4.6- Ida Sorts Things Out
Wanda welcomes you by staring off into space as she often does.
I feel sorry for her; it's definitely not a coincidence that she started sucking slightly more as a NTH once Cecil died.
Wanda: Yeah. I'll be a ghost soon. It'll happen.
Cecil: I miss one thing, and that is BOOKS.
Wanda: What the hell, you ain't never done jack crap with books!
Ryan...there are kids sleeping behind you, you're just being annoying.
Ryan: I'm the best ghost ever.
Amanda: Psh. I was a ghost before it was cool.
No Amanda, it was always cool. I was sad because you were my founder.
Ryan: Daughter, you got old.
Wanda: I'll tolerate you...cos I'm joining you...
Ida: Le sigh...my life sucks...
Ida is gloomy. (Isadora loves the outdoors).
Ida: My dad sucks...
Easton: Er...hello, newly childified child.
Isadora: Spaaaaggghettttiiiii
Ida: Yep, my prospects are not looking up.
Isadora: What the heck is that?
Lyric: That's Galactus. He's a weird alien with pink hair. No-one knows why he's kept around.
Actually, it's because I kinda like him.
Galactus: REALLY?
Isadora: But he's so odd.
(And you're not?)
Lyric: *sighs* Come sister. Let me show you the ropes.
Easton: I'm a great DAD.
Ida: *shudders* I don't like these people...
Easton: I'm doing such a good job!
Ida: Who even the heck is this guy?
Good job Ida!
Ida: I figured I might start helping to fix this trainwreck of a household.
...You're going to end up like the rest of them.
Ida: Nuh-uh!
Ida: Ahoy ahoy!
They're both playing on the jungle gym thingy like normal kids (i.e. not mourning at graves of random old ancestors cough cough Lyric).
Tut tut tut, Cassandra. Kailani, keep a better hold on your daughter.
Isadora: Superhero landing!
Ida: That show you're watching is trash and you know it!
Isadora: Ooh, I'm Ida and I have big ideas. I'm a snob who doesn't even have the trait! JUST WATCH THE CARTOON.
Isadora: Whoaa....look at this thing!
No! Do not get a gaming addiction. You're supposed to like being outside.
Yes. Back outside where you should be.
Take notes, Ida.
OK...but you're still being more interesting than Ida.
Isadora: Well, if you're not going to answer me then you might as well be tossed out the window.
Isadora: Eh. I'm sorry! Hugs?
Blarffy: Don't touch me.
Lyric: Aw man...they CAUGHT the ball?
Galactus:...that's how baseball works, Lyric.
Ida: Oh yeah...this is the best place to dance...!
Scareaston: I am not amused.
Wanda: There's so much rubbish here!
Lyric: Granny...there's like nothing dirty around...
This is Pietro's first grandchild, from his third kid Rene.
Eveline: This girl? Not bad.
This is Easton's sister Eveline. MCCC has not done her justice...maybe cos I gave her the noncommittal trait.
Isadora: HELLO! Look how big my eyes can go!
Ida:...She's part of the problem.
Wanda is just random. Sometimes she impresses me, sometimes she infuriates me. I think I'll miss her the most out of everyone so far. Even including Amanda.
Isadora: Are you sure you didn't like, get Ida mailed to you?
Easton: I will neither confirm or deny that claim.
Ida: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Scarlett: Hmm...*jabs mop*
*sarcastically* I wonder.

Eveline: *clears throat* Helloooo MCCC! Just to let you know, I am ready for whatever story prog. you throw at me!

Eveline: Le gasp! What did that child just say? Doesn't my bro raise them right?
No-one raises these kids, Evie.
Ida: What? I just said you looked like a stupid shit. You didn't have to take it so seriously.

Wanda: Thanks, but no thanks, Mum. I'll be talkin' to y'all plenty once I die too!
Nat: Oh...my daughter...which one was that again?

Isadora: Mr Hat pulled himself out of the pond, grateful to have escaped the clutches of death by drowning...
What are you doing?
Isadora: And then Mrs Smith said to Mr Hat, "Why won't you freaking die already? How many times have I drowned you?"

Nat: So you're the weird little girl who mourns me the whole time?
Lyric: Yeah. I think of your uselessness and cry.
Nat:...I was gonna say I was happy someone cared...but you're annoying.
Lyric: Pleasure.

Pietro's new daughter was born.

Ida: Are my eyebrows touching? Please tell me my eyebrows are touching.

Ida: Work dammit!

A much better use of your time, Ida.

Lyric: Hello Gally! I am ready to receive my gift!
Galactus: About that...

Galactus: *runs* LOLOLOL OWNED
Lyric: Oh believe me I will get you back...

Never seen this before...
Scarlett: Hot damn I am gonna look sooooo good.
Honey you seen yourself in the mirror lately? You look great already!

Gym Trainer: Hey. I don't want to be here. I'd rather be playing on my computer. Go and train yourself and pretend I'm doing my job.
Wanda: K.
Gym Trainer:....That actually worked.

Wanda: Heh. This omelette is my new friend.
They're in the park (just Wanda and Scarlett).

Gardener: You're a crazy old loon!
Wanda: Your hat is dumb!
Gardener: Your mum!
Wanda: She's dead!

Eva the mean: Oh my God it's that Wanda girl!
Eva: She got ugly.

We come home to Lyric and Ida side-eye.

Wanda: Hello arcade! You can be my friend too!

Galactus: Hiiiii!
Steve: *closes eyes, shakes head* Oh my God.

Easton: Nothing hotter than my wife at the microscope!

One of Kezia's grandkids. Her son Eddie's child, I think. Born out of wedlock, shock horror (not really, IDC).

Scarlett: If I pinch you hard enough will you become a chicken?
Easton: Ah! OK! I'm a chicken! (The joys of being married to an insane woman).

Isadora: NOW can I have a hug?
Blarffy: NO.

These two still regularly do the romance thing.

Scarlett: Easton? Are there monsters in here? I feel like there are monsters.
Easton: *sighs* How does that work? Why do you think so?
Scarlett: I don't know...I just FEEL.

Easton: MWAHAHAHA! There WERE monsters!
Forgot you're insane too...

Pietro's daughter decided that a relationship with a distant family member ain't all that, and decided to marry this dude (who has horrific facial hair, come on EA!)

Sel's final son Pawel kicked off his YA life by marrying this old repairwoman.

Pietro's son married this randomer (I think leaving a couple of angry baby mamas in his wake).

Oh YAY, Kailani got married. That may or may not have been the father of one of her kids. And Gamora's son.
Ugh, this dude gets around. (I have affairs turned off though, so TRAPPED. HA.)

Eddie likes dudes now. (Lololol View from the Bridge, English IGCSE stuff).

Noah's daughter Ana is pregnant by this weedy dude.

I can't even. You know when you just give up? Just did that.

Oh COME ON, he just had another kid.
It feels like such a short time that Gen 2 started dying off...and Kezia died only five chapters ago...but I guess she was pregnant a lot and was the youngest by quite a bit.

More family updates.
Methinks Pawel really should have chosen a younger wife (or at least one who isn't on death's door), and also I wonder what Pietro's next daughter will look like.

Yaaass Ida.
Ida: I told I'd start sorting crap out around here!
More like I placed Scarlett's career rewards in the dining room and you got focused.

Isadora: Mum, I'm your favourite, right? Right?
Scarlett: Sure, sure, whatever.
Isadora: Do I turn you family-oriented?
Scarlett: Whoooooaaaa, whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Isa.

Galactus: Yooooouuuu can't seeeee meeeee

Wanda: Well, the thing is, salad, that I'm gonna die. You and ya leafy friends will have to live without me...but I'm ready.

Wanda: Death will be fun!

Elektra's new daughter. Her husband turned elder the night before...le sigh. At least he should live to see her become a child.

Wanda: I still got it.
She's at level 8 of the video gaming skill. I will just put it out there that I never let her play them when she was TH...so she did this all on her own.

Lyric: Ew. I mean, I'm dirty, but everyone dirty is just too much.
Ida: I don't even wanna think about how bad I smell.
Galactus: I wonder what the smelliest part of my body is. I think it's my arm?
Isadora: I'm CLEEAAAAN.

Scarlett is making headway in her career. I think next promotion I get to choose a branch...

What a great pair.
Scarlett: Pavement...gives me a sad.
Easton: HA! Yeah, don't talk so tough, AIR! I can take you!

Isadora: I'm fabulous. Sparkle would agree, wouldn't you?
Sparkle: Don't speak for me, girl! I am inanimate, what makes you think you can choose my speech!
(I choose everyone's speech).
Galactus: ...I thought my mother was crazy.
Isadora: Well, Sparkle, if you don't think I'm fabulous.... well.
Sparkle: Fine! FINE.
Galactus: OK, I'm calling it even.

Wanda is such a random Sim. She does the weirdest stuff on autonomy sometimes. I like this though, this is productive.

Gamora invited Scarlett out, so I brought everyone with her.
Gamora: Uh...hey
Easton: Everyone just go away...I'm tense.
Ida: This is fun!
Ida:...Never mind...I hate this family.
Lyric: Why are we here, Mum? And why are you in your spacesuit?
Scarlett: Shut up, I still can't stand the sight of you.
Wanda: Ooooohhhhhhh snap.
Galactus: I am an awkward little potato.

Nat: Hey guys! Heard there was a meeting and couldn't resist.

Galactus: Come HERE! I wanna pull your plaits!
Lyric: NO. I wanted to pull your hair and you didn't let me! SO HA.
Nat (offscreen):...Never mind.

Eva: It's the famous Eva Cappriciosa of Partihaus. Now let me take over, 'scuse me, noob. Ouch, my ass...
DJ lady: Ehehe...I'm great at this, right?
Eva: Aw, honey...

Steve: OH MY GOD, she's still stuck.
Isadora: HALP.
Eva: Holy shit, that child is IN YOUR LEG.
Isadora: No SHIT. *chomps*

Scarlett, you're going injure yourself.
Scarlett: Welp, it'd be sweet release.

Galactus: Woooooo! My birthday! Time to leave!
Eveline: LAME.

And Galactus's first action as a YA is to slam his arm into the counter and cry out in pain.
That can't be good for the skin, Galactus.
Anyway, sayonara unwanted child!

Eveline: You just missed something important.
Scarlett: Eh. I've got my salad.
Eveline: Your brother just grew up.
Scarlett: I have my salad and that's all that matters.

Ethan's second child Fletcher (by Windenburg townie Mila Munch)

Gamora's son Billy. He's got the family trait of insane...which I feel like was kind of a Gamora hidden trait all along. So it's very fitting.

Darian and Chandler, Nyla's twin sons, as teenagers.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (27) +135
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (36) -180
Self Wetting (9) -45
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