4.11- Attempted Germ Spreading
Amanda: Being dead is soooooo passé.
Thank you.
Don: I should never have gotten married...
Oh f off.
Amanda: Hi! Don- sorry, I thought you were a trash can.
Don: This is why.
What the freak?
Don: AH!
Amanda: Damn...what's going on.
Amanda: Yay! Do it again! That was awesome!
Don: Are you kidding me? That nearly scared me to death!
Amanda:...We ARE dead! Can we get deader? Is there like a whole new level of dead?
Don: Hmmmmm...I'll have to get back to you on that one Manda.
Oh God, you two stupids really do belong together.
Don: Psh, I guess so. New levels of death ftw.
Amanda: Ugh. Fine. Yay hugs.
Lyric: This is disgusting.
Ida: EW.
Isadora: Clean as hell.
Beautiful. Just beautiful, Lyric. I'm sure it'll get all the likes.
I have a feeling that soon it's no more Elektra...
Also she apparently got married again. Why...IDEC.
Also she apparently got married again. Why...IDEC.
Lyric: I hate the world!
Ida: OMG Lyric GET OUT.

You can't fight a machine...

Ida: Oh GOD who's having another tantrum...

Isadora is crying again.

Easton: My poses are too damn cool for you, PEASANT.

Ida: I just need to hide...*submerges self* AGH! NO! *splutters* I don't want this! I was- *coughs* being a dramatic teen!

Ida: *spits out water* Phew! I almost DIED.
No you very well freaking didn't.

Communal homework!
Isadora: We're bonding! Ida, what did you get for number 20? I put Cordelia the Third!
Ida: Leave me alone...I almost DIED...and we're doing maths you dummy!
Freaking dramatic, stupid little shits.

Lyric: Lame. LAAAAME. HOMEWORK IS FOR LOSERS. Ain't that right, orange juice? I don't need anyone but you!

Lyric: Revenge is sweet.
Galactus: But...but...I didn't DO anything!
Lyric: Too bad, you're the first person I came across!

Scarlett: GRANDDAD. Creating more work for me. For shame.
Ryan: But...I didn't do jack!
Scarlett: You were the first person I saw.
Like mother like daughter.

Ryan: You are a FAILURE to this ISBI! Walking around in a spacesuit; for shame!
Scarlett: I'm an astronaut! What did you do again?
Ryan: Competitive gaming!
Scarlett: That's not even a REAL JOB!
(I do not condone Scarlett's last statement).

Ryan: Huh. I could do some vacuuming for you.
Scarlett: We were all mad here, that's what mum says...I get that.

Elsie and Tricia, Galactus's alien twins from...the same woman that Ethan had a son with...

Ryan: Hello great-grandchild? Care to join me?
Ida: In...what...? Eating? Cos I'm eating too, dead great-grandpa.
Ryan: No, silly! Leave that shrimp and talk to the parfait. He's very easy to get along with.

Now you, Ida?
At least it's Wanda, someone she actually knew...

Ida: #RIPgranny #myfavetrollever #hotmourner

Ryan: That's what you get for not mourning ME mofo!

That caused Ida to retreat to the sauna...

This girl is so pretty! Even when she's frowning.
It's Ari's daughter. (Arianna was the blue-haired librarian friend of Wanda's, who still isn't dead...)

Lyric: I know you stole my narwhal eraser Ida!
Ida: I'm telling you for the billionth time, I didn't take anything!
Isadora: I'm not here.


Lyric: LOOK AT THESE PHOTOS! Here I have my eraser, and now I don't!
Ida:...that DOES NOT mean I took it!

Galactus got married, moved into the woman's house...and invited us over.
Mariana: Leave.
Just warning you.
Mariana: Of what?
Be very afraid.
Mariana: OF WHAT?
You'll see.

Looks like someone else lives here too (there's also a child here).
OK, over here we have Galactus's wife Mariana, her sister Jolene, Jolene's kid Reyna and Ethan's eldest child Kerri (who was a child of Mariana's late mother...ugh, you Sutherland men, running around and doing weird stuff with family trees).

Easton: I'm FIERCE.
Isadora: AAH no you're not!

Galactus: I grilled burgers for you, my dear! I hope you find them satisfying!
Mariana: :)
Reformed Galactus is reformed.

Reyna: I'm uncomfortable.

Scarlett: So my idiot alien half-bro reformed and married you? Really?
Mariana: It's true. Galactus is the best husband ever. For our wedding present, he gave me a jester's hat...

Mariana: OMG, remember that time when you slipped on that rotten fruit! That was hilarious.
Galactus: I almost broke my wrist...
Mariana: And that is why it is so funny!
Scarlett: If they're happy...

Ida: Guess what! I have crabs!
Easton: O__O Ida!
Ida: Yeah! I collect them and keep them in a shoebox under my bed.
Easton: Phew...but then again not really. Release the crabs, Ida, honestly.
Ida: Even Mr Blue-eye? But he's my best friend!
Easton: You suck.
Ida: That's not what Mr Blue-eye told me.

Jolene: So that's how you were created. Thanks to this bad-ass bitch.
Reyna: OK Momma...I didn't ask for this but now I know. Can I have my burger now?

Isadora: Hey guys!
Lyric: Bye peasant.
Kerri: Can't even stand to look!

Elaine (turns out there's yet another sister living with them): Pregnant and alone. I blame YOU.
Easton:...What are you talking about? SCARLETT I SWEAR-!
Lyric: Hehe drama.
Scarlett: Hoe don't do it...I don't need that ish. Easton is never let out of the house anyways...
After a while I decided that they needed to go home..two of the girls were ready to pass out.

And a record ONE update on the family...this is Nyla's son Chandler and he kicks off his YA life by getting this woman pregnant.
Don't you DARE go in the same direction as SOME OTHER people.

Nice posing there, Isa.


Lyric: What the F? I look like a tiger!
Oh honey. You're ill. Ill as f*ck.

Cecil: OMG BLARFFY! This is all YOUR fault!
Blarffy: What the crap did I do?
Cecil: You caught my hand in this speech bubble! GET IT OUT.
Lol I love you Cecil.

Ida: OH GOD. What I have seen cannot be unseen!
Girl. GIRL. Turn off the internet. Just X out of the browser and take a long hot shower. Just do it, you'll feel better.
Ida: *whimpers*

Ida: D: That was awful.

Ida: You said to take a shower! Followed your orders, watcher! *salutes, sprays water in eye*
So now you take it? You had ONE HOUR before you had to leave. And you're a Sim, it's not like you have to get ready or anything! You just spin around and- aggghhh, you annoy me.

Are you kidding me?
The only reason why I don't take pictures of Scarlett is bc I control her, so she's not allowed to be random and stupid. She does useful shit like flying in her rocket, cooking food, working out and upgrading plumbing.
So we're left with Ida.

Scarlett: Mmm, lunch in a spacesuit.
Ida: Mum you say that one more time, and I stab you with my fork!
Scarlett: Mmmmmm, lunch in a SPACESUIT!
And that's how Scarlett died.
(Nah joking obviously).

Isadora: EW. She looks like a leopard now!
Lyric: *groans*

Both girls are sick.
Isadora: WTF JUST CAME OUT OF MY NOSE! It's moving! Lyriiiiiic, I think it's moving! HELP.
Lyric: This is not amusing to me.

Ida: So what did you drag me out here for.
Isadora: Ehehe. *sneezes*
You're not even the focus of the picture you dumbass!

Lyric: *breathes heavily* Spreading as maaaany germs as possible before I go down...! FOR THE MICROBES! GO FORWARD MY PRETTIES- *collapses*

Ida: *dodges sneeze* Yeah, no, twin. You're not gonna get me sick!
Isadora: B-b-but...I just wanted someone to feel my pain!
Ida: He-hem, LYRIC.

Lyric: *yawns* MORE MICROBES!
Ida: Holy crap...now I will actually get sick.
Isadora (offscreen): LULZ SUCKAAAAA!
Ida: I hate both of you!

Ida: GRANDMAAAA! Even you're better than my sisters!
OK, that is a serious burn.

Lyric: The plate has requested that when I take over the world, you are the first to die.
Ida:...you don't have a plate.

Lyric was playing chess with her mother (she should go to bed...but then what do I know. SMH.) And she flipped.
Lyric: You cheated!

Scarlett: HA! Crushing YOU, daughter!
Ida: I'm not even PLAYING!
Isadora: Blicky-blocky...is that a monster?

Kylie's new kid Santino. So Kezia grandchild.
I miss Kezia.

Leland, her twin Karter's FIFTH FREAKING KID.

This is KIRSTEN, Elektra's first grandkid from her daughter Tia.
I'm sorry, but she's not staying as freaking KIERSTEN.


Easton: There's the monster!
Isadora: Um...

Easton: I'm the monster!
Isadora: Yay Dad still plays pretend with me!
(Isadora is childish...)
Scarlett would have told her to f off.

Easton: But what's it all MEAN...? *contemplates*

Lyric: Yep, back at it again with those ghosts. #supernaturalscare #ancestralvisit #walkinginectoplasm

Don: THIS is what the ISBI has come to.
Lyric: Hey! I'd make a great TH.
No, you'd annoy me bc you're a clone.
Lyric: Oh push off about that!
(Ugh, I agree with this douchenozzle)
Lyric: NO, you suck!
Both of you were and still are actually useless.

Don: Ugh. I need love. I guess I have to find Amanda...
Yup, stuck with each other forever in the afterlife. There's worse ways to spend your time, Don, you could have had a MCCC-less (i.e. No) life, bc I didn't get it until the old townies had died.
Yay, finished....except there are another 37845948375 kids I'm showing.

Kira, Kezia spawn Eddie's daughter as a teen.

Felicity, Pietro's 'SURPRISE!' baby. Her mother is still alive...not sure how, I'm sure she's been an elder for ages now...

Cameron, Pietro's son Rene's child.

Gabby II, Nyla's third kid.

Ellie, Noah's kid Gabriella's daughter. She's an active child so I stereotyped just so I could use this tracksuit...

Eliana, Ethan's final kid. I'm glad he finally put it away.

Fletcher, Ethan's second kid as a teen.

Pietro's daughter Jasmine had her second son! This is Alden.

Kate+Alison, Gamora's daughters.

And her son Billy as a teen.

Cameron and Carson, Santos (Kezia spawn) and Shawna's second and third kids.

Score Sheet- 85 (why do you idiots lose me points, I distinctly remember having over 100 at some recent point...)
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (32) +160
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (42) -210
Self Wetting (11) -55
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