4.5 - Steve's Party
Who's in there?
Nat: I'm so proud of myself!
Well don't be, you did jack shit. That computer is unbreakable so HA.
I find it ironic how the only two evil sims in this family are the only ones who mourn at the graves. You never KNEW Don and Amanda.
Lyric is sick.
I wish they'd autonomously drink medicine when sick, but they don't so I'm not buying her any.

I took them all to the gym, because Scarlett needed to work out. Lyric is just trolling while everyone else uses the actual equipment.

Galactus: I'm better at exercise than you! And best of all, I am FABULOUS.
Easton: *stares straight ahead and ignores*

Wanda: HEY! Daughter! Someone should stuff you in a trash bag an' take ya out to the racoons!
Scarlett: SHUT UP.

Scarlett: Oof!
Wanda (offscreen): HA!
Yellow Sweater: Hey, you down at my level now?
Scarlett: Screw off, both of you.
Steve had a birthday party so I let them all go.

These four look soooooo fabulous.

The party gets off to a bad start when the caterer goes into labour...

At least people are mingling.

Cassandra: F OFF.

Kailani: Aren't you supposed to be cooking?
Mila Munch: Bite me, I'm in labour.
Kailani:...Then leave and go to the freaking hospital.
Mila Munch: No. I was invited here, and here I will stay!
Kailani: These people are the worst...

Wanda: WHOO! Galactus's sternum is cracked!
Ana: Ohhhh yeah.
Galactus: What the hell guys, just clipping issues!

Galactus: Heeey brother!
Brianne: Er...
Steve: Me and my wife were trying to have some alone time, bro...
Galactus: Ooh! OK. Three's a crowd. I'll stay here and talk to you.
Steve: *shoots apologetic looks*
Brianne: *glares*

Ana: You're impaling your husband...
Scarlett: Just so he knows he's mine!

Scarlett: Yeah, I'm happily married and I have three kids. One's here today.
Ana: That's so sweet! MCCC doesn't give a damn yet for me, but I'm happy for you!
Kailani: Blah blah blah love. Blah blah blah romance. None of my daughters will believe in that crap!
I figured she'd feel like that, with two kids who have absent fathers.

Galactus: HI!
Brianne: Can you not?
Steve: Just ignore him, he's weird and unwanted.

Kailani: Aha. Yeah. Hilarious. You all forgot to include my celebrations with Steve's celebrations. Just cos Steve and my stepmum think that I should 'move out' because I take up 'too much space'.
Seriously, move out, this is sad.

Steve also grew up (but not by cake since the caterer went into labour and all).

Easton: Oh god I smell so bad I wanna hurl!
Lyric: Touche, dad.

Aw come on!

Ethan's son (who was actually also the caterer's from Steve's party).

Gamora's son.
Yay hybrid!

The evil trait kinda pisses me off. It's a lie.
How is that evil? You look too cute to be evil, Lyric.

Scarlett: Hey. Kid. I didn't want you. So do me a favour and shut the crap up.
Isadora: Oh how I wish my arm was longer...
Scarlett: Hey. You slap me, I slap you back.
I feel like writing personalities for the babies makes them more interesting. Especially because this gen they'd def. act like this.

Nooooo Pietro. Sure, you were a bit of a jerk before (b/c MCCC), but now...D:. Also, your wife is having a new baby soon.

Kleptos steal from work nearly every day. Wanda's been stealing us quite the collection of metals...but today she didn't do quite as well.
Dishes. Friggin dishes.

Wanda! Come on!

I took them all to the gym, because Scarlett needed to work out. Lyric is just trolling while everyone else uses the actual equipment.

Galactus: I'm better at exercise than you! And best of all, I am FABULOUS.
Easton: *stares straight ahead and ignores*

Wanda: HEY! Daughter! Someone should stuff you in a trash bag an' take ya out to the racoons!
Scarlett: SHUT UP.

Scarlett: Oof!
Wanda (offscreen): HA!
Yellow Sweater: Hey, you down at my level now?
Scarlett: Screw off, both of you.
Steve had a birthday party so I let them all go.

These four look soooooo fabulous.

The party gets off to a bad start when the caterer goes into labour...

At least people are mingling.

Cassandra: F OFF.

Kailani: Aren't you supposed to be cooking?
Mila Munch: Bite me, I'm in labour.
Kailani:...Then leave and go to the freaking hospital.
Mila Munch: No. I was invited here, and here I will stay!
Kailani: These people are the worst...

Wanda: WHOO! Galactus's sternum is cracked!
Ana: Ohhhh yeah.
Galactus: What the hell guys, just clipping issues!

Galactus: Heeey brother!
Brianne: Er...
Steve: Me and my wife were trying to have some alone time, bro...
Galactus: Ooh! OK. Three's a crowd. I'll stay here and talk to you.
Steve: *shoots apologetic looks*
Brianne: *glares*

Ana: You're impaling your husband...
Scarlett: Just so he knows he's mine!

Scarlett: Yeah, I'm happily married and I have three kids. One's here today.
Ana: That's so sweet! MCCC doesn't give a damn yet for me, but I'm happy for you!
Kailani: Blah blah blah love. Blah blah blah romance. None of my daughters will believe in that crap!
I figured she'd feel like that, with two kids who have absent fathers.

Galactus: HI!
Brianne: Can you not?
Steve: Just ignore him, he's weird and unwanted.

Kailani: Aha. Yeah. Hilarious. You all forgot to include my celebrations with Steve's celebrations. Just cos Steve and my stepmum think that I should 'move out' because I take up 'too much space'.
Seriously, move out, this is sad.

Steve also grew up (but not by cake since the caterer went into labour and all).

Easton: Oh god I smell so bad I wanna hurl!
Lyric: Touche, dad.

Aw come on!

Ethan's son (who was actually also the caterer's from Steve's party).

Gamora's son.
Yay hybrid!

The evil trait kinda pisses me off. It's a lie.
How is that evil? You look too cute to be evil, Lyric.

Scarlett: Hey. Kid. I didn't want you. So do me a favour and shut the crap up.
Isadora: Oh how I wish my arm was longer...
Scarlett: Hey. You slap me, I slap you back.
I feel like writing personalities for the babies makes them more interesting. Especially because this gen they'd def. act like this.

Nooooo Pietro. Sure, you were a bit of a jerk before (b/c MCCC), but now...D:. Also, your wife is having a new baby soon.

Kleptos steal from work nearly every day. Wanda's been stealing us quite the collection of metals...but today she didn't do quite as well.
Dishes. Friggin dishes.

Wanda! Come on!

She's really pissing me off. She walked to her bed, to decide she needed coffee. She has half an hour before she passes out AGAIN.
Wanda: I do what I want!
Not when you're losing me POINTS.

Lyric: HAI.
Galactus: This...this kid is creepy. D:.


Lyric: This thing is going to do my bidding or so Watcher help me!
Good luck with that honey.

Lyric: Come on dad! Let's practice our evil laughs!
Lyric&Easton: Mwahahahahahahaha!
You two are not evil.

Galactus: Oh yeah. I'm a pro.
Ida: Yeah! Someone cared!
Sorry sweetie...but your mother does hate the idea of you.
Every generation we've had the one kid who's been a great aunt/uncle to all the babies...Kezia (RIP), Elektra, now Galactus...
That's Scarlett's fave movie poster behind her (it would be her fave movie if I had the dang pack).

Easton finally takes care of a child. Galactus takes care of them more than Scarlett and Easton do...


Galactus! Freaking amazing sim! He got her to sleep all by himself!
I love him so much right now it's not even funny. I'm glad I kept him around, because Scarlett's always running around looking for collectibles and plant slides. Lyric's a child, Easton is useless and Wanda's oblivious to everyone (her quality as NTH has declined significantly since Cecil died).

These two have been bonding a lot today. Shared attempts at evilness, I suppose.
Lyric: Guess what. You have stupid hair. It looks like a llama shat on your head.
Easton: Ooh...good one. Lemme think, I'll best your insult soon enough.
This is legit the only way I can imagine two evil sims bonding.

Easton: Got it!
Lyric: Bring it father.
Easton: Is that a joke shop mask, or the thing you call your face?
Lyric: Ooh. Good one. I'll test it out on the ancestors.
Easton: You do that, honey.

Easton and Galactus: Whyyyy can't it be their birthdays...?

Galactus: Well. This isn't awkward at all.
Lyric: *muffled*

I love you, I love you so much. He's been taking on at least 2/3 of the baby care this round.
Lyric: HAI. I'm a useless child and need to stop hogging the space around the crib!

To be fair, Easton's been alright too.
But as of now? Put her down and change her stinky little self.

Wanda: Scrub-a-dub...
Thank you.

This animation gives me endless joy...

Galactus: Wow! You do such a good job on our plumbing, Scarlett!
Scarlett: If you think so why don't you help me?
Galactus: Now why would I do that?

Easton: GAMING. I'm EVIL.
I'd prefer you be sleeping, but you're not passing out so I don't care.
But you are missing Isadora and Ida's birthdays.

Isadora looks quite Easton-cloney...but that might be Scarlett's mouth.

Ida has a bit more of a genetic mix, I can't really tell where she gets what.
Glad that no twin is quite as clone-ish as Lyric.

Isadora and Ida's everyday outfits.

They have matching onesies too...I was going to give one to Lyric but at the time I was too annoyed about her clone status.

FINALLY STEVE SPAWN. I mean, holy crap, he's an adult already.

Eh. You're not that old.

They're technically related, but by quite a distant bloodline, as in something removed...it's a bit weird but it's not that weird. I knew this shit would happen a few generations in anyway...


SECOND TIME RENE/EVIL KID. You really are a Pietro child, aren't you?

Sel grandchildren!
I'm going to ignore the fact it's with Kezia's widower.
These are all going to be born a day apart or so from each other, because some of them are in my own Sims' relationship panels, so I can move it straight to the first trimester (if I don't it takes four not three days which sucks), but some of them aren't.

Melina, Santos's child.

Ernest, Elektra's child.
(I feel like this family is getting way too big, but I'm on some kind of quest to keep track of ALL of them.)

Elsa, Pietro's child as a teen. She's so freaking skinny...I feel like I could break her.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (2) +20
Aspiration Tiers (27) +135
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (36) -180
Self Wetting (9) -45
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