well I wanna catch the ball for once in gym class!
Ida:...we have very different goals in life.

Isadora autonomously worked out. I was very surprised, as she isn't even energised.

Easton, you're a shit parent. So you wander over, give your lonely daughter a hug, and then run off to do IDK what?
Lyric; We're all used to it, but thanks.

Blarffy: Hot damn someone's mad.
Ohhhh Easton.

Scarlett: I'm pregnant.
Easton: WHAT.

Scarlett: We're annoying the watcher!
Easton: YES. YES. You go, Scar!

Isadora: Hey. You mad bro? Skipping FTW.
I dislike you, but I dislike you less than Scarlett.
Isadora: Why do you hate my mum? I mean I hate my mum because she ignores us, but-
You'll see.

Later on Gamora invited Scarlett out so I brought Easton.
They did this.
Gamora: *cowers behind plant*
Except THEN Easton was about to pass out because he didn't sleep so I had to bring them both home.
That was underwhelming.

TBH this was my fault. Entirely. I first woke him up at night because Scarlett needed fun, so then he didn't go to bed and now he's passing out.

I'm starting to think Galactus hates himself.
Or his marriage is sucky.

Gamora is here too...I must have brought her over.
Gamora: #Healthfreak

But it's also Lyric's birthday!
Lyric: Please let me leave, please let me leave...

Lyric: Gaaaalllly! I grew up.
Galactus: Cool. (I don't give a crap)

Lyric gets her wish!
She will leave! No insanity here. (No official insanity, the evilness makes her crazy enough).
Lyric is going to grab a partner, hold on tight, never let them leave and they can play video games together until they die...at least that's what I glean from these traits.
Sayonara hon!

Isadora: *does victory dance* Ding dong, bitch gone.
Lyric was not very well-liked.

Elektra's son Ernest's husband died so he married one of Ethan's baby mamas.

*frowns* NYLA. You're so close to Elder. Why you do this? IDIOT.

Amanda's out haunting tonight...and I know that mood, break as little as possible please.
Also those workout clothes aren't cute anymore.

Wanda: Guess what Granny! I'm the better ghost.
Wanda: AND the watcher says I'm their favourite TH!
Amanda: But-but...I was the FOUNDER-
*holds hands up*

These two random babies are the kids of Nyla's kids Chandler and Darian. I thought they had one between them...my bad. The one on the right is Emmanuel and the one on the left is Will.

Amanda: You descendants mistreat the bear THAT badly?
Blarffy: Yeah. I try and be nice and I get yelled at. So I yell back and then I'm considered mean. This family is confusing...

Scarlett: This sucks.

Scarlett: Come on then. Let's do this parenting thing. Place your hands on the hellspawn. I'm sure she'll be awful.
Easton: Sure, but I was hoping that IT would be a he...
Easton is surrounded by oestrogen. I don't think I've ever had a son-free gen yet before now...will surprise-baby break Gen 5's girl streak?

Easton: It shall be wonderful.
Scarlett: *caresses bump* I'll sick it on you next time you make me mad.

Isadora: I feel like I'mma pass out again.
Ida: *smugface* Well I will not!

Isadora did not pass out, but Easton did...

Scarlett: SHIT.
Isadora: *sips coffee, puts on smugface* Hasn't anybody told you not to play with knives, mother?

Ida: I wanna strangle you...
Easton: Please don't...

Ida. Don't go burning all your bridges. Isadora is the only person in the house you like. You're still friends with your mother but...that's from when you were born and didn't have attitude.
Well actually, considering I gave the babies actual voices this time around...

This is what Scarlett does all day. Apparently you're allowed to do intense running while pregnant. I'm so close to maxing out her fitness...

Lyric: Remind me why I was excited to live in Uncle Steve's place again?
Be...cause...it's not this place?
Lyric: Eh. True. But Uncle Steve yells at everyone, his kids are weird and there's a stupid old woman and her baby! How did her gross wrinkly self pop that out?
It's a Surprise! baby. Your mother's having one too.

Ida does her homework! She'll never get an A though...both twins are barely hanging onto their B's.

Easton is a twat and is out here, stinking like hell and...desperately trying to get signal? Dunno what he's doing...

Also Scarlett mastered fitness, after a Moodlet Solver drink and some incense...

Lucky, lucky Romeo...
Lyric: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo, come with me so we can play video games. I will never let you go...

Kailani's kid Matilda also got herself married.

Isadora: AH!
Ryan: Yeah, I'm here and I'm swooping mofo. You mad?

Yeah, the ONLY reason why they're playing together is because I wanna keep Ryan from breaking things...

Scarlett: F*ck my liiiiiiife....

Isadora: OMG Mum, BE QUIET. Some people are trying to enjoy 3am salad.
Well your mother is 'enjoying' a 3am BIRTH, so STFU Isa.

Scarlett: This one definitely looks like a tormentor! I semi-like her already!
Lexie: Put me BACK.
Welcome baby Lexie, the baby no-one actually wanted. Have a happy life.
Lexie: I hate you.
Feeling's mutual kid.

Also, you're sleeping in Galactus's hallway bed that I recoloured. HAVE A NICE LIFE.

Ida goes to meet Lexie. She's not even crying.
Ida: I like this thing! It's so...defenceless.
Lexie: REALLY? *bites arm*
Ida:... :(

Don: Last chance for this generation...
Lexie: Put me down and leave me to rot like I was meant to!
Don: :O


OK, I REALLY wanna know what Isadora just said.

Nice name, Nyla.
She gave birth and aged up into Elder STRAIGHTAWAY.

Ida: SHUT UP, kid.
Lexie: No. >:(

Isadora: Whyyyyyy did I get dropped off here? It's not like it's far, but...

IDIOT. There are nine bedspaces in this house.

Ida: Making deliberate annoying spelling mistakes as I write in the forums! I am evil!

Ida: UGH. I'm as gross as those plates.
You're WORSE. Why don't you just take a shower?

Ida has had to do most of the baby care because Scarlett is busy working on her aspiration...
Ida: *jams bottle into mouth*

Isadora: Meh. I'm bored of you. I want cake.
Ida: You're so childish...
Isadora: Caaaaaake.

The parents of Alcohol named their next daughter Presley. I love you, random name generator.

Ida: Well. I may be a gloomy evil loser teen, but at least I'm not crying over a dollhouse.
Isadora: *sniff*

Ida: OMG. What's gonna happen?

Easton apparently believes that the shower is his friend. He manages to keep that insanity repressed most of the time, but late at night, alone in the bathroom...that seems to be a safe place.

Holy shit yes +15!
Now I can age the twins up. One of them is TH...
(I only held off on it for like, an hour).

Wanda: Holy crap y'all leave lots of dishes 'round!

Ida: Birthday time!
Wanda: *doesn't give a damn*

Here with the sad news that Santos died. The first of the non-ISBI line Gen 3 kids.

Wanda: Whoo! Confetti!
Ida: Grandma it's IN MY EYE...

Lookee here...
Welcome, new TH.
I knew this, and I would have aged the TH up last to keep the suspense, but I wanted to send Scarlett to space so she could get nearer a promotion (I'm sure she'll get it, she has two and a half weeks to live), so I had to age Ida up so she could be official TH and put Isadora's candles on.

She got the good trait. The GOOD trait. She does not fit in in this house anymore.
Next time we start the reign of Ida!

Emerson, Kailani's surprise kid.

This is

Blair and Jase, Ethan and Eveline's twin boys. They both have pretty faces but are pretty sticklike... does anyone find that a lot of the girls age up super curvy and a lot of the boys age up looking like stick insects?

This is Blair, and his genes are pretty close to what I wanted for my ISBI line...Ida is pretty and I love her, but I wanted her to get those eyes. I'm sick of boring freaking brown...(4/5 TH's now...)

Aurora, Noah's daughter Ana's daughter as a teen.

Leland, Karter's son. (Karter was Kezia's son by an annoying pizza man)
Cute kids get face pics.
LOOK AT HER CUTE. I love her. *saves family just to have the child*
This is Haley, Pietro's son Wesley's second kid.

This is Kirsten (not KIERSTEN), Elektra's grandkid by her daughter Tia.

Santino, Kezia's daughter's (again w/ annoying pizza man) son. He's a mean child, Kezia would be freaking proud.

Keri, Sel's daughter Evie and Kezia's second husband's (who is STILL ALIVE) daughter.

Cecil, yet another Pietro grandchild, from his daughter Jasmine.
Yeah...I couldn't resist.
Also Amanda, Ryan, Nat, Noah, Sel, Kezia, Wanda, Pietro and Elektra are all on the gallery, under the Origin ID lolface2404. The girls look way different because I uploaded them CC-free.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (12) +60
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (33) +165
Aspiration (5) +50
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (47) -235
Self Wetting (11) -55
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