4.8- Nuuuuu!
Amanda: *sniff* *sob* I cannot believe that the child was forced to sleep in the hallway! So cruel.
He was unwanted.
I still love you but you make it hard. You should at least try and earn my love.

Amanda: Well. That's nice. Leave the dishes to an old dead woman.

Yes Lyric.
They're on a three-day rotation with the homework so far. Better than nothing.

Ida continues the family tradition of threatening the Blarffy with explosion.
Blarffy: Go ahead, little girl. Ain't a single one of you Sutherland's threats that's come true, so BRING IT.

Steve's son was born.

Scarlett: I'm practicing my shade.
There's no-one here.
Scarlett: Yeah. Practicing, dummy.

Wanda: Ahahaha you've made such a mess of ya life!
Ethan: I know...

Does not mean you have to look that freaky.

Easton: Er...was kinda gonna eat that.
Wanda: Finders keepers, loser's weepers.

I leave Scarlett and Wanda alone for a minute and they get the relationship down that low...

Ida: I look at you and my heart breaks!
Wanda: BITE ME.
Ida: It's just...it's just the UGLY.
Scarlett: Oooooh.

Easton: Is that...is that your daily task? We don't do that! We're NTH!
Ida: Screw that, dad.
Easton: But- but-
Ida: Don't force your ideas of uselessness on others. I did my homework two days ago too! SUCK THAT.
Easton: Le gasp.

An ISBI first.

Ida is very focused...

Scarlett: Faaaabulous...

More usage of the awesome tiki bar. By Easton.
Easton: I drink to forget...you know how it is.

I am not ready...

Beautiful. Truly a face to grace all of our media.

Santos's stepson got married to a Windenburg townie.

And with Evie too, for shame! She deserves better.

Here's hoping you don't go the same way, Gal. Marry Asia Enriquez...

Pietro is getting another grandchild.

And Ari update (honestly you two are too old) and another grandchild for dead Pietro.

Ryan: HEY GUYS. Aren't I awesome?
You'd be more awesome without that face on.
And why did I let you keep that jewellery on when you aged up to an Elder?

Ooh! +5. (That's Easton's aspiration, Fabulously Wealthy).

Scarlett: I didn't sneeze in that group meal. No siree, not me. I'm against giving germs to lazy assholes who CAN'T COOK THEIR OWN FOOD!
(She sneezed in it)

Ethan's third kid out of about five he is due to have...le sigh.

Rene's second kid. He followed the Pietro pattern of knocking up two women, leaving both high and dry and having a family with a completely new wife.

Isadora: HEY GUYS. Look how BIG MY EYES GET.

Scarlett: Come on babe. We're WooHooing in the observatory. Now get over here, move along.
Easton: Le sigh...don't our kids use that?
Scarlett: Who cares about them?

Scarlett is queen of faces. Look at that.

Scarlett's still hating children.
And I'm X-ing your action because you're TH! I control you mofo!

More additions (Sel's daughter Evelyn's daughter and Pietro's daughter Jasmine's son (named Cecil :D :D)

Steve: Hey! Mum! Look! I can wink!
Wanda: And this is why I ignore ya.
I miss Steve. And he's the good child right now...better than ETHAN.

Lol what a great mother-son visit.

YAS Ida. She still has eight days before growing up so she could get our first A since Noah was a child...that's sad. Because Noah has been dead for ages now. This is how much autonomous kids suck in school.

Lyric: *rage mode* DIE DOLLHOUSE! I AM EVIL!
That is genuinely evil, probably because it would make Ida and Isadora cry.
I think Lyric might cry too, actually.

This child is Brittany, the MCCC-induced child of the Windenburg townies the Bjergsens. This is what their premade second child looked like when she was little...which is creepy. I thought that that kid aged herself down by some sorcery...
Why would you dress her in the same way and give her the SAME HAIRSTYLE? WTF?

Ida: I'm sad...I need cake now.
Ohhhh Ida that is so relatable.

The screenshots tell a different story...
Ida: Yeah. She's the only NTH with the trait who was home.

This is the small community park I downloaded off the gallery...
Bjorn Bjergsen: YOUNG LADY! What ARE you DOING!
Purple Shirt: I'm not doing jack crap, grandpa. I didn't even dress my kid the same as the other one. *cough cough*
Bjorn Bjergsen: WHAT? I don't understand!

Ida is angry from her convo with Lyric, so she is chewing out this kid.
Caiphus (lolololol): I DID NOTHING.
Caiphus: SO DO YOU.

Ida: I could STRANGLE YOU.
Caiphus: Wheee, playing!
Caiphus: Haters gonna hate.
Caiphus: Lalalala...rocket launch! ZOOM!

Isadora: There's a bug on your face!
Lyric: EW. Where? Get it off!
Isadora: Sorrryyyy...that's your nose.

Lyric:...the hell kinda insult was that?
Isadora: Eheheheeeee...I'm so funnnnyyyy
Easton:...I'm just gonna sit here with my burger and pretend I don't exist.

Ooh! Found an Ethan baby mama!
Casandra: FML.

Ida: Venturing into the unknown....
Ew, don't use that.

Caiphus: Hey, ginger! HA!
Scarlett: Kid, don't talk to me.
Caiphus: Come on, aren't I great?
Scarlett: I can barely stand the sight of my own kids, let alone you, with your ugly hair and stupid shirt!
Caiphus: It's on!
Scarlett: Shut. Up.
Casandra: Is this what kids are like?....I'm scared.
I feel sorry for her- this park is just two jungle gyms, so there are quite a few kids.

Easton: Er hey.
Scarlett: Hey yourself. *snarls*
Easton: Oooookkk...I'll let you calm down, Scar.
Scarlett: Am I not attractive and fun when I'm angry?

Scarlett: Y'know what...impaling your sides really calms the soul.
Easton: Whatever you say, honey.
Lyric: Ooh! Mum and Dad are kissing.
Ida: Is that what kissing is? I don't like it...Mum looks stoned and Dad is in unbearable pain.
Lyric: Fun, isn't it.
Ida: Not really...D:

Scarlett got an invite to ladies night so I got her to go with Eveline...and brought everyone else.
Eveline: Yay! Fun!
Scarlett: Oh yeah! Time to get drunk.
Family: Whooooo!
Gamora: This was a shit idea.

Eva: Holy shit, even I don't take my kid out to bars.
Scarlett's gonna be Scarlett.

Arianna: Possibly pregnant for the FOURTH time? I say drink.
Brianne (Steve's wife): Feel like that isn't healthy...
Eva: Eh. Live it up.
Eveline: Yep, bro, it's Scarlett's own bro who got me pregnant.
Easton: Ehehe...Scarlett kill your brother.
Scarlett: You think I don't want to?

Easton: Hell yeah. I'm the man. That was fun.
Scarlett: *out of breath*
Eva: Damn man. Done a lot of that in my time...you could've done it better.
Easton: Nope. I'm the MAN. I did it the BEST.
Eva: Keep telling yourself that.
Scarlett: OMG, can you all just not?

Wanda: Why wasn't I invited to go out wit' everyone?
Because you had work, dummy.

Easton turned into an adult.

Ida: Oh God I smell terrible!

Ida: Actually, it adds character.

Easton: Why am I even doing this? What's the point?
I don't know, but at least I can look at pixelated arm muscle.

Isadora: I will BURN YOU.

Yay Lyric!

Isadora: Hey! Mum! Bit possessed here, but we can have a great chat!

Scarlett: Hi.
Isadora: Hey yourself...
Scarlett: Right, good talk.
Isadora: Welllllll...

Galactus: Hey!
Scarlett: NOT NOW

Galactus: Heh. I match Ida.
Ida: Hells yeah!
Lyric: You're just the freaking sun, aren't you?
Ida: WTF is that supposed to mean? Is it cos I'm gloomy? That's not FUNNY Lyric! *bursts into sobs*

Galactus: Hey there camera. Take my pic, I'm fabulous!
Ida: What is he doing?
Lyric: Should I shove these pancakes in his face?

Ida: Hey, Gally. Crouch down to our level, like right here. We wanna do something.
Galactus: Yeah...OK.
Lyric: Preparing...

Ida: I wanna FLY IN A ROCKET!

Really? Do you think you're gonna be an astronaut when you're dumb enough to stomp in trash?

Scarlett: Heh I just sneezed in the food again.
Stop that!

I love the faces Ida makes.
Ida: Almost got it...almost got it...eyebrows, please touch.

Lyric's habit of mourning at the graves hasn't changed...

Green Skirt: Errrr....halp.

Ida: Dad...can you not be so weird?
Easton: Oh. Oh honey. You're a Sutherland. You're doomed to be this way.

Lyric: My life sucks...and my leg hurts.

Elektra's going to be old soon...awwww. She's so pretty. I forgot how pretty she is.

Eva: Hmmm...I'd tap that.
Brianne: Hoe don't go there. Back me up, Steve, back me up. You don't want this girl, do you?
Steve: *silence*
Brianne: Well. Yeah. He doesn't want anything to do with you.
Eva: Don't speak for the nice man, hon. I'm just looking...
Brianne: Oh you know exactly what you're doing.
Steve: I don't wanna be here.

Green Skirt: Can we play or not?
Ida: Wait a second, I'm rigging this thing so it hurts.
Green Skirt: O___O

Scarlett: Something is wrong...
They really should have routed this park better...

More dancing...

Isadora: Whoooaaaaaa, is that your face or am I hallucinating?
Ida: Oh...oh...just shut up!

Lyric: Yeah! Isa's right, your face is crazy shit!
Ida: WTH are all of your many, many problems?

Marcus: You're...pretty as the Municipal Muses' finest painting!
Siobhan: ...And you're too old for me.

Scarlett: Hehe that tickles.
Easton: Scar, get out of the tree.
Scarlett: >:( No.

Green Skirt: Oh yeah. I'mma pro.

Camera panned over because Bjorn Bjergsen just HAS to die in the park.
Bjorn: Going out like a pro...everyone can watch me die!

Oh God the sadness moodlets begin...
*sings* Hello darkness my old friend....

Thank God everyone's in bed...or are they? I hope so.
Also I missed it but she passed out one last time...
Well, she's dead and I'm really gonna miss her. My little troll...*wipes tear*. I've never been this attached to a Sim in my life. I still have her saved in my library so I may do something else with her, you never know...
Anyway, Wanda left behind four pretty amusing children (i.e., Mr Suburban, Grumpy McGrumpface, Manwhore and Surprise!) and has now joined her husband Cecil in the afterlife.

More Steve babies!

Kezia's youngest son Karter got this woman pregnant.

Are you kidding me?


Pawel's old woman died so he's moved onto this douchey-looking guy. On the plus side, he is one of the only descendants who isn't completely afraid of commitment right now.
End of chapter. Next time Lyric's ageing into a teen and...actually...IDK.

Branson, Steve and Brianne's son. He's so freaking cute. Look at that little face.

And this is Camron, Rene's first kid. (Tbh, I forgot to show him at first, so I don't know if he grew up at this time with the rest of them...I added this in a while after I finished the chapter. So if it turns out he ages into a teen way earlier than the other kids on this...whoops.)

Justine Weldon, Elektra's hopefully final daughter. She has random hair....

Felicity, Pietro's daughter.

Kira, Kezia's kid Eddie's child.

Susanna and Tiffany, Arianna's daughters. (still keeping up with her family, but will stop once her last kids grow up)

Amanda: Well. That's nice. Leave the dishes to an old dead woman.

Yes Lyric.
They're on a three-day rotation with the homework so far. Better than nothing.

Ida continues the family tradition of threatening the Blarffy with explosion.
Blarffy: Go ahead, little girl. Ain't a single one of you Sutherland's threats that's come true, so BRING IT.

Steve's son was born.

Scarlett: I'm practicing my shade.
There's no-one here.
Scarlett: Yeah. Practicing, dummy.

Wanda: Ahahaha you've made such a mess of ya life!
Ethan: I know...

Does not mean you have to look that freaky.

Easton: Er...was kinda gonna eat that.
Wanda: Finders keepers, loser's weepers.

I leave Scarlett and Wanda alone for a minute and they get the relationship down that low...

Ida: I look at you and my heart breaks!
Wanda: BITE ME.
Ida: It's just...it's just the UGLY.
Scarlett: Oooooh.

Easton: Is that...is that your daily task? We don't do that! We're NTH!
Ida: Screw that, dad.
Easton: But- but-
Ida: Don't force your ideas of uselessness on others. I did my homework two days ago too! SUCK THAT.
Easton: Le gasp.

An ISBI first.

Ida is very focused...

Scarlett: Faaaabulous...

More usage of the awesome tiki bar. By Easton.
Easton: I drink to forget...you know how it is.

I am not ready...

Beautiful. Truly a face to grace all of our media.

Santos's stepson got married to a Windenburg townie.

And with Evie too, for shame! She deserves better.

Here's hoping you don't go the same way, Gal. Marry Asia Enriquez...

Pietro is getting another grandchild.

And Ari update (honestly you two are too old) and another grandchild for dead Pietro.

Ryan: HEY GUYS. Aren't I awesome?
You'd be more awesome without that face on.
And why did I let you keep that jewellery on when you aged up to an Elder?

Ooh! +5. (That's Easton's aspiration, Fabulously Wealthy).

Scarlett: I didn't sneeze in that group meal. No siree, not me. I'm against giving germs to lazy assholes who CAN'T COOK THEIR OWN FOOD!
(She sneezed in it)

Ethan's third kid out of about five he is due to have...le sigh.

Rene's second kid. He followed the Pietro pattern of knocking up two women, leaving both high and dry and having a family with a completely new wife.

Isadora: HEY GUYS. Look how BIG MY EYES GET.

Scarlett: Come on babe. We're WooHooing in the observatory. Now get over here, move along.
Easton: Le sigh...don't our kids use that?
Scarlett: Who cares about them?

Scarlett is queen of faces. Look at that.

Scarlett's still hating children.
And I'm X-ing your action because you're TH! I control you mofo!

More additions (Sel's daughter Evelyn's daughter and Pietro's daughter Jasmine's son (named Cecil :D :D)

Steve: Hey! Mum! Look! I can wink!
Wanda: And this is why I ignore ya.
I miss Steve. And he's the good child right now...better than ETHAN.

Lol what a great mother-son visit.

YAS Ida. She still has eight days before growing up so she could get our first A since Noah was a child...that's sad. Because Noah has been dead for ages now. This is how much autonomous kids suck in school.

Lyric: *rage mode* DIE DOLLHOUSE! I AM EVIL!
That is genuinely evil, probably because it would make Ida and Isadora cry.
I think Lyric might cry too, actually.

This child is Brittany, the MCCC-induced child of the Windenburg townies the Bjergsens. This is what their premade second child looked like when she was little...which is creepy. I thought that that kid aged herself down by some sorcery...
Why would you dress her in the same way and give her the SAME HAIRSTYLE? WTF?

Ida: I'm sad...I need cake now.
Ohhhh Ida that is so relatable.

The screenshots tell a different story...
Ida: Yeah. She's the only NTH with the trait who was home.

This is the small community park I downloaded off the gallery...
Bjorn Bjergsen: YOUNG LADY! What ARE you DOING!
Purple Shirt: I'm not doing jack crap, grandpa. I didn't even dress my kid the same as the other one. *cough cough*
Bjorn Bjergsen: WHAT? I don't understand!

Ida is angry from her convo with Lyric, so she is chewing out this kid.
Caiphus (lolololol): I DID NOTHING.
Caiphus: SO DO YOU.

Ida: I could STRANGLE YOU.
Caiphus: Wheee, playing!
Caiphus: Haters gonna hate.
Caiphus: Lalalala...rocket launch! ZOOM!

Isadora: There's a bug on your face!
Lyric: EW. Where? Get it off!
Isadora: Sorrryyyy...that's your nose.

Lyric:...the hell kinda insult was that?
Isadora: Eheheheeeee...I'm so funnnnyyyy
Easton:...I'm just gonna sit here with my burger and pretend I don't exist.

Ooh! Found an Ethan baby mama!
Casandra: FML.

Ida: Venturing into the unknown....
Ew, don't use that.

Caiphus: Hey, ginger! HA!
Scarlett: Kid, don't talk to me.
Caiphus: Come on, aren't I great?
Scarlett: I can barely stand the sight of my own kids, let alone you, with your ugly hair and stupid shirt!
Caiphus: It's on!
Scarlett: Shut. Up.
Casandra: Is this what kids are like?....I'm scared.
I feel sorry for her- this park is just two jungle gyms, so there are quite a few kids.

Easton: Er hey.
Scarlett: Hey yourself. *snarls*
Easton: Oooookkk...I'll let you calm down, Scar.
Scarlett: Am I not attractive and fun when I'm angry?

Scarlett: Y'know what...impaling your sides really calms the soul.
Easton: Whatever you say, honey.
Lyric: Ooh! Mum and Dad are kissing.
Ida: Is that what kissing is? I don't like it...Mum looks stoned and Dad is in unbearable pain.
Lyric: Fun, isn't it.
Ida: Not really...D:

Scarlett got an invite to ladies night so I got her to go with Eveline...and brought everyone else.
Eveline: Yay! Fun!
Scarlett: Oh yeah! Time to get drunk.
Family: Whooooo!
Gamora: This was a shit idea.

Eva: Holy shit, even I don't take my kid out to bars.
Scarlett's gonna be Scarlett.

Arianna: Possibly pregnant for the FOURTH time? I say drink.
Brianne (Steve's wife): Feel like that isn't healthy...
Eva: Eh. Live it up.
Eveline: Yep, bro, it's Scarlett's own bro who got me pregnant.
Easton: Ehehe...Scarlett kill your brother.
Scarlett: You think I don't want to?

Easton: Hell yeah. I'm the man. That was fun.
Scarlett: *out of breath*
Eva: Damn man. Done a lot of that in my time...you could've done it better.
Easton: Nope. I'm the MAN. I did it the BEST.
Eva: Keep telling yourself that.
Scarlett: OMG, can you all just not?

Wanda: Why wasn't I invited to go out wit' everyone?
Because you had work, dummy.

Easton turned into an adult.

Ida: Oh God I smell terrible!

Ida: Actually, it adds character.

Easton: Why am I even doing this? What's the point?
I don't know, but at least I can look at pixelated arm muscle.

Isadora: I will BURN YOU.

Yay Lyric!

Isadora: Hey! Mum! Bit possessed here, but we can have a great chat!

Scarlett: Hi.
Isadora: Hey yourself...
Scarlett: Right, good talk.
Isadora: Welllllll...

Galactus: Hey!
Scarlett: NOT NOW

Galactus: Heh. I match Ida.
Ida: Hells yeah!
Lyric: You're just the freaking sun, aren't you?
Ida: WTF is that supposed to mean? Is it cos I'm gloomy? That's not FUNNY Lyric! *bursts into sobs*

Galactus: Hey there camera. Take my pic, I'm fabulous!
Ida: What is he doing?
Lyric: Should I shove these pancakes in his face?

Ida: Hey, Gally. Crouch down to our level, like right here. We wanna do something.
Galactus: Yeah...OK.
Lyric: Preparing...

Ida: I wanna FLY IN A ROCKET!

Really? Do you think you're gonna be an astronaut when you're dumb enough to stomp in trash?

Scarlett: Heh I just sneezed in the food again.
Stop that!

I love the faces Ida makes.
Ida: Almost got it...almost got it...eyebrows, please touch.

Lyric's habit of mourning at the graves hasn't changed...

Green Skirt: Errrr....halp.

Ida: Dad...can you not be so weird?
Easton: Oh. Oh honey. You're a Sutherland. You're doomed to be this way.

Lyric: My life sucks...and my leg hurts.

Elektra's going to be old soon...awwww. She's so pretty. I forgot how pretty she is.

Eva: Hmmm...I'd tap that.
Brianne: Hoe don't go there. Back me up, Steve, back me up. You don't want this girl, do you?
Steve: *silence*
Brianne: Well. Yeah. He doesn't want anything to do with you.
Eva: Don't speak for the nice man, hon. I'm just looking...
Brianne: Oh you know exactly what you're doing.
Steve: I don't wanna be here.

Green Skirt: Can we play or not?
Ida: Wait a second, I'm rigging this thing so it hurts.
Green Skirt: O___O

Scarlett: Something is wrong...
They really should have routed this park better...

More dancing...

Isadora: Whoooaaaaaa, is that your face or am I hallucinating?
Ida: Oh...oh...just shut up!

Lyric: Yeah! Isa's right, your face is crazy shit!
Ida: WTH are all of your many, many problems?

Marcus: You're...pretty as the Municipal Muses' finest painting!
Siobhan: ...And you're too old for me.

Scarlett: Hehe that tickles.
Easton: Scar, get out of the tree.
Scarlett: >:( No.

Green Skirt: Oh yeah. I'mma pro.

Camera panned over because Bjorn Bjergsen just HAS to die in the park.
Bjorn: Going out like a pro...everyone can watch me die!

Oh God the sadness moodlets begin...
*sings* Hello darkness my old friend....

Thank God everyone's in bed...or are they? I hope so.
Also I missed it but she passed out one last time...
Well, she's dead and I'm really gonna miss her. My little troll...*wipes tear*. I've never been this attached to a Sim in my life. I still have her saved in my library so I may do something else with her, you never know...
Anyway, Wanda left behind four pretty amusing children (i.e., Mr Suburban, Grumpy McGrumpface, Manwhore and Surprise!) and has now joined her husband Cecil in the afterlife.

More Steve babies!

Kezia's youngest son Karter got this woman pregnant.

Are you kidding me?


Pawel's old woman died so he's moved onto this douchey-looking guy. On the plus side, he is one of the only descendants who isn't completely afraid of commitment right now.
End of chapter. Next time Lyric's ageing into a teen and...actually...IDK.

Branson, Steve and Brianne's son. He's so freaking cute. Look at that little face.

And this is Camron, Rene's first kid. (Tbh, I forgot to show him at first, so I don't know if he grew up at this time with the rest of them...I added this in a while after I finished the chapter. So if it turns out he ages into a teen way earlier than the other kids on this...whoops.)

Justine Weldon, Elektra's hopefully final daughter. She has random hair....

Felicity, Pietro's daughter.

Kira, Kezia's kid Eddie's child.

Susanna and Tiffany, Arianna's daughters. (still keeping up with her family, but will stop once her last kids grow up)
Score Sheet- 85
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (28) +140
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (38) -190
Self Wetting (9) -45
Awww, RIP Wanda. At least you are with Cecil again.
ReplyDeleteI know. I think I've missed her the most so far...she's my fave so far. I love Scarlett, but you know when you just have an attachment to a Sim...is this just me?