4.10 - Various Outings
Isadora: So, you don't talk? Awww!
Blarffy: ....
Isadora: Shame. You would be a good friend.
Isadora: You're a mean bear.
Lyric:...And that's how I got away with putting a frog in the teacher's drawer!
You don't even go to school!
Isadora: Yeah, I don't believe you did that...you suck too much.
Lyric: One more word and YOU'RE gonna be a frog!
Lyric: One more word and YOU'RE gonna be a frog!
I love her. She's so out-there and adorkable.
Isadora: OH NO!
Ida: I'm so done with you...
Oh, and you too. TOILET WAS THERE.
Ida: What did you do?
Hat girl: Ehehehe...I hate these people.
Isadora: Relax....it's not like I- alright FINE I rigged the urinals to explode!
Keri: Far out...

Scarlett: Soooo...how many months?
Cassidy: Exsqueeze me?

McBlahface: I am an ARTISTE!
No, you're a stupid irritant in a dumb hat and trousers.

Easton: Lyric? Please talk to me.
Lyric: He enters, I leave. He is not my father...he is not my father.
Yeah alright, that could actually be believed, CLONE.

Scarlett: I'm drawing a llama, haha. It's going to be called Squiggles and it's going to be our new friend.
Ida: Yeah, alright Mum...

Arianna for f*ck's sakes open your eyes when you grill food.
Arianna: Yeah, yeah...what was I doing again?

Jeanette, Galactus's third freaking child.

Ida: Yeah! Let's make up by punching!
Fleece dude: What the F*CK?

Fleece Dude: What do you know, you're a stupid little girl!
Ida: Well you're a grown-ass man making fun of a stupid little girl! *puts on voice* I'm only young! Where's my mummy?

Scarlett: *in random fieldy bit of Newcrest* HERE FOR YOU DAUGHTER...WAIT. Which one? What is this? WHERE IS SHE? UMMMMM...

Ida: Neeeever mind.
Fleece Dude: Those are your parents? The woman talking to herself and the filthy moping guy?
Ida: Uh-huh.
Fleece Dude: OK, sorry, sorry. I understand now.
Fleece Dude: Do you like planes?

Wesley: OW
At the swimming pool!

Gamora what the freak are you wearing?

Scarlett that is not your freaking swimwear! I have so much CC swimwear, would I actually use an EA default?
*goes into CAS*

I knew I changed it to something blue!

Scarlett: Well, this is inconsiderate.
I am scared for him, with the direction her sandals are going in...

I worked it out, it was because I called a club gathering for the Paragons (which Scarlett and Gamora are in) and for some reason they kept wearing random-ass outfits.
Gamora's final outfit was a clown suit. LOL.
Gamora: Bye-bye, I have children to scare!

Brianne (Steve's wife): OLD PERSON DIVE! *faceplants*
Ida: OH GOD, I can see her crotch! AGH.
Soon enough we moved on again, because Galactus called to invite them around. I bet Tasha will chew him out like hell...
I went because I love the crazy lot around there.

Galactus: *looks around* This was a mistake.


Felicity: This person is crazy...
Scarlett: PLAY CHESS
Felicity: UM...k. I'm not gonna argue.

That's better.

Gamora: NO. You leave.
Elsa: I'm a TEEN, and I SHOULD live here!
Gamora: Hehe.
Elsa: What the...I hate you.

Oh my God! SCARLETT. I thought you liked the kid.
Scarlett: She's a STUPID BABY.
Felicity: Sheesh. I'm 9!
Scarlett: You're all babies to me!
Felicity: How are your kids not messed up for life?

Felicity: Smart as a computer!
I like this kid.

Tasha: What are you people doing here?
Scarlett: Gally invited us.
Tasha: That boy...Felicity, step away from my niece. PLEASE.
Felicity: No, Mummy! I'm helping the insane! (Good trait FTW)
Scarlett: Insane? Me? NEVER.
Tasha: Er...

Tasha: I'll just keep...a very close watch.
Felicity: Hehe, OK.
She's so sweet! Most other kids of this family would probably say something along the lines of 'F off, I want to TORMENT the insane'.

Lyric and Isadora: We're hungry!
Billy:...er, I could mash up some old salad for you two?
Lyric: OMG you suck.
Isadora: Really?

Lyric: Are you kidding me?
Billy: I was joking...

Scarlett: Come on Tash, you must have ordered her online. There's no way...she's not a true Sutherland.

Tasha: Bitch I birthed that girl.
Felicity (offscreen): Le gasp! Mum swore! And what's birthing?
Scarlett (offscreen): *pats on head* Nothing you need to worry about...

Tasha: Galactus, I told you not to invite people round without asking me! Girl, get out of that door! That's mahogany!
Galactus: Er...sorry, Mrs Sutherland...
Isadora: Duhhh...

Ida: Wheeeee!

Easton: SCREW YOU.
Uni: You ain't gonna break me asshole!
Blarffy: Yeah! You go Uni! Stick it to 'im!

Galactus...you're in the same house as her, you don't have to fricking TEXT.

Isadora: Is this my fault...

Ida is a good dancer...better than her mother and twin.

Felicity: So this is what this family is normally like...
Isadora: Yeah. Your mother sheltered you.
Felicity: I wonder why... I'mma be different...
Isadora: Try, kid, try...

Billy: Hehe...
Elsa: I don't want to look after you...where the freak is stupid Gamora?

Gamora: You promised me love. LOOK. *indicates stomach*
Easton: Er...
Tasha: Hey there CAMERA...
Elsa: Lalala...not even here.
I feel sorry for Pietro's daughters, they're the sanest of the lot.

Gamora: I should teach the boy to use a hand buzzer...awesome!

Easton and Scarlett are still really in love.


Cameron and Carson, Santos's new twins.

Kezia's last daughter...oh my God Akeem is the new manwhore around here. Now that Ethan's got married...

*sigh* Karter, I was hoping you might do better...

Elektra's gonna have a grandkid, yay!


Ernest, Elektra's son married an old guy...nice start to YA-hood Ernie.

Nat: Oh! I'm so embarrassed!
Like shit you are.

Take props from Wanda. She's at least amusing me.

Isadora: Yeesh. Death ain't good for the skin.
You don't say? Wanda doesn't HAVE skin any more... wacko.

You're as evil as your sister.

Ida: HEY. I can threaten you with karate!
Can you do karate?
Ida:...No, but...

Her moves are pretty lame...but somehow she just looks cool.
Ida: I EXUDE coolness.

Isadora: Stretchin' out...
You have HALF a FREAKING HOUR before you wet yourself! Go to the toilet!

Isadora: Kinda warm...
EW, just EW.

Lyric: Hehe, I'm only clearing up my OWN plate even though I'm aware of them all behind me! EVILNESS.

Gamora's TWIN daughters, Alison and Kate...she now takes up half of Pietro's family's household space...she needs to leave.

Lyric: I AM EVIL!
Ooh, did you do jack or not?
...so done with you.

Ethan's final kid...he has like eight now, it's ridiculous.

Well-freaking-done, Karter (Kezia child btw). Now we have Keri, Kerri and Kerry. Also well freaking done over your fourth illegitimate baby.
Also he got some other Schuler pregnant during the last round of updates...so that's five...at least.

Pietro's daughter Jasmine, on the other hand, has a kid from her happy (hopefully) marriage.

We have another Gabby from Kezia's daughter Nyla.

Galactus's next kid...Constance. Lots of hybrids here...

And the original Gabby's daughter. Noah's kid's daughter btw.
Literally these babies were all born between 8-3. I'm sick of all the kids so I reduced pregnancy chances for the next few updates...

Isadora: OH NO I'mma DIE.
Ida: I'm standing here cos I can't handle your stupid...
Just don't TOUCH it Isa.

Lyric: Now THIS IS EVIL. -5 for you, lolol.
HEY. I call the points here, thanks.

Now that's a face.
Isadora: *sips coffee and ignores*

Ida: I wanna be a carpenter! They hit things! Like, if I was a carpenter I could grab one of Mum's tools, bonk you in the head and I could say it's for my job!
Isadora: NOW who's stupid?

Guess who isn't stupid though! :D!
Level 8!
I accidentally clicked the wrong branch...and I didn't get a free rocket, so I had to sell a shit-load of stuff to get a rocket...le sigh.

YAY random birthday party.

Sunglasses: Heeeey bby.
Hoe don't do it.
Easton: Eh...I'm so tired I can barely move.
Sunglasses: Oh believe me, I can make you move.
Easton: What.

Hey. Looks like the idiots of this town aren't just the Sutherlands.
Then I went home because the party was lame.

OMG Santos got freaking old! WTF?

Oh GREAT...now Isadora will cry. I hate having Evil, Hot-Headed etc. Sims in the same house as kids or childish Sims.

Nice face, Easton.

Scarlett is building her rocket now...she needs level 2 rocket science.

Scarlett: That is...a fuel tank!
Cool. And nice face.

Scarlett: ROCKET. Don't hurt me like that!

Elektra was walking past and Easton skipped work, so they're making themselves useful...

Easton: Scar will kill me if she knows I missed work...must hide...
Scarlett: Babe...I called you out here.
You two are really made for each other.

Girls are back.
I really like this picture.

Scarlett: Weightlifting, RAWR!

Isadora had a bad day at school and needs cake. Again, I feel you, Isa.

Galactus: Maximum...effort!

Isadora: Do you talk?
Isadora: I'll hit you with my PUPPET!
Uni: AGH NO! Don't go near me with that shit!

Scarlett gets back from her first space mission! Twas a success!

Isadora: Lyric will pay...

Isadora: I NEED those shoes.

Pietro's son Wesley is having another kid.

Kailani, Noah's daughter, is also having another kid.

Galactus got married.

As did Kezia's youngest daughter Kylie.
Ew though, that oldie. You can SO do better, Ky.

And her twin, Karter, also got married.
Yay commitment.

Davin: Yooo, it's me. Anime eyes ftw!
Ethan's second to last illegitimate child, by some woman two days to Elder. At least he has other older siblings to look after him.

This cutie is Farhan, Galactus's second son (he has two new daughters). I swear the spares this gen...

Reid, Karter's kid by...I think one of Pietro's daughter Jasmine's half-siblings by her mother's side. IDEK anymore.
(It's no secret that I'm horrifically superficial and only bother with face-pics of the cute kids)

Aubrey, Steve's second son. Freaking cute little thing. Brianne is an elder, but Steve should definitely live a while yet...I hope so...OMG when will Steve be an elder? I really hope it's not soon...
5 days WTF?

Scarlett: Soooo...how many months?
Cassidy: Exsqueeze me?

McBlahface: I am an ARTISTE!
No, you're a stupid irritant in a dumb hat and trousers.

Easton: Lyric? Please talk to me.
Lyric: He enters, I leave. He is not my father...he is not my father.
Yeah alright, that could actually be believed, CLONE.

Scarlett: I'm drawing a llama, haha. It's going to be called Squiggles and it's going to be our new friend.
Ida: Yeah, alright Mum...

Arianna for f*ck's sakes open your eyes when you grill food.
Arianna: Yeah, yeah...what was I doing again?

Jeanette, Galactus's third freaking child.

Ida: Yeah! Let's make up by punching!
Fleece dude: What the F*CK?

Fleece Dude: What do you know, you're a stupid little girl!
Ida: Well you're a grown-ass man making fun of a stupid little girl! *puts on voice* I'm only young! Where's my mummy?

Scarlett: *in random fieldy bit of Newcrest* HERE FOR YOU DAUGHTER...WAIT. Which one? What is this? WHERE IS SHE? UMMMMM...

Ida: Neeeever mind.
Fleece Dude: Those are your parents? The woman talking to herself and the filthy moping guy?
Ida: Uh-huh.
Fleece Dude: OK, sorry, sorry. I understand now.
Fleece Dude: Do you like planes?

Wesley: OW
At the swimming pool!

Gamora what the freak are you wearing?

Scarlett that is not your freaking swimwear! I have so much CC swimwear, would I actually use an EA default?
*goes into CAS*

I knew I changed it to something blue!

Scarlett: Well, this is inconsiderate.
I am scared for him, with the direction her sandals are going in...

I worked it out, it was because I called a club gathering for the Paragons (which Scarlett and Gamora are in) and for some reason they kept wearing random-ass outfits.
Gamora's final outfit was a clown suit. LOL.
Gamora: Bye-bye, I have children to scare!

Brianne (Steve's wife): OLD PERSON DIVE! *faceplants*
Ida: OH GOD, I can see her crotch! AGH.
Soon enough we moved on again, because Galactus called to invite them around. I bet Tasha will chew him out like hell...
I went because I love the crazy lot around there.

Galactus: *looks around* This was a mistake.


Felicity: This person is crazy...
Scarlett: PLAY CHESS
Felicity: UM...k. I'm not gonna argue.

That's better.

Gamora: NO. You leave.
Elsa: I'm a TEEN, and I SHOULD live here!
Gamora: Hehe.
Elsa: What the...I hate you.

Oh my God! SCARLETT. I thought you liked the kid.
Scarlett: She's a STUPID BABY.
Felicity: Sheesh. I'm 9!
Scarlett: You're all babies to me!
Felicity: How are your kids not messed up for life?

Felicity: Smart as a computer!
I like this kid.

Tasha: What are you people doing here?
Scarlett: Gally invited us.
Tasha: That boy...Felicity, step away from my niece. PLEASE.
Felicity: No, Mummy! I'm helping the insane! (Good trait FTW)
Scarlett: Insane? Me? NEVER.
Tasha: Er...

Tasha: I'll just keep...a very close watch.
Felicity: Hehe, OK.
She's so sweet! Most other kids of this family would probably say something along the lines of 'F off, I want to TORMENT the insane'.

Lyric and Isadora: We're hungry!
Billy:...er, I could mash up some old salad for you two?
Lyric: OMG you suck.
Isadora: Really?

Lyric: Are you kidding me?
Billy: I was joking...

Scarlett: Come on Tash, you must have ordered her online. There's no way...she's not a true Sutherland.

Tasha: Bitch I birthed that girl.
Felicity (offscreen): Le gasp! Mum swore! And what's birthing?
Scarlett (offscreen): *pats on head* Nothing you need to worry about...

Tasha: Galactus, I told you not to invite people round without asking me! Girl, get out of that door! That's mahogany!
Galactus: Er...sorry, Mrs Sutherland...
Isadora: Duhhh...

Ida: Wheeeee!

Easton: SCREW YOU.
Uni: You ain't gonna break me asshole!
Blarffy: Yeah! You go Uni! Stick it to 'im!

Galactus...you're in the same house as her, you don't have to fricking TEXT.

Isadora: Is this my fault...

Ida is a good dancer...better than her mother and twin.

Felicity: So this is what this family is normally like...
Isadora: Yeah. Your mother sheltered you.
Felicity: I wonder why... I'mma be different...
Isadora: Try, kid, try...

Billy: Hehe...
Elsa: I don't want to look after you...where the freak is stupid Gamora?

Gamora: You promised me love. LOOK. *indicates stomach*
Easton: Er...
Tasha: Hey there CAMERA...
Elsa: Lalala...not even here.
I feel sorry for Pietro's daughters, they're the sanest of the lot.

Gamora: I should teach the boy to use a hand buzzer...awesome!

Easton and Scarlett are still really in love.


Cameron and Carson, Santos's new twins.

Kezia's last daughter...oh my God Akeem is the new manwhore around here. Now that Ethan's got married...

*sigh* Karter, I was hoping you might do better...

Elektra's gonna have a grandkid, yay!


Ernest, Elektra's son married an old guy...nice start to YA-hood Ernie.

Nat: Oh! I'm so embarrassed!
Like shit you are.

Take props from Wanda. She's at least amusing me.

Isadora: Yeesh. Death ain't good for the skin.
You don't say? Wanda doesn't HAVE skin any more... wacko.

You're as evil as your sister.

Ida: HEY. I can threaten you with karate!
Can you do karate?
Ida:...No, but...

Her moves are pretty lame...but somehow she just looks cool.
Ida: I EXUDE coolness.

Isadora: Stretchin' out...
You have HALF a FREAKING HOUR before you wet yourself! Go to the toilet!

Isadora: Kinda warm...
EW, just EW.

Lyric: Hehe, I'm only clearing up my OWN plate even though I'm aware of them all behind me! EVILNESS.

Gamora's TWIN daughters, Alison and Kate...she now takes up half of Pietro's family's household space...she needs to leave.

Lyric: I AM EVIL!
Ooh, did you do jack or not?
...so done with you.

Ethan's final kid...he has like eight now, it's ridiculous.

Well-freaking-done, Karter (Kezia child btw). Now we have Keri, Kerri and Kerry. Also well freaking done over your fourth illegitimate baby.
Also he got some other Schuler pregnant during the last round of updates...so that's five...at least.

Pietro's daughter Jasmine, on the other hand, has a kid from her happy (hopefully) marriage.

We have another Gabby from Kezia's daughter Nyla.

Galactus's next kid...Constance. Lots of hybrids here...

And the original Gabby's daughter. Noah's kid's daughter btw.
Literally these babies were all born between 8-3. I'm sick of all the kids so I reduced pregnancy chances for the next few updates...

Isadora: OH NO I'mma DIE.
Ida: I'm standing here cos I can't handle your stupid...
Just don't TOUCH it Isa.

Lyric: Now THIS IS EVIL. -5 for you, lolol.
HEY. I call the points here, thanks.

Now that's a face.
Isadora: *sips coffee and ignores*

Ida: I wanna be a carpenter! They hit things! Like, if I was a carpenter I could grab one of Mum's tools, bonk you in the head and I could say it's for my job!
Isadora: NOW who's stupid?

Guess who isn't stupid though! :D!
Level 8!
I accidentally clicked the wrong branch...and I didn't get a free rocket, so I had to sell a shit-load of stuff to get a rocket...le sigh.

YAY random birthday party.

Sunglasses: Heeeey bby.
Hoe don't do it.
Easton: Eh...I'm so tired I can barely move.
Sunglasses: Oh believe me, I can make you move.
Easton: What.

Hey. Looks like the idiots of this town aren't just the Sutherlands.
Then I went home because the party was lame.

OMG Santos got freaking old! WTF?

Oh GREAT...now Isadora will cry. I hate having Evil, Hot-Headed etc. Sims in the same house as kids or childish Sims.

Nice face, Easton.

Scarlett is building her rocket now...she needs level 2 rocket science.

Scarlett: That is...a fuel tank!
Cool. And nice face.

Scarlett: ROCKET. Don't hurt me like that!

Elektra was walking past and Easton skipped work, so they're making themselves useful...

Easton: Scar will kill me if she knows I missed work...must hide...
Scarlett: Babe...I called you out here.
You two are really made for each other.

Girls are back.
I really like this picture.

Scarlett: Weightlifting, RAWR!

Isadora had a bad day at school and needs cake. Again, I feel you, Isa.

Galactus: Maximum...effort!

Isadora: Do you talk?
Isadora: I'll hit you with my PUPPET!
Uni: AGH NO! Don't go near me with that shit!

Scarlett gets back from her first space mission! Twas a success!

Isadora: Lyric will pay...

Isadora: I NEED those shoes.

Pietro's son Wesley is having another kid.

Kailani, Noah's daughter, is also having another kid.

Galactus got married.

As did Kezia's youngest daughter Kylie.
Ew though, that oldie. You can SO do better, Ky.

And her twin, Karter, also got married.
Yay commitment.

Davin: Yooo, it's me. Anime eyes ftw!
Ethan's second to last illegitimate child, by some woman two days to Elder. At least he has other older siblings to look after him.

This cutie is Farhan, Galactus's second son (he has two new daughters). I swear the spares this gen...

Reid, Karter's kid by...I think one of Pietro's daughter Jasmine's half-siblings by her mother's side. IDEK anymore.
(It's no secret that I'm horrifically superficial and only bother with face-pics of the cute kids)

Aubrey, Steve's second son. Freaking cute little thing. Brianne is an elder, but Steve should definitely live a while yet...I hope so...OMG when will Steve be an elder? I really hope it's not soon...
5 days WTF?
Score Sheet- 90 (4 freaking fails...)
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (32) +160
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (3) +15
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (41) -205
Self Wetting (11) -55
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