4.3- Finally
Scarlett welcomes you while getting a fertility massage. Say hi, Scar.
Scarlett: I'm getting WHAT?
Steve. You're a twat.
Then again I don't give a damn about what Galactus does.
Then again I don't give a damn about what Galactus does.
This reminds me of how fabulous Galactus looks. I didn't expect him to look so good...in fact I gave him pink lipstick to troll him, and he ended up looking cool in all the pink makeup...damn him.
Scarlett: Don't be pregnant, don't be pregnant...
Oh honey. You're definitely pregnant.
Aaaaand yup.

Galactus: You know, Scarlett really lucked out on you. Because...you're pretty...
Easton: You think so?
Scarlett: Well, this sucks. My bro is trying to flirt with my new husband and I'm having a baby.

Steve: Dad. You've got to listen to me. She got married. She may even have a kid.
Cecil: Nonsense, son. My burger asks for you not to disrespect me, and her, like that, and take me for a fool!
Steve: You're an IDIOT.
Cecil: That's not what my burger says.

Day drinking, Wanda? For shame.

Scarlett, I leave you alone for five seconds to check on Galactus (who is working out), and you start on the drink too. And you're pregnant.
Scarlett: I gotta forget somehow.
Wanda: Welp, my daughter's day-drinkin'- honestly what could I es'pect?

Honestly, I can't figure out if Galactus has some sort of man-crush on Easton or if he's being unashamedly gay.
Not that there's a problem with that of course.

It is so obviously Scarlett to hit a block of wood with a knife while thinking of the new life she is due to bring.

I worked out that the masseuse I hired for Scarlett's massage put out all the drinks.
Le sigh.
Come on guys.

Easton: Screw you unicorn! *breathes heavily*
This is the most evil thing he's done...

I don't know why...but I find this expression so genuinely adorable on Wanda... and she's getting old in 3 days.
Wanda I will miss you so much!!!!
Cecil's gonna die in like two days as well.

Ugh, Easton. Can you not? All he does is play video games and cry at the tombstones. I'd have pulled him up on it earlier. If he wasn't so hot.
I have very high expectations for Scareaston babies.

Scarlett: My food is good...
What is that crap? It looks like rotting pie.

Nat: Ugh, this family has really gone downhill since I left this world...
Really Nat? I loved you, but I do remember you being the cause of some passing-out...
Tbh Wanda's generation was probably the worst for fails.

Galactus: He's even pretty when he's eating...
Easton: OUCH, my HAND!
Galactus: Even when he's twisted his hand...
I am having too much fun with this...

Nat: My granddaughter's a bit crap at cooking...
Like you were any better.

Since when did anyone ever use this?
Cecil is so much more interesting than Easton rn...

Cecil: Uh...can you not put your butt on mine?
Wanda: Mate...y'all do know that we've been married for forever an' have three screwed-up kids?...Holy crap he's gon' get all senile and stuff...
Yeah...so are you. Soon.

Hey Elektra.
Elektra: Er...hi.
Just checking up on the last remaining family member with Amanda's original hair and eye colouring.
Elektra: You make crappy segues.
I know...

You two are so sweet.
Cecil: You're beautiful...even when eating a burger in your pyjamas.
Wanda: *chews* Mm-hmm. *burger juice drips into boobs* Oh crap.
Seriously burger juice/oil/grease/whatever is the worst. It never comes out of clothes.

Oh Easton. Give it up. You're not evil.
That piece of bedframe is Galactus's hallway bed. I could let him sleep in the bedroom...but those are for wanted children...and Gamora...but she was born at a convenient time, just to the wrong parents.

Finally he does something unusual! And finally someone used that flaming tiki bar. I'm not even mad about the day drinking.
Easton: *shrugs* It cost money, someone might as well use it.
Glad we're on the same page.

Oh dear...

Easton: Your hair is pointy as a llama!
Galactus: What the hell man, that doesn't even make any sense!

Ethan's kid was born.

And Kailani's second was also born.

Scarlett got stuck in one place just trying to walk...
Scarlett: Screw off! Now why can't I move?

I love this huge goddamned thing. Even if it takes up a stupid amount of space...

Cecil: Hey look, I can curtsy!
Scarlett: Oh my God...
Galactus: That wasn't fun at all! You tricked me.

Honestly, do you losers not understand that people are generally friends with their own siblings?

Random child: He's an ALIEN?
Er, yah.

Pietro: Must beat old age, must beat old age...
You're fine...also please live to see your daughter become a teen...! And don't get your wife preggers again.

Found Galactus yelling at the random child...

Arianna: She's Wanda's daughter? But Wanda's so...and she's so... this is confusing. Ooh she's pregnant?
Scarlett: Don't remind me.
Arianna: Kids are great, Wanda's daughter.
Scarlett: Big whoop lady, just because you have four kids by three men don't mean that we all have to.
Damn Scar.

I took Scarlett and her family out to the new lounge I placed (used gallery lots to fill ghost town Newcrest) to see if that made her feel better...but Scarlett is a loner.
I'm an idiot.
Scarlett: That's right, and all of you suck.

Scarlett: Feel it. Feel my parasite.
Easton: It certainly feels like a parasite.
Mixologist: I'm...I'm so alone.

Scarlett: Bend your neck! BEND IT. Is that as far as you can go? BEND IT. DO IT. BEND YOUR NECK.
Easton: Scarlett, I'm getting kinda dizzy...please stop, I thought I was the evil one around here.

Scarlett: No, we did have WooHoo like that. Remember?
Easton: Oh yeah...God I couldn't list all we've done.
Scarlett: Ugh. Neither could I. More fun tonight, I guess.
Cecil: He DIES tonight.
Oh give it up you're basically dead right now.

Anyway, Easton is a gentleman. That's the first autonomous massage I've seen.
Scarlett: This doesn't remove the parasite...
Easton: Shut up and let me squish your shoulders.

Easton: Scarlett's the best, but her dad? Needs to f*ck off.
Cecil: *oblivious*
Wanda: Ooh whatcha say....I don't even care.

Scarlett: YOU'RE PRETTY.
Easton: Even demonic you capture my heart!
Wanda: Could ya just not?
Galactus: Ohhh...what fresh hell have I walked in on?

Cecil: I'm going to hit him with a guitar...
Easton: Why isn't he dead yet?

Cecil: I will RUN YOU OVER with a TANK!
Easton: Sure, you do that right after I finish having WooHoo with your daughter.
Scarlett: Guys, this is distasteful. I love you both.
Cecil: This is WAR.

Scarlett: Well, you all realise you're fighting over me, right? I'm a person, not some sorta object! I'm an independent woman and I make my own decisions! None of you weirdos are going to decide anything on my behalf, no matter how much I like you both! Now back off!
Stick it to 'em.

Wanda: Go comedian! Woo! It's so great that y'all are gonna follow your dreams an' all...
Scarlett: F*ck this shit, Mum, she sucks.

About time, Santos. He's only been married for-freaking ever.

Don: I love this game! Now, which pieces do I move again?

Well, he is a helpful idiot. I remember when he was alive he did actually clean quite a lot of things.

Cecil, this is weird. There's a whole table downstairs.

Cecil: I'm an elder, this could kill me. Are you sure?
Wanda: Hate ta break it to ya, but ya dyin' tomorrow anyways, last hurrah. Do it.

Because Sel's widower remarried and had another kid, meet Gen 3's cousin of some sort. Step-cousin...IDK.

Galactus: So over everything. School is useless. I ultimately have no real purpose.
Oh f off and actually do your homework.

Scarlett is certainly interesting while cooking...reminds me of Amanda.

Galactus: Was I adopted? Please tell me I'm adopted.

Galactus: Sparkle bowl!
Scarlett: Maybe if I just stab myself in the throat...

Galactus got accepted into the Garden Gnomes. Nothing is gonna happen with that...Gamora was in the Paragons and did jack crap.


Wanda: I have much zen.

This rig! I swear all they do is go on this thing...I'm glad there's only one.

Hey Amanda.
Amanda: Go away. Tense.

Wanda:...I think ya going to die today.
Cecil: Well. I'll go to a good place.
You mean dumped in the yard with Amanda, Don, Ryan and Nat.

Cecil: Is it the Great Llama?
Wanda and Galactus: *noms food*

Grim: Whoo! Reaping time!
Wanda: *weeps* CECIL!

Wanda: *sighs* He's gone. Me and y'all can mourn together, sandwich.

I checked on Wanda and found Grim trying to cheer her up.
Grim: Well, circle of life, right?
Wanda: Ya really think that makes me feel better?

With every death comes new life...
Scarlett: I don't want to bring it though! GET IT THE F*CK OUT.

Baby Lyric Sutherland.
I'm unhappy that it was only one. I wanted her to have multiples, because she's tense when pregnant, which gets in the way of work and skilling and stuff.

Scarlett: Well, here's the thing I unwillingly squeezed out.
Lyric: Oh. I see how it is.
I'm sure you two will have a loving relationship in the future...
Also, Scarlett joined Paragons. I'm not sure what she's going to do with that.
Also +5.
Next time we're having another Scarlett baby.

Katy, Sel's son Derek's daughter.

Kylie, the late Kezia's last daughter, and her twin Karter, as teens.

Cassandra, Kailani's first daughter. Her second daughter Matilda is still a baby.

Galactus: You know, Scarlett really lucked out on you. Because...you're pretty...
Easton: You think so?
Scarlett: Well, this sucks. My bro is trying to flirt with my new husband and I'm having a baby.

Steve: Dad. You've got to listen to me. She got married. She may even have a kid.
Cecil: Nonsense, son. My burger asks for you not to disrespect me, and her, like that, and take me for a fool!
Steve: You're an IDIOT.
Cecil: That's not what my burger says.

Day drinking, Wanda? For shame.

Scarlett, I leave you alone for five seconds to check on Galactus (who is working out), and you start on the drink too. And you're pregnant.
Scarlett: I gotta forget somehow.
Wanda: Welp, my daughter's day-drinkin'- honestly what could I es'pect?

Honestly, I can't figure out if Galactus has some sort of man-crush on Easton or if he's being unashamedly gay.
Not that there's a problem with that of course.

It is so obviously Scarlett to hit a block of wood with a knife while thinking of the new life she is due to bring.

I worked out that the masseuse I hired for Scarlett's massage put out all the drinks.
Le sigh.
Come on guys.

Easton: Screw you unicorn! *breathes heavily*
This is the most evil thing he's done...

I don't know why...but I find this expression so genuinely adorable on Wanda... and she's getting old in 3 days.
Wanda I will miss you so much!!!!
Cecil's gonna die in like two days as well.

Ugh, Easton. Can you not? All he does is play video games and cry at the tombstones. I'd have pulled him up on it earlier. If he wasn't so hot.
I have very high expectations for Scareaston babies.

Scarlett: My food is good...
What is that crap? It looks like rotting pie.

Nat: Ugh, this family has really gone downhill since I left this world...
Really Nat? I loved you, but I do remember you being the cause of some passing-out...
Tbh Wanda's generation was probably the worst for fails.

Galactus: He's even pretty when he's eating...
Easton: OUCH, my HAND!
Galactus: Even when he's twisted his hand...
I am having too much fun with this...

Nat: My granddaughter's a bit crap at cooking...
Like you were any better.

Since when did anyone ever use this?
Cecil is so much more interesting than Easton rn...

Cecil: Uh...can you not put your butt on mine?
Wanda: Mate...y'all do know that we've been married for forever an' have three screwed-up kids?...Holy crap he's gon' get all senile and stuff...
Yeah...so are you. Soon.

Hey Elektra.
Elektra: Er...hi.
Just checking up on the last remaining family member with Amanda's original hair and eye colouring.
Elektra: You make crappy segues.
I know...

You two are so sweet.
Cecil: You're beautiful...even when eating a burger in your pyjamas.
Wanda: *chews* Mm-hmm. *burger juice drips into boobs* Oh crap.
Seriously burger juice/oil/grease/whatever is the worst. It never comes out of clothes.

Oh Easton. Give it up. You're not evil.
That piece of bedframe is Galactus's hallway bed. I could let him sleep in the bedroom...but those are for wanted children...and Gamora...but she was born at a convenient time, just to the wrong parents.

Finally he does something unusual! And finally someone used that flaming tiki bar. I'm not even mad about the day drinking.
Easton: *shrugs* It cost money, someone might as well use it.
Glad we're on the same page.

Oh dear...

Easton: Your hair is pointy as a llama!
Galactus: What the hell man, that doesn't even make any sense!

Ethan's kid was born.

And Kailani's second was also born.

Scarlett got stuck in one place just trying to walk...
Scarlett: Screw off! Now why can't I move?

I love this huge goddamned thing. Even if it takes up a stupid amount of space...

Cecil: Hey look, I can curtsy!
Scarlett: Oh my God...
Galactus: That wasn't fun at all! You tricked me.

Honestly, do you losers not understand that people are generally friends with their own siblings?

Random child: He's an ALIEN?
Er, yah.

Pietro: Must beat old age, must beat old age...
You're fine...also please live to see your daughter become a teen...! And don't get your wife preggers again.

Found Galactus yelling at the random child...

Arianna: She's Wanda's daughter? But Wanda's so...and she's so... this is confusing. Ooh she's pregnant?
Scarlett: Don't remind me.
Arianna: Kids are great, Wanda's daughter.
Scarlett: Big whoop lady, just because you have four kids by three men don't mean that we all have to.
Damn Scar.

I took Scarlett and her family out to the new lounge I placed (used gallery lots to fill ghost town Newcrest) to see if that made her feel better...but Scarlett is a loner.
I'm an idiot.
Scarlett: That's right, and all of you suck.

Scarlett: Feel it. Feel my parasite.
Easton: It certainly feels like a parasite.
Mixologist: I'm...I'm so alone.

Scarlett: Bend your neck! BEND IT. Is that as far as you can go? BEND IT. DO IT. BEND YOUR NECK.
Easton: Scarlett, I'm getting kinda dizzy...please stop, I thought I was the evil one around here.

Scarlett: No, we did have WooHoo like that. Remember?
Easton: Oh yeah...God I couldn't list all we've done.
Scarlett: Ugh. Neither could I. More fun tonight, I guess.
Cecil: He DIES tonight.
Oh give it up you're basically dead right now.

Anyway, Easton is a gentleman. That's the first autonomous massage I've seen.
Scarlett: This doesn't remove the parasite...
Easton: Shut up and let me squish your shoulders.

Easton: Scarlett's the best, but her dad? Needs to f*ck off.
Cecil: *oblivious*
Wanda: Ooh whatcha say....I don't even care.

Scarlett: YOU'RE PRETTY.
Easton: Even demonic you capture my heart!
Wanda: Could ya just not?
Galactus: Ohhh...what fresh hell have I walked in on?

Cecil: I'm going to hit him with a guitar...
Easton: Why isn't he dead yet?

Cecil: I will RUN YOU OVER with a TANK!
Easton: Sure, you do that right after I finish having WooHoo with your daughter.
Scarlett: Guys, this is distasteful. I love you both.
Cecil: This is WAR.

Scarlett: Well, you all realise you're fighting over me, right? I'm a person, not some sorta object! I'm an independent woman and I make my own decisions! None of you weirdos are going to decide anything on my behalf, no matter how much I like you both! Now back off!
Stick it to 'em.

Wanda: Go comedian! Woo! It's so great that y'all are gonna follow your dreams an' all...
Scarlett: F*ck this shit, Mum, she sucks.

About time, Santos. He's only been married for-freaking ever.

Don: I love this game! Now, which pieces do I move again?

Well, he is a helpful idiot. I remember when he was alive he did actually clean quite a lot of things.

Cecil, this is weird. There's a whole table downstairs.

Cecil: I'm an elder, this could kill me. Are you sure?
Wanda: Hate ta break it to ya, but ya dyin' tomorrow anyways, last hurrah. Do it.

Because Sel's widower remarried and had another kid, meet Gen 3's cousin of some sort. Step-cousin...IDK.

Galactus: So over everything. School is useless. I ultimately have no real purpose.
Oh f off and actually do your homework.

Scarlett is certainly interesting while cooking...reminds me of Amanda.

Galactus: Was I adopted? Please tell me I'm adopted.

Galactus: Sparkle bowl!
Scarlett: Maybe if I just stab myself in the throat...

Galactus got accepted into the Garden Gnomes. Nothing is gonna happen with that...Gamora was in the Paragons and did jack crap.


Wanda: I have much zen.

This rig! I swear all they do is go on this thing...I'm glad there's only one.

Hey Amanda.
Amanda: Go away. Tense.

Wanda:...I think ya going to die today.
Cecil: Well. I'll go to a good place.
You mean dumped in the yard with Amanda, Don, Ryan and Nat.

Cecil: Is it the Great Llama?
Wanda and Galactus: *noms food*

Grim: Whoo! Reaping time!
Wanda: *weeps* CECIL!

Wanda: *sighs* He's gone. Me and y'all can mourn together, sandwich.

I checked on Wanda and found Grim trying to cheer her up.
Grim: Well, circle of life, right?
Wanda: Ya really think that makes me feel better?

With every death comes new life...
Scarlett: I don't want to bring it though! GET IT THE F*CK OUT.

Baby Lyric Sutherland.
I'm unhappy that it was only one. I wanted her to have multiples, because she's tense when pregnant, which gets in the way of work and skilling and stuff.

Scarlett: Well, here's the thing I unwillingly squeezed out.
Lyric: Oh. I see how it is.
I'm sure you two will have a loving relationship in the future...
Also, Scarlett joined Paragons. I'm not sure what she's going to do with that.
Also +5.
Next time we're having another Scarlett baby.

Katy, Sel's son Derek's daughter.

Kylie, the late Kezia's last daughter, and her twin Karter, as teens.

Cassandra, Kailani's first daughter. Her second daughter Matilda is still a baby.
Score Sheet- 90
Single Births (11) +55
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (26) +130
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (33) -165
Self Wetting (9) -45
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