4.8- Lyric Ages Up
Ryan: Seriously? I'm sharing my afterlife with WANDA?
Don't dude, I'm still in pain from that. That was hard! I miss her more than I missed you.
Don't dude, I'm still in pain from that. That was hard! I miss her more than I missed you.
Don: My crazy granddaughter has come to the grave...holy crap I've been dead a long time...
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, come here Dad. You can't have another ghost-life crisis!
Don: But I've been dead for SO LONG SON. SO LONG. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?
Don: But I've been dead for SO LONG SON. SO LONG. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?
Oh....oh Ida. Ew.
Ida: Jeez Isa, you should really clean yourself up!
Isadora: Are you HIGH?
Easton: Honestly....
Arianna gave birth to twins, and the family tree did this....smh.
Honestly Ari, you have too many kids. (Runs off to cap the kid limit).
Ethan's second son and fourth kid...
Scarlett has some relaxation after a ten-hour work day...
Scarlett: I deserve this...
Yes Isadora.
All three girls now have B's, so it's on to see who will get an A. Or if any of them will get A's.
Noah's daughter Ana gave birth to a daughter, who has a really nice name.
Ida: Heeeeey, can you do my homework?
Lyric: Ooh! That's a great idea! Do mine too.
Easton: Screw you COFFEE MACHINE.

Freaking amazing child.

Scarlett: ACK.

Easton: I'm a BOSS NTH! Cleaning up my own plate and everything!

Arianna's child: There are babies everywhere!
Go inside, it's midnight.

Nat: Oh goodness, I remember changing that girl's nappies...and now she's in bed with a MAN- le gasp! I'm so embarrassed!
Weirdo. They aren't doing anything.

Lyric: I wanna hire a hang glider and fly away!
You don't know how to fly a hang glider.
Lyric: Shuddup. I can dream. In fact, that's what I'm doing now. How am I even talking again?
-__- This is an ISBI, I do whatever the f*ck I want.

Scarlett: Hooray! I'm out in the corner of my lot collecting stones at 5am! I have a great life! *sarcasm*

Nat: Heeeeeeyo! You just love me, don't you? I've broken half your plumbing, whined all night and now I'm eating your food, even though I don't need it cos I'm dead!

Scarlett: *kicks child* Get outta the way, I don't want you or your onesie anywhere near my face.
Isadora: *is slammed by door*

Isadora: This handle is about to blind me. D:.
Scarlett: Hehe, watch me care.

Isadora: Mum! Me and Ida just raced two beetles on the whole jungle gym.
Scarlett:...I need a drink.
Isadora: :D My beetle won.

Ida: Nuh-uh! Mine did!
Isadora: *coughs* Bullshit!

Easton: Scar, I don't understand why we always have to do it HERE.
Scarlett: Do me. Here. Now. Or you die tonight.

Ethan's fifth baby mama (who is actually Easton's sister Evie) had twins, Blair and Jase. Woo.

But like...no.
Eva: What? She was the only one who's soul didn't look crushed when the crazy chick took them to the bar!

Scarlett: Getting pretty good at this, ain't I?
Tell me that without being possessed.

White Shirt: Me and the sparkle SNAPPED YOUR PENCILS.
Shawna: Whhhaaaaaat?

Lyric: I can't believe I actually had to invite him over!
Ida: Don't worry, we can freak him out together.
Isadora: Oh yeah.

Caiphus: They're gonna do what to that unicorn toy? ...I MUST SAVE IT.

Elektra is finally old, after both her siblings have died...

Sherry: Help, I was named after alcohol.
Rene: Yeah, well, well...
Sigrid (wife): *hic*

Lyric: OH MY GOD, you didn't even spit on him like I asked you to!
Isadora: Ohhh...just get this smell outta my face!
Lyric: Sorry, I rubbed the plate on his feet.
Scarlett: You girls did what to the house guest?
Isadora: Nothing...
Scarlett: Ugh, I don't even care.

Caiphus: And OH I will survive!
-__- Drama queen.
Caiphus: Well, they won't find me down here.

Isadora: Hey there.
Caiphus: What are you doing? What's that smell?
Isadora: Ain't doing nothing. Just delivering my garlic pasta to Lyric. She has a plan.
(He left).

Easton: Yeeeeeaaaahhhh! Playing my epic fantasy game!
With meadows! Much fantasy, very epic.


Nooooo Gally. Don't do it. Don't fall into this cycle.

He may not turn out like them and marry her but the others are making me paranoid.

The first is only just a child....whatever these two made cute kids SOMEHOW. They aren't lookers themselves...

Yay more Santos children.

Wanda: So...trolling with ghost fingers. I'll work it out.
I miiiiiisssss u bb.

The Luigi outfits make a return! (The other repairwoman was Sel's son Pawel's wife for like two days before she died).

Lyric don't you DARE.

I think she's gonna do it...is she gonna do it?

Lyric: *sniff* It's my teen birthday and I still haven't done anything properly evil...
That is not helping your evil cred, kid...

Pietro and Ari's son Wesley's son Cody.

So many boys...Galactus's child by baby mama 1...he has 3.

I freaking love you, Ida.
Also Caiphus is here again and I'm happy, because his interactions with the girls have been quite amusing.

Ida: Caiphus! You're back. Do you wanna be friends?
Lyric (offscreen): BOO! Don't engage with him!
Caiphus: Girl, I only just finished getting garlicky noodles out of my fabulous hair.

Level 7 yes.

Isadora: Hmmm...I was turning my brainy wheels and realised that Caiphus is downstairs...
Lyric: Not now. I'm revelling in Mum's misery.
Scarlett (offscreen): *muttering* I have to make the cake. Of course. Would it kill someone else to do it?

Scarlett: Woo! Get less annoying!

Freaking amazing child.

Scarlett: ACK.

Easton: I'm a BOSS NTH! Cleaning up my own plate and everything!

Arianna's child: There are babies everywhere!
Go inside, it's midnight.

Nat: Oh goodness, I remember changing that girl's nappies...and now she's in bed with a MAN- le gasp! I'm so embarrassed!
Weirdo. They aren't doing anything.

Lyric: I wanna hire a hang glider and fly away!
You don't know how to fly a hang glider.
Lyric: Shuddup. I can dream. In fact, that's what I'm doing now. How am I even talking again?
-__- This is an ISBI, I do whatever the f*ck I want.

Scarlett: Hooray! I'm out in the corner of my lot collecting stones at 5am! I have a great life! *sarcasm*

Nat: Heeeeeeyo! You just love me, don't you? I've broken half your plumbing, whined all night and now I'm eating your food, even though I don't need it cos I'm dead!

Scarlett: *kicks child* Get outta the way, I don't want you or your onesie anywhere near my face.
Isadora: *is slammed by door*

Isadora: This handle is about to blind me. D:.
Scarlett: Hehe, watch me care.

Isadora: Mum! Me and Ida just raced two beetles on the whole jungle gym.
Scarlett:...I need a drink.
Isadora: :D My beetle won.

Ida: Nuh-uh! Mine did!
Isadora: *coughs* Bullshit!

Easton: Scar, I don't understand why we always have to do it HERE.
Scarlett: Do me. Here. Now. Or you die tonight.

Ethan's fifth baby mama (who is actually Easton's sister Evie) had twins, Blair and Jase. Woo.

But like...no.
Eva: What? She was the only one who's soul didn't look crushed when the crazy chick took them to the bar!

Scarlett: Getting pretty good at this, ain't I?
Tell me that without being possessed.

White Shirt: Me and the sparkle SNAPPED YOUR PENCILS.
Shawna: Whhhaaaaaat?

Lyric: I can't believe I actually had to invite him over!
Ida: Don't worry, we can freak him out together.
Isadora: Oh yeah.

Caiphus: They're gonna do what to that unicorn toy? ...I MUST SAVE IT.

Elektra is finally old, after both her siblings have died...

Sherry: Help, I was named after alcohol.
Rene: Yeah, well, well...
Sigrid (wife): *hic*

Lyric: OH MY GOD, you didn't even spit on him like I asked you to!
Isadora: Ohhh...just get this smell outta my face!
Lyric: Sorry, I rubbed the plate on his feet.
Scarlett: You girls did what to the house guest?
Isadora: Nothing...
Scarlett: Ugh, I don't even care.

Caiphus: And OH I will survive!
-__- Drama queen.
Caiphus: Well, they won't find me down here.

Isadora: Hey there.
Caiphus: What are you doing? What's that smell?
Isadora: Ain't doing nothing. Just delivering my garlic pasta to Lyric. She has a plan.
(He left).

Easton: Yeeeeeaaaahhhh! Playing my epic fantasy game!
With meadows! Much fantasy, very epic.


Nooooo Gally. Don't do it. Don't fall into this cycle.

He may not turn out like them and marry her but the others are making me paranoid.

The first is only just a child....whatever these two made cute kids SOMEHOW. They aren't lookers themselves...

Yay more Santos children.

Wanda: So...trolling with ghost fingers. I'll work it out.
I miiiiiisssss u bb.

The Luigi outfits make a return! (The other repairwoman was Sel's son Pawel's wife for like two days before she died).

Lyric don't you DARE.

I think she's gonna do it...is she gonna do it?

Lyric: *sniff* It's my teen birthday and I still haven't done anything properly evil...
That is not helping your evil cred, kid...

Pietro and Ari's son Wesley's son Cody.

So many boys...Galactus's child by baby mama 1...he has 3.

I freaking love you, Ida.
Also Caiphus is here again and I'm happy, because his interactions with the girls have been quite amusing.

Ida: Caiphus! You're back. Do you wanna be friends?
Lyric (offscreen): BOO! Don't engage with him!
Caiphus: Girl, I only just finished getting garlicky noodles out of my fabulous hair.

Level 7 yes.

Isadora: Hmmm...I was turning my brainy wheels and realised that Caiphus is downstairs...
Lyric: Not now. I'm revelling in Mum's misery.
Scarlett (offscreen): *muttering* I have to make the cake. Of course. Would it kill someone else to do it?

Scarlett: Woo! Get less annoying!

Hello, my little clone.
Lyric: Haters gonna hate. Now, off to play video games.
Geek trait FTW.
Also Mansion aspiration.

Look at the similarity.
OK, so Lyric has a rounder face and different skin tone (whose even is that?), but still. Her eyes, nose, mouth and hair colour are all the SAME as Scarlett's.

That is THREE milestones of Lyric's aspiration completed. +15.
Let's end this...after 3434823 more kids from this huge-ass family get introduced.

Aarav, Pietro's son Rene's kid from Windenburg townie.


Cecil, Pietro's daughter Jasmine's first child. She goes slow compared to some people around here...mainly it's just the male spares that end up being complete freaking manwhores. Steve is the freaking exception!

*checks name* Keri, Evelyn's (Sel child) kid with Kezia's still-living second husband. Yes, it's weird.

Sel child Derek's daughter Katy as a teen.

Kerri, Ethan's first child as a teen.

Matilda, Kailani's second (please say final, TOO MANY SUTHERLANDS) child as a teen.
WTF her neck is so long and her face is so tiny.
Score Sheet- 105 (yes yes yes!)
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (31) +155
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (2) +10
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (38) -190
Self Wetting (9) -45
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