4.12- I hate you, you hate me, we're a jacked-up family...
Isadora: #OMGI'mcrying #Sistersmashedit
Lyric: Oh lookee here. It's a useless loser.
Don: Pot to the kettle, descendant.
Lyric: *is possessed*
Don: This generation saddens me....
Try meeting Ida, she makes the most sense.
Lyric: CHEESE!
That's freaking creepy Lyric!
Don: No signal in here...
You've probably borked it bc of the freaking STEAM...idiots. And...ew, what happened and why's it green? Do I have to get Scarlett in here?
Imagine if you saw a random girl, in emoji pyjamas and pigtails, laughing to herself in a freaking empty bathroom.
You'd probably be a little weirded out.
Luckily I don't think the Sutherlands have neighbours. There are two houses (not including the decoration ones) near them, but no-one lives in them.
Don: See ya mofos! *does ballerina twirl*
(Did I not catch him at the perfect moment?)
This whole night has actually made me kind of like him again...also I appreciated his genes.
My fave spouse genetically is still Easton. In terms of personality...would have to be Cecil.
Lyric: Says who BITCH?
Ida: SAYS ME! You've got the body hair for it!
Lyric: So what if I'm a llama? You'd be the twenty-dollars-and-I-take-you-for-a-ride kind!
Isadora: It's too early for this...but ooooh drama. *takes seat, sips coffee and watches unfolding events*

Everyone: *eats or drinks silently*
Isadora: Wow, we suck at drama.
Lyric: Yeah, yeah.
Ida: Ehhh...it's way too early.

Isadora: Do you know that in our backyard we've got all the graves of our ANCESTORS?
Are you clueless?
Lyric: Er...
Ida: That was your 'big discovery'?
Lyric: Bitch I've been mourning at these things since the day I left the crib!

Easton: What's that? Oh nothing. Nothing at all! Lalalalala....*tunes out with all his might*

Scarlett: *rolls over and grumbles* Whassat shouting...SHUT UP STUPID CHILDREN! When they're teens they're supposed to be less annoying...*whines pitifully* I'm going back to bed.
Best parents ever.

Turns out the fighting is alive and well...
Lyric: C'mon. I'll get out Mum's boxing gloves. Me and you, SISTER. I'd crush ya.
Ida: Ooh...someone's got a bit of an ego. Lemme reduce that for you.
Isadora: Oh yeah, this is more like it guys. *smirks, sips more coffee*

Lyric: You wanna break into Mum's dresser with me Isa?
Isadora (offscreen): Naw. I don't get involved.

Easton: Wahhhhhh! WANDA.

Scarlett: Can't they just SHUT UP?
I repeat. Best parents ever.

Lyric: What? Too frightened to find out how much of her clothing is the same as yours?
Isadora: OMG Lyric, since when do I dress like MUM?
Ida: Aha, now I'm the one who feeds off drama...

Lyric and Isadora: *staring contest*
Ida: Come on guys, let's settle this like adults...

Ida:...except Lyric's a STUPID BABY so SCREW THIS and SCREW YOU, LYRIC!
Isadora: Ohhhhhhhh....
Lyric: Ha. Hit me HARDER.

Isadora: You've all got the brains of llamas and should be ashamed!
Lyric: Did she just-?
Ida: Oh yes she DID.
Lyric: *cracks knuckles*

Lyric: You're all DUMB. Dumb babies who I should have killed in the crib!
Ida: WOMAN that's threatening actual retro-active murder...how the f would that work?
Isadora: END THIS GUYS! I need the loo, but I can't leave if DRAMA-

Good sleep Scarlett?
Scarlett: Stupid teenagers...
Oh my God look at her arms. It's nothing compared to CAS though, there she looks like freaking She-Hulk...

Lyric: Come on loser. I totally won that...
Ida: *RAGE FACE* You'll see about that, LYRIC, mark my words...

Ida: Shit will go DOWN.

Lyric: Yeah right, LLAMA FACE!
Ida: I SWEAR someone just used that!
Easton: Daughter, have I not taught you better? Don't recycle your insults...where did I go wrong?
Where did you even go right, Easton? You barely interact with them, and if you do it's for a token hug.

Ida: Where did you go wrong? WHERE DID YOU GO WRONG? When did you do anything, DAD!
Easton: Um...I'm NTH!
Ida: STFU with your excuses! I don't CARE. Why don't you like us?
OH GOD. *flashes back to Wanda and Ryan during Wanda's early TH-hood*

Easton: I hate them all.
Scarlett (offscreen): *chews food* Ditto.
This has probably been one of the most amusing moments in this entire ISBI.
I decided that they all should let off some steam, so they're going to the gym I put in Newcrest.

Galactus...not saying you're flirting but I'm still watching you.
Galactus and Elaine (sister of Gally's wife): *talks*
Isadora: For the love of God SHUT UP or I'll use you as a bag!

Oh my goodness...
Yesenia: What? I'm fabulous.

Elaine: AH! NO! Don't remind me of my non-existent awkward preteen phase!
Galactus: Hehe. I helped raise that girl.
Elaine: REALLY?
Isadora: Lalala...I don't know heeeeerrrr.

Scarlett is a boss at running.

Took them home because Lyric was about to pass out...
I did NOT invite Elaine or Towel Lady.
Elaine: O__O How did I get here?
Towel: Hehe heeeeey guys.

And there goes the last of Generation 3...well, the official ISBI line anyway. Noah, Sel and Kezia have kids that are alive and well...

You had an HOUR to get to bed.

Isadora: I need a nap...
Well screw you too! -5.

Steve is an elder already...

This is in fact Easton cleaning the sauna...thanks, man.

This is just to show Ida's awesome gym hoodie that I love.

This random baby is Pietro's latest grandkid from his son, Wesley and Yesenia from the gym.

Wanda: I'm tryna be serious.
Isadora: Ugh, dead Grandma.

Easton: Whawas that?
Scarlett: My mother.

Isadora, take a shower for God's sakes.
Isadora: Naaaaaahhhh, instead I'm gonna let my pit stink corrupt this sauna.
Ugh I hate you.

Easton: So...Ida says I should talk more to you girls.
Isadora: Oh dad. Go back to playing games and I'll go back to burning things like I normally do.
He sucks even worse as an autonomous Dad than Ryan. At least Ryan was only a shitty dad to one of the kids.

I swear everyone's had a Surprise! baby recently. (i.e. Galactus' existence, Pietro and Elektra's daughters Felicity and Justine...)
This is Kailani's.

They tend to get less amusing while cooking as they get better...but Scarlett just broke that rule...
She hit herself with a salt shaker.
Scarlett: ACK. Bruise forming.
Little drama queen.

Scarlett: Have my GERMS.
Again, normally they stop. Not so, not this time.
Scarlett: Lazy little shits...*mutter mutter mutter*

Easton: I got the zen.

Now he's sick! Why are you all getting ill?
I guess Scarlett's sneezing in the food a lot more than I thought...

Oh dear. Confrontation.
Ida: And-and *sob, sniff* what about the time you said you bought me on Ebay?
Easton: That was a joke!
Ida: I just don't think you appreciate me! *whimper, wail*
Easton: Please SHUT UP.
Ida: But DAD-
Easton: Quiet. Zip.
Ida: Fine, I'll sell you then!
Easton: I'll sell you first! You didn't get your evil streak from nowhere, kid!

Poor Ida. Being gloomy, she's probably a lot more affected by ISBI-style parenting.

Easton: Well, you're my little dinosaur...!
Ida: That does not make me feel any better!
Isadora: I'm ill! I'm ILL! Everyone feel bad for me!
Ida: I do have a few moments of crazy every now and then...but I am justified in hating these wackos.

Random ghost: BYE. *zooms*

Ida: I dunno. We could just go and get food or something. Talk it out.
(No you can't. No restaurants yet).
Easton: Eh. Too much effort.
Ida:...yeah I really hate you.

I love you Isadora!

Isadora: It never ends. Now I gotta deal with her.
Ida: *sob, sniff, wail*

Easton: I feel like I should have handled that better.
Honestly these guys all hate each other. I remember when Gen 4 were little and they had their disagreements, but they were sweet overall. I remember Gen 3 getting along despite freaking Wanda, and I remember Gen 2 being nice to one another.
Gen 5 really dislike each other. Apart from the twins, but they shared a uterus, so y'know...

Ida: So I SHOULD push Dad down a faulty slide? Awesome idea, Isa, thanks for the video.
Isadora: Was just trying to cheer you up ya know...

Isadora: SHUT UP. You're giving me a headache!

This is how dumb it was for Kailani to have a surprise baby. Her second-youngest is almost a YA!

Ida: *stares into plates and tries to work out the meaning of life*

Ida is now sick. On the plus side, now she's also not so depressing because this illness makes them playful.
Oh God she clashes so hard with that wall.

This hon grows up in a few days. I'm gonna miss her.
This chapter is going to be long if I don't stop taking pictures.

Those eyes tho.

This is what Scarlett does. Useful shit.
Scarlett: What is the best move to beat myself?

Ida: The faulty slide?
Lyric: Great idea!
Ida: Isa shot it down...
Lyric: Screw that!
No guys...also you two have made up it seems.
Anyway we don't HAVE slides in this game.

Easton: :D Drinkies!
I'm so glad you're drinking while two of your daughters plot your ultimate demise.

Why are you all ill?

Scarlett: This is why I don't parent! SICK PEOPLE.
Excuses, excuses...
Scarlett: AH! There's one!
Ida: *still tiger-ified, plays game* Wheeee!

Isadora is now drinking because Easton thinks that leaving alcohol around+angry dysfunctional teens=good idea.

Alden (son of Jasmine): Mummy tells me that this is where they put the insane people. Is that true?
That's not really true, but then again it is kinda true.

Stephon (son of Ethan): What's all that screaming I heard earlier?
You don't wanna know kid.
Is Ida/Lyric having another tantrum?

Galactus is here. I assume he's been in the sauna.
Galactus: My wife is mad at me.
Galactus: She kinda thinks I was flirting with her also-married sister...
*flashes back to gym*
Oh YEAH, that. Whoops. Welcome back though, don't mess anything up, don't engage with Ida or Lyric as they will bite your f*cking head off and most of all be entertaining! *does flamboyant welcome hand gesture*

Isadora: Gaaaaaaaallly...
OK, don't engage with her either.
Scarlett's at work and Easton is....Easton...whoops, just get on a computer and ignore everyone.

Yep, DEFINITELY don't engage with Easton.

Galactus: They seem alright...
Isadora: Ida and Lyric are probably going to kill you. Last hug. Any confessions?

Easton: I smashed the dollhouse.
Isadora: I hate you.
Easton: Can't quite get this parenting thing right, can I?
Isadora: NOPE. Brb, joining my siblings.

Galactus: The power of alien compels you!
Isadora: AH!
Galactus: *mutters* Now be normal, be normal, be normal...


Nyla's twin boys both got married. Only one illegitimate kid between the two of them...*wipes tear*...so proud.

Pietro's son Rene is having another kid. He already has little Alcohol (Sherry) so I wait with bated breath to find out what he and Sigrid call this next one!

Another promotion for Scarlett.
Unfortunately I have to spend a crapload of time making her max her fitness skill to max out the career. UGH. I will never get her stupid nerd brain aspiration done.

Lyric: *scratches* How I wish I could have claws to go with this leopard skin!

OK FINE Lyric I get your feelings.
Lyric: Feelings are for the weak. Just let me leave this place! Everyone here is such a freaking idiot.
No can do, hon. You have 2 days until growing up.

Lyric: Sometimes I just wanna grab a tank and drive right up to this house and CRUSH everyone.
Isadora: Huh. Uh-huh. Sure Lyric. (is actually screaming internally and wanting to call the non-existent cops).

Isadora: But I like you, Blarffy. You're the best bear ever. We could go on adventures and everything...
Blarffy: Just...just stop. You Sutherlands have depressed and threatened me for too long. I won't fall for your trickery.
Isadora: But-but-
Blarffy: ENOUGH. Away with you!

To comfort herself Isa does yoga.

Isadora: We need a new dad. Are you on offer?
Ryan: Well....um, I'm dead, and all three of my actual kids are DEAD...so....

Isadora: Wait, you're, you're- I met Granny Wanda, and she's more screwed up than me. So nah.
Ryan: Excuse me! I raised that girl.
ERM. *clears throat*

Ryan: Talk to the hand.
Isadora: Sure. Hi hand. *spits as much as possible to be a bitch*

Isadora: Painting is my thing, yeah. If I'm TH-
Ryan: BLASPHEMY! My mother was a painter! You are not worthy!
Isadora: HEY. Ida, back me up, back me up, I'd be the best painter.
Ida: I don't get into this stuff...not anymore.
Isadora: Ugh, FINE. Anyway, SCREW YOU dude, I'd be a better painter than your precious mummy...
Ryan: Don't you call my mother precious! She was tough as nails and crazy as us all!
Ida: Hmm...really?

Ryan: Yeah! So get this painter crap out of your head, little girl, and go back to the cave you came from!
Isadora: Fine, fine. I'll just waste my life on my phone.
Ryan: Like your life already hasn't been a total waste, phone or not.
Ida: Ooh, BURN.
Isadora (fumes): NO-ONE ASKED YOU!

Isadora: Oooh boy, looked at yourself recently hon?
Ryan: It'd be better than looking at you!

Ryan: Try me. Your fists would go straight through me...and also it would feel like you were being doused in ice water.
(Totally using the Harry Potter ghost laws for that because I want to).

Ryan: *squishes up* Soooo...you seem like you've actually cracked open a book at some point. You smarter than your sister?
Ida: Don't PUSH IT, old man...she is still my twin....

Ida: So YOU can f*ck off and go back to the grave you came from, because NOBODY CARES about the Generation 2 heir any more!
Ryan: Right, are there any more spawn?
Ida: LYRIC? You're talking about LYRIC? *laughs wildly* You really think you'd like LYRIC better than you like me? You even pissed off Isa, and she's a cute quirky childish painter! Trust me, no-one will like you and no-one did like you!

Ida: Yeah, your wife's haunting as we speak... and playing a video game to escape your stupid!

Ryan: Your daughters are ridiculous.
Easton: Yeah. Tell me 'bout it.

Christ Isadora is scary.

Isadora: *shoves bear* Stupid freaking RYAN!
Blarffy: You send me very mixed signals.
I'm freaking finished with this chapter. I wanted to grow up Lyric but now I'm doing it next chapter because I took too many pictures. It was the weekend, they were all home and they were all being stupid and random and causing about five separate dramas.
And a record low of five kids to show...!

Justine, Elektra's final kid (the Surprise! kind). She did live to see her daughter become a teen...so that's good.
On the other hand, because of the mod marrying Elektra off to another random old man and causing Justine to be brought along, she now lives with these three random siblings, one of whom is actually the wife of one of Nyla's twins.
It's a hard knock life.

Aarav, the child of Pietro's son Rene.

This is Malaysia, Ethan's third child as a teen.
What happened to her FACE?


I don't understand...Ethan's not bad looking, this is the mother, and while she's not the prettiest of all pretties, she's still cute...what the hell happened?

Tricia and Elsie, Galactus's final kids (for now, he is married to a woman...but then he has six kids already and he doesn't need to do any more procreating).
They are both Kleptos...how I wish Wanda was still alive. I could have put them in her club...

Everyone: *eats or drinks silently*
Isadora: Wow, we suck at drama.
Lyric: Yeah, yeah.
Ida: Ehhh...it's way too early.

Isadora: Do you know that in our backyard we've got all the graves of our ANCESTORS?
Are you clueless?
Lyric: Er...
Ida: That was your 'big discovery'?
Lyric: Bitch I've been mourning at these things since the day I left the crib!

Easton: What's that? Oh nothing. Nothing at all! Lalalalala....*tunes out with all his might*

Scarlett: *rolls over and grumbles* Whassat shouting...SHUT UP STUPID CHILDREN! When they're teens they're supposed to be less annoying...*whines pitifully* I'm going back to bed.
Best parents ever.

Turns out the fighting is alive and well...
Lyric: C'mon. I'll get out Mum's boxing gloves. Me and you, SISTER. I'd crush ya.
Ida: Ooh...someone's got a bit of an ego. Lemme reduce that for you.
Isadora: Oh yeah, this is more like it guys. *smirks, sips more coffee*

Lyric: You wanna break into Mum's dresser with me Isa?
Isadora (offscreen): Naw. I don't get involved.

Easton: Wahhhhhh! WANDA.

Scarlett: Can't they just SHUT UP?
I repeat. Best parents ever.

Lyric: What? Too frightened to find out how much of her clothing is the same as yours?
Isadora: OMG Lyric, since when do I dress like MUM?
Ida: Aha, now I'm the one who feeds off drama...

Lyric and Isadora: *staring contest*
Ida: Come on guys, let's settle this like adults...

Ida:...except Lyric's a STUPID BABY so SCREW THIS and SCREW YOU, LYRIC!
Isadora: Ohhhhhhhh....
Lyric: Ha. Hit me HARDER.

Isadora: You've all got the brains of llamas and should be ashamed!
Lyric: Did she just-?
Ida: Oh yes she DID.
Lyric: *cracks knuckles*

Lyric: You're all DUMB. Dumb babies who I should have killed in the crib!
Ida: WOMAN that's threatening actual retro-active murder...how the f would that work?
Isadora: END THIS GUYS! I need the loo, but I can't leave if DRAMA-

Good sleep Scarlett?
Scarlett: Stupid teenagers...
Oh my God look at her arms. It's nothing compared to CAS though, there she looks like freaking She-Hulk...

Lyric: Come on loser. I totally won that...
Ida: *RAGE FACE* You'll see about that, LYRIC, mark my words...

Ida: Shit will go DOWN.

Lyric: Yeah right, LLAMA FACE!
Ida: I SWEAR someone just used that!
Easton: Daughter, have I not taught you better? Don't recycle your insults...where did I go wrong?
Where did you even go right, Easton? You barely interact with them, and if you do it's for a token hug.

Ida: Where did you go wrong? WHERE DID YOU GO WRONG? When did you do anything, DAD!
Easton: Um...I'm NTH!
Ida: STFU with your excuses! I don't CARE. Why don't you like us?
OH GOD. *flashes back to Wanda and Ryan during Wanda's early TH-hood*

Easton: I hate them all.
Scarlett (offscreen): *chews food* Ditto.
This has probably been one of the most amusing moments in this entire ISBI.
I decided that they all should let off some steam, so they're going to the gym I put in Newcrest.

Galactus...not saying you're flirting but I'm still watching you.
Galactus and Elaine (sister of Gally's wife): *talks*
Isadora: For the love of God SHUT UP or I'll use you as a bag!

Oh my goodness...
Yesenia: What? I'm fabulous.

Elaine: AH! NO! Don't remind me of my non-existent awkward preteen phase!
Galactus: Hehe. I helped raise that girl.
Elaine: REALLY?
Isadora: Lalala...I don't know heeeeerrrr.

Scarlett is a boss at running.

Took them home because Lyric was about to pass out...
I did NOT invite Elaine or Towel Lady.
Elaine: O__O How did I get here?
Towel: Hehe heeeeey guys.

And there goes the last of Generation 3...well, the official ISBI line anyway. Noah, Sel and Kezia have kids that are alive and well...

You had an HOUR to get to bed.

Isadora: I need a nap...
Well screw you too! -5.

Steve is an elder already...

This is in fact Easton cleaning the sauna...thanks, man.

This is just to show Ida's awesome gym hoodie that I love.

This random baby is Pietro's latest grandkid from his son, Wesley and Yesenia from the gym.

Wanda: I'm tryna be serious.
Isadora: Ugh, dead Grandma.

Easton: Whawas that?
Scarlett: My mother.

Isadora, take a shower for God's sakes.
Isadora: Naaaaaahhhh, instead I'm gonna let my pit stink corrupt this sauna.
Ugh I hate you.

Easton: So...Ida says I should talk more to you girls.
Isadora: Oh dad. Go back to playing games and I'll go back to burning things like I normally do.
He sucks even worse as an autonomous Dad than Ryan. At least Ryan was only a shitty dad to one of the kids.

I swear everyone's had a Surprise! baby recently. (i.e. Galactus' existence, Pietro and Elektra's daughters Felicity and Justine...)
This is Kailani's.

They tend to get less amusing while cooking as they get better...but Scarlett just broke that rule...
She hit herself with a salt shaker.
Scarlett: ACK. Bruise forming.
Little drama queen.

Scarlett: Have my GERMS.
Again, normally they stop. Not so, not this time.
Scarlett: Lazy little shits...*mutter mutter mutter*

Easton: I got the zen.

Now he's sick! Why are you all getting ill?
I guess Scarlett's sneezing in the food a lot more than I thought...

Oh dear. Confrontation.
Ida: And-and *sob, sniff* what about the time you said you bought me on Ebay?
Easton: That was a joke!
Ida: I just don't think you appreciate me! *whimper, wail*
Easton: Please SHUT UP.
Ida: But DAD-
Easton: Quiet. Zip.
Ida: Fine, I'll sell you then!
Easton: I'll sell you first! You didn't get your evil streak from nowhere, kid!

Poor Ida. Being gloomy, she's probably a lot more affected by ISBI-style parenting.

Easton: Well, you're my little dinosaur...!
Ida: That does not make me feel any better!
Isadora: I'm ill! I'm ILL! Everyone feel bad for me!
Ida: I do have a few moments of crazy every now and then...but I am justified in hating these wackos.

Random ghost: BYE. *zooms*

Ida: I dunno. We could just go and get food or something. Talk it out.
(No you can't. No restaurants yet).
Easton: Eh. Too much effort.
Ida:...yeah I really hate you.

I love you Isadora!

Isadora: It never ends. Now I gotta deal with her.
Ida: *sob, sniff, wail*

Easton: I feel like I should have handled that better.
Honestly these guys all hate each other. I remember when Gen 4 were little and they had their disagreements, but they were sweet overall. I remember Gen 3 getting along despite freaking Wanda, and I remember Gen 2 being nice to one another.
Gen 5 really dislike each other. Apart from the twins, but they shared a uterus, so y'know...

Ida: So I SHOULD push Dad down a faulty slide? Awesome idea, Isa, thanks for the video.
Isadora: Was just trying to cheer you up ya know...

Isadora: SHUT UP. You're giving me a headache!

This is how dumb it was for Kailani to have a surprise baby. Her second-youngest is almost a YA!

Ida: *stares into plates and tries to work out the meaning of life*

Ida is now sick. On the plus side, now she's also not so depressing because this illness makes them playful.
Oh God she clashes so hard with that wall.

This hon grows up in a few days. I'm gonna miss her.
This chapter is going to be long if I don't stop taking pictures.

Those eyes tho.

This is what Scarlett does. Useful shit.
Scarlett: What is the best move to beat myself?

Ida: The faulty slide?
Lyric: Great idea!
Ida: Isa shot it down...
Lyric: Screw that!
No guys...also you two have made up it seems.
Anyway we don't HAVE slides in this game.

Easton: :D Drinkies!
I'm so glad you're drinking while two of your daughters plot your ultimate demise.

Why are you all ill?

Scarlett: This is why I don't parent! SICK PEOPLE.
Excuses, excuses...
Scarlett: AH! There's one!
Ida: *still tiger-ified, plays game* Wheeee!

Isadora is now drinking because Easton thinks that leaving alcohol around+angry dysfunctional teens=good idea.

Alden (son of Jasmine): Mummy tells me that this is where they put the insane people. Is that true?
That's not really true, but then again it is kinda true.

Stephon (son of Ethan): What's all that screaming I heard earlier?
You don't wanna know kid.
Is Ida/Lyric having another tantrum?

Galactus is here. I assume he's been in the sauna.
Galactus: My wife is mad at me.
Galactus: She kinda thinks I was flirting with her also-married sister...
*flashes back to gym*
Oh YEAH, that. Whoops. Welcome back though, don't mess anything up, don't engage with Ida or Lyric as they will bite your f*cking head off and most of all be entertaining! *does flamboyant welcome hand gesture*

Isadora: Gaaaaaaaallly...
OK, don't engage with her either.
Scarlett's at work and Easton is....Easton...whoops, just get on a computer and ignore everyone.

Yep, DEFINITELY don't engage with Easton.

Galactus: They seem alright...
Isadora: Ida and Lyric are probably going to kill you. Last hug. Any confessions?

Easton: I smashed the dollhouse.
Isadora: I hate you.
Easton: Can't quite get this parenting thing right, can I?
Isadora: NOPE. Brb, joining my siblings.

Galactus: The power of alien compels you!
Isadora: AH!
Galactus: *mutters* Now be normal, be normal, be normal...


Nyla's twin boys both got married. Only one illegitimate kid between the two of them...*wipes tear*...so proud.

Pietro's son Rene is having another kid. He already has little Alcohol (Sherry) so I wait with bated breath to find out what he and Sigrid call this next one!

Another promotion for Scarlett.
Unfortunately I have to spend a crapload of time making her max her fitness skill to max out the career. UGH. I will never get her stupid nerd brain aspiration done.

Lyric: *scratches* How I wish I could have claws to go with this leopard skin!

OK FINE Lyric I get your feelings.
Lyric: Feelings are for the weak. Just let me leave this place! Everyone here is such a freaking idiot.
No can do, hon. You have 2 days until growing up.

Lyric: Sometimes I just wanna grab a tank and drive right up to this house and CRUSH everyone.
Isadora: Huh. Uh-huh. Sure Lyric. (is actually screaming internally and wanting to call the non-existent cops).

Isadora: But I like you, Blarffy. You're the best bear ever. We could go on adventures and everything...
Blarffy: Just...just stop. You Sutherlands have depressed and threatened me for too long. I won't fall for your trickery.
Isadora: But-but-
Blarffy: ENOUGH. Away with you!

To comfort herself Isa does yoga.

Isadora: We need a new dad. Are you on offer?
Ryan: Well....um, I'm dead, and all three of my actual kids are DEAD...so....

Isadora: Wait, you're, you're- I met Granny Wanda, and she's more screwed up than me. So nah.
Ryan: Excuse me! I raised that girl.
ERM. *clears throat*

Ryan: Talk to the hand.
Isadora: Sure. Hi hand. *spits as much as possible to be a bitch*

Isadora: Painting is my thing, yeah. If I'm TH-
Ryan: BLASPHEMY! My mother was a painter! You are not worthy!
Isadora: HEY. Ida, back me up, back me up, I'd be the best painter.
Ida: I don't get into this stuff...not anymore.
Isadora: Ugh, FINE. Anyway, SCREW YOU dude, I'd be a better painter than your precious mummy...
Ryan: Don't you call my mother precious! She was tough as nails and crazy as us all!
Ida: Hmm...really?

Ryan: Yeah! So get this painter crap out of your head, little girl, and go back to the cave you came from!
Isadora: Fine, fine. I'll just waste my life on my phone.
Ryan: Like your life already hasn't been a total waste, phone or not.
Ida: Ooh, BURN.
Isadora (fumes): NO-ONE ASKED YOU!

Isadora: Oooh boy, looked at yourself recently hon?
Ryan: It'd be better than looking at you!

Ryan: Try me. Your fists would go straight through me...and also it would feel like you were being doused in ice water.
(Totally using the Harry Potter ghost laws for that because I want to).

Ryan: *squishes up* Soooo...you seem like you've actually cracked open a book at some point. You smarter than your sister?
Ida: Don't PUSH IT, old man...she is still my twin....

Ida: So YOU can f*ck off and go back to the grave you came from, because NOBODY CARES about the Generation 2 heir any more!
Ryan: Right, are there any more spawn?
Ida: LYRIC? You're talking about LYRIC? *laughs wildly* You really think you'd like LYRIC better than you like me? You even pissed off Isa, and she's a cute quirky childish painter! Trust me, no-one will like you and no-one did like you!

Ida: Yeah, your wife's haunting as we speak... and playing a video game to escape your stupid!

Ryan: Your daughters are ridiculous.
Easton: Yeah. Tell me 'bout it.

Christ Isadora is scary.

Isadora: *shoves bear* Stupid freaking RYAN!
Blarffy: You send me very mixed signals.
I'm freaking finished with this chapter. I wanted to grow up Lyric but now I'm doing it next chapter because I took too many pictures. It was the weekend, they were all home and they were all being stupid and random and causing about five separate dramas.
And a record low of five kids to show...!

Justine, Elektra's final kid (the Surprise! kind). She did live to see her daughter become a teen...so that's good.
On the other hand, because of the mod marrying Elektra off to another random old man and causing Justine to be brought along, she now lives with these three random siblings, one of whom is actually the wife of one of Nyla's twins.
It's a hard knock life.

Aarav, the child of Pietro's son Rene.

This is Malaysia, Ethan's third child as a teen.
What happened to her FACE?


I don't understand...Ethan's not bad looking, this is the mother, and while she's not the prettiest of all pretties, she's still cute...what the hell happened?

Tricia and Elsie, Galactus's final kids (for now, he is married to a woman...but then he has six kids already and he doesn't need to do any more procreating).
They are both Kleptos...how I wish Wanda was still alive. I could have put them in her club...
Score Sheet- 75
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (32) +160
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (44) -220
Self Wetting (11) -55
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